Comment every script, what it does
Comment who will be calling this current script/function and why
Create Flow Chart
New Function
WineZGUI_Import_Wine_Prefix => Winezgui_Identity_Remove then Winezgui_Identity_Restore
- [ ] Ask to select Directory - [ ] Copy that directory to Prefixes_Dir - [ ] Determine old user; Old_user=$(grep \"USERNAME\"=\"${USER}\" ${1}/user.reg|cut -f2 -d "="|sed "s/\"//g") - [ ] Determine New User; new_user=${USER} - [ ] Determine wine arch 32/64 (grep "#arch=" system.reg|cut -f2 -d "="); see winezgui-template-change
Determine New User; new_user=${USER}
RNAME"="${USER}" ${1}/user.reg|cut -f2 -d "="|sed "s/"//g")
TEST Complete these
System Install
- [ ] Create Game Prefix with direct play exe - [ ] Launch 2-3 times after exiting app. works? - [ ] Create Prefix Backup for testing - [ ] Create Game Bundle - [ ] Import Gamedir into prefix - [ ] Launch 2-3 times, works? - [ ] Change Name - [ ] Change Icon - [ ] Change Prefix Dir name - [ ] Open Other Exe (directplay, setup like ubisoft installer) - [ ] Delete - [ ] Restore prefix - [ ] Import and run - [ ] Delete - [ ] Restore bundle - [ ] run
Test across flatpak<->system wzt prefix and bundle support
- [ ] Restore flatpak Prefix and Run - [ ] Restore flatpak Bundle and Run - [ ] Backup/Restore save game and test
Flatpak WineZGUI
- [ ] Restore System Prefix and Run - [ ] Restore System Bundle and Run - [ ] Create Game Prefix with direct play exe - [ ] Launch 2-3 times after exiting app. works? - [ ] Create Prefix Backup for testing - [ ] Create Game Bundle - [ ] Import Gamedir into prefix - [ ] Launch 2-3 times, works? - [ ] Change Name - [ ] Change Icon - [ ] Change Prefix Dir name - [ ] Open Other Exe (directplay, setup like ubisoft installer)flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/72058/io.mpv.Mpv.flatpakref - [ ] Delete - [ ] Restore prefix - [ ] Import and run - [ ] Delete - [ ] Restore bundle - [ ] run
[ ] After Recreate All Scripts, do all tests
show menu for importing wine directory - [] Import Wine Directory from Detect and List the directories from path into the menu - Bottles (Flatpak) - Lutris (Flatpak) - Playonlinux (Flatpak) - System - Flatpak
arch is already taken care of by the wine directory's registry files.
[] import wine directory, include runner from - [] bottles - [] if wine directory contains bottles.yml (grep "Runner:"bottles.yml) - [] find grepped runner at ~/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/runners - [] copy the runner to prefixdir - [] change WINE_CMD to prefixdir/runners/runner(ge-proton8-25)/files/bin/wine
- [] playonlinux - [] just copy the wine directory as it only supports upto 7.22 - [] lutris
- [] Support Runner
- [] WineZGUI Main window - [] Create "Runners" similar to Template if not found - [] Settings-> Runner... - [] Set Runner (wine) [use Settings->Prefix Template] - [] Open Other EXE like, list installed - [] Import a runner
Use Info.yml to set runner, it could be absolute path, change full path to $HOME
grep "Runner:"from Info.yml
if no Runner Specified, do not include anything
if Runner is specified, set Runner:
Select Runner directory, look for Runner/bin/wine inside runner
if basename="wine" or "wine64" runner=fullpath of wine/wine64 fi
Runner check
- Runners/Dirname -> get Runners/Dirname/bin/wine
- Runner/Dirname/bin -> get Runners/Dirname/bin/wine
- Runners/Dirname/bin/wine -> use it
- Runners/Dirname/bin/wine64 -> use it
find all files with wine_cmd and include them for runner vscode
backup-bundle should include runner if runner is specified in Info.yml
WineZGUI->Settings->Set runner (show runners subdirectory list) else ask the user to download/copy runners from bottles or use proton-up to download runners or kron4
- [] Change Winezgui menu to: Open Exe... Scripts... Prefixes... Game Bundle... Shortcuts... Runners... Templates... Settings... Kill... Help... About... Quit...
