Various notes and tips and tricks for working with GCP. These are more or less hints as to what can be done, but don't expect them to work out-of-the-box without a deeper understanding of what's going on!
gcloud --format=json --project=$project_id pubsub subscriptions pull $subscription --auto-ack
bin/cloud_logs $project_id
gcloud --project=$project_id functions logs read udmi_config --sort-by=time_utc --limit=1000
bin/gcloud_device_logs PROJECT_ID DEVICE_ID [DEVICE_ID ...]
2022-09-01 14:35:07.677668+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA PUBLISH STATE (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED The device "2582332477650079" could not be updated. Device state can be updated only once every 1s.)
2022-09-01 14:35:07.679536+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA DISCONNECT (RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED The device "2582332477650079" could not be updated. Device state can be updated only once every 1s.)
2022-09-01 14:35:19.115078+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA CONNECT
2022-09-01 14:35:23.637210+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA SUBSCRIBE /devices/GAT-100/config
2022-09-01 14:35:23.653924+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA SUBSCRIBE /devices/GAT-100/commands/#
2022-09-01 14:35:23.654129+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA SUBSCRIBE /devices/GAT-100/errors
2022-09-01 14:35:24.491455+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA PUBACK CONFIG
2022-09-01 14:35:24.491506+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA CONFIG
2022-09-01 14:35:24.632056+00:00 GAT-100 ZZ-TRI-FECTA PUBLISH STATE
2022-09-01 14:35:25.094994+00:00 ACT-1 ZZ-TRI-FECTA ATTACH_TO_GATEWAY GAT-100