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+Syhunt and Sandcat are registered trademarks of Syhunt Informatica.
+Other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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+Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Syhunt Informatica
+Portions copyright (c) 2003-2014, Felipe Daragon
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name, trademarks or logos of Syhunt nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+ software without specific prior written permission.
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+# Catarinka
+Catarinka is a set of visual and non-visual components, and methods for Pascal/Delphi, developed as part of the [Sandcat Browser](https://github.com/felipedaragon/sandcat) project. This kit includes the following components:
+* `TCatChromium` - A web browser component built on top of DCEF3.
+* `TCatConsole` - Console component built on top of a modified version of the Console component by Michael Elsdörfer.
+* `TCatHighlighters` - Provides quick access to multiple SynEdit highlighters with a color scheme adapted from the CodeRay project.
+* `TCatHTMLParser` - HTML Parser based on a component by Przemyslaw Jankowski
+* `TCatJSON` - JSON Manipulation component built on top of the SuperObject.
+* `TCatListEditor` - A list editor based on SuperList by David Koretzky.
+* `TCatPreferences` - JSON-Based settings management component
+* `TCatStorage` - VFS/Cache component that uses the Structured Storage library by Primoz Gabrijelcic.
+* `TCatSynEdit` - Enhanced SynEdit with popup menu and improved scrolling.
+* `TJIniList` - INIList-Like component using JSON
+* `TStringLoop` - A simple component for looping through a string list
+* Several libraries with string manipulation functions, file system functions and more.
+## Compatibility
+All components here work with the latest Delphi releases (for both 32-bit and 64-bit compilation) and the older D7. Most of them may work with FPC and Lazarus.
+### Before Compiling
+CatPrefs: Rename the `src\CatDCPKey.pas` file, edit it and add your own encryption keys or key generators.
+## Dependencies
+* All included in the `src` directory, except the following which you need to download separately:
+* [DCPcrypt 2](https://bitbucket.org/wpostma/dcpcrypt2010) - needed by CatDCP.
+* [SynWeb 1.5](https://code.google.com/p/synweb/) and [SynEdit](http://sourceforge.net/projects/synedit/) - needed by CatSynEdit.
+* [Structured Storage](https://code.google.com/p/gpdelphiunits/) - need by CatStorage.
+* [Abbrevia 5.0](http://sourceforge.net/projects/tpabbrevia/) - needed by CatZIP.
+## License & Credits
+Catarinka was developed by Felipe Daragon, [Syhunt](http://www.syhunt.com/).
+This project is licensed under a 3-clause BSD license - see the LICENSE file for details.
+Some libraries and third-party code included with Catarinka use different licenses, such as MIT and MPL. You can find them in the comments of the source code files.
+## Contact
+Twitter: [@felipedaragon](https://twitter.com/felipedaragon), [@syhunt](https://twitter.com/syhunt)
+Email: felipe _at_ syhunt.com
+If you want to report a security bug, please see the `docs\SECURITY.md` file.
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+# Security
+Security bugs should be reported directly to security@syhunt.com. Low risk security bugs can be reported by opening an issue here. If you are unsure about the risk level, please report it via email.
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+unit CatCEFCache;
+ Catarinka - Chromium Cache Reader functions
+ Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Syhunt Informatica
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Winapi.Windows, System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Dialogs;
+ Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Dialogs;
+function ChromeCacheToString(const HTML: string): string;
+function GetChromeCacheResponseHeaders(const HTML: string): string;
+function GetChromeCacheRawData(const HTML: string): string;
+function IsContentGzipped(const HTML: string): boolean;
+procedure ChromeCacheExtract(const HTML, OutFilename: string);
+ CatHTTP, CatStringLoop, CatStrings, CatZIP;
+ cHexPos = '00000000:';
+procedure SaveHexStringToFile(HexStr: string; DestFileName: string;
+ gunzip: boolean = false);
+ BinaryStream: TMemoryStream;
+ BinaryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ try
+ BinaryStream.Size := Length(HexStr) div 2;
+ if BinaryStream.Size > 0 then
+ begin
+ HexToBin({$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(ansistring(HexStr)), BinaryStream.Memory,
+ BinaryStream.Size);
+ if gunzip then
+ GUnZipStream(BinaryStream);
+ BinaryStream.SaveToFile(DestFileName)
+ end;
+ finally
+ BinaryStream.Free;
+ end;
+function GUnzipHexStr(HexStr: string): string;
+ BinaryStream: TMemoryStream;
+ res: TStringList;
+ result := emptystr;
+ res := TStringList.Create;
+ BinaryStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ try
+ BinaryStream.Size := Length(HexStr) div 2;
+ if BinaryStream.Size > 0 then
+ begin
+ HexToBin({$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(ansistring(HexStr)), BinaryStream.Memory,
+ BinaryStream.Size);
+ GUnZipStream(BinaryStream);
+ res.LoadFromStream(BinaryStream);
+ result := res.Text;
+ end;
+ finally
+ BinaryStream.Free;
+ res.Free;
+ end;
+function GetChromeCacheRawData(const HTML: string): string;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ foundheader, foundcontent: boolean;
+ hline, resstr: string;
+ foundcontent := false;
+ foundheader := false;
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(HTML);
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ if beginswith(slp.current, cHexPos) then
+ begin
+ if foundheader = true then
+ foundcontent := true; // starts with second occurrence
+ foundheader := true;
+ end;
+ if foundcontent then
+ begin
+ hline := slp.current;
+ if resstr = emptystr then
+ resstr := hline
+ else
+ resstr := resstr + crlf + hline;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := resstr;
+ slp.Free;
+function ChromeCacheToHexStr(HTML: string): string;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ foundheader, foundcontent: boolean;
+ hline, resstr: string;
+ foundcontent := false;
+ foundheader := false;
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(HTML);
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ if beginswith(slp.current, cHexPos) then
+ begin
+ if foundheader = true then
+ foundcontent := true; // starts with second occurrence
+ foundheader := true;
+ end;
+ if foundcontent then
+ begin
+ hline := slp.current;
+ hline := after(hline, ':');
+ hline := trim(hline);
+ hline := copy(hline, 1, 47); // previous CEF lib was col 62
+ hline := replacestr(hline, ' ', emptystr);
+ resstr := resstr + hline;
+ end;
+ end;
+ resstr := replacestr(resstr, crlf, emptystr);
+ result := resstr;
+ slp.Free;
+function IsContentGzipped(const HTML: string): boolean;
+ result := false;
+ if trim(getfield('Content-Encoding', HTML)) = 'gzip' then
+ result := true;
+function GetChromeCacheResponseHeaders(const HTML: string): string;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ hdr: string;
+ isheader: boolean;
+ hdr := emptystr;
+ isheader := false;
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(HTML);
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ if beginswith(slp.current, 'HTTP/') then
+ isheader := true;
+ if beginswith(slp.current, cHexPos) then
+ begin
+ slp.Stop;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if isheader then
+ begin
+ if hdr = emptystr then
+ hdr := slp.current
+ else
+ hdr := hdr + crlf + slp.current;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ slp.Free;
+ result := hdr;
+function ChromeCacheToString(const HTML: string): string;
+ h: string;
+ h := ChromeCacheToHexStr(HTML);
+ if IsContentGzipped(HTML) = false then
+ result := hextostr(h)
+ else
+ result := GUnzipHexStr(h);
+procedure ChromeCacheExtract(const HTML, OutFilename: string);
+ SaveHexStringToFile(ChromeCacheToHexStr(HTML), OutFilename,
+ IsContentGzipped(HTML));
diff --git a/src/CatCLUtils.pas b/src/CatCLUtils.pas
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+unit CatCLUtils;
+ Catarinka - Command-line parameters related functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.SysUtils;
+ SysUtils;
+function GetCmdLine: string;
+function GetCmdParam(const param: string; const def_value: string = ''): string;
+function GetCmdParamQuoted(const param: string;
+ const def_value: string = ''): string;
+function HasCmdParam(const param: string): boolean;
+ CatStrings;
+function GetCmdLine: string;
+ i: integer;
+ result := emptystr;
+ if ParamCount > 0 then
+ for i := 1 to ParamCount do
+ result := result + ' ' + (ParamStr(i));
+// eg: if hascmdparam('-test') then ...
+function HasCmdParam(const param: string): boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ result := false;
+ if ParamCount = 0 then
+ exit;
+ for i := 1 to ParamCount do
+ begin
+ if lowercase(ParamStr(i)) = lowercase(param) then
+ result := true;
+ end;
+// if paramstr is: name:somestring
+// eg: getCmdParam('name') will return "somestring"
+function GetCmdParam(const param: string; const def_value: string = ''): string;
+ i: integer;
+ params: string;
+ result := emptystr;
+ if ParamCount = 0 then
+ exit;
+ for i := 1 to ParamCount do
+ params := params + ' ' + (ParamStr(i));
+ params := params + ' ';
+ result := after(params, param + ':');
+ result := before(result, ' ');
+ if result = emptystr then
+ result := def_value;
+function GetCmdParamQuoted(const param: string;
+ const def_value: string = ''): string;
+ i: integer;
+ params: string;
+ quote = '"';
+ result := emptystr;
+ if ParamCount = 0 then
+ exit;
+ for i := 1 to ParamCount do
+ params := params + ' ' + (ParamStr(i));
+ params := params + ' ';
+ result := after(params, param + ':');
+ if beginswith(result, quote) then
+ begin
+ result := after(result, quote);
+ result := before(result, quote);
+ end
+ else
+ result := before(result, ' ');
+ if result = emptystr then
+ result := def_value;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatChromium.pas b/src/CatChromium.pas
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+unit CatChromium;
+ Catarinka Browser Component
+ Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Syhunt Informatica
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Graphics,
+ Vcl.Forms, System.SysUtils, System.SyncObjs, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.Clipbrd,
+ Classes, Windows, Messages, Controls, Graphics, Forms, SysUtils, SyncObjs,
+ Dialogs, Clipbrd,
+ cefvcl, ceflib, superobject, CatJSON;
+ TCatChromiumOnBrowserMessage = procedure(const msg: integer;
+ const str: string) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnAfterSetSource = procedure(const s: string) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnTitleChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const title: string)
+ of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnLoadEnd = procedure(Sender: TObject; httpStatusCode: integer)
+ of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnLoadStart = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnAddressChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const url: string)
+ of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnStatusMessage = procedure(Sender: TObject; const value: string)
+ of object;
+ // TCatChromiumOnRequestComplete = procedure(const s:string) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnBeforePopup = procedure(Sender: TObject; var url: string;
+ out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnConsoleMessage = procedure(Sender: TObject;
+ const message, source: string; line: integer) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnBeforeResourceLoad = procedure(Sender: TObject;
+ const request: ICefRequest; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnBeforeDownload = procedure(Sender: TObject; const id: integer;
+ const suggestedName: string) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnDownloadUpdated = procedure(Sender: TObject;
+ var cancel: Boolean; const id, state, percentcomplete: integer;
+ const fullPath: string) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnLoadingStateChange = procedure(Sender: TObject;
+ const isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean) of object;
+ TCatChromiumOnLoadError = procedure(Sender: TObject; const errorCode: integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: string) of object;
+ TCatSourceVisitorOwn = class(TCefStringVisitorOwn)
+ private
+ fCriticalSection: TCriticalSection;
+ protected
+ procedure Visit(const str: ustring); override;
+ public
+ Browser: TCustomControl;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TCatRequestHeaders = record
+ StatusCode: string;
+ SentHead: string;
+ RcvdHead: string;
+ end;
+ TCatChromiumRequest = record
+ Method: string;
+ url: string;
+ PostData: string;
+ Headers: string;
+ IgnoreCache: Boolean;
+ UseCachedCredentials: Boolean;
+ UseCookies: Boolean;
+ Details: string;
+ end;
+ TCatChromium = class(TCustomControl)
+ private
+ fAdjustSourceDisplayMethod: Boolean;
+ fAutoGetSource: Boolean;
+ fCriticalSection: TCriticalSection;
+ fCrm: TChromium;
+ fEnableDownloads: Boolean;
+ fHeaders: TCatRequestHeaders;
+ fInterceptRequests: Boolean;
+ fLastStatusCode: integer;
+ fLastTitle: string;
+ fLogJavaScriptErrors: Boolean;
+ fLogURLs: Boolean;
+ fMsgHandle: HWND;
+ fNeedRecreate: Boolean;
+ fOnBrowserMessage: TCatChromiumOnBrowserMessage;
+ fOnAfterSetSource: TCatChromiumOnAfterSetSource;
+ fOnTitleChange: TCatChromiumOnTitleChange;
+ fOnLoadEnd: TCatChromiumOnLoadEnd;
+ fOnLoadStart: TCatChromiumOnLoadStart;
+ fOnAddressChange: TCatChromiumOnAddressChange;
+ fOnStatusMessage: TCatChromiumOnStatusMessage;
+ // fOnRequestComplete:TCatChromiumOnRequestComplete;
+ fOnBeforePopup: TCatChromiumOnBeforePopup;
+ fOnConsoleMessage: TCatChromiumOnConsoleMessage;
+ fOnBeforeResourceLoad: TCatChromiumOnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ fOnBeforeDownload: TCatChromiumOnBeforeDownload;
+ fOnDownloadUpdated: TCatChromiumOnDownloadUpdated;
+ fOnLoadingStateChange: TCatChromiumOnLoadingStateChange;
+ fOnLoadError: TCatChromiumOnLoadError;
+ fPreventPopup: Boolean;
+ fResourceList: TStringList;
+ fSentRequests: integer;
+ fSource: string;
+ fSourceVisitor: TCatSourceVisitorOwn;
+ fURLLog: TStringList;
+ procedure ClearRequestData;
+ procedure ClearEvents;
+ procedure crmTitleChange(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const title: ustring);
+ procedure crmLoadEnd(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: integer);
+ procedure crmLoadStart(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame);
+ procedure crmAddressChange(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+ procedure crmStatusMessage(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const value: ustring);
+ procedure crmBeforeContextMenu(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams;
+ const model: ICefMenuModel);
+ procedure crmContextMenuCommand(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams;
+ commandId: integer; eventFlags: TCefEventFlags; out Result: Boolean);
+ procedure crmBeforeResourceLoad(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; out Result: Boolean);
+ procedure crmBeforePopup(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean; out Result: Boolean);
+ procedure crmConsoleMessage(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const message, source: ustring; line: integer; out Result: Boolean);
+ procedure crmJsdialog(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring; dialogType: TCefJsDialogType;
+ const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ Callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage, Result: Boolean);
+ procedure crmProcessMessageReceived(Sender: TObject;
+ const Browser: ICefBrowser; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ const message: ICefProcessMessage; out Result: Boolean);
+ procedure crmBeforeDownload(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem; const suggestedName: ustring;
+ const Callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+ procedure crmDownloadUpdated(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const Callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+ procedure crmGetResourceHandler(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest;
+ out Result: ICefResourceHandler);
+ procedure crmLoadError(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring);
+ procedure crmLoadingStateChange(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+ procedure crmPluginCrashed(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const pluginPath: ustring);
+ procedure crmGetAuthCredentials(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring;
+ port: integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const Callback: ICefAuthCallback; out Result: Boolean);
+ procedure crmMessage(var AMsg: TMessage);
+ procedure crmRenderProcessTerminated(Sender: TObject;
+ const Browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus);
+ procedure LogURL(const url: string);
+ procedure SendMessageToTab(const id: integer; const s: string);
+ procedure SetZoomLevel(const zl: double);
+ function GetZoomLevel: double;
+ function GetURLShort: string;
+ function GetDevToolsURL: string;
+ procedure StopLoadBlank;
+ procedure WMCopyData(var message: TMessage);
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function EvalJavaScript(const Script: string): variant;
+ function GetURL: string;
+ function IsMain(const b: ICefBrowser; const f: ICefFrame = nil): Boolean;
+ function IsFrameNil: Boolean;
+ procedure AddToResourceList(const url: string);
+ procedure GoBack;
+ procedure GoForward;
+ procedure Load(const url: string);
+ procedure LoadBlank(const WaitLoad: Boolean = false);
+ procedure LoadFromString(const s, url: string);
+ procedure LoadSettings(settings, DefaultSettings: TCatJSON);
+ procedure RunJavaScript(const Script: string); overload;
+ procedure RunJavaScript(const Script: string; const ScriptURL: string;
+ const StartLine: integer; const ReportErrors: Boolean = false); overload;
+ procedure RegisterNewV8Extension(const v8js: string);
+ procedure Reload(const IgnoreCache: Boolean = false);
+ procedure SendMessage(const msg: integer; const msgstr: string);
+ procedure SendRequest(const req: TCatChromiumRequest;
+ const Load: Boolean = false);
+ procedure SetV8MsgHandle(const handle: integer);
+ procedure Stop(const waitstop:boolean=false);
+ procedure GetSource; // callback
+ procedure GetSourceAsText; // callback
+ procedure SetSource(const s: string);
+ function isLoading: Boolean;
+ procedure ShowAuthDialog(const Username: string = '';
+ const Password: string = '');
+ procedure ViewSourceExternalEditor;
+ // properties
+ property AdjustSourceDisplayMethod: Boolean read fAdjustSourceDisplayMethod
+ write fAdjustSourceDisplayMethod;
+ property Crm: TChromium read fCrm;
+ property DevToolsURL: string read GetDevToolsURL;
+ property EnableDownloads: Boolean read fEnableDownloads
+ write fEnableDownloads;
+ property Headers: TCatRequestHeaders read fHeaders;
+ property InterceptRequests: Boolean read fInterceptRequests
+ write fInterceptRequests;
+ property LogURLs: Boolean read fLogURLs write fLogURLs;
+ property LogJavaScriptErrors: Boolean read fLogJavaScriptErrors
+ write fLogJavaScriptErrors;
+ property ResourceList: TStringList read fResourceList;
+ property title: string read fLastTitle;
+ property URLLog: TStringList read fURLLog;
+ property URLShort: string read GetURLShort;
+ property ZoomLevel: double read GetZoomLevel write SetZoomLevel;
+ published
+ property OnAfterSetSource: TCatChromiumOnAfterSetSource
+ read fOnAfterSetSource write fOnAfterSetSource;
+ property OnBrowserMessage: TCatChromiumOnBrowserMessage
+ read fOnBrowserMessage write fOnBrowserMessage;
+ property OnLoadEnd: TCatChromiumOnLoadEnd read fOnLoadEnd write fOnLoadEnd;
+ property OnLoadStart: TCatChromiumOnLoadStart read fOnLoadStart
+ write fOnLoadStart;
+ property OnTitleChange: TCatChromiumOnTitleChange read fOnTitleChange
+ write fOnTitleChange;
+ property OnAddressChange: TCatChromiumOnAddressChange read fOnAddressChange
+ write fOnAddressChange;
+ property OnStatusMessage: TCatChromiumOnStatusMessage read fOnStatusMessage
+ write fOnStatusMessage;
+ // property OnRequestComplete:TCatChromiumOnRequestComplete read FOnRequestComplete write FOnRequestComplete;
+ property OnBeforePopup: TCatChromiumOnBeforePopup read fOnBeforePopup
+ write fOnBeforePopup;
+ property OnConsoleMessage: TCatChromiumOnConsoleMessage
+ read fOnConsoleMessage write fOnConsoleMessage;
+ property OnBeforeResourceLoad: TCatChromiumOnBeforeResourceLoad
+ read fOnBeforeResourceLoad write fOnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ property OnBeforeDownload: TCatChromiumOnBeforeDownload
+ read fOnBeforeDownload write fOnBeforeDownload;
+ property OnDownloadUpdated: TCatChromiumOnDownloadUpdated
+ read fOnDownloadUpdated write fOnDownloadUpdated;
+ property OnLoadingStateChange: TCatChromiumOnLoadingStateChange
+ read fOnLoadingStateChange write fOnLoadingStateChange;
+ property OnLoadError: TCatChromiumOnLoadError read fOnLoadError
+ write fOnLoadError;
+ end;
+ TSpecialCEFReq = class(TCefUrlRequestClientOwn)
+ private
+ fr: ISuperObject;
+ fCriticalSection: TCriticalSection;
+ fLogged: Boolean;
+ fResponseText: string;
+ fResponseStream: TMemoryStream;
+ function CEF_GetPostData(request: ICefRequest): string;
+ function CEF_GetSentHeader(request: ICefRequest;
+ IncludePostData: Boolean = true): string;
+ function CEF_GetRcvdHeader(Response: ICefResponse): string;
+ protected
+ procedure OnRequestComplete(const request: ICefUrlRequest); override;
+ procedure OnDownloadData(const request: ICefUrlRequest; data: Pointer;
+ dataLength: NativeUInt); override;
+ public
+ MsgHandle: HWND;
+ Details: string;
+ constructor Create; override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TSandcatV8Extension = class(TCefv8HandlerOwn)
+ private
+ fV8MsgHandle: integer;
+ protected
+ function Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create; override;
+ end;
+ TCustomRenderProcessHandler = class(TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ fSandcatV8Extension: TSandcatV8Extension;
+ protected
+ function OnProcessMessageReceived(const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage)
+ : Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnWebKitInitialized; override;
+ end;
+ TCatChromiumXHR = record
+ Details: string;
+ Method: string;
+ url: string;
+ Headers: string;
+ PostData: string;
+ Filters: string;
+ Username: string;
+ Password: string;
+ Callback: string;
+ Tab: string;
+ end;
+ cABOUTBLANK = 'about:blank';
+ cHOMEURL = 'sandcat:home';
+const // Chromium settings
+ cOptions = 'chrome.options.';
+ CRMO_ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING = cOptions + 'accelerated_compositing';
+ CRMO_APPLICATION_CACHE = cOptions + 'application_cache';
+ CRMO_AUTHOR_AND_USER_STYLES = cOptions + 'author_and_user_styles';
+ CRMO_CARET_BROWSING = cOptions + 'caret_browsing';
+ CRMO_DATABASES = cOptions + 'databases';
+ CRMO_DEVELOPER_TOOLS = cOptions + 'developer_tools';
+ CRMO_FILE_ACCESS_FROM_FILE_URLS = cOptions + 'fileurl.access';
+ CRMO_IMAGE_LOADING = cOptions + 'image.loading';
+ 'image.shrink_stand_alone_to_fit';
+ CRMO_JAVA = cOptions + 'java';
+ CRMO_JAVASCRIPT = cOptions + 'javascript.enabled';
+ CRMO_JAVASCRIPT_ACCESS_CLIPBOARD = cOptions + 'javascript.access_clipboard';
+ CRMO_JAVASCRIPT_CLOSE_WINDOWS = cOptions + 'javascript.close_windows';
+ CRMO_JAVASCRIPT_DOM_PASTE = cOptions + 'javascript.dom_paste';
+ CRMO_JAVASCRIPT_OPEN_WINDOWS = cOptions + 'javascript.open_windows';
+ CRMO_LOCAL_STORAGE = cOptions + 'local_storage';
+ CRMO_PAGE_CACHE = cOptions + 'page_cache';
+ CRMO_PLUGINS = cOptions + 'plugins';
+ CRMO_TAB_TO_LINKS = cOptions + 'tab_to_links';
+ CRMO_TEXT_AREA_RESIZE = cOptions + 'text_area_resize';
+ CRMO_UNIVERSAL_ACCESS_FROM_FILE_URLS = cOptions + 'fileurl.universal_access';
+ CRMO_WEBGL = cOptions + 'webgl';
+ CRMO_WEBSECURITY = cOptions + 'websecurity';
+const // Messages from the Chromium renderer to the Sandcat Tab object
+ CRM_XHR_LOG = 5;
+ CRM_JS_ALERT = 10;
+const // Messages from the Sandcat tab to the Chromium renderer object
+const // Download related
+function GetCEFUserAgent: string;
+function GetCEFDefaults(settings: TCatJSON): string;
+function CEFV8ValueToStr(v: ICefv8Value): string;
+function BuildRequest(Method, url: string; PostData: string = '')
+ : TCatChromiumRequest;
+procedure CatCEFShutdown(force: Boolean = false);
+procedure SendCDMessage(desthandle, msgid: integer; l: string);
+procedure Send_WriteValue(desthandle: integer; key, value: string);
+uses uAuthentication, CatJINI, CatStringLoop, CatTasks, CatUI, CatFiles, CatStrings,
+ CatHTTP, CatUtils, CatTime, CatPointer;
+ TempFileCount: integer = 0;
+function BuildRequest(Method, url: string; PostData: string = '')
+ : TCatChromiumRequest;
+ Result.Method := Method;
+ Result.url := url;
+ Result.PostData := PostData;
+ Result.Headers := emptystr;
+ Result.IgnoreCache := true;
+ Result.UseCookies := true;
+ Result.UseCachedCredentials := true;
+ Result.Details := emptystr;
+procedure CatCEFShutdown(force: Boolean = false);
+ if force = true then
+ KillProcessbyPID(GetCurrentProcessId)
+ else begin
+ ceflib.CefShutDown;
+ ExitProcess(0);
+ end;
+function GetCEFDefaults(settings: TCatJSON): string;
+ list: TStringList;
+ procedure s(CID: string; DefaultValue: Boolean);
+ begin
+ settings[CID] := DefaultValue;
+ list.Add(CID);
+ end;
+ list := TStringList.Create;
+ s(CRMO_DATABASES, true);
+ s(CRMO_JAVA, true);
+ s(CRMO_PAGE_CACHE, true);
+ s(CRMO_PLUGINS, true);
+ s(CRMO_TAB_TO_LINKS, true);
+ s(CRMO_WEBGL, true);
+ Result := list.text;
+ list.free;
+function GetCEFUserAgent: string;
+ Result := CefUserAgent;
+function GetTempFile: string;
+ f: string;
+ TempFileCount := TempFileCount + 1;
+ f := inttostr(GetCurrentProcessId) + ' - ' + inttostr(DateTimeToUnix(now)) +
+ '-' + inttostr(TempFileCount) + '.tmp';
+ Result := CefCache + 'Headers\' + f;
+function SaveResponseToFile(s: string): string;
+ sl: TStringList;
+ Result := GetTempFile;
+ if CefCache = emptystr then
+ exit;
+ sl := TStringList.Create;
+ sl.text := s;
+ sl.SaveToFile(Result);
+ sl.free;
+procedure SendCDMessage(desthandle, msgid: integer; l: string);
+ pData: PCopyDataStruct;
+ pData := nil;
+ try
+ New(pData);
+ pData^.dwData := msgid;
+ pData^.cbData := Length(l) + 1;
+ pData^.lpData := PAnsiChar(AnsiString(l));
+ SendMessage(desthandle, WM_COPYDATA, application.handle, integer(pData));
+ finally
+ Dispose(pData);
+ end;
+procedure Send_WriteValue(desthandle: integer; key, value: string);
+ j: TCatJSON;
+ j := TCatJSON.Create;
+ j['k'] := key;
+ j['v'] := value;
+ SendCDMessage(desthandle, CRM_JS_WRITEVALUE, j.text);
+ j.free;
+function TSpecialCEFReq.CEF_GetRcvdHeader(Response: ICefResponse): string;
+ i: integer;
+ s, kv, lastkv: string;
+ Map: TCefStringMultiMapOwn;
+ procedure Add(key, value: string);
+ begin
+ kv := key + ': ' + value;
+ if kv <> lastkv then
+ s := s + crlf + kv; // Workaround: CEF3 sometimes returns repeated headers
+ lastkv := kv;
+ end;
+ Map := TCefStringMultiMapOwn.Create;
+ Response.GetHeaderMap(Map);
+ s := 'HTTP/1.1 ' + inttostr(Response.getStatus) + ' ' +
+ Response.GetStatusText;
+ with Map as ICefStringMultiMap do
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to GetSize do
+ begin
+ if i < GetSize then
+ Add(GetKey(i), GetValue(i));
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := s;
+function TSpecialCEFReq.CEF_GetSentHeader(request: ICefRequest;
+ IncludePostData: Boolean = true): string;
+ i: integer;
+ s, PostData, kv, lastkv: string;
+ Map: TCefStringMultiMapOwn;
+ procedure Add(key, value: string);
+ begin
+ kv := key + ': ' + value;
+ if kv <> lastkv then
+ s := s + crlf + kv; // Workaround: CEF3 sometimes returns repeated headers
+ lastkv := kv;
+ end;
+ Map := TCefStringMultiMapOwn.Create;
+ request.GetHeaderMap(Map);
+ s := request.getMethod + ' /' + getpathfromurl(request.GetURL) + ' HTTP/1.1';
+ with Map as ICefStringMultiMap do
+ begin
+ if FindCount('Host') = 0 then
+ Add('Host', gethostfromurl(request.GetURL));
+ for i := 0 to GetSize do
+ begin
+ if i < GetSize then
+ Add(GetKey(i), GetValue(i));
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (IncludePostData) and (request.getMethod = 'POST') then
+ begin
+ PostData := CEF_GetPostData(request);
+ if PostData <> emptystr then
+ begin
+ s := s + crlf;
+ s := s + crlf + PostData;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := s + crlf;
+function TSpecialCEFReq.CEF_GetPostData(request: ICefRequest): string;
+ i: integer;
+ ansi, datastr: AnsiString;
+ postElement: ICefPostDataElement;
+ PostData: ICefPostData;
+ list: IInterfaceList;
+ ansi := '';
+ PostData := request.getPostData;
+ if PostData <> nil then
+ begin
+ list := PostData.GetElements(PostData.GetCount);
+ for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ postElement := list[i] as ICefPostDataElement;
+ case postElement.GetType of
+ begin
+ SetLength(datastr, postElement.GetBytesCount);
+ postElement.GetBytes(postElement.GetBytesCount, PAnsiChar(datastr));
+ ansi := ansi + datastr;
+ end;
+ ;
+ ;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := ansi;
+constructor TSpecialCEFReq.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ fCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create;
+ fCriticalSection.Enter;
+ fResponseStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ fLogged := false;
+destructor TSpecialCEFReq.Destroy;
+ fResponseStream.free;
+ fCriticalSection.free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TSpecialCEFReq.OnDownloadData(const request: ICefUrlRequest;
+ data: Pointer; dataLength: NativeUInt);
+ fResponseStream.WriteData(data, dataLength);
+ inherited;
+procedure TSpecialCEFReq.OnRequestComplete(const request: ICefUrlRequest);
+ req: ICefRequest;
+ resp: ICefResponse;
+ SentHead, RcvdHead, referrer, respfilename: string;
+ inherited;
+ fCriticalSection.Enter;
+ try
+ fr := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ req := request.getrequest;
+ resp := request.getresponse;
+ SentHead := CEF_GetSentHeader(req);
+ RcvdHead := CEF_GetRcvdHeader(resp);
+ fr.s['method'] := req.getMethod;
+ fr.s['url'] := req.GetURL;
+ if pos('Referer', SentHead) <> 0 then
+ referrer := trim(getfield('Referer', SentHead));
+ if req.getMethod = 'POST' then
+ fr.s['postdata'] := CEF_GetPostData(req)
+ else
+ fr.s['postdata'] := emptystr;
+ fr.s['status'] := inttostr(resp.getStatus);
+ fr.s['mimetype'] := resp.GetMimeType;
+ if Details <> emptystr then // user specified
+ fr.s['details'] := Details
+ else
+ begin
+ if lowercase(extracturlfileext(referrer)) = '.swf' then
+ fr.s['details'] := 'Flash Plugin Request'
+ else
+ fr.s['details'] := 'Browser Request';
+ end;
+ fr.s['reqid'] := emptystr;
+ fr.s['response'] := emptystr;
+ respfilename := GetTempFile;
+ fr.s['responsefilename'] := respfilename;
+ fResponseStream.SaveToFile(respfilename);
+ fr.s['length'] := inttostr(fResponseStream.Size);
+ fr.b['isredir'] := false;
+ fr.b['islow'] := false;
+ fr.s['headers'] := SentHead;
+ fr.s['responseheaders'] := RcvdHead;
+ if MsgHandle <> 0 then
+ SendCDMessage(MsgHandle, CRM_LOG_REQUEST_JSON, fr.AsJson(true));
+ fr := nil;
+ finally
+ fCriticalSection.Leave;
+ end;
+constructor TSandcatV8Extension.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+function CEFV8ValueToStr(v: ICefv8Value): string;
+ Result := emptystr;
+ if v.IsString then
+ Result := v.GetStringValue
+ else
+ begin
+ if v.IsUndefined then
+ Result := 'undefined'
+ else if v.IsNull then
+ Result := 'null'
+ else if v.IsBool then
+ begin
+ if v.GetBoolValue = true then
+ Result := 'true'
+ else
+ Result := 'false';
+ end
+ else if v.IsInt then
+ Result := inttostr(v.GetIntValue)
+ else if v.IsUInt then
+ Result := inttostr(v.GetUIntValue)
+ else if v.IsDouble then
+ Result := floattostr(v.GetDoubleValue)
+ else if v.IsDate then
+ Result := datetimetostr(v.GetDateValue)
+ else if v.IsObject then
+ Result := '[object]'
+ else if v.IsArray then
+ Result := '[array]'
+ else if v.IsFunction then
+ Result := '[function ' + v.GetFunctionName + ']';
+ end;
+function TSandcatV8Extension.Execute(const name: ustring;
+ const obj: ICefv8Value; const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray;
+ var retval: ICefv8Value; var exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ printstr: string;
+ procedure LogRequest(Details, rid, Method, url, rcvdheader, Response: string);
+ var
+ pkt: tjinilist;
+ begin
+ pkt := tjinilist.Create;
+ pkt.values['ReqID'] := rid;
+ pkt.values['Details'] := Details;
+ pkt.values['ResponseHeaders'] := rcvdheader;
+ pkt.values['Method'] := Method;
+ pkt.values['URL'] := url;
+ pkt.values['ResponseFilename'] := SaveResponseToFile(Response);
+ SendCDMessage(fV8MsgHandle, CRM_XHR_LOG, pkt.text);
+ pkt.free;
+ end;
+ Result := false;
+ if (name = 'base64encode') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) <> 1) or (not arguments[0].IsString) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ retval := TCefv8ValueRef.NewString
+ (base64encode(arguments[0].GetStringValue));
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else if (name = 'base64decode') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) <> 1) or (not arguments[0].IsString) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ retval := TCefv8ValueRef.NewString
+ (base64decode(arguments[0].GetStringValue));
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else if (name = 'consoleoutput') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) = 0) or (not arguments[0].IsBool) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if arguments[0].GetBoolValue = false then
+ SendCDMessage(fV8MsgHandle, CRM_CONSOLE_ENDEXTERNALOUTPUT, emptystr);
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else if (name = 'logrequest') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) <> 6) or (not arguments[0].IsString) or
+ (not arguments[1].IsString) or (not arguments[2].IsString) or
+ (not arguments[3].IsString) or (not arguments[4].IsString) or
+ (not arguments[5].IsString) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ LogRequest(arguments[0].GetStringValue, arguments[1].GetStringValue,
+ arguments[2].GetStringValue, arguments[3].GetStringValue,
+ arguments[4].GetStringValue, arguments[5].GetStringValue);
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else if (name = 'callwl') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) <> 1) or (not arguments[0].IsString) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ arguments[0].GetStringValue);
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else if (name = 'writevalue') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) <> 2) or (not arguments[0].IsString) or
+ (not arguments[1].IsString) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Send_WriteValue(fV8MsgHandle, arguments[0].GetStringValue,
+ CEFV8ValueToStr(arguments[1]));
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else if (name = 'writeln') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) <> 1) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SendCDMessage(fV8MsgHandle, CRM_JS_WRITELN, CEFV8ValueToStr(arguments[0]));
+ Result := true;
+ end
+ else if (name = 'write') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(arguments) <> 1) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ SendCDMessage(fV8MsgHandle, CRM_JS_WRITE, CEFV8ValueToStr(arguments[0]));
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomRenderProcessHandler.OnWebKitInitialized;
+ v8extension = '' + 'var Sandcat;' + 'if (!Sandcat) Sandcat = {};' +
+ '(function() {' +
+ 'Sandcat.Base64Encode = function(s) { native function base64encode(); return base64encode(s); };'
+ + 'Sandcat.Base64Decode = function(s) { native function base64decode(); return base64decode(s); };'
+ + 'Sandcat.LogRequest = function(details,rid,method,url,rcvdhead,response) { native function logrequest(); logrequest(details,rid,method,url,rcvdhead,response); };'
+ + 'Sandcat.CallWL = function(s) { native function callwl(); callwl(s); };' +
+ 'Sandcat.ConsoleOutput = function(b) { native function consoleoutput(); consoleoutput(b); };'
+ + 'Sandcat.WriteLn = function(s) { native function writeln(); writeln(s); };'
+ + 'Sandcat.WriteValue = function(key,value) { native function writevalue(); writevalue(key,value); };'
+ + 'Sandcat.Write = function(s) { native function write(); write(s); };'
+ + '})();';
+ fSandcatV8Extension := TSandcatV8Extension.Create;
+ CefRegisterExtension('v8/browser', v8extension,
+ fSandcatV8Extension as ICefV8Handler);
+function TCustomRenderProcessHandler.OnProcessMessageReceived
+ (const Browser: ICefBrowser; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ if (message.getName = 'msg') then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ case message.getArgumentList.GetInt(0) of
+ fSandcatV8Extension.fV8MsgHandle := message.getArgumentList.GetInt(1);
+ begin // CefRegisterExtension not working from here
+ // CefRegisterExtension('v8/browserx',message.getArgumentList.GetString(1), SandcatV8Extension as ICefV8Handler);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // browser.SendProcessMessage(PID_BROWSER,message); // is crashing the renderer, review later
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.SendMessage(const msg: integer; const msgstr: string);
+ m: ICefProcessMessage;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ m := TCefProcessMessageRef.New('msg');
+ m.getArgumentList.SetInt(0, msg);
+ m.getArgumentList.SetString(1, msgstr);
+ fCrm.Browser.SendProcessMessage(PID_RENDERER, m);
+procedure TCatChromium.RegisterNewV8Extension(const v8js: string);
+ m: ICefProcessMessage;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ m := TCefProcessMessageRef.New('msg');
+ m.getArgumentList.SetInt(0, SCTM_V8_REGISTEREXTENSION);
+ m.getArgumentList.SetString(1, v8js);
+ fCrm.Browser.SendProcessMessage(PID_RENDERER, m);
+procedure TCatChromium.SetV8MsgHandle(const handle: integer);
+ m: ICefProcessMessage;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ m := TCefProcessMessageRef.New('msg');
+ m.getArgumentList.SetInt(0, SCTM_SET_V8_MSGHANDLE);
+ m.getArgumentList.SetInt(1, handle);
+ fCrm.Browser.SendProcessMessage(PID_RENDERER, m);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmProcessMessageReceived(Sender: TObject;
+ const Browser: ICefBrowser; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ const message: ICefProcessMessage; out Result: Boolean);
+ // test code
+ // if sourceprocess <> PID_RENDERER then exit;
+ { if message.getName = 'msg' then begin
+ showmessage(message.getName);
+ Result := True;
+ end else result:=false; }
+function TCatChromium.IsMain(const b: ICefBrowser; const f: ICefFrame): Boolean;
+ Result := (b <> nil) and (b.GetIdentifier = fCrm.BrowserId) and
+ ((f = nil) or (f.IsMain));
+function TCatChromium.GetZoomLevel: double;
+ Result := 0;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ Result := fCrm.Browser.GetHost.GetZoomLevel;
+procedure TCatChromium.SetZoomLevel(const zl: double);
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ fCrm.Browser.GetHost.SetZoomLevel(zl);
+procedure TCatChromium.GoBack;
+ if fCrm.Browser <> nil then
+ fCrm.Browser.GoBack;
+procedure TCatChromium.GoForward;
+ if fCrm.Browser <> nil then
+ fCrm.Browser.GoForward;
+procedure TCatChromium.SetSource(const s: string);
+ fSource := s;
+ if assigned(OnAfterSetSource) then
+ OnAfterSetSource(s);
+function TCatChromium.IsFrameNil: Boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ Result := true;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ if fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame = nil then
+ Result := true;
+procedure TCatChromium.GetSourceAsText;
+ if IsFrameNil then
+ exit;
+ fSourceVisitor := TCatSourceVisitorOwn.Create;
+ fSourceVisitor.Browser := self;
+ fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.GetText(fSourceVisitor)
+procedure TCatChromium.GetSource;
+ ext: string;
+ showtext: Boolean;
+ if IsFrameNil then
+ exit;
+ ext := lowercase(extracturlfileext(GetURL));
+ showtext := false;
+ if fAdjustSourceDisplayMethod then
+ begin
+ if ext = '.js' then
+ showtext := true;
+ if ext = '.css' then
+ showtext := true;
+ if ext = '.xml' then
+ showtext := true;
+ end;
+ fSourceVisitor := TCatSourceVisitorOwn.Create;
+ fSourceVisitor.Browser := self;
+ if showtext then
+ fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.GetText(fSourceVisitor)
+ else
+ fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.GetSource(fSourceVisitor);
+ // There is no need to free the source visitor own according to the DCEF author
+ // fsourcevisitor.free; // causes AV
+function TCatChromium.GetURL: string;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ if fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame <> nil then
+ Result := fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.GetURL;
+function TCatChromium.GetDevToolsURL: string;
+ Result := emptystr;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ if fCrm.Browser.GetHost <> nil then
+ Result := fCrm.Browser.GetHost.GetDevToolsURL(true);
+function TCatChromium.GetURLShort: string;
+ u: string;
+ u := GetURL;
+ if u = cHOMEURL then
+ begin
+ Result := emptystr;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ u := CatHTTP.gethostfromurl(u);
+ if beginswith(u, 'www.') then
+ begin
+ u := after(u, '.');
+ u := before(u, '.');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ u := before(u, '.');
+ end;
+ Result := u;
+ end;
+function TCatChromium.EvalJavaScript(const Script: string): variant;
+ ret: ICefv8Value;
+ expt: ICefV8Exception;
+ ctx: ICefv8Context;
+ // test with console.write('eval:'..tab:evaljs('"v8" + " rocks" '))
+ if IsFrameNil then
+ exit;
+ ctx := fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.GetV8Context;
+ // if ctx = nil then showmessage('nil');
+ if ctx <> nil then
+ begin
+ ctx.Enter;
+ try
+ if ctx.Eval(Script, ret, expt) then
+ Result := ret.GetStringValue
+ else
+ Result := expt.message;
+ finally
+ ctx.exit;
+ ctx := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.RunJavaScript(const Script: string);
+ RunJavaScript(Script, emptystr, 0, false);
+procedure TCatChromium.RunJavaScript(const Script: string;
+ const ScriptURL: string; const StartLine: integer;
+ const ReportErrors: Boolean = false);
+ // CEF will not execute the JS if no URL is loaded,
+ // so we load a blank URL before
+ if ReportErrors then
+ fLogJavaScriptErrors := true;
+ if GetURL = emptystr then
+ LoadBlank;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ if fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame = nil then
+ exit;
+ fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.ExecuteJavaScript(Script, ScriptURL, StartLine);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmGetAuthCredentials(Sender: TObject;
+ const Browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; isProxy: Boolean;
+ const host: ustring; port: integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const Callback: ICefAuthCallback; out Result: Boolean);
+ u, p: ustring;
+ r: Boolean;
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil,
+ procedure
+ begin
+ with TPasswordDlg.Create(nil) do
+ try
+ if ShowModal = mrOk then
+ begin
+ u := edtusername.text;
+ p := edtPassword.text;
+ r := true;
+ end
+ else
+ r := false;
+ finally
+ free;
+ end
+ end);
+ Result := r;
+ if r = true then
+ begin
+ Callback.Cont(u, p);
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.ShowAuthDialog(const Username: string = '';
+const Password: string = '');
+ u, p: string;
+ r: Boolean;
+ req: ICefRequest;
+ Map: ICefStringMultiMap;
+ if IsFrameNil then
+ exit;
+ with TPasswordDlg.Create(nil) do
+ try
+ edtusername.text := Username;
+ edtPassword.text := Password;
+ if ShowModal = mrOk then
+ begin
+ u := edtusername.text;
+ p := edtPassword.text;
+ r := true;
+ end
+ else
+ r := false;
+ finally
+ free;
+ end;
+ if r = true then
+ begin
+ req := TCefRequestRef.New;
+ req.url := GetURL;
+ req.Method := 'GET';
+ Map := TCefStringMultiMapOwn.Create;
+ req.GetHeaderMap(Map);
+ Map.Append('Authorization', 'Basic ' + base64encode(u + ':' + p));
+ req.SetHeaderMap(Map);
+ fCrm.Browser.MainFrame.LoadRequest(req);
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.crmLoadEnd(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: integer);
+ if IsMain(Browser, frame) = false then
+ exit;
+ fLastStatusCode := httpStatusCode;
+ if assigned(OnLoadEnd) then
+ OnLoadEnd(Sender, httpStatusCode);
+ if fAutoGetSource then
+ GetSource;
+procedure TCatChromium.crmLoadStart(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+const frame: ICefFrame);
+ if IsMain(Browser, frame) = false then
+ exit;
+ fResourceList.clear;
+ if assigned(OnLoadStart) then
+ OnLoadStart(Sender);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmLoadError(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: integer;
+const errorText, failedUrl: ustring);
+ if IsMain(Browser, frame) = false then
+ exit;
+ if assigned(OnLoadError) then
+ OnLoadError(Sender, errorCode, errorText, failedUrl);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmLoadingStateChange(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+ if IsMain(Browser) = false then
+ exit;
+ if assigned(OnLoadingStateChange) then
+ OnLoadingStateChange(Sender, isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmPluginCrashed(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring);
+ // TODO
+procedure TCatChromium.crmTitleChange(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring);
+ if IsMain(Browser) = false then
+ exit;
+ fLastTitle := title;
+ if assigned(OnTitleChange) then
+ OnTitleChange(Sender, title);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmAddressChange(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+ if IsMain(Browser, frame) = false then
+ exit;
+ if assigned(OnAddressChange) then
+ OnAddressChange(Sender, url);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmStatusMessage(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring);
+ if assigned(OnStatusMessage) then
+ OnStatusMessage(Sender, value);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmBeforeContextMenu(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel);
+ fn: string;
+ addsep, canclear: Boolean;
+ framemodel: ICefMenuModel;
+ addsep := false;
+ canclear := true;
+ if params.IsEditable = false then
+ begin
+ if not(CM_TYPEFLAG_SELECTION in params.TypeFlags) then
+ begin
+ model.InsertSeparatorAt(2);
+ model.InsertItemAt(3, integer(MENU_ID_RELOAD), 'Reload');
+ model.InsertItemAt(4, integer(MENU_ID_RELOAD_NOCACHE),
+ 'Reload (Ignore Cache)');
+ model.InsertSeparatorAt(5);
+ model.InsertItemAt(6, integer(CRMMENU_ID_PAGE_BOOKMARK), 'Bookmark Page');
+ model.InsertItemAt(7, integer(CRMMENU_ID_PAGE_SAVEAS), 'Save Page As...');
+ model.InsertItemAt(8, CRMMENU_ID_COPYADDRESS, 'Copy Location');
+ model.InsertSeparatorAt(9);
+ model.InsertItemAt(10, integer(MENU_ID_SELECT_ALL), 'Select All');
+ if CM_TYPEFLAG_FRAME in params.TypeFlags then
+ begin
+ model.AddSeparator;
+ framemodel := model.AddSubMenu(CRMMENU_ID_FRAMEMENU, 'Frame');
+ framemodel.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_FRAMEMENU_OPEN, 'Open');
+ 'Open in New Tab');
+ 'Open in Background Tab');
+ framemodel.AddSeparator;
+ framemodel.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_FRAMEMENU_COPYADDRESS, 'Copy Location')
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ model.AddSeparator;
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_SEARCH, 'Search');
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_SEARCH_INNEWTAB, 'Search in New Tab');
+ end;
+ end;
+ if CM_TYPEFLAG_LINK in params.TypeFlags then
+ begin
+ if canclear then
+ model.clear;
+ canclear := false;
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_OPENLINK, 'Open Link Location');
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_OPENLINK_INNEWTAB, 'Open Link in New Tab');
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_OPENLINK_INBGTAB, 'Open Link in Background Tab');
+ model.AddSeparator;
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_LINK_BOOKMARK, 'Bookmark Link');
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_LINK_COPYADDRESS, 'Copy Link');
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_LINK_SAVEAS, 'Save Link As...');
+ addsep := true;
+ end;
+ if CM_TYPEFLAG_MEDIA in params.TypeFlags then
+ begin
+ if CM_MEDIATYPE_IMAGE = params.MediaType then
+ begin
+ if canclear then
+ model.clear;
+ canclear := false;
+ if addsep then
+ model.AddSeparator;
+ fn := extracturlfilename(params.SourceUrl);
+ if Length(fn) <= 50 then
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_OPENIMAGE, 'Open Image (' + fn + ')')
+ else
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_OPENIMAGE, 'Open Image');
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_OPENIMAGE_INNEWTAB, 'Open Image in New Tab');
+ model.AddSeparator;