[] import wine -> import runner, arch for playonlinux (most are 32 bit apps/games)
[] import dxvk and vkd3d (bottles) rizvan@fedora:
/WineZGUI$ cat /var/home/rizvan/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Bottle_1/bottle.yml |grep -i vkd3d vkd3d: true VKD3D: vkd3d-proton-2.10 rizvan@fedora:/WineZGUI$ cat /var/home/rizvan/.var/app/com.usebottles.bottles/data/bottles/bottles/Bottle_1/bottle.yml |grep -i dxvk DXVK: dxvk-2.3 NVAPI: dxvk-nvapi-v0.6.4 dxvk: true dxvk_nvapi: false -
[] get links from lutris for the vkd3d and dxvk find ~/Games -type l copy following the links to the destination imported directory.
[] Create shortcuts - should be part of script
[] Recreate Prefix (Use Global Runner and WineArch)
permission issue (can't access /var/lib/flatpak) skip copying/backuping system runner
[] try to import system runner cp /var/lib/flatpak/app/org.winehq.Wine/x86_64/stable-23.08/active/files ~/wine-8.0-flathub
[] do not copy system runner if not possible.
- [] remove sed "s| .*sleep .s.
$||g" -i $ (find ${PREFIXES_DIR} -iname "script-launch" -o -iname "script-backup-bundle") from winezgui-quit - [] list wine runners using checklist
- Settings - Use Single Prefix for all Exes
- copy Default template to WineZGUI-Single-Prefix
- if USE_SINGLE_PREFIX is defined (with Y); then check for WineZGUI-Single-Prefix, if exists launch exe with that prefix.
- do no copy template if USE_SINGLE_PREFIX is defined
- Create Prefix and Recreate prefix scripts must check for USE_SINGLE_PREFIX defined or not.
- fix winezgui dialog height for Script_Window() function
- use --checklist to list shortcuts and multiple items
- list shortcuts to delete with checklist
- fix winezgui dialog height
- use different height and width for zenity 4 (zenity --version|cut -f1 -d ".")
- Import runner from prefixdir (search prefixdirs/Runner)
- winezgui-import-runner, use search of $PREFIXES_DIR for Runners
- Import runner to prefixdir
- use script-import-gamedir-into-prefix
- Detect if Runner dir exist in PREFIXDIR in script-change-runner
- need separate script-list-available-runner for script-change runner
- Update Runner in Runner dir into Runner list with - bundled suffix
- bug fixes: runner path, create Temp dir for winetricks, wget.
- Use Runner's wineboot instead of system's wineboot to update/initialize prefix and template
- If system.reg not found in Template update it using ${WINE_CMD} wineboot -u
- Fix system.reg not found after changing template.
- open-shell not working, fixed
- xfce4-terminal flatpak/system
- gnome-terminal flatpak/system
- konsole flatpak/system
- show prefix name on backup dialog
- winezgui-backup did not load script backup, now works
- Remove sleep wait from script-launch and script-backup-bundle using winezgui-quit (when user exits, clean up the files)
sed "s| .*sleep .s.
$||g" -i $ (find ${PREFIXES_DIR} -iname "script-launch" -o -iname "script-backup-bundle")
- update all *_Info.yml on script-change-runner
- remove sleep wait
Restore, recreate-prefix-scripts breaks Wine:
XOWINEXO on restoration uses Global wine instead of runner from wzt-info.yml
open terminal test with
gnome-terminal flatpak
- wine
- winetricks
gnome-terminal system
xfce4-terminal flatpak
xfce4-terminal system
konsole flatpak
konsole system
Global not messing local templates
- set global 32 bit, defaut runner
- install a 32 bit app/game
- set global 64 bit, different runner
- update all scripts should not mess up 32bit install
Fix open shell/terminal not using latest winetricks and Runner
winetricks open-shell
wine path open-shell system
wine path open-shell script
wine path open-shell flatpak
winetricks open-terminal flatpak
winetricks open-terminal system
wine path open-terminal flatpak
change arch must match with arch template, ask 2 times
change template must match with arch, ask 2 times
fix issue with template change not applying immediately (without restarting)
- Switching templates will not work properly without restarting the app.
local Runner path and winever not updated in Info.yml, use separate yml or common Info.yml?
let prefix use single runner, and update *Info.yml with runner and winever for each prefix on bunble backup
Templates, Arch, changes not applied
Winetricks in Template should use winetricks latest
winetricks fails use $WINEZGUIDIR/winetricks everywhere if found, using path
don't show annoying registry backed up message.
can't configure template,
- open shell fails
- new winetricks not used, now works with path
Security - Fix Remove Idenity
Allow editing of wzt-info.yml
xdg-open wzt-info.yml
open terminal - does not use wine runner!
export RUNNER, TEMPLATE, etc.
winetricks uses system wine instead of runner
use path wine=${RUNNER}; alias winetricks=${WINEZGUIDIR}/winetricks
New Template - nothing entered/cancelled creates Template which should not be the case.
