Health service indicating the status of the connection between each service.
name | default | description |
NODE_ENV | development | environnement of node |
UNPAYWALL_HOST | http://fakeunpaywall:3000 | unpaywall api host to access to changefiles |
UNPAYWALL_APIKEY | changeme | unpaywall apikey to access to changefiles |
MAIL_HOST | http://mail:3000 | mail service host |
MAIL_APIKEY | changeme | mail apikey |
ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS | http://elastic | elastic host |
ELASTICSEARCH_PORT | 9200 | elastic port |
ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME | elastic | username of elastic super user |
ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD | changeme | password of elastic super user |
ELASTICSEARCH_MAX_BULK_SIZE | 4000 | max bulk size of update process |
ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_ALIAS | upw | default alias of unpaywall data |
UPDATE_CRON_SCHEDULE | 0 0 0 * * * | schedule of cron |
UPDATE_CRON_ACTIVE | false | state of cron |
UPDATE_CRON_INDEX | unpaywall | index of update process of cron |
UPDATE_CRON_INTERVAL | day | interval of update process of cron |
UPDATE_APIKEY | changeme | update apikey to start update process |
HEALTH_TIMEOUT | 3000 | timeout to query the health route |