For deploying in kubernets Faas-Flow Infra uses helm charts for the defaults
Create namespace for faas-flow infra components
kubectl create namespace faasflow
Minio is used as the default DataStore in FaaSFlow
Generate secrets for Minio:
SECRET_KEY=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum| cut -d' ' -f1)
ACCESS_KEY=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum| cut -d' ' -f1)
Store the secrets in Kubernetes:
kubectl create secret generic -n faasflow-fn \
s3-secret-key --from-literal s3-secret-key="$SECRET_KEY"
kubectl create secret generic -n faasflow-fn \
s3-access-key --from-literal s3-access-key="$ACCESS_KEY"
Install Minio with helm:
helm install --name minio --namespace faasflow \
--set accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY,secretKey=$SECRET_KEY \
--set replicas=1,persistence.enabled=false,service.port=9000,service.type=NodePort \
The DNS address for minio will be minio.faasflow:9000
Consul is used as the default StateStore in FaaSFlow.
Install Consul with helm:
helm install --name consul --namespace faasflow stable/consul
The DNS address for consul will be consul.faasflow:8500
Jaeger is used as a tracing backend by the FaaSFlow
Install Jaeger with helm:
helm install incubator/jaeger --name jaegertracing --namespace faasflow \
--set cassandra.config.max_heap_size=1024M \
--set cassandra.config.heap_new_size=256M --set cassandra.resources.requests.memory=2048Mi \
--set cassandra.resources.requests.cpu=0.4 --set cassandra.resources.limits.memory=2048Mi \
--set cassandra.resources.limits.cpu=0.4
The DNS address for jaeger will be jaegertracing.faasflow:16686