Do not allow spaces in template name
chmod +x *.desktop files on recreating and creating.
on restore wzt
on create shortcut
on update all scripts
use Info.yml for wine, arch, template and runner
update all *.yml when changing runner/template etc.
do not let global setting mess up local settings and script files (runner, arch)
- use ~ for $HOME in About... to save screen space -[x] winezgui-about -[x] script-about
- Update screenshots to 0.98.8
- Update metadata with konsole info and runner, import wine (install dxvk & vkd3d if required)
- Enable/disable shortcuts (if -z $NO_SHORTCUTS) then skip ln .desktop files
- [] test all scripts where -z "${NO_SHORTCUTS} is used
- script-change-name
- script-change-prefix
- [] script-create-other-shortcuts
- script-get-installed-exe-files
- winezgui-create-prefix
- [] Alert user of the shortcut was not created. use winezgui-scripts to launch scripts
- [] winezgui-import-wine-create-shortcuts-for-found-exes
- [] winezgui-recreate-prefix-script
- [] winezgui-restore-wzt
- [] winezgui-shortcuts-restore
- Bug: change prefix name with sha256sum foldername won't launch - scriptfile name was wrongly set in winezgui-create-prefix
- Fix and change prefix
- [] put a warning when shortcuts are not created
- Add konsole support for open terminal
- improve Download Runner dialog
- Check other dialogs and improve their info
Backward Compatibility
- insteall 0.98.5 game -> create bundle
- After upgrade to 0.98.6 -> create bundle from flatpak, and script
- Upgrade to 0.98.6
- using script update (without changing runner in winezgui)
- using script update (after changing runner in winezgui)
- [] Check functionality of all features of Script working or not
- Restore Game Bundle of 0.98.5
- Check functionality of all features of Script working or not
- Upgrade 0.98.5 installed Game by upgrade all scripts
- Check functionality of all features of Script working or not
- Restore 0.98.5 wzt bundle, then upgrade all scripts
- Check functionality of all features of Script working or not
Runner Feature
- WineZGUI
- Download
- Import
- Set Default (verify Settings.yml)
- Delete
- Script
- Change Runner
- Backup Bundle
- WineZGUI
[] Do not show setup*.sh install*.sh for script --prune setup*.sh --prune install*.sh
[] Show WZT info in Creating dialog
Script -open shell should not show flatpak-spawn failed, bug!
WINEVER incorrect (flatpak run ..) with flatpak created script on system (visibe at create bundle wzt-info.yml)
set Proton then delete, yet wine-version not updating for system default
When creating a prefix/game bundle, copy the runner into the prefixdir
- script-backup-bundle
- if runner in Info.yml -> copy runner to PREFIXDIR/Runner
- update Info.yml $RUNNERS_DIR/Runner -> $PREFIXDIR/Runner
- different runner, change Info.yml to point Runner to PREFIXDIR/Runner directory
[] When restoring, copy the runner to RUNNERS_DIR else keep it
- [] check if runner exists in RUNNERS_DIR, if found do not copy, else copy the runner (runner support)
-[x] RUNNER and get runner from winezgui-set-wine_cmd-runner-commands in
- [x] winezgui
- [x] winezgui-create-prefix
- [x] winezgui-recreate-prefix-script
- [x] script-create-other-shortcuts
Delete Selected Runner
Confirm, WINE_CMD, WINEVER, RUNNER, RUNNERNAME works both for flatpak or script
Bug: deleting another runner and setting System Default, won't update winever, because WineVer is used before RUNNER is assigned in -[x] list-available-runners -[x] problem: SHOW_OPTION+=" " # Setting 1st option as default wine NAMES+=("System Default") FILES+=("$(which wine)") - [x]
$(which wine) fails from script (but flatpak run --command=$ {RUNNER} io.github.fastrizwaan.WineZGUI) - [x] Set SYSTEM_WINE=$(which wine) in winezgui - [x] flatpak run --command=${SYSTEM_WINE} io.github.fastrizwaan.WineZGUI in scriptfile - [x] and use -[x] script-launch-[] BUG: winever and runner not updating of EXE_Info.yml (Infofile = Info.yml, but it should also update current EXE_Info.yml)
- Setting System Default won't work, why?