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_COPYIMAGEADDRESS, 'Copy Image Location');
+ model.AddItem(CRMMENU_ID_SAVEIMAGEAS, 'Save Image As...');
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.crmContextMenuCommand(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: integer;
+eventFlags: TCefEventFlags; out Result: Boolean);
+ case commandId of
+ Load(params.LinkUrl);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_NEWTAB, params.LinkUrl);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_NEWTAB_INBACKGROUND, params.LinkUrl);
+ Load(params.SourceUrl);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_NEWTAB, params.SourceUrl);
+ clipboard.AsText := params.SourceUrl;
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_SAVECACHEDRESOURCE, params.SourceUrl);
+ clipboard.AsText := GetURL;
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_SEARCHWITHENGINE, params.SelectionText);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_SEARCHWITHENGINE_INNEWTAB, params.SelectionText);
+ clipboard.AsText := params.LinkUrl;
+ Load(params.FrameUrl);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_NEWTAB, params.FrameUrl);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_NEWTAB_INBACKGROUND, params.FrameUrl);
+ clipboard.AsText := params.FrameUrl;
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_SAVECLOUDRESOURCE, params.LinkUrl);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_BOOKMARKURL, GetURL);
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_BOOKMARKURL, params.LinkUrl);
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.AddToResourceList(const url: string);
+ if fResourceList.Count > 2000 then
+ exit;
+ if fResourceList.IndexOf(url) <> -1 then
+ exit;
+ if url = GetURL then
+ exit;
+ if pos('?', url) <> 0 then
+ exit; // url with params, most likely not an object
+ fResourceList.Add(url);
+ if assigned(OnBrowserMessage) then
+ OnBrowserMessage(CRM_NEWPAGERESOURCE, url);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmGetResourceHandler(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest;
+out Result: ICefResourceHandler);
+ req: ICefUrlRequest;
+ reqown: TSpecialCEFReq;
+ if fInterceptRequests = false then
+ exit;
+ if Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ fSentRequests := fSentRequests + 1;
+ // sendmessagetotab(msghandle,CRM_LOGWRITELN,'getresourcehandler:'+request.getUrl);
+ reqown := TSpecialCEFReq.Create;
+ reqown.MsgHandle := self.fMsgHandle;
+ req := TCefUrlRequestRef.New(request, reqown) as ICefUrlRequest;
+procedure TCatChromium.crmBeforeResourceLoad(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest;
+out Result: Boolean);
+ // result:=false; // unnecessary
+ // This would avoid a weird crash during navigation with past CEF3 releases
+procedure TCatChromium.SendMessageToTab(const id: integer; const s: string);
+ SendCDMessage(fMsgHandle, id, s);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmBeforePopup(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring; var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures;
+var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var client: ICefClient;
+var settings: TCefBrowserSettings; var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean;
+out Result: Boolean);
+ u: string;
+ Result := fPreventPopup;
+ u := targetUrl;
+ SendMessageToTab(CRM_NEWTAB, u);
+ // if assigned(OnBeforePopup) then onBeforePopup(sender,u,result);
+ // targetUrl:=u; // ToDo: CEF3 latest returns a constant
+procedure TCatChromium.crmConsoleMessage(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: integer;
+out Result: Boolean);
+ if fLogJavaScriptErrors = false then
+ exit;
+ fLogJavaScriptErrors := false;
+ if assigned(OnConsoleMessage) then
+ OnConsoleMessage(Sender, message, source, line);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmJsdialog(Sender: TObject; const Browser: ICefBrowser;
+const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring; dialogType: TCefJsDialogType;
+const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring; Callback: ICefJsDialogCallback;
+out suppressMessage, Result: Boolean);
+ case dialogType of
+ begin
+ if assigned(OnBrowserMessage) then
+ OnBrowserMessage(CRM_JS_ALERT, messageText);
+ // ShowMessage(MessageText);
+ suppressMessage := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.ViewSourceExternalEditor;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ if fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame = nil then
+ exit;
+ fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.ViewSource;
+procedure TCatChromium.crmBeforeDownload(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+const suggestedName: ustring; const Callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+ s: string;
+ if fEnableDownloads = false then
+ exit;
+ s := suggestedName;
+ // debug
+ // sendmessagetotab(msghandle,CRM_LOGWRITELN,'beforedownload:'+inttostr(downloaditem.getid));
+ Callback.Cont(GetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_PERSONAL, false) + '\' +
+ suggestedName, true);
+ if assigned(OnBeforeDownload) then
+ OnBeforeDownload(Sender, downloadItem.getid, s);
+procedure TCatChromium.crmDownloadUpdated(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+const Callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+ cancel: Boolean;
+ state: integer;
+ function statetostr(s: integer): string;
+ begin
+ case s of
+ Result := 'inprogress';
+ Result := 'canceled';
+ Result := 'complete';
+ end;
+ end;
+ if fEnableDownloads = false then
+ exit;
+ cancel := false;
+ state := SCD_UNKNOWN;
+ if downloadItem.IsInProgress then
+ begin
+ if downloadItem.IsValid then
+ if downloadItem.getPercentComplete <> 0 then
+ state := SCD_INPROGRESS;
+ end;
+ if downloadItem.IsComplete then
+ state := SCD_COMPLETE;
+ if downloadItem.IsCanceled then
+ begin
+ state := SCD_CANCELED;
+ end;
+ // debug
+ // sendmessagetotab(msghandle,CRM_LOGWRITELN,'downloadupdated: '+statetostr(state)+downloaditem.getfullpath);
+ if assigned(OnDownloadUpdated) then
+ OnDownloadUpdated(Sender, cancel, downloadItem.getid, state,
+ downloadItem.getPercentComplete, downloadItem.getfullpath);
+ if cancel = true then
+ Callback.cancel;
+procedure TCatChromium.LogURL(const url: string);
+ if url = emptystr then
+ exit;
+ if fURLLog.IndexOf(url) = -1 then
+ fURLLog.Add(url);
+procedure TCatChromium.WMCopyData(var message: TMessage);
+ pData: PCopyDataStruct;
+ msgid: integer;
+ str: string;
+ j: TCatJSON;
+ procedure HandleResponse(json: string);
+ begin
+ j := TCatJSON.Create;
+ j.text := json;
+ if fLogURLs = true then
+ LogURL(j['url']);
+ if j['mimetype'] <> 'text/html' then
+ AddToResourceList(j['url']);
+ if fHeaders.StatusCode = emptystr then
+ begin // we just want the response for the first request
+ if j['url'] = GetURL then
+ begin
+ fHeaders.SentHead := j['headers'];
+ fHeaders.RcvdHead := j['responseheaders'];
+ fHeaders.StatusCode := j['status'];
+ end;
+ end;
+ j.free;
+ end;
+ message.Result := 0;
+ pData := PCopyDataStruct(message.LParam);
+ if (pData = nil) then
+ exit;
+ str := StrPas(PAnsiChar(pData^.lpData));
+ msgid := pData^.dwData;
+ case msgid of
+ HandleResponse(str);
+ end;
+ if assigned(OnBrowserMessage) then
+ OnBrowserMessage(msgid, str);
+ message.Result := 1;
+procedure TCatChromium.crmMessage(var AMsg: TMessage);
+ try
+ case AMsg.msg of
+ WMCopyData(AMsg);
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.crmRenderProcessTerminated(Sender: TObject;
+const Browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus);
+ if assigned(OnBrowserMessage) then
+ OnBrowserMessage(CRM_CONSOLE_ENDEXTERNALOUTPUT, emptystr);
+ if assigned(OnLoadEnd) then
+ OnLoadEnd(Sender, 0);
+{ procedure TCatChromium.LoadCustomCSS;
+ begin
+ needrecreate:=true;
+ FChrome.crm.options.UserStyleSheetEnabled :=true;
+ FChrome.crm.UserStyleSheetLocation:=UserScript.CSS_UserStyleSheet;
+ //FChrome.crm.Options.UniversalAccessFromFileUrlsAllowed:=true;
+ //FChrome.Crm.Options.FileAccessFromFileUrlsAllowed:=true;
+ end;
+function CEFStateToStr(s: TCefState): string;
+ Result := emptystr;
+ case s of
+ Result := 'Enabled';
+ Result := 'Disabled';
+ Result := 'Default';
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.LoadSettings(settings, DefaultSettings: TCatJSON);
+ function GetState(CID: string): TCefState;
+ var
+ value, DefaultValue: Boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := STATE_DEFAULT;
+ DefaultValue := DefaultSettings[CID];
+ value := settings.GetValue(CID, DefaultValue);
+ if value <> DefaultValue then
+ begin
+ fNeedRecreate := true;
+ if value = true then
+ else
+ end;
+ end;
+ // LoadCustomCSS;
+ fNeedRecreate := false;
+ fCrm.Options.AcceleratedCompositing := GetState(CRMO_ACCELERATED_COMPOSITING);
+ fCrm.Options.ApplicationCache := GetState(CRMO_APPLICATION_CACHE);
+ fCrm.Options.AuthorAndUserStyles := GetState(CRMO_AUTHOR_AND_USER_STYLES);
+ fCrm.Options.CaretBrowsing := GetState(CRMO_CARET_BROWSING);
+ fCrm.Options.Databases := GetState(CRMO_DATABASES);
+ // fCrm.Options.DeveloperTools := GetState(CRMO_DEVELOPER_TOOLS);
+ fCrm.Options.FileAccessFromFileUrls :=
+ fCrm.Options.ImageLoading := GetState(CRMO_IMAGE_LOADING);
+ fCrm.Options.ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit :=
+ fCrm.Options.Java := GetState(CRMO_JAVA);
+ fCrm.Options.Javascript := GetState(CRMO_JAVASCRIPT);
+ fCrm.Options.JavascriptAccessClipboard :=
+ fCrm.Options.JavascriptCloseWindows :=
+ fCrm.Options.JavascriptDomPaste := GetState(CRMO_JAVASCRIPT_DOM_PASTE);
+ fCrm.Options.JavascriptOpenWindows := GetState(CRMO_JAVASCRIPT_OPEN_WINDOWS);
+ fCrm.Options.LocalStorage := GetState(CRMO_LOCAL_STORAGE);
+ // fCrm.Options.PageCache := GetState(CRMO_PAGE_CACHE);
+ fCrm.Options.Plugins := GetState(CRMO_PLUGINS);
+ fCrm.Options.TabToLinks := GetState(CRMO_TAB_TO_LINKS);
+ fCrm.Options.TextAreaResize := GetState(CRMO_TEXT_AREA_RESIZE);
+ fCrm.Options.UniversalAccessFromFileUrls :=
+ fCrm.Options.Webgl := GetState(CRMO_WEBGL);
+ fCrm.Options.WebSecurity := GetState(CRMO_WEBSECURITY);
+ {
+ // Recreating the browser causing a crash with the latest CEF
+ // (investigate later)
+ if fNeedRecreate then
+ begin
+ // showmessage(CEFStateToStr(crm.Options.Javascript));
+ if fCrm.Browser <> nil then
+ begin
+ fNeedRecreate := false;
+ fCrm.ReCreateBrowser(GetURL);
+ end;
+ end; }
+constructor TCatChromium.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls];
+ Color := clWindow;
+ fMsgHandle :=
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23}System.{$IFEND}Classes.AllocateHWnd(crmMessage);
+ fCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create;
+ fPreventPopup := true;
+ fInterceptRequests := true;
+ fLogURLs := false;
+ fEnableDownloads := true;
+ fAdjustSourceDisplayMethod := true;
+ fAutoGetSource := false;
+ fLogJavaScriptErrors := false;
+ fResourceList := TStringList.Create;
+ fURLLog := TStringList.Create;
+ fCrm := TChromium.Create(nil);
+ fCrm.Visible := false;
+ fCrm.Color := clWindow;
+ fCrm.Parent := self;
+ fCrm.Align := alclient;
+ fCrm.OnTitleChange := crmTitleChange;
+ fCrm.OnLoadEnd := crmLoadEnd;
+ fCrm.OnGetAuthCredentials := crmGetAuthCredentials;
+ fCrm.OnLoadStart := crmLoadStart;
+ fCrm.OnAddressChange := crmAddressChange;
+ fCrm.OnStatusMessage := crmStatusMessage;
+ fCrm.OnBeforeContextMenu := crmBeforeContextMenu;
+ fCrm.OnBeforeResourceLoad := crmBeforeResourceLoad;
+ fCrm.OnGetAuthCredentials := crmGetAuthCredentials;
+ fCrm.OnBeforePopup := crmBeforePopup;
+ fCrm.OnConsoleMessage := crmConsoleMessage;
+ fCrm.OnJsdialog := crmJsdialog;
+ fCrm.OnBeforeDownload := crmBeforeDownload;
+ fCrm.OnDownloadUpdated := crmDownloadUpdated;
+ fCrm.OnGetResourceHandler := crmGetResourceHandler;
+ fCrm.OnProcessMessageReceived := crmProcessMessageReceived;
+ fCrm.OnLoadError := crmLoadError;
+ fCrm.OnLoadingStateChange := crmLoadingStateChange;
+ fCrm.OnPluginCrashed := crmPluginCrashed;
+ fCrm.OnRenderProcessTerminated := crmRenderProcessTerminated;
+ fCrm.OnContextMenuCommand := crmContextMenuCommand;
+procedure TCatChromium.ClearEvents;
+ OnAfterSetSource := nil;
+ OnBrowserMessage := nil;
+ with fCrm do
+ begin
+ OnContextMenuCommand := nil;
+ OnAddressChange := nil;
+ OnBeforeContextMenu := nil;
+ OnBeforeDownload := nil;
+ OnBeforePopup := nil;
+ OnBeforeResourceLoad := nil;
+ OnConsoleMessage := nil;
+ OnDownloadUpdated := nil;
+ OnGetAuthCredentials := nil;
+ OnGetResourceHandler := nil;
+ OnJsdialog := nil;
+ OnLoadEnd := nil;
+ OnLoadError := nil;
+ OnLoadingStateChange := nil;
+ OnLoadStart := nil;
+ OnPluginCrashed := nil;
+ OnProcessMessageReceived := nil;
+ OnRenderProcessTerminated := nil;
+ OnStatusMessage := nil;
+ OnTitleChange := nil;
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.ClearRequestData;
+ fLastStatusCode := 0;
+ fSentRequests := 0;
+ fHeaders.SentHead := emptystr;
+ fHeaders.RcvdHead := emptystr;
+ fHeaders.StatusCode := emptystr;
+procedure TCatChromium.SendRequest(const req: TCatChromiumRequest;
+const Load: Boolean = false);
+ r: ICefRequest;
+ Map: ICefStringMultiMap;
+ data: ICefPostData;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ rheader, rvalue: string;
+ reqown: TSpecialCEFReq;
+ urlreq: ICefUrlRequest;
+ function CreateField(const str: AnsiString): ICefPostDataElement;
+ begin
+ Result := TCefPostDataElementRef.New;
+ Result.SetToBytes(Length(str), PAnsiChar(str));
+ end;
+ if (Load = true) and (IsFrameNil) then
+ exit;
+ fSentRequests := fSentRequests + 1;
+ r := TCefRequestRef.New;
+ r.url := req.url;
+ r.Method := req.Method;
+ if req.Method = emptystr then
+ r.Method := 'GET';
+ if req.IgnoreCache then
+ r.Flags := r.Flags + [UR_FLAG_SKIP_CACHE];
+ if req.UseCookies then
+ r.Flags := r.Flags + [UR_FLAG_ALLOW_COOKIES];
+ if req.UseCachedCredentials then
+ if req.PostData <> emptystr then
+ begin
+ // r.Flags := UR_FLAG_SKIP_CACHE;
+ data := TCefPostDataRef.New;
+ data.AddElement(CreateField(req.PostData));
+ { postdata.AddElement(CreateField('data.id=27'));
+ postdata.AddElement(CreateField('&data.title=title'));
+ postdata.AddElement(CreateField('&data.body=body')); }
+ r.PostData := data;
+ end;
+ if req.Headers <> emptystr then
+ begin
+ Map := TCefStringMultiMapOwn.Create;
+ r.GetHeaderMap(Map);
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(req.Headers);
+ while slp.found do
+ begin
+ if MatchStrings(slp.current, '*:*') then
+ begin
+ rheader := before(slp.current, ': ');
+ rvalue := after(slp.current, ': ');
+ Map.Append(rheader, rvalue);
+ end;
+ end;
+ slp.free;
+ // map.Append('Authorization','Basic '+base64encode(u+':'+p));
+ r.SetHeaderMap(Map);
+ end;
+ if Load then
+ fCrm.Browser.MainFrame.LoadRequest(r)
+ else
+ begin
+ reqown := TSpecialCEFReq.Create;
+ reqown.MsgHandle := self.fMsgHandle;
+ reqown.Details := req.Details;
+ urlreq := TCefUrlRequestRef.New(r, reqown) as ICefUrlRequest;
+ end;
+procedure TCatChromium.LoadFromString(const s, url: string);
+ ClearRequestData;
+ if GetURL = emptystr then
+ LoadBlank; // CEF3 LoadString Bug Workaround
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ if fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame = nil then
+ exit;
+ fCrm.Browser.GetMainFrame.LoadString(s, url);
+ fCrm.Visible := true;
+procedure TCatChromium.Load(const url: string);
+ ClearRequestData;
+ // Better to use crm.Load() instead of:
+ // if crm.Browser.GetMainFrame<>nil then crm.Browser.GetMainFrame.LoadURL(url);
+ fCrm.Load(url);
+ if fNeedRecreate then
+ fCrm.ReCreateBrowser(url);
+ fCrm.Visible := true;
+procedure TCatChromium.LoadBlank(const WaitLoad: Boolean = false);
+ ClearRequestData;
+ fCrm.Load(cHOMEURL);
+ fCrm.Visible := true;
+ if WaitLoad then
+ exit;
+ while isLoading do
+ application.ProcessMessages;
+function TCatChromium.isLoading: Boolean;
+ Result := false;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ Result := fCrm.Browser.isLoading;
+procedure TCatChromium.Reload(const IgnoreCache: Boolean = false);
+ ClearRequestData;
+ if isLoading then
+ Stop;
+ if fCrm.Browser = nil then
+ exit;
+ if IgnoreCache then
+ fCrm.Browser.reloadignorecache
+ else
+ fCrm.Browser.Reload; // standard reload
+procedure TCatChromium.Stop(const waitstop:boolean=false);
+ if fCrm.Browser <> nil then
+ fCrm.Browser.StopLoad;
+ if waitstop = false then
+ exit;
+ while isLoading do
+ begin
+ application.ProcessMessages;
+ catdelay(100);
+ end;
+// With past CEF releases, this would avoid some AV cases when closing a tab
+procedure TCatChromium.StopLoadBlank;
+ if isLoading then
+ begin
+ Stop;
+ LoadBlank(true);
+ end;
+ application.ProcessMessages;
+destructor TCatChromium.Destroy;
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23}System.{$IFEND}Classes.DeallocateHWnd(fMsgHandle);
+ fInterceptRequests := false;
+ ClearEvents;
+ // StopLoadBlank;
+ fCrm.free;
+ fURLLog.free;
+ fResourceList.free;
+ fCriticalSection.free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+constructor TCatSourceVisitorOwn.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ fCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create;
+destructor TCatSourceVisitorOwn.Destroy;
+ fCriticalSection.free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TCatSourceVisitorOwn.Visit(const str: ustring);
+ t: TCatChromium;
+ fCriticalSection.Enter;
+ try
+ if self.Browser <> nil then
+ begin
+ t := TCatChromium(self.Browser);
+ self.Browser := nil;
+ t.SetSource(str);
+ t := nil;
+ end;
+ finally
+ fCriticalSection.Leave;
+ end;
+CefRenderProcessHandler := TCustomRenderProcessHandler.Create;
+CefRemoteDebuggingPort := 8000;
diff --git a/src/CatConsole.pas b/src/CatConsole.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8462f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatConsole.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+unit CatConsole;
+ Catarinka Console Component
+ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Syhunt Informatica
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Controls, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
+ Vcl.Menus, Vcl.Clipbrd, Vcl.Dialogs,
+ Forms, Controls, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Menus, Clipbrd, Dialogs,
+ CatConsoleCore, CatStringLoop, CatPrefs;
+ TCatConsoleOnScriptCommand = procedure(const Code: string) of object;
+ TCatConsole = class(TCustomControl)
+ private
+ fConsole: TConsole;
+ fCustomCommand: boolean;
+ fCustomCommandState: Integer;
+ fCustomHandler: string;
+ fHelpParser: TStringLoop;
+ fOnScriptCommand: TCatConsoleOnScriptCommand;
+ fPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
+ fProgDir: string;
+ fPromptText: string;
+ function GetLastCommand: string;
+ procedure PopupMenuitemClick(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SetCustomHandler(s: string);
+ procedure ConsoleBoot(Sender: TCustomConsole; var ABootFinished: boolean);
+ procedure ConsoleCommandExecute(Sender: TCustomConsole; ACommand: String;
+ var ACommandFinished: boolean);
+ procedure ConsoleCommandKeyPress(Sender: TCustomConsole; var AKey: Char;
+ var ATerminateCommand: boolean);
+ procedure ConsoleGetPrompt(Sender: TCustomConsole;
+ var APrompt, ADefaultText: string; var ADefaultCaretPos: Integer);
+ protected
+ public
+ function PrintAvailableCommands(Sender: TCustomConsole): boolean;
+ procedure Boot;
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure ConsoleOutput(Enabled: boolean);
+ procedure LoadSettings(prefs: TCatPreferences);
+ procedure WriteLn(ALine: string = '');
+ procedure Write(ALine: string = '');
+ procedure WriteVersion;
+ procedure ResetPrompt;
+ procedure ResetFull;
+ procedure SetCurrentLine(s: string);
+ procedure SetPrompt(s: string);
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TWinControl);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ property Console: TConsole read fConsole;
+ property CustomHandler: string read fCustomHandler write SetCustomHandler;
+ property LastCommand: string read GetLastCommand;
+ property PromptText: string read fPromptText write fPromptText;
+ published
+ property OnScriptCommand: TCatConsoleOnScriptCommand read fOnScriptCommand
+ write fOnScriptCommand;
+ end;
+ cCommandsSubDir = 'Scripts\Commands\';
+ TabCommands, TabCommandsDesc: TStringList;
+procedure AddConsoleCommand(cmd, luacode, description: string);
+procedure ReadDiskCommands;
+uses CatStrings, CatHTTP, CatFiles, CatJSON;
+procedure AddConsoleCommand(cmd, luacode, description: string);
+ cmdname, cmdparams: string;
+ cmdname := cmd;
+ if pos(' ', cmd) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ cmdname := before(cmd, ' ');
+ cmdparams := after(cmd, ' ');
+ if cmdparams <> emptystr then
+ cmdparams := ' ' + cmdparams;
+ end;
+ if TabCommands.Values[cmdname] = emptystr then
+ begin
+ TabCommandsDesc.Add('
' + cmdname + '' + cmdparams +
+ ' | ' + description + ' |
+ TabCommandsDesc.Sorted := true;
+ end;
+ TabCommands.Values[cmdname] := luacode;
+procedure ReadDiskCommands;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ script: TStringList;
+ progdir, cmd, desc: string;
+ cLuaCommentPrefix = '--';
+ progdir := extractfilepath(paramstr(0));
+ script := TStringList.Create;
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ GetFiles(progdir + cCommandsSubDir + '\*.lua', slp.List);
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ script.Clear;
+ script.LoadFromFile(progdir + cCommandsSubDir + '\' + slp.Current);
+ if script.Count >= 2 then
+ begin
+ cmd := trim(script.Strings[0]);
+ desc := trim(script.Strings[1]);
+ if beginswith(cmd, cLuaCommentPrefix) and
+ beginswith(desc, cLuaCommentPrefix) then
+ begin
+ cmd := trim(after(cmd, cLuaCommentPrefix));
+ desc := trim(after(desc, cLuaCommentPrefix));
+ AddConsoleCommand(cmd, script.Text, desc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ slp.free;
+ script.free;
+procedure TCatConsole.LoadSettings(prefs: TCatPreferences);
+ SCO_CONSOLE_FONT_COLOR = 'sandcat.console.font.color';
+ SCO_CONSOLE_BGCOLOR = 'sandcat.console.bgcolor';
+ fConsole.Font.Color := HtmlColorToColor
+ (prefs.getvalue(SCO_CONSOLE_FONT_COLOR));
+ fConsole.Color := HtmlColorToColor(prefs.getvalue(SCO_CONSOLE_BGCOLOR));
+procedure TCatConsole.SetCustomHandler(s: string);
+ if s = emptystr then
+ fCustomHandler := emptystr
+ else
+ fCustomHandler := s + ' ';
+procedure TCatConsole.Boot;
+ fConsole.Boot;
+procedure TCatConsole.ConsoleCommandExecute(Sender: TCustomConsole;
+ ACommand: String; var ACommandFinished: boolean);
+ p: TCommandParser;
+ cmdscriptfile, params: string;
+ sl: TStringList;
+ procedure List;
+ begin
+ ReadDiskCommands;
+ fHelpParser.Load(TabCommandsDesc);
+ ACommandFinished := False;
+ fCustomCommand := true;
+ fCustomCommandState := 0;
+ Sender.Writeln('Available commands:');
+ PrintAvailableCommands(Sender);
+ end;
+ p := TCommandParser.Create(fCustomHandler + ACommand);
+ params := TabCommands.Values[p.Command];
+ if ACommand <> emptystr then
+ begin
+ if p.Command = 'list' then
+ List
+ else
+ begin
+ cmdscriptfile := fProgDir + '\' + cCommandsSubDir + p.Command + '.lua';
+ if params <> emptystr then
+ begin
+ if assigned(OnScriptCommand) then
+ OnScriptCommand(params);
+ ACommandFinished := False;
+ end
+ else if fileexists(cmdscriptfile) then
+ begin
+ sl := TStringList.Create;
+ sl.LoadFromFile(cmdscriptfile);
+ if assigned(OnScriptCommand) then
+ OnScriptCommand(sl.Text);
+ ACommandFinished := False;
+ sl.free;
+ end
+ else
+ Sender.Writeln('"' + p.Command + '" command not recognized.');
+ end;
+ end;
+ p.free;
+procedure TCatConsole.ConsoleCommandKeyPress(Sender: TCustomConsole;
+ var AKey: Char; var ATerminateCommand: boolean);
+ if (fCustomCommand) then
+ Begin
+ if fCustomCommandState = 0 then
+ begin // help command
+ AKey := #0;
+ if PrintAvailableCommands(Sender) = False then
+ begin
+ fCustomCommand := False;
+ ATerminateCommand := true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TCatConsole.PrintAvailableCommands(Sender: TCustomConsole): boolean;
+ c: Integer;
+ max = 20;
+ function RemoveHTML(s: string): string;
+ begin
+ s := replacestr(s, ' ', ' - ');
+ s := striphtml(s);
+ result := s;
+ end;
+ result := False;
+ c := 0;
+ while (fHelpParser.Found) do
+ begin
+ Inc(c);
+ Sender.Writeln(' ' + RemoveHTML(fHelpParser.Current));
+ result := true;
+ if c = max then
+ Sender.Writeln('Press any key to continue. . .');
+ if c = max then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if c < max then
+ result := False;
+procedure TCatConsole.ConsoleGetPrompt(Sender: TCustomConsole;
+ var APrompt, ADefaultText: string; var ADefaultCaretPos: Integer);
+ APrompt := fPromptText + '>';
+procedure TCatConsole.SetCurrentLine(s: string);
+ fConsole.CurrLine.Text := s;
+ fConsole.CaretX := Length(s) + 1;
+ fConsole.Invalidate;
+procedure TCatConsole.SetPrompt(s: string);
+ fPromptText := s;
+ if s + '>' <> fConsole.LastPrompt then
+ ResetPrompt;
+procedure TCatConsole.ResetPrompt;
+ fConsole.BeginExternalOutput;
+ fConsole.EndExternalOutput;
+procedure TCatConsole.ResetFull;
+ fCustomHandler := emptystr;
+ SetPrompt(emptystr);
+ Clear;
+ WriteVersion;
+procedure TCatConsole.ConsoleOutput(Enabled: boolean);
+ if Enabled = False then
+ begin
+ if fConsole.prompt = False then
+ fConsole.EndExternalOutput;
+ end;
+function TCatConsole.GetLastCommand: string;
+ result := fCustomHandler + fConsole.LastCommand;
+procedure TCatConsole.Clear;
+ fConsole.BeginExternalOutput;
+ fConsole.Clear;
+ fConsole.EndExternalOutput;
+procedure TCatConsole.PopupMenuitemClick(Sender: TObject);
+ s: string;
+ case tmenuitem(Sender).Tag of
+ 1:
+ Clear;
+ 2:
+ fConsole.PasteFromClipboard;
+ end;
+procedure TCatConsole.Write(ALine: string = '');
+ ALine := replacestr(ALine, #10, emptystr);
+ if fConsole.prompt = true then
+ fConsole.BeginExternalOutput;
+ fConsole.Write(ALine);
+ fConsole.Repaint;
+ application.ProcessMessages;
+procedure TCatConsole.Writeln(ALine: string = '');
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ if fConsole.Lines.Count >= 1000 then
+ fConsole.Clear;
+ if fConsole.prompt = true then
+ fConsole.BeginExternalOutput;
+ if pos(crlf, ALine) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(ALine);
+ while slp.Found do
+ fConsole.Writeln(slp.Current);
+ slp.free;
+ end
+ else
+ fConsole.Writeln(ALine);
+ application.ProcessMessages;
+procedure TCatConsole.WriteVersion;
+ if fConsole.prompt = true then
+ fConsole.BeginExternalOutput;
+ fConsole.Writeln('Sandcat' + '/' + GetFileVersion(paramstr(0)));
+ fConsole.Writeln('Type help for a list of commands.');
+ fConsole.Writeln;
+procedure TCatConsole.ConsoleBoot(Sender: TCustomConsole;
+ var ABootFinished: boolean);
+ WriteVersion;
+constructor TCatConsole.Create(AOwner: TWinControl);
+ mi: tmenuitem;
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls];
+ fProgDir := extractfilepath(paramstr(0));
+ fHelpParser := TStringLoop.Create;
+ fConsole := TConsole.Create(self);
+ fConsole.Parent := self;
+ fConsole.Align := alClient;
+ fConsole.Font.Name := 'Fixedsys';
+ fConsole.Color := $002D2D2D;
+ fConsole.Font.Color := clWhite;
+ fConsole.Font.Style := [];
+ fConsole.OnBoot := ConsoleBoot;
+ fConsole.OnCommandExecute := ConsoleCommandExecute;
+ fConsole.OnCommandKeyPress := ConsoleCommandKeyPress;
+ fConsole.OnGetPrompt := ConsoleGetPrompt;
+ fPopupMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(self);
+ fConsole.PopupMenu := fPopupMenu;
+ mi := tmenuitem.Create(self);
+ fPopupMenu.Items.Add(mi);
+ mi.Caption := '&Clear';
+ mi.Tag := 1;
+ mi.OnClick := PopupMenuitemClick;
+ mi := tmenuitem.Create(self);
+ fPopupMenu.Items.Add(mi);
+ mi.Caption := '-';
+ mi.OnClick := PopupMenuitemClick;
+ mi := tmenuitem.Create(self);
+ fPopupMenu.Items.Add(mi);
+ mi.Caption := '&Paste';
+ mi.Tag := 2;
+ mi.OnClick := PopupMenuitemClick;
+destructor TCatConsole.Destroy;
+ fPopupMenu.free;
+ fHelpParser.free;
+ fConsole.free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+TabCommands := TStringList.Create;
+TabCommandsDesc := TStringList.Create;
+AddConsoleCommand('list', emptystr, 'Displays this list');
diff --git a/src/CatConsoleCore.pas b/src/CatConsoleCore.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3878176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatConsoleCore.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1349 @@
+unit CatConsoleCore;
+ Catarinka Console Core
+ Copyright (c) 2012-2014, Felipe Daragon
+ Based on TConsole. Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Michael Eldsörfer
+ License: MPL, dual (see below)
+ ChangeLog:
+ - Added two new properties (LastCommand and LastPrompt).
+ - The PasteFromClipboard procedure was implemented.
+ - Fixed some characters not working, like ', #, $, % and (
+ TODO, FIXME: not working properly with the original TConsole demo
+ application.
+ Class: TConsole
+ Version: 1.0
+ Date: 09.07.2003
+ Author: Michael Elsdörfer
+ Copyright: (c)2002/2003 by Michael Eldsörfer
+ eMail: michael@elsdoerfer.net
+ Internet: http://www.elsdoerfer.net
+The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for
+the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
+GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which case
+the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above.
+If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms
+of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file
+under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
+replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
+If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
+of this file under either the MPL or the GPL.
+uses Windows, Classes, StdCtrls, Controls, Graphics, Messages, Math, ClipBrd;
+ // Constants defining the default look of the console
+ // Forward
+ TCustomConsole = class;
+ // Events
+ TBootEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomConsole; var ABootFinished: boolean) of object;
+ TShutDownEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomConsole) of object;
+ TCommandExecuteEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomConsole; ACommand: string;
+ var ACommandFinished: boolean) of object;
+ TGetPromptEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomConsole; var APrompt: string;
+ var ADefaultText: string; var ADefaultCaretPos: Integer) of object;
+ TCommandKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomConsole; var AKey: Char;
+ var ATerminateCommand: boolean) of object;
+ TPromptKeyPressEvent = procedure(Sender: TCustomConsole; var AKey: Char) of object;
+ // TConsoleCaretType
+ TConsoleCaretType = (ctVerticalLine, ctHorizontalLine, ctHalfBlock, ctBlock);
+ // TCustomConsoleLine: Represents a single line
+ PConsoleLine = ^TCustomConsoleLine;
+ TCustomConsoleLine = record
+ IsPromptLine: boolean; // True, if the line is a prompt line
+ Prompt: string; // Contains the prompt string of the line, if IsPromptLine is True
+ Text: string; // If IsPromptLine is True, Text contains the typed command string, else it containes the whole line string
+ end;
+ // TConsoleLines
+ TConsoleLines = class(TObject)
+ private
+ fOwner: TCustomConsole;
+ fLines: TList;
+ function GetLines(Index: Integer): PConsoleLine;
+ procedure SetLines(Index: Integer; const Value: PConsoleLine);
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function GetCurrLine: PConsoleLine;
+ procedure SetCurrLine(const Value: PConsoleLine);
+ function GetWrappedLines(Index: Integer): string;
+ function GetWrappedLineCount: Integer;
+ function GetWrapWidth: Integer;
+ protected
+ function AddLine(Force: boolean = False): PConsoleLine;
+ procedure Writeln(ALine: string);
+ procedure Write(AText: string);
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TCustomConsole);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Clear;
+ function IsEmptyLine(ALine: PConsoleLine): boolean;
+ function GetFullLineText(ALine: Integer): string;
+ function LogicalToWrappedLineIndex(ALine: Integer): Integer;
+ property CurrLine: PConsoleLine read GetCurrLine write SetCurrLine;
+ property Lines[Index: Integer]: PConsoleLine read GetLines write SetLines; default;
+ property Count: Integer read GetCount;
+ property WrappedLines[Index: Integer]: string read GetWrappedLines;
+ property WrappedLineCount: Integer read GetWrappedLineCount;
+ property WrapWidth: Integer read GetWrapWidth;
+ end;
+ // TCustomConsole
+ TCustomConsole = class(TCustomControl)
+ private
+ fPrompt: boolean;
+ fCaretX: Integer;
+ fLines: TConsoleLines;
+ fCaretOffset: TPoint;
+ fPaintLock: Integer;
+ fScrollBars: TScrollStyle;
+ fMouseWheelAccumulator: integer;
+ fInsertMode: boolean;
+ fOverwriteCaret: TConsoleCaretType;
+ fInsertCaret: TConsoleCaretType;
+ FActive: boolean;
+ FOnBoot: TBootEvent;
+ FOnCommandExecute: TCommandExecuteEvent;
+ FOnShutDown: TShutDownEvent;
+ FOnGetPrompt: TGetPromptEvent;
+ FBorderSize: Integer;
+ FExtraLineSpacing: Integer;
+ FAutoUseInsertMode: boolean;
+ FOnCommandKeyPress: TCommandKeyPressEvent;
+ FMinLeftCaret: Integer;
+ FOnPromptKeyPress: TPromptKeyPressEvent;
+ FLastCommand:string;
+ FLastPrompt:string;
+ function GetCanPaste: Boolean;
+ function GetFont: TFont;
+ procedure SetCaretX(Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetFont(const Value: TFont);
+ procedure SetScrollBars(const Value: TScrollStyle);
+ procedure SizeOrFontChanged(bFont: boolean);
+ procedure UpdateScrollBars;
+ function CaretXYPix: TPoint;
+ function GetAcceptInput: boolean;
+ function GetTopLine: Integer;
+ function GetTextHeight: Integer;
+ function RowColumnToPixels(rowcol: TPoint): TPoint;
+ function LogicalToPhysicalPos(p: TPoint): TPoint;
+ procedure SetInsertCaret(const Value: TConsoleCaretType);
+ procedure SetInsertMode(const Value: boolean);
+ procedure SetOverwriteCaret(const Value: TConsoleCaretType);
+ function GetCharWidth: Integer;
+ function GetLinesInWindow: Integer;
+ procedure SetActive(const Value: boolean);
+ function GetLines: TConsoleLines;
+ procedure SetLines(const Value: TConsoleLines);
+ procedure SetOnBoot(const Value: TBootEvent);
+ procedure SetOnCommandExecute(const Value: TCommandExecuteEvent);
+ procedure SetOnShutDown(const Value: TShutDownEvent);
+ procedure SetOnGetPrompt(const Value: TGetPromptEvent);
+ function GetPrompt: boolean;
+ procedure SetPrompt(const Value: boolean);
+ function GetCurrLine: PConsoleLine;
+ procedure SetCurrLine(const Value: PConsoleLine);
+ procedure SetBorderSize(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetExtraLineSpacing(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetAutoUseInsertMode(const Value: boolean);
+ procedure SetOnCommandKeyPress(const Value: TCommandKeyPressEvent);
+ procedure SetMinLeftCaret(const Value: Integer);
+ procedure SetOnPromptKeyPress(const Value: TPromptKeyPressEvent);
+ protected
+ // Status Flags
+ sfLinesChanging: boolean;
+ // Windows Events
+ procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_ERASEBKGND;
+ procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TWMGetDlgCode); message WM_GETDLGCODE;
+ procedure WMHScroll(var Msg: TWMScroll); message WM_HSCROLL;
+ procedure WMPaste(var Message: TMessage); message WM_PASTE;
+ procedure WMKillFocus(var Msg: TWMKillFocus); message WM_KILLFOCUS;
+ procedure WMMouseWheel(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_MOUSEWHEEL;
+ procedure WMSetFocus(var Msg: TWMSetFocus); message WM_SETFOCUS;
+ procedure WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
+ procedure WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMScroll); message WM_VSCROLL;
+ // More methods
+ procedure InvalidateRect(const aRect: TRect; aErase: boolean);
+ procedure DecPaintLock;
+ procedure IncPaintLock;
+ procedure InitializeCaret;
+ procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
+ procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
+ procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ procedure Paint; override;
+ procedure PaintTextLines(AClip: TRect; FirstLine, CurrLine: integer); virtual;
+ procedure InvalidateLine(Line: integer);
+ procedure InvalidateLines(FirstLine, LastLine: integer);
+ procedure HideCaret;
+ procedure ShowCaret;
+ procedure DoOnPrompt(var APrompt: string; var DefaultText: string;
+ var DefaultCaretPos: Integer);
+ procedure KeyCommandHandler(AKey: Char);
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // Boot methods
+ procedure Boot;
+ procedure Shutdown;
+ // Paintlock methods
+ procedure BeginUpdate;
+ procedure EndUpdate;
+ // Various methods
+ procedure UpdateCaret;
+ procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); override;
+ procedure PasteFromClipboard;
+ // Output methods
+ procedure BeginExternalOutput;
+ procedure EndExternalOutput;
+ procedure Writeln(ALine: string = '');
+ procedure Write(AText: string; AUpdateMinLeftCaret: boolean = False);
+ procedure Clear;
+ // Active: To work with TCustomConsole, Active must be set to True
+ property Active: boolean read FActive write SetActive;
+ // AcceptInput: If False, key events are not regognized
+ property AcceptInput: boolean read GetAcceptInput;
+ // Automatically changes to Insert mode when a new prompt is activated
+ property AutoUseInsertMode: boolean read FAutoUseInsertMode write SetAutoUseInsertMode;
+ // CharWidth: Returns the width of a single char
+ property CharWidth: Integer read GetCharWidth;
+ // CaretX: CaretX stores the caret position in the current line
+ property CaretX: Integer read fCaretX write SetCaretX;
+ // Font: Wrapped to Canvas.Font
+ property Font: TFont read GetFont write SetFont;
+ // Lines: Provides access to the lines
+ property LastCommand: string read fLastCommand write FlastCommand;
+ // LastCommand: Stores the last entered command
+ property LastPrompt: string read fLastPrompt write FlastPrompt;
+ // LastPrompt: Stores the last prompt
+ property Lines: TConsoleLines read GetLines write SetLines;
+ // InsertMode: Switch between Insert and Overwrite mode
+ property InsertMode: boolean read FInsertMode write SetInsertMode;
+ // Insert Caret + Overwrite Caret
+ property InsertCaret: TConsoleCaretType read FInsertCaret write SetInsertCaret;
+ property OverwriteCaret: TConsoleCaretType read FOverwriteCaret write SetOverwriteCaret;
+ // PaintLock: PaintLock Counter; Can be modified by BeginUpdate and EndUpdate
+ property PaintLock: Integer read fPaintLock;
+ // CurrLine: Easy access to the current line
+ property CurrLine: PConsoleLine read GetCurrLine write SetCurrLine;
+ // TextHeight: Returns the high of a single text line
+ property TextHeight: Integer read GetTextHeight;
+ // TopLine: Stores the index of the first line visible
+ property TopLine: Integer read GetTopLine;
+ // LinesInWindow: Returns the number of visible lines
+ property LinesInWindow: Integer read GetLinesInWindow;
+ // Prompt: Returns True, if currently in prompting mode
+ property Prompt: boolean read GetPrompt write SetPrompt;
+ // BorderSize: Specifies the border size in pixels
+ property BorderSize: Integer read FBorderSize write SetBorderSize;
+ // ExtraLineSpacing: Makes it possible to add change the space between the single lines
+ property ExtraLineSpacing: Integer read FExtraLineSpacing write SetExtraLineSpacing;
+ // MinLeftCaret: Only available in command mode
+ property MinLeftCaret: Integer read FMinLeftCaret write SetMinLeftCaret;
+ // Events
+ property OnBoot: TBootEvent read FOnBoot write SetOnBoot;
+ property OnShutDown: TShutDownEvent read FOnShutDown write SetOnShutDown;
+ property OnCommandExecute: TCommandExecuteEvent read FOnCommandExecute write SetOnCommandExecute;
+ property OnGetPrompt: TGetPromptEvent read FOnGetPrompt write SetOnGetPrompt;
+ property OnCommandKeyPress: TCommandKeyPressEvent read FOnCommandKeyPress write SetOnCommandKeyPress;
+ property OnPromptKeyPress: TPromptKeyPressEvent read FOnPromptKeyPress write SetOnPromptKeyPress;
+ end;
+ TConsole = class(TCustomConsole)
+ published
+ // TCustomConsole properties and events
+ property AutoUseInsertMode;
+ property InsertMode;
+ property InsertCaret;
+ property OverwriteCaret;
+ property BorderSize;
+ property ExtraLineSpacing;
+ property OnBoot;
+ property OnShutDown;
+ property OnCommandExecute;
+ property OnGetPrompt;
+ property OnCommandKeyPress;
+ property OnPromptKeyPress;
+ // inherited properties
+ property Align;
+ property Anchors;
+ property Constraints;
+ property Color;
+ property Ctl3D;
+ property ParentCtl3D;
+ property Enabled;
+ property Font;
+ property Height;
+ property Name;
+ property ParentColor;
+ property ParentFont;
+ property ParentShowHint;
+ property PopupMenu;
+ property ShowHint;
+ property TabOrder;
+ property TabStop default True;
+ property Visible;
+ property Width;
+ // inherited events
+ property OnClick;
+ property OnDblClick;
+ property OnDragDrop;
+ property OnDragOver;
+ property OnEndDock;
+ property OnStartDock;
+ property OnEndDrag;
+ property OnEnter;
+ property OnExit;
+ property OnKeyDown;
+ property OnKeyPress;
+ property OnKeyUp;
+ property OnMouseDown;
+ property OnMouseMove;
+ property OnMouseUp;
+ property OnStartDrag;
+ end;
+ TCommandParser = class
+ private
+ FParamList: TStringList;
+ FCommand: string;
+ function GetParameters(Index: Integer): string;
+ function GetParamCount: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(ACommand: string); overload;
+ constructor Create; overload;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure ParseCommand(ACommand: string);
+ property Command: string read FCommand;
+ property Parameters[Index: Integer]: string read GetParameters;
+ property ParamCount: Integer read GetParamCount;
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('elsdoerfer.net', [TConsole]);
+{ TCustomConsole }
+// IncPaintLock: prevents TCustomConsole from painting itself until EndUpdate is called
+procedure TCustomConsole.BeginUpdate;
+ IncPaintLock;
+// CaretXYPix: Returns the caret position in pixels
+function TCustomConsole.CaretXYPix: TPoint;
+var p: TPoint;
+ // If CurrLine is nil, then exit
+ if CurrLine = nil then exit;
+ // Y Caret position is always the last (logical) line. However, this line may
+ // be wrapped. In this case it's possible that the carets phyiscal position is
+ // above the last line.
+ p.Y := fLines.WrappedLineCount -
+ (
+ ((Length(CurrLine.Prompt + CurrLine.Text)) div (fLines.WrapWidth)) -
+ ((fCaretX + Length(CurrLine.Prompt) - 1) div (fLines.WrapWidth))
+ );
+ // X Caret position is definied by fCaretX. Again, the line may be wrapped and
+ // the caret phyiscal position differs from it's logical one.
+ p.X := (fCaretX + Length(CurrLine.Prompt)) mod (fLines.WrapWidth);
+ if p.X = 0 then p.X := fLines.WrapWidth;
+ // Convert value to pixel and return
+ Result := RowColumnToPixels(p);
+// Clear: Delete all lines
+procedure TCustomConsole.Clear;
+ fLines.Clear;
+ Invalidate;
+// Create: Constructor
+constructor TCustomConsole.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ // Inherited
+ inherited;
+ ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
+ // Defaults settings
+ fActive := False;
+ fPrompt := False;
+ fInsertMode := True;
+ fBorderSize := 3;
+ fExtraLineSpacing := 0;
+ FAutoUseInsertMode := True;
+ // Font
+ // Background Color
+ // Default carets
+ InsertCaret := ctHorizontalLine;
+ OverwriteCaret := ctHalfBlock;
+ // Create Lines Object
+ fLines := TConsoleLines.Create(Self);
+// DecPaintLock: Decrements the paint lock counter
+procedure TCustomConsole.DecPaintLock;
+ Dec(fPaintLock);
+ if fPaintLock = 0 then Invalidate;
+// Destroy: Destructor
+destructor TCustomConsole.Destroy;
+ // Free Lines Object
+ fLines.Free;
+ // Inherited
+ inherited;
+// LogicalToPhysicalPos: Takes a logical caret position (based on line index 0)
+// and makes a physical caret position out of it (based on first visible line)
+function TCustomConsole.LogicalToPhysicalPos(p: TPoint): TPoint;
+var s: string;
+ i, L: integer;
+ x: integer;
+ if p.Y - 1 < fLines.Count then begin
+ s := fLines.WrappedLines[p.Y - 1];
+ l := Length(s);
+ x := 0;
+ for i := 1 to p.x - 1 do begin
+ inc(x);
+ end;
+ p.x := x + 1;
+ end;
+ Result := p;
+// RowColumnToPixels: Calculates the pixels for a certain caret position
+function TCustomConsole.RowColumnToPixels(RowCol: TPoint): TPoint;
+var P: TPoint;
+ i: integer;
+ lText: string;
+ P := LogicalToPhysicalPos(RowCol);
+ Result.X := BorderSize;
+ if ((RowCol.Y - 1) < fLines.WrappedLineCount) then
+ for i := 1 to (P.X - 1) do Begin
+ lText := fLines.WrappedLines[RowCol.Y - 1];
+ if lText <> '' then Result.X := Result.X + Canvas.TextWidth(lText[1]);
+ end;
+ Result.Y := (RowCol.Y - TopLine) * TextHeight;
+// EndUpdate: See DecPaintLock
+procedure TCustomConsole.EndUpdate;
+ DecPaintLock;
+// GetCanPaste: Returns True if text from the clipboard can be pasted
+function TCustomConsole.GetCanPaste: Boolean;
+ Result := not AcceptInput and (Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT));
+// GetFont
+function TCustomConsole.GetFont: TFont;
+ Result := Canvas.Font
+// GetAcceptInput: Only True, if fActive is also True
+function TCustomConsole.GetAcceptInput: boolean;
+ Result := Active;
+// GetTextHeight: Calculates the height of a line
+function TCustomConsole.GetTextHeight: Integer;
+ Result := Canvas.TextHeight('Ay%ü') + ExtraLineSpacing;
+// GetTopLine: Returns the physical line displayed on the very top of the control
+function TCustomConsole.GetTopLine: Integer;
+ Result := Max(fLines.GetWrappedLineCount - LinesInWindow + 2, 1);
+// HideCaret
+procedure TCustomConsole.HideCaret;
+ Windows.HideCaret(Handle);
+// IncPaintLock: Increments the Paint Lock Counter
+procedure TCustomConsole.IncPaintLock;
+ Inc(fPaintLock);
+// InitializeCaret: Creates a caret object
+procedure TCustomConsole.InitializeCaret;
+var ct: TConsoleCaretType;
+ cw, ch: integer;
+ // Caret type depends on keyboard mode
+ if InsertMode then ct := fInsertCaret
+ else ct := fOverwriteCaret;
+ // Set values depending on caret type
+ case ct of
+ ctHorizontalLine:
+ begin
+ cw := CharWidth;
+ ch := 2;
+ fCaretOffset := Point(0, TextHeight - ExtraLineSpacing - 2);
+ end;
+ ctHalfBlock:
+ begin
+ cw := CharWidth;
+ ch := (TextHeight - 2) div 2;
+ fCaretOffset := Point(0, ch);
+ end;
+ ctBlock:
+ begin
+ cw := CharWidth;
+ ch := TextHeight - 2;
+ FCaretOffset := Point(0, 0);
+ end;
+ else begin // Vertical Line
+ cw := 2;
+ ch := TextHeight - 2;
+ FCaretOffset := Point(0, 0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Create Caret
+ CreateCaret(Handle, 0, cw, ch);
+ // Show it
+ UpdateCaret;
+// InvalidateLine: Calculates the rect of a certain line and uses InvalidateRect
+// to repaint it (reduces flickering)
+procedure TCustomConsole.InvalidateLine(Line: integer);
+var rcInval: TRect;
+ if Visible and (Line >= TopLine) and (Line <= TopLine + LinesInWindow) and
+ (Line <= Lines.Count) and HandleAllocated then
+ begin
+ rcInval := Rect(0, TextHeight * (Line - TopLine), ClientWidth, 0);
+ rcInval.Bottom := rcInval.Top + TextHeight;
+ InvalidateRect(rcInval, False);
+ end;
+// InvalidateLines: Calculates the rect of a certain line range und uses
+// InvalidateRect to repaint it
+procedure TCustomConsole.InvalidateLines(FirstLine, LastLine: integer);
+var rcInval: TRect;
+ if Visible and HandleAllocated then
+ if (FirstLine = -1) and (LastLine = -1) then begin
+ rcInval := ClientRect;
+ InvalidateRect(rcInval, false);
+ end else begin
+ FirstLine := Max(FirstLine, TopLine);
+ LastLine := Min(LastLine, TopLine + LinesInWindow);
+ if (LastLine >= FirstLine) then begin
+ rcInval := Rect(0, TextHeight * (FirstLine - TopLine),
+ ClientWidth, TextHeight * (LastLine - TopLine + 1));
+ InvalidateRect(rcInval, false);
+ end;
+ end;
+// InvalidateRect
+procedure TCustomConsole.InvalidateRect(const aRect: TRect; aErase: boolean);
+ Windows.InvalidateRect(Handle, @aRect, aErase);
+// KeyDown
+procedure TCustomConsole.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
+ inherited;
+ case key of // FD 18.11.2012, keys moved from KeyCommandHandler
+ VK_LEFT: CaretX := CaretX - 1;
+ VK_RIGHT: CaretX := CaretX + 1;
+ VK_END: CaretX := length(CurrLine.Text) + 1;
+ VK_HOME: CaretX := 1;
+ Begin
+ InsertMode := not InsertMode;
+ InitializeCaret;
+ end;
+ VK_UP:
+ begin
+ CurrLine.Text := FLastCommand;
+ CaretX := Length(FLastCommand) + 1; Invalidate;
+ end;
+ Begin
+ // Should Be Handled By An Event TODO : todo
+ end;
+ end;
+// KeyPress
+procedure TCustomConsole.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
+ inherited;
+ KeyCommandHandler(Key);
+// Loaded
+procedure TCustomConsole.Loaded;
+ inherited;
+ UpdateScrollBars;
+ Invalidate;
+// Paint
+procedure TCustomConsole.Paint;
+var rcClip, rcDraw: TRect;
+ nL1, nL2: Integer;
+ // Only paint if Paint Lock Counter is 0
+ if fPaintLock <> 0 then exit;
+ // Get the invalidated rect
+ rcClip := Canvas.ClipRect;
+ // Calculate Line Range
+ nL1 := Max(TopLine + ((rcClip.Top) div TextHeight), TopLine) - 1;
+ nL2 := Min(TopLine + ((rcClip.Bottom + TextHeight - 1) div TextHeight), fLines.WrappedLineCount) - 1;
+ // Now paint everything while the caret is hidden
+ HideCaret;
+ try
+ rcDraw := rcClip;
+ rcDraw.Left := 0;
+ rcDraw.Right := ClientWidth;
+ PaintTextLines(rcDraw, nL1, nL2);
+ finally
+ UpdateCaret;
+ end;
+// PaintTextLines
+procedure TCustomConsole.PaintTextLines(AClip: TRect; FirstLine, CurrLine: integer);
+var rcLine, rcToken: TRect;
+ function ColumnToXValue(Col: integer): integer;
+ begin
+ Result := Pred(Col) * CharWidth;
+ end;
+ procedure PaintLines;
+ var nLine: integer;
+ sLine: string;
+ begin
+ // Initialize rcLine for drawing. Note that Top and Bottom are updated
+ // inside the loop. Get only the starting point for this.
