Pyap is a little tools used to process alert sent by differents ways.
Previously named pynotif, I need to rename it because of conflicted naming with python-notify from libnotify.
I would like to get physical notifications to be informed when a new event occurs on my computer.
I would like a solution with less electronic as possible.
Many solutions exist :
I've chosen DIY solution and begun begun with hardware I have in my cupboard, a USB/Serial cable.
I create the first python class [Db9](#Serial Db9)
Inspired by a linuxfocus article on sled the Db9 class use ioctl to switch on/off the output pins.
The file pyap-serial is an example.
The tests are made on this hardware
- pin5 is the Ground
- pin4 is the green led for ok status
- pin7 is the red led for critical status
- pin3 is unusable this way.
- Two 1k resistors protect each led
Just test using python tests/pyap-serial <tty>
Because serial port must be opened to keep the light on, I had to create a program that controls the lights and receives change orders.
Pyap is a server listening for http requests and poll remote status through http requests to switch leds on/off.
Replace PWD in tests/tests.conf according to your path and run the server:
By default, pyap is running as daemon mode and writes his pid in /var/run/ file. For tesing or debugging, use --nopid and --fg parameters.
$ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd); bin/pyap --nopid --fg -v --server --conf=tests/test.conf
[+] - Using config file tests/test.conf
[+] - Blink(1) found
[!] - serial_led not found
[+] - Running http poller
[i] - [+] Get status from file:///home/pi/src/pyap/tests/status/n1
[+] - Serving HTTP on port 8080...
[i] - poller status ( {"services":{ "ok":1, "warn":0, "crit":0, "unknown":0}} )
[i] - [+] Get status from file:///home/pi/src/pyap/tests/status/n2
[i] - poller status ( {"services":{ "ok":0, "warn":0, "crit":0, "unknown":0}} )
[i] - Global status ( {'crit': 0, 'warn': 0, 'ok': 1, 'unknown': 0} )
^C[+] - End asked by user...bye bye !
[+] - Waiting end of process
Test the commands:
Actually http poller
is a thread in pyap
as a test code. It must be coded
in it own program. Pyap must not do polling AND sending alerts.
If urls are provided in conf file or in parameters, a thread is started to poll informations from all the url. Request must returns json values of services status in the form :
{"services":{ "ok":123, "warn":1, "crit":0, "unknown":0}}
The data/nagios2json.php
file can be used on nagios/shinken server as a http
poller. The php code uses mklivestatus.
blink(1) led device is now usable. see file
Copy data/51-blink1.rules
to /etc/udev/rules.d
to allow all users access to
the device.
Actually, the Dockefile is used to build rpm package and an image based on almalinux.
To build all, just run
podman build --tag pyap .
RHELVER andRHELDITRIB can be used has build parameter. Default value is 8. To build all rpm, just run next code and find rpm in mounted directory:
for v in 8 9
podman build \
--build-arg "RHELVER=$v" \
--build-arg "RHELDITRIB=redhat" \
--tag pyap:"$RHELDITRIB":"$v" .
To test the image, you need to get the device path.
With lsusb, get bus and device values and the path is
$ lsusb | grep blink
Bus 001 Device 008: ID 27b8:01ed ThingM blink(1)
^^^ ^^^
Device path is /dev/bus/usb/001/008
Then run a test that must switch on the blink(1) and allow web access on
( DEVICEPATH="$( lsusb | grep blink | cut -d: -f1 | awk '{ print "/dev/bus/usb/"$2"/"$4 }' )"; \
podman run --rm -ti -p 8080:8080 --device="$DEVICEPATH" pyap )
- Add python3 support
- Add container support
- Depreciate python2
- Depreciate rhel 6 release