- [] bug with sheepoo restore (/var/home/rizvan/.var/app/io.github.fastrizwaan.WineZGUI/data/winezgui/Prefixes/setup_sheepo_sheepo1.1_(53923)-563828eadc)
create winezgui-runner-help
create winezgui-runner-set-default
create winezgui-runner-import
create winezgui-runner-download
Kron4ek Wine Latest WINEBUILDS=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/Kron4ek/Wine-Builds/releases/latest|grep browser_download_url|grep tar|cut -f2- -d ":"|sed "s|"||g") for i in $WINEBUILDS ; do echo $i; done|head -n1
Kron4ek wine-9.0 WINEBUILDS=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/Kron4ek/Wine-Builds/releases|grep browser_download_url|grep tar|cut -f2- -d ":"|sed "s|"||g") for i in $WINEBUILDS ; do echo $i; done|grep -i wine-9.0|head -n1
Kron4ek wine-8.0 WINEBUILDS=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/Kron4ek/Wine-Builds/releases|grep browser_download_url|grep tar|cut -f2- -d ":"|sed "s|"||g") for i in $WINEBUILDS ; do echo $i; done|grep -i wine-8.0|head -n1
Kron4ek wine-proton (latest) WINEBUILDS=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/Kron4ek/Wine-Builds/releases|grep browser_download_url|grep tar|cut -f2- -d ":"|sed "s|"||g") wget $(for i in $WINEBUILDS ; do echo $i; done|grep -i proton|head -n1)
Kron4ek needs dxvk and vkd3d
not including lutris-GE-Proton-GE (wine-ge-proton) WINEGE=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom/releases/latest |grep browser_download_url|grep tar|cut -f2- -d ":"|sed "s|"||g")
create winezgui-runner-backup
[-] create winezgui-runner-restore (needs supporting zip files),
restore-runner, ask whether to change runner?
investigate why script-launch WINE_CMD is different from RUNNER -[x] using workaround of settings WINE_CMD="${RUNNER}" till the investigation
create winezgui-runner-delete
add winezgui->settings->runner menu
create file winezgui-runner to list options
Create RUNNER_NAME variable from system or foldername of the runner name if [
$(basename $ {RUNNER}} = "wine" ] || if [$(basename $ {RUNNER}} = "wine64" ]; then RUNNER_NAME="$(basename$(dirname $ (dirname ${RUNNER})))" fi -
RUNNER_NAME in winezgui
RUNNER NAME in winezgui-create-prefix
RUNNER NAME in winezgui-recreate-prefix-script
RUNNER NAME in script-create-other-shortcuts
update files having WINE_CMD with RUNNER variables (using WINE_CMD global search)
Add RUNNERS_DIR and RUNNER variable based on use by winezgui or script (using PREFIXES_DIR global search)
add runner info to About.yml
Update About.yml for runner (grep Runner, not found, change Wine: -> Wine Runner:)
Update About.yml for runner on change by Settings, use winezgui-template-change (search If About.yml is writable)
add both runner and runner_name to About.yml
update runner_name and version on change of runner
use Info.yml get RUNNER info into recreated scripts
BUG: updated script using default wine is not updating runner information. perhaps wine_cmd=$runner is missing
wine_cmd to use runner from Settings.yml
Locate runner, if not found, update with default runner, else use RUNNER=grep from settings.yml
settings->runner...->Set Wine Runner...
x[] systemwide - winezgui
Set runner (for all new prefixes)
- Settings.yml -> runner: fullpath to runner
Find runner and copy runner from other apps like dolphin, heroic launcher
Use wine-proton which uses system's dxvk and vkd3d (do winetricks dxvk vkd3d (or make it default for 0.98.6 for both wine and proton)
[] scriptwise
- Change runner
- [] Check for dxvk & vkd3d in winetricks.log
- bug: change runner does not update Info.yml's wine version. fixme.
- Get list of runners from WINEZGUIDIR/Runners and let user select one
- [] If not found use the winezgui-find-runners function to list runners, let user use it directly or import runner to Runners directory.
- Choose Change runner for this script only or for all scrpts inside $PREFIXDIR
- Change Info.yml or *.yml based on user's selection
- [] On launch check for runner existing or not, if not found tell user that it's gone, shall we use another runner or default one?
- [] backup prefix/bundle should import runner
- Change runner
[] Import wine directory, should import runner from bottles, heroic launcher, lutris (read config files and copy)
[] If no runner is found, ask whether to download 0.98.5
create tmp directory for winetricks to work
fix winetricks issue (path)
fix minor bugs
- Do not wineboot -u if runner is used or when runner is not having wineboot
- if wineboot is not found in the runner do not use wineboot (proton-ge)
- do not show cancel button for progress bar for username and xouserxo
allow --filesystem=bottles, playonlinux, phoenicis, wine TAKE FROM pronton-up-qt manifest for import wine directory and runners -- get --filesystem wine prefix for various apps - bottles - heroic launcher - playonlinux - phonicis - lutris
reduce 1 dialog to import directory.