+ rcLine := AClip;
+ rcLine.Bottom := (FirstLine - TopLine + 1) * TextHeight;
+ // Now loop through all the lines
+ for nLine := FirstLine to CurrLine do begin
+ // Assign line
+ sLine := Lines.WrappedLines[nLine];
+ // Update the rcLine rect to this line
+ rcLine.Top := rcLine.Bottom;
+ Inc(rcLine.Bottom, TextHeight);
+ // We will need this later to fill the non-text area
+ rcToken := rcLine;
+ // Paint
+ if not Canvas.HandleAllocated then exit;
+ Brush.Color := Color;
+ Brush.Style := bsSolid;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, rcLine.Top, BorderSize, rcLine.Bottom));
+ Canvas.TextOut(BorderSize, rcLine.Top, sLine);
+ Canvas.FillRect(Rect(BorderSize + Canvas.TextWidth(sLine), rcLine.Top, rcLine.Right, rcLine.Bottom));
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Without this painting does not work until the first time FillRect is called - no clue where the problem is
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
+ Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, 0));
+ try
+ PaintLines;
+ finally
+ end;
+ // If there is anything visible below the last line, then fill this as well
+ rcToken := AClip;
+ rcToken.Top := (CurrLine + 1 - TopLine + 1) * TextHeight;
+ if (rcToken.Top < rcToken.Bottom) then
+ begin
+ Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
+ Canvas.FillRect(rcToken);
+ end;
+// SetCaretX
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetCaretX(Value: Integer);
+ if (Value < 1) then Value := 1
+ else if (Value < MinLeftCaret) and (not Prompt) then Value := FMinLeftCaret
+ else if (CurrLine <> nil) and (Value > length(CurrLine.Text) + 1) then
+ Value := length(CurrLine.Text) + 1;
+ if Value <> fCaretX then Begin
+ fCaretX := Value;
+ UpdateCaret;
+ end;
+// SetFont
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetFont(const Value: TFont);
+ Canvas.Font.Assign(Value);
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetScrollBars(const Value: TScrollStyle);
+ { TODO : add scrollbar support }
+procedure TCustomConsole.ShowCaret;
+ Windows.ShowCaret(Handle);
+procedure TCustomConsole.SizeOrFontChanged(bFont: boolean);
+ Invalidate;
+procedure TCustomConsole.UpdateCaret;
+var CX, CY: Integer;
+ iClientRect: TRect;
+ CX := CaretXYPix.X + FCaretOffset.X;
+ CY := CaretXYPix.Y + FCaretOffset.Y + 1;
+ iClientRect := GetClientRect;
+ if (CX >= iClientRect.Left) and (CX < iClientRect.Right) and
+ (CY >= iClientRect.Top) and (CY < iClientRect.Bottom) and
+ (AcceptInput) and (fActive) then
+ begin
+ SetCaretPos(CX, CY);
+ ShowCaret;
+ end else begin
+ HideCaret;
+ SetCaretPos(CX, CY);
+ end;
+procedure TCustomConsole.UpdateScrollBars;
+ { TODO : add scrollbar support }
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMEraseBkgnd(var Msg: TMessage);
+ Msg.Result := 1;
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TWMGetDlgCode);
+ inherited;
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMHScroll(var Msg: TWMScroll);
+ { TODO : add scrolling support }
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMKillFocus(var Msg: TWMKillFocus);
+ HideCaret;
+ Windows.DestroyCaret;
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMMouseWheel(var Msg: TMessage);
+ { TODO : add scrolling support }
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMPaste(var Message: TMessage);
+ if AcceptInput then PasteFromClipboard;
+ Message.Result := ord(True);
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMSetFocus(var Msg: TWMSetFocus);
+ InitializeCaret;
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMSize(var Msg: TWMSize);
+ SizeOrFontChanged(False);
+procedure TCustomConsole.WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMScroll);
+ { TODO : add scrolling support }
+procedure TCustomConsole.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
+ inherited;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetInsertCaret(const Value: TConsoleCaretType);
+ FInsertCaret := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetInsertMode(const Value: boolean);
+ if fInsertMode <> Value then Begin
+ fInsertMode := Value;
+ InitializeCaret;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetOverwriteCaret(const Value: TConsoleCaretType);
+ FOverwriteCaret := Value;
+function TCustomConsole.GetCharWidth: Integer;
+ Result := Canvas.TextWidth('a');
+function TCustomConsole.GetLinesInWindow: Integer;
+ Result := ClientHeight div TextHeight;
+// Set Active: Use this to boot or to shutdown the console
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetActive(const Value: boolean);
+var BootFinished: boolean;
+ if (Value <> fActive) then Begin
+ case Value of
+ True:
+ begin
+ // Clear current lines
+ Clear;
+ // Add a first, empty line
+ fLines.AddLine;
+ // Call onBoot Event
+ BootFinished := True;
+ if Assigned(FOnBoot) then FOnBoot(Self, BootFinished);
+ if BootFinished then Prompt := True;
+ InitializeCaret;
+ end;
+ False:
+ begin
+ if Assigned(FOnShutDown) then FOnShutDown(Self);
+ end;
+ end;
+ fActive := Value;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomConsole.PasteFromClipboard;
+ fLines.CurrLine.Text := fLines.CurrLine.Text + Clipbrd.Clipboard.AsText;
+ CaretX := Length(fLines.CurrLine.Text) + 1;
+ Invalidate;
+function TCustomConsole.GetLines: TConsoleLines;
+ Result := fLines;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetLines(const Value: TConsoleLines);
+ fLines := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.Writeln(ALine: string);
+ if not Prompt then Begin
+ fLines.Writeln(ALine);
+ fCaretX := length(ALine) + 1;
+ Invalidate;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomConsole.Boot;
+ Active := True;
+procedure TCustomConsole.Shutdown;
+ Active := False;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetOnBoot(const Value: TBootEvent);
+ FOnBoot := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetOnCommandExecute(const Value: TCommandExecuteEvent);
+ FOnCommandExecute := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetOnShutDown(const Value: TShutDownEvent);
+ FOnShutDown := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetOnGetPrompt(const Value: TGetPromptEvent);
+ FOnGetPrompt := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X,
+ Y: Integer);
+ inherited;
+ Windows.SetFocus(Handle);
+function TCustomConsole.GetPrompt: boolean;
+ Result := fPrompt;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetPrompt(const Value: boolean);
+ if Value <> fPrompt then Begin
+ fPrompt := Value;
+ if Value = True then Begin
+ CaretX := 1;
+ MinLeftCaret := 1;
+ with fLines.AddLine^ do Begin
+ IsPromptLine := True;
+ DoOnPrompt(Prompt, Text, fCaretX);
+ CaretX := fCaretX; // just for valid range checking
+ end;
+ if AutoUseInsertMode then InsertMode := True;
+ ShowCaret;
+ Invalidate;
+ end else Begin
+ fLines.AddLine;
+ end; // end else
+ end; // end if
+procedure TCustomConsole.Write(AText: string; AUpdateMinLeftCaret: boolean = False);
+ if not Prompt then Begin
+ fLines.Write(AText);
+ CaretX := length(CurrLine.Text) + 1;
+ if (AUpdateMinLeftCaret) then MinLeftCaret := length(CurrLine.Text) + 1;
+ end;
+function TCustomConsole.GetCurrLine: PConsoleLine;
+ Result := fLines.CurrLine;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetCurrLine(const Value: PConsoleLine);
+ fLines.CurrLine := Value;
+ Invalidate;
+{ TConsoleLines }
+function TConsoleLines.AddLine(Force: boolean = False): PConsoleLine;
+ if (IsEmptyLine(CurrLine)) and (not Force) then Result := CurrLine
+ else Begin
+ New(Result);
+ Result.IsPromptLine := False;
+ Result.Prompt := '';
+ Result.Text := '';
+ fLines.Add(Result);
+ end;
+procedure TConsoleLines.Clear;
+var i: integer;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to fLines.Count -1 do Dispose(fLines[i]);
+ finally
+ fLines.Clear;
+ end;
+constructor TConsoleLines.Create(AOwner: TCustomConsole);
+ fLines := TList.Create;
+ fOwner := AOwner;
+destructor TConsoleLines.Destroy;
+ try
+ Clear;
+ finally
+ fLines.Free;
+ end;
+ inherited;
+function TConsoleLines.GetCount: Integer;
+ Result := fLines.Count;
+function TConsoleLines.GetFullLineText(ALine: Integer): string;
+ Result := Lines[ALine].Prompt + Lines[ALine].Text;
+function TConsoleLines.GetCurrLine: PConsoleLine;
+ if fLines.Count = 0 then Result := nil
+ else Result := fLines[fLines.Count - 1];
+function TConsoleLines.GetLines(Index: Integer): PConsoleLine;
+ Result := fLines[Index];
+procedure TConsoleLines.SetCurrLine(const Value: PConsoleLine);
+ fLines[fLines.Count - 1] := Value;
+procedure TConsoleLines.SetLines(Index: Integer;
+ const Value: PConsoleLine);
+ fLines[Index] := Value;
+procedure TConsoleLines.Write(AText: string);
+ CurrLine.Text := CurrLine.Text + AText;
+procedure TConsoleLines.Writeln(ALine: string);
+ CurrLine.Text := CurrLine.Text + ALine;
+ AddLine(True);
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetBorderSize(const Value: Integer);
+ FBorderSize := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetExtraLineSpacing(const Value: Integer);
+ FExtraLineSpacing := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.BeginExternalOutput;
+ Prompt := False;
+procedure TCustomConsole.EndExternalOutput;
+ Prompt := True;
+function TConsoleLines.IsEmptyLine(ALine: PConsoleLine): boolean;
+ Result := (ALine <> nil) and (not ALine.IsPromptLine) and (ALine.Text = '');
+function TConsoleLines.GetWrappedLines(Index: Integer): string;
+var i, j, c: integer;
+ FullLine: string;
+ c := 0;
+ Result := '';
+ for i := 0 to fLines.Count - 1 do Begin
+ Inc(c, (Length(Lines[i].Prompt + Lines[i].Text) div WrapWidth) + 1);
+ if c > Index then Begin
+ Dec(c, (Length(Lines[i].Prompt + Lines[i].Text) div WrapWidth) + 1);
+ FullLine := Lines[i].Prompt + Lines[i].Text;
+ j := c;
+ while j < Index do Begin
+ Delete(FullLine, 1, WrapWidth);
+ inc(j);
+ end; // end while
+ Result := Copy(FullLine, 1, WrapWidth);
+ break;
+ end; // end if
+ end; // end for
+function TConsoleLines.GetWrappedLineCount: Integer;
+var i: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ for i := 0 to fLines.Count - 1 do
+ Result := Result + ((Length(Lines[i].Prompt + Lines[i].Text)) div WrapWidth ) + 1;
+function TConsoleLines.GetWrapWidth: Integer;
+ Result := (TCustomConsole(fOwner).ClientWidth -
+ TCustomConsole(fOwner).BorderSize * 2) div TCustomConsole(fOwner).CharWidth;
+function TConsoleLines.LogicalToWrappedLineIndex(ALine: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := 0;
+procedure TCustomConsole.DoOnPrompt(var APrompt, DefaultText: string;
+ var DefaultCaretPos: Integer);
+ if Assigned(fOnGetPrompt) then
+ fOnGetPrompt(Self, APrompt, DefaultText, DefaultCaretPos)
+ else Begin
+ end;
+ LastPrompt := APrompt;
+procedure TCustomConsole.KeyCommandHandler(AKey: Char);
+var CommandFinished: boolean;
+ ATerminate: boolean;
+ // If we are not in prompt mode, filter keys by user event
+ ATerminate := False;
+ if not (Prompt) and (Assigned(fOnCommandKeyPress)) then
+ fOnCommandKeyPress(Self, AKey, ATerminate)
+ else if (Assigned(fOnPromptKeyPress)) then fOnPromptKeyPress(Self, AKey);
+ // Case Key
+ case Ord(AKey) of
+ Begin
+ if Prompt then Begin // prompt mode
+ BeginExternalOutput;
+ CommandFinished := True;
+ if fLines[fLines.Count - 2].Text <> '' then
+ FLastCommand := fLines[fLines.Count - 2].Text; // FD 18.11.2012
+ if Assigned(fOnCommandExecute) then
+ fOnCommandExecute(Self, fLines[fLines.Count - 2].Text, CommandFinished);
+ if CommandFinished and fActive then EndExternalOutput;
+ Invalidate;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Begin
+ if (Prompt) or (CaretX > MinLeftCaret) then Begin
+ if (CaretX > length(CurrLine.Text)) then
+ Delete(CurrLine.Text, Length(CurrLine.Text), 1)
+ else Delete(CurrLine.Text, CaretX - 1, 1);
+ CaretX := CaretX - 1;
+ Invalidate;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Begin
+ // Should Be Handled By An Event { TODO : todo }
+ end;
+ else if (AKey <> #0) then // Insert char
+ Begin
+ if (CaretX > length(CurrLine.Text)) then CurrLine.Text := CurrLine.Text + AKey
+ else if InsertMode then Insert(AKey, CurrLine.Text, CaretX) // Insert Mode
+ else Begin // Overwrite Mode
+ Delete(CurrLine.Text, CaretX, 1);
+ Insert(AKey, CurrLine.Text, CaretX);
+ end;
+ inc(fCaretX);
+ Invalidate;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (ATerminate) then EndExternalOutput;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetAutoUseInsertMode(const Value: boolean);
+ FAutoUseInsertMode := Value;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetOnCommandKeyPress(
+ const Value: TCommandKeyPressEvent);
+ FOnCommandKeyPress := Value;
+{ TCommandParser }
+constructor TCommandParser.Create(ACommand: string);
+ Create;
+ ParseCommand(ACommand);
+constructor TCommandParser.Create;
+ FParamList := TStringList.Create;
+destructor TCommandParser.Destroy;
+ FParamList.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TCommandParser.GetParamCount: Integer;
+ Result := FParamList.Count;
+function TCommandParser.GetParameters(Index: Integer): string;
+ if Index = 0 then Result := Command
+ else Result := FParamList[Index - 1];
+procedure TCommandParser.ParseCommand(ACommand: string);
+var t: string;
+ Apost: boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ procedure StoreSubString(AString: string);
+ Begin
+ if (AString <> '') then
+ // Store string (first substring as command, the others as parameters)
+ if (FCommand = '') then FCommand := AString
+ else FParamList.Add(AString);
+ end;
+ // Reset
+ FParamList.Clear;
+ FCommand := '';
+ Apost := False;
+ // Parse
+ i := 1;
+ while (i <= length(ACommand)) do Begin
+ case ACommand[i] of
+ ' ': if not APost then Begin
+ StoreSubString(t);
+ t := '';
+ end else t := t + ACommand[i];
+ '"': Apost := not Apost;
+ else t := t + ACommand[i];
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ StoreSubString(t);
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetMinLeftCaret(const Value: Integer);
+ FMinLeftCaret := Value;
+ if CaretX > FMinLeftCaret then CaretX := FMinLeftCaret;
+procedure TCustomConsole.SetOnPromptKeyPress(
+ const Value: TPromptKeyPressEvent);
+ FOnPromptKeyPress := Value;
diff --git a/src/CatDCP.pas b/src/CatDCP.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..857b175
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatDCP.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+unit CatDCP;
+ Catarinka - Quick AES string encryption/decryption functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+function StrToAES(const s, key: string): string;
+function AESToStr(const s, key: string): string;
+ DCPrijndael, DCPsha512;
+function StrToAES(const s, key: string): string;
+ Cipher: TDCP_rijndael;
+ Cipher := TDCP_rijndael.Create(nil);
+ Cipher.InitStr(key, TDCP_sha512);
+ result := Cipher.EncryptString(s);
+ Cipher.Burn;
+ Cipher.Free;
+function AESToStr(const s, key: string): string;
+ Cipher: TDCP_rijndael;
+ Cipher := TDCP_rijndael.Create(nil);
+ Cipher.InitStr(key, TDCP_sha512);
+ result := Cipher.DecryptString(s);
+ Cipher.Burn;
+ Cipher.Free;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatDCPKey.pas.ren b/src/CatDCPKey.pas.ren
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2194ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatDCPKey.pas.ren
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+unit CatDCPKey;
+ // for storing passwords and preferences that need to be encrypted
+ // for storing request headers in temporary cache files
+function GetDCPKey(id:integer):string;
+function GetDCPKey(id:integer):string;
+ case id of
+ CATKEY_REQUESTHEADERS: result:='YourKey1';
+ CATKEY_PASSWORD: result:='YourKey2';
+ end
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CatFiles.pas b/src/CatFiles.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c897e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatFiles.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+unit CatFiles;
+ Catarinka - File System functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ CopyAfterFirstLine and WipeFile functions by Peter Below
+ FileCopy function by David Stidolph
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Winapi.Windows, System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Winapi.ShellAPI;
+ Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ShellAPI;
+function DeleteFolder(const dir: string): boolean;
+function DirExists(const dir: string): boolean;
+function FileCanBeOpened(const filename: String): boolean;
+function FileCopy(const source, dest: string): boolean;
+function FilenameToMimeType(const filename: string): string;
+function FixInvalidFilename(const filename: string;
+ const rep: string = '-'): string;
+function ForceDir(const dir: string): boolean;
+function GetDiskSerialNumber(const drive: string): string;
+function GetFileSize(const filename: string): Int64;
+function GetFileToStr(const filename: string): string;
+function GetFileVersion(const Filename: string; const ResFormat:string='%d.%d.%d.%d'): string;
+function GetSizeDescription(const bytes: cardinal): string;
+function GetTextFileLinesCount(const filename: string): integer;
+function GetTempFile(const ext: string): string;
+function GetWindowsTempDir: string;
+function SendToLog(const filename: TFilename; const s: string): boolean;
+function SL_LoadFromFile(const SL: TStringList; const filename: string)
+ : boolean;
+function SL_SaveToFile(const SL: TStringList; const filename: string): boolean;
+procedure CatReadLn(const f: Text; var s: string);
+procedure CopyAfterFirstLine(const sourcefile, targetfile: string;
+ appendln: boolean = false; lnstr: string = '');
+procedure GetDirs(const dir: string; const Result: TStrings;
+ SortResult: boolean = true);
+procedure GetFiles(const dir: string; const Result: TStrings;
+ const IncludeDir: boolean = false; const IncludeExt: boolean = true);
+procedure WipeFile(const filename: string);
+ CatStrings;
+procedure CatReadLn(const f: Text; var s: string);
+ c: Char;
+ tempStr: string;
+ tempStr := emptystr;
+ while not Eof(f) do
+ begin
+ read(f, c);
+ case Ord(c) of
+ 10:
+ Break;
+ 13:
+ begin
+ read(f, c);
+ Break;
+ end;
+ else
+ tempStr := tempStr + c;
+ end;
+ end;
+ s := tempStr;
+// Deletes a directory and its sub directories
+function DeleteFolder(const dir: string): boolean;
+ sdir: string;
+ st: TSHFileOpStruct;
+ sdir := dir;
+ if LastChar(sdir) = '\' then
+ sdir := copy(sdir, 1, Length(sdir) - 1);
+ try
+ FillChar(st, SizeOf(st), #0);
+ sdir := sdir + #0#0;
+ with st do
+ begin
+ Wnd := 0;
+ wFunc := FO_DELETE;
+ pFrom := PChar(sdir);
+ end;
+ Result := (SHFileOperation(st) = 0);
+ except
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function DirExists(const dir: string): boolean;
+ Result := DirectoryExists(dir);
+function FileCanBeOpened(const filename: string): boolean;
+ h: integer;
+ try
+ h := FileOpen(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
+ if h > 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ FileClose(h);
+ end
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ except
+ Result := false
+ end;
+function FilenameToMimeType(const filename: string): string;
+ ext: string;
+ ext := LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(filename));
+ if length(ext) > 1 then
+ ext := Copy(ext, 2, length(ext));
+ if (ext = 'htm') or (ext = 'html') then
+ result := 'text/html'
+ else if ext = 'bmp' then
+ result := 'image/bmp'
+ else if ext = 'gif' then
+ result := 'image/gif'
+ else if (ext = 'jpg') or (ext = 'jpeg') then
+ result := 'image/jpeg'
+ else if (ext = 'png') then
+ result := 'image/png'
+ else if ext = 'txt' then
+ result := 'text/plain'
+ else
+ result := 'application/octet-stream'; // Unknown Type
+// TODO: rewrite
+function FixInvalidFilename(const filename: string;
+ const rep: string = '-'): string;
+ result := filename;
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '\', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, ':', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '*', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '?', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '"', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '<', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '>', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '|', rep);
+ result := ReplaceStr(result, '/', rep);
+function ForceDir(const dir: string): boolean;
+ d: string;
+ d := ReplaceStr(dir, '\\', '\');
+ d := ReplaceStr(d, '//', '/');
+ Result := ForceDirectories(d);
+procedure GetDirs(const dir: string; const Result: TStrings;
+ SortResult: boolean = true);
+ SL: TStringList;
+ sr: TSearchRec;
+ SL := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ if FindFirst(dir + '*.*', faDirectory, sr) = 0 then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ if ((sr.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and (sr.name <> '.') and
+ (sr.name <> '..') then
+ SL.Add(sr.name);
+ until FindNext(sr) <> 0;
+ FindClose(sr);
+ end;
+ if SortResult = true then
+ SL.sort;
+ Result.Text := SL.Text;
+ finally
+ SL.Free;
+ end;
+function GetDiskSerialNumber(const drive: string): string;
+ sn, len, flags: DWORD;
+ GetVolumeInformation(PChar(drive), nil, 0, @sn, len, flags, nil, 0);
+ Result := IntToHex(HiWord(sn), 4) + '-' + IntToHex(LoWord(sn), 4);
+procedure GetFiles(const dir: string; const Result: TStrings;
+ const IncludeDir: boolean = false; const IncludeExt: boolean = true);
+ rc: integer;
+ tmpPath, ffound: string;
+ sr: TSearchRec;
+ if Result = nil then
+ exit;
+ tmpPath := IncludeTrailingBackSlash(ExtractFilePath(dir));
+ rc := FindFirst(dir, faAnyFile, sr);
+ while rc = 0 do
+ begin
+ ffound := sr.name;
+ if IncludeExt = false then
+ ffound := changefileext(ffound, emptystr);
+ if IncludeDir then
+ Result.Add(tmpPath + ffound)
+ else
+ Result.Add(ffound);
+ rc := FindNext(sr);
+ end;
+ FindClose(sr);
+function GetFileSize(const filename: string): Int64;
+ f: TWin32FindData;
+ h: THandle;
+ Result := -1;
+ try
+ if not FileExists(filename) then
+ exit;
+ h := FindFirstFile({$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(filename), f);
+ RaiseLastWin32Error;
+ try
+ Result := f.nFileSizeHigh shl 32 + f.nFileSizeLow;
+ finally
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23}Winapi.{$IFEND}Windows.FindClose(h);
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+function GetFileToStr(const filename: string): string;
+ SL: TStringList;
+ f: TFileStream;
+ SL := TStringList.Create;
+ f := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ with f do
+ begin
+ try
+ SL.LoadFromStream(f);
+ Result := SL.Text;
+ except
+ Result := emptystr;
+ end;
+ Free;
+ end;
+ SL.Free;
+// Returns the version of a binary file (DLL, EXE, etc)
+function GetFileVersion(const Filename: string; const ResFormat:string='%d.%d.%d.%d'): string;
+ p, pi: Pointer;
+ infosz, plen: DWord;
+ Result := EmptyStr;
+ infosz := GetFileVersionInfoSize({$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(Filename), plen);
+ FillChar(verinfo, SizeOf(verinfo), 0);
+ if infosz > 0 then
+ begin
+ GetMem(p, infosz);
+ GetFileVersionInfo({$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(Filename),
+ 0, infosz, p);
+ VerQueryValue(p, '\', pi, plen);
+ move(pi^, verinfo, SizeOf(verinfo));
+ Result := Format(ResFormat, [verinfo.dwFileVersionMS shr 16,
+ verinfo.dwFileVersionMS and 65535, verinfo.dwFileVersionLS shr 16,
+ verinfo.dwFileVersionLS and 65535]);
+ FreeMem(p);
+ end;
+function GetSizeDescription(const bytes: cardinal): string;
+ cFF = '0.0';
+ if bytes < 1 then
+ Result := '0 bytes'
+ else
+ case bytes of
+ 1 .. 1023:
+ Result := InttoStr(bytes) + ' bytes';
+ 1024 .. 1048575:
+ Result := FormatFloat(cFF, bytes / 1024) + ' KB';
+ 1048576 .. 1073741823:
+ Result := FormatFloat(cFF, bytes / 1048576) + ' MB';
+ else
+ Result := FormatFloat(cFF, bytes / 1073741824) + ' GB';
+ end;
+// Returns a temporary filename (located in the Windows Temporary directory)
+// This function will not create the temporary file, just return a filename suggestion
+// Usage Example: ShowMessage(GetTempFile('.tmp'))
+function GetTempFile(const ext: string): string;
+ buf: array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of {$IFDEF UNICODE}WideChar{$ELSE}Char{$ENDIF};
+ GetTempPath({$IFDEF UNICODE}Length{$ELSE}SizeOf{$ENDIF}(buf) - 1, buf);
+ GetTempFileName(buf, '~', 0, buf);
+ Result := StrPas(buf);
+ if ext<>emptystr then // if the extension is empty will return a .tmp
+ Result := ChangeFileExt(Result, ext);
+function GetTextFileLinesCount(const filename: string): integer;
+ f: Textfile;
+ s: string;
+ AssignFile(f, filename);
+ Reset(f);
+ Result := 0;
+ while not seekeof(f) do
+ begin
+ Result := Result + 1;
+ CatReadLn(f, s);
+ end;
+ Closefile(f);
+function GetWindowsTempDir: String;
+ bufFolder: array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of
+ GetTempPath({$IFDEF UNICODE}Length{$ELSE}SizeOf{$ENDIF}(bufFolder),
+ bufFolder);
+ Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(String(bufFolder));
+function SendToLog(const filename: TFilename; const s: String): boolean;
+ f: Textfile;
+ try
+ AssignFile(f, filename);
+ if FileExists(filename) = false then
+ ReWrite(f)
+ else
+ begin
+ Reset(f);
+ Append(f);
+ end;
+ WriteLn(f, s);
+ Closefile(f);
+ Result := true;
+ except
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function SL_SaveToFile(const SL: TStringList; const filename: string): boolean;
+ fs: TStream;
+ Result := false;
+ if filename = emptystr then
+ exit;
+ if FileExists(filename) = false then
+ begin
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite or
+ fmShareDenyWrite);
+ fs.Free;
+ end;
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ fs.Size := 0;
+ try
+ SL.SaveToStream(fs);
+ Result := true;
+ except
+ end;
+ fs.Free;
+function SL_LoadFromFile(const SL: TStringList; const filename: string)
+ : boolean;
+ fs: TStream;
+ Result := false;
+ if filename = emptystr then
+ exit;
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
+ try
+ SL.LoadFromStream(fs);
+ Result := true;
+ except
+ end;
+ fs.Free;
+// By David Stidolph, 21 Jun 1995
+function FileCopy(const source, dest: string): boolean;
+ fSrc, fDst, len: integer;
+ Size: LongInt;
+ buffer: packed array [0 .. 2047] of Byte;
+ Result := false;
+ if source <> dest then
+ begin
+ fSrc := FileOpen(source, fmOpenRead);
+ if fSrc >= 0 then
+ begin
+ Size := FileSeek(fSrc, 0, 2);
+ FileSeek(fSrc, 0, 0);
+ fDst := FileCreate(dest);
+ if fDst >= 0 then
+ begin
+ while Size > 0 do
+ begin
+ len := FileRead(fSrc, buffer, SizeOf(buffer));
+ FileWrite(fDst, buffer, len);
+ Size := Size - len;
+ end;
+ FileSetDate(fDst, FileGetDate(fSrc));
+ FileClose(fDst);
+ FileSetAttr(dest, FileGetAttr(source));
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ FileClose(fSrc);
+ end;
+ end;
+// Peter Below ------------------------------------------------------------//
+// Based on an example from PB (4/5/1998)
+procedure CopyAfterFirstLine(const sourcefile, targetfile: string;
+ appendln: boolean = false; lnstr: string = '');
+ s: string;
+ source, Target: Textfile;
+ AssignFile(source, sourcefile);
+ AssignFile(Target, targetfile);
+ Reset(source);
+ try
+ ReWrite(Target);
+ try
+ CatReadLn(source, s);
+ while not Eof(source) do
+ begin
+ CatReadLn(source, s);
+ WriteLn(Target, s);
+ end;
+ if appendln then
+ WriteLn(lnstr);
+ finally
+ Closefile(Target);
+ end;
+ finally
+ Closefile(source);
+ end;
+ If you want to get rid of a file normally you just delete it.
+ But someone else can undelete it if the file hasn't been wiped correctly.
+ For security purposes, to insure that certain files are permanently
+ gone, the WipeFile procedure writes over the data in the file with
+ random characters and then erases it.
+procedure WipeFile(const filename: string); // PB
+ buffer: array [0 .. 4095] of Byte;
+ max, n: LongInt;
+ i: integer;
+ fs: TFileStream;
+ procedure RandomizeBuffer;
+ var
+ i: integer;
+ begin
+ for i := Low(buffer) to High(buffer) do
+ buffer[i] := Random(256);
+ end;
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareExclusive);
+ try
+ for i := 1 to 3 do
+ begin
+ RandomizeBuffer;
+ max := fs.Size;
+ fs.Position := 0;
+ while max > 0 do
+ begin
+ if max > SizeOf(buffer) then
+ n := SizeOf(buffer)
+ else
+ n := max;
+ fs.Write(buffer, n);
+ max := max - n;
+ end;
+ FlushFileBuffers(fs.Handle);
+ end;
+ finally
+ fs.Free;
+ end;
+ Deletefile(filename);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatHTMLParser.pas b/src/CatHTMLParser.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e48998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatHTMLParser.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+unit CatHTMLParser;
+ Catarinka HTML Parser
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ Based on HTMLParser.pas (THtmlParser),
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Przemyslaw Jankowski (pjank@home.pl)
+ License: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
+ You can do whatever you want with this code as long as you include the
+ original copyright and license.
+ Changes:
+ - Added Pos, TagPos, TagLine and TextBetweenPos properties
+(* *)
+(* Classes defined in this unit allow you to parse (and update!) any HTML data *)
+(* *)
+(* To use this unit you must first: *)
+(* - create a THtmlParser object *)
+(* - set its >Text< property to the HTML text you want to parse *)
+(* Then you can "move around" this text with two methods: *)
+(* - NextTag - moves you to the next tag from current position *)
+(* (after setting Text current position is the beginning of the text) *)
+(* - PrevTag - moves to the previous tag ("goes back") *)
+(* The current tag (the tag at current position) is returned by Tag property *)
+(* You have also access to the text between two tags - it's in TextBetween prop. *)
+(* There are also some useful methods: *)
+(* - LoadFromFile - loads Text from the specified file from disk *)
+(* - SaveToFile - saves the Text to disk *)
+(* - GotoBeginning - sets current position at the beginning of the text *)
+(* (note: Tag and TextBetween are set to nothing) *)
+(* - GotoEnd - sets current position at the end of the text *)
+(* (same note as above) *)
+(* - RemoveTag - deletes the current tag *)
+(* - InsertTag - inserts a new tag before the current one *)
+(* (the current position "moves" behind the new tag) *)
+(* - InsertText - inserts some text in the current position *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* The TTag class provides you access to everything between two brackets: < and > *)
+(* - Name - this is the tag's name (e.g. 'TABLE', 'IMG' or '/BODY') *)
+(* (when you read it, it always returns uppercase) *)
+(* - Params - this is a TStringList with all parameters *)
+(* (each line is something like: 'width=100' or 'ALT="my image"') *)
+(* hint: you may use the TStringList's Names, Values properties *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Take a look at the Demo1.pas (Button1Click) to see an example. *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* version 1.0 - 18.03.2000 *)
+(* - fixed adding empty lines in Tag.Params *)
+(* (thanks to: JulianWEB ) *)
+(* - changed the name TParser to THtmlParser because of a conflict *)
+(* with Classes.pas unit (thanks: Michael Belmont) *)
+(* - a little improved demo project - now shows, what's inside all TTag objects *)
+(* *)
+(* version 0.9 - 30.12.1999 *)
+(* - first released version *)
+(* *)
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.SysUtils, System.Classes;
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+ TSimpleEvent = procedure of object;
+ TSandTag = class
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ private
+ fName: string;
+ fParams: TStrings;
+ fOnChanged: TSimpleEvent;
+ procedure Changed;
+ function GetName:string;
+ function GetText:string;
+ procedure SetName(const NewName:string);
+ procedure SetText(const text:string);
+ public
+ property Text:string read GetText write SetText; // this is all the stuff
+ // between "<" and ">"
+ property Name:string read GetName write SetName; // tag name (returns uppercase)
+ property NameOriginal:string read fName; // FD
+ property Params:TStrings read fParams; // parameters list
+ private
+ // used only by TCatHTMLParser - updates TCatHTMLParser.Text
+ property OnChanged:TSimpleEvent read fOnChanged write fOnChanged;
+ end;
+ TCatHTMLParser = class
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ private
+ fText: string;
+ fTextBetween: string;
+ fTag: TSandTag;
+ fPos: Integer; // current position in Text
+ fTagPos,fTagLen: Integer; // Tag position and length (including brackets)
+ fTBPos: Integer; // TextBetween position
+ function GetTag:TSandTag;
+ procedure SetText(const NewText:string);
+ procedure SetTextBetween(const text:string);
+ procedure TagChanged;
+ procedure ClearTag;
+ procedure ClearTB;
+ procedure CheckPos;
+ procedure SetTagText(const text:string);
+ function FindTag(next:Boolean):Boolean;
+ function GetTagLine:integer;// FD
+ public
+ property Text:string read fText write SetText; // here is all the HTML file
+ property Tag:TSandTag read GetTag; // current tag
+ procedure RemoveTag; // remove the current tag
+ procedure InsertTag(NewTag:TSandTag); // insert a new tag BEFORE the current one
+ procedure InsertText(text:string); // insert some text before the current tag
+ function NextTag:Boolean; // find next tag from current pos.
+ function PrevTag:Boolean; // find previous tag from current pos.
+ procedure GotoBeginning;
+ procedure GotoEnd;
+ procedure LoadFromFile(filename:string);
+ procedure SaveToFile(filename:string);
+ public
+ property Pos:integer read fPos; // FD
+ property TagPos:integer read fTagPos; // FD
+ property TagLine:integer read GetTagLine; // FD
+ property TextBetweenPos:integer read fTBPOS; // FD
+ property TextBetween:string // this is the text between two tags:
+ read fTextBetween // - the last one - before calling NextTag/PrevTag
+ write SetTextBetween; // - and the new (current) one
+ end;
+function GetLineByPos(const s: string; const Position: Integer): Integer;
+ i, ln: Integer;
+ result := -1;
+ if (Position = -1) then
+ Exit;
+ i := 1;
+ ln := 0;
+ while i < Position do
+ begin
+ if (s[i] = #13) then
+ ln := ln + 1;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end;
+ result := ln;
+{ TParams }
+ TParams = class (TStringList)
+ fTag: TSandTag;
+ procedure Changed; override;
+ end;
+procedure TParams.Changed;
+ inherited;
+ if Assigned(fTag) then fTag.Changed;
+{ TSandTag }
+constructor TSandTag.Create;
+ fName:= '';
+ fParams:= TParams.Create;
+ TParams(fParams).fTag:= Self;
+ fOnChanged:= nil;
+destructor TSandTag.Destroy;
+ fParams.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TSandTag.Changed;
+ if Assigned(fOnChanged) then fOnChanged;
+function TSandTag.GetName: string;
+ Result:= UpperCase(fName);
+procedure TSandTag.SetName(const NewName: string);
+ if NewName<>fName then begin
+ fName:= NewName;
+ Changed;
+ end;
+function TSandTag.GetText: string;
+var i: Integer;
+ Result:= fName;
+ for i:= 0 to fParams.Count-1 do
+ Result:= Result + ' ' + fParams[i];
+procedure TSandTag.SetText(const text: string);
+var i,k: Integer;
+ len: Integer;
+ q1,q2: Boolean;
+ procedure AddParam;
+ var s: string;
+ begin
+ s:= Trim(Copy(text,k,i-k+1));
+ if s<>'' then fParams.Add(s);
+ k:= i+1;
+ end;
+ q1:= False;
+ q2:= False;
+ len:= Length(text);
+ // getting name
+ i:= 1;
+ while not ((i>len) or (text[i]=' ')) do Inc(i);
+ fName:= Copy(text, 1, i-1);
+ k:= i+1; i:= k;
+ fParams.Clear;
+ // getting parameters
+ while not (i>len) do begin
+ if (text[i] in ['''', '"']) then begin
+ if (text[i]='"')
+ then begin if not q1 then q2:= not q2 end
+ else begin if not q2 then q1:= not q1 end;
+ if not (q1 or q2) then AddParam;
+ end else
+ if (text[i]=' ') and not (q1 or q2) then AddParam;
+ Inc(i);
+ end;
+ if kLength(fText) then fPos:= Length(fText);
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.InsertTag(NewTag: TSandTag);
+ CheckPos;
+ Insert('<'+NewTag.Text+'>', fText, fPos);
+ NextTag;
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.InsertText(text: string);
+ CheckPos;
+ ClearTB;
+ Insert(text, fText, fPos);
+ Inc(fPos, Length(text));
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.RemoveTag;
+ if fTagPos=0 then Exit;
+ Delete(fText, fTagPos, fTagLen);
+ ClearTag;
+ ClearTB;
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.SetText(const NewText: string);
+ fText:= NewText;
+ GotoBeginning;
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.SetTextBetween(const text: string);
+ if fTBPos=0 then Exit;
+ if text<>fTextBetween then begin
+ if (fTBPos<>0) and (fTagPos>fTBPos) then
+ Inc(fTagPos, Length(text)-Length(fTextBetween));
+ Delete(fText, fTBPos, Length(fTextBetween));
+ Insert(text, fText, fTBPos);
+ end;
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.TagChanged;
+var s: string;
+ if fTagPos=0 then Exit;
+ Delete(fText, fTagPos+1, fTagLen-2);
+ s:= fTag.Text;
+ if (fTBPos>fTagPos) then Inc(fTBPos, Length(s)+2-fTagLen);
+ fTagLen:= Length(s)+2;
+ Insert(s, fText, fTagPos+1);
+function TCatHTMLParser.NextTag: Boolean;
+ Result:= FindTag(True);
+function TCatHTMLParser.PrevTag: Boolean;
+ Result:= FindTag(False);
+function FindNext(const text:string; ch:char; startfrom:Integer; var pos:Integer):Boolean;
+ pos:= startfrom;
+ while (pos<=Length(text)) and (text[pos]<>ch) do Inc(pos);
+ Result:= (text[pos]=ch);
+function FindPrev(const text:string; ch:char; startfrom:Integer; var pos:Integer):Boolean;
+ pos:= startfrom;
+ while (pos>0) and (text[pos]<>ch) do Dec(pos);
+ Result:= (text[pos]=ch);
+function TCatHTMLParser.FindTag(next: Boolean): Boolean;
+var tag1, tag2, // first/last char of the new tag
+ tb1, tb2: Integer; // first/last char of new TextBetween
+ if Length(fText)=0 then begin
+ Result:= False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if fTagPos<>0 then
+ if next then Inc(fPos) else Dec(fPos);
+ CheckPos;
+ if next then begin
+ // find next tag
+ Result:= FindNext(fText, '<', fPos, tag1) and FindNext(fText, '>', tag1, tag2);
+ // find end of current tag
+ if FindNext(fText, '>', fPos, tb1) and (tb1', tb2, tag2) and FindPrev(fText, '<', tag2, tag1);
+ end;
+ if Result then begin
+ fPos:= tag1;
+ if next
+ then tb2:= tag1-1
+ else tb1:= tag2+1;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if next then begin
+ fPos:= Length(fText);
+ tb2:= Length(fText);
+ end
+ else begin
+ fPos:= 1;
+ tb1:= 1;
+ end;
+ tag1:= 0;
+ tag2:= 0;
+ end;
+ fTagPos:= tag1;
+ fTagLen:= tag2-tag1+1;
+ SetTagText(Copy(fText, fTagPos+1, fTagLen-2));
+ fTBPos:= tb1;
+ fTextBetween:= Copy(fText, fTBPos, tb2-tb1+1);
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.GotoBeginning;
+ fPos:= 0;
+ ClearTag;
+ ClearTB;
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.GotoEnd;
+ fPos:= Length(fText);
+ ClearTag;
+ ClearTB;
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.LoadFromFile(filename: string);
+var l: TStringList;
+ l:= TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ l.LoadFromFile(filename);
+ Text:= l.Text;
+ finally
+ l.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TCatHTMLParser.SaveToFile(filename: string);
+var l: TStringList;
+ l:= TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ l.Text:= Text;
+ l.SaveToFile(filename);
+ finally
+ l.Free;
+ end;
diff --git a/src/CatHTTP.pas b/src/CatHTTP.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f9d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatHTTP.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+unit CatHTTP;
+ Catarinka - HTTP and HTML related functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ ColorToHTMLColor function by Ralf Mimoun
+ 4.19.2011, FD: GetHostFromURL, GetPortFromURL,
+ GetDomainFromHost, GetPortFromHost are now IPv6 compatible
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23}
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Graphics;
+ Classes, SysUtils, Graphics;
+function BoolToDisplayState(const b: boolean): string;
+function ColorToHTMLColor(const Color: TColor): string;
+function ExtractUrlFileExt(const url: string): string;
+function ExtractUrlFileName(const url: string): string;
+function GetDomainFromHost(const host: string): string;
+function GetField(const Field, ReqStr: string): ansistring;
+function GetHeaderFromResponse(const r: string): string;
+function GetHostFromURL(const url: string): string;
+function GetPathFromRequest(const r: string): string;
+function GetPathFromURL(const url: string;
+ const includeparams: boolean = true): string;
+function GetPortFromHost(const host: string): string;
+function GetPortFromURL(const url: string): string;
+function GetPostDataFromRequest(const r: string): string;
+function GetStatusCodeFromResponse(const r: string): integer;
+function HostPort2URL(const host: string; const port: integer): string;
+function HtmlColorToColor(const Color: string): TColor;
+function HtmlEntityDecode(const s: string): string;
+function HtmlEscape(const s: string): string;
+function HtmlUnescape(const s: string): string;
+function Path_TitleCase(const s: string): string;
+function PostDataToJSON(const s: string): string;
+function RemoveHeaderFromResponse(const r: string): string;
+function StripHTML(const s: string): string;
+function StripPHPCode(const s: string): string;
+function URLDecode(const s: string): string;
+function URLEncode(const s: string; plus: boolean = false;
+ const preserve: TSysCharSet = ['0' .. '9', 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z',
+ ' ']): string;
+function URLEncodeFull(const s: string): string;
+ CatStrings, CatStringLoop, CatJSON;
+function BoolToDisplayState(const b: boolean): string;
+ if b then
+ result := 'block'
+ else
+ result := 'none';
+// By Ralf Mimoun
+function ColorToHTMLColor(const Color: TColor): string;
+ cl: LongInt;
+ cl := ColorToRGB(Color);
+ result := format('#%6.6x', [((cl and $FF0000) shr 16) + ((cl and $00FF00)) +
+ ((cl and $0000FF) shl 16)]);
+// TitleCase for URL paths
+function Path_TitleCase(const s: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ result := s;
+ for i := 1 to length(result) - 1 do
+ if (result[i] in (['~', '/'] - ['.', '-', 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z'])) then
+ if result[i + 1] in ['a' .. 'z'] then
+ result[i + 1] := Char(ord(result[i + 1]) and not $20);
+function PostDataToJSON(const s: string): string;
+ d: TCatJSON;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ n, v: string;
+ d := TCatJSON.Create;
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(replacestr(s, '&', crlf));
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ n := before(slp.current, '=');
+ v := after(slp.current, '=');
+ v := URLDecode(v);
+ if isValidJSONName(n) then
+ d[n] := v;
+ end;
+ slp.free;
+ result := d.Text;
+ d.free;
+function GetStatusCodeFromResponse(const r: string): integer;
+ rlines: tstringlist;
+ st: string;
+ result := -1;
+ rlines := tstringlist.Create;
+ rlines.Text := r;
+ if rlines.count <> 0 then
+ begin
+ st := after(rlines[0], ' '); // this is the status code
+ st := before(st, ' ');
+ if isinteger(st) then // confirm before returning
+ result := StrToInt(st);
+ end;
+ rlines.free;
+function RemoveHeaderFromResponse(const r: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ start: boolean;
+ result := emptystr;
+ start := false;
+ for i := 1 to length(r) do
+ begin
+ if start = false then
+ begin
+ if (r[i] = #10) and (r[i - 1] = #13) and (r[i - 2] = #10) and
+ (r[i - 3] = #13) then
+ start := true;
+ end
+ else
+ result := result + r[i];
+ end;
+function GetHeaderFromResponse(const r: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ collected: boolean;
+ result := emptystr;
+ collected := false;
+ for i := 1 to length(r) do
+ begin
+ if collected = false then
+ if (r[i] = #10) and (r[i - 1] = #13) and (r[i - 2] = #10) and
+ (r[i - 3] = #13) then
+ break
+ else
+ result := result + r[i];
+ end;
+function HostPort2URL(const host: string; const port: integer): string;
+ proto, sport: string;
+ if port = 443 then
+ proto := 'https://'
+ else
+ proto := 'http://';
+ if (port <> 80) and (port <> 443) then
+ sport := ':' + inttostr(port);
+ result := proto + host + sport;
+function StripHTML(const s: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ strip: boolean;
+ result := emptystr;
+ strip := false;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ if s[i] = '<' then
+ strip := true;
+ if strip then
+ begin
+ if s[i] = '>' then
+ begin
+ strip := false;
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ result := result + s[i];
+ end;
+function StripPHPCode(const s: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ strip: boolean;
+ result := emptystr;
+ strip := false;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ if (s[i] = '<') and (s[i + 1] = '?') then
+ strip := true;
+ if strip then
+ begin
+ if (s[i] = '>') and (s[i - 1] = '?') then
+ begin
+ strip := false;
+ Continue;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ result := result + s[i];
+ end;
+function HtmlEscape(const s: string): string;
+ result := replacestr(s, '&', '&');
+ result := replacestr(result, '<', '<');
+ result := replacestr(result, '>', '>');
+ result := replacestr(result, '"', '"');
+ result := replacestr(result, '''', ''');
+function HtmlUnescape(const s: string): string;
+ result := replacestr(s, '&', '&');
+ result := replacestr(result, '<', '<');
+ result := replacestr(result, '>', '>');
+ result := replacestr(result, '"', '"');
+ result := replacestr(result, ''', '''');
+// Returns the value of field from a request/response header
+function GetField(const Field, ReqStr:
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}string{$ELSE}ansistring{$ENDIF}): ansistring;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ afield: string;
+ result := emptystr;
+ afield := lowercase(Field);
+ if pos(afield, lowercase(ReqStr)) = 0 then
+ exit; // not found
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(ReqStr);
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ if beginswith(trim(slp.CurrentLower), afield + ':') then
+ begin // found
+ result := trim(after(slp.current, ':'));
+ slp.Stop;
+ end;
+ end;
+ slp.free;
+function HtmlColorToColor(const Color: string): TColor;
+ cl: string;
+ cl := Color;
+ Delete(cl, 1, 1);
+ result := StrToIntDef('$' + Copy(cl, 5, 2) + Copy(cl, 3, 2) + Copy(cl, 1, 2),
+ $00FFFFFF);
+function ExtractUrlFileName(const url: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ result := url;
+ if pos('?', result) <> 0 then
+ result := before(result, '?');
+ i := LastDelimiter('/', result);
+ result := Copy(result, i + 1, length(result) - (i));
+function ExtractUrlFileExt(const url: string): string;
+ result := ExtractUrlFileName(url);
+ if pos('?', result) <> 0 then
+ result := before(result, '?');
+ result := extractfileext(result);
+function GetHostFromURL(const url: string): string;
+ result := after(url, '://');
+ result := before(result, '/');
+ if beginswith(result, '[') then
+ begin // ipv6 format
+ result := after(result, '[');
+ result := before(result, ']');
+ result := '[' + result + ']';
+ end
+ else
+ begin // ipv4 format
+ if pos(':', result) <> 0 then
+ result := before(result, ':');
+ end;
+function GetPortFromURL(const url: string): string;
+ temp: string;
+ result := '80'; // default
+ if beginswith(lowercase(url), 'https://') then
+ result := '443';
+ temp := after(url, '://');
+ temp := before(temp, '/');
+ if pos(':', temp) <> 0 then
+ begin // port provided via format [proto]://[host]:[port]/
+ if beginswith(temp, '[') then
+ begin // ipv6 format
+ temp := after(temp, ']:');
+ end
+ else
+ begin // ipv4 format
+ temp := after(temp, ':');
+ end;
+ if isinteger(temp) then
+ result := temp;
+ end;
+function GetPathFromURL(const url: string;
+ const includeparams: boolean = true): string;
+ result := after(url, '://');
+ result := after(result, '/');
+ if includeparams = false then
+ begin
+ if pos('?', result) <> 0 then
+ result := before(result, '?');
+ end;
+function GetPostDataFromRequest(const r: string): string;
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ foundempty, postbegin: boolean;
+ postdata: string;
+ postdata := emptystr;
+ foundempty := false;
+ postbegin := false;
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ slp.LoadFromString(r);
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ if foundempty then
+ begin
+ if trim(slp.current) <> emptystr then
+ postbegin := true;
+ end;
+ if postbegin then
+ begin
+ if postdata = emptystr then
+ postdata := slp.current
+ else
+ postdata := postdata + crlf + slp.current;
+ end;
+ if trim(slp.current) = emptystr then
+ foundempty := true;
+ end;
+ result := postdata;
+ slp.free;
+function GetDomainFromHost(const host: string): string;
+ result := GetHostFromURL('http://' + host + '/');
+function GetPortFromHost(const host: string): string;
+ result := GetPortFromURL('http://' + host + '/');
+function HtmlEntityDecode(const s: string): string;
+ result := replacestr(s, '<', '<');
+ result := replacestr(result, '>', '>');
+ result := replacestr(result, '"', '"');
+ result := replacestr(result, '&', '&');
+function GetPathFromRequest(const r: string): string;
+ sl: tstringlist;
+ result := '/';
+ sl := tstringlist.Create;
+ sl.Text := r;
+ if sl.count <> 0 then
+ begin
+ result := after(sl[0], ' '); // path, after HTTP method
+ result := before(result, ' '); // before HTTP version
+ end;
+ sl.free;
+function URLDecode(const s: string): string;
+ i: integer;
+ result := emptystr;
+ if length(s) = 0 then
+ result := emptystr
+ else
+ begin
+ i := 1;
+ while i <= length(s) do
+ begin
+ if s[i] = '%' then
+ begin
+ result := result + Chr(HexToInt(s[i + 1] + s[i + 2]));
+ Inc(i, 2);
+ end
+ else if s[i] = '+' then
+ result := result + ' '
+ else
+ result := result + s[i];
+ Inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+function URLEncode(const s: string; plus: boolean = false;
+ const preserve: TSysCharSet = ['0' .. '9', 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z',
+ ' ']): string;
+ i: integer;
+ sp: string;
+ if length(s) = 0 then
+ result := emptystr
+ else
+ begin
+ if plus then
+ sp := '+'
+ else
+ sp := '%20';
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ if not(s[i] in preserve) then
+ result := result + '%' + IntToHex(ord(s[i]), 2)
+ else if (s[i] = ' ') then
+ result := result + sp
+ else
+ result := result + s[i];
+ end;
+ end;
+function URLEncodeFull(const s: string): string;
+ result := URLEncode(s, false, []);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatHighlighters.pas b/src/CatHighlighters.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d64d43c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatHighlighters.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+unit CatHighlighters;
+ Catarinka - Multiple Code Highlighters
+ Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Syhunt Informatica
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ Color scheme adapted from the CodeRay project (MIT-licensed)
+ https://github.com/rubychan/coderay
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Kornelius Kalnbach (@murphy_karasu)
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.TypInfo, Vcl.Graphics,
+ Classes, SysUtils, TypInfo, Graphics,
+ SynEditHighlighter,
+ SynHighlighterRuby,
+ SynHighlighterPerl,
+ SynHighlighterPython,
+ SynHighlighterPas,
+ SynHighlighterVBScript,
+ SynHighlighterSQL,
+ SynHighlighterWeb,
+ SynHighlighterWebData,
+ SynHighlighterWebMisc;
+ TCatHighlighters = class
+ private
+ fSynWebEngine: TSynWebEngine;
+ WebJS: TSynWebESSyn;
+ WebCSS: TSynWebCSSSyn;
+ WebXML: TSynWebXMLSyn;
+ WebPHP: TSynWebPHPPlainSyn;
+ Ruby: TSynRubySyn;
+ Pascal: TSynPasSyn;
+ Perl: TSynPerlSyn;
+ Python: TSynPythonSyn;
+ SQLSyn: TSynSQLSyn;
+ VBScript: TSynVBScriptSyn;
+ public
+ WebHTML: TSynWebHtmlSyn;
+ function GetByFileExtension(const fileext: string): TSynCustomHighlighter;
+ function GetByContentType(const contenttype: string): TSynCustomHighlighter;
+ procedure SetCodeRayColors(const e: TSynWebEngine);
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TObject);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ CatStrings;
+function TCatHighlighters.GetByContentType(const contenttype: string)
+ : TSynCustomHighlighter;
+ ct: string;
+ result := nil;
+ ct := lowercase(contenttype);
+ if pos('html', ct) <> 0 then
+ result := WebHTML;
+ if pos('javascript', ct) <> 0 then
+ result := WebJS;
+ if pos('xml', ct) <> 0 then
+ result := WebXML;
+ if pos('css', ct) <> 0 then
+ result := WebCSS;
+ TWebExts = (css, dpr, htm, html, js, json, jsie, lua, lp, pas, pasrem, php,
+ pl, py, rb, sql, tis, vbs, xml);
+function TCatHighlighters.GetByFileExtension(const fileext: string)
+ : TSynCustomHighlighter;
+ ext: string;
+ result := WebHTML;
+ ext := lowercase(fileext);
+ if beginswith(ext, '.') then
+ ext := after(ext, '.');
+ if ext = emptystr then
+ exit;
+ case TWebExts(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TWebExts), ext)) of
+ htm, html:
+ result := WebHTML;
+ lua, lp:
+ result := nil;
+ js, json, jsie, tis:
+ result := WebJS;
+ css:
+ result := WebCSS;
+ php:
+ result := WebPHP;
+ rb:
+ result := Ruby;
+ pas, dpr, pasrem:
+ result := Pascal;
+ pl:
+ result := Perl;
+ py:
+ result := Python;
+ sql:
+ result := SQLSyn;
+ vbs:
+ result := VBScript;
+ xml:
+ result := WebXML;
+ end;
+procedure TCatHighlighters.SetCodeRayColors(const e: TSynWebEngine);
+ e.mltagnameattri.foreground := $00007700;
+ e.mltagnameundefattri.foreground := $00007700;
+ e.mltagattri.foreground := $00007700;
+ e.mltagkeyattri.foreground := $008844BB;
+ e.mltagkeyundefattri.foreground := $008844BB;
+ e.mltagkeyundefattri.Style := e.mltagkeyundefattri.Style - [fsUnderline];
+ e.mltagkeyvalueattri.foreground := $000022DD;
+ e.mltagkeyvaluequotedattri.foreground := $000022DD;
+ e.mlerrorattri.Style := e.mlerrorattri.Style - [fsUnderline];
+ e.mlerrorattri.foreground := $00007700;
+ e.eskeyattri.foreground := $00008800;
+ e.esidentifierattri.foreground := clBlack;
+ e.esnumberattri.foreground := $00DD0000;
+ e.escommentattri.foreground := $00777777;
+ e.eswhitespaceattri.background := $00E0E0E0;
+ e.cssselectorattri.foreground := $00993333;
+ e.csspropattri.foreground := $00660066;
+ e.csspropundefattri.foreground := $00660066;
+ e.cssselectorclassattri.foreground := $006600BB;
+ e.cssselectoridattri.foreground := $0000AA00;
+ e.cssrulesetwhitespaceattri.background := clNone;
+ e.csswhitespaceattri.background := clNone;
+ e.csscommentattri.foreground := $00777777;
+ e.cssvalattri.foreground := $00888800;
+ e.cssvalundefattri.foreground := $00888800;
+ e.cssvalundefattri.Style := e.cssvalundefattri.Style - [fsUnderline];
+ e.csserrorattri.foreground := $000000FF;
+ e.csserrorattri.Style := e.csserrorattri.Style - [fsUnderline];
+ e.cssvalnumberattri.foreground := $0000AA00;
+ e.CssValStringAttri.foreground := $000022DD;
+ e.phpstringattri.foreground := $000022DD;
+ e.phpstringspecialattri.foreground := $000022DD;
+ e.phpvariableattri.foreground := $00008800;
+ e.phpfunctionattri.foreground := $00996633;
+ e.phpfunctionattri.Style := e.phpfunctionattri.Style + [fsBold];
+ e.phpkeyattri.foreground := $00008800;
+ e.specialattri.phpmarker.foreground := $00666666;
+ e.phpcommentattri.foreground := $00777777;
+ e.phpdoccommentattri.foreground := $00777777;
+ e.phpidentifierattri.foreground := $00BB6600;
+ e.phpidentifierattri.Style := e.phpidentifierattri.Style + [fsBold];
+ e.PhpNumberAttri.foreground := $00DD0000;
+constructor TCatHighlighters.Create(AOwner: TObject);
+ inherited Create;
+ Ruby := TSynRubySyn.Create(nil);
+ Pascal := TSynPasSyn.Create(nil);
+ Perl := TSynPerlSyn.Create(nil);
+ Python := TSynPythonSyn.Create(nil);
+ VBScript := TSynVBScriptSyn.Create(nil);
+ SQLSyn := TSynSQLSyn.Create(nil);
+ fSynWebEngine := TSynWebEngine.Create(nil);
+ fSynWebEngine.Options.CssVersion := scvCSS3;
+ WebHTML := TSynWebHtmlSyn.Create(nil);
+ WebHTML.Engine := fSynWebEngine;
+ WebHTML.Options.PhpEmbeded := false;
+ WebPHP := TSynWebPHPPlainSyn.Create(nil);
+ WebPHP.Engine := fSynWebEngine;
+ WebJS := TSynWebESSyn.Create(nil);
+ WebJS.Engine := fSynWebEngine;
+ WebCSS := TSynWebCSSSyn.Create(nil);
+ WebCSS.Engine := fSynWebEngine;
+ WebCSS.Options.CssVersion := scvCSS3;
+ WebXML := TSynWebXMLSyn.Create(nil);
+ WebXML.Engine := fSynWebEngine;
+ SetCodeRayColors(fSynWebEngine);
+destructor TCatHighlighters.Destroy;
+ inherited;
diff --git a/src/CatInet.pas b/src/CatInet.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e25d119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatInet.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+unit CatInet;
+ Catarinka - Internet related functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ GetTinyUrl function by Rodrigo Ruz V., released under the MIT license
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Winapi.Windows, Winapi.WinSock, System.SysUtils, System.Win.Registry,
+ Winapi.WinInet;
+ Windows, WinSock, SysUtils, Registry, WinInet;
+function GetAbsoluteURL(const baseURL, relURL: string): string;
+function GetTinyUrl(const URL: string): string;
+function IPAddrToName(const IP: string): string;
+function IsValidIP(const IP: string): Boolean;
+function NameToIPAddr(const name: string): string;
+procedure DisableProxy(const agent: string);
+procedure EnableProxy(const agent, proxy: string);
+procedure IESettingsChanged(const agent: string);
+uses CatStrings;
+procedure DisableProxy(const agent: string);
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if Reg.OpenKey
+ ('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings', True)
+ then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteInteger('ProxyEnable', 0);
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+ IESettingsChanged(agent);
+procedure EnableProxy(const agent, proxy: string);
+ Reg: TRegistry;
+ Reg := TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if Reg.OpenKey
+ ('\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings', True)
+ then
+ begin
+ Reg.WriteString('ProxyServer', proxy); // format: proxy:proxyport
+ Reg.WriteInteger('ProxyEnable', 1);
+ Reg.CloseKey;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Reg.Free;
+ end;
+ IESettingsChanged(agent);
+// Usage example:
+// GetAbsoluteURL('http://someurl.com/demo/','/index.html')
+// will return http://someurl.com/index.html
+function GetAbsoluteURL(const baseURL, relURL: string): string;
+ procedure TruncateStr(var s: string);
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ if (s[i] = #0) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(s, i - 1);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ buflen: DWORD;
+ buflen := 10240;
+ SetLength(Result, buflen);
+ InternetCombineUrl(
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(Result), buflen,
+ TruncateStr(Result);
+ // workaround, ipv6
+ Result := replacestr(Result, '%5B', '[');
+ Result := replacestr(Result, '%5D', ']');
+procedure IESettingsChanged(const agent: string);
+ HInet := InternetOpen({$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(agent),
+ try
+ if HInet <> nil then
+ InternetSetOption(HInet, INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED, nil, 0);
+ finally
+ InternetCloseHandle(HInet);
+ end;
+function IPAddrToName(const IP: string): string;
+ WSAData: TWSAData;
+ HostEnt: PHostEnt;
+ Addr: Longint;
+ Result := EmptyStr;
+ if WSAStartup(MakeWord(1, 1), WSAData) <> 0 then
+ Exit;
+ Addr := inet_addr({$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(IP));
+ HostEnt := gethostbyaddr(@Addr, 4, PF_INET);
+ if HostEnt = nil then
+ Exit;
+ Result := HostEnt^.h_name;
+ WSACleanup;
+function IsValidIP(const IP: string): Boolean;
+ Result := ((IP <> emptystr) and
+ (inet_addr({$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(IP)) <>
+function NameToIPAddr(const name: string): string;
+ PHostEntry: PHostEnt;
+ InAddr: PInAddr;
+ PHostEntry := gethostbyname
+ ({$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(name));
+ if PHostEntry <> nil then
+ begin
+ InAddr := Pointer(PHostEntry^.h_addr_list^);
+ NameToIPAddr := inet_ntoa(InAddr^);
+ end
+ else
+ NameToIPAddr := emptystr;
+// By Rodrigo Ruz (MIT license)
+function GetTinyUrl(const URL: string): string;
+ tinyurl = 'http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=%s';
+ BuffSize = 2048;
+ hInter, UrlHandle: HINTERNET;
+ BytesRead: Cardinal;
+ Buffer: Pointer;
+ Result := emptystr;
+ hInter := InternetOpen('', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0);
+ if Assigned(hInter) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(Buffer, BuffSize);
+ try
+ UrlHandle := InternetOpenUrl(hInter, PChar(Format(tinyurl, [URL])), nil,
+ if Assigned(UrlHandle) then
+ begin
+ InternetReadFile(UrlHandle, Buffer, BuffSize, BytesRead);
+ if BytesRead > 0 then
+ SetString(Result, PAnsiChar(Buffer), BytesRead);
+ InternetCloseHandle(UrlHandle);
+ end;
+ finally
+ FreeMem(Buffer);
+ end;
+ InternetCloseHandle(hInter);
+ end
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatJINI.pas b/src/CatJINI.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb4c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatJINI.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+unit CatJINI;
+ Catarinka TJIniList - JSON INIList-Like component
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ This component was made to replace the TIniList component.
