sl - Standard library - common
for all ec q scripts- loading configurations and libraries
- managing library paths and dependencies
- automatically load logging, events and protected evaluation libraries
- framing for q scripts
pe - Protected evaluation library - wrapper for invoking functions in protected evaluation
- handling both anonymous and named functions
- signal handler can be defined by user
- can be turned on and off during runtime
- extended log messaging (e.g. function name, args etc.)
event - Event library - execution of q functions as events
- function is executed using protected evaluation
- detailed information about event state is logged using .log.xxx interface - levels can be defined via event API; information is logged using dictionary format (key=value pairs)
- information about event state is transferred to the monitor server using event files
- detailed information about event is persisted in event files (the same information as event log message)
- function execution time is measured
callback - Callback library - managing callbacks
- allows adding multiple callbacks under one interface name (e.g. .z.pg, .z.ps, .z.exit, etc.)
- counts number of executions of each callback
- allows flag 'execute as last one'
timer - Timer library - abstraction layer for timer
- allows execution of multiple different timers
- runs a function every number of timer ticks provided per parameter
- runs the specified function around specified time (10s accuracy)
handle - Connection management library - abstraction layer for interprocess connections
- initialization and maintaining connections between q processes
- using logical components names (host/port/password read from config files)
- two modes of connection initialization -
lazy and
eager - keeping state of each connection (
lost, `failed) - user defined callbacks on port-open and port-close
- autoreconnection functionality
authorization - Authorization library - access restrictions and auditing
- providing authorization by validating incoming function calls against allowed namespaces and forbidden keywords (stop words);
- authorization configuration is described in access.cfg schema file
- logging access and function calls facilities (audit view)
- logging of incoming synchronous and asynchronous function calls and user login/logout;
- audit view configuration is described in access.cfg schema file (see <access.qsd>)
u - u.q library - extension of u.q from Kx
- provides API for subscription to data publishing in tickHF protocol
- maintains subscription lists
- end-of-day callback to all subribers
sub - Subscription management library - abstraction for realtime data subscription
- allows subscription to one of the for subscription to data published in tickHF, tickLF or protocols
- subscribe and replay the data
- keep subscription status
store - Store library - data storage in the hdb
- data storage as splayed and partition table
- callback for reloading and filling missing tables in hdb
- end of day support and integration with eodMng component
os - Os library - shell commands abstraction, covers Linux, MacOS and Windows
- directory operations - .os.mkdir, .os.cpdir, .os.rmdir
- files operations - .os.rm, .os.move
- find files by age and pattern - .os.find
- compress file or directory - .os.compress
- sleep for given number of milliseconds - .os.sleep
parseq - Parseq library - Parseq is a Q clone of the Haskell's Parsec, a parser combinator library.
- Most parser names are the same as in the original, except when colliding with q keywords.
tabs - Tabs library - data model validation facilities
- validation of the data model
doc - Documentation loader library - access to the doc-string documentation from the source code
- extract doc-strings from the q source files
- documentation browsing - .doc.list
- searching functionality - .doc.find
- displaying detailed function description - .doc.show
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