- exe inside prefix dir then name the wzt: game-bundle instead of prefix-backup
add exe folder like putty or gw3.exe and check whether it creates new shortcuts? not creating
install wzt and update and test
import wine directory with single exe
import wine directory with multiple exe
[and scriptfilex] create prefix with single EXE
import game dir into prefix (single exe) (gw3.exe)
imort game dir with multiple exes (gw3.exe + putty directory)
create prefix with installer (single exe) (backpack hero)
create prefix with installer (multipe exes) (putty)
prefix dir should have sha10chars suffix for prefixdir
delete script and desktoo file for setup/installer only (use if to check for setup and install)
only delete script file for installer/setup to remove setup shortcut after install to reduce clutter
[] Add help for missing modules
On cancelling import wine directory return, do not throw error for system.reg
Reduce Backup name from Game-WineZGUI-0.97.15-Game-Bundle-flatpak-WineZGUI-2023-11-23_1551.wzt to Game-WineZGUI-0.97.15-Game-Bundle-2023-11-23_1551.wzt for both bundle and prefix -[x] do not delete script and desktop file for import-wine-directory
Import Wine directory (from wine/playonlinux/bottles/etc.) - [x] import directory - [x] find exe files and create shortcuts script-create-shortcuts-for-found-exes
- [x] ask user to select .wine or other wine directory (playonlinux/bottles) - [x] Check Registry files present or not (no registry means not a wine directory) - [x] Find Exes in the selected directory to be used as prefix name - [x] Copy selected wine to Prefixes_dir with the selected_exe_name - [x] Get exe path starting from drive_c from the import_dir (%drive_c) - [x] find selected exe from the prefixes_dir (as copied from import_dir) to create scriptfile - [x] Use winezgui-create-prefix without folder creation to create all imp. files like scriptfile, Info.yml, settings.yml etc. - [x] after creation of directory specific scriptfile, Create shortcuts for found exes
- Fix Create Shortcuts for missing files - [x] Create .desktop file based on sh files. - [x] list all exe files, - [x] Check missing exe from script files, then suggest - [x] Select Exe to create shortcut - [x] Open Other Exe can create shortcut, which allows other exe to be imported into an existing prefix
- Fixed Delete .desktop file and restore from .bak file
- Delete Shortcut, create a backup .desktop.bak file
- Restore Shortcut, list *.bak files and let the user restore it.
- Allow Environment Variables for some older games.
- Do not delete drive_c/users/${USER}/Temp directory (fixes kao the kangaroo error)
- Create "${PREFIXDIR}/drive_c/users/${USER}/Temp" as if not present.
- work with read only host --filesystem=host:ro
- offer to import gamedir (by checking sizes)
- switch to filename=function name, script-launch=script-launch instead of Script_Launch
- upgrade existing scripts to new naming scheme, in all prefixes
0.95.0 - 0.95.9
- check variable assignment show error on failure, output to log file
- check sed replacement show error on failure, output to log file
- check all files and directories whether they are readable/writable before working with them
- check all links creation
- check all dir creation (check if -d, dir already found, not creating, check read/write permission -if -r -w)
- for flatpak-spawn to kill/open shell/open terminal, show user the command
- gnome-terminal, if not found, show the command
- update all scripts (recreate all scripts) of all prefixes More->Update all exe scripts to WineZGUI Current Version
- mini scripts, will they also get properly updated?
0.96.0-9 rename all files to function name in smallcase like:
eg: SOURCE "script-check-variables-loaded-or-not"
Script_Check_Variables_Loaded_Or_Not() -> script-check-variables-loaded-or-not()
recreate all prefixes for latest version, it is a must.
Do rigourous test with old version and new version
[?] use function check, if not found, try older version using alias eval
cancel should kill winetricks in flatpak/system
.bak file should include old winezgui version
open cli in terminal (winetricks a b c d e f g)
check a script for older version, if it is older, ask once to update?
- unlink before linking to $HOME
- use ${ZENITY_CMD} instead of zenity for silverblue or host not having zenity installed
Use generic-package icon instead of winezgui icon.
Do not install winezgui.svg mime icon using setup.sh
Clean up
various bug fixes
recreate all prefixes for latest version
rename all files to function name in smallcase like:
eg: SOURCE "script-check-variables-loaded-or-not"
Recreate-Prefix-Script: use existing sha256sum from script file, useful when file is not accessible and user recreates prefix script
- - [x] winetricks: backup *.reg files before running winetricks, so that user can restore if required.