+ It is also similar to TStringList (with the property Values, Strings and Count).
+ TODO: Needs some cleanup
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Winapi.Windows,
+ Classes, SysUtils, Windows,
+ Superobject;
+ TJIniList = class
+ private
+ fBackup: Boolean;
+ fFileName: string;
+ fModified: Boolean;
+ fObject: ISuperObject;
+ function GetVersion: string;
+ function GetJSONLines: string;
+ procedure SetJSONLines(json: string);
+ function GetValue(const Key: string): string;
+ procedure SetValue(const Key: string; const Value: string);
+ function GetCount: integer;
+ function FixKeyValue(s: string): string;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function SaveJSON: Boolean; overload;
+ function SaveJSON(const FileName: string): Boolean; overload;
+ procedure Clear;
+ function LoadJSON: Boolean; overload;
+ function LoadJSON(const FileName: string): Boolean; overload;
+ function ReadString(Section, Key, default: string): string;
+ procedure WriteString(Section, Key, Value: string; Format: string = '');
+ function ReadInteger(const Section, Key: string; default: integer): integer;
+ procedure WriteInteger(const Section, Key: string; Value: integer);
+ function ReadBool(const Section, Key: string; default: Boolean): Boolean;
+ procedure WriteBool(const Section, Key: string; Value: Boolean);
+ procedure DeleteSection(Section: string);
+ procedure DeleteSectionKey(Section, Key: string);
+ procedure AddString(const Section, Key, Value: String;
+ AddIfRepeated: Boolean);
+ // properties
+ property Backup: Boolean read fBackup write fBackup;
+ property Count: integer read GetCount;
+ property FileName: string read fFileName write fFileName;
+ property Text: string read GetJSONLines write SetJSONLines;
+ property Values[const Key: string]: string read GetValue
+ write SetValue; default;
+ property Version: string read GetVersion;
+ property sObject: ISuperObject read fObject;
+ published
+ end;
+uses CatStrings;
+ cBase64 = 'base64';
+ cFormatKey = '.format';
+ cValuesSection = 'data';
+ cVersion = '1.0';
+ { TJIniList }
+function TJIniList.FixKeyValue(s: string): string;
+ Result := ReplaceStr(s, '.', '_dot_'); // dots not allowed
+ Result := lowercase(Result);
+function TJIniList.GetValue(const Key: string): string;
+ Result := ReadString(cValuesSection, Key, emptystr);
+procedure TJIniList.SetValue(const Key: string; const Value: string);
+ WriteString(cValuesSection, Key, Value);
+function TJIniList.GetJSONLines: string;
+ Result := fObject.AsJson(true);
+procedure TJIniList.SetJSONLines(json: string);
+ fObject := nil;
+ fObject := TSuperObject.ParseString(StrToPWideChar(json), false)
+constructor TJIniList.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ fBackup := false;
+ fObject := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+procedure TJIniList.Clear;
+ fObject.Clear;
+destructor TJIniList.Destroy;
+ fObject := nil;
+ inherited;
+function TJIniList.LoadJSON: Boolean;
+ Result := LoadJSON(fFileName);
+function TJIniList.LoadJSON(const FileName: string): Boolean;
+ Stream: TStream;
+ FLines: TStringlist;
+ Result := false;
+ FLines := TStringlist.Create;
+ if FileName <> emptystr then
+ begin
+ Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
+ try
+ FLines.LoadFromStream(Stream);
+ SetJSONLines(FLines.Text);
+ Result := true;
+ except
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ Stream.Free;
+ end;
+ FLines.Free;
+function TJIniList.GetVersion: string;
+ Result := cVersion;
+function TJIniList.ReadBool(const Section, Key: string;
+ default: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := Boolean(ReadInteger(Section, Key, integer(default)));
+function TJIniList.ReadInteger(const Section, Key: string;
+ default: integer): integer;
+ Result := StrToInt(ReadString(Section, Key, IntToStr(default)));
+function TJIniList.SaveJSON: Boolean;
+ Result := SaveJSON(fFileName);
+function TJIniList.SaveJSON(const FileName: string): Boolean;
+ SL: TStringlist;
+ Stream: TStream;
+ Result := false;
+ if fBackup then
+ CopyFile(
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}Pchar{$ENDIF}(FileName),
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}Pchar{$ENDIF}(FileName + '.bak'), false);
+ if FileName = emptystr then
+ exit;
+ if fileexists(FileName) = false then
+ begin
+ Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite or
+ fmShareDenyWrite);
+ Stream.Free;
+ end;
+ SL := TStringlist.Create;
+ SL.Text := fObject.AsJson(true);
+ Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ Stream.size := 0;
+ try
+ SL.SaveToStream(Stream);
+ Result := true;
+ except
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ Stream.Free;
+ SL.Free;
+ fModified := false;
+procedure TJIniList.WriteBool(const Section, Key: string; Value: Boolean);
+ WriteInteger(Section, Key, integer(Value));
+procedure TJIniList.WriteInteger(const Section, Key: string; Value: integer);
+ WriteString(Section, Key, IntToStr(Value));
+procedure TJIniList.WriteString(Section, Key, Value: string;
+ Format: string = '');
+ sk: string;
+ Section := FixKeyValue(Section);
+ Key := FixKeyValue(Key);
+ sk := Section + '.' + Key;
+ if ReadString(Section, Key, emptystr) = Value then
+ exit;
+ if Format <> emptystr then
+ fObject.s[sk + cFormatKey] := Format;
+ if Format = cBase64 then
+ Value := Base64EnCode(Value);
+ fObject.s[sk] := Value;
+ fModified := true;
+function TJIniList.ReadString(Section, Key, default: string): string;
+ fmt: string;
+ sk: string;
+ Section := FixKeyValue(Section);
+ Key := FixKeyValue(Key);
+ sk := Section + '.' + Key;
+ Result := default;
+ if fObject.s[sk] <> emptystr then
+ Result := fObject.s[sk]
+ else
+ Result := default;
+ if fObject.s[sk + cFormatKey] <> emptystr then
+ begin
+ fmt := fObject.s[sk + cFormatKey];
+ if fmt = cBase64 then
+ Result := Base64DeCode(Result);
+ end;
+procedure TJIniList.AddString(const Section, Key, Value: String;
+ AddIfRepeated: Boolean);
+ SL: TStringlist;
+ SL := TStringlist.Create;
+ SL.commatext := ReadString(Section, Key, emptystr);
+ if AddIfRepeated = true then
+ SL.Add(Value)
+ else
+ begin
+ if SL.indexof(Value) = -1 then
+ SL.Add(Value);
+ end;
+ WriteString(Section, Key, SL.commatext);
+ SL.Free;
+procedure TJIniList.DeleteSection(Section: string);
+ Section := FixKeyValue(Section);
+ fObject.o[Section].Clear;
+ fModified := true;
+procedure TJIniList.DeleteSectionKey(Section, Key: string);
+ Section := FixKeyValue(Section);
+ Key := FixKeyValue(Key);
+ fObject.o[Section + '.' + Key].Clear;
+ fModified := true;
+function TJIniList.GetCount: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ // TODO: not implemented yet
diff --git a/src/CatJSON.pas b/src/CatJSON.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7fa600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatJSON.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+unit CatJSON;
+ Catarinka TCatJSON - JSON Manipulation Object
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ 2013:
+ - Added the HasPath method
+ - Changed the default property from string to variant
+ - Count property not fully implemented.
+ - IncVal(), & SetValInt() may need revision
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.Variants,
+ Classes, SysUtils, Variants,
+ SuperObject;
+ EmptyJSONStr = '{}';
+ TCatJSON = class
+ private
+ fCount: integer;
+ fObject: ISuperObject;
+ function GetText: string;
+ function GetTextUnquoted: string;
+ public
+ function GetVal(const Name: string): Variant;
+ function GetValue(const Name: string; DefaultValue: Variant): Variant;
+ function HasPath(const Name: string): Boolean;
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const Filename: string);
+ procedure SaveToFile(const Filename: string);
+ procedure SetText(const Text: string);
+ procedure SetVal(const Name: string; const Value: Variant);
+ procedure IncVal(const Name: string; Int: integer = 1);
+ procedure SetValInt(const Name: string; const Value: integer);
+ procedure Clear;
+ constructor Create(JSON: string = '');
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // properties
+ property Count: integer read fCount;
+ property IntVal[const Name: string]: integer write SetValInt;
+ property sObject: ISuperObject read fObject;
+ property Text: string read GetText write SetText;
+ property TextUnquoted:string read GetTextUnquoted; // JSON with UnquotedKeys
+ property Val[const Name: string]: Variant read GetVal write SetVal; default;
+ published
+ end;
+function CatVariant(Text, ValName: string): Variant;
+function IsValidJSONName(const S: string): Boolean;
+uses CatFiles, CatStrings;
+function IsValidJSONName(const s: string): Boolean;
+ cJSONChars = ['-', '_', 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9'];
+ i: integer;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 1 to Length(S) do
+ if not(S[i] in cJSONChars) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Break;
+ end;
+function CatVariant(Text, ValName: string): Variant;
+ d: TCatJSON;
+ d := TCatJSON.Create;
+ d.Text := Text;
+ Result := d[ValName];
+ d.Free;
+function TCatJSON.GetTextUnquoted: string;
+ ite: TSuperObjectIter;
+ Result := '{';
+ if ObjectFindFirst(fObject, ite) then
+ repeat
+ Result := Result + crlf + ite.key + ': ' + ite.Val.AsJson + ',';
+ until not ObjectFindNext(ite);
+ ObjectFindClose(ite);
+ Result := Result + '}';
+function TCatJSON.GetText: string;
+ Result := fObject.AsJson(True);
+procedure TCatJSON.LoadFromFile(const Filename: string);
+ sl: tstringlist;
+ sl := tstringlist.Create;
+ SL_LoadFromFile(sl, Filename);
+ SetText(sl.Text);
+ sl.Free;
+procedure TCatJSON.SaveToFile(const Filename: string);
+ sl: tstringlist;
+ sl := tstringlist.Create;
+ sl.Text := GetText;
+ SL_SaveToFile(sl, Filename);
+ sl.Free;
+procedure TCatJSON.SetText(const Text: string);
+ fObject := nil;
+ fCount := 0;
+ fObject := TSuperObject.ParseString(StrToPWideChar(Text), False);
+procedure TCatJSON.Clear;
+ fObject.Clear;
+ fCount := 0;
+constructor TCatJSON.Create(JSON: string = '');
+ fObject := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ if JSON <> emptystr then
+ Text := JSON;
+destructor TCatJSON.Destroy;
+ fObject := nil;
+ inherited;
+procedure TCatJSON.IncVal(const Name: string; Int: integer = 1);
+ i: integer;
+ if fObject.S[name] = '' then
+ i := 0
+ else
+ i := strtoint(fObject.S[name]);
+ i := i + Int;
+ fObject.S[name] := inttostr(i);
+ inc(fCount);
+procedure TCatJSON.SetVal(const Name: string; const Value: Variant);
+ case TVarData(Value).vType of
+ varString, {$IFDEF UNICODE}varUString, {$ENDIF}varOleStr:
+ fObject.S[name] := Value;
+ varBoolean:
+ fObject.b[name] := Value;
+ varInteger, varInt64:
+ fObject.i[name] := Value;
+ varDouble:
+ fObject.d[name] := Value;
+ end;
+ inc(fCount);
+function TCatJSON.HasPath(const Name: string): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if fObject.O[name] <> nil then
+ Result := True;
+function TCatJSON.GetValue(const Name: string;
+ DefaultValue: Variant): Variant;
+ Result := DefaultValue;
+ if HasPath(Name) then
+ begin
+ case fObject.O[name].DataType of
+ stNull:
+ Result := DefaultValue;
+ stBoolean:
+ Result := fObject.b[Name];
+ stDouble:
+ Result := fObject.d[Name];
+ stInt:
+ Result := fObject.i[Name];
+ stString:
+ Result := fObject.S[Name];
+ stObject, stArray, stMethod:
+ Result := DefaultValue;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TCatJSON.GetVal(const Name: string): Variant;
+ Result := GetValue(name, null);
+procedure TCatJSON.SetValInt(const Name: string; const Value: integer);
+ SetVal(name, inttostr(Value));
diff --git a/src/CatListEditor.pas b/src/CatListEditor.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a25520a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatListEditor.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+unit CatListEditor;
+ Catarinka TCatListEditor
+ A fork of super.pas (TSuperList 1.7) with enhancements
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 4-clause BSD, same license as the original code by Spanware Inc.
+ Original Author: David Koretzky
+ Copyright (c) 1999 Spanware Inc.
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Classes,
+ Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ExtCtrls,
+ Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ImgList, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.Menus;
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
+ ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ImgList, Buttons, Menus;
+ TListBoxAlignment = (lbBottom, lbLeft ,lbRight, lbTop); //added all four alignments
+ TEnabledButton = (Plus, Minus);
+ FEnabledButtons = set of TEnabledButton;
+ TCatListEditor = class(TCustomControl)
+ private
+ //the list box
+ FListBox : TListBox;
+ FListBoxAlignment : TListBoxAlignment;
+ FListBoxChanged : Boolean;
+ //panel for holding the buttons
+ FPanel : TPanel;
+ //the add and delete buttons
+ FAddButton : TSpeedButton;
+ FDeleteButton : TSpeedButton;
+ FMoreButton : TSpeedButton;
+ FMorePopupMenu : TPopupMenu;
+ FLoadFromFileItem:TMenuItem;
+ FSaveToFileItem:TMenuItem;
+ FClearItemSeparator:TMenuItem;
+ FClearItem:TMenuItem;
+ FSaveDialog:TSaveDialog;
+ FOpenDialog:TOpenDialog;
+ //the events
+ FOnAddButtonClick: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnDeleteButtonClick: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnListBoxDoubleClick : TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnListBoxKeyDown : TNotifyEvent;
+ FAddString : string;
+ FAddCaption : string;
+ FEditString : string;
+ FEditCaption : string;
+ FMaxLength : Integer; //max length of string in listbox
+ FMaxCount : Integer; //max number of entries allowed in listbox
+ FAllowBlanks : boolean; //are blanks allowed in the listbox
+ FUseKeyMaps : boolean; //use default key strokes for adding, editing and deleting???
+ procedure WMSize(var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
+ procedure AddBtnClick(Sender : TObject);
+ procedure DeleteBtnClick(Sender : TObject);
+ procedure ListBoxDoubleClick(Sender : TObject);
+ procedure ListBoxKeyDown(Sender : TObject; var Key : word; shift : TShiftState);
+ procedure SaveToFileItemClick(Sender : TObject);
+ procedure LoadFromFileItemClick(Sender : TObject);
+ procedure ClearItemClick(Sender : TObject);
+ procedure MoreBtnClick(Sender:TObject);
+ procedure CreateButtons;
+ procedure CreatePanel;
+ procedure EnableButtons;
+ procedure SetAlignment(value : TListBoxAlignment);
+ function GetListBoxFont : TFont;
+ procedure SetListBoxFont(value : TFont);
+ function GetListBoxItems : TStrings;
+ procedure SetListBoxItems(value : TStrings);
+ function GetListBoxItemIndex : Integer;
+ procedure SetListBoxItemIndex(value : integer);
+ public
+ FLabel : TLabel;
+ FCustomImageList: TCustomImageList; // FD
+ FAddImageIndex:integer;// FD
+ FDelImageIndex:integer;// FD
+ FMoreImageIndex:integer;// FD
+ constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Delete;
+ function GetCurrentString : String;
+ property ListBoxItemIndex : Integer read GetListBoxItemIndex write SetListBoxItemIndex;
+ property ListBox : TListBox read FListBox write FListBox;
+ property ListBoxChanged : boolean read FListBoxChanged write FListBoxChanged default false;
+ procedure AddItems(value : TStrings);
+ published
+ property AddPrompt : string read FAddString write FAddString;
+ property AddCaption : string read FAddCaption write FAddCaption;
+ property Align;
+ property AllowBlanks : boolean read FAllowBlanks write FAllowBlanks default false;
+ property EditPrompt : string read FEditString write FEditString;
+ property EditCaption : string read FEditCaption write FEditCaption;
+ property ListBoxAlignment : TListBoxAlignment read FListBoxAlignment write SetAlignment default lbBottom;
+ property ListBoxFont : TFont read GetListBoxFont write SetListBoxFont;
+ property ListBoxItems : TStrings read GetListBoxItems write SetListBoxItems;
+ property MaxLength : Integer read FMaxLength write FMaxLength default 0;
+ property MaxCount : Integer read FMaxCount write FMaxCount default 0;
+ property OnAddClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnAddButtonClick write FOnAddButtonClick;
+ property OnDeleteClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDeleteButtonClick write FOnDeleteButtonClick;
+ property OnListBoxDoubleClick : TNotifyEvent read FOnListBoxDoubleClick write FOnListBoxDoubleClick;
+ property OnListBoxKeyDown : TNotifyEvent read FOnListBoxKeyDown write FOnListBoxKeyDown;
+ property UseDefaultKeyMaps : boolean read FUsekeyMaps write FUseKeyMaps default false;
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+function ShowEditListDialog(const PrevText:string;const egtext:string;const TituloJanela: TCaption; const TituloLabel: TCaption; var S: String):boolean;
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents('Samples', [TCatListEditor]);
+function ShowEditListDialog(const PrevText:string;const egtext:string;const TituloJanela: TCaption; const TituloLabel: TCaption; var S: String):boolean;
+Form: TForm;
+Edt: TCatListEditor;
+ Result := false;
+ Form := TForm.Create(Application);
+ try
+ Form.BorderStyle := bsDialog;
+ Form.Caption := TituloJanela;
+ Form.Position := poScreenCenter;
+ Form.Width := 350;
+ Form.Height := 220;
+ with TLabel.Create(Form) do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ Caption := TituloLabel;
+ Left := 10;
+ Top := 10;
+ end;
+ Edt := TCatListEditor.Create(Form);
+ with Edt do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ ListboxItems.Text := PrevText;
+ FLabel.Caption:=egtext;
+ Left := 10;
+ Top := 25;
+ height := 119;
+ Width := Form.ClientWidth -20;
+ end;
+ with TButton.Create(Form) do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ Caption := '&OK';
+ Left := trunc((Form.ClientWidth)/2)-100;
+ Top := 155;
+ default:=true;
+ modalresult:=mrOk;
+ //Kind := bkOK;
+ end;
+ with TButton.Create(Form) do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ Caption := 'Cancel';
+ Left := trunc((Form.ClientWidth)/2)+30;
+ Top := 155;
+ modalresult:=mrCancel;
+ end;
+ if Form.ShowModal = mrOK then
+ begin
+ S := Edt.Listboxitems.Text;
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ finally
+ Form.Free;
+function NewInputBox(const TituloJanela:TCaption; const TituloLabel:TCaption; const PrevText:string):string;
+Form: TForm;
+Edt: TEdit;
+ Result := prevtext;
+ Form := TForm.Create(Application);
+ try
+ Form.BorderStyle := bsDialog;
+ Form.Caption := TituloJanela;
+ Form.Position := poScreenCenter;
+ Form.Width := 350;
+ Form.Height := 120;
+ with TLabel.Create(Form) do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ Caption := TituloLabel;
+ Left := 10;
+ Top := 10;
+ end;
+ Edt := TEdit.Create(Form);
+ with Edt do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ Text := PrevText;
+ Left := 10;
+ Top := 25;
+ Width := Form.ClientWidth -20;
+ end;
+ with TButton.Create(Form) do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ Caption := '&OK';
+ Left := trunc((Form.ClientWidth)/2)-100;
+ Top := 55;
+ default:=true;
+ modalresult:=mrOk;
+ end;
+ with TButton.Create(Form) do
+ begin
+ Parent := Form;
+ Caption := 'Cancel';
+ Left := trunc((Form.ClientWidth)/2)+30;
+ Top := 55;
+ modalresult:=mrCancel;
+ end;
+ if Form.ShowModal = mrOK then
+ result := Edt.Text;
+ finally
+ Form.Free;
+constructor TCatListEditor.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ Width := 250;
+ Height := 200;
+ ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls];
+ FListBox := TListBox.Create(Self);
+ FListBox.Parent := Self;
+ FListbox.ctl3d:=true;
+ FListBox.Visible := true;
+ FListBox.Width := 250; FListBox.Height := 170;
+ FListBox.Top := 20; FListBox.Left := 0;
+ FListBox.Align := alClient;
+ FListBox.OnDblClick := ListBoxDoubleClick;
+ FListBox.OnKeyDown := ListBoxKeyDown;
+ CreatePanel;
+ CreateButtons;
+ FAddCaption := 'Input';
+ FAddString := 'Enter New Value:';
+ FEditCaption := 'Edit';
+ FEditString := 'Edit Value';
+procedure TCatListEditor.CreatePanel;
+ FPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
+ FPanel.Parent := Self;
+ FPanel.Visible := true;
+ FPanel.Align := alTop;
+ FPanel.Caption := '';
+ FPanel.BevelInner := bvNone;
+ FPanel.BevelOuter := bvNone;
+ FPanel.Height := 35;
+ FLabel := TLabel.Create(Self);
+ FLabel.Parent := FPanel;
+ Flabel.Font.Style:=[fsBold];
+ FLabel.Visible := true;
+ Flabel.Caption:='';
+ Flabel.Left:=0;
+ Flabel.Top:=8;
+procedure TCatListEditor.LoadFromFileItemClick(Sender:TObject);
+ if not FOpenDialog.Execute then exit;
+ if fileexists(Fopendialog.FileName) then
+ Flistbox.Items.LoadFromFile(Fopendialog.FileName);
+procedure TCatListEditor.SaveToFileItemClick(Sender:TObject);
+ if not FSaveDialog.Execute then exit;
+ try Flistbox.Items.SaveToFile(Fsavedialog.FileName); except end;
+procedure TCatListEditor.ClearItemClick(Sender:TObject);
+ Flistbox.Items.clear;
+procedure TCatListEditor.MoreBtnClick(Sender:TObject);
+ P : TPoint;
+ P := FmoreButton.ClientToScreen(Point(0, FmoreButton.Height));
+ FMorePopupMenu.Popup(P.x, P.y);
+procedure TCatListEditor.CreateButtons;
+ cDefFilter='List files (*.lst)|*.lst|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*';
+ FMorePopupMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(Self);
+ FLoadFromFileItem:=tmenuitem.create(FMorePopupMenu);
+ FLoadFromFileItem.Caption:='Load from file...';
+ FLoadFromFileItem.OnClick:=LoadFromFileItemClick;
+ FSaveToFileItem:=tmenuitem.create(FMorePopupMenu);
+ FSaveToFileItem.Caption:='Save to file...';
+ FSaveToFileItem.OnClick:=SaveToFileItemClick;
+ FClearItem:=tmenuitem.create(FMorePopupMenu);
+ FClearItem.Caption:='Clear';
+ FClearItem.OnClick:=ClearItemClick;
+ FClearItemSeparator:=tmenuitem.create(FMorePopupMenu);
+ FClearItemSeparator.Caption:='-';
+ FMorePopupMenu.Items.Add(FLoadFromFileItem);
+ FMorePopupMenu.Items.Add(FSaveToFileItem);
+ FMorePopupMenu.items.add(FClearItemSeparator);
+ FMorePopupMenu.items.add(FClearItem);
+ FSaveDialog:=TSaveDialog.Create(Self);
+ FOpenDialog:=TOpenDialog.Create(Self);
+ FOpenDialog.DefaultExt:='lst'; FSaveDialog.DefaultExt:=FOpenDialog.DefaultExt;
+ FOpenDialog.Filter:=cDefFilter;
+ FSaveDialog.Filter:=cDefFilter;
+ FmoreButton := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
+ FmoreButton.Width := 30;
+ FmoreButton.Height := 25;
+ FmoreButton.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif Bold';
+ FmoreButton.Font.Size := 8;
+ FmoreButton.Caption := 'More';
+ FmoreButton.Parent := FPanel;
+ FmoreButton.Top := 5; FMoreButton.Left := Self.Width - 95;
+ FmoreButton.OnClick:=MoreBtnClick;
+ FaddButton := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
+ FAddButton.Width := 25;
+ FAddButton.Height := 25;
+ FaddButton.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif Bold';
+ FaddButton.Font.Size := 8;
+ FaddButton.Caption := '+';
+ FaddButton.Parent := FPanel;
+ FaddButton.Top := 5; FaddButton.Left := Self.Width - 60;
+ FaddButton.OnClick := AddBtnClick;
+ FdeleteButton := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
+ FdeleteButton.Width := 25;
+ FDeleteButton.Height := 25;
+ FdeleteButton.Font.Name := 'MS Sans Serif Bold';
+ FdeleteButton.Font.Size := 8;
+ FdeleteButton.Caption := '-';
+ FdeleteButton.Parent := FPanel;
+ FdeleteButton.Top := 5; FdeleteButton.Left := Self.Width - 30;
+ FDeleteButton.OnClick := DeleteBtnClick;
+destructor TCatListEditor.Destroy;
+ FSaveDialog.free;
+ FOpenDialog.free;
+ FLoadFromFileItem.free;
+ FSaveToFileItem.free;
+ FClearItemSeparator.free;
+ FClearItem.free;
+ FMorePopupMenu.free;
+ FListBox.Free;
+ FaddButton.Free;
+ FdeleteButton.Free;
+ Fmorebutton.free;
+ FLabel.free;
+ FPanel.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TCatListEditor.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);
+ w, h: Integer;
+ inherited;
+ w := Width;
+ h := Height;
+ if (w < 75) then Width := 75;
+ if (h < 75) then Height := 75;
+ case FListBoxAlignment of
+ lbBottom, lbTop:
+ begin
+ FPanel.Height := 35;
+ FMoreButton.Left := Self.Width -95;
+ FMoreButton.Top := 5;
+ FaddButton.Left := Self.Width - 60;
+ FaddButton.Top := 5;
+ FdeleteButton.Left := Self.Width - 30;
+ FdeleteButton.Top := 5;
+ end;
+ lbLeft, lbRight:
+ begin
+ FPanel.Width := 35;
+ FMoreButton.Left := 5;
+ FMoreButton.Top := FPanel.Top +5;
+ FAddButton.Left := 5;
+ FAddButton.Top := FPanel.Top + 5;
+ FDeleteButton.Left := 5;
+ FDeleteButton.Top := FPanel.Top + 35;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCatListEditor.AddBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
+var s : string;
+ s := NewInputBox(FAddCaption, FAddString, '');
+ if (Length(s) <= FMaxLength ) or (FMaxLength <= 0) then
+ if (FAllowBlanks) or ((not FAllowBlanks) and (Length(s) > 0)) then
+ begin
+ FListBox.Items.Add(s);
+ FListBoxChanged := true;
+ end;
+ if Assigned(FOnAddButtonClick) then FOnAddButtonClick(Self);
+ EnableButtons;
+procedure TCatListEditor.DeleteBtnClick(Sender : TObject);
+ if (FListBox.ItemIndex > -1) then
+ begin
+ FListBox.Items.Delete( FListBox.ItemIndex );
+ FListBoxChanged := true;
+ end;
+ if Assigned(FOnDeleteButtonClick) then FOnDeleteButtonClick(Self);
+ //EnableButtons;
+procedure TCatListEditor.EnableButtons;
+ FAddButton.Enabled := (FListBox.Items.Count < FMaxCount) or (FMaxCount <= 0);
+ FDeleteButton.Enabled := (FListBox.Items.Count > 0);
+procedure TCatListEditor.ListBoxDoubleClick(Sender : TObject);
+var s : string;
+ if (FListBox.ItemIndex < 0) then
+ exit;
+ s := NewInputBox(FEditCaption, FEditString, FListBox.Items[FListBox.ItemIndex]);
+ if ( s <> FListBox.Items[FListBox.ItemIndex] ) then
+ begin
+ if (Length(s) < FMaxLength) or (FMaxLength <= 0) then
+ if (FAllowBlanks) or ((not FAllowBlanks) and (Length(s) > 0)) then
+ begin
+ FListBox.Items [FListBox.ItemIndex] := s;
+ FListBoxChanged := true;
+ end;
+ if Assigned(FOnListBoxDoubleClick) then FOnListBoxDoubleClick(Self);
+ end;
+procedure TCatListEditor.SetAlignment(value : TListBoxAlignment );
+ FListBoxAlignment := value;
+ FListBox.Align := alClient;
+ case value of
+ lbLeft: FPanel.Align := alRight;
+ lbTop: FPanel.Align := alBottom;
+ lbRight : FPanel.Align := alLeft;
+ lbBottom : FPanel.Align := alTop;
+ end;
+ SendMessage(Self.Handle, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); //call resize to realign everything
+function TCatListEditor.GetListBoxFont : TFont;
+ result := FListBox.Font;
+procedure TCatListEditor.SetListBoxFont(value : TFont);
+ FListBox.Font.Assign(value);
+function TCatListEditor.GetListBoxItems : TStrings;
+ result := FListBox.Items;
+procedure TCatListEditor.SetListBoxItems(value : TStrings);
+ FListBox.Items.Assign(value);
+procedure TCatListEditor.SetListBoxItemIndex(value : integer);
+ FListBox.ItemIndex := value;
+function TCatListEditor.GetListBoxItemIndex : integer;
+ result := FListBox.ItemIndex;
+procedure TCatListEditor.Delete;
+ if (FListBox.ItemIndex > -1) then
+ begin
+ FListBox.Items.Delete(FListBox.ItemIndex);
+ FListBoxChanged := true;
+ end;
+function TCatListEditor.GetCurrentString : String;
+ if (FListBox.ItemIndex > -1) then
+ result := FListBox.Items[ FListBox.ItemIndex]
+ else
+ result := '';
+procedure TCatListEditor.ListBoxKeyDown(Sender : TObject; var Key : word; shift : TShiftState);
+ if (FUseKeyMaps) then
+ begin
+ if (ssCtrl in shift) then
+ case key of
+ ord('a'), ord('A') : AddBtnClick(Sender);
+ ord('e'), ord('E') : ListBoxDoubleClick(Sender);
+ ord('d'), ord('D') : DeleteBtnClick(Sender);
+ end;
+ if (key = 13) then
+ ListBoxDoubleClick(Sender);
+ end;
+ if Assigned(FOnListBoxKeyDown) then
+ FOnListBoxKeyDown(Sender);
+procedure TCatListEditor.AddItems(value : TStrings);
+ FListBox.Items.AddStrings(value);
diff --git a/src/CatLuaObject.pas b/src/CatLuaObject.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a48861f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatLuaObject.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+unit CatLuaObject;
+ pLua's LuaObject.pas fork
+ Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
+ Same as the original code by Jeremy Darling.
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.Variants,
+ Classes, SysUtils, Variants,
+ Lua, pLuaObject, pLua;
+ TCatLuaObject = class;
+ { TCatLuaObject }
+ TCatLuaObject = class
+ protected
+ L : PLua_State;
+ FLuaReference : integer;
+ FParent : TCatLuaObject;
+ FChildren : TList;
+ function GetLuaProp(PropName : AnsiString): Variant;
+ procedure SetLuaProp(PropName : AnsiString; const AValue: Variant);
+ function GetPropValue(L : PLua_State; propName : AnsiString): Variant; virtual;
+ function GetPropObject(propName: AnsiString) : Boolean; virtual;
+ function SetPropValue(L : PLua_State; PropName : AnsiString; const AValue: Variant) : Boolean; virtual;
+ function SetPropObject(propName: AnsiString) : Boolean; virtual;
+ function PropIsObject(propName : AnsiString): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure CommonCreate(LuaState : PLua_State; AParent : TCatLuaObject = nil); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(LuaState : PLua_State; AParent : TCatLuaObject = nil); overload; virtual;
+ constructor Create(LuaState: PLua_State; LuaClassName, LuaName: AnsiString); overload; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure PushSelf;
+ procedure CallEvent(EventName : AnsiString); overload;
+ function CallEvent(EventName : AnsiString; args : Array of Variant; Results: PVariantArray = nil) : Integer; overload;
+ function EventExists(EventName: AnsiString): Boolean;
+ property LState : PLua_State read L;
+ property LRef:integer read FLuaReference;
+ property LuaProp[PropName : AnsiString] : Variant read GetLuaProp write SetLuaProp;
+ end;
+ TCatLuaObjectRegisterMethodsCallback = procedure(L : Plua_State; classTable : Integer);
+ TCatLuaObjectNewCallback = function(L : PLua_State; AParent : TCatLuaObject=nil):TCatLuaObject;
+ LuaObjects : TList;
+procedure ClearObjects;
+procedure LuaCopyTable(L: Plua_State; IdxFrom, IdxTo, MtTo : Integer);
+function LuaToTCatLuaObject(L: Plua_State; Idx : Integer) : TCatLuaObject;
+procedure RegisterLuaObject(L: Plua_State);
+procedure RegisterTCatLuaObject(L : Plua_State; ObjectName : AnsiString; CreateFunc : lua_CFunction; MethodsCallback : TCatLuaObjectRegisterMethodsCallback = nil);
+procedure RegisterObjectInstance(L : Plua_State; aClassName, InstanceName : AnsiString; ObjectInstance : TCatLuaObject);
+procedure RegisterMethod(L : Plua_State; TheMethodName : AnsiString; TheMethodAddress : lua_CFunction; classTable : Integer);
+function new_LuaObject(L : PLua_State; aClassName : AnsiString; NewCallback : TCatLuaObjectNewCallback) : Integer; cdecl;
+procedure PushTCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State; ObjectInstance : TCatLuaObject);
+function new_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+function index_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+function newindex_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+function gc_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+procedure RegisterClassTCatLuaObject(L : Plua_State);
+ typinfo;
+ LuaTCatLuaObjectClassName = 'TCatLuaObject';
+constructor TCatLuaObject.Create(LuaState : PLua_State; AParent : TCatLuaObject = nil);
+ CommonCreate(LuaState, nil);
+ // Create a reference to the object table, this way lua won't GC its version
+ FLuaReference := luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FLuaReference);
+ LuaObjects.Add(Self);
+constructor TCatLuaObject.Create(LuaState: PLua_State; LuaClassName, LuaName: AnsiString);
+ CommonCreate(LuaState, nil);
+ RegisterObjectInstance(LuaState, LuaClassName, LuaName, self);
+destructor TCatLuaObject.Destroy;
+ lo : TCatLuaObject;
+ LuaObjects.Remove(Self);
+ if assigned(FParent) then
+ FParent.FChildren.Remove(Self);
+ while FChildren.Count > 0 do
+ begin
+ lo := TCatLuaObject(FChildren[FChildren.Count-1]);
+ FChildren.Delete(FChildren.Count-1);
+ lo.Free;
+ end;
+ FChildren.Free;
+ luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FLuaReference);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TCatLuaObject.PushSelf;
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FLuaReference);
+procedure TCatLuaObject.CallEvent(EventName: AnsiString);
+ CallEvent(EventName, []);
+function TCatLuaObject.CallEvent(EventName : AnsiString; args: array of Variant; Results: PVariantArray) : Integer;
+ result := -1;
+ if not EventExists(EventName) then
+ exit;
+ PushSelf;
+ result := plua_callfunction(L, EventName, args, results, lua_gettop(L));
+function TCatLuaObject.EventExists(EventName: AnsiString): Boolean;
+ PushSelf;
+ result := plua_functionexists(L, EventName, lua_gettop(L));
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+function TCatLuaObject.GetLuaProp(PropName : AnsiString): Variant;
+ idx : Integer;
+ lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FLuaReference); // Place our object on the stack
+ idx := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(PropName)); // Place the event name on the stack
+ lua_gettable(L, idx); // try to get the item
+ result := plua_tovariant(L, lua_gettop(L));
+ lua_pop(L, 2);
+procedure TCatLuaObject.SetLuaProp(PropName : AnsiString; const AValue: Variant);
+ idx : Integer;
+ lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, FLuaReference); // Place our object on the stack
+ idx := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushstring(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(propName));
+ plua_pushvariant(L, AValue);
+ lua_rawset(L, idx);
+function TCatLuaObject.GetPropValue(L : PLua_State; propName: AnsiString): Variant;
+ if IsPublishedProp(self, propName) then
+ result := typinfo.GetPropValue(self, propName)
+ else
+ result := NULL;
+function TCatLuaObject.GetPropObject(propName: AnsiString) : Boolean;
+ result := false;
+function TCatLuaObject.SetPropValue(L : PLua_State; PropName: AnsiString; const AValue: Variant) : Boolean;
+ result := IsPublishedProp(self, propName);
+ if result then
+ typinfo.SetPropValue(self, propName, AValue);
+function TCatLuaObject.SetPropObject(propName: AnsiString) : Boolean;
+ result := false;
+function TCatLuaObject.PropIsObject(propName: AnsiString): Boolean;
+ result := false;
+procedure TCatLuaObject.CommonCreate(LuaState: PLua_State; AParent: TCatLuaObject);
+ L := LuaState;
+ FParent := AParent;
+ if assigned(FParent) then
+ FParent.FChildren.Add(Self);
+ FChildren := TList.Create;
+{ Global LUA Methods }
+procedure LuaCopyTable(L: Plua_State; IdxFrom, IdxTo, MtTo : Integer);
+ id:Integer;
+ tbl : Integer;
+ key, val : Variant;
+ cf : lua_CFunction;
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ while(lua_next(L, IdxFrom)<>0)do
+ begin
+ key := plua_tovariant(L, -2);
+ if CompareText(key, '__') = 1 then
+ tbl := MtTo
+ else
+ tbl := IdxTo;
+ case lua_type(L, -1) of
+ cf := lua_tocfunction(L, -1);
+ plua_pushvariant(L, key);
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, cf);
+ lua_rawset(L, tbl);
+ end;
+ LUA_TTABLE : begin
+ id := lua_gettop(L);
+ LuaCopyTable(L, id, IdxTo, MtTo);
+ end;
+ else
+ val := plua_tovariant(L, -1);
+ plua_pushvariant(L, key);
+ plua_pushvariant(L, val);
+ lua_rawset(L, tbl);
+ end;
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ end;
+function LuaToTCatLuaObject(L: Plua_State; Idx : Integer) : TCatLuaObject;
+ result := nil;
+ if lua_type(L, Idx) = LUA_TTABLE then
+ begin
+ Idx := plua_absindex(L, Idx);
+ lua_pushstring(L, '_Self');
+ lua_gettable(L, Idx);
+ result := TCatLuaObject(ptrint(lua_tointeger(L, -1)));
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ end
+ else
+ luaL_error(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}('Class table expected.'));
+procedure PushTCatLuaObject(L: PLua_State; ObjectInstance: TCatLuaObject);
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ObjectInstance.FLuaReference);
+function new_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+ P, E : TCatLuaObject;
+ n, idx, idx2, mt : Integer;
+ n := lua_gettop(L);
+ if lua_type(L, 1) <> LUA_TTABLE then
+ lua_remove(L, 1);
+ if n = 1 then
+ P := LuaToTCatLuaObject(L, 1)
+ else
+ P := nil;
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ E := TCatLuaObject.Create(L, P);
+ idx := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, '_Self');
+ lua_pushinteger(L, PtrInt(Pointer(E)));
+ lua_rawset(L, idx);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ mt := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, LuaTCatLuaObjectClassName);
+ lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+ idx2 := lua_gettop(L);
+ LuaCopyTable(L, idx2, idx, mt);
+ lua_setmetatable(L, idx);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ result := 1;
+function index_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+ E : TCatLuaObject;
+ propName : AnsiString;
+ v : Variant;
+ E := LuaToTCatLuaObject(L, 1);
+ lua_remove(L, 1);
+ if E = nil then
+ begin
+ result := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ propName := plua_tostring(L, 1);
+ index_TCatLuaObject := 1;
+ if E.PropIsObject(propName) then
+ begin
+ if not E.GetPropObject(propName) then
+ index_TCatLuaObject := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ v := E.GetPropValue(L,propName);
+ if v = NULL then
+ index_TCatLuaObject := 0
+ else
+ plua_pushvariant(L, v);
+ end;
+function newindex_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+ TableIndex, ValueIndex : Integer;
+ E : TCatLuaObject;
+ propName : AnsiString;
+ result := 0;
+ E := LuaToTCatLuaObject(L, 1);
+ if E = nil then
+ begin
+ exit;
+ end;
+ propName := plua_tostring(L, 2);
+ if E.PropIsObject(propName) and E.SetPropObject(propName) then
+ else if not E.SetPropValue(L,propName, plua_tovariant(L, 3)) then
+ begin
+ // This is a standard handler, no value was found in the object instance
+ // so we push the value into the Lua Object reference.
+ TableIndex := plua_absindex(L, 1);
+ ValueIndex := plua_absindex(L, 3);
+ lua_pushstring(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(propName));
+ lua_pushvalue(L, ValueIndex);
+ lua_rawset(L, TableIndex);
+ end;
+function gc_TCatLuaObject(L : PLua_State) : Integer; cdecl;
+ E : TCatLuaObject;
+ E := LuaToTCatLuaObject(L, 1);
+ // Release the object
+ if assigned(E) then
+ E.Free;
+ result := 0;
+procedure RegisterObjectInstance(L: Plua_State; aClassName, InstanceName: AnsiString; ObjectInstance : TCatLuaObject);
+ idx, idx2, mt : Integer;
+ lua_pushliteral(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(InstanceName));
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ ObjectInstance.FLuaReference := luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+ lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ObjectInstance.FLuaReference);
+ LuaObjects.Add(ObjectInstance);
+ idx := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, '_Self');
+ lua_pushinteger(L, PtrInt(Pointer(ObjectInstance)));
+ lua_rawset(L, idx);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ mt := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(aClassName));
+ lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+ idx2 := lua_gettop(L);
+ LuaCopyTable(L, idx2, idx, mt);
+ lua_setmetatable(L, idx);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+procedure RegisterMethod(L : Plua_State; TheMethodName : AnsiString; TheMethodAddress : lua_CFunction; classTable : Integer);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(TheMethodName));
+ lua_pushcfunction(L, TheMethodAddress);
+ lua_rawset(L, classTable);
+function new_LuaObject(L : PLua_State; aClassName : AnsiString; NewCallback : TCatLuaObjectNewCallback): Integer; cdecl;
+ P, E : TCatLuaObject;
+ n, idx, idx2, mt : Integer;
+ n := lua_gettop(L);
+ if lua_type(L, 1) <> LUA_TTABLE then
+ lua_remove(L, 1);
+ if n > 1 then
+ P := LuaToTCatLuaObject(L, 2)
+ else
+ P := nil;
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ E := NewCallback(L, P);
+ idx := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, '_Self');
+ lua_pushinteger(L, PtrInt(Pointer(E)));
+ lua_rawset(L, idx);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ mt := lua_gettop(L);
+ lua_pushliteral(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(aClassName));
+ lua_gettable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+ idx2 := lua_gettop(L);
+ LuaCopyTable(L, idx2, idx, mt);
+ lua_setmetatable(L, idx);
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ result := 1;
+procedure RegisterClassTCatLuaObject(L : Plua_State);
+ classTable : Integer;
+ lua_pushstring(L, LuaTCatLuaObjectClassName);
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ classTable := lua_gettop(L);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__index', @index_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__newindex', @newindex_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__call', @new_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__gc', @gc_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, 'release', @gc_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, 'new', @new_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+{ Global Management Methods }
+procedure RegisterTCatLuaObject(L: Plua_State; ObjectName : AnsiString;
+ CreateFunc : lua_CFunction;
+ MethodsCallback: TCatLuaObjectRegisterMethodsCallback);
+ classTable : Integer;
+ lua_pushstring(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(ObjectName));
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ classTable := lua_gettop(L);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__index', @index_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__newindex', @newindex_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__call', CreateFunc, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, '__gc', @gc_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, 'release', @gc_TCatLuaObject, classTable);
+ RegisterMethod(L, 'new', CreateFunc, classTable);
+ if Assigned(MethodsCallback) then
+ MethodsCallback(L, classTable);
+ lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+procedure ClearObjects;
+ while LuaObjects.Count > 0 do
+ TCatLuaObject(LuaObjects[LuaObjects.Count-1]).Free;
+procedure RegisterLuaObject(L: Plua_State);
+ RegisterClassTCatLuaObject(L);
+ LuaObjects := TList.Create;
+ ClearObjects;
+ LuaObjects.Free;
diff --git a/src/CatLuaUtils.pas b/src/CatLuaUtils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ec36d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatLuaUtils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+unit CatLuaUtils;
+ Lua Utils
+ Functions for getting and setting local and global variables in Lua
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
+ Work in progress
+ Lua, pLua, Variants, SysUtils;
+ MyPAnsiChar = {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF};
+function pLuaAnyToString(L: PLua_State; idx: integer): string;
+function pLua_GetLuaVar(L: PLua_State; idx: integer): Variant;
+function pLua_GetGlobal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString): Variant;
+function pLua_GetLocal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString): Variant;
+procedure pLua_SetGlobal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString;
+ const AValue: Variant);
+procedure pLua_SetLocal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString;
+ const AValue: Variant);
+// Gets a table field
+function pLua_GetFieldStr(L: PLua_State; idx: integer; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ ADefaultValue: string = ''): string;
+function pLua_GetFieldInt(L: PLua_State; idx: integer; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ ADefaultValue: integer): integer;
+function pLua_GetFieldBool(L: PLua_State; idx: integer; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ ADefaultValue: boolean): boolean;
+function pLua_GetFieldVariant(L: PLua_State; idx: integer;
+ FieldName: MyPAnsiChar; ADefaultValue: Variant): Variant;
+// Sets a table field
+procedure pLua_SetFieldStr(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: string);
+procedure pLua_SetFieldInt(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: integer);
+procedure pLua_SetFieldBool(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: boolean);
+procedure pLua_SetFieldVariant(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: Variant);
+function pLua_GetFieldStr(L: PLua_State; idx: integer; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ ADefaultValue: string = ''): string;
+ lua_pushstring(L, FieldName);
+ lua_gettable(L, idx);
+ if lua_isnil(L, -1) then
+ result := ADefaultValue
+ else
+ result := lua_tostring(L, -1);
+function pLua_GetFieldInt(L: PLua_State; idx: integer; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ ADefaultValue: integer): integer;
+ lua_pushstring(L, FieldName);
+ lua_gettable(L, idx);
+ if lua_isnil(L, -1) then
+ result := ADefaultValue
+ else
+ result := lua_tointeger(L, -1);
+function pLua_GetFieldBool(L: PLua_State; idx: integer; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ ADefaultValue: boolean): boolean;
+ lua_pushstring(L, FieldName);
+ lua_gettable(L, idx);
+ if lua_isnil(L, -1) then
+ result := ADefaultValue
+ else
+ result := lua_toboolean(L, -1);
+function pLua_GetFieldVariant(L: PLua_State; idx: integer;
+ FieldName: MyPAnsiChar; ADefaultValue: Variant): Variant;
+ lua_pushstring(L, FieldName);
+ lua_gettable(L, idx);
+ if lua_isnil(L, -1) then
+ result := ADefaultValue
+ else
+ result := plua_tovariant(L, -1);
+function pLuaAnyToString(L: PLua_State; idx: integer): string;
+ ltype: integer;
+ result := emptystr;
+ ltype := lua_type(L, idx);
+ case ltype of
+ result := {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(lua_tostring(L, idx));
+ begin
+ if lua_toboolean(L, idx) = true then
+ result := 'true'
+ else
+ result := 'false';
+ end;
+ begin
+ if TVarData(plua_tovariant(L, idx)).vType = varDouble then
+ result := floattostr(lua_tonumber(L, idx))
+ else
+ result := inttostr(lua_tointeger(L, idx));
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure pLua_SetFieldStr(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: string);
+ plua_pushstring(L, AValue);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, FieldName);
+procedure pLua_SetFieldInt(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: integer);
+ lua_pushinteger(L, AValue);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, FieldName);
+procedure pLua_SetFieldBool(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: boolean);
+ lua_pushboolean(L, AValue);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, FieldName);
+procedure pLua_SetFieldVariant(L: PLua_State; FieldName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ AValue: Variant);
+ plua_pushvariant(L, AValue);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, FieldName);
+function pLua_GetLuaVar(L: PLua_State; idx: integer): Variant;
+ ltype: integer;
+ v: Variant;
+ s: string;
+ ltype := lua_type(L, idx);
+ case ltype of
+ begin
+ s := {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(lua_tostring(L, idx));
+ v := s;
+ end;
+ v := lua_toboolean(L, idx);
+ v := lua_tointeger(L, idx);
+ else
+ v := plua_tovariant(L, idx);
+ end;
+ result := v;
+function pLua_GetGlobal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString): Variant; // working
+ v: Variant;
+ result := NULL;
+ lua_pushstring(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(valName));
+ lua_rawget(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+ try
+ // writeln('getting '+valname);
+ v := pLua_GetLuaVar(L, -1); // plua_tovariant(L, -1);
+ result := v;
+ // writeln('got '+valname+': '+result);
+ finally
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ end;
+function pLua_GetLocal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString): Variant;
+ ar: plua_Debug; // use plua_debug, not lua_debug!
