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rproc component

rproc - Realtime Processing component. Component is located in the ec/components/rproc.


  • performing calculation on live data streams
  • subscribing to the realtime source data stream (i.e. tickHF) and calculates derived data stream
  • rproc component alone does not provide any useful functionality - it is just a container
  • rproc requires additional code called plugin which defines the logic for calculation of derived data
  • rproc package consist of some sample predefined plugins (snap, mrvs, ohlc) which show how a plugin code can be defined. Those plugins are described in more detail below.


Note: configure port and component name according to your conventions (core.hdbWriter)

system.cfg example

Example of system.cfg configuration entry for the rproc component with predefined mrvs plug-in (component is named t.mrvs).

    command = "q rproc.q"
    type = q:rproc/rproc
    port = ${basePort} + 6
    memCap = 10000
    requires = t.hdb, t.tick
    libs = mrvs
    cfg.serverAux = t.hdb
  1. libs field should point to the plugin file.
    Example config points to the mrvs, which results in loading mrvs.q plugin.

  2. It is recommended to set requires field to the servers used during plugin initialisation. This filed is specifying the order of yak start command,

  3. Any auxiliary servers required for e.g. initialization should be listed under cfg.serverAux field.
    Example config points to the t.hdb, as mrvs plugin is using t.hdb server to initialize its state.
    cfg.serverAux is optional, by default it is set to NULL

dataflow.cfg example

    subSrc = t.tick
  1. subSrc field should point to the source data stream.
    Example config points to the t.tick.

  2. Subsection [[t.mrvs]] should be added to each table should be processed by the t.mrvs process.

Functionality details

Derived data

Derived data can be kept in memory for ad-hoc queries, it can be also further published with publish-subscribe method to the clients. Derived data calculation logic is defined by a set of plug-in functions.

Derived data publish-subscribe

plugin can publish the data using[tab;data] function from qsl/u library. In that case clients can subscribe to rproc component and retrieve the derived data updates.
There is no facility for the journaling of the published derived data. Subscriber can consume the state of the in-memory table kept in the rproc component (depending on the actual plugin definition), but there is no journal that could be replayed as in the data published through the standard tickHF.

Plugin definition

The following functions are used to define a plugin.
All of those functions have default empty implementation.
Custom code should overwrite some or all of them, depending on the use case.


Plug-in .rp.plug.init[srv] is invoked during component initialization. The role of this callback is to initialize the data model and optionally insert start-up content for each derived table in the rproc component. It is invoked after opening of the connection to the cfg.serverAux servers.


Plug-in .rp.plug.upd[tab;data] is invoked on each data receive from tickHF process. The role of this callback is to calculate derived data based on the source data update. This callback is the essential element of the implementation as it actually defines the logic for data processing.


Plug-in .rp.plug.end[day] is invoked on at end of day (triggered by the tickHF). May be used for day wrap-up actions, e.g. memory clearing.

tickLF callbacks

If component is using tickLF data source, it could also overwrite tickLF callbacks:

  • .tickLF.upd[] / .tickLF.jUpd[]
  •[] / .tickLF.jUps[]
  • .tickLF.img[] / .tickLF.jImg[]
  • .tickLF.del[] / .tickLF.jDel[]

By default those are loaded from ec/libraries/qsl/sub_tickLF.q, Default callbacks are also available in memory in .sub.tickLF.default global variable.

Note that using tickLF protocol for stream calculation can lead to significant increase of the custom logic complexity, as the plugin should handle correctly all types of actions including upserts and deletes.

Additional variables

The following global variables are available for the plugin definition.


.rp.cfg.model is a dictionary where the key is a table name and the value is its data model. It contains data model for each table in the dataflow.cfg file which has current component configured.


.rp.cfg.srcTabs contains a list of the tables which are actually the source tables for the rproc component (those contain subSrc field in the dataflow.cfg)


Component does not provide any functionality for preserving its intermediate state. At startup it must fully initialize based on the source server (tickHF) journal and optionally based on the auxiliary servers (e.g. hdb).