- fix setup not creating shortcuts (after switching to ~/.local/share/applications)
- Remove ~/.local/share/applications/winezgui/* from all scripts (DESKTOPDIR)
- fix open other exe
- use ~/.local/share/applications directory for shortcut symlinks for instant update
- Open Other Exe -> Any Other exe show, create script with current prefix
- do not touch scripts with _other.sh when recreating all scripts
- use app category from .desktop file #- [ ] use ~/.local/share/applications for shortcuts links with app_winezg ui.desktop 0.94.0
- if Gamedir or EXE_FILE is not found, skip Backup Game Bundle
open terminal from winezgui-more fix
Recreate All Scripts -> Ask whether to use existing Shorcut Name and Icon
Add PATH=${PATH}:/app/bin in launch script, flatpak with --host or --home uses ~/.bashrc PATH, which is a bug, ahem feature
Reduce Winetricks Cli
VERB_LIST="mfc42 xact xact_x64 gmdls \ vcrun2003 vcrun2005 \ vcrun2008 vcrun2010 \ vcrun2019 faudio \ quartz avifil32 corefonts"
- revert 0.93.5 --norc does not work with bash -c
- flatpak run --norc command=bash (use --norc to avoid reading .bashrc)
- skip cls-lolz*.exe, cls-srep*.exe
- Template - DotNet48-Wine8 = mfc42 xact xact_x64 xinput gmdls xna31 vcrun2003 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun2010 vcrun2019 dotnet48 faudio corefonts
- export PATH and WTRICKS_CMD and WINETRICKS variables for winetricks to work.
- do not create shortcuts for python.exe pythonw.exe zsync.exe zsyncmake.exe
- Use latest winetricks from winezguidir
- PREFIXNAME=$(basename $PREFIXDIR) (recreate-all-scripts), fixes backup after recreated scripts
- Remove winetricks as runtime dependency
- Remove WINEDLLOVERRIDES, let user install mono and gecko (mshtml)
- Create About.yml if not found
- Update wine version on about, and launch
- Remove extra debug messages
- Use nice 20 (least priority) for extraction
- Recreate all scripts, use PREFIXNAME same as basename $PREFIXDIR
- Fix Recreate-All-Scripts
- Fix Launch PROGNAME with spaces
- Fix list scripts not listing script names with symbols like ( or )
- update menus and icon cache after removing shortcuts after setup launch
- rename winezgui-recreate-prefix to winezgui-recreate-prefix-scripts
- Do not show exe not found dialog in Script_Create_Shortcuts_For_Found_Exes for directplay exe
- use ${INFOFILE} variable instead of ${PREFIXDIR}/Info.yml
- do not re-create scripts from find new exe for games bundled in GAMEDIR (skip gamedir from exe search)
- Update wine using sed regex
- Update WineZGUI-More help
- Show Directory path beside size in Prefix and Bundle backup
- Update winetricks
- Download winetricks to ${WINEZGUIDIR},
- On 1st run, check if winetricks is available, if ask download latest from github
- WineZGUI->More show update winetricks script
- mfc42
- add debug to check and fix du -sh and df -h output empty value, -z backup->game bundle fails when gamedir is not inside
- On restore do not do repair xoxo->$user
- WineZGUI->More->Repair-> Recreate Scripts and Restore Identity (Fix Scripts with XOXO)
- Import/Copy Gamedir inside sandbox/prefix
- df, du issue fix
- other bug fixes
- Allow ~ @ # $ % ^ etc symbols for file and directory names
- While creating bundle/prefix backup, suggest PRODUCT NAME instead of PREFIXNAME as filename
- unset TEXT, to fix dialog showing previous dialog's data
- Update Script help
- Use system's tar and zstd if found, to backup/save
- revert 0.90.6-7
- Add \n to prompt
- Fix && with || to check write permission.
- Prompt user to give portal access to system for kill, open terminal
- Check no write access to the target directory on backup/save using touch
- fix ${ZENITY_CMD} --error message for flatpak-spawn
- Ask user to allow flatpak system access for kill and open terminal
- Use df instead of mount to find mounted partitions
- Change Category run update icon cache, desktop database.
- mf-install use wget and tar directly instead of $WGET_CMD and $TAR_CMD
- use wget instead of WGET_CMD in Template Download
- Remove broken links after deleting setup's .desktop file
- Flathub requirements (io.github.fastrizwaan.WineZGUI)
- Disable --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak
- Read only access to filesystem --filesystem=host:ro
- Detect PREFIXDIR/FILES_WITH_USERNAME.txt, if found only then do a XOUSERXO -> $user conversion of the files
- Remove setup's script file after creating shortcuts
- show debug variable messages to be removed after flatpak variable issues are resolved.