+ VarName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ VarValue: Variant;
+ current, stack: integer;
+ found: boolean;
+ Name: string;
+ result := NULL;
+ found := false;
+ Name := valName;
+ lua_getglobal(L, 'tostring'); // this fixes ocasional crash with lua_getstack
+ if lua_getstack(L, 1, @ar) <> 1 then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ current := 1;
+ VarName := lua_getlocal(L, @ar, current);
+ while VarName <> nil do
+ begin
+ // lua_pop(L,1);
+ // writeln('Matching var:'+varname);
+ if VarName = Name then
+ begin
+ found := true;
+ // writeln('Found var:'+varname);
+ try
+ VarValue := pLua_GetLuaVar(L, -1); // plua_tovariant(L, -1);
+ finally
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ end;
+ // writeln('found!'+varname+';'+varvalue);
+ result := VarValue;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ VarName := lua_getlocal(L, @ar, current);
+ inc(current);
+ end;
+ if found = false then
+ begin // local not found, tries to get global with the same name
+ // writeln('not found locally:'+valname);
+ try
+ VarValue := pLua_GetGlobal(L, valName);
+ except
+ end;
+ result := VarValue;
+ // writeln('global search for '+valname+' returned):'+result);
+ end;
+procedure pLua_SetLocal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString;
+ const AValue: Variant);
+ ar: plua_Debug;
+ VarName: MyPAnsiChar;
+ current: integer;
+ found: boolean;
+ Name: string;
+ NewValue: Variant;
+ found := false;
+ Name := valName;
+ NewValue := AValue;
+ if lua_getstack(L, 1, @ar) <> 1 then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ current := 1;
+ VarName := lua_getlocal(L, @ar, current);
+ while VarName <> nil do
+ begin
+ if VarName = Name then
+ begin
+ found := true;
+ // writeln('Found var:'+varname+' changing to:'+newvalue);
+ // lua_pop(L,1);
+ try
+ plua_pushvariant(L, NewValue);
+ lua_setlocal(L, @ar, current);
+ finally
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ end;
+ // writeln('Changed var:'+varname+' to:'+newvalue);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ inc(current);
+ VarName := lua_getlocal(L, @ar, current);
+ end;
+ if found = false then
+ begin // new, local not found, tries to set global with the same name
+ // writeln('not found locally:'+valname);
+ pLua_SetGlobal(L, valName, NewValue);
+ end;
+procedure pLua_SetGlobal(L: PLua_State; valName: AnsiString;
+ const AValue: Variant);
+ // writeln('setting glob:'+valname+'; new value: '+avalue);
+ if VarIsType(AValue, varString) then
+ begin
+ lua_pushliteral(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(valName));
+ lua_pushstring(L,
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(AnsiString(AValue)));
+ lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lua_pushliteral(L, {$IFDEF UNICODE}pAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(valName));
+ plua_pushvariant(L, AValue);
+ lua_settable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
+ end;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatPointer.pas b/src/CatPointer.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f1402f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatPointer.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+unit CatPointer;
+ Catarinka - Pointer To String and vice-versa functions
+ Copyright (c) 2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.SysUtils;
+ SysUtils;
+function PointerToStr(const P: Pointer): string;
+function StrToPointer(const s: string): Pointer;
+function PointerToStr(const P: Pointer): string;
+ PP: Pointer;
+ PC: ^Cardinal;
+ PP := @P;
+ PC := PP;
+ Result := pansichar(PC^);
+ Result := pchar(PC^);
+function StrToPointer(const s: string): Pointer;
+ c: Cardinal;
+ P: Pointer;
+ PC: ^Cardinal;
+ PP: ^Pointer;
+ tStr: {$IFDEF UNICODE}pansichar{$ELSE}pchar{$ENDIF};
+ GetMem(tStr, 1 + Length(s));
+ StrPCopy(tStr, s);
+ c := integer(tStr);
+ PC := @c;
+ P := PC;
+ PP := P;
+ Result := PP^;
diff --git a/src/CatPrefs.pas b/src/CatPrefs.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..459a887
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatPrefs.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+unit CatPrefs;
+ Catarinka Preferences (TCatPreferences)
+ Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.Variants,
+ Classes, SysUtils, Variants,
+ CatJSON;
+ TCatPreferences = class
+ private
+ fCurrent: TCatJSON;
+ fDefault: TCatJSON;
+ fFilename: string;
+ fOptionList: TStringList;
+ function Encrypt(const CID: string; const Value: Variant): Variant;
+ function Decrypt(const CID: string; const Value: Variant): Variant;
+ function FGetValue(const CID: string): Variant;
+ function GetCIDList: string;
+ public
+ function GetValue(const CID: string): Variant; overload;
+ function GetValue(const CID: string; const DefaultValue: Variant)
+ : Variant; overload;
+ function GetRegValue(const CID: string;
+ const DefaultValue: Variant): Variant;
+ procedure SetValue(const CID: string; const Value: Variant);
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const f: string);
+ procedure LoadFromString(const s: string);
+ procedure RegisterDefault(const CID: string; const DefaultValue: Variant;
+ const AddToOptionList: boolean = true);
+ procedure RestoreDefaults;
+ procedure SaveToFile(const f: string);
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // properties
+ property CIDList: string read GetCIDList;
+ property Current: TCatJSON read fCurrent;
+ property Default: TCatJSON read fDefault;
+ property Filename: string read fFilename write fFilename;
+ property OptionList: TStringList read fOptionList;
+ property Values[const CID: string]: Variant read FGetValue
+ write SetValue; default;
+ published
+ end;
+uses CatDCP, CatStrings, CatDCPKey;
+function IsEncryptedCID(CID: string): boolean;
+ result := false;
+ if endswith(CID, '.password') then
+ result := true
+ else if endswith(CID, '.encrypted') then
+ result := true;
+function TCatPreferences.Encrypt(const CID: string;
+ const Value: Variant): Variant;
+ if IsEncryptedCID(CID) then
+ result := strtoaes(Value,GetDCPKey(CATKEY_PASSWORD))
+ else
+ result := Value;
+function TCatPreferences.Decrypt(const CID: string;
+ const Value: Variant): Variant;
+ if IsEncryptedCID(CID) then
+ result := aestostr(Value,GetDCPKey(CATKEY_PASSWORD))
+ else
+ result := Value;
+// Returns the CID of all available options
+function TCatPreferences.GetCIDList: string;
+ result := fOptionList.text;
+function TCatPreferences.FGetValue(const CID: string): Variant;
+ result := fCurrent.GetValue(CID, fdefault [CID]);
+ result := Decrypt(CID, result);
+function TCatPreferences.GetValue(const CID: string): Variant;
+ result := FGetValue(CID);
+function TCatPreferences.GetValue(const CID: string;
+ const DefaultValue: Variant): Variant;
+ result := fCurrent.GetValue(CID, DefaultValue);
+ result := Decrypt(CID, result);
+function TCatPreferences.GetRegValue(const CID: string;
+ const DefaultValue: Variant): Variant;
+ RegisterDefault(CID, DefaultValue);
+ result := fCurrent.GetValue(CID, DefaultValue);
+ result := Decrypt(CID, result);
+procedure TCatPreferences.SetValue(const CID: string; const Value: Variant);
+ fCurrent[CID] := Encrypt(CID, Value);
+// Reverts to the default configuration
+procedure TCatPreferences.RestoreDefaults;
+ fCurrent.text := fdefault.text;
+procedure TCatPreferences.RegisterDefault(const CID: string;
+ const DefaultValue: Variant; const AddToOptionList: boolean = true);
+ if AddToOptionList then
+ begin
+ if fOptionList.indexof(CID) = -1 then
+ fOptionList.Add(CID);
+ end;
+ fDefault [CID] := DefaultValue;
+procedure TCatPreferences.LoadFromFile(const f: string);
+ Filename := f;
+ fCurrent.LoadFromFile(f);
+procedure TCatPreferences.LoadFromString(const s: string);
+ if s = emptystr then
+ fCurrent.text := EmptyJSONStr
+ else
+ fCurrent.text := s;
+procedure TCatPreferences.SaveToFile(const f: string);
+ fCurrent.SaveToFile(f);
+constructor TCatPreferences.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ fCurrent := TCatJSON.Create;
+ fDefault := TCatJSON.Create;
+ fOptionList := TStringList.Create;
+destructor TCatPreferences.Destroy;
+ fOptionList.free;
+ fDefault.free;
+ fCurrent.free;
+ inherited;
diff --git a/src/CatRegEx.pas b/src/CatRegEx.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4afd0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatRegEx.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+unit CatRegex;
+ Catarinka - Regular Expression functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ Uses the RegExpr library by Andrey V. Sorokin.
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils;
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+function RegExpFind(const s, re: string): string;
+function RegExpReplace(const s, re, sreplacement: string): string;
+function CatMatch(const substr, s: string): boolean;
+uses CatStrings, RegExpr;
+function RegExpReplace(const s, re, sreplacement: string): string;
+ r: TRegExpr;
+ r := TRegExpr.Create;
+ try
+ r.Expression := re;
+ result := r.Replace(s, sreplacement, true);
+ finally
+ r.Free;
+ end;
+function RegExpFind(const s, re: string): string;
+ r: TRegExpr;
+ result := emptystr;
+ r := TRegExpr.Create;
+ try
+ r.Expression := re;
+ if r.Exec(s) then
+ repeat
+ result := result + r.Match[0] + ', ';
+ until not r.ExecNext;
+ finally
+ r.Free;
+ end;
+function CatMatch(const substr, s: string): boolean;
+ cReEx = 'regexp:';
+ tmpsub: string;
+ result := false;
+ tmpsub := substr;
+ if (pos(cReEx, tmpsub) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ tmpsub := after(tmpsub, cReEx);
+ if (RegExpFind(s, tmpsub) <> emptystr) then
+ result := true;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (pos(tmpsub, s) <> 0) then
+ result := true;
+ end;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatRes.pas b/src/CatRes.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01031c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatRes.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+unit CatRes;
+ Catarinka - Catarinka Resources Library
+ Useful functions for reading or saving resources
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.SysUtils, Winapi.Windows, vcl.imaging.Jpeg, System.Classes;
+ SysUtils, Windows, Jpeg, Classes;
+ MyPWideChar = {$IFDEF UNICODE}PWideChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF};
+function GetResourceAsPointer(const ResName, ResType: MyPWideChar;
+ out Size: longword): pointer;
+function GetResourceAsString(const ResName, ResType: MyPWideChar): string;
+function GetResourceAsJpeg(const ResName: string): TJPEGImage;
+procedure SaveResourceAsFile(const ResName: string; const ResType: MyPWideChar;
+ const FileName: string);
+function SaveResourceAsTempFile(const ResName: string;
+ const ResType: MyPWideChar): string;
+uses CatFiles;
+// Usage Example:
+// Jpg := GetResourceAsJpeg('sample_jpg');
+// Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(Jpg);
+function GetResourceAsJpeg(const ResName: string): TJPEGImage;
+ rs: TResourceStream;
+ rs := TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, ResName, 'JPEG');
+ try
+ Result := TJPEGImage.Create;
+ Result.LoadFromStream(rs);
+ finally
+ rs.Free;
+ end;
+// Example: Memo1.Lines.Text := GetResourceAsString('sample_txt', 'text');
+function GetResourceAsString(const ResName, ResType: MyPWideChar): string;
+ rd: {$IFDEF UNICODE}pansichar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}; // resource data
+ sz: longword; // resource size
+ rd := GetResourceAsPointer(ResName, ResType, sz);
+ SetString(Result, rd, sz);
+procedure SaveResourceAsFile(const ResName: string; const ResType: MyPWideChar;
+ const FileName: string);
+ with TResourceStream.Create(hInstance, ResName, ResType) do
+ try
+ SaveToFile(FileName);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ Usage Example:
+ procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
+ var size: longword; sample_wav: pointer;
+ begin
+ sample_wav := GetResourceAsPointer('sample_wav', 'wave', size);
+ sndPlaySound(sample_wav, SND_MEMORY or SND_NODEFAULT or SND_ASYNC);
+ end;
+// Based on an example from the Pascal Newsletter #25
+function GetResourceAsPointer(const ResName, ResType: MyPWideChar;
+ out Size: longword): pointer;
+ ib: HRSRC; // InfoBlock
+ gmb: HGLOBAL; // GlobalMemoryBlock
+ ib := FindResource(hInstance, ResName, ResType);
+ if ib = 0 then
+ raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
+ Size := SizeofResource(hInstance, ib);
+ if Size = 0 then
+ raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
+ gmb := LoadResource(hInstance, ib);
+ if gmb = 0 then
+ raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
+ Result := LockResource(gmb);
+ if Result = nil then
+ raise Exception.Create(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
+function SaveResourceAsTempFile(const ResName: string;
+ const ResType: MyPWideChar): string;
+ Result := GetWindowsTempDir + 'temp_' + ResName;
+ SaveResourceAsFile(ResName, ResType, Result);
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatSciterAx.pas b/src/CatSciterAx.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee2dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatSciterAx.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
+unit CatSciterAx;
+ AxSciterLib_TLB.pas slightly modified
+ If you regenerate the file, remember to re-apply the changes below.
+ -Felipe Daragon
+ TSciter was not handling tab and arrow keys. This fixed it:
+ Added Messages, and Controls to uses, and:
+TSciter = class(TOleControl)
+ private
+ procedure CNKeyDown(var Message: TMessage); message CN_KEYDOWN;
+ public
+ ....
+ end;
+procedure TMyActiveForm.CNKeyDown(var Message: TMessage);
+// ************************************************************************ //
+// -------
+// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a
+// Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via
+// another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the
+// 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the
+// Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all
+// manual modifications will be lost.
+// ************************************************************************ //
+// $Rev: 52393 $
+// File generated on 7/5/2013 06:33:59 from Type Library described below.
+// ************************************************************************ //
+// Type Lib: AxSciter.dll (1)
+// LIBID: {25D9681B-32F2-44C9-B94F-5E82E7ED0C75}
+// LCID: 0
+// Helpfile:
+// HelpString: AxSciter 1.0 Type Library
+// DepndLst:
+// (1) v2.0 stdole, (stdole2.tlb)
+// Errors:
+// Error creating palette bitmap of (TElement) : Server AxSciter.dll contains no icons
+// Error creating palette bitmap of (TElements) : Server AxSciter.dll contains no icons
+// ************************************************************************ //
+{$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers.
+{$ALIGN 4}
+uses Winapi.Windows,
+ Winapi.Messages, Vcl.controls,
+ System.Classes, System.Variants, System.Win.StdVCL, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.OleCtrls, Vcl.OleServer, Winapi.ActiveX;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used:
+// Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx
+// CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
+// DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
+// Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx
+// *********************************************************************//
+ // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions
+ AxSciterLibMajorVersion = 1;
+ AxSciterLibMinorVersion = 0;
+ LIBID_AxSciterLib: TGUID = '{25D9681B-32F2-44C9-B94F-5E82E7ED0C75}';
+ IID_IElements: TGUID = '{C7171909-9F92-48D7-8691-EFB3390DEE55}';
+ IID_IElement: TGUID = '{645B0717-C0AB-424D-B513-F083AD486BF1}';
+ IID_ISciter: TGUID = '{FA63A755-C7B3-4DB6-833F-3D5FE102495E}';
+ DIID__ISciterEvents: TGUID = '{ED2316A7-3EB2-4C80-9146-600B408B08D8}';
+ CLASS_Sciter: TGUID = '{99829A7E-007E-4F60-AC36-31B646896593}';
+ DIID__IElementEvents: TGUID = '{2A8AAFD6-6E87-4967-BF6D-C3F6BB9B3BD1}';
+ CLASS_Element: TGUID = '{53FB239D-7857-4F0D-9083-871D8C0EAE3A}';
+ CLASS_Elements: TGUID = '{B1C8635C-12B4-40F7-8038-6134FC5D398F}';
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Constants for enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0001
+ __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0001 = TOleEnum;
+ ContentBox = $00000000;
+ PaddingBox = $00000010;
+ BorderBox = $00000020;
+ MarginBox = $00000030;
+ BackImageArea = $00000040;
+ ForeImageArea = $00000050;
+ ScrollableArea = $00000060;
+// Constants for enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0002
+ __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0002 = TOleEnum;
+ RootRelative = $00000001;
+ SelfRelative = $00000002;
+ ContainerRelative = $00000003;
+ ViewRelative = $00000004;
+// Constants for enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0003
+ __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0003 = TOleEnum;
+ DATA_HTML = $00000000;
+ DATA_IMAGE = $00000001;
+ DATA_STYLE = $00000002;
+ DATA_CURSOR = $00000003;
+ DATA_SCRIPT = $00000004;
+// Constants for enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0004
+ __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0004 = TOleEnum;
+ MASK_BUBBLING = $00000000;
+ MASK_SINKING = $00008000;
+ MASK_HANDLED = $00010000;
+// Constants for enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0005
+ __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0005 = TOleEnum;
+ ME_MOUSE_ENTER = $00000000;
+ ME_MOUSE_LEAVE = $00000001;
+ ME_MOUSE_MOVE = $00000002;
+ ME_MOUSE_UP = $00000003;
+ ME_MOUSE_DOWN = $00000004;
+ ME_MOUSE_DCLICK = $00000005;
+ ME_MOUSE_WHEEL = $00000006;
+ ME_MOUSE_TICK = $00000007;
+ ME_MOUSE_IDLE = $00000008;
+ ME_DROP = $00000009;
+ ME_DRAG_ENTER = $0000000A;
+ ME_DRAG_LEAVE = $0000000B;
+ ME_DRAGGING = $00000100;
+// Constants for enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0006
+ __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0006 = TOleEnum;
+ BE_BUTTON_CLICK = $00000000;
+ BE_BUTTON_PRESS = $00000001;
+ BE_EDIT_VALUE_CHANGED = $00000004;
+ BE_POPUP_REQUEST = $00000007;
+ BE_POPUP_READY = $00000008;
+ BE_POPUP_DISMISSED = $00000009;
+ BE_MENU_ITEM_ACTIVE = $0000000A;
+ BE_MENU_ITEM_CLICK = $0000000B;
+ BE_HYPERLINK_CLICK = $00000080;
+ BE_TABLE_HEADER_CLICK = $00000081;
+ BE_TABLE_ROW_CLICK = $00000082;
+ BE_TABLE_ROW_DBL_CLICK = $00000083;
+ BE_ELEMENT_EXPANDED = $00000091;
+ BE_ACTIVATE_CHILD = $00000092;
+ BE_DO_SWITCH_TAB = $00000092;
+ BE_INIT_DATA_VIEW = $00000093;
+ BE_ROWS_DATA_REQUEST = $00000094;
+ BE_UI_STATE_CHANGED = $00000095;
+ BE_FORM_SUBMIT = $00000096;
+ BE_FORM_RESET = $00000097;
+ BE_HISTORY_PUSH = $00000099;
+ BE_HISTORY_DROP = $0000009A;
+ BE_HISTORY_PRIOR = $0000009B;
+ BE_HISTORY_NEXT = $0000009C;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
+// *********************************************************************//
+ IElements = interface;
+ IElementsDisp = dispinterface;
+ IElement = interface;
+ IElementDisp = dispinterface;
+ ISciter = interface;
+ ISciterDisp = dispinterface;
+ _ISciterEvents = dispinterface;
+ _IElementEvents = dispinterface;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
+// (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
+// *********************************************************************//
+ Sciter = ISciter;
+ Element = IElement;
+ Elements = IElements;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Declaration of structures, unions and aliases.
+// *********************************************************************//
+ PPSafeArray1 = ^PSafeArray; {*}
+ PByte1 = ^Byte; {*}
+ ElementBoxType = __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0001;
+ RelativeToType = __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0002;
+ ResourceType = __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0003;
+ PhaseMask = __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0004;
+ MouseEvents = __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0005;
+ BehaviorEvents = __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AxSciter_0000_0006;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Interface: IElements
+// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
+// GUID: {C7171909-9F92-48D7-8691-EFB3390DEE55}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ IElements = interface(IDispatch)
+ ['{C7171909-9F92-48D7-8691-EFB3390DEE55}']
+ function _NewEnum: IUnknown; safecall;
+ function Get_Count: Integer; safecall;
+ function Get_Item(index: Integer): IElement; safecall;
+ property Count: Integer read Get_Count;
+ property Item[index: Integer]: IElement read Get_Item;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// DispIntf: IElementsDisp
+// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
+// GUID: {C7171909-9F92-48D7-8691-EFB3390DEE55}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ IElementsDisp = dispinterface
+ ['{C7171909-9F92-48D7-8691-EFB3390DEE55}']
+ function _NewEnum: IUnknown; dispid -4;
+ property Count: Integer readonly dispid 1;
+ property Item[index: Integer]: IElement readonly dispid 2;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Interface: IElement
+// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
+// GUID: {645B0717-C0AB-424D-B513-F083AD486BF1}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ IElement = interface(IDispatch)
+ ['{645B0717-C0AB-424D-B513-F083AD486BF1}']
+ function Get_Tag: WideString; safecall;
+ function Get_Value: OleVariant; safecall;
+ procedure Set_Value(pVal: OleVariant); safecall;
+ function Select(const cssSelector: WideString): IElement; safecall;
+ function SelectAll(const cssSelector: WideString): IElements; safecall;
+ function Get_Attr(const name: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
+ procedure Set_Attr(const name: WideString; pVal: OleVariant); safecall;
+ function Get_StyleAttr(const name: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
+ procedure Set_StyleAttr(const name: WideString; pVal: OleVariant); safecall;
+ procedure Position(out x: Integer; out y: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType; relTo: RelativeToType); safecall;
+ procedure Dimension(out width: Integer; out height: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType); safecall;
+ function Call(const methodName: WideString; var params: PSafeArray): OleVariant; safecall;
+ function Get_HELEMENT: Integer; safecall;
+ property Tag: WideString read Get_Tag;
+ property Value: OleVariant read Get_Value write Set_Value;
+ property Attr[const name: WideString]: OleVariant read Get_Attr write Set_Attr;
+ property StyleAttr[const name: WideString]: OleVariant read Get_StyleAttr write Set_StyleAttr;
+ property HELEMENT: Integer read Get_HELEMENT;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// DispIntf: IElementDisp
+// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
+// GUID: {645B0717-C0AB-424D-B513-F083AD486BF1}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ IElementDisp = dispinterface
+ ['{645B0717-C0AB-424D-B513-F083AD486BF1}']
+ property Tag: WideString readonly dispid 1;
+ property Value: OleVariant dispid 2;
+ function Select(const cssSelector: WideString): IElement; dispid 3;
+ function SelectAll(const cssSelector: WideString): IElements; dispid 4;
+ property Attr[const name: WideString]: OleVariant dispid 5;
+ property StyleAttr[const name: WideString]: OleVariant dispid 6;
+ procedure Position(out x: Integer; out y: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType; relTo: RelativeToType); dispid 7;
+ procedure Dimension(out width: Integer; out height: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType); dispid 8;
+ function Call(const methodName: WideString; var params: {NOT_OLEAUTO(PSafeArray)}OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 9;
+ property HELEMENT: Integer readonly dispid 10;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// Interface: ISciter
+// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
+// GUID: {FA63A755-C7B3-4DB6-833F-3D5FE102495E}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ ISciter = interface(IDispatch)
+ ['{FA63A755-C7B3-4DB6-833F-3D5FE102495E}']
+ procedure LoadHtml(const html: WideString; const baseUrl: WideString); safecall;
+ procedure LoadUrl(const urlToLoad: WideString); safecall;
+ function Get_Root: IElement; safecall;
+ function Call(const name: WideString; var params: PSafeArray): OleVariant; safecall;
+ function Eval(const script: WideString): OleVariant; safecall;
+ procedure DataReady(requestId: Integer; var data: Byte; dataLength: Integer); safecall;
+ function Get_Methods: IDispatch; safecall;
+ procedure _Set_Methods(const pVal: IDispatch); safecall;
+ property Root: IElement read Get_Root;
+ property Methods: IDispatch read Get_Methods write _Set_Methods;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// DispIntf: ISciterDisp
+// Flags: (4544) Dual NonExtensible OleAutomation Dispatchable
+// GUID: {FA63A755-C7B3-4DB6-833F-3D5FE102495E}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ ISciterDisp = dispinterface
+ ['{FA63A755-C7B3-4DB6-833F-3D5FE102495E}']
+ procedure LoadHtml(const html: WideString; const baseUrl: WideString); dispid 1;
+ procedure LoadUrl(const urlToLoad: WideString); dispid 2;
+ property Root: IElement readonly dispid 3;
+ function Call(const name: WideString; var params: {NOT_OLEAUTO(PSafeArray)}OleVariant): OleVariant; dispid 4;
+ function Eval(const script: WideString): OleVariant; dispid 5;
+ procedure DataReady(requestId: Integer; var data: Byte; dataLength: Integer); dispid 6;
+ property Methods: IDispatch dispid 7;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// DispIntf: _ISciterEvents
+// Flags: (4096) Dispatchable
+// GUID: {ED2316A7-3EB2-4C80-9146-600B408B08D8}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ _ISciterEvents = dispinterface
+ ['{ED2316A7-3EB2-4C80-9146-600B408B08D8}']
+ function onStdOut(const msg: WideString): HResult; dispid 1;
+ function onStdErr(const msg: WideString): HResult; dispid 2;
+ function OnLoadData(const url: WideString; resType: ResourceType; requestId: Integer;
+ out discard: WordBool): HResult; dispid 3;
+ function OnDataLoaded(const url: WideString; resType: ResourceType; var data: Byte;
+ dataLength: Integer; requestId: Integer): HResult; dispid 4;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// DispIntf: _IElementEvents
+// Flags: (4096) Dispatchable
+// GUID: {2A8AAFD6-6E87-4967-BF6D-C3F6BB9B3BD1}
+// *********************************************************************//
+ _IElementEvents = dispinterface
+ ['{2A8AAFD6-6E87-4967-BF6D-C3F6BB9B3BD1}']
+ function OnMouse(const target: IElement; eventType: Integer; x: Integer; y: Integer;
+ buttons: Integer; keys: Integer): WordBool; dispid 1;
+ function OnKey(const target: IElement; eventType: Integer; code: Integer; keys: Integer): WordBool; dispid 2;
+ function OnFocus(const target: IElement; eventType: Integer): WordBool; dispid 3;
+ function OnTimer(timerId: Integer): WordBool; dispid 4;
+ function OnSize: HResult; dispid 5;
+ function OnControlEvent(const target: IElement; eventType: Integer; reason: Integer;
+ const source: IElement): WordBool; dispid 6;
+ function OnScroll(const target: IElement; eventType: Integer; pos: Integer; isVertical: WordBool): WordBool; dispid 7;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// OLE Control Proxy class declaration
+// Control Name : TSciter
+// Help String : Sciter Class
+// Default Interface: ISciter
+// Def. Intf. DISP? : No
+// Event Interface: _ISciterEvents
+// TypeFlags : (34) CanCreate Control
+// *********************************************************************//
+ TSciteronStdOut = procedure(ASender: TObject; const msg: WideString) of object;
+ TSciteronStdErr = procedure(ASender: TObject; const msg: WideString) of object;
+ TSciterOnLoadData = procedure(ASender: TObject; const url: WideString; resType: ResourceType;
+ requestId: Integer; out discard: WordBool) of object;
+ TSciterOnDataLoaded = procedure(ASender: TObject; const url: WideString; resType: ResourceType;
+ var data: Byte; dataLength: Integer;
+ requestId: Integer) of object;
+ TSciter = class(TOleControl)
+ private
+ FOnonStdOut: TSciteronStdOut;
+ FOnonStdErr: TSciteronStdErr;
+ FOnLoadData: TSciterOnLoadData;
+ FOnDataLoaded: TSciterOnDataLoaded;
+ FIntf: ISciter;
+ function GetControlInterface: ISciter;
+ procedure CNKeyDown(var Message: TMessage); message CN_KEYDOWN;
+ protected
+ procedure CreateControl;
+ procedure InitControlData; override;
+ function Get_Root: IElement;
+ function Get_Methods: IDispatch;
+ procedure _Set_Methods(const pVal: IDispatch);
+ public
+ procedure LoadHtml(const html: WideString; const baseUrl: WideString);
+ procedure LoadUrl(const urlToLoad: WideString);
+ function Call(const name: WideString; var params: PSafeArray): OleVariant;
+ function Eval(const script: WideString): OleVariant;
+ procedure DataReady(requestId: Integer; var data: Byte; dataLength: Integer);
+ property ControlInterface: ISciter read GetControlInterface;
+ property DefaultInterface: ISciter read GetControlInterface;
+ property Root: IElement read Get_Root;
+ property Methods: IDispatch index 7 read GetIDispatchProp (* [[PUTREF-SETTER]] write _SetIDispatchProp*);
+ published
+ property Anchors;
+ property TabStop;
+ property Align;
+ property DragCursor;
+ property DragMode;
+ property ParentShowHint;
+ property PopupMenu;
+ property ShowHint;
+ property TabOrder;
+ property Visible;
+ property OnDragDrop;
+ property OnDragOver;
+ property OnEndDrag;
+ property OnEnter;
+ property OnExit;
+ property OnStartDrag;
+ property OnonStdOut: TSciteronStdOut read FOnonStdOut write FOnonStdOut;
+ property OnonStdErr: TSciteronStdErr read FOnonStdErr write FOnonStdErr;
+ property OnLoadData: TSciterOnLoadData read FOnLoadData write FOnLoadData;
+ property OnDataLoaded: TSciterOnDataLoaded read FOnDataLoaded write FOnDataLoaded;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// The Class CoElement provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
+// create instances of the default interface IElement exposed by
+// the CoClass Element. The functions are intended to be used by
+// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
+// server of this typelibrary.
+// *********************************************************************//
+ CoElement = class
+ class function Create: IElement;
+ class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IElement;
+ end;
+ TElementOnMouse = procedure(ASender: TObject; const target: IElement; eventType: Integer;
+ x: Integer; y: Integer; buttons: Integer;
+ keys: Integer) of object;
+ TElementOnKey = procedure(ASender: TObject; const target: IElement; eventType: Integer;
+ code: Integer; keys: Integer) of object;
+ TElementOnFocus = procedure(ASender: TObject; const target: IElement; eventType: Integer) of object;
+ TElementOnTimer = procedure(ASender: TObject; timerId: Integer) of object;
+ TElementOnControlEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; const target: IElement; eventType: Integer;
+ reason: Integer; const source: IElement) of object;
+ TElementOnScroll = procedure(ASender: TObject; const target: IElement; eventType: Integer;
+ pos: Integer; isVertical: WordBool) of object;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// OLE Server Proxy class declaration
+// Server Object : TElement
+// Help String : Element Class
+// Default Interface: IElement
+// Def. Intf. DISP? : No
+// Event Interface: _IElementEvents
+// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
+// *********************************************************************//
+ TElement = class(TOleServer)
+ private
+ FOnMouse: TElementOnMouse;
+ FOnKey: TElementOnKey;
+ FOnFocus: TElementOnFocus;
+ FOnTimer: TElementOnTimer;
+ FOnSize: TNotifyEvent;
+ FOnControlEvent: TElementOnControlEvent;
+ FOnScroll: TElementOnScroll;
+ FIntf: IElement;
+ function GetDefaultInterface: IElement;
+ protected
+ procedure InitServerData; override;
+ procedure InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray); override;
+ function Get_Tag: WideString;
+ function Get_Value: OleVariant;
+ procedure Set_Value(pVal: OleVariant);
+ function Get_Attr(const name: WideString): OleVariant;
+ procedure Set_Attr(const name: WideString; pVal: OleVariant);
+ function Get_StyleAttr(const name: WideString): OleVariant;
+ procedure Set_StyleAttr(const name: WideString; pVal: OleVariant);
+ function Get_HELEMENT: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IElement);
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ function Select(const cssSelector: WideString): IElement;
+ function SelectAll(const cssSelector: WideString): IElements;
+ procedure Position(out x: Integer; out y: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType; relTo: RelativeToType);
+ procedure Dimension(out width: Integer; out height: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType);
+ function Call(const methodName: WideString; var params: PSafeArray): OleVariant;
+ property DefaultInterface: IElement read GetDefaultInterface;
+ property Tag: WideString read Get_Tag;
+ property Value: OleVariant read Get_Value write Set_Value;
+ property Attr[const name: WideString]: OleVariant read Get_Attr write Set_Attr;
+ property StyleAttr[const name: WideString]: OleVariant read Get_StyleAttr write Set_StyleAttr;
+ property HELEMENT: Integer read Get_HELEMENT;
+ published
+ property OnMouse: TElementOnMouse read FOnMouse write FOnMouse;
+ property OnKey: TElementOnKey read FOnKey write FOnKey;
+ property OnFocus: TElementOnFocus read FOnFocus write FOnFocus;
+ property OnTimer: TElementOnTimer read FOnTimer write FOnTimer;
+ property OnSize: TNotifyEvent read FOnSize write FOnSize;
+ property OnControlEvent: TElementOnControlEvent read FOnControlEvent write FOnControlEvent;
+ property OnScroll: TElementOnScroll read FOnScroll write FOnScroll;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// The Class CoElements provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
+// create instances of the default interface IElements exposed by
+// the CoClass Elements. The functions are intended to be used by
+// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
+// server of this typelibrary.
+// *********************************************************************//
+ CoElements = class
+ class function Create: IElements;
+ class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IElements;
+ end;
+// *********************************************************************//
+// OLE Server Proxy class declaration
+// Server Object : TElements
+// Help String : Elements Class
+// Default Interface: IElements
+// Def. Intf. DISP? : No
+// Event Interface:
+// TypeFlags : (2) CanCreate
+// *********************************************************************//
+ TElements = class(TOleServer)
+ private
+ FIntf: IElements;
+ function GetDefaultInterface: IElements;
+ protected
+ procedure InitServerData; override;
+ function Get_Count: Integer;
+ function Get_Item(index: Integer): IElement;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Connect; override;
+ procedure ConnectTo(svrIntf: IElements);
+ procedure Disconnect; override;
+ property DefaultInterface: IElements read GetDefaultInterface;
+ property Count: Integer read Get_Count;
+ property Item[index: Integer]: IElement read Get_Item;
+ published
+ end;
+procedure Register;
+ dtlServerPage = 'ActiveX';
+ dtlOcxPage = 'ActiveX';
+uses System.Win.ComObj;
+procedure TSciter.CNKeyDown(var Message: TMessage);
+procedure TSciter.InitControlData;
+ CEventDispIDs: array [0..3] of DWORD = (
+ $00000001, $00000002, $00000003, $00000004);
+ CControlData: TControlData2 = (
+ ClassID: '{99829A7E-007E-4F60-AC36-31B646896593}';
+ EventIID: '{ED2316A7-3EB2-4C80-9146-600B408B08D8}';
+ EventCount: 4;
+ EventDispIDs: @CEventDispIDs;
+ LicenseKey: nil (*HR:$80004002*);
+ Flags: $00000000;
+ Version: 500);
+ ControlData := @CControlData;
+ TControlData2(CControlData).FirstEventOfs := UIntPtr(@@FOnonStdOut) - UIntPtr(Self);
+procedure TSciter.CreateControl;
+ procedure DoCreate;
+ begin
+ FIntf := IUnknown(OleObject) as ISciter;
+ end;
+ if FIntf = nil then DoCreate;
+function TSciter.GetControlInterface: ISciter;
+ CreateControl;
+ Result := FIntf;
+function TSciter.Get_Root: IElement;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Root;
+function TSciter.Get_Methods: IDispatch;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Methods;
+procedure TSciter._Set_Methods(const pVal: IDispatch);
+ DefaultInterface.Methods := pVal;
+procedure TSciter.LoadHtml(const html: WideString; const baseUrl: WideString);
+ DefaultInterface.LoadHtml(html, baseUrl);
+procedure TSciter.LoadUrl(const urlToLoad: WideString);
+ DefaultInterface.LoadUrl(urlToLoad);
+function TSciter.Call(const name: WideString; var params: PSafeArray): OleVariant;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Call(name, params);
+function TSciter.Eval(const script: WideString): OleVariant;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Eval(script);
+procedure TSciter.DataReady(requestId: Integer; var data: Byte; dataLength: Integer);
+ DefaultInterface.DataReady(requestId, data, dataLength);
+class function CoElement.Create: IElement;
+ Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_Element) as IElement;
+class function CoElement.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IElement;
+ Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_Element) as IElement;
+procedure TElement.InitServerData;
+ CServerData: TServerData = (
+ ClassID: '{53FB239D-7857-4F0D-9083-871D8C0EAE3A}';
+ IntfIID: '{645B0717-C0AB-424D-B513-F083AD486BF1}';
+ EventIID: '{2A8AAFD6-6E87-4967-BF6D-C3F6BB9B3BD1}';
+ LicenseKey: nil;
+ Version: 500);
+ ServerData := @CServerData;
+procedure TElement.Connect;
+ punk: IUnknown;
+ if FIntf = nil then
+ begin
+ punk := GetServer;
+ ConnectEvents(punk);
+ Fintf:= punk as IElement;
+ end;
+procedure TElement.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IElement);
+ Disconnect;
+ FIntf := svrIntf;
+ ConnectEvents(FIntf);
+procedure TElement.DisConnect;
+ if Fintf <> nil then
+ begin
+ DisconnectEvents(FIntf);
+ FIntf := nil;
+ end;
+function TElement.GetDefaultInterface: IElement;
+ if FIntf = nil then
+ Connect;
+ Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface is NULL. Component is not connected to Server. You must call "Connect" or "ConnectTo" before this operation');
+ Result := FIntf;
+constructor TElement.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+destructor TElement.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TElement.InvokeEvent(DispID: TDispID; var Params: TVariantArray);
+ case DispID of
+ -1: Exit; // DISPID_UNKNOWN
+ 1: if Assigned(FOnMouse) then
+ FOnMouse(Self,
+ IUnknown(TVarData(Params[0]).VPointer) as IElement {const IElement},
+ Params[1] {Integer},
+ Params[2] {Integer},
+ Params[3] {Integer},
+ Params[4] {Integer},
+ Params[5] {Integer});
+ 2: if Assigned(FOnKey) then
+ FOnKey(Self,
+ IUnknown(TVarData(Params[0]).VPointer) as IElement {const IElement},
+ Params[1] {Integer},
+ Params[2] {Integer},
+ Params[3] {Integer});
+ 3: if Assigned(FOnFocus) then
+ FOnFocus(Self,
+ IUnknown(TVarData(Params[0]).VPointer) as IElement {const IElement},
+ Params[1] {Integer});
+ 4: if Assigned(FOnTimer) then
+ FOnTimer(Self, Params[0] {Integer});
+ 5: if Assigned(FOnSize) then
+ FOnSize(Self);
+ 6: if Assigned(FOnControlEvent) then
+ FOnControlEvent(Self,
+ IUnknown(TVarData(Params[0]).VPointer) as IElement {const IElement},
+ Params[1] {Integer},
+ Params[2] {Integer},
+ IUnknown(TVarData(Params[3]).VPointer) as IElement {const IElement});
+ 7: if Assigned(FOnScroll) then
+ FOnScroll(Self,
+ IUnknown(TVarData(Params[0]).VPointer) as IElement {const IElement},
+ Params[1] {Integer},
+ Params[2] {Integer},
+ Params[3] {WordBool});
+ end; {case DispID}
+function TElement.Get_Tag: WideString;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Tag;
+function TElement.Get_Value: OleVariant;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Value;
+procedure TElement.Set_Value(pVal: OleVariant);
+ DefaultInterface.Value := pVal;
+function TElement.Get_Attr(const name: WideString): OleVariant;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Attr[name];
+procedure TElement.Set_Attr(const name: WideString; pVal: OleVariant);
+ DefaultInterface.Attr[name] := pVal;
+function TElement.Get_StyleAttr(const name: WideString): OleVariant;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.StyleAttr[name];
+procedure TElement.Set_StyleAttr(const name: WideString; pVal: OleVariant);
+ DefaultInterface.StyleAttr[name] := pVal;
+function TElement.Get_HELEMENT: Integer;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.HELEMENT;
+function TElement.Select(const cssSelector: WideString): IElement;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Select(cssSelector);
+function TElement.SelectAll(const cssSelector: WideString): IElements;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.SelectAll(cssSelector);
+procedure TElement.Position(out x: Integer; out y: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType;
+ relTo: RelativeToType);
+ DefaultInterface.Position(x, y, ofWhat, relTo);
+procedure TElement.Dimension(out width: Integer; out height: Integer; ofWhat: ElementBoxType);
+ DefaultInterface.Dimension(width, height, ofWhat);
+function TElement.Call(const methodName: WideString; var params: PSafeArray): OleVariant;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Call(methodName, params);
+class function CoElements.Create: IElements;
+ Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_Elements) as IElements;
+class function CoElements.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IElements;
+ Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_Elements) as IElements;
+procedure TElements.InitServerData;
+ CServerData: TServerData = (
+ ClassID: '{B1C8635C-12B4-40F7-8038-6134FC5D398F}';
+ IntfIID: '{C7171909-9F92-48D7-8691-EFB3390DEE55}';
+ EventIID: '';
+ LicenseKey: nil;
+ Version: 500);
+ ServerData := @CServerData;
+procedure TElements.Connect;
+ punk: IUnknown;
+ if FIntf = nil then
+ begin
+ punk := GetServer;
+ Fintf:= punk as IElements;
+ end;
+procedure TElements.ConnectTo(svrIntf: IElements);
+ Disconnect;
+ FIntf := svrIntf;
+procedure TElements.DisConnect;
+ if Fintf <> nil then
+ begin
+ FIntf := nil;
+ end;
+function TElements.GetDefaultInterface: IElements;
+ if FIntf = nil then
+ Connect;
+ Assert(FIntf <> nil, 'DefaultInterface is NULL. Component is not connected to Server. You must call "Connect" or "ConnectTo" before this operation');
+ Result := FIntf;
+constructor TElements.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+destructor TElements.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TElements.Get_Count: Integer;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Count;
+function TElements.Get_Item(index: Integer): IElement;
+ Result := DefaultInterface.Item[index];
+procedure Register;
+ RegisterComponents(dtlOcxPage, [TSciter]);
+ RegisterComponents(dtlServerPage, [TElement, TElements]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/CatStdSysMenu.pas b/src/CatStdSysMenu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40cb2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatStdSysMenu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ Copyright © Colin Wilson 2002
+ Modifications copyright (c) 2013-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: MPL 1.1 (see below)
+ This is cmpStandardSystemMenu.pas with some minor modifications:
+ Added a public Load method to TStandardSystemMenu, and a StdSysMenu procedure
+ so there is no need to register the component and drop it to a form,
+ just add it to the uses clause and call: StdSysMenu(self) from the form.
+unit CatStdSysMenu;
+ | cmpStandardSystemMenu unit for MiscUnits package |
+ | |
+ | Drop one of these on your application's main form, and you get all |
+ | five items in the task bar icon menu (Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, |
+ | Maximize Close) instead of the measly three items that Windows gives |
+ | you by default |
+ | |
+ | |
+ | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License |
+ | Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in |
+ | compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License |
+ | at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ |
+ | |
+ | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" |
+ | basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See |
+ | the License for the specific language governing rights and |
+ | limitations under the License. |
+ | |
+ | Copyright © Colin Wilson 2002. All Rights Reserved |
+ | |
+ | Version Date By Description |
+ | ------- ---------- ---- ------------------------------------------|
+ | 1.0 2001 CPWW Original |
+ | 1.1 26/02/2002 CPWW Fixed design-time problems |
+ *======================================================================*)
+ Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus;
+ scxRESTORE = $fff0;
+ scxMAXIMIZE = $fff3;
+ scxSIZE = $fff4;
+ scxMOVE = $fff5;
+// TStandardSystemMenu class
+ TStandardSystemMenu = class(TComponent)
+ private
+ fMenuHandle : HMenu;
+ fWindowMenuHandle : HMenu;
+ fObjectInstance : pointer;
+ fOldOwnerWindowProc : TFNWndProc;
+ fSysObjectInstance : pointer;
+ fOldSysWindowProc : TFNWndProc;
+ fIconic : boolean;
+ fMaximized : boolean;
+ procedure CloneSystemMenu;
+ procedure OwnerWindowProc(var msg: TMessage);
+ procedure SysOwnerWindowProc(var msg: TMessage);
+ procedure OnMinimized;
+ procedure OnMaximized;
+ procedure OnRestored (resetmax : boolean);
+ function HookProc (var Msg : TMessage) : boolean;
+ protected
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ { Protected declarations }
+ public
+ procedure SetItemState (itemID, state : Integer);
+ procedure Load;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ { Public declarations }
+ published
+ { Published declarations }
+ end;
+procedure StdSysMenu(Comp: TComponent);
+procedure StdSysMenu(Comp: TComponent); // FD
+ sm: TStandardSystemMenu;
+ sm := TStandardSystemMenu.Create(Comp);
+ sm.Load;
+{ TStandardSystemMenu }
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.CloneSystemMenu |
+ | |
+ | Make the (hidden) application's system menu a copy of the main |
+ | form's system menu. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.CloneSystemMenu;
+ count : Integer;
+ item : TMenuItemInfo;
+ buffer : array [0..256] of char;
+ i : Integer;
+ count := GetMenuItemCount (fMenuHandle); // Delete all application's system
+ while count > 0 do // menu items.
+ begin
+ DeleteMenu (fMenuHandle, 0, MF_BYPOSITION);
+ Dec (count)
+ end;
+ count := GetMenuItemCount (fWindowMenuHandle);
+ // Now copy entries from the main form's
+ // system menu to the application's system menu
+ for i := 0 to count - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar (item, sizeof (item), 0);
+ if (Win32MajorVersion > 4) or ((Win32MajorVersion = 4) and (Win32MinorVersion >= 10)) then // Ie Win2K or '98
+ begin
+ item.cbSize := sizeof (item);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ item.cbSize := 44; // Sizeof old-style MENUITEMINFO
+ item.fMask := MIIM_STATE or MIIM_ID or MIIM_TYPE;
+ end;
+ item.cch := sizeof (buffer);
+ item.dwTypeData := buffer;
+ // Get details from window system menu
+ if GetMenuItemInfo (fWindowMenuHandle, i, True, item) then
+ begin
+ case item.wID of
+ SC_RESTORE : item.wID := scxRestore;
+ SC_MINIMIZE : item.wID := scxMinimize;
+ SC_MAXIMIZE : item.wID := scxMaximize;
+ SC_MOVE : item.wID := scxMove;
+ SC_SIZE : item.wID := scxSize;
+ end;
+ // Add item to application system menu.
+ InsertMenuItem (fMenuHandle, i, True, item)
+ end
+ else
+ RaiseLastOSError
+ end
+ | destructor TStandardSystemMenu.Destroy |
+ | |
+ | Tidy up |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+destructor TStandardSystemMenu.Destroy;
+ if Assigned (fObjectInstance) then
+ Classes.FreeObjectInstance (fObjectInstance);
+ if Assigned (fSysObjectInstance) then
+ Classes.FreeObjectInstance (fSysObjectInstance);
+ inherited;
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.HookProc |
+ | |
+ | Intercept WM_WINDOWPASCHANGING messages
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TStandardSystemMenu.HookProc(var Msg: TMessage): boolean;
+ LocalFlags: word;
+ Result := false;
+ if Msg.Msg = WM_WindowPosChanging then
+ begin
+ with TWMWindowPosMsg(Msg).WindowPos^ do
+ begin
+ if (hWnd = Application.Handle) and
+ not IsIconic(hWnd) and
+ (cx > 0) and (cy > 0) then
+ begin
+ LocalFlags := flags or SWP_NoZOrder;
+ if TForm (Owner).BorderStyle = bsSizeable then
+ LocalFlags := LocalFlags and not SWP_NoSize
+ else
+ LocalFlags := LocalFlags or SWP_NoSize;
+ SetWindowPos(TForm (Owner).Handle, 0, x, y, cx, cy, LocalFlags);
+ TForm (Owner).Invalidate
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.Loaded |
+ | |
+ | Subclass the main form and the hidden application window |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.Loaded;
+ inherited;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ fMenuHandle := GetSystemMenu (Application.Handle, False);
+ fWindowMenuHandle := GetSystemMenu ((Owner as TForm).Handle, False);
+ CloneSystemMenu;
+ fObjectInstance := Classes.MakeObjectInstance (OwnerWindowProc);
+ fOldOwnerWindowProc := TfnWndProc (SetWindowLong (TForm (Owner).Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer (fObjectInstance)));
+ fSysObjectInstance := Classes.MakeObjectInstance (SysOwnerWindowProc);
+ fOldSysWindowProc := TfnWndProc (SetWindowLong (Application.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer (fSysObjectInstance)));
+ Application.HookMainWindow(HookProc);
+ end
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.Load;
+ Loaded;// FD
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.OnMaximized |
+ | |
+ | Main window maximized. Set the menu item states to reflect this. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.OnMaximized;
+ fIconic := False;
+ fMaximized := True;
+ SetItemState (scxMinimize, MFS_ENABLED);
+ SetItemState (scxMaximize, MFS_DISABLED or MFS_GRAYED);
+ SetItemState (scxMove, MFS_DISABLED or MFS_GRAYED);
+ SetItemState (scxSize, MFS_DISABLED or MFS_GRAYED);
+ SetItemState (scxRestore, MFS_ENABLED);
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.OnMinimized |
+ | |
+ | Main window minimized. Set the menu item states to reflect this. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.OnMinimized;
+ fIconic := True;
+ SetItemState (scxMinimize, MFS_DISABLED or MFS_GRAYED);
+ SetItemState (scxMaximize, MFS_ENABLED);
+ SetItemState (scxMove, MFS_DISABLED or MFS_GRAYED);
+ SetItemState (scxSize, MFS_DISABLED or MFS_GRAYED);
+ SetItemState (scxRestore, MFS_ENABLED);
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.OnRestored |
+ | |
+ | Main window restored. Set the menu item states to reflect this. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.OnRestored (resetmax : boolean);
+ fIconic := False;
+ if resetmax then fMaximized := False;
+ if fMaximized then
+ OnMaximized
+ else
+ begin
+ SetItemState (scxMinimize, MFS_ENABLED);
+ SetItemState (scxMaximize, MFS_ENABLED);
+ SetItemState (scxMove, MFS_ENABLED);
+ SetItemState (scxSize, MFS_ENABLED);
+ SetItemState (scxRestore, MFS_DISABLED or MFS_GRAYED)
+ end
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.OwnerWindowProc |
+ | |
+ | Grab messages sent to the main form |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.OwnerWindowProc (var msg : TMessage);
+ with msg do
+ begin
+ if msg = WM_SIZE then // Window sized. Set menu item states.
+ begin
+ case wParam of
+ SIZE_MAXIMIZED : OnMaximized;
+ SIZE_MINIMIZED : OnMinimized;
+ SIZE_RESTORED : OnRestored (true)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if msg = WM_DESTROY then // Window destroyed - unsubclass
+ begin
+ SetWindowLong (TForm (Owner).Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer (fOldOwnerWindowProc));
+ SetWindowLong (Application.Handle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer (fOldSysWindowProc));
+ Application.UnHookMainWindow(HookProc);
+ end;
+ result := CallWindowProc (fOldOwnerWindowProc, TForm (Owner).Handle, msg, wParam, lParam)
+ end
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.SetItemState |
+ | |
+ | Set the required menu item state |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | itemID : Integer The id of the item to adjust |
+ | state: Integer The new state |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.SetItemState(itemID, state: Integer);
+ item : TMenuItemInfo;
+ FillChar (item, SizeOf (item), 0);
+ item.cbSize := 44;
+ item.fMask := MIIM_STATE;
+ if GetMenuItemInfo (fMenuHandle, itemID, False, item) then
+ begin
+ item.fState := state;
+ SetMenuItemInfo (fMenuHandle, itemID, False, item)
+ end
+ | TStandardSystemMenu.SysOwnerWindowProc |
+ | |
+ | Intercept messages to the (hidden) application window |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TStandardSystemMenu.SysOwnerWindowProc(var msg: TMessage);
+ m : Integer;
+ with msg do
+ begin
+ if msg = WM_SYSCOMMAND then
+ begin
+ m := -1;
+ case wParam of
+ scxRestore : m := SC_RESTORE;
+ scxMinimize : m := SC_MINIMIZE;
+ scxMaximize : if fMaximized then // It's also minimized, but it *was* maximized so restore!
+ SendMessage (Application.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, lParam)
+ else
+ begin
+ if fIconic then
+ SendMessage (Application.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, lParam);
+ SendMessage (TForm (owner).Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MAXIMIZE, lParam);
+ end;
+ scxMove : m := SC_MOVE;
+ scxSize : m := SC_SIZE;
+ end;
+ if m <> -1 then
+ if fIconic then
+ SendMessage (Application.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, m, lParam)
+ else
+ SendMessage (TForm (owner).Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, m, lParam);
+ end
+ else
+ if msg = WM_SIZE then
+ case wParam of
+ SIZE_MAXIMIZED : OnMaximized;
+ SIZE_MINIMIZED : OnMinimized;
+ SIZE_RESTORED : OnRestored (false)
+ end;
+ result := CallWindowProc (fOldSysWindowProc, Application.Handle, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ end
diff --git a/src/CatStorage.pas b/src/CatStorage.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e8ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatStorage.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+unit CatStorage;
+ Catarinka Storage Object
+ Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils, Vcl.Forms, System.SyncObjs, Vcl.Dialogs,
+ Classes, SysUtils, Forms, SyncObjs, Dialogs,
+ GpStructuredStorage;
+ TCatStorage = class
+ private
+ fCriticalSection: TCriticalSection;
+ fDeleteWhenFreeing: boolean;
+ fFilename: string;
+ fVFS: IGPStructuredStorage;
+ public
+ function CachedFileExists(const f: string): boolean;
+ function GetFilename: string;
+ function GetTextFile(const f: string): string;
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const cachefilename: string);
+ procedure MakeTemporary;
+ procedure New(const cachefilename: string);
+ procedure Open(const cachefilename: string);
+ procedure ExtractFile(const f, outfilename: string);
+ procedure SaveToFile(const cachefilename: string);
+ procedure SaveFolderToFile(const cachefilename: string; const folder: string = '/');
+ procedure StoreFile(const vfs_filename, fs_filename: string);
+ procedure StoreString(const f, content: string);
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // properties
+ property Filename: string read fFilename write fFilename;
+ published
+ end;
+uses CatFiles, CatDCP, CatStrings, CatZIP, CatStringLoop;
+// Resets the cache
+procedure TCatStorage.Clear;
+ fVFS := nil;
+ fVFS := CreateStructuredStorage;
+ fVFS.Initialize(Filename, fmCreate);
+function TCatStorage.CachedFileExists(const f: string): boolean;
+ result := fVFS.FileExists(f);
+// Extracts a cached file
+procedure TCatStorage.ExtractFile(const f, outfilename: string);
+ v: TStream;
+ fs: TFileStream;
+ v := fVFS.OpenFile(f, fmOpenRead);
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(outfilename, fmCreate);
+ fs.CopyFrom(v, v.Size);
+ fs.Free;
+ FreeAndNil(v);
+// Gets the contents of a cached text file
+function TCatStorage.GetTextFile(const f: string): string;
+ v: TStream;
+ sl: tstringlist;
+ sl := tstringlist.Create;
+ v := fVFS.OpenFile(f, fmOpenRead);
+ sl.LoadFromStream(v);
+ result := sl.Text;
+ FreeAndNil(v);
+ sl.Free;
+// Stores a disk file in the cache
+procedure TCatStorage.StoreFile(const vfs_filename, fs_filename: string);
+ v: TStream;
+ fs: TFileStream;
+ fs := TFileStream.Create(fs_filename, fmOpenRead);
+ v := fVFS.OpenFile(vfs_filename, fmCreate);
+ v.CopyFrom(fs, fs.Size);
+ FreeAndNil(v);
+ FreeAndNil(fs);
+// Stores a string as a file in the cache
+procedure TCatStorage.StoreString(const f, content: string);
+ v: TStream;
+ sl: tstringlist;
+ fCriticalSection.Enter;
+ sl := tstringlist.Create;
+ sl.Text := content;
+ v := fVFS.OpenFile(f, fmCreate);
+ sl.SaveToStream(v);
+ FreeAndNil(v);
+ sl.Free;
+ // showmessage('storing: '+f+' size:'+inttostr(length(content)));
+procedure TCatStorage.LoadFromFile(const cachefilename: string);
+ if FileExists(cachefilename) = false then
+ exit;
+ fVFS := nil; // releases the storage file or we cannot copy the file
+ FileCopy(cachefilename, Filename);
+ fVFS := CreateStructuredStorage;
+ fVFS.Initialize(Filename, fmOpenReadWrite);
+procedure TCatStorage.SaveToFile(const cachefilename: string);
+ fVFS := nil; // releases the storage or we cannot copy the file
+ FileCopy(Filename, cachefilename);
+ fVFS := CreateStructuredStorage;
+ fVFS.Initialize(Filename, fmOpenReadWrite); // reopens the storage file
+procedure TCatStorage.SaveFolderToFile(const cachefilename: string;
+ const folder: string = '/');
+ slp: TStringLoop;
+ exportvfs: IGPStructuredStorage;
+ source, dest: TStream;
+ tempcachefilename: string;
+ tempcachefilename := cachefilename + '.tmp';
+ exportvfs := CreateStructuredStorage;
+ exportvfs.Initialize(tempcachefilename, fmCreate);
+ slp := TStringLoop.Create;
+ fVFS.FileNames(folder, slp.List);
+ while slp.Found do
+ begin
+ dest := exportvfs.OpenFile(folder + slp.current, fmCreate);
+ source := fVFS.OpenFile(folder + slp.current, fmOpenRead);
+ dest.CopyFrom(source, source.Size);
+ FreeAndNil(source);
+ FreeAndNil(dest);
+ end;
+ slp.Free;
+ exportvfs := nil;
+ FileCopy(tempcachefilename, cachefilename);
+ deletefile(tempcachefilename);
+function TCatStorage.GetFilename: string;
+ result := fFilename;
+procedure TCatStorage.New(const cachefilename: string);
+ Filename := cachefilename;
+ fVFS.Initialize(Filename, fmCreate);
+procedure TCatStorage.Open(const cachefilename: string);
+ if FileExists(cachefilename) = false then
+ exit;
+ fFilename := cachefilename;
+ fVFS.Initialize(cachefilename, fmOpenReadWrite);
+procedure TCatStorage.MakeTemporary;
+ fDeleteWhenFreeing := true;
+constructor TCatStorage.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ fCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create;
+ fDeleteWhenFreeing := false;
+ fVFS := CreateStructuredStorage;
+destructor TCatStorage.Destroy;
+ fVFS := nil;
+ if fDeleteWhenFreeing then
+ deletefile(fFilename);
+ fCriticalSection.Free;
+ inherited;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatStringLoop.pas b/src/CatStringLoop.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d579d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatStringLoop.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ Catarinka TStringLoop
+ Loops through a string list
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+unit CatStringLoop;
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils;
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+ TStringLoop = class
+ protected
+ fCSV: TStringList;
+ fCurrent: string;
+ fIsCSV: boolean;
+ fList: TStringList;
+ fPosition: integer;
+ function GetCount: integer;
+ function GetCountAsStr: string;
+ function GetCurrentLower: string;
+ function GetCurrentUpper: string;
+ function GetLine(const l: integer): string;
+ procedure SetCurrent(const s: string);
+ procedure SetLine(const l: integer; const v: string);
+ public
+ constructor Create(const sl: tstrings = nil);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Load(const sl: tstrings);
+ procedure LoadFromString(const s: string);
+ procedure LoadFromFile(const filename: string);
+ procedure Reset;
+ procedure Stop;
+ procedure Clear;
+ function Found: boolean;
+ function GetValue(const s: string): string;
+ procedure SetValue(const s: string; const v: string);
+ function Index(const zerostart: boolean = true): integer;
+ function IndexAsStr: string;
+ function IndexOf(const s: string): integer;
+ function Contains(const s: string; const casesensitive: boolean = true): boolean;
+ procedure Delete;
+ property Lines[const l: integer]: string read GetLine write SetLine;
+ property Values[const s: string]: string read GetValue
+ write SetValue; default;
+ // properties
+ property Count: integer read GetCount;
+ property CountAsStr:string read GetCountAsStr;
+ property Current: string read fCurrent write SetCurrent;
+ property CurrentLower: string read GetCurrentLower;
+ property CurrentUpper: string read GetCurrentUpper;
+ property IsCSV: boolean read fIsCSV write fIsCSV;
+ property List: TStringList read FList;
+ published
+ end;
+function TStringLoop.GetCount: integer;
+ result := fList.Count;
+procedure TStringLoop.Delete;
+ fList.Delete(FPosition - 1);
+function TStringLoop.Contains(const s: string;
+ const casesensitive: boolean = true): boolean;
+ procedure check(substr, str: string);
+ begin
+ if pos(substr, str) <> 0 then
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ result := false;
+ case casesensitive of
+ false:
+ check(uppercase(s), uppercase(FCurrent));
+ true:
+ check(s, FCurrent);
+ end;
+procedure TStringLoop.Stop;
+ FPosition := fList.Count;
+function TStringLoop.GetCurrentUpper: string;
+ result := uppercase(FCurrent);
+function TStringLoop.GetCurrentLower: string;
+ result := lowercase(FCurrent);
+function TStringLoop.IndexAsStr: string;
+ result := inttostr(FPosition);
+function TStringLoop.GetCountAsStr: string;
+ result := inttostr(fList.Count);
+function TStringLoop.IndexOf(const s: string): integer;
+ result := fList.IndexOf(s);
+function TStringLoop.Index(const zerostart: boolean = true): integer;
+ result := FPosition;
+ if zerostart then
+ result := FPosition - 1;
+procedure TStringLoop.Clear;
+ fList.Clear;
+ Reset;
+function TStringLoop.GetValue(const s: string): string;
+ if isCSV = false then
+ fcsv.commatext := FCurrent;
+ result := fcsv.Values[s];
+procedure TStringLoop.SetValue(const s, v: string);
+ if isCSV = false then
+ fcsv.commatext := FCurrent;
+ fcsv.Values[s] := v;
+ SetCurrent(fcsv.commatext);
+function TStringLoop.GetLine(const l: integer): string;
+ if isCSV = false then
+ fcsv.commatext := FCurrent;
+ try
+ result := fcsv[l];
+ except
+ end;
+procedure TStringLoop.SetLine(const l: integer; const v: string);
+ if isCSV = false then
+ fcsv.commatext := FCurrent;
+ try
+ fcsv[l] := v;
+ except
+ end;
+ SetCurrent(fcsv.commatext);
+procedure TStringLoop.SetCurrent(const s: string);
+ FCurrent := s;
+ fList[FPosition - 1] := s;
+function TStringLoop.Found: boolean;
+ i: integer;
+ result := false;
+ i := FPosition;
+ if i < fList.Count then
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ FCurrent := fList[i];
+ // If each line is a CSV string and the IsCSV property is set
+ // to true, it should be faster to retrive a value (via GetValue).