Example plug-ins:

The following use cases are implemented using the rproc component to show its functionality.
Ready-to-use configuration sample can be found in ec/components/rproc/test/etc/.
Instructions to start this mini system can be found in ec/components/rproc/test/

Use case 1 - minute snapshots

snap implements the following functionality:

  • calculation of 1-minute snapshots for each symbol
  • generic snapshots calculation works for any table with time and sym columns
  • snapshots are not published but kept in memory for ad-hoc queries
  • snapshots calculated for today only, reset at the end of the day
system.cfg example
    command = "q rproc.q"
    type = q:rproc/rproc
    port = ${basePort} + 7
    memCap = 10000
    requires = t.hdb, t.tick
    libs = snap
dataflow.cfg example
  subSrc = t.tick

initialization of the derived data model based on the source data model located in .rp.cfg.model dictionary. .rp.cfg.srcTabs contains a list of the tables which are subscribed.

  :{[tab] tab set update`g#sym from select by time.minute, sym from .rp.cfg.model[tab]}each .rp.cfg.srcTabs;
upd processing

Each in-memory table is upserted with the latest update from tickHF process.

  tab upsert select by time.minute, sym from data
End of day

At the end of the day data is deleted from memory.

  {update`g#sym from delete from x}each .rp.cfg.srcTabs;

Use case 2 - most recent values

mrvs implements the following functionality:

  • maintaining the most recent record for each symbol
  • generic snapshots calculation works for any table with sym columns
  • most recent values are not published but kept in memory for ad-hoc queries
  • process can be initialized with the yesterday's data from the historical database hdb
system.cfg example
    command = "q rproc.q"
    type = q:rproc/rproc
    port = ${basePort} + 6
    memCap = 10000
	requires = t.hdb, t.tick
	libs = mrvs
	cfg.serverAux = t.hdb
system.cfg example
  subSrc = t.tick

There are two options for mrvs initialization:

  1. initialization of the derived data model based on the source data model located in .rp.cfg.model dictionary.
  2. initialization from the hdb process. Activated when cfg.serverAux is set in the configuration. In this case mrvs process will start with the most recent values from yesterday.
    :{[hdb;tab]tab set update`u#sym from .hnd.h[hdb](.mrvs.hdb.lastBySym;tab;.z.d-1)}[srv]each .rp.cfg.srcTabs;
  :{[tab] tab set update`u#sym from select by sym from .rp.cfg.model[tab]}each .rp.cfg.srcTabs;
upd processing

Each in-memory table is upserted with the latest update from tickHF process. as the action is simple upsert it can be defined as following:

End of day

No eod action required for the mrvs, current values are initializing the next day.

Use case 3 - open-high-low-close

ohlc implements the following functionality:

  • calculating open-high-low-close based on the trade table
  • ohlc records are kept in memory for ad-hoc queries and published to the subscribers.
  • users can subscribes for ohlc table using classical kx subscription protocol - see .u.sub[] function and ec/libraries/qsl/u.q publishing library.
system.cfg example
    command = "q rproc.q"
    type = q:rproc/rproc
    port = ${basePort} + 1
    memCap = 10000
	requires = t.hdb, t.tick
	libs = ohlc
	cfg.serverAux = t.hdb
system.cfg example
  subSrc = t.tick

Additionally ohlc table model is defined as following:

  model = sym(SYMBOL), open(FLOAT), high(FLOAT), low(FLOAT), close(FLOAT), volume(LONG)

Initialization of the ohlc table data model is based on the configuration entry

  model = sym(SYMBOL), open(FLOAT), high(FLOAT), low(FLOAT), close(FLOAT), volume(LONG)

ohlc is a keyed table with the key on sym column. For each instrument that was processed we will have exactly one record.

  ohlc::`sym xcol .rp.cfg.model[`ohlc];
upd processing

In-memory ohlc table is updated with the latest trade update from tickHF process.
In a second step the records of ohlc table which were affected by the change are being published with the[tabName;data] function.

  ohlc::select first open, max high,min low,last close,sum volume by sym from(0!ohlc),select sym,open:price,high:price,low:price,close:price,volume:size from data;
  syms:exec distinct sym from data;[`ohlc;0!select from ohlc where sym in syms];
End of day

No eod action is required for the ohlc.

Further reading