- change all zenity, wget to $ZENITY_CMD and WGET_CMD
- exe with same name (e.g., setup.exe), check sha256sum, create new prefix if dissimilar
- use double quotes for all source ${} and if [ ${} ]
- fix winrar launch by unquoting "${EXE_ARGUMENTS}"
- Skip winrar exes like unrar.exe RarExtInstaller.exe Rar.exe
- Delete drive_c/users/$user/Temp directory after install
- flatpak install use tools from using flatpak --command
- Use exiftool, icotool, zenity, tar and wget from flatpak. Silverblue does not have them installed.
- Use ${HOME} insetad of /home/${user}. Needed for silverblue's $HOME is at /var/home and not at /home.
- Flatpak: if datadir/file is found use it, else use from winezgui-scripts dir
- Flatpak: use winezgui-scripts dir for flatpak created script running from system that needs winezgui-* scripts
- for flatpak use $WINE_CMD --version instead of wine --version
- bug fix, wine version always mismatch
- Remove Set Saved Game directory...
- More->Set Launch Behavior-> directly/script
- Sha256sum check for Template Download
- Save/Load... -[x] Save... -[x] Restore... -[x] PREFIXNAME-DATE_TIME_save.tar.zst
- Recreate Scripts with current winezgui version (both downgrade and upgrade)
- for i in *.sh; do grep EXE_FILE -$i; winezgui-recreate-script $i; done
- winezgui-recreate-script should use same prefixdir, same name
- Script Delete - useful for prefix with multiple exes / scripts
- Shortcut
- Script
- Prefix
- Show list of multiple exe installed after setup
- default script should show all the available scripts/exe to launch
- restore works with script which lists multiple exe and single
- Create all desktop shortcuts for one or more found exe after setup
- Delete Setup/Installer script after creating shortcuts
- Restore Multiple .desktop files
- Revert Direct Launch on restore wzt
- After Setup, show the list of exe script files to launch for multiple exe found
- After Setup, launch the single script created
- Shortcuts
- Create
- Create Script file with New EXE Name,
- Create Icon file, and desktop file
- Create Prefix should create shortcut!
- Create
- Show progress for template Download
- Show Tempaltes Change after extraction
- Prefix Template Downloads
- Download templates from github
- WineZGUI-win64-UE4 (mf-install)
- Fix delete Template
- Do not prompt to change user->xouser in drive_c
- Fix identity removal and restoration on backup
If wine version changes (compared to metada (Info.yml)) inform user esp. for system install (startup-checks)
-[x] Script_Launch function, check wine version. -[x] script file should check, compare wine versin in Info.yml and $(which wine)
- Set Debug default
- Remove shortcuts from wine directory only if it exists and writable.
CMDLINE for exe, wine ${EXE} ${CMDLINE}
- [x] script-launch check for cmdline.yml, if found, load CMDLINE values - [x] create cmdline.yml, using more -> Set Exe Arguments - [x] cmdline.yml; cmdline: for script-exe-cmdline - [x] Set Exe Argument working
- Remove branding, again :-D "Name (WineZGUI-xx.xx)" -> "Name"
- Restore wzt - Set launch as default, since it was working well, that's why it was created.
- Only Search for Username on Backup and Restore, and not for all
- Winezgui_Identity_Remove: find ${USER} inside drive_c, if found warn after replacement, especially if it is part of path
${USER} -> XOUSERXO ; find files using $ (grep -r "$USER" drive_c/|cut -f1 -d ":"|sort -u) - Winezgui_Identity_Restore: find XOUSERXO and replace it with $USER
- Do not add branding in Change exe function
- Change Exe Should not Change Prefix
- Do not put branding (WineZGUI-xxx) to Program Name
- Fix line-edit names with weird characters. (warn)
- Rename Functions
- WineZGUI_Backup_Function -> Winezgui_Identity_Remove
- WineZGUI_Restore_Function -> Winezgui_Identity_Restore
- WineZGUI_Restore_Process_Xo -> WineZGUI_Identity_Restore_All
- fix more-help missing file
- Backup_Function should check whether files got processed before tar (grep XO Info.yml *.sh)
- Fix info.txt use by info.txt->Info.yml in create-prefix
clone template prefix (Copy prefix)
Improve Backup and Restore code before release
Check backup/restore with
system ->flatpak
user1 => user2
both flatpak and system install for user1, user2 and user3 should work on restore
Launch setup.exe/install.exe and ask to set default exe
setup/installer -> remove found_exe_files so that user is prompted always
Change Prefix Exe (exe+icon+prefix)
Icon only
Fix Backup_and_Restore_Functions
make sure both prefix and templates are back up
Fix Template - Backup - sed not working
Rewrite winezgui to fix Opening, exe, cancelling, reopening other exe quits winezgui
Do not show uninstallers in Change Exe and runtime like vcrun etc.