+ if isCSV then
+ fcsv.commatext := FCurrent;
+ FPosition := FPosition + 1;
+ end;
+procedure TStringLoop.Reset;
+ FPosition := 0;
+ FCurrent := emptystr;
+ fcsv.Clear;
+procedure TStringLoop.LoadFromFile(const filename: string);
+ fList.LoadFromFile(filename);
+ Reset;
+procedure TStringLoop.LoadFromString(const s: string);
+ fList.text := s;
+ Reset;
+procedure TStringLoop.Load(const sl: tstrings);
+ LoadFromString(sl.text);
+constructor TStringLoop.Create(const sl: tstrings = nil);
+ isCSV := false;
+ fList := tstringlist.Create;
+ fcsv := tstringlist.Create;
+ if sl <> nil then
+ Load(sl);
+ Reset;
+destructor TStringLoop.Destroy;
+ fList.free;
+ fcsv.free;
+ inherited;
diff --git a/src/CatStrings.pas b/src/CatStrings.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b30a2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatStrings.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+unit CatStrings;
+ Catarinka - String Operation functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ Base64 encode and decode functions by Lukas Gebauer (BSD license, included below)
+ MD5 function by Stijn Sanders (MIT license, included at the end of this file)
+ IScan, SplitString, GetTextBetweenTags functions by Peter Below
+ Note: random functions included with this library are not suitable
+ for cryptographic purposes.
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.StrUtils;
+ Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils;
+function After(const s, substr: string): string;
+function ASCIIToInt(const s: string): Integer;
+function Base64Encode(const s: string): string;
+function Base64Decode(const s: string): string;
+function Before(const s, substr: string): string;
+function BeginsWith(const s, prefix: string): Boolean;
+function BoolToStr(const b: Boolean): string;
+function BoolToYN(const b: Boolean): string;
+function CatWrapText(const text: string; const chars: Integer): TStringList;
+function CommaTextToStr(const s: string): string;
+function EndsWith(const s, prefix: string): Boolean;
+function ExtractFromString(const s, startstr, endstr: string): string;
+function ExtractFromTag(const s, tag: string): string;
+function GetLineByPos(const s: string; const Position: Integer): Integer;
+function GetToken(const aString, SepChar: string; const TokenNum: Byte): string;
+function GetValidCompName(const s: string): string;
+function HexToInt(const Hex: string; const WarnError: Boolean = false): Integer;
+function HexToStr(const s: string): string;
+function IIF(const Cond: Boolean; const TrueStr: String;
+ const FalseStr: string = ''): string; overload;
+function IIF(const Cond: Boolean; const TrueInt: Integer;
+ const FalseInt: Integer = 0): Integer; overload;
+function IScan(ch: Char; const s: string; fromPos: Integer): Integer;
+function IsHexStr(const s: string): Boolean;
+function IsInteger(const s: string): Boolean;
+function LastChar(const s: string): Char;
+function LeftPad(const s: string; const c: Char; const len: Integer): string;
+function LeftStr(s: string; c: longword): string;
+function MatchStrings(const source, pattern: string): Boolean;
+function MD5Hash(s: UTF8String): UTF8String;
+function Occurs(substr, s: string): Integer;
+function RandomString(const len: Integer;
+ const chars: string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'): string;
+function RemoveNumbers(const s: string): string;
+function RemoveQuotes(const s: string): string;
+function RemoveShortcuts(const s: string): string;
+function RepeatString(const s: string; count: cardinal): string;
+function ReplaceStr(const s, substr, repstr: string): string;
+function RestStr(const s: string; const index: longword): string;
+function RightPad(const s: string; const c: Char; const len: Integer): string;
+function StrDecrease(const s: string; const step: Integer = 1): string;
+function StrIncrease(const s: string; const step: Integer = 1): string;
+function StripBadChars(const s: string; const badchars: TSysCharSet): string;
+function StrToAlphaNum(const s: string): string;
+function StrToBool(const s: string): Boolean;
+function StrToCommaText(const s: string): string;
+function StrToHex(const s: string): string;
+function StrToIntSafe(const s: string; const FalseInt: Integer = 0): Integer;
+function StrToPWideChar(const s: string): PWideChar;
+function TitleCase(const s: string): string;
+procedure GetTextBetweenTags(const s, tag1, tag2: string; const list: TStrings;
+ const includetags: Boolean = false);
+procedure MergeStrings(const dest, source: TStrings);
+procedure SplitString(const s: string; separator: Char;
+ substrings: TStringList);
+procedure StripBlankLines(const sl: TStringList);
+ CRLF = #13 + #10;
+function After(const s, substr: string): string;
+ i: Byte;
+ i := pos(substr, s);
+ if i = 0 then
+ result := emptystr
+ else
+ result := Copy(s, i + length(substr), length(s));
+function ASCIIToInt(const s: string): Integer;
+ i, len: Integer;
+ c: Char;
+ result := 0;
+ len := length(s);
+ for i := len downto 1 do
+ begin
+ c := s[i];
+ result := result + ord(c) shl ((len - i) shl 8);
+ end;
+function Before(const s, substr: string): string;
+ i: Byte;
+ i := pos(substr, s);
+ if i = 0 then
+ result := s
+ else
+ result := Copy(s, 1, i - 1);
+function BeginsWith(const s, prefix: string): Boolean;
+ tmpstr: string;
+ tmpstr := s;
+ SetLength(tmpstr, StrLen(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(prefix))));
+ SetLength(tmpstr, StrLen(PChar(prefix)));
+ result := AnsiCompareText(tmpstr, prefix) = 0;
+function BoolToStr(const b: Boolean): string;
+ if b = true then
+ result := 'True'
+ else
+ result := 'False';
+function BoolToYN(const b: Boolean): string;
+ if b = true then
+ result := 'Yes'
+ else
+ result := 'No';
+// Wraps a text and returns it as a stringlist
+function CatWrapText(const text: string; const chars: Integer): TStringList;
+ sl: TStringList;
+ P, ln: Integer;
+ s, newln: string;
+ sl := TStringList.Create;
+ result := sl;
+ if length(text) = 0 then
+ Exit;
+ ln := 0;
+ sl.Add(emptystr);
+ s := text + ' ';
+ P := pos(' ', s);
+ while P <> 0 do
+ begin
+ newln := Copy(s, 1, P);
+ if (length(sl.Strings[ln]) + length(newln)) < (chars + 1) then
+ sl.Strings[ln] := sl.Strings[ln] + newln
+ else
+ begin
+ sl.Add(newln);
+ inc(ln);
+ end;
+ Delete(s, 1, P);
+ P := pos(' ', s);
+ end;
+function EndsWith(const s, prefix: string): Boolean;
+ result := AnsiEndsStr(prefix, s);
+function ExtractFromTag(const s, tag: string): string;
+ result := ExtractFromString(s, '<' + tag + '>', '' + tag + '>');
+function GetLineByPos(const s: string; const Position: Integer): Integer;
+ i, ln: Integer;
+ result := -1;
+ if (Position = -1) then
+ Exit;
+ i := 1;
+ ln := 0;
+ while i < Position do
+ begin
+ if (s[i] = #13) then
+ ln := ln + 1;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end;
+ result := ln;
+// Returns a valid Pascal component name (stripping invalid chars)
+function GetValidCompName(const s: string): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := emptystr;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ if (s[i] in ['0' .. '9', 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', '_']) then
+ result := result + Copy(s, i, 1);
+ end;
+function HexToInt(const Hex: string; const WarnError: Boolean = false): Integer;
+ if IsHexStr(Hex) then
+ result := StrToInt('$' + Hex)
+ else
+ begin
+ if WarnError = true then
+ raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid character in hex string')
+ else
+ result := 0;
+ end;
+function IIF(const Cond: Boolean; const TrueStr: String;
+ const FalseStr: String = ''): string; overload;
+ if Cond = true then
+ result := TrueStr
+ else
+ result := FalseStr;
+function IIF(const Cond: Boolean; const TrueInt: Integer;
+ const FalseInt: Integer = 0): Integer; overload;
+ if Cond = true then
+ result := TrueInt
+ else
+ result := FalseInt;
+function IsInteger(const s: string): Boolean;
+ v, c: Integer;
+ Val(s, v, c);
+ result := c = 0;
+// Returns true if the string contains valid hexadecimal digits
+function IsHexStr(const s: string): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := true;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ if not(s[i] in ['0' .. '9', 'A' .. 'F', 'a' .. 'f']) then
+ begin
+ result := false;
+ Break;
+ end;
+function LastChar(const s: string): Char;
+ if s = emptystr then
+ result := #0
+ else
+ result := s[length(s)];
+function LeftPad(const s: string; const c: Char; const len: Integer): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := s;
+ i := len - length(s);
+ if i < 1 then
+ Exit;
+ result := s + StringOfChar(c, i);
+function RightPad(const s: string; const c: Char; const len: Integer): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := s;
+ i := len - length(s);
+ if i < 1 then
+ Exit;
+ result := StringOfChar(c, i) + s;
+function LeftStr(s: string; c: longword): string;
+ result := Copy(s, 1, c);
+procedure MergeStrings(const dest, source: TStrings);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to -1 + source.count do
+ if dest.IndexOf(source[i]) = -1 then
+ dest.Add(source[i]);
+function Occurs(substr, s: string): Integer;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := 0;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ if Copy(s, i, length(substr)) = substr then
+ inc(result);
+function RandomString(const len: Integer;
+ const chars: string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'): string;
+ Randomize;
+ result := emptystr;
+ repeat
+ result := result + chars[Random(length(chars)) + 1];
+ until (length(result) = len);
+function RemoveQuotes(const s: string): string;
+ result := AnsiDequotedStr(s, '"');
+ result := AnsiDequotedStr(result, '''');
+ if length(result) <> 2 then
+ Exit;
+ if result = '""' then
+ result := emptystr
+ else if result = '''''' then
+ result := emptystr;
+function RemoveNumbers(const s: string): string;
+ i, l: Integer;
+ SetLength(result, length(s));
+ l := 0;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ if not(s[i] in ['0' .. '9']) then
+ begin
+ inc(l);
+ result[l] := s[i];
+ end;
+ SetLength(result, l);
+function RemoveShortcuts(const s: string): string;
+ result := ReplaceStr(s, '&', emptystr);
+function RepeatString(const s: string; count: cardinal): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 1 to count do
+ result := result + s;
+function ReplaceStr(const s, substr, repstr: string): string;
+ result := stringreplace(s, substr, repstr, [rfReplaceAll]);
+function StrIncrease(const s: string; const step: Integer = 1): string;
+ i, c: Integer;
+ tmpstr: WideString;
+ tmpstr := '';
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ c := ord(s[i]);
+ inc(c, step);
+ tmpstr := tmpstr + widechar(c);
+ end;
+ result := tmpstr;
+function StrDecrease(const s: string; const step: Integer = 1): string;
+ i, c: Integer;
+ tmpstr: WideString;
+ tmpstr := '';
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ c := ord(s[i]);
+ dec(c, step);
+ tmpstr := tmpstr + widechar(c);
+ end;
+ result := tmpstr;
+function RestStr(const s: string; const index: longword): string;
+ l: Integer;
+ l := length(s);
+ if l > 0 then
+ result := Copy(s, index, l)
+ else
+ result := emptystr;
+procedure StripBlankLines(const sl: TStringList);
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := (sl.count - 1) downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if (Trim(sl[i]) = emptystr) then
+ sl.Delete(i);
+ end;
+function StrToCommaText(const s: string): string;
+ sl: TStringList;
+ sl := TStringList.Create;
+ sl.text := s;
+ result := sl.CommaText;
+ sl.free;
+function StripBadChars(const s: string; const badchars: TSysCharSet): string;
+ i, P: Integer;
+ P := 0;
+ SetLength(result, length(s));
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ if not(s[i] in badchars) then
+ begin
+ inc(P);
+ result[P] := s[i];
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(result, P);
+function CommaTextToStr(const s: string): string;
+ sl: TStringList;
+ sl := TStringList.Create;
+ sl.CommaText := s;
+ result := sl.GetText;
+ sl.free;
+function StrToAlphaNum(const s: string): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmpstr: string;
+ tmpstr := emptystr;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ if (s[i] in ['0' .. '9', 'A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z']) then
+ tmpstr := tmpstr + Copy(s, i, 1);
+ end;
+ result := tmpstr;
+function StrToBool(const s: string): Boolean;
+ tmpstr: string;
+ tmpstr := Trim(LowerCase(s));
+ if (tmpstr = 'true') or (tmpstr = '1') or (tmpstr = 'yes') or (tmpstr = 'y')
+ then
+ result := true
+ else
+ result := false;
+function StrToHex(const s: string): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := emptystr;
+ for i := 1 to length(s) do
+ result := result + IntToHex(ord(Copy(s, i, 1)[1]), 2);
+function StrToIntSafe(const s: string; const FalseInt: Integer = 0): Integer;
+ if IsInteger(s) then
+ result := StrToInt(s)
+ else
+ result := FalseInt;
+function StrToPWideChar(const s: string): PWideChar;
+ result := PWideChar(WideString(s));
+function HexToStr(const s: string): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ h: string;
+ result := emptystr;
+ try
+ for i := 1 to length(s) div 2 do
+ begin
+ h := Copy(s, (i - 1) * 2 + 1, 2);
+ result := result + Char(StrToInt('$' + h));
+ end;
+ except
+ result := emptystr;
+ end;
+function TitleCase(const s: string): string;
+ i: Integer;
+ if s = emptystr then
+ result := emptystr
+ else
+ begin
+ result := Uppercase(s[1]);
+ for i := 2 to length(s) do
+ if s[i - 1] = ' ' then
+ result := result + Uppercase(s[i])
+ else
+ result := result + LowerCase(s[i]);
+ end;
+// CONTRIBUTED ------------------------------------------------------------//
+// Peter Below, 11.27.1996
+function IScan(ch: Char; const s: string; fromPos: Integer): Integer;
+ i: Integer;
+ result := 0;
+ for i := fromPos to length(s) do
+ begin
+ if s[i] = ch then
+ begin
+ result := i;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+// PB, 08.07.1997
+procedure SplitString(const s: string; separator: Char;
+ substrings: TStringList);
+ i, n: Integer;
+ if Assigned(substrings) and (length(s) > 0) then
+ begin
+ i := 1;
+ repeat
+ n := IScan(separator, s, i);
+ if n = 0 then
+ n := length(s) + 1;
+ substrings.Add(Copy(s, i, n - i));
+ i := n + 1;
+ until i > length(s);
+ end;
+// Based on an example by PB
+procedure GetTextBetweenTags(const s, tag1, tag2: string; const list: TStrings;
+ const includetags: Boolean = false);
+ pScan, pEnd, pTag1, pTag2: {$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF};
+ foundText, searchtext: string;
+ searchtext := Uppercase(s);
+ pTag1 := {$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(Uppercase(tag1));
+ pTag2 := {$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(Uppercase(tag2));
+ pScan := {$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(searchtext);
+ repeat
+ pScan := StrPos(pScan, pTag1);
+ if pScan <> nil then
+ begin
+ inc(pScan, length(tag1));
+ pEnd := StrPos(pScan, pTag2);
+ if pEnd <> nil then
+ begin
+ SetString(foundText,
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(s) + (pScan -
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}(searchtext)), pEnd - pScan);
+ if includetags then
+ list.Add(Uppercase(tag1) + foundText + Uppercase(tag2))
+ else
+ list.Add(foundText);
+ list.text := list.GetText;
+ pScan := pEnd + length(tag2);
+ end
+ else
+ pScan := nil;
+ end;
+ until pScan = nil;
+// Based on an example by Mike Orriss
+function ExtractFromString(const s, startstr, endstr: string): string;
+ ps, pe: Integer;
+ ps := pos(startstr, s);
+ pe := pos(endstr, s);
+ if (pe <= ps) or (ps = 0) then
+ result := emptystr
+ else
+ begin
+ inc(ps, length(startstr));
+ result := Copy(s, ps, pe - ps);
+ end;
+// Based on an example from Thomas Scheffczyk
+function GetToken(const aString, SepChar: String; const TokenNum: Byte): String;
+ Token, tmpstr: String;
+ StrLen, Num, EndofToken: Integer;
+ tmpstr := aString;
+ StrLen := length(tmpstr);
+ Num := 1;
+ EndofToken := StrLen;
+ while ((Num <= TokenNum) and (EndofToken <> 0)) do
+ begin
+ EndofToken := pos(SepChar, tmpstr);
+ if EndofToken <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Token := Copy(tmpstr, 1, EndofToken - 1);
+ Delete(tmpstr, 1, EndofToken);
+ inc(Num);
+ end
+ else
+ Token := tmpstr;
+ end;
+ if Num >= TokenNum then
+ result := Token
+ else
+ result := emptystr;
+ This function takes two strings and compares them. The first string
+ can be anything, but should not contain pattern characters (* or ?).
+ The pattern string can have as many of these pattern characters as you want.
+ For example: MatchStrings('David Stidolph','*St*') would return True.
+ Original code by Sean Stanley in C
+ Rewritten in Pascal by David Stidolph
+ Slightly modified by Felipe Daragon (XE2 and higher support)
+function MatchStrings(const source, pattern: String): Boolean;
+ pSource: Array [0 .. 255] of {$IFDEF UNICODE}AnsiChar{$ELSE}Char{$ENDIF};
+ pPattern: Array [0 .. 255] of {$IFDEF UNICODE}AnsiChar{$ELSE}Char{$ENDIF};
+ function MatchPattern(element, pattern:
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}): Boolean;
+ function IsPatternWild(pattern:
+{$IFDEF UNICODE}PAnsiChar{$ELSE}PChar{$ENDIF}): Boolean;
+ // var t: Integer;
+ begin
+ result := StrScan(pattern, '*') <> nil;
+ if not result then
+ result := StrScan(pattern, '?') <> nil;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if 0 = StrComp(pattern, '*') then
+ result := true
+ else if (element^ = Chr(0)) and (pattern^ <> Chr(0)) then
+ result := false
+ else if element^ = Chr(0) then
+ result := true
+ else
+ begin
+ case pattern^ of
+ '*':
+ if MatchPattern(element, @pattern[1]) then
+ result := true
+ else
+ result := MatchPattern(@element[1], pattern);
+ '?':
+ result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1]);
+ else
+ if element^ = pattern^ then
+ result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1])
+ else
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ StrPCopy(pSource, source);
+ StrPCopy(pPattern, pattern);
+ result := MatchPattern(pSource, pPattern);
+// CONTRIBUTED ------------------------------------------------------------//
+// Base64 encoder and decoder taken from Ararat Synapse's synacode.pas
+ | Copyright (c)1999-2007, Lukas Gebauer |
+ | All rights reserved. |
+ | |
+ | Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
+ | modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
+ | |
+ | Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
+ | list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
+ | |
+ | Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
+ | this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
+ | and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
+ | |
+ | Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may |
+ | be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
+ | specific prior written permission. |
+ | |
+ | DAMAGE. |
+function Encode3to4(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ c: Byte;
+ n, l: Integer;
+ count: Integer;
+ DOut: array [0 .. 3] of Byte;
+ SetLength(result, ((length(Value) + 2) div 3) * 4);
+ l := 1;
+ count := 1;
+ while count <= length(Value) do
+ begin
+ c := ord(Value[count]);
+ inc(count);
+ DOut[0] := (c and $FC) shr 2;
+ DOut[1] := (c and $03) shl 4;
+ if count <= length(Value) then
+ begin
+ c := ord(Value[count]);
+ inc(count);
+ DOut[1] := DOut[1] + (c and $F0) shr 4;
+ DOut[2] := (c and $0F) shl 2;
+ if count <= length(Value) then
+ begin
+ c := ord(Value[count]);
+ inc(count);
+ DOut[2] := DOut[2] + (c and $C0) shr 6;
+ DOut[3] := (c and $3F);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ DOut[3] := $40;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ DOut[2] := $40;
+ DOut[3] := $40;
+ end;
+ for n := 0 to 3 do
+ begin
+ if (DOut[n] + 1) <= length(Table) then
+ begin
+ result[l] := Table[DOut[n] + 1];
+ inc(l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(result, l - 1);
+function Decode4to3Ex(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ x, y, lv: Integer;
+ d: Integer;
+ dl: Integer;
+ c: Byte;
+ P: Integer;
+ lv := length(Value);
+ SetLength(result, lv);
+ x := 1;
+ dl := 4;
+ d := 0;
+ P := 1;
+ while x <= lv do
+ begin
+ y := ord(Value[x]);
+ if y in [33 .. 127] then
+ c := ord(Table[y - 32])
+ else
+ c := 64;
+ inc(x);
+ if c > 63 then
+ continue;
+ d := (d shl 6) or c;
+ dec(dl);
+ if dl <> 0 then
+ continue;
+ result[P] := AnsiChar((d shr 16) and $FF);
+ inc(P);
+ result[P] := AnsiChar((d shr 8) and $FF);
+ inc(P);
+ result[P] := AnsiChar(d and $FF);
+ inc(P);
+ d := 0;
+ dl := 4;
+ end;
+ case dl of
+ 1:
+ begin
+ d := d shr 2;
+ result[P] := AnsiChar((d shr 8) and $FF);
+ inc(P);
+ result[P] := AnsiChar(d and $FF);
+ inc(P);
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ d := d shr 4;
+ result[P] := AnsiChar(d and $FF);
+ inc(P);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(result, P - 1);
+function Base64Encode(const s: string): string;
+ TableBase64 =
+ 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
+ result := string(Encode3to4(AnsiString(s), TableBase64));
+function Base64Decode(const s: string): string;
+ ReTablebase64 = #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 +
+ #$40 + #$3E + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$3F + #$34 + #$35 + #$36 + #$37 + #$38 +
+ #$39 + #$3A + #$3B + #$3C + #$3D + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 +
+ #$40 + #$00 + #$01 + #$02 + #$03 + #$04 + #$05 + #$06 + #$07 + #$08 + #$09 +
+ #$0A + #$0B + #$0C + #$0D + #$0E + #$0F + #$10 + #$11 + #$12 + #$13 + #$14 +
+ #$15 + #$16 + #$17 + #$18 + #$19 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 +
+ #$1A + #$1B + #$1C + #$1D + #$1E + #$1F + #$20 + #$21 + #$22 + #$23 + #$24 +
+ #$25 + #$26 + #$27 + #$28 + #$29 + #$2A + #$2B + #$2C + #$2D + #$2E + #$2F +
+ #$30 + #$31 + #$32 + #$33 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40 + #$40;
+ result := string(Decode4to3Ex(AnsiString(s), ReTablebase64));
+ Taken from md5.pas v1.0.3
+ Copyright 2012-2013 Stijn Sanders
+ License: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
+ https://github.com/stijnsanders/TMongoWire/blob/master/mongoAuth.pas
+ Based on http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1321.txt
+function MD5Hash(s: UTF8String): UTF8String;
+ roll1: array [0 .. 3] of cardinal = (7, 12, 17, 22);
+ roll2: array [0 .. 3] of cardinal = (5, 9, 14, 20);
+ roll3: array [0 .. 3] of cardinal = (4, 11, 16, 23);
+ roll4: array [0 .. 3] of cardinal = (6, 10, 15, 21);
+ base1: array [0 .. 15] of cardinal = ($D76AA478, $E8C7B756, $242070DB,
+ $C1BDCEEE, $F57C0FAF, $4787C62A, $A8304613, $FD469501, $698098D8, $8B44F7AF,
+ $FFFF5BB1, $895CD7BE, $6B901122, $FD987193, $A679438E, $49B40821);
+ base2: array [0 .. 15] of cardinal = ($F61E2562, $C040B340, $265E5A51,
+ $E9B6C7AA, $D62F105D, $02441453, $D8A1E681, $E7D3FBC8, $21E1CDE6, $C33707D6,
+ $F4D50D87, $455A14ED, $A9E3E905, $FCEFA3F8, $676F02D9, $8D2A4C8A);
+ base3: array [0 .. 15] of cardinal = ($FFFA3942, $8771F681, $6D9D6122,
+ $FDE5380C, $A4BEEA44, $4BDECFA9, $F6BB4B60, $BEBFBC70, $289B7EC6, $EAA127FA,
+ $D4EF3085, $04881D05, $D9D4D039, $E6DB99E5, $1FA27CF8, $C4AC5665);
+ base4: array [0 .. 15] of cardinal = ($F4292244, $432AFF97, $AB9423A7,
+ $FC93A039, $655B59C3, $8F0CCC92, $FFEFF47D, $85845DD1, $6FA87E4F, $FE2CE6E0,
+ $A3014314, $4E0811A1, $F7537E82, $BD3AF235, $2AD7D2BB, $EB86D391);
+ Hex: array [0 .. 15] of AnsiChar = '0123456789abcdef';
+ a: cardinal;
+ dl, i, j, k, l: Integer;
+ d: array of cardinal;
+ g, h: array [0 .. 3] of cardinal;
+ a := length(s);
+ dl := a + 9;
+ if (dl and $3F) <> 0 then
+ dl := (dl and $FFC0) + $40;
+ i := dl;
+ dl := dl shr 2;
+ SetLength(d, dl);
+ SetLength(s, i);
+ j := a + 1;
+ s[j] := #$80;
+ while j < i do
+ begin
+ inc(j);
+ s[j] := #0;
+ end;
+ Move(s[1], d[0], i);
+ d[dl - 2] := a shl 3;
+ h[0] := $67452301;
+ h[1] := $EFCDAB89;
+ h[2] := $98BADCFE;
+ h[3] := $10325476;
+ i := 0;
+ while i < dl do
+ begin
+ g := h;
+ j := i;
+ for k := 0 to 15 do
+ begin
+ l := k * 3;
+ a := h[l and 3] + ((h[(l + 1) and 3] and h[(l + 2) and 3]) or
+ (not(h[(l + 1) and 3]) and h[(l + 3) and 3])) + d[j] + base1[k];
+ h[l and 3] := h[(l + 1) and 3] +
+ ((a shl roll1[k and 3]) or (a shr (32 - roll1[k and 3])));
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ j := 1;
+ for k := 0 to 15 do
+ begin
+ l := k * 3;
+ a := h[l and 3] + ((h[(l + 3) and 3] and h[(l + 1) and 3]) or
+ (not(h[(l + 3) and 3]) and h[(l + 2) and 3])) + d[i or (j and $F)]
+ + base2[k];
+ h[l and 3] := h[(l + 1) and 3] +
+ ((a shl roll2[k and 3]) or (a shr (32 - roll2[k and 3])));
+ inc(j, 5);
+ end;
+ j := 5;
+ for k := 0 to 15 do
+ begin
+ l := k * 3;
+ a := h[l and 3] + (h[(l + 1) and 3] xor h[(l + 2) and 3] xor h[(l + 3) and
+ 3]) + d[i or (j and $F)] + base3[k];
+ h[l and 3] := h[(l + 1) and 3] +
+ ((a shl roll3[k and 3]) or (a shr (32 - roll3[k and 3])));
+ inc(j, 3);
+ end;
+ j := 0;
+ for k := 0 to 15 do
+ begin
+ l := k * 3;
+ a := h[l and 3] + (h[(l + 2) and 3] xor (h[(l + 1) and 3] or
+ not h[(l + 3) and 3])) + d[i or (j and $F)] + base4[k];
+ h[l and 3] := h[(l + 1) and 3] +
+ ((a shl roll4[k and 3]) or (a shr (32 - roll4[k and 3])));
+ inc(j, 7);
+ end;
+ for k := 0 to 3 do
+ inc(h[k], g[k]);
+ inc(i, 16);
+ end;
+ SetLength(result, 32);
+ for k := 0 to 31 do
+ result[k + 1] := Hex[h[k shr 3] shr ((k xor 1) shl 2) and $F];
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatSynEdit.pas b/src/CatSynEdit.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bf25be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatSynEdit.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+unit CatSynEdit;
+ Catarinka TCatSynEdit - Enhanced SynEdit with popup menu
+ Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ Based on uSynEditPopupEdit.pas by Rodrigo Ruz V
+ License: MIT (http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
+ Same license as the original code.
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Winapi.Messages, System.Classes, System.Types, System.SysUtils,
+ Winapi.Windows, Vcl.ActnList,
+ Messages, Classes, Types, SysUtils, Windows, ActnList,
+ Menus, SynEdit;
+ TCatSynEdit = class(SynEdit.TSynEdit)
+ private
+ FActnList: TActionList;
+ FPopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
+ procedure CreateActns;
+ procedure FillPopupMenu(APopupMenu: TPopupMenu);
+ procedure CutExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure CutUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure CopyExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure CopyUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure PasteExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure PasteUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure DeleteExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure DeleteUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SelectAllExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SelectAllUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure RedoExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure RedoUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure UndoExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure UndoUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure SetPopupMenu_(const Value: TPopupMenu);
+ function GetPopupMenu_: TPopupMenu;
+ protected
+ function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
+ MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ published
+ property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu read GetPopupMenu_ write SetPopupMenu_;
+ end;
+ MenuName = 'uSynEditPopupMenu';
+function TCatSynEdit.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer;
+ MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
+ I: Integer;
+ Result := inherited DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos);
+ if WheelDelta < 0 then
+ begin
+ for I := 1 to 10 do
+ end
+ else if WheelDelta > 0 then
+ begin
+ for I := 1 to 10 do
+ end;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.CopyExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ Self.CopyToClipboard;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.CopyUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ TAction(Sender).Enabled := Self.SelAvail;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.CutExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ Self.CutToClipboard;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.CutUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ TAction(Sender).Enabled := Self.SelAvail and not Self.ReadOnly;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.DeleteExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ Self.SelText := '';
+procedure TCatSynEdit.DeleteUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ TAction(Sender).Enabled := Self.SelAvail and not Self.ReadOnly;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.PasteExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ Self.PasteFromClipboard;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.PasteUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ TAction(Sender).Enabled := Self.CanPaste;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.RedoExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ Self.Redo;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.RedoUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ TAction(Sender).Enabled := Self.CanRedo;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.SelectAllExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ Self.SelectAll;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.SelectAllUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ TAction(Sender).Enabled := Self.Lines.Text <> '';
+procedure TCatSynEdit.UndoExecute(Sender: TObject);
+ Self.Undo;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.UndoUpdate(Sender: TObject);
+ TAction(Sender).Enabled := Self.CanUndo;
+constructor TCatSynEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FActnList := TActionList.Create(Self);
+ FPopupMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(Self);
+ FPopupMenu.Name := MenuName;
+ CreateActns;
+ FillPopupMenu(FPopupMenu);
+ PopupMenu := FPopupMenu;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.CreateActns;
+ procedure AddActItem(const AText: string; AShortCut: TShortCut;
+ AEnabled: Boolean; OnExecute, OnUpdate: TNotifyEvent);
+ Var
+ ActionItem: TAction;
+ begin
+ ActionItem := TAction.Create(FActnList);
+ ActionItem.ActionList := FActnList;
+ ActionItem.Caption := AText;
+ ActionItem.ShortCut := AShortCut;
+ ActionItem.Enabled := AEnabled;
+ ActionItem.OnExecute := OnExecute;
+ ActionItem.OnUpdate := OnUpdate;
+ end;
+ AddActItem('&Undo', Menus.ShortCut(Word('Z'), [ssCtrl]), False, UndoExecute,
+ UndoUpdate);
+ AddActItem('&Redo', Menus.ShortCut(Word('Z'), [ssCtrl, ssShift]), False,
+ RedoExecute, RedoUpdate);
+ AddActItem('-', 0, False, nil, nil);
+ AddActItem('Cu&t', Menus.ShortCut(Word('X'), [ssCtrl]), False, CutExecute,
+ CutUpdate);
+ AddActItem('&Copy', Menus.ShortCut(Word('C'), [ssCtrl]), False, CopyExecute,
+ CopyUpdate);
+ AddActItem('&Paste', Menus.ShortCut(Word('V'), [ssCtrl]), False, PasteExecute,
+ PasteUpdate);
+ AddActItem('De&lete', 0, False, DeleteExecute, DeleteUpdate);
+ AddActItem('-', 0, False, nil, nil);
+ AddActItem('Select &All', Menus.ShortCut(Word('A'), [ssCtrl]), False,
+ SelectAllExecute, SelectAllUpdate);
+procedure TCatSynEdit.SetPopupMenu_(const Value: TPopupMenu);
+ MenuItem: TMenuItem;
+ SynEdit.TSynEdit(Self).PopupMenu := Value;
+ if CompareText(MenuName, Value.Name) <> 0 then
+ begin
+ MenuItem := TMenuItem.Create(Value);
+ MenuItem.Caption := '-';
+ Value.Items.Add(MenuItem);
+ FillPopupMenu(Value);
+ end;
+function TCatSynEdit.GetPopupMenu_: TPopupMenu;
+ Result := SynEdit.TSynEdit(Self).PopupMenu;
+destructor TCatSynEdit.Destroy;
+ FPopupMenu.Free;
+ FActnList.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TCatSynEdit.FillPopupMenu(APopupMenu: TPopupMenu);
+ I: Integer;
+ MenuItem: TMenuItem;
+ if Assigned(FActnList) then
+ for I := 0 to FActnList.ActionCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ MenuItem := TMenuItem.Create(APopupMenu);
+ MenuItem.Action := FActnList.Actions[I];
+ APopupMenu.Items.Add(MenuItem);
+ end;
diff --git a/src/CatTasks.pas b/src/CatTasks.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3971b5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatTasks.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+unit CatTasks;
+ Catarinka - Task Management library
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ Portions based on code from Guido Geurt's ggProcessViewer.pas
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Winapi.Windows, Vcl.Forms, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Winapi.TlHelp32;
+ Windows, Forms, SysUtils, Classes, TlHelp32;
+function KillTask(const ExeFileName: string): Integer;
+function RunTask(const ExeFileName: string; const Wait: boolean = false;
+ const WindowState: Integer = SW_SHOW): Cardinal;
+function TaskRunning(const ExeFileName: WideString): boolean;
+procedure GetProcesses(ProcList: TStringList);
+procedure GetProcessesOnNT(ProcList: TStringList);
+procedure KillEXE(const ExeFileName: string);
+procedure KillMultipleTask(ProcList: TStringList; const TaskName: string);
+procedure KillProcessbyPID(const PID: Cardinal);
+procedure ResumeProcess(const ProcessID: DWORD);
+procedure SuspendProcess(const ProcessID: DWORD);
+uses CatStrings;
+ // NT Functions for getting the process information
+ TEnumProcesses = function(lpidProcess: LPDWORD; cb: DWORD;
+ var cbNeeded: DWORD): BOOL; StdCall;
+ TGetModuleBaseNameA = function(hProcess: THandle; hModule: hModule;
+ lpBaseName: PAnsiChar; nSize: DWORD): DWORD; StdCall;
+ TGetModuleFileNameExA = function(hProcess: THandle; hModule: hModule;
+ lpFilename: PAnsiChar; nSize: DWORD): DWORD; StdCall;
+ TEnumProcessModules = function(hProcess: THandle; lphModule: LPDWORD;
+ cb: DWORD; var lpcbNeeded: DWORD): BOOL; StdCall;
+ TByte = array [0 .. 0] of byte;
+ // Address holders of the procedures for NT
+ EnumProcesses: TEnumProcesses;
+ GetModuleBaseNameA: TGetModuleBaseNameA;
+ GetModuleFileNameExA: TGetModuleFileNameExA;
+ EnumProcessModules: TEnumProcessModules;
+ cPSAPIDLL = 'PSAPI.dll';
+ cProcSep = '_pid=';
+function OpenThread(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD; bInheritHandle: BOOL;
+ dwThreadId: DWORD): DWORD; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';
+procedure SuspendProcess(const ProcessID: DWORD);
+ ThreadsSnapshot, ThreadHandle: THandle;
+ ThreadRecord: TThreadEntry32;
+ ThreadsSnapshot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0);
+ ThreadRecord.dwSize := sizeof(ThreadRecord);
+ if Thread32First(ThreadsSnapshot, ThreadRecord) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ if ThreadRecord.th32OwnerProcessID = ProcessID then
+ begin
+ ThreadHandle := OpenThread(THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, false,
+ ThreadRecord.th32ThreadID);
+ if ThreadHandle = 0 then
+ exit;
+ SuspendThread(ThreadHandle);
+ CloseHandle(ThreadHandle);
+ end;
+ until not Thread32Next(ThreadsSnapshot, ThreadRecord);
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(ThreadsSnapshot);
+procedure ResumeProcess(const ProcessID: DWORD);
+ ThreadsSnapshot: THandle;
+ ThreadRecord: TThreadEntry32;
+ ThreadHandle: THandle;
+ ThreadsSnapshot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0);
+ ThreadRecord.dwSize := sizeof(ThreadRecord);
+ if Thread32First(ThreadsSnapshot, ThreadRecord) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ if ThreadRecord.th32OwnerProcessID = ProcessID then
+ begin
+ ThreadHandle := OpenThread(THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, false,
+ ThreadRecord.th32ThreadID);
+ if ThreadHandle = 0 then
+ exit;
+ ResumeThread(ThreadHandle);
+ CloseHandle(ThreadHandle);
+ end;
+ until not Thread32Next(ThreadsSnapshot, ThreadRecord);
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(ThreadsSnapshot);
+procedure KillProcessbyPID(const PID: Cardinal);
+ h: THandle;
+ lpExitCode: {$IFDEF UNICODE}Cardinal{$ELSE}DWORD{$ENDIF};
+ if h = 0 then
+ exit;
+ if GetExitCodeProcess(h, lpExitCode) then
+ TerminateProcess(h, lpExitCode)
+ else
+ CloseHandle(h);
+function RunTask(const ExeFileName: string; const Wait: boolean = false;
+ const WindowState: Integer = SW_SHOW): Cardinal;
+ Prog: array [0 .. 512] of char;
+ CurDir: array [0 .. 255] of char;
+ WorkDir: string;
+ StartupInfo: TStartupInfo;
+ ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;
+ ExitCode: Cardinal;
+ StrPCopy(Prog, ExeFileName);
+ GetDir(0, WorkDir);
+ StrPCopy(CurDir, WorkDir);
+ FillChar(StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo), #0);
+ StartupInfo.cb := sizeof(StartupInfo);
+ StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
+ StartupInfo.wShowWindow := WindowState;
+ if CreateProcess(nil, Prog, nil, nil, false, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE or
+ NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo) then
+ begin
+ Result := ProcessInfo.dwProcessId;
+ if Wait = true then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ application.ProcessMessages;
+ GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInfo.hProcess, ExitCode);
+ WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, 10);
+ until (ExitCode <> STILL_ACTIVE) or application.Terminated;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := $FFFFFFFF; // -1
+function TaskRunning(const ExeFileName: WideString): boolean;
+ ContinueLoop: BOOL;
+ FSnapshotHandle: THandle;
+ FProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32;
+ Result := false;
+ FSnapshotHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
+ FProcessEntry32.dwSize := sizeof(FProcessEntry32);
+ ContinueLoop := Process32First(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32);
+ while Integer(ContinueLoop) <> 0 do
+ begin
+ if (UpperCase(ExtractFileName(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile))
+ = UpperCase(ExeFileName)) then
+ Result := true;
+ ContinueLoop := Process32Next(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32);
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(FSnapshotHandle);
+procedure GetProcessesOnNT(ProcList: TStringList);
+ i: Integer;
+ PIDNeeded, dwsz: DWORD;
+ PIDList: array [0 .. 1000] of Integer;
+ PIDName: array [0 .. MAX_PATH - 1] of
+ PH: THandle;
+ hMod: hModule;
+ ProcList.clear;
+ try
+ if not EnumProcesses(@PIDList, 1000, PIDNeeded) then
+ raise Exception.Create('Error: ' + cPSAPIDLL + ' not found.');
+ for i := 0 to (PIDNeeded div sizeof(Integer) - 1) do
+ begin
+ PIDList[i]);
+ if PH <> 0 then
+ if GetModuleFileNameExA(PH, 0, PIDName, sizeof(PIDName)) > 0 then
+ if EnumProcessModules(PH, @hMod, sizeof(hMod), dwsz) then
+ begin
+ GetModuleFileNameExA(PH, hMod, PIDName, sizeof(PIDName));
+ ProcList.Add(ExtractFileName(PIDName) + cProcSep +
+ IntToStr(PIDList[i]));
+ CloseHandle(PH);
+ end;
+ end;
+ except
+ end;
+function KillTask(const ExeFileName: string): Integer;
+ ContinueLoop: BOOL;
+ FSnapshotHandle: THandle;
+ FProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32;
+ Result := 0;
+ FSnapshotHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
+ FProcessEntry32.dwSize := sizeof(FProcessEntry32);
+ ContinueLoop := Process32First(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32);
+ while Integer(ContinueLoop) <> 0 do
+ begin
+ if ((UpperCase(ExtractFileName(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile))
+ = UpperCase(ExeFileName)) or (UpperCase(FProcessEntry32.szExeFile)
+ = UpperCase(ExeFileName))) then
+ begin
+ Result := Integer(TerminateProcess(OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, BOOL(0),
+ FProcessEntry32.th32ProcessID), 0));
+ end;
+ ContinueLoop := Process32Next(FSnapshotHandle, FProcessEntry32);
+ end;
+ CloseHandle(FSnapshotHandle);
+procedure KillEXE(const ExeFileName: string);
+ sl: TStringList;
+ sl := TStringList.Create;
+ GetProcesses(sl);
+ if sl.Count = 0 then
+ KillTask(ExeFileName)
+ else
+ KillMultipleTask(sl, ExeFileName);
+ sl.free;
+procedure KillMultipleTask(ProcList: TStringList; const TaskName: string);
+ i, c: Integer;
+ c := ProcList.Count;
+ for i := 0 to c do
+ begin
+ If i < c then
+ begin
+ if (lowercase(before(ProcList.strings[i], cProcSep)) = lowercase(TaskName))
+ then
+ KillProcessbyPID(strtoint(after(ProcList.strings[i], cProcSep)));
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure GetProcesses(ProcList: TStringList);
+ h: THandle;
+ h := LoadLibrary(cPSAPIDLL);
+ if (h <> 0) then
+ begin
+ @EnumProcesses := GetProcAddress(h, 'EnumProcesses');
+ @GetModuleBaseNameA := GetProcAddress(h, 'GetModuleBaseNameA');
+ @GetModuleFileNameExA := GetProcAddress(h, 'GetModuleFileNameExA');
+ @EnumProcessModules := GetProcAddress(h, 'EnumProcessModules');
+ GetProcessesOnNT(ProcList);
+ FreeLibrary(h);
+ end
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatTime.pas b/src/CatTime.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420bd94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatTime.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+unit CatTime;
+ Catarinka - Useful time-related functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.SysUtils, Vcl.Controls;
+ SysUtils, Controls;
+function CalcAge(const StartDate, Date: TDate): integer;
+function DateTimeToUnix(const Date: TDateTime): Longint;
+function DescribeDateDiff(const t, d: string): string;
+function DescribePassedTime(const starttime: TDateTime): string;
+function DescribeTimeDiff(const t: string): string;
+function DiffDate(const day1, day2: TDateTime): integer;
+function GetDayOfWeekAsNumber: integer;
+function GetDayOfWeekAsText: string;
+function UnixToDateTime(const sec: Longint): TDateTime;
+ UnixStartDate: TDateTime = 25569.0; // 01/01/1970
+function CalcAge(const StartDate, Date: TDate): integer;
+ d, m, y: Word;
+ ds, ms, ys: Word;
+ age: integer;
+ Result := 0;
+ if not(Date > StartDate) then
+ Exit;
+ DecodeDate(Date, y, m, d);
+ DecodeDate(StartDate, ys, ms, ds);
+ age := y - ys;
+ if m > ms then
+ Result := age
+ else
+ begin
+ if m < ms then
+ Result := age - 1
+ else
+ begin
+ if d >= ds then
+ Result := age
+ else
+ Result := age - 1
+ end
+ end;
+function DateTimeToUnix(const Date: TDateTime): Longint;
+ Result := Round((Date - UnixStartDate) * 86400);
+function DescribeDateDiff(const t, d: string): string;
+ dif: integer;
+ d1, d2: TDate;
+ d1 := Date;
+ d2 := strtodate(d);
+ dif := trunc(d1) - trunc(d2);
+ if dif = 1 then
+ Result := t + ' Yesterday'
+ else
+ Result := t + ' ' + d;
+function DescribePassedTime(const starttime: TDateTime): string;
+ timeformat = 'hh:nn:ss'; // 24h
+ dateformat = 'ddd, dd mmm yyyy';
+ Date, time: string;
+ Date := FormatDateTime(dateformat, starttime);
+ time := FormatDateTime(timeformat, starttime);
+ if FormatDateTime(dateformat, now) = Date then
+ Result := DescribeTimeDiff(time)
+ else
+ Result := DescribeDateDiff(time, datetostr(starttime));
+function DescribeTimeDiff(const t: string): string;
+ function TimeExt(n: string; s: string; p: string): string;
+ begin
+ if n = '1' then
+ Result := n + ' ' + s
+ else
+ Result := n + ' ' + p;
+ end;
+ h, m, s: string;
+ t1, t2, ft: ttime;
+ zero = '0';
+ t2 := now;
+ t1 := strtotime(t);
+ ft := t2 - t1;
+ h := FormatDateTime('h', ft);
+ m := FormatDateTime('n', ft);
+ s := FormatDateTime('s', ft);
+ if h <> zero then
+ begin
+ Result := 'about ' + TimeExt(h, 'hour ago', 'hours ago');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if m <> zero then
+ begin
+ Result := TimeExt(m, 'minute ago', 'minutes ago');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if s <> zero then
+ Result := TimeExt(s, 'second ago', 'seconds ago');
+ end;
+ end;
+function DiffDate(const day1, day2: TDateTime): integer;
+ diff: double;
+ diff := day2 - day1;
+ Result := Round(diff);
+function GetDayOfWeekAsNumber: integer;
+ d: TDateTime;
+ d := now;
+ Result := DayOfWeek(d);
+function GetDayOfWeekAsText: string;
+ d: TDateTime;
+ d := now;
+ case DayOfWeek(d) of
+ 1:
+ Result := 'Sunday';
+ 2:
+ Result := 'Monday';
+ 3:
+ Result := 'Tuesday';
+ 4:
+ Result := 'Wednesday';
+ 5:
+ Result := 'Thursday';
+ 6:
+ Result := 'Friday';
+ 7:
+ Result := 'Saturday';
+ end;
+function UnixToDateTime(const sec: Longint): TDateTime;
+ Result := (sec / 86400) + UnixStartDate;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatUI.pas b/src/CatUI.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa5c2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatUI.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+unit CatUI;
+ Catarinka - User Interface related functions
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+ ForceForegroundWindow function by Ray Lischner,
+ based on code from Karl E. Peterson, with portions from
+ Daniel P. Stasinski
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23}
+ Winapi.Windows, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Menus, Vcl.ExtCtrls, System.SysUtils,
+ System.Classes, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.ComCtrls, Winapi.CommCtrl, Winapi.Messages,
+ Winapi.ShlObj;
+ Windows, Forms, Menus, ExtCtrls, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, ComCtrls,
+ CommCtrl, Messages, ShlObj;
+function AskYN(const question: string): Boolean;
+function GetWindowState: integer;
+function ForceForegroundWindow(hwnd: THandle): Boolean;
+function GetWindowClassHandle(const Title: string): integer;
+function GetFullPath(N: TTreeNode; Sep: string = '\'): string;
+function GetFullPathData(N: TTreeNode): string;
+function GetLVCheckedItems(lvcomp: TListview): string;
+function GetLVCheckedItemsSingleLn(lvcomp: TListview): string;
+function GetPercentage(const percent, Value: integer): Int64;
+function GetSpecialFolderPath(const Folder: integer;
+ const CanCreate: Boolean): string;
+function MakeNotifyEvent(forObject: TObject; const procname: string)
+ : TNotifyEvent;
+function TreeItemSearch(tv: ttreeview; const SearchItem: string): TTreeNode;
+procedure AddListViewItem(LV: TListview; const capt: string; const ii: integer;
+ const mv: Boolean);
+procedure AddMultipleListViewItems(LV: TListview; const captlist: string;
+ const ii: integer; const mv: Boolean);
+procedure ApplyWindowState(const i: integer);
+procedure CommaToLVItems(lvcomp: TListview; const commastring: string);
+procedure CloseWindowByClass(const classname: string);
+procedure DisableLVToolTips(H: THandle);
+procedure ExpandTreeViewItems(tv: ttreeview);
+procedure FlashUI(const times: integer = 2; const delay: integer = 500);
+procedure LoadListviewStrings(listview: TListview; const filename: string);
+procedure QuickSortTreeViewItems(tv: ttreeview);
+procedure ShowPopupMenu(PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; const AppHandle: integer);
+procedure SaveListviewStrings(listview: TListview; const filename: string);
+procedure SaveMemStreamToStrings(Stream: TMemoryStream; List: TStrings);
+procedure SetNodeBoldState(Node: TTreeNode; const Value: Boolean);
+ TCanvasPanel = class(TPanel)
+ public
+ property Canvas;
+ end;
+ {
+ CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY returns the path to the current desktop
+ CSIDL_PERSONAL is the My Documents directory
+ CSIDL___LOCAL_APPDATA is the (user name)\Local Settings\Application Data directory }
+ CSIDL_DESKTOP = $0000; { }
+ CSIDL_INTERNET = $0001; { Internet Explorer (icon on desktop) }
+ CSIDL_PROGRAMS = $0002; { Start Menu\Programs }
+ CSIDL_CONTROLS = $0003; { My Computer\Control Panel }
+ CSIDL_PRINTERS = $0004; { My Computer\Printers }
+ { My Documents. This is equivalent to CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS in XP and above }
+ CSIDL_FAVORITES = $0006; { \Favorites }
+ CSIDL_STARTUP = $0007; { Start Menu\Programs\Startup }
+ CSIDL_RECENT = $0008; { \Recent }
+ CSIDL_SENDTO = $0009; { \SendTo }
+ CSIDL_BITBUCKET = $000A; { \Recycle Bin }
+ CSIDL_STARTMENU = $000B; { \Start Menu }
+ CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS = $000C; { logical "My Documents" desktop icon }
+ CSIDL_MYMUSIC = $000D; { "My Music" folder }
+ CSIDL_MYVIDEO = $000E; { "My Video" folder }
+ CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = $0010; { \Desktop }
+ CSIDL_DRIVES = $0011; { My Computer }
+ CSIDL_NETWORK = $0012; { Network Neighborhood (My Network Places) }
+ CSIDL_NETHOOD = $0013; { \nethood }
+ CSIDL_FONTS = $0014; { windows\fonts }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU = $0016; { All Users\Start Menu }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS = $0017; { All Users\Start Menu\Programs }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP = $0018; { All Users\Startup }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = $0019; { All Users\Desktop }
+ CSIDL_APPDATA = $001A; { \Application Data }
+ CSIDL_PRINTHOOD = $001B; { \PrintHood }
+ { \Local Settings\Application Data (non roaming) }
+ CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP = $001D; { non localized startup }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP = $001E; { non localized common startup }
+ CSIDL_COOKIES = $0021;
+ CSIDL_HISTORY = $0022;
+ CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA = $0023; { All Users\Application Data }
+ CSIDL_WINDOWS = $0024; { GetWindowsDirectory() }
+ CSIDL_SYSTEM = $0025; { GetSystemDirectory() }
+ CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = $0026; { C:\Program Files }
+ CSIDL_MYPICTURES = $0027; { C:\Program Files\My Pictures }
+ CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 = $0029; { x86 system directory on RISC }
+ CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 = $002A; { x86 C:\Program Files on RISC }
+ CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON = $002B; { C:\Program Files\Common }
+ CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 = $002C; { x86 C:\Program Files\Common on RISC }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES = $002D; { All Users\Templates }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS = $002E; { All Users\Documents }
+ { All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools }
+ { \Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools }
+ CSIDL_CONNECTIONS = $0031; { Network and Dial-up Connections }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC = $0035; { All Users\My Music }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES = $0036; { All Users\My Pictures }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO = $0037; { All Users\My Video }
+ CSIDL_RESOURCES = $0038; { Resource Directory }
+ CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED = $0039; { Localized Resource Directory }
+ CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS = $003A; { Links to All Users OEM specific apps }
+ { USERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning }
+ { Computers Near Me (computered from Workgroup membership) }
+ CatPointer, CatStrings;
+procedure AddListViewItem(LV: TListview; const capt: string; const ii: integer;
+ const mv: Boolean);
+ with LV.Items.Add do
+ begin
+ Caption := capt;
+ imageindex := ii;
+ makevisible(mv);
+ end;
+procedure AddMultipleListViewItems(LV: TListview; const captlist: string;
+ const ii: integer; const mv: Boolean);
+ c, i: integer;
+ List: TStringlist;
+ List := TStringlist.Create;
+ List.text := captlist;
+ c := List.count;
+ for i := 0 to c do
+ begin
+ if i < c then
+ AddListViewItem(LV, List[i], ii, mv);
+ end;
+ List.free;
+procedure ApplyWindowState(const i: integer);
+ case i of
+ 0:
+ Application.MainForm.WindowState := WsMaximized;
+ 1:
+ Application.MainForm.WindowState := WsMinimized;
+ 2:
+ Application.MainForm.WindowState := WsNormal;
+ end;
+function AskYN(const question: string): Boolean;
+ case Application.MessageBox({$IFDEF UNICODE}pwidechar{$ELSE}pchar{$ENDIF}(question), {$IFDEF UNICODE}pwidechar{$ELSE}pchar{$ENDIF}(Application.Title), mb_YesNo + mb_DefButton1) of
+ IDYes:
+ Result := true;
+ IDNo:
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+// Usage example CloseWindowByClass('TSomeForm')
+procedure CloseWindowByClass(const classname: string);
+ winHandle: THandle;
+ winClass: array [0 .. 63] of char;
+ winHandle := Application.Handle;
+ repeat
+ winHandle := GetNextWindow(winHandle, GW_HWNDNEXT);
+ GetClassName(winHandle, winClass, sizeof(winClass));
+ if (winHandle <> 0) and (StrComp(winClass, pchar(classname)) = 0) then
+ PostMessage(winHandle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+ until (winHandle = 0);
+procedure CommaToLVItems(lvcomp: TListview; const commastring: string);
+ i: integer;
+ sl: TStringlist;
+ sl := TStringlist.Create;
+ sl.CommaText := commastring;
+ for i := 0 to sl.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (before(sl[i], '=') <> emptystr) then
+ begin
+ with lvcomp.Items.Add do
+ begin
+ Caption := before(sl[i], '=');
+ if after(sl[i], '=') = '1' then
+ checked := true
+ else
+ checked := false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sl.free;
+// Needs testing
+procedure DisableLVToolTips(H: THandle);
+ styles: dword;
+ styles := ListView_GetExtendedListViewStyle(H);
+ styles := styles and not LVS_EX_INFOTIP;
+ ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(H, styles);
+procedure ExpandTreeViewItems(tv: ttreeview);
+ i, c: integer;
+ tv.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ c := tv.Items.count;
+ for i := 0 to c do
+ begin
+ if i < c then
+ begin
+ tv.Items[i].Expand(false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tv.Items.EndUpdate;
+ try
+ tv.Items[0].Selected := true;
+ except
+ end;
+procedure FlashUI(const times: integer = 2; const delay: integer = 500);
+ i: integer;
+ procedure doflash(b: Boolean);
+ begin
+ FlashWindow(Application.MainForm.Handle, b);
+ FlashWindow(Application.Handle, b);
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to times do
+ begin
+ doflash(true);
+ sleep(delay);
+ doflash(false);
+ sleep(delay);
+ end;
+function GetFullPath(N: TTreeNode; Sep: string = '\'): string;
+ Result := N.text;
+ N := N.Parent;
+ while (N <> nil) do
+ begin
+ Result := N.text + Sep + Result;
+ N := N.Parent;
+ end;
+function GetFullPathData(N: TTreeNode): string;
+ Result := PointerToStr(N.data);
+ N := N.Parent;
+ while (N <> nil) do
+ begin
+ Result := PointerToStr(N.data) + '/' + Result;
+ N := N.Parent;
+ end;
+function GetLVCheckedItems(lvcomp: TListview): string;
+ i: integer;
+ sl: TStringlist;
+ sl := TStringlist.Create;
+ for i := 0 to lvcomp.Items.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if lvcomp.Items[i].checked then
+ sl.Add(lvcomp.Items[i].Caption + '=1')
+ else
+ sl.Add(lvcomp.Items[i].Caption + '=0');
+ end;
+ Result := sl.CommaText;
+ sl.free;
+function GetLVCheckedItemsSingleLn(lvcomp: TListview): string;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := 0 to lvcomp.Items.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if lvcomp.Items[i].checked then
+ Result := Result + inttostr(i) + ';';
+ end;
+ Result := Result;
+function GetPercentage(const percent, Value: integer): Int64;
+ p: Real;
+ p := ((percent / Value) * 100);
+ Result := Round(p);
+// Gets the path of special system folders
+// Usage example: GetSpecialFolderPath (CSIDL_PERSONAL, false);
+function GetSpecialFolderPath(const Folder: integer;
+ const CanCreate: Boolean): string;
+ FilePath: array [0 .. 255] of char;
+ SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, @FilePath[0], Folder, CanCreate);
+ Result := FilePath;
+function GetWindowClassHandle(const Title: string): integer;
+ result := FindWindow(pchar(Title), nil);
+function GetWindowState: integer;
+ Result := 2;
+ case Application.MainForm.WindowState of
+ WsMaximized:
+ Result := 0;
+ WsMinimized:
+ Result := 1;
+ WsNormal:
+ Result := 2;
+ end;
+procedure LoadListviewStrings(listview: TListview; const filename: string);
+ sl, lineelements: TStringlist;
+ i: integer;
+ item: TListItem;
+ Assert(Assigned(listview));
+ sl := TStringlist.Create;
+ try
+ sl.LoadFromFile(filename);
+ lineelements := TStringlist.Create;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to sl.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ lineelements.Clear;
+ SplitString(sl[i], #9, lineelements);
+ if lineelements.count > 0 then
+ begin
+ item := listview.Items.Add;
+ item.Caption := lineelements[0];
+ lineelements.Delete(0);
+ item.SubItems.Assign(lineelements);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ lineelements.free;
+ end;
+ finally
+ sl.free
+ end;
+function MakeNotifyEvent(forObject: TObject; const procname: String)
+ : TNotifyEvent;
+ TMethod(Result).data := forObject;
+ TMethod(Result).code := forObject.methodAddress(procname);
+procedure QuickSortTreeViewItems(tv: ttreeview);
+ tv.Items.BeginUpdate;
+ tv.sorttype := stnone;
+ tv.sorttype := sttext;
+ tv.Items.EndUpdate;
+procedure SaveListviewStrings(listview: TListview; const filename: string);
+ sl: TStringlist;
+ S: string;
+ i, si: integer;
+ item: TListItem;
+ Assert(Assigned(listview));
+ sl := TStringlist.Create;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to listview.Items.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ item := listview.Items[i];
+ S := item.Caption;
+ for si := 0 to item.SubItems.count - 1 do
+ S := S + #9 + item.SubItems[si];
+ sl.Add(S);
+ end;
+ sl.SaveToFile(filename);
+ finally
+ sl.free
+ end;
+procedure SaveMemStreamToStrings(Stream: TMemoryStream; List: TStrings);
+ p, q, r: pchar;
+ p := Stream.Memory;
+ q := p + Stream.Size - 1;
+ r := p;
+ while (p <> nil) and (p < q) do
+ begin
+ while (p < q) and (p^ <> #13) and (p^ <> #10) do
+ Inc(p);
+ List.Add(Copy(StrPas(r), 1, p - r));
+ if (p[0] = #13) and (p[1] = #10) then
+ Inc(p, 2)
+ else
+ Inc(p);
+ r := p;
+ end;
+procedure ShowPopupMenu(PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; const AppHandle: integer);
+ p: TPoint;
+ SetForegroundWindow(AppHandle);
+ GetCursorPos(p);
+ PopupMenu.Popup(p.x, p.y);
+ PostMessage(AppHandle, WM_NULL, 0, 0);
+procedure SetNodeBoldState(Node: TTreeNode; const Value: Boolean);
+ TVItem: TTVItem;
+ if not Assigned(Node) then
+ Exit;
+ with TVItem do
+ begin
+ hItem := Node.ItemId;
+ stateMask := TVIS_BOLD;
+ if Value then
+ state := TVIS_BOLD
+ else
+ state := 0;
+ TreeView_SetItem(Node.Handle, TVItem);
+ end;
+function TreeItemSearch(tv: ttreeview; const SearchItem: string): TTreeNode;
+ i: integer;
+ sitem: string;
+ Result := nil;
+ if (tv = nil) or (SearchItem = emptystr) then
+ Exit;
+ for i := 0 to tv.Items.count - 1 do
+ begin
+ sitem := tv.Items[i].text;
+ if SearchItem = sitem then
+ begin
+ Result := tv.Items[i];
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+function ForceForegroundWindow(hwnd: THandle): Boolean;
+ ForegroundThreadID, ThisThreadID, timeout: dword;
+ if IsIconic(hwnd) then
+ ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_RESTORE);
+ if GetForegroundWindow = hwnd then
+ Result := true
+ else
+ begin
+ // Windows 98/2000 doesn't want to foreground a window when some other
+ // window has keyboard focus
+ if ((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion > 4)) or
+ ((Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) and
+ ((Win32MajorVersion > 4) or ((Win32MajorVersion = 4) and
+ (Win32MinorVersion > 0)))) then
+ begin
+ // Code from Karl E. Peterson, www.mvps.org/vb/sample.htm
+ // Converted to Delphi by Ray Lischner
+ // Published in The Delphi Magazine 55, page 16
+ Result := false;
+ ForegroundThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessID(GetForegroundWindow, nil);
+ ThisThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessID(hwnd, nil);
+ if AttachThreadInput(ThisThreadID, ForegroundThreadID, true) then
+ begin
+ BringWindowToTop(hwnd); // IE 5.5 related hack
+ SetForegroundWindow(hwnd);
+ AttachThreadInput(ThisThreadID, ForegroundThreadID, false);
+ Result := (GetForegroundWindow = hwnd);
+ end;
+ if not Result then
+ begin
+ // Code by Daniel P. Stasinski
+ SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, @timeout, 0);
+ SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, TObject(0),
+ BringWindowToTop(hwnd); // IE 5.5 related hack
+ SetForegroundWindow(hwnd);
+ SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT, 0, TObject(timeout),
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ BringWindowToTop(hwnd); // IE 5.5 related hack
+ SetForegroundWindow(hwnd);
+ end;
+ Result := (GetForegroundWindow = hwnd);
+ end;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatUtils.pas b/src/CatUtils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3448bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatUtils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+unit CatUtils;
+ Catarinka - Utils
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ Winapi.Windows, Vcl.Forms;
+ Windows, Forms;
+procedure CatDelay(const ms: Integer);
+procedure CatDelay(const ms: Integer);
+ c, te: Integer;
+ c := GetTickCount;
+ repeat
+ te := GetTickCount - c;
+ if te < 0 then
+ te := te + MaxInt;
+ if (ms > te) and (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, PHandle(0)^, True, ms - te,
+ Application.ProcessMessages
+ else
+ break;
+ until False;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------//
diff --git a/src/CatZIP.pas b/src/CatZIP.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b51afc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CatZIP.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+unit CatZIP;
+ Catarinka - ZIP Compression/Decompression
+ Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Felipe Daragon
+ License: 3-clause BSD
+ See https://github.com/felipedaragon/catarinka/ for details
+{$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} // XE2 or higher
+ System.Classes;
+ Classes;
+procedure ExtractZIPFile(const zipname, filename, outfilename: string);
+procedure ExtractZIPFileToStream(const zipname, filename: string;
+ ms: TMemoryStream);
+procedure GUnZipStream(Document: TMemoryStream);
+procedure GUnZipTStream(var Document: TStream);
+procedure GZipAFile(const outzipname, infilename, filetozip: string);
+procedure GZipTStream(var Document: TStream);
+function GetTextFileFromZIP(const zipname, filename: string): string;
+uses CatStrings, AbZipKit, AbUtils, AbGzTyp;
+// WIP: Functions marked as untested need testing to make sure that they
+// are working properly.