If name contains Setup or Install, ask to change exe after launch
found Installed exe dialog height based on no. of exe found (wc -l found-exe-files.yml)
Modularize even more, every script file be used as function
80 column rules
Set as direct launch, winezgui find and delete direct-launch.txt to enable disable
New Menu Layout
Show Names instead of Prefix name (grep Name:|cut -f2)
Show Template in USE in about
Move Templates and Shortcuts inside Configure
Beautify Scripts
Add / Remove Shortcuts ... proper place More
Templates... Fix delete etc..
Installer Support
Template Support (basic)
Change Exe
Change Icon from exe too
Backup do not double include gamedir when it is inside prefixdir
Use GAMEDIR instead of bundled_game directory for Game Bundle.
Use wzt-info.yml
Speed up wzt-info.yml extraction from wzt file by putting it on the top of
archive. Breaks backward compatibility.
Use info.yml for info file instead of Info.yml
About use Info.yml
Use column to format info.yml like restore-wzt does
Change Exe update info.yml
After Installer, if new exe's are found
- [x] Show Change EXE - [x] update name in desktop file - [x] Change Icon from exe when changing exe - [x] do no prompt change icon when run from changing exe - [x] sed ${PREFIXDIR} value to variable ${PREFIXDIR} in found-exe-files.yml - [x] If prefix do not have any installed exe, show error message - [x] Rename/Change Prefix Directory on changing exe - [x] Change EXE path in Info.yml - [x] Existing directory, add name duplicate/prefixdir to desktop file - [x] Open Other EXE, allow Installed and non installed exe to run - [x] winezgui-change-installed-exe and script-find-installed-exe - [x] Script name and Function Name must be same. Script smallcase, Function CAPITALCASE
Find and remove Installer Created desktop shortcuts from wine directory
grep -r "$WINEPREFIX" ~/.local/share/applications/wine/|cut -f1 -d ":"|sort -u
Sort found exe list before presenting
script-locate-exe-function: use | instead of / sed FIXME
copy default to create-prefixdir then run winezgui-create-prefix
About.yml should be at winezprefix
fix templates select, create, delete, rename, clone
- No Release
Fix Project64- Repeating
Name->Name-anything will repeat -anything... Name->NEWNAME->Name-anything might fix Rather, directly change EXE_FILE=.* and EXE_PATH= in script Game Name: and Game Directory: in Info.yml and .desktop file
- Restore question dialog should present wzt-info on loading .wzt file
- Handle user cancel of prefix name, extraction of wzt file
- Game Bundle, Ask compression Level, defaults to "zstd -10"
- use "zstd -T0" to detect no. of cpu cores
- Remove --gui and --force in winetricks-cli script
- Change Game-Bundle and Prefix-Backup naming (do not use date)
- Include flatpak name in wzt-Info.yml on backup/bundle creation
- Launch script instead of launching game
- Create Bundle (include gamedir along with prefix) using Backup
- Create and add wzt-Info.yml to get info on restoring .wzt file
- Use faster zstd instead of gzip
- use APPNAME-VERSION in Title
- Rename Prefix
- Associate wzt mimetype with WineZGUI backup filename
- Mimetype support
- Open WineZGUI backup .wzt from argument and from Restore... option
- Change icon name to io.github.fast.rizwaan.WineZGUI.svg
- Change .desktop file name to io.github.fastrizwaan.WineZGUI.desktop
0.82 Backup and Restore with Multi user
- flatpak -> system
- flatpak -> flatpak
- system -> system
- system -> flatpak
- backup from user A / restores with user B and vice versa
- Include Appstream Metadata
- Restore work with filename containing numbers
- backup / restore work with different flatpak versions (flatpak-wine5, flatpak-wine7, flatpak-WineZGUI)
- Backup Restore Support
- Launch Game after Restoring Backup
- mf-install support (needed for Unreal Engine 4 games) for wine stable 5 and 7, included as mf-install script
- Perhaps create and send a verb to winetricks instead with video proof
- Runtime test of dependency by winezgui, create-prefix, and launch-script