+// working
+procedure GUnZipStream(Document: TMemoryStream);
+ kit: TAbGzipStreamHelper;
+ outms: TMemoryStream;
+ kit := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(Document);
+ if kit.FindFirstItem then
+ begin
+ outms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ kit.ExtractItemData(outms);
+ outms.Position := 0;
+ Document.Clear;
+ Document.LoadFromStream(outms);
+ outms.free;
+ end;
+ kit.free;
+// untested
+procedure GUnZipTStream(var Document: TStream);
+ kit: TAbGzipStreamHelper;
+ outms: TMemoryStream;
+ kit := TAbGzipStreamHelper.Create(Document);
+ if kit.FindFirstItem then
+ begin
+ outms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ kit.ExtractItemData(outms);
+ outms.Position := 0;
+ outms.SaveToStream(Document);
+ outms.free;
+ end;
+ kit.free;
+// untested
+procedure GZipTStream(var Document: TStream);
+ kit: TAbZipKit;
+ ms: TMemoryStream;
+ ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ ms.LoadFromStream(Document);
+ kit := TAbZipKit.Create(nil);
+ kit.archivetype := atGzip;
+ kit.forcetype := true;
+ kit.Stream := Document; // outstream
+ kit.AddFromStream('Untitled', ms);
+ ms.free;
+ kit.free;
+// working
+procedure GZipAFile(const outzipname, infilename, filetozip: string);
+ kit: TAbZipKit;
+ ms, outstream: TMemoryStream;
+ ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ ms.LoadFromFile(filetozip);
+ outstream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ kit := TAbZipKit.Create(nil);
+ kit.archivetype := atGzip;
+ kit.forcetype := true;
+ kit.Stream := outstream;
+ kit.AddFromStream(infilename, ms);
+ outstream.SaveToFile(outzipname);
+ outstream.free;
+ ms.free;
+ kit.free;
+procedure ExtractZIPFileToStream(const zipname, filename: string;
+ ms: TMemoryStream);
+ kit: TAbZipKit;
+ f: string;
+ f := replacestr(filename, '\', '/');
+ kit := TAbZipKit.Create(nil);
+ kit.OpenArchive(zipname);
+ if kit.FindFile(f) <> -1 then
+ kit.ExtractToStream(f, ms);
+ kit.free;
+ ms.Position := 0;
+// working
+procedure ExtractZIPFile(const zipname, filename, outfilename: string);
+ kit: TAbZipKit;
+ ms: TMemoryStream;
+ f: string;
+ f := replacestr(filename, '\', '/');
+ ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ kit := TAbZipKit.Create(nil);
+ kit.OpenArchive(zipname);
+ if kit.FindFile(f) <> -1 then
+ kit.ExtractToStream(f, ms);
+ kit.free;
+ ms.Position := 0;
+ ms.SaveToFile(outfilename);
+ ms.free;
+// working
+function GetTextFileFromZIP(const zipname, filename: string): string;
+ kit: TAbZipKit;
+ sl: tstringlist;
+ ms: TMemoryStream;
+ f: string;
+ f := replacestr(filename, '\', '/');
+ ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ sl := tstringlist.Create;
+ kit := TAbZipKit.Create(nil);
+ kit.OpenArchive(zipname);
+ if kit.FindFile(f) <> -1 then
+ kit.ExtractToStream(f, ms);
+ kit.free;
+ ms.Position := 0;
+ sl.LoadFromStream(ms);
+ result := sl.text;
+ sl.free;
+ ms.free;
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/ExtPascalUtils.pas b/src/thirdparty/ExtPascalUtils.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b03b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/ExtPascalUtils.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+Unit for complementary functions
+Author: Wanderlan Santos dos Anjos (wanderlan.anjos@gmail.com)
+Date: jul-2008
+License: BSDBSD
+unit ExtPascalUtils;
+ Classes, TypInfo;
+ ExtPascalVersion = '0.9.8';
+{$IF not Defined(FPC) and (RTLVersion <= 17)}
+ // Implements StrictDelimiter property for FPC 2.2.2, Delphi 7 and older versions
+ TStringList = class(Classes.TStringList)
+ private
+ function GetDelimitedText : string;
+ procedure SetDelimitedText(const AValue : string);
+ public
+ StrictDelimiter : boolean; // Missing property in FPC 2.2.2, Delphi 7 an older versions
+ property DelimitedText : string read GetDelimitedText write SetDelimitedText; // Property override for FPC 2.2.2, Delphi 7 an older versions
+ end;
+ TBrowser = (brUnknown, brIE, brFirefox, brChrome, brSafari, brOpera, brKonqueror, brMobileSafari); // Internet Browsers
+ TCSSUnit = (cssPX, cssPerc, cssEM, cssEX, cssIN, cssCM, cssMM, cssPT, cssPC, cssnone); // HTML CSS units
+ TExtProcedure = procedure of object; // Defines a procedure than can be called by a request
+Determine browser from HTTP_USER_AGENT header string.
+@param UserAgentStr String returned by, for example, RequestHeader['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].
+@return TBrowser
+function DetermineBrowser(const UserAgentStr : string) : TBrowser;
+Mimics preg_match php function. Searches S for a match to delimiter strings given in Delims parameter
+@param Delims Delimiter strings to match
+@param S Subject string
+@param Matches Substrings from Subject string delimited by Delimiter strings. Matches (TStringList) should already be created.
+@param Remove matches strings from S, default is true
+@return True if some match hit, false otherwise
+function Extract(const Delims : array of string; var S : string; var Matches : TStringList; Remove : boolean = true) : boolean;
+Mimics explode php function.
+Creates a TStringList where each string is a substring formed by the splitting of S string through delimiter Delim.
+@param Delim Delimiter used to split the string
+@param S Source string to split
+@return TStringList created with substrings from S
+function Explode(Delim : char; const S : string; Separator : char = '=') : TStringList;
+The opposite of LastDelimiter RTL function.
+Returns the index of the first occurence in a string of the characters specified.
+If none of the characters in Delimiters appears in string S, function returns zero.
+@param Delimiters String where each character is a valid delimiter.
+@param S String to search for delimiters.
+@param Offset Index from where the search begins.
+function FirstDelimiter(const Delimiters, S : string; Offset : integer = 1) : integer;
+// The opposite of "StrUtils.PosEx" function. Returns the index value of the last occurrence of a specified substring in a given string.
+function RPosEx(const Substr, Str : string; Offset : integer = 1) : integer;
+Returns the number of occurrences of Substr in Str until UntilStr occurs
+@param Substr String to count in Str
+@param Str String where the counting will be done
+@param UntilStr Optional String, stop counting if this string occurs
+function CountStr(const Substr, Str : string; UntilStr : string = '') : integer;
+Converts a string with param place holders to a JavaScript string. Converts a string representing a regular expression to a JavaScript RegExp.
+Replaces " to ', ^M^J to
and isolated ^M or ^J to
, surrounds the string with " and insert %0..%9 JS place holders.
+When setting a TExtFormTextField value (in property setter setvalue), the UseBR should be set to false,
+because otherwise it is impossible to display multiline text in a TExtFormTextArea.
+@param S Source string with param place holders or RegExpr
+@param UseBR If true uses replace ^M^J to
else to \n
+@return a well formatted JS string
+function StrToJS(const S : string; UseBR : boolean = false) : string;
+Finds S string in Cases array, returning its index or -1 if not found. Good to use in Pascal "case" command. Similar to AnsiIndexText.
+@param S Source string where to search
+@param Cases String array to find in S
+function CaseOf(const S : string; const Cases : array of string) : integer;
+Finds Cases array in S string, returning its index or -1 if not found. Good to use in Pascal "case" command. Reverse to AnsiIndexStr.
+@param S string to find in Cases array
+@param Cases String array where to search
+function RCaseOf(const S : string; const Cases : array of string) : integer;
+Converts a Pascal enumerated type constant into a JS string, used internally by ExtToPascal wrapper. See ExtFixes.txt for more information.
+@param TypeInfo Type information record that describes the enumerated type, use TypeInfo() function with enumerated type
+@param Value The enumerated value, represented as an integer
+@return JS string
+function EnumToJSString(TypeInfo : PTypeInfo; Value : integer) : string;
+Helper function to make code more pascalish, use
+@example BodyStyle := SetPaddings(10, 15);
+@example BodyStyle := 'padding:10px 15px';
+function SetPaddings(Top : integer; Right : integer = 0; Bottom : integer = -1; Left : integer = 0; CSSUnit : TCSSUnit = cssPX;
+ Header : boolean = true) : string;
+Helper function to make code more pascalish, use
+@example Margins := SetMargins(3, 3, 3);
+@example Margins := '3 3 3 0';
+function SetMargins(Top : integer; Right : integer = 0; Bottom : integer = 0; Left : integer = 0; CSSUnit : TCSSUnit = cssNone;
+ Header : boolean = false) : string;
+// Returns true if BeforesS string occurs before AfterS string in S string
+function Before(const BeforeS, AfterS, S : string) : boolean;
+// Returns true if all chars in S are uppercase
+function IsUpperCase(S : string) : boolean;
+// Beautify generated JS commands from ExtPascal, automatically used when DEBUGJS symbol is defined
+function BeautifyJS(const AScript : string; const StartingLevel : integer = 0; SplitHTMLNewLine : boolean = true) : string;
+// Beautify generated CSS from ExtPascal, automatically used when DEBUGJS symbol is defined
+function BeautifyCSS(const AStyle : string) : string;
+// Screen space, in characters, used for a field using regular expression mask
+function LengthRegExp(Rex : string; CountAll : Boolean = true) : integer;
+function JSDateToDateTime(JSDate : string) : TDateTime;
+ StrUtils, SysUtils, Math, DateUtils;
+{$IF not Defined(FPC) and (RTLVersion <= 17)}
+function TStringList.GetDelimitedText: string;
+ I : integer;
+ P : pchar;
+ Result := '';
+ for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin
+ P := pchar(Strings[I]);
+ if not StrictDelimiter then
+ while not(P^ in [#0..' ', QuoteChar, Delimiter]) do inc(P)
+ else
+ while not(P^ in [#0, Delimiter]) do inc(P);
+ // strings in list may to contain #0
+ if (P <> pchar(Strings[I]) + length(Strings[I])) and not StrictDelimiter then
+ Result := Result + QuoteChar + Strings[I] + QuoteChar
+ else
+ Result := Result + Strings[I];
+ if I < Count-1 then Result := Result + Delimiter;
+ end;
+ if (length(Result) = 0) and (Count = 1) then Result := QuoteChar + QuoteChar;
+procedure TStringList.SetDelimitedText(const AValue : string);
+ I, J : integer;
+ aNotFirst : boolean;
+ BeginUpdate;
+ I := 1;
+ aNotFirst := false;
+ try
+ Clear;
+ while I <= length(AValue) do begin
+ // skip delimiter
+ if aNotFirst and (I <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[I] = Delimiter) then inc(I);
+ // skip spaces
+ if not StrictDelimiter then
+ while (I <= length(AValue)) and (ord(AValue[I]) <= ord(' ')) do inc(I);
+ // read next string
+ if I <= length(AValue) then begin
+ if AValue[I] = QuoteChar then begin
+ // next string is quoted
+ J := I + 1;
+ while (J <= length(AValue)) and ((AValue[J] <> QuoteChar) or
+ ((J+1 <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[J+1] = QuoteChar))) do
+ if (J <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[J] = QuoteChar) then
+ inc(J, 2)
+ else
+ inc(J);
+ // J is position of closing quote
+ Add(StringReplace(Copy(AValue, I+1, J-I-1), QuoteChar + QuoteChar, QuoteChar, [rfReplaceAll]));
+ I := J + 1;
+ end
+ else begin
+ // next string is not quoted
+ J := I;
+ if not StrictDelimiter then
+ while (J <= length(AValue)) and (ord(AValue[J]) > ord(' ')) and (AValue[J] <> Delimiter) do inc(J)
+ else
+ while (J <= length(AValue)) and (AValue[J] <> Delimiter) do inc(J);
+ Add(copy(AValue, I, J-i));
+ I := J;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ if aNotFirst then Add('');
+ // skip spaces
+ if not StrictDelimiter then
+ while (I <= length(AValue)) and (ord(AValue[I]) <= ord(' ')) do inc(I);
+ aNotFirst:=true;
+ end;
+ finally
+ EndUpdate;
+ end;
+function DetermineBrowser(const UserAgentStr : string) : TBrowser; begin
+ Result := TBrowser(RCaseOf(UserAgentStr, ['MSIE', 'Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Safari', 'Opera', 'Konqueror'])+1);
+ // Note string order must match order in TBrowser enumeration above
+ if (Result = brSafari) and // Which Safari?
+ (Pos('Mobile', UserAgentStr) > 0) and
+ (Pos('Apple', UserAgentStr) > 0) then
+ Result := brMobileSafari
+function Extract(const Delims : array of string; var S : string; var Matches : TStringList; Remove : boolean = true) : boolean;
+ I, J : integer;
+ Points : array of integer;
+ Result := false;
+ if Matches <> nil then Matches.Clear;
+ SetLength(Points, length(Delims));
+ J := 1;
+ for I := 0 to high(Delims) do begin
+ J := PosEx(Delims[I], S, J);
+ Points[I] := J;
+ if J = 0 then
+ exit
+ else
+ inc(J, length(Delims[I]));
+ end;
+ for I := 0 to high(Delims)-1 do begin
+ J := Points[I] + length(Delims[I]);
+ Matches.Add(trim(copy(S, J, Points[I+1]-J)));
+ end;
+ if Remove then S := copy(S, Points[high(Delims)] + length(Delims[high(Delims)]), length(S));
+ Result := true
+function Explode(Delim : char; const S : string; Separator : char = '=') : TStringList;
+ I : integer;
+ Result := TStringList.Create;
+ Result.StrictDelimiter := true;
+ Result.Delimiter := Delim;
+ Result.DelimitedText := S;
+ Result.NameValueSeparator := Separator;
+ for I := 0 to Result.Count-1 do Result[I] := trim(Result[I]);
+function FirstDelimiter(const Delimiters, S : string; Offset : integer = 1) : integer;
+ I : integer;
+ for Result := Offset to length(S) do
+ for I := 1 to length(Delimiters) do
+ if Delimiters[I] = S[Result] then exit;
+ Result := 0;
+function RPosEx(const Substr, Str : string; Offset : integer = 1) : integer;
+ I : integer;
+ Result := PosEx(Substr, Str, Offset);
+ while Result <> 0 do begin
+ I := PosEx(Substr, Str, Result+1);
+ if I = 0 then
+ break
+ else
+ Result := I
+ end;
+function CountStr(const Substr, Str : string; UntilStr : string = '') : integer;
+ I, J : integer;
+ I := 0;
+ Result := 0;
+ J := Pos(UntilStr, Str);
+ repeat
+ I := PosEx(Substr, Str, I+1);
+ if (J <> 0) and (J < I) then exit;
+ if I <> 0 then inc(Result);
+ until I = 0;
+function StrToJS(const S : string; UseBR : boolean = false) : string;
+ I, J : integer;
+ BR : string;
+ BR := IfThen(UseBR, '
', '\n');
+ Result := AnsiReplaceStr(S, '"', '''');
+ Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, ^M^J, BR);
+ Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, ^M, BR);
+ Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, ^J, BR);
+ if (Result <> '') and (Result[1] = #3) then begin // Is RegEx
+ delete(Result, 1, 1);
+ if Pos('/', Result) <> 1 then Result := '/' + Result + '/';
+ end
+ else begin
+ I := pos('%', Result);
+ if (pos(';', Result) = 0) and (I <> 0) and ((length(Result) > 1) and (I < length(Result)) and (Result[I+1] in ['0'..'9'])) then begin // Has param place holder, ";" disable place holder
+ J := FirstDelimiter(' "''[]{}><=!*-+/,', Result, I+2);
+ if J = 0 then J := length(Result)+1;
+ if J <> (length(Result)+1) then begin
+ insert('+"', Result, J);
+ Result := Result + '"';
+ end;
+ if I <> 1 then begin
+ insert('"+', Result, I);
+ Result := '"' + Result;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ if (I = 1) and (length(Result) > 1) and (Result[2] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z']) then
+ Result := copy(Result, 2, length(Result))
+ else
+ Result := '"' + Result + '"'
+ end;
+function CaseOf(const S : string; const Cases : array of string) : integer; begin
+ for Result := 0 to high(Cases) do
+ if SameText(S, Cases[Result]) then exit;
+ Result := -1;
+function RCaseOf(const S : string; const Cases : array of string) : integer; begin
+ for Result := 0 to high(Cases) do
+ if pos(Cases[Result], S) <> 0 then exit;
+ Result := -1;
+function EnumToJSString(TypeInfo : PTypeInfo; Value : integer) : string;
+ I : integer;
+ JS: string;
+ Result := '';
+ JS := GetEnumName(TypeInfo, Value);
+ for I := 1 to length(JS) do
+ if JS[I] in ['A'..'Z'] then begin
+ Result := LowerCase(copy(JS, I, 100));
+ if Result = 'perc' then Result := '%';
+ exit
+ end;
+function SetPaddings(Top : integer; Right : integer = 0; Bottom : integer = -1; Left : integer = 0; CSSUnit : TCSSUnit = cssPX;
+ Header : boolean = true) : string;
+ Result := Format('%s%d%3:s %2:d%3:s', [IfThen(Header, 'padding: ', ''), Top, Right, EnumToJSString(TypeInfo(TCSSUnit), ord(CSSUnit))]);
+ if Bottom <> -1 then
+ Result := Result + Format(' %d%2:s %1:d%2:s', [Bottom, Left, EnumToJSString(TypeInfo(TCSSUnit), ord(CSSUnit))]);
+function SetMargins(Top : integer; Right : integer = 0; Bottom : integer = 0; Left : integer = 0; CSSUnit : TCSSUnit = cssNone;
+ Header : boolean = false) : string;
+ Result := Format('%s%d%5:s %2:d%5:s %3:d%5:s %4:d%s', [IfThen(Header, 'margin: ', ''), Top, Right, Bottom, Left,
+ EnumToJSString(TypeInfo(TCSSUnit), ord(CSSUnit))])
+function Before(const BeforeS, AfterS, S : string) : boolean;
+ I : integer;
+ I := pos(BeforeS, S);
+ Result := (I <> 0) and (I < pos(AfterS, S))
+function IsUpperCase(S : string) : boolean;
+ I : integer;
+ Result := false;
+ for I := 1 to length(S) do
+ if S[I] in ['a'..'z'] then exit;
+ Result := true;
+function SpaceIdents(const aLevel: integer; const aWidth: string = ' '): string;
+ c: integer;
+ Result := '';
+ if aLevel < 1 then Exit;
+ for c := 1 to aLevel do Result := Result + aWidth;
+function MinValueOf(Values : array of integer; const MinValue : integer = 0) : integer;
+ I : integer;
+ for I := 0 to High(Values) do
+ if Values[I] <= MinValue then Values[I] := MAXINT;
+ Result := MinIntValue(Values);
+ // if all are the minimum value then return 0
+ if Result = MAXINT then Result := MinValue;
+function BeautifyJS(const AScript : string; const StartingLevel : integer = 0; SplitHTMLNewLine : boolean = true) : string;
+ pBlockBegin, pBlockEnd, pPropBegin, pPropEnd, pStatEnd, {pFuncBegin,} pSqrBegin, pSqrEnd,
+ pFunction, pString, pOpPlus, pOpMinus, pOpTime, {pOpDivide,} pOpEqual, pRegex : integer;
+ P, Lvl : integer;
+ Res : string;
+ function AddNewLine(const atPos : integer; const AddText : string) : integer; begin
+ insert(^J + AddText, Res, atPos);
+ Result := length(^J + AddText);
+ end;
+ function SplitHTMLString(AStart, AEnd : integer): integer; // range is including the quotes
+ var
+ br,pe,ps: integer;
+ s: string;
+ begin
+ Result := AEnd;
+ s := copy(res, AStart, AEnd);
+ // find html new line (increase verbosity)
+ br := PosEx('
', res, AStart+1);
+ pe := PosEx('', res, AStart+1);
+ ps := MinValueOf([br,pe]);
+ // html new line is found
+ // Result-5 is to skip the mark at the end of the line
+ while (ps > 0) and (ps < Result-5) do begin
+ s := '"+'^J+SpaceIdents(Lvl)+SpaceIdents(3)+'"';
+ Insert(s, res, ps+4);
+ Result := Result + length(s);
+ // find next new line
+ br := PosEx('
', res, ps+length(s)+4);
+ pe := PosEx('', res, ps+length(s)+4);
+ ps := MinValueOf([br,pe]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Backward, onReady, inProp, inNew : boolean;
+ LvlProp, i, j, k : integer;
+ // skip empty script
+ if AScript = '' then exit;
+ P := 1;
+ Res := AScript;
+ inNew := true;
+ inProp := false;
+ onReady := false;
+ LvlProp := 1000; // max identation depth
+ Lvl := StartingLevel;
+ // remove space in the beginning
+ if Res[1] = ' ' then Delete(Res, 1, 1);
+ // proceed the whole generated script by scanning the text
+ while (p > 0) and (p < Length(Res)-1) do begin
+ // chars that will be processed (10 signs)
+ inc(P);
+ pString := PosEx('"', Res, P);
+ pOpEqual := PosEx('=', Res, P);
+ pOpPlus := PosEx('+', Res, P);
+ pOpMinus := PosEx('-', Res, P);
+ pOpTime := PosEx('*', Res, P);
+ pBlockBegin := PosEx('{', Res, P);
+ pBlockEnd := PosEx('}', Res, P);
+ pPropBegin := PosEx(':', Res, P);
+ pPropEnd := PosEx(',', Res, P);
+ pStatEnd := PosEx(';', Res, P);
+ pSqrBegin := PosEx('[', Res, P);
+ pSqrEnd := PosEx(']', Res, P);
+ pFunction := PosEx('function', Res, P);
+ pRegex := PosEx('regex:', Res, P);
+ // process what is found first
+ P := MinValueOf([pBlockBegin, pBlockEnd, pPropBegin, pPropEnd, pStatEnd, {pFuncBegin,} pSqrBegin, pSqrEnd,
+ pString, pOpEqual, pOpPlus, pOpMinus, pOpTime, {pOpDivide,} pFunction, pRegex]);
+ // keep Ext's onReady function at the first line
+ if (not onReady) and (P > 0) and (length(Res) >= P) and (res[p] = 'f') then
+ if Copy(Res, P-9, 9) = '.onReady(' then begin
+ onReady := true;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // now, let's proceed with what char is found
+ if P > 0 then begin
+ // reset inProp status based on minimum lvlProp
+ if inProp then inProp := Lvl >= LvlProp; // or (lvl > StartingLevel);
+ // process chars
+ case res[p] of // skip string by jump to the next mark
+ '"' :
+ if Res[P+1] = '"' then // skip empty string
+ inc(P)
+ else
+ if SplitHTMLNewLine then // proceed html string value
+ P := SplitHTMLString(P, PosEx('"', Res, P+1))
+ else // just skip the string
+ P := PosEx('"', Res, P+1);
+ '=', '+', '*', '/': begin // neat the math operator
+ insert(' ', Res, P); inc(P);
+ if Res[P+1] = '=' then inc(P); // double equals
+ insert(' ', Res, P+1); inc(P);
+ end;
+ '{' : // statement block begin
+ if Res[P+1] = '}' then // skip empty statement
+ inc(P)
+ else begin
+ inc(Lvl); // Increase identation level
+ inProp := false;
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P+1, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ end;
+ '}' : begin // statement block end
+ // some pair values are treated specially: keep },{ pair intact to save empty lines
+ if (length(Res) >= (P+2)) and (Res[P+1] = ',') and (Res[P+2] = '{') then begin
+ dec(Lvl);
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P, SpaceIdents(Lvl)) + 2);
+ inc(Lvl);
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P+1, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ continue;
+ end;
+ if not inNew then // special })] pair for items property group object ending
+ inNew := (Res[P+1] = ')') and (Res[P+2] = ']');
+ // common treatment for block ending
+ dec(Lvl); // decrease identation level
+ P := P + AddNewLine(P, SpaceIdents(lvl));
+ // bring the following trails
+ I := P;
+ Backward := false;
+ repeat
+ inc(I);
+ // find multiple statement block end
+ if (length(Res) >= I) and (Res[I] in ['{', '}', ';']) then backward := true;
+ if inNew and (length(Res) >= I) and (Res[I] = ']') then backward := true;
+ until (I > length(Res)) or (Res[I] = ',') or backward;
+ if not backward then // add new line
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(i+1, SpaceIdents(Lvl)))
+ else // suspend new line to proceed with next block
+ P := i-1;
+ end;
+ ';' : begin // end of statement
+ // fix to ExtPascal parser bug which become helpful, because it could be mark of new object creation
+ if (length(Res) >= P+2) and (Res[P+1] = ' ') and (Res[P+2] = 'O') then begin // ; O string
+ inProp := false;
+ delete(Res, P+1, 1);
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P+1, ^J+SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ continue;
+ end;
+ if (length(Res) >= P+1) and (Res[P+1] = '}') then continue; // skip if it's already at the end of block
+ if P = length(Res) then // skip identation on last end of statement
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P+1, SpaceIdents(StartingLevel-1)))
+ else
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P+1, SpaceIdents(lvl)));
+ end;
+ '[' : begin // square declaration begin
+ if Res[P+1] = '[' then begin // double square treat as sub level
+ inc(Lvl);
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(p+1, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ inProp := true;
+ continue;
+ end;
+ // find special pair within square block
+ i := PosEx(']', Res, P+1);
+ j := PosEx('{', Res, P+1);
+ k := PosEx('new ', Res, P+1);
+ if (j > 0) and (j < i) then begin // new block found in property value
+ inc(Lvl);
+ // new object found in property value, add new line
+ if (k > 0) and (k < i) then begin
+ inNew := true;
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P+1, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ end
+ else begin // move forward to next block beginning
+ inNew := false;
+ inc(J, AddNewLine(J+1, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ P := j-1;
+ end;
+ end
+ else // no sub block found, move at the end of square block
+ P := i;
+ end;
+ ']' : // square declaration end
+ if Res[P-1] = ']' then begin // double square ending found, end sub block
+ dec(Lvl);
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ end
+ else // skip processing if not part of square sub block
+ if not inNew then
+ continue
+ else begin // end of block square items group
+ dec(Lvl);
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ end;
+ ':' : begin // property value begin
+ if Res[P+1] <> ' ' then begin // separate name:value with a space
+ insert(' ', Res, P+1);
+ inc(P);
+ end;
+ inProp := true;
+ if Lvl < LvlProp then LvlProp := Lvl; // get minimum depth level of property
+ end;
+ ',' : // property value end
+ if inProp then inc(P, AddNewLine(P+1, SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ 'f' : begin // independent function definition
+ if inProp then Continue; // skip function if within property
+ if copy(Res, P, 8) = 'function' then // add new line for independent function
+ inc(P, AddNewLine(P, SpaceIdents(Lvl)) + 7);
+ end;
+ 'r' : begin
+ P := PosEx('/', Res, P);
+ P := PosEx('/', Res, P+1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := Res;
+function BeautifyCSS(const AStyle : string) : string;
+ pOpen, pClose, pProp, pEnd, pString : integer;
+ P, Lvl : integer;
+ Res : string;
+ P := 1;
+ Lvl := 0;
+ Res := ^J+AStyle;
+ while P > 0 do begin
+ inc(P);
+ pString := PosEx('''', Res, P);
+ pOpen := PosEx('{', Res, P);
+ pClose := PosEx('}', Res, P);
+ pProp := PosEx(':', Res, P);
+ pEnd := PosEx(';', Res, P);
+ P := MinValueOf([pString, pOpen, pClose, pProp, pEnd]);
+ if P > 0 then
+ case Res[p] of
+ '''' : P := PosEx('''', Res, P+1);
+ '{' : begin
+ Inc(lvl);
+ if (res[p-1] <> ' ') then begin
+ Insert(' ', res, p);
+ p := p+1;
+ end;
+ Insert(^J+SpaceIdents(lvl), res, p+1);
+ p := p + Length(^J+SpaceIdents(lvl));
+ end;
+ '}' : begin
+ dec(lvl);
+ insert(^J+SpaceIdents(lvl), Res, P);
+ inc(P, length(^J+SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ insert(^J+SpaceIdents(lvl), Res, P+1);
+ inc(P, length(^J+SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ end;
+ ':' :
+ if Res[P+1] <> ' ' then begin
+ insert(' ', Res, P+1);
+ inc(P);
+ end;
+ ';' : begin
+ if Res[P+1] = '}' then continue;
+ if Res[P+1] = ' ' then delete(Res, P+1, 1);
+ insert(^J+SpaceIdents(Lvl), Res, P+1);
+ inc(P, length(^J+SpaceIdents(Lvl)));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := Res;
+function LengthRegExp(Rex : string; CountAll : Boolean = true) : integer;
+ Slash, I : integer;
+ N : string;
+ Result := 0;
+ N := '';
+ Slash := 0;
+ for I := 1 to length(Rex) do
+ case Rex[I] of
+ '\' :
+ if CountAll and (I < length(Rex)) and (Rex[I+1] in ['d', 'D', 'l', 'f', 'n', 'r', 's', 'S', 't', 'w', 'W']) then inc(Slash);
+ ',', '{' : begin
+ N := '';
+ if Slash > 1 then begin
+ inc(Result, Slash);
+ Slash := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ '}' : begin
+ inc(Result, StrToIntDef(N, 0));
+ N := '';
+ dec(Slash);
+ end;
+ '0'..'9' : N := N + Rex[I];
+ '?' : inc(Slash);
+ '*' :
+ if not CountAll then begin
+ Result := -1;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(Result, Slash);
+function JSDateToDateTime(JSDate : string) : TDateTime; begin
+ Result := EncodeDateTime(StrToInt(copy(JSDate, 12, 4)), AnsiIndexStr(copy(JSDate, 5, 3), ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']) +1,
+ StrToInt(copy(JSDate, 9, 2)), StrToInt(copy(JSDate, 17, 2)), StrToInt(copy(JSDate, 20, 2)), StrToInt(copy(JSDate, 23, 2)), 0);
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/RegExpr.pas b/src/thirdparty/RegExpr.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158f7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/RegExpr.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,4041 @@
+unit RegExpr;
+ TRegExpr class library
+ Delphi Regular Expressions
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Andrey V. Sorokin, St.Petersburg, Russia
+ You may use this software in any kind of development,
+ including comercial, redistribute, and modify it freely,
+ under the following restrictions :
+ 1. This software is provided as it is, without any kind of
+ warranty given. Use it at Your own risk.The author is not
+ responsible for any consequences of use of this software.
+ 2. The origin of this software may not be mispresented, You
+ must not claim that You wrote the original software. If
+ You use this software in any kind of product, it would be
+ appreciated that there in a information box, or in the
+ documentation would be an acknowledgement like
+ Partial Copyright (c) 2004 Andrey V. Sorokin
+ http://RegExpStudio.com
+ mailto:anso@mail.ru
+ 3. You may not have any income from distributing this source
+ (or altered version of it) to other developers. When You
+ use this product in a comercial package, the source may
+ not be charged seperatly.
+ 4. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
+ not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 5. RegExp Studio application and all the visual components as
+ well as documentation is not part of the TRegExpr library
+ and is not free for usage.
+ mailto:anso@mail.ru
+ http://RegExpStudio.com
+ http://anso.da.ru/
+// ======== Determine compiler
+{$IFDEF VER80} Sorry, TRegExpr is for 32-bits Delphi only. Delphi 1 is not supported (and whos really care today?!). {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF VER90} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D2
+{$IFDEF VER100} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D3
+{$IFDEF VER120} {$DEFINE D4} {$DEFINE D3} {$DEFINE D2} {$ENDIF} // D4
+// ======== Define base compiler options
+{$IFDEF D6}
+ {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+{$IFDEF D7}
+ {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+ {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+ {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} // Suppress .Net warnings
+ {$MODE DELPHI} // Delphi-compatible mode in FreePascal
+// ======== Define options for TRegExpr engine
+{.$DEFINE UniCode} // Unicode support
+{$DEFINE RegExpPCodeDump} // p-code dumping (see Dump method)
+{$IFNDEF FPC} // the option is not supported in FreePascal
+ {$DEFINE reRealExceptionAddr} // exceptions will point to appropriate source line, not to Error procedure
+{$DEFINE ComplexBraces} // support braces in complex cases
+{$IFNDEF UniCode} // the option applicable only for non-UniCode mode
+ {$DEFINE UseSetOfChar} // Significant optimization by using set of char
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ {$DEFINE UseFirstCharSet} // Fast skip between matches for r.e. that starts with determined set of chars
+// ======== Define Pascal-language options
+// Define 'UseAsserts' option (do not edit this definitions).
+// Asserts used to catch 'strange bugs' in TRegExpr implementation (when something goes
+// completely wrong). You can swith asserts on/off with help of {$C+}/{$C-} compiler options.
+{$IFDEF D3} {$DEFINE UseAsserts} {$ENDIF}
+{$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE UseAsserts} {$ENDIF}
+// Define 'use subroutine parameters default values' option (do not edit this definition).
+{$IFDEF D4} {$DEFINE DefParam} {$ENDIF}
+// Define 'OverMeth' options, to use method overloading (do not edit this definitions).
+{$IFDEF D5} {$DEFINE OverMeth} {$ENDIF}
+ Classes, // TStrings in Split method
+ SysUtils; // Exception
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ PRegExprChar = PWideChar;
+ RegExprString = WideString;
+ REChar = WideChar;
+ {$ELSE}
+ PRegExprChar = PChar;
+ RegExprString = AnsiString; //###0.952 was string
+ REChar = Char;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TREOp = REChar; // internal p-code type //###0.933
+ PREOp = ^TREOp;
+ TRENextOff = integer; // internal Next "pointer" (offset to current p-code) //###0.933
+ PRENextOff = ^TRENextOff; // used for extracting Next "pointers" from compiled r.e. //###0.933
+ TREBracesArg = integer; // type of {m,n} arguments
+ PREBracesArg = ^TREBracesArg;
+ REOpSz = SizeOf (TREOp) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of p-code in RegExprString units
+ RENextOffSz = SizeOf (TRENextOff) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of Next 'pointer' -"-
+ REBracesArgSz = SizeOf (TREBracesArg) div SizeOf (REChar); // size of BRACES arguments -"-
+ TRegExprInvertCaseFunction = function (const Ch : REChar) : REChar
+ of object;
+ EscChar = '\'; // 'Escape'-char ('\' in common r.e.) used for escaping metachars (\w, \d etc).
+ RegExprModifierI : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierI
+ RegExprModifierR : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierR
+ RegExprModifierS : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierS
+ RegExprModifierG : boolean = True; // default value for ModifierG
+ RegExprModifierM : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierM
+ RegExprModifierX : boolean = False; // default value for ModifierX
+ RegExprSpaceChars : RegExprString = // default value for SpaceChars
+ ' '#$9#$A#$D#$C;
+ RegExprWordChars : RegExprString = // default value for WordChars
+ '0123456789' //###0.940
+ + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ RegExprLineSeparators : RegExprString =// default value for LineSeparators
+ #$d#$a{$IFDEF UniCode}+#$b#$c#$2028#$2029#$85{$ENDIF}; //###0.947
+ RegExprLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString =// default value for LinePairedSeparator
+ #$d#$a;
+ { if You need Unix-styled line separators (only \n), then use:
+ RegExprLineSeparators = #$a;
+ RegExprLinePairedSeparator = '';
+ }
+ NSUBEXP = 15; // max number of subexpression //###0.929
+ // Cannot be more than NSUBEXPMAX
+ // Be carefull - don't use values which overflow CLOSE opcode
+ // (in this case you'll get compiler erorr).
+ // Big NSUBEXP will cause more slow work and more stack required
+ NSUBEXPMAX = 255; // Max possible value for NSUBEXP. //###0.945
+ // Don't change it! It's defined by internal TRegExpr design.
+ MaxBracesArg = $7FFFFFFF - 1; // max value for {n,m} arguments //###0.933
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LoopStackMax = 10; // max depth of loops stack //###0.925
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TinySetLen = 3;
+ // if range includes more then TinySetLen chars, //###0.934
+ // then use full (32 bytes) ANYOFFULL instead of ANYOF[BUT]TINYSET
+ // !!! Attension ! If you change TinySetLen, you must
+ // change code marked as "//!!!TinySet"
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ PSetOfREChar = ^TSetOfREChar;
+ TSetOfREChar = set of REChar;
+ TRegExpr = class;
+ TRegExprReplaceFunction = function (ARegExpr : TRegExpr): string
+ of object;
+ TRegExpr = class
+ private
+ startp : array [0 .. NSUBEXP - 1] of PRegExprChar; // founded expr starting points
+ endp : array [0 .. NSUBEXP - 1] of PRegExprChar; // founded expr end points
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LoopStack : array [1 .. LoopStackMax] of integer; // state before entering loop
+ LoopStackIdx : integer; // 0 - out of all loops
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // The "internal use only" fields to pass info from compile
+ // to execute that permits the execute phase to run lots faster on
+ // simple cases.
+ regstart : REChar; // char that must begin a match; '\0' if none obvious
+ reganch : REChar; // is the match anchored (at beginning-of-line only)?
+ regmust : PRegExprChar; // string (pointer into program) that match must include, or nil
+ regmlen : integer; // length of regmust string
+ // Regstart and reganch permit very fast decisions on suitable starting points
+ // for a match, cutting down the work a lot. Regmust permits fast rejection
+ // of lines that cannot possibly match. The regmust tests are costly enough
+ // that regcomp() supplies a regmust only if the r.e. contains something
+ // potentially expensive (at present, the only such thing detected is * or +
+ // at the start of the r.e., which can involve a lot of backup). Regmlen is
+ // supplied because the test in regexec() needs it and regcomp() is computing
+ // it anyway.
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ FirstCharSet : TSetOfREChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // work variables for Exec's routins - save stack in recursion}
+ reginput : PRegExprChar; // String-input pointer.
+ fInputStart : PRegExprChar; // Pointer to first char of input string.
+ fInputEnd : PRegExprChar; // Pointer to char AFTER last char of input string
+ // work variables for compiler's routines
+ regparse : PRegExprChar; // Input-scan pointer.
+ regnpar : integer; // count.
+ regdummy : char;
+ regcode : PRegExprChar; // Code-emit pointer; @regdummy = don't.
+ regsize : integer; // Code size.
+ regexpbeg : PRegExprChar; // only for error handling. Contains
+ // pointer to beginning of r.e. while compiling
+ fExprIsCompiled : boolean; // true if r.e. successfully compiled
+ // programm is essentially a linear encoding
+ // of a nondeterministic finite-state machine (aka syntax charts or
+ // "railroad normal form" in parsing technology). Each node is an opcode
+ // plus a "next" pointer, possibly plus an operand. "Next" pointers of
+ // all nodes except BRANCH implement concatenation; a "next" pointer with
+ // a BRANCH on both ends of it is connecting two alternatives. (Here we
+ // have one of the subtle syntax dependencies: an individual BRANCH (as
+ // opposed to a collection of them) is never concatenated with anything
+ // because of operator precedence.) The operand of some types of node is
+ // a literal string; for others, it is a node leading into a sub-FSM. In
+ // particular, the operand of a BRANCH node is the first node of the branch.
+ // (NB this is *not* a tree structure: the tail of the branch connects
+ // to the thing following the set of BRANCHes.) The opcodes are:
+ programm : PRegExprChar; // Unwarranted chumminess with compiler.
+ fExpression : PRegExprChar; // source of compiled r.e.
+ fInputString : PRegExprChar; // input string
+ fLastError : integer; // see Error, LastError
+ fModifiers : integer; // modifiers
+ fCompModifiers : integer; // compiler's copy of modifiers
+ fProgModifiers : integer; // modifiers values from last programm compilation
+ fSpaceChars : RegExprString; //###0.927
+ fWordChars : RegExprString; //###0.929
+ fInvertCase : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction; //###0.927
+ fLineSeparators : RegExprString; //###0.941
+ fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned : boolean;
+ fLinePairedSeparatorHead,
+ fLinePairedSeparatorTail : REChar;
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ fLineSeparatorsSet : set of REChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure InvalidateProgramm;
+ // Mark programm as have to be [re]compiled
+ function IsProgrammOk : boolean; //###0.941
+ // Check if we can use precompiled r.e. or
+ // [re]compile it if something changed
+ function GetExpression : RegExprString;
+ procedure SetExpression (const s : RegExprString);
+ function GetModifierStr : RegExprString;
+ class function ParseModifiersStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString;
+ var AModifiersInt : integer) : boolean; //###0.941 class function now
+ // Parse AModifiers string and return true and set AModifiersInt
+ // if it's in format 'ismxrg-ismxrg'.
+ procedure SetModifierStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString);
+ function GetModifier (AIndex : integer) : boolean;
+ procedure SetModifier (AIndex : integer; ASet : boolean);
+ procedure Error (AErrorID : integer); virtual; // error handler.
+ // Default handler raise exception ERegExpr with
+ // Message = ErrorMsg (AErrorID), ErrorCode = AErrorID
+ // and CompilerErrorPos = value of property CompilerErrorPos.
+ {==================== Compiler section ===================}
+ function CompileRegExpr (exp : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+ // compile a regular expression into internal code
+ procedure Tail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+ // set the next-pointer at the end of a node chain
+ procedure OpTail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+ // regoptail - regtail on operand of first argument; nop if operandless
+ function EmitNode (op : TREOp) : PRegExprChar;
+ // regnode - emit a node, return location
+ procedure EmitC (b : REChar);
+ // emit (if appropriate) a byte of code
+ procedure InsertOperator (op : TREOp; opnd : PRegExprChar; sz : integer); //###0.90
+ // insert an operator in front of already-emitted operand
+ // Means relocating the operand.
+ function ParseReg (paren : integer; var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // regular expression, i.e. main body or parenthesized thing
+ function ParseBranch (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // one alternative of an | operator
+ function ParsePiece (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // something followed by possible [*+?]
+ function ParseAtom (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+ // the lowest level
+ function GetCompilerErrorPos : integer;
+ // current pos in r.e. - for error hanling
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ procedure FillFirstCharSet (prog : PRegExprChar);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {===================== Mathing section ===================}
+ function regrepeat (p : PRegExprChar; AMax : integer) : integer;
+ // repeatedly match something simple, report how many
+ function regnext (p : PRegExprChar) : PRegExprChar;
+ // dig the "next" pointer out of a node
+ function MatchPrim (prog : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+ // recursively matching routine
+ function ExecPrim (AOffset: integer) : boolean;
+ // Exec for stored InputString
+ {$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump}
+ function DumpOp (op : REChar) : RegExprString;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function GetSubExprMatchCount : integer;
+ function GetMatchPos (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ function GetMatchLen (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ function GetMatch (Idx : integer) : RegExprString;
+ function GetInputString : RegExprString;
+ procedure SetInputString (const AInputString : RegExprString);
+ {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ function StrScanCI (s : PRegExprChar; ch : REChar) : PRegExprChar; //###0.928
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure SetLineSeparators (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ procedure SetLinePairedSeparator (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ function GetLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ class function VersionMajor : integer; //###0.944
+ class function VersionMinor : integer; //###0.944
+ property Expression : RegExprString read GetExpression write SetExpression;
+ // Regular expression.
+ // For optimization, TRegExpr will automatically compiles it into 'P-code'
+ // (You can see it with help of Dump method) and stores in internal
+ // structures. Real [re]compilation occures only when it really needed -
+ // while calling Exec[Next], Substitute, Dump, etc
+ // and only if Expression or other P-code affected properties was changed
+ // after last [re]compilation.
+ // If any errors while [re]compilation occures, Error method is called
+ // (by default Error raises exception - see below)
+ property ModifierStr : RegExprString read GetModifierStr write SetModifierStr;
+ // Set/get default values of r.e.syntax modifiers. Modifiers in
+ // r.e. (?ismx-ismx) will replace this default values.
+ // If you try to set unsupported modifier, Error will be called
+ // (by defaul Error raises exception ERegExpr).
+ property ModifierI : boolean index 1 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /i - caseinsensitive, initialized from RegExprModifierI
+ property ModifierR : boolean index 2 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /r - use r.e.syntax extended for russian,
+ // (was property ExtSyntaxEnabled in previous versions)
+ // If true, then à-ÿ additional include russian letter '¸',
+ // À-ß additional include '¨', and à-ß include all russian symbols.
+ // You have to turn it off if it may interfere with you national alphabet.
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierR
+ property ModifierS : boolean index 3 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /s - '.' works as any char (else as [^\n]),
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierS
+ property ModifierG : boolean index 4 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Switching off modifier /g switchs all operators in
+ // non-greedy style, so if ModifierG = False, then
+ // all '*' works as '*?', all '+' as '+?' and so on.
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierG
+ property ModifierM : boolean index 5 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change `^' and `$' from
+ // matching at only the very start or end of the string to the start
+ // or end of any line anywhere within the string.
+ // , initialized from RegExprModifierM
+ property ModifierX : boolean index 6 read GetModifier write SetModifier;
+ // Modifier /x - eXtended syntax, allow r.e. text formatting,
+ // see description in the help. Initialized from RegExprModifierX
+ function Exec (const AInputString : RegExprString) : boolean; {$IFDEF OverMeth} overload;
+ {$IFNDEF FPC} // I do not know why FreePascal cannot overload methods with empty param list
+ function Exec : boolean; overload; //###0.949
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function Exec (AOffset: integer) : boolean; overload; //###0.949
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // match a programm against a string AInputString
+ // !!! Exec store AInputString into InputString property
+ // For Delphi 5 and higher available overloaded versions - first without
+ // parameter (uses already assigned to InputString property value)
+ // and second that has integer parameter and is same as ExecPos
+ function ExecNext : boolean;
+ // find next match:
+ // ExecNext;
+ // works same as
+ // if MatchLen [0] = 0 then ExecPos (MatchPos [0] + 1)
+ // else ExecPos (MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0]);
+ // but it's more simpler !
+ // Raises exception if used without preceeding SUCCESSFUL call to
+ // Exec* (Exec, ExecPos, ExecNext). So You always must use something like
+ // if Exec (InputString) then repeat { proceed results} until not ExecNext;
+ function ExecPos (AOffset: integer {$IFDEF DefParam}= 1{$ENDIF}) : boolean;
+ // find match for InputString starting from AOffset position
+ // (AOffset=1 - first char of InputString)
+ property InputString : RegExprString read GetInputString write SetInputString;
+ // returns current input string (from last Exec call or last assign
+ // to this property).
+ // Any assignment to this property clear Match* properties !
+ function Substitute (const ATemplate : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+ // Returns ATemplate with '$&' or '$0' replaced by whole r.e.
+ // occurence and '$n' replaced by occurence of subexpression #n.
+ // Since v.0.929 '$' used instead of '\' (for future extensions
+ // and for more Perl-compatibility) and accept more then one digit.
+ // If you want place into template raw '$' or '\', use prefix '\'
+ // Example: '1\$ is $2\\rub\\' -> '1$ is \rub\'
+ // If you want to place raw digit after '$n' you must delimit
+ // n with curly braces '{}'.
+ // Example: 'a$12bc' -> 'abc'
+ // 'a${1}2bc' -> 'a2bc'.
+ procedure Split (AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+ // Split AInputStr into APieces by r.e. occurencies
+ // Internally calls Exec[Next]
+ function Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ const AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) //###0.946
+ : RegExprString; {$IFDEF OverMeth} overload;
+ function Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString; overload;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ function ReplaceEx (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString;
+ // Returns AInputStr with r.e. occurencies replaced by AReplaceStr
+ // If AUseSubstitution is true, then AReplaceStr will be used
+ // as template for Substitution methods.
+ // For example:
+ // Expression := '({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*';
+ // Replace ('BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"', True);
+ // will return: def 'BLOCK' value 'test1'
+ // Replace ('BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"')
+ // will return: def "$1" value "$2"
+ // Internally calls Exec[Next]
+ // Overloaded version and ReplaceEx operate with call-back function,
+ // so You can implement really complex functionality.
+ property SubExprMatchCount : integer read GetSubExprMatchCount;
+ // Number of subexpressions has been found in last Exec* call.
+ // If there are no subexpr. but whole expr was found (Exec* returned True),
+ // then SubExprMatchCount=0, if no subexpressions nor whole
+ // r.e. found (Exec* returned false) then SubExprMatchCount=-1.
+ // Note, that some subexpr. may be not found and for such
+ // subexpr. MathPos=MatchLen=-1 and Match=''.
+ // For example: Expression := '(1)?2(3)?';
+ // Exec ('123'): SubExprMatchCount=2, Match[0]='123', [1]='1', [2]='3'
+ // Exec ('12'): SubExprMatchCount=1, Match[0]='12', [1]='1'
+ // Exec ('23'): SubExprMatchCount=2, Match[0]='23', [1]='', [2]='3'
+ // Exec ('2'): SubExprMatchCount=0, Match[0]='2'
+ // Exec ('7') - return False: SubExprMatchCount=-1
+ property MatchPos [Idx : integer] : integer read GetMatchPos;
+ // pos of entrance subexpr. #Idx into tested in last Exec*
+ // string. First subexpr. have Idx=1, last - MatchCount,
+ // whole r.e. have Idx=0.
+ // Returns -1 if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr.
+ // not found in input string.
+ property MatchLen [Idx : integer] : integer read GetMatchLen;
+ // len of entrance subexpr. #Idx r.e. into tested in last Exec*
+ // string. First subexpr. have Idx=1, last - MatchCount,
+ // whole r.e. have Idx=0.
+ // Returns -1 if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr.
+ // not found in input string.
+ // Remember - MatchLen may be 0 (if r.e. match empty string) !
+ property Match [Idx : integer] : RegExprString read GetMatch;
+ // == copy (InputString, MatchPos [Idx], MatchLen [Idx])
+ // Returns '' if in r.e. no such subexpr. or this subexpr.
+ // not found in input string.
+ function LastError : integer;
+ // Returns ID of last error, 0 if no errors (unusable if
+ // Error method raises exception) and clear internal status
+ // into 0 (no errors).
+ function ErrorMsg (AErrorID : integer) : RegExprString; virtual;
+ // Returns Error message for error with ID = AErrorID.
+ property CompilerErrorPos : integer read GetCompilerErrorPos;
+ // Returns pos in r.e. there compiler stopped.
+ // Usefull for error diagnostics
+ property SpaceChars : RegExprString read fSpaceChars write fSpaceChars; //###0.927
+ // Contains chars, treated as /s (initially filled with RegExprSpaceChars
+ // global constant)
+ property WordChars : RegExprString read fWordChars write fWordChars; //###0.929
+ // Contains chars, treated as /w (initially filled with RegExprWordChars
+ // global constant)
+ property LineSeparators : RegExprString read fLineSeparators write SetLineSeparators; //###0.941
+ // line separators (like \n in Unix)
+ property LinePairedSeparator : RegExprString read GetLinePairedSeparator write SetLinePairedSeparator; //###0.941
+ // paired line separator (like \r\n in DOS and Windows).
+ // must contain exactly two chars or no chars at all
+ class function InvertCaseFunction (const Ch : REChar) : REChar;
+ // Converts Ch into upper case if it in lower case or in lower
+ // if it in upper (uses current system local setings)
+ property InvertCase : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction read fInvertCase write fInvertCase; //##0.935
+ // Set this property if you want to override case-insensitive functionality.
+ // Create set it to RegExprInvertCaseFunction (InvertCaseFunction by default)
+ procedure Compile; //###0.941
+ // [Re]compile r.e. Usefull for example for GUI r.e. editors (to check
+ // all properties validity).
+ {$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump}
+ function Dump : RegExprString;
+ // dump a compiled regexp in vaguely comprehensible form
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ ERegExpr = class (Exception)
+ public
+ ErrorCode : integer;
+ CompilerErrorPos : integer;
+ end;
+ RegExprInvertCaseFunction : TRegExprInvertCaseFunction = {$IFDEF FPC} nil {$ELSE} TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction{$ENDIF};
+ // defaul for InvertCase property
+function ExecRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean;
+// true if string AInputString match regular expression ARegExpr
+// ! will raise exeption if syntax errors in ARegExpr
+procedure SplitRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+// Split AInputStr into APieces by r.e. ARegExpr occurencies
+function ReplaceRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr, AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString; //###0.947
+// Returns AInputStr with r.e. occurencies replaced by AReplaceStr
+// If AUseSubstitution is true, then AReplaceStr will be used
+// as template for Substitution methods.
+// For example:
+// ReplaceRegExpr ('({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*',
+// 'BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"', True)
+// will return: def 'BLOCK' value 'test1'
+// ReplaceRegExpr ('({-i}block|var)\s*\(\s*([^ ]*)\s*\)\s*',
+// 'BLOCK( test1)', 'def "$1" value "$2"')
+// will return: def "$1" value "$2"
+function QuoteRegExprMetaChars (const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+// Replace all metachars with its safe representation,
+// for example 'abc$cd.(' converts into 'abc\$cd\.\('
+// This function usefull for r.e. autogeneration from
+// user input
+function RegExprSubExpressions (const ARegExpr : string;
+ ASubExprs : TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : integer;
+// Makes list of subexpressions found in ARegExpr r.e.
+// In ASubExps every item represent subexpression,
+// from first to last, in format:
+// String - subexpression text (without '()')
+// low word of Object - starting position in ARegExpr, including '('
+// if exists! (first position is 1)
+// high word of Object - length, including starting '(' and ending ')'
+// if exist!
+// AExtendedSyntax - must be True if modifier /m will be On while
+// using the r.e.
+// Usefull for GUI editors of r.e. etc (You can find example of using
+// in TestRExp.dpr project)
+// Returns
+// 0 Success. No unbalanced brackets was found;
+// -1 There are not enough closing brackets ')';
+// -(n+1) At position n was found opening '[' without //###0.942
+// corresponding closing ']';
+// n At position n was found closing bracket ')' without
+// corresponding opening '('.
+// If Result <> 0, then ASubExpr can contain empty items or illegal ones
+ Windows; // CharUpper/Lower
+ TRegExprVersionMajor : integer = 0;
+ TRegExprVersionMinor : integer = 952;
+ // TRegExpr.VersionMajor/Minor return values of this constants
+ MaskModI = 1; // modifier /i bit in fModifiers
+ MaskModR = 2; // -"- /r
+ MaskModS = 4; // -"- /s
+ MaskModG = 8; // -"- /g
+ MaskModM = 16; // -"- /m
+ MaskModX = 32; // -"- /x
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ XIgnoredChars = ' '#9#$d#$a;
+ {$ELSE}
+ XIgnoredChars = [' ', #9, #$d, #$a];
+ {$ENDIF}
+{=================== WideString functions ====================}
+{$IFDEF UniCode}
+function StrPCopy (Dest: PRegExprChar; const Source: RegExprString): PRegExprChar;
+ var
+ i, Len : Integer;
+ begin
+ Len := length (Source); //###0.932
+ for i := 1 to Len do
+ Dest [i - 1] := Source [i];
+ Dest [Len] := #0;
+ Result := Dest;
+ end; { of function StrPCopy
+function StrLCopy (Dest, Source: PRegExprChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PRegExprChar;
+ var i: Integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to MaxLen - 1 do
+ Dest [i] := Source [i];
+ Result := Dest;
+ end; { of function StrLCopy
+function StrLen (Str: PRegExprChar): Cardinal;
+ begin
+ Result:=0;
+ while Str [result] <> #0
+ do Inc (Result);
+ end; { of function StrLen
+function StrPos (Str1, Str2: PRegExprChar): PRegExprChar;
+ var n: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ n := Pos (RegExprString (Str2), RegExprString (Str1));
+ if n = 0
+ then EXIT;
+ Result := Str1 + n - 1;
+ end; { of function StrPos
+function StrLComp (Str1, Str2: PRegExprChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer;
+ var S1, S2: RegExprString;
+ begin
+ S1 := Str1;
+ S2 := Str2;
+ if Copy (S1, 1, MaxLen) > Copy (S2, 1, MaxLen)
+ then Result := 1
+ else
+ if Copy (S1, 1, MaxLen) < Copy (S2, 1, MaxLen)
+ then Result := -1
+ else Result := 0;
+ end; { function StrLComp
+function StrScan (Str: PRegExprChar; Chr: WideChar): PRegExprChar;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ while (Str^ <> #0) and (Str^ <> Chr)
+ do Inc (Str);
+ if (Str^ <> #0)
+ then Result := Str;
+ end; { of function StrScan
+{===================== Global functions ======================}
+function ExecRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString) : boolean;
+ var r : TRegExpr;
+ begin
+ r := TRegExpr.Create;
+ try
+ r.Expression := ARegExpr;
+ Result := r.Exec (AInputStr);
+ finally r.Free;
+ end;
+ end; { of function ExecRegExpr
+procedure SplitRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+ var r : TRegExpr;
+ begin
+ APieces.Clear;
+ r := TRegExpr.Create;
+ try
+ r.Expression := ARegExpr;
+ r.Split (AInputStr, APieces);
+ finally r.Free;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure SplitRegExpr
+function ReplaceRegExpr (const ARegExpr, AInputStr, AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ with TRegExpr.Create do try
+ Expression := ARegExpr;
+ Result := Replace (AInputStr, AReplaceStr, AUseSubstitution);
+ finally Free;
+ end;
+ end; { of function ReplaceRegExpr
+function QuoteRegExprMetaChars (const AStr : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+ const
+ RegExprMetaSet : RegExprString = '^$.[()|?+*'+EscChar+'{'
+ + ']}'; // - this last are additional to META.
+ // Very similar to META array, but slighly changed.
+ // !Any changes in META array must be synchronized with this set.
+ var
+ i, i0, Len : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ Len := length (AStr);
+ i := 1;
+ i0 := i;
+ while i <= Len do begin
+ if Pos (AStr [i], RegExprMetaSet) > 0 then begin
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AStr, i0, i - i0)
+ + EscChar + AStr [i];
+ i0 := i + 1;
+ end;
+ inc (i);
+ end;
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AStr, i0, MaxInt); // Tail
+ end; { of function QuoteRegExprMetaChars
+function RegExprSubExpressions (const ARegExpr : string;
+ ASubExprs : TStrings; AExtendedSyntax : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : integer;
+ type
+ TStackItemRec = record //###0.945
+ SubExprIdx : integer;
+ StartPos : integer;
+ end;
+ TStackArray = packed array [0 .. NSUBEXPMAX - 1] of TStackItemRec;
+ var
+ Len, SubExprLen : integer;
+ i, i0 : integer;
+ Modif : integer;
+ Stack : ^TStackArray; //###0.945
+ StackIdx, StackSz : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0; // no unbalanced brackets found at this very moment
+ ASubExprs.Clear; // I don't think that adding to non empty list
+ // can be usefull, so I simplified algorithm to work only with empty list
+ Len := length (ARegExpr); // some optimization tricks
+ // first we have to calculate number of subexpression to reserve
+ // space in Stack array (may be we'll reserve more then need, but
+ // it's faster then memory reallocation during parsing)
+ StackSz := 1; // add 1 for entire r.e.
+ for i := 1 to Len do
+ if ARegExpr [i] = '('
+ then inc (StackSz);
+// SetLength (Stack, StackSz); //###0.945
+ GetMem (Stack, SizeOf (TStackItemRec) * StackSz);
+ try
+ StackIdx := 0;
+ i := 1;
+ while (i <= Len) do begin
+ case ARegExpr [i] of
+ '(': begin
+ if (i < Len) and (ARegExpr [i + 1] = '?') then begin
+ // this is not subexpression, but comment or other
+ // Perl extension. We must check is it (?ismxrg-ismxrg)
+ // and change AExtendedSyntax if /x is changed.
+ inc (i, 2); // skip '(?'
+ i0 := i;
+ while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> ')')
+ do inc (i);
+ if i > Len
+ then Result := -1 // unbalansed '('
+ else
+ if TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr (System.Copy (ARegExpr, i, i - i0), Modif)
+ then AExtendedSyntax := (Modif and MaskModX) <> 0;
+ end
+ else begin // subexpression starts
+ ASubExprs.Add (''); // just reserve space
+ with Stack [StackIdx] do begin
+ SubExprIdx := ASubExprs.Count - 1;
+ StartPos := i;
+ end;
+ inc (StackIdx);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ')': begin
+ if StackIdx = 0
+ then Result := i // unbalanced ')'
+ else begin
+ dec (StackIdx);
+ with Stack [StackIdx] do begin
+ SubExprLen := i - StartPos + 1;
+ ASubExprs.Objects [SubExprIdx] :=
+ TObject (StartPos or (SubExprLen ShL 16));
+ ASubExprs [SubExprIdx] := System.Copy (
+ ARegExpr, StartPos + 1, SubExprLen - 2); // add without brackets
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ EscChar: inc (i); // skip quoted symbol
+ '[': begin
+ // we have to skip character ranges at once, because they can
+ // contain '#', and '#' in it must NOT be recognized as eXtended
+ // comment beginning!
+ i0 := i;
+ inc (i);
+ if ARegExpr [i] = ']' // cannot be 'emty' ranges - this interpretes
+ then inc (i); // as ']' by itself
+ while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> ']') do
+ if ARegExpr [i] = EscChar //###0.942
+ then inc (i, 2) // skip 'escaped' char to prevent stopping at '\]'
+ else inc (i);
+ if (i > Len) or (ARegExpr [i] <> ']') //###0.942
+ then Result := - (i0 + 1); // unbalansed '[' //###0.942
+ end;
+ '#': if AExtendedSyntax then begin
+ // skip eXtended comments
+ while (i <= Len) and (ARegExpr [i] <> #$d) and (ARegExpr [i] <> #$a)
+ // do not use [#$d, #$a] due to UniCode compatibility
+ do inc (i);
+ while (i + 1 <= Len) and ((ARegExpr [i + 1] = #$d) or (ARegExpr [i + 1] = #$a))
+ do inc (i); // attempt to work with different kinds of line separators
+ // now we are at the line separator that must be skipped.
+ end;
+ // here is no 'else' clause - we simply skip ordinary chars
+ end; // of case
+ inc (i); // skip scanned char
+ // ! can move after Len due to skipping quoted symbol
+ end;
+ // check brackets balance
+ if StackIdx <> 0
+ then Result := -1; // unbalansed '('
+ // check if entire r.e. added
+ if (ASubExprs.Count = 0)
+ or ((integer (ASubExprs.Objects [0]) and $FFFF) <> 1)
+ or (((integer (ASubExprs.Objects [0]) ShR 16) and $FFFF) <> Len)
+ // whole r.e. wasn't added because it isn't bracketed
+ // well, we add it now:
+ then ASubExprs.InsertObject (0, ARegExpr, TObject ((Len ShL 16) or 1));
+ finally FreeMem (Stack);
+ end;
+ end; { of function RegExprSubExpressions
+ MAGIC = TREOp (216);// programm signature
+// name opcode opnd? meaning
+ EEND = TREOp (0); // - End of program
+ BOL = TREOp (1); // - Match "" at beginning of line
+ EOL = TREOp (2); // - Match "" at end of line
+ ANY = TREOp (3); // - Match any one character
+ ANYOF = TREOp (4); // Str Match any character in string Str
+ ANYBUT = TREOp (5); // Str Match any char. not in string Str
+ BRANCH = TREOp (6); // Node Match this alternative, or the next
+ BACK = TREOp (7); // - Jump backward (Next < 0)
+ EXACTLY = TREOp (8); // Str Match string Str
+ NOTHING = TREOp (9); // - Match empty string
+ STAR = TREOp (10); // Node Match this (simple) thing 0 or more times
+ PLUS = TREOp (11); // Node Match this (simple) thing 1 or more times
+ ANYDIGIT = TREOp (12); // - Match any digit (equiv [0-9])
+ NOTDIGIT = TREOp (13); // - Match not digit (equiv [0-9])
+ ANYLETTER = TREOp (14); // - Match any letter from property WordChars
+ NOTLETTER = TREOp (15); // - Match not letter from property WordChars
+ ANYSPACE = TREOp (16); // - Match any space char (see property SpaceChars)
+ NOTSPACE = TREOp (17); // - Match not space char (see property SpaceChars)
+ BRACES = TREOp (18); // Node,Min,Max Match this (simple) thing from Min to Max times.
+ // Min and Max are TREBracesArg
+ COMMENT = TREOp (19); // - Comment ;)
+ EXACTLYCI = TREOp (20); // Str Match string Str case insensitive
+ ANYOFCI = TREOp (21); // Str Match any character in string Str, case insensitive
+ ANYBUTCI = TREOp (22); // Str Match any char. not in string Str, case insensitive
+ LOOPENTRY = TREOp (23); // Node Start of loop (Node - LOOP for this loop)
+ LOOP = TREOp (24); // Node,Min,Max,LoopEntryJmp - back jump for LOOPENTRY.
+ // Min and Max are TREBracesArg
+ // Node - next node in sequence,
+ // LoopEntryJmp - associated LOOPENTRY node addr
+ ANYOFTINYSET= TREOp (25); // Chrs Match any one char from Chrs (exactly TinySetLen chars)
+ ANYBUTTINYSET=TREOp (26); // Chrs Match any one char not in Chrs (exactly TinySetLen chars)
+ ANYOFFULLSET= TREOp (27); // Set Match any one char from set of char
+ // - very fast (one CPU instruction !) but takes 32 bytes of p-code
+ BSUBEXP = TREOp (28); // Idx Match previously matched subexpression #Idx (stored as REChar) //###0.936
+ BSUBEXPCI = TREOp (29); // Idx -"- in case-insensitive mode
+ // Non-Greedy Style Ops //###0.940
+ STARNG = TREOp (30); // Same as START but in non-greedy mode
+ PLUSNG = TREOp (31); // Same as PLUS but in non-greedy mode
+ BRACESNG = TREOp (32); // Same as BRACES but in non-greedy mode
+ LOOPNG = TREOp (33); // Same as LOOP but in non-greedy mode
+ // Multiline mode \m
+ BOLML = TREOp (34); // - Match "" at beginning of line
+ EOLML = TREOp (35); // - Match "" at end of line
+ ANYML = TREOp (36); // - Match any one character
+ // Word boundary
+ BOUND = TREOp (37); // Match "" between words //###0.943
+ NOTBOUND = TREOp (38); // Match "" not between words //###0.943
+ // !!! Change OPEN value if you add new opcodes !!!
+ OPEN = TREOp (39); // - Mark this point in input as start of \n
+ // OPEN + 1 is \1, etc.
+ // - Analogous to OPEN.
+ // !!! Don't add new OpCodes after CLOSE !!!
+// We work with p-code thru pointers, compatible with PRegExprChar.
+// Note: all code components (TRENextOff, TREOp, TREBracesArg, etc)
+// must have lengths that can be divided by SizeOf (REChar) !
+// A node is TREOp of opcode followed Next "pointer" of TRENextOff type.
+// The Next is a offset from the opcode of the node containing it.
+// An operand, if any, simply follows the node. (Note that much of
+// the code generation knows about this implicit relationship!)
+// Using TRENextOff=integer speed up p-code processing.
+// Opcodes description:
+// BRANCH The set of branches constituting a single choice are hooked
+// together with their "next" pointers, since precedence prevents
+// anything being concatenated to any individual branch. The
+// "next" pointer of the last BRANCH in a choice points to the
+// thing following the whole choice. This is also where the
+// final "next" pointer of each individual branch points; each
+// branch starts with the operand node of a BRANCH node.
+// BACK Normal "next" pointers all implicitly point forward; BACK
+// exists to make loop structures possible.
+// STAR,PLUS,BRACES '?', and complex '*' and '+', are implemented as
+// circular BRANCH structures using BACK. Complex '{min,max}'
+// - as pair LOOPENTRY-LOOP (see below). Simple cases (one
+// character per match) are implemented with STAR, PLUS and
+// BRACES for speed and to minimize recursive plunges.
+// LOOPENTRY,LOOP {min,max} are implemented as special pair
+// LOOPENTRY-LOOP. Each LOOPENTRY initialize loopstack for
+// current level.
+// OPEN,CLOSE are numbered at compile time.
+{================== Error handling section ===================}
+ reeOk = 0;
+ reeCompNullArgument = 100;
+ reeCompRegexpTooBig = 101;
+ reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets = 102;
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets = 103;
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2 = 104;
+ reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd = 105;
+ reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty = 106;
+ reeNestedSQP = 107;
+ reeBadHexDigit = 108;
+ reeInvalidRange = 109;
+ reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash = 110;
+ reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX = 111;
+ reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig = 112;
+ reeUnmatchedSqBrackets = 113;
+ reeInternalUrp = 114;
+ reeQPSBFollowsNothing = 115;
+ reeTrailingBackSlash = 116;
+ reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster = 119;
+ reeBRACESArgTooBig = 122;
+ reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax = 124;
+ reeUnclosedComment = 125;
+ reeComplexBracesNotImplemented = 126;
+ reeUrecognizedModifier = 127;
+ reeBadLinePairedSeparator = 128;
+ reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately = 1000;
+ reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption = 1001;
+ reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers = 1002;
+ reeNoExpression = 1003;
+ reeCorruptedProgram = 1004;
+ reeNoInpitStringSpecified = 1005;
+ reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0 = 1006;
+ reeExecNextWithoutExec = 1007;
+ reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString = 1008;
+ reeDumpCorruptedOpcode = 1011;
+ reeModifierUnsupported = 1013;
+ reeLoopStackExceeded = 1014;
+ reeLoopWithoutEntry = 1015;
+ reeBadPCodeImported = 2000;
+function TRegExpr.ErrorMsg (AErrorID : integer) : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ case AErrorID of
+ reeOk: Result := 'No errors';
+ reeCompNullArgument: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Null Argument';
+ reeCompRegexpTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Regexp Too Big';
+ reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Too Many ()';
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Unmatched ()';
+ reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Unmatched ()';
+ reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ParseReg Junk On End';
+ reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): *+ Operand Could Be Empty';
+ reeNestedSQP: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Nested *?+';
+ reeBadHexDigit: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Bad Hex Digit';
+ reeInvalidRange: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Invalid [] Range';
+ reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Parse Atom Trailing \';
+ reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): No Hex Code After \x';
+ reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Hex Code After \x Is Too Big';
+ reeUnmatchedSqBrackets: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Unmatched []';
+ reeInternalUrp: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Internal Urp';
+ reeQPSBFollowsNothing: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): ?+*{ Follows Nothing';
+ reeTrailingBackSlash: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Trailing \';
+ reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): RarseAtom Internal Disaster';
+ reeBRACESArgTooBig: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): BRACES Argument Too Big';
+ reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): BRACE Min Param Greater then Max';
+ reeUnclosedComment: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Unclosed (?#Comment)';
+ reeComplexBracesNotImplemented: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): If you want take part in beta-testing BRACES ''{min,max}'' and non-greedy ops ''*?'', ''+?'', ''??'' for complex cases - remove ''.'' from {.$DEFINE ComplexBraces}';
+ reeUrecognizedModifier: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): Urecognized Modifier';
+ reeBadLinePairedSeparator: Result := 'TRegExpr(comp): LinePairedSeparator must countain two different chars or no chars at all';
+ reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): RegRepeat Called Inappropriately';
+ reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): MatchPrim Memory Corruption';
+ reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): MatchPrim Corrupted Pointers';
+ reeNoExpression: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Not Assigned Expression Property';
+ reeCorruptedProgram: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Corrupted Program';
+ reeNoInpitStringSpecified: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): No Input String Specified';
+ reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Offset Must Be Greater Then 0';
+ reeExecNextWithoutExec: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): ExecNext Without Exec[Pos]';
+ reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): GetInputString Without InputString';
+ reeDumpCorruptedOpcode: Result := 'TRegExpr(dump): Corrupted Opcode';
+ reeLoopStackExceeded: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Loop Stack Exceeded';
+ reeLoopWithoutEntry: Result := 'TRegExpr(exec): Loop Without LoopEntry !';
+ reeBadPCodeImported: Result := 'TRegExpr(misc): Bad p-code imported';
+ else Result := 'Unknown error';
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Error
+function TRegExpr.LastError : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := fLastError;
+ fLastError := reeOk;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.LastError
+{===================== Common section ========================}
+class function TRegExpr.VersionMajor : integer; //###0.944
+ begin
+ Result := TRegExprVersionMajor;
+ end; { of class function TRegExpr.VersionMajor
+class function TRegExpr.VersionMinor : integer; //###0.944
+ begin
+ Result := TRegExprVersionMinor;
+ end; { of class function TRegExpr.VersionMinor
+constructor TRegExpr.Create;
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ programm := nil;
+ fExpression := nil;
+ fInputString := nil;
+ regexpbeg := nil;
+ fExprIsCompiled := false;
+ ModifierI := RegExprModifierI;
+ ModifierR := RegExprModifierR;
+ ModifierS := RegExprModifierS;
+ ModifierG := RegExprModifierG;
+ ModifierM := RegExprModifierM; //###0.940
+ SpaceChars := RegExprSpaceChars; //###0.927
+ WordChars := RegExprWordChars; //###0.929
+ fInvertCase := RegExprInvertCaseFunction; //###0.927
+ fLineSeparators := RegExprLineSeparators; //###0.941
+ LinePairedSeparator := RegExprLinePairedSeparator; //###0.941
+ end; { of constructor TRegExpr.Create
+destructor TRegExpr.Destroy;
+ begin
+ if programm <> nil
+ then FreeMem (programm);
+ if fExpression <> nil
+ then FreeMem (fExpression);
+ if fInputString <> nil
+ then FreeMem (fInputString);
+ end; { of destructor TRegExpr.Destroy
+class function TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction (const Ch : REChar) : REChar;
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ if Ch >= #128
+ then Result := Ch
+ else
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ Result := {$IFDEF FPC}AnsiUpperCase (Ch) [1]{$ELSE} REChar (CharUpper (PChar (Ch))){$ENDIF};
+ if Result = Ch
+ then Result := {$IFDEF FPC}AnsiLowerCase (Ch) [1]{$ELSE} REChar (CharLower (PChar (Ch))){$ENDIF};
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction
+function TRegExpr.GetExpression : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if fExpression <> nil
+ then Result := fExpression
+ else Result := '';
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetExpression
+procedure TRegExpr.SetExpression (const s : RegExprString);
+ var
+ Len : integer; //###0.950
+ begin
+ if (s <> fExpression) or not fExprIsCompiled then begin
+ fExprIsCompiled := false;
+ if fExpression <> nil then begin
+ FreeMem (fExpression);
+ fExpression := nil;
+ end;
+ if s <> '' then begin
+ Len := length (s); //###0.950
+ GetMem (fExpression, (Len + 1) * SizeOf (REChar));
+// StrPCopy (fExpression, s); //###0.950 replaced due to StrPCopy limitation of 255 chars
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ StrPCopy (fExpression, Copy (s, 1, Len)); //###0.950
+ {$ELSE}
+ StrLCopy (fExpression, PRegExprChar (s), Len); //###0.950
+ {$ENDIF UniCode}
+ InvalidateProgramm; //###0.941
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetExpression
+function TRegExpr.GetSubExprMatchCount : integer;
+ begin
+ if Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Result := NSUBEXP - 1;
+ while (Result > 0) and ((startp [Result] = nil)
+ or (endp [Result] = nil))
+ do dec (Result);
+ end
+ else Result := -1;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetSubExprMatchCount
+function TRegExpr.GetMatchPos (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ begin
+ if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString)
+ and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx]) then begin
+ Result := (startp [Idx] - fInputString) + 1;
+ end
+ else Result := -1;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatchPos
+function TRegExpr.GetMatchLen (Idx : integer) : integer;
+ begin
+ if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString)
+ and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx]) then begin
+ Result := endp [Idx] - startp [Idx];
+ end
+ else Result := -1;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatchLen
+function TRegExpr.GetMatch (Idx : integer) : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (fInputString)
+ and Assigned (startp [Idx]) and Assigned (endp [Idx])
+ //then Result := copy (fInputString, MatchPos [Idx], MatchLen [Idx]) //###0.929
+ then SetString (Result, startp [idx], endp [idx] - startp [idx])
+ else Result := '';
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetMatch
+function TRegExpr.GetModifierStr : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ Result := '-';
+ if ModifierI
+ then Result := 'i' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'i';
+ if ModifierR
+ then Result := 'r' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'r';
+ if ModifierS
+ then Result := 's' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 's';
+ if ModifierG
+ then Result := 'g' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'g';
+ if ModifierM
+ then Result := 'm' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'm';
+ if ModifierX
+ then Result := 'x' + Result
+ else Result := Result + 'x';
+ if Result [length (Result)] = '-' // remove '-' if all modifiers are 'On'
+ then System.Delete (Result, length (Result), 1);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetModifierStr
+class function TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString;
+var AModifiersInt : integer) : boolean;
+// !!! Be carefull - this is class function and must not use object instance fields
+ var
+ i : integer;
+ IsOn : boolean;
+ Mask : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ IsOn := true;
+ Mask := 0; // prevent compiler warning
+ for i := 1 to length (AModifiers) do
+ if AModifiers [i] = '-'
+ then IsOn := false
+ else begin
+ if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'iI') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModI
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'rR') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModR
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'sS') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModS
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'gG') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModG
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'mM') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModM
+ else if Pos (AModifiers [i], 'xX') > 0
+ then Mask := MaskModX
+ else begin
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+ if IsOn
+ then AModifiersInt := AModifiersInt or Mask
+ else AModifiersInt := AModifiersInt and not Mask;
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseModifiersStr
+procedure TRegExpr.SetModifierStr (const AModifiers : RegExprString);
+ begin
+ if not ParseModifiersStr (AModifiers, fModifiers)
+ then Error (reeModifierUnsupported);
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetModifierStr
+function TRegExpr.GetModifier (AIndex : integer) : boolean;
+ var
+ Mask : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ case AIndex of
+ 1: Mask := MaskModI;
+ 2: Mask := MaskModR;
+ 3: Mask := MaskModS;
+ 4: Mask := MaskModG;
+ 5: Mask := MaskModM;
+ 6: Mask := MaskModX;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeModifierUnsupported);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := (fModifiers and Mask) <> 0;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetModifier
+procedure TRegExpr.SetModifier (AIndex : integer; ASet : boolean);
+ var
+ Mask : integer;
+ begin
+ case AIndex of
+ 1: Mask := MaskModI;
+ 2: Mask := MaskModR;
+ 3: Mask := MaskModS;
+ 4: Mask := MaskModG;
+ 5: Mask := MaskModM;
+ 6: Mask := MaskModX;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeModifierUnsupported);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if ASet
+ then fModifiers := fModifiers or Mask
+ else fModifiers := fModifiers and not Mask;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetModifier
+{==================== Compiler section =======================}
+procedure TRegExpr.InvalidateProgramm;
+ begin
+ if programm <> nil then begin
+ FreeMem (programm);
+ programm := nil;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.InvalidateProgramm
+procedure TRegExpr.Compile; //###0.941
+ begin
+ if fExpression = nil then begin // No Expression assigned
+ Error (reeNoExpression);
+ end;
+ CompileRegExpr (fExpression);
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Compile
+function TRegExpr.IsProgrammOk : boolean;
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ var
+ i : integer;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ // check modifiers
+ if fModifiers <> fProgModifiers //###0.941
+ then InvalidateProgramm;
+ // can we optimize line separators by using sets?
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ fLineSeparatorsSet := [];
+ for i := 1 to length (fLineSeparators)
+ do System.Include (fLineSeparatorsSet, fLineSeparators [i]);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // [Re]compile if needed
+ if programm = nil
+ then Compile; //###0.941
+ // check [re]compiled programm
+ if programm = nil
+ then EXIT // error was set/raised by Compile (was reeExecAfterCompErr)
+ else if programm [0] <> MAGIC // Program corrupted.
+ then Error (reeCorruptedProgram)
+ else Result := true;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.IsProgrammOk
+procedure TRegExpr.Tail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+// set the next-pointer at the end of a node chain
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar;
+ temp : PRegExprChar;
+// i : int64;
+ begin
+ if p = @regdummy
+ then EXIT;
+ // Find last node.
+ scan := p;
+ temp := regnext (scan);
+ if temp = nil
+ then BREAK;
+ scan := temp;
+ UNTIL false;
+ // Set Next 'pointer'
+ if val < scan
+ then PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz)^ := - (scan - val) //###0.948
+ // work around PWideChar subtraction bug (Delphi uses
+ // shr after subtraction to calculate widechar distance %-( )
+ // so, if difference is negative we have .. the "feature" :(
+ // I could wrap it in $IFDEF UniCode, but I didn't because
+ // "P – Q computes the difference between the address given
+ // by P (the higher address) and the address given by Q (the
+ // lower address)" - Delphi help quotation.
+ else PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz)^ := val - scan; //###0.933
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Tail
+procedure TRegExpr.OpTail (p : PRegExprChar; val : PRegExprChar);
+// regtail on operand of first argument; nop if operandless
+ begin
+ // "Operandless" and "op != BRANCH" are synonymous in practice.
+ if (p = nil) or (p = @regdummy) or (PREOp (p)^ <> BRANCH)
+ then EXIT;
+ Tail (p + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, val); //###0.933
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.OpTail
+function TRegExpr.EmitNode (op : TREOp) : PRegExprChar; //###0.933
+// emit a node, return location
+ begin
+ Result := regcode;
+ if Result <> @regdummy then begin
+ PREOp (regcode)^ := op;
+ inc (regcode, REOpSz);
+ PRENextOff (regcode)^ := 0; // Next "pointer" := nil
+ inc (regcode, RENextOffSz);
+ end
+ else inc (regsize, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // compute code size without code generation
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.EmitNode
+procedure TRegExpr.EmitC (b : REChar);
+// emit a byte to code
+ begin
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then begin
+ regcode^ := b;
+ inc (regcode);
+ end
+ else inc (regsize); // Type of p-code pointer always is ^REChar
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.EmitC
+procedure TRegExpr.InsertOperator (op : TREOp; opnd : PRegExprChar; sz : integer);
+// insert an operator in front of already-emitted operand
+// Means relocating the operand.
+ var
+ src, dst, place : PRegExprChar;
+ i : integer;
+ begin
+ if regcode = @regdummy then begin
+ inc (regsize, sz);
+ end;
+ src := regcode;
+ inc (regcode, sz);
+ dst := regcode;
+ while src > opnd do begin
+ dec (dst);
+ dec (src);
+ dst^ := src^;
+ end;
+ place := opnd; // Op node, where operand used to be.
+ PREOp (place)^ := op;
+ inc (place, REOpSz);
+ for i := 1 + REOpSz to sz do begin
+ place^ := #0;
+ inc (place);
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.InsertOperator
+function strcspn (s1 : PRegExprChar; s2 : PRegExprChar) : integer;
+// find length of initial segment of s1 consisting
+// entirely of characters not from s2
+ var scan1, scan2 : PRegExprChar;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ scan1 := s1;
+ while scan1^ <> #0 do begin
+ scan2 := s2;
+ while scan2^ <> #0 do
+ if scan1^ = scan2^
+ then EXIT
+ else inc (scan2);
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan1)
+ end;
+ end; { of function strcspn
+// Flags to be passed up and down.
+ HASWIDTH = 01; // Known never to match nil string.
+ SIMPLE = 02; // Simple enough to be STAR/PLUS/BRACES operand.
+ SPSTART = 04; // Starts with * or +.
+ WORST = 0; // Worst case.
+ META : array [0 .. 12] of REChar = (
+ '^', '$', '.', '[', '(', ')', '|', '?', '+', '*', EscChar, '{', #0);
+ // Any modification must be synchronized with QuoteRegExprMetaChars !!!
+{$IFDEF UniCode}
+ RusRangeLo : array [0 .. 33] of REChar =
+ (#$430,#$431,#$432,#$433,#$434,#$435,#$451,#$436,#$437,
+ #$438,#$439,#$43A,#$43B,#$43C,#$43D,#$43E,#$43F,
+ #$440,#$441,#$442,#$443,#$444,#$445,#$446,#$447,
+ #$448,#$449,#$44A,#$44B,#$44C,#$44D,#$44E,#$44F,#0);
+ RusRangeHi : array [0 .. 33] of REChar =
+ (#$410,#$411,#$412,#$413,#$414,#$415,#$401,#$416,#$417,
+ #$418,#$419,#$41A,#$41B,#$41C,#$41D,#$41E,#$41F,
+ #$420,#$421,#$422,#$423,#$424,#$425,#$426,#$427,
+ #$428,#$429,#$42A,#$42B,#$42C,#$42D,#$42E,#$42F,#0);
+ RusRangeLoLow = #$430{'à'};
+ RusRangeLoHigh = #$44F{'ÿ'};
+ RusRangeHiLow = #$410{'À'};
+ RusRangeHiHigh = #$42F{'ß'};
+ RusRangeLo = 'àáâãäå¸æçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ';
+ RusRangeLoLow = 'à';
+ RusRangeLoHigh = 'ÿ';
+ RusRangeHiLow = 'À';
+ RusRangeHiHigh = 'ß';
+function TRegExpr.CompileRegExpr (exp : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+// compile a regular expression into internal code
+// We can't allocate space until we know how big the compiled form will be,
+// but we can't compile it (and thus know how big it is) until we've got a
+// place to put the code. So we cheat: we compile it twice, once with code
+// generation turned off and size counting turned on, and once "for real".
+// This also means that we don't allocate space until we are sure that the
+// thing really will compile successfully, and we never have to move the
+// code and thus invalidate pointers into it. (Note that it has to be in
+// one piece because free() must be able to free it all.)
+// Beware that the optimization-preparation code in here knows about some
+// of the structure of the compiled regexp.
+ var
+ scan, longest : PRegExprChar;
+ len : cardinal;
+ flags : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false; // life too dark
+ regparse := nil; // for correct error handling
+ regexpbeg := exp;
+ try
+ if programm <> nil then begin
+ FreeMem (programm);
+ programm := nil;
+ end;
+ if exp = nil then begin
+ Error (reeCompNullArgument);
+ end;
+ fProgModifiers := fModifiers;
+ // well, may it's paranoia. I'll check it later... !!!!!!!!
+ // First pass: determine size, legality.
+ fCompModifiers := fModifiers;
+ regparse := exp;
+ regnpar := 1;
+ regsize := 0;
+ regcode := @regdummy;
+ EmitC (MAGIC);
+ if ParseReg (0, flags) = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ // Small enough for 2-bytes programm pointers ?
+ // ###0.933 no real p-code length limits now :)))
+// if regsize >= 64 * 1024 then begin
+// Error (reeCompRegexpTooBig);
+// EXIT;
+// end;
+ // Allocate space.
+ GetMem (programm, regsize * SizeOf (REChar));
+ // Second pass: emit code.
+ fCompModifiers := fModifiers;
+ regparse := exp;
+ regnpar := 1;
+ regcode := programm;
+ EmitC (MAGIC);
+ if ParseReg (0, flags) = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ // Dig out information for optimizations.
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ FirstCharSet := [];
+ FillFirstCharSet (programm + REOpSz);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ regstart := #0; // Worst-case defaults.
+ reganch := #0;
+ regmust := nil;
+ regmlen := 0;
+ scan := programm + REOpSz; // First BRANCH.
+ if PREOp (regnext (scan))^ = EEND then begin // Only one top-level choice.
+ scan := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz;
+ // Starting-point info.
+ if PREOp (scan)^ = EXACTLY
+ then regstart := (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^
+ else if PREOp (scan)^ = BOL
+ then inc (reganch);
+ // If there's something expensive in the r.e., find the longest
+ // literal string that must appear and make it the regmust. Resolve
+ // ties in favor of later strings, since the regstart check works
+ // with the beginning of the r.e. and avoiding duplication
+ // strengthens checking. Not a strong reason, but sufficient in the
+ // absence of others.
+ if (flags and SPSTART) <> 0 then begin
+ longest := nil;
+ len := 0;
+ while scan <> nil do begin
+ if (PREOp (scan)^ = EXACTLY)
+ and (strlen (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz) >= len) then begin
+ longest := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz;
+ len := strlen (longest);
+ end;
+ scan := regnext (scan);
+ end;
+ regmust := longest;
+ regmlen := len;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := true;
+ finally begin
+ if not Result
+ then InvalidateProgramm;
+ regexpbeg := nil;
+ fExprIsCompiled := Result; //###0.944
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.CompileRegExpr
+function TRegExpr.ParseReg (paren : integer; var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// regular expression, i.e. main body or parenthesized thing
+// Caller must absorb opening parenthesis.
+// Combining parenthesis handling with the base level of regular expression
+// is a trifle forced, but the need to tie the tails of the branches to what
+// follows makes it hard to avoid.
+ var
+ ret, br, ender : PRegExprChar;
+ parno : integer;
+ flags : integer;
+ SavedModifiers : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ flagp := HASWIDTH; // Tentatively.
+ parno := 0; // eliminate compiler stupid warning
+ SavedModifiers := fCompModifiers;
+ // Make an OPEN node, if parenthesized.
+ if paren <> 0 then begin
+ if regnpar >= NSUBEXP then begin
+ Error (reeCompParseRegTooManyBrackets);
+ end;
+ parno := regnpar;
+ inc (regnpar);
+ ret := EmitNode (TREOp (ord (OPEN) + parno));
+ end
+ else ret := nil;
+ // Pick up the branches, linking them together.
+ br := ParseBranch (flags);
+ if br = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ if ret <> nil
+ then Tail (ret, br) // OPEN -> first.
+ else ret := br;
+ if (flags and HASWIDTH) = 0
+ then flagp := flagp and not HASWIDTH;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART;
+ while (regparse^ = '|') do begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ br := ParseBranch (flags);
+ if br = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ Tail (ret, br); // BRANCH -> BRANCH.
+ if (flags and HASWIDTH) = 0
+ then flagp := flagp and not HASWIDTH;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART;
+ end;
+ // Make a closing node, and hook it on the end.
+ if paren <> 0
+ then ender := EmitNode (TREOp (ord (CLOSE) + parno))
+ else ender := EmitNode (EEND);
+ Tail (ret, ender);
+ // Hook the tails of the branches to the closing node.
+ br := ret;
+ while br <> nil do begin
+ OpTail (br, ender);
+ br := regnext (br);
+ end;
+ // Check for proper termination.
+ if paren <> 0 then
+ if regparse^ <> ')' then begin
+ Error (reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets);
+ end
+ else inc (regparse); // skip trailing ')'
+ if (paren = 0) and (regparse^ <> #0) then begin
+ if regparse^ = ')'
+ then Error (reeCompParseRegUnmatchedBrackets2)
+ else Error (reeCompParseRegJunkOnEnd);
+ end;
+ fCompModifiers := SavedModifiers; // restore modifiers of parent
+ Result := ret;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseReg
+function TRegExpr.ParseBranch (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// one alternative of an | operator
+// Implements the concatenation operator.
+ var
+ ret, chain, latest : PRegExprChar;
+ flags : integer;
+ begin
+ flagp := WORST; // Tentatively.
+ ret := EmitNode (BRANCH);
+ chain := nil;
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> '|')
+ and (regparse^ <> ')') do begin
+ latest := ParsePiece (flags);
+ if latest = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and HASWIDTH;
+ if chain = nil // First piece.
+ then flagp := flagp or flags and SPSTART
+ else Tail (chain, latest);
+ chain := latest;
+ end;
+ if chain = nil // Loop ran zero times.
+ then EmitNode (NOTHING);
+ Result := ret;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseBranch
+function TRegExpr.ParsePiece (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// something followed by possible [*+?{]
+// Note that the branching code sequences used for ? and the general cases
+// of * and + and { are somewhat optimized: they use the same NOTHING node as
+// both the endmarker for their branch list and the body of the last branch.
+// It might seem that this node could be dispensed with entirely, but the
+// endmarker role is not redundant.
+ function parsenum (AStart, AEnd : PRegExprChar) : TREBracesArg;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ if AEnd - AStart + 1 > 8 then begin // prevent stupid scanning
+ Error (reeBRACESArgTooBig);
+ end;
+ while AStart <= AEnd do begin
+ Result := Result * 10 + (ord (AStart^) - ord ('0'));
+ inc (AStart);
+ end;
+ if (Result > MaxBracesArg) or (Result < 0) then begin
+ Error (reeBRACESArgTooBig);
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ op : REChar;
+ NonGreedyOp, NonGreedyCh : boolean; //###0.940
+ TheOp : TREOp; //###0.940
+ NextNode : PRegExprChar;
+ flags : integer;
+ BracesMin, Bracesmax : TREBracesArg;
+ p, savedparse : PRegExprChar;
+ procedure EmitComplexBraces (ABracesMin, ABracesMax : TREBracesArg;
+ ANonGreedyOp : boolean); //###0.940
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ var
+ off : integer;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ {$IFNDEF ComplexBraces}
+ Error (reeComplexBracesNotImplemented);
+ {$ELSE}
+ if ANonGreedyOp
+ then TheOp := LOOPNG
+ else TheOp := LOOP;
+ InsertOperator (LOOPENTRY, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ NextNode := EmitNode (TheOp);
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then begin
+ off := (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)
+ - (regcode - REOpSz - RENextOffSz); // back to Atom after LOOPENTRY
+ PREBracesArg (regcode)^ := ABracesMin;
+ inc (regcode, REBracesArgSz);
+ PREBracesArg (regcode)^ := ABracesMax;
+ inc (regcode, REBracesArgSz);
+ PRENextOff (regcode)^ := off;
+ inc (regcode, RENextOffSz);
+ end
+ else inc (regsize, REBracesArgSz * 2 + RENextOffSz);
+ Tail (Result, NextNode); // LOOPENTRY -> LOOP
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then
+ Tail (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, NextNode); // Atom -> LOOP
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ procedure EmitSimpleBraces (ABracesMin, ABracesMax : TREBracesArg;
+ ANonGreedyOp : boolean); //###0.940
+ begin
+ if ANonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then TheOp := BRACESNG
+ else TheOp := BRACES;
+ InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2);
+ if regcode <> @regdummy then begin
+ PREBracesArg (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^ := ABracesMin;
+ PREBracesArg (Result + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz)^ := ABracesMax;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := ParseAtom (flags);
+ if Result = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ op := regparse^;
+ if not ((op = '*') or (op = '+') or (op = '?') or (op = '{')) then begin
+ flagp := flags;
+ end;
+ if ((flags and HASWIDTH) = 0) and (op <> '?') then begin
+ Error (reePlusStarOperandCouldBeEmpty);
+ end;
+ case op of
+ '*': begin
+ flagp := WORST or SPSTART;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0 then begin
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then EmitComplexBraces (0, MaxBracesArg, NonGreedyOp)
+ else begin // Emit x* as (x&|), where & means "self".
+ InsertOperator (BRANCH, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // Either x
+ OpTail (Result, EmitNode (BACK)); // and loop
+ OpTail (Result, Result); // back
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (NOTHING)); // nil.
+ end
+ end
+ else begin // Simple
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then TheOp := STARNG
+ else TheOp := STAR;
+ InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?')
+ end; { of case '*'}
+ '+': begin
+ flagp := WORST or SPSTART or HASWIDTH;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0 then begin
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then EmitComplexBraces (1, MaxBracesArg, NonGreedyOp)
+ else begin // Emit x+ as x(&|), where & means "self".
+ NextNode := EmitNode (BRANCH); // Either
+ Tail (Result, NextNode);
+ Tail (EmitNode (BACK), Result); // loop back
+ Tail (NextNode, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (NOTHING)); // nil.
+ end
+ end
+ else begin // Simple
+ if NonGreedyOp //###0.940
+ then TheOp := PLUSNG
+ else TheOp := PLUS;
+ InsertOperator (TheOp, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?')
+ end; { of case '+'}
+ '?': begin
+ flagp := WORST;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if NonGreedyOp then begin //###0.940 // We emit x?? as x{0,1}?
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) = 0
+ then EmitComplexBraces (0, 1, NonGreedyOp)
+ else EmitSimpleBraces (0, 1, NonGreedyOp);
+ end
+ else begin // greedy '?'
+ InsertOperator (BRANCH, Result, REOpSz + RENextOffSz); // Either x
+ Tail (Result, EmitNode (BRANCH)); // or
+ NextNode := EmitNode (NOTHING); // nil.
+ Tail (Result, NextNode);
+ OpTail (Result, NextNode);
+ end;
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char ('?')
+ end; { of case '?'}
+ '{': begin
+ savedparse := regparse;
+ // !!!!!!!!!!!!
+ // Filip Jirsak's note - what will happen, when we are at the end of regparse?
+ inc (regparse);
+ p := regparse;
+ while Pos (regparse^, '0123456789') > 0 // MUST appear
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if (regparse^ <> '}') and (regparse^ <> ',') or (p = regparse) then begin
+ regparse := savedparse;
+ flagp := flags;
+ end;
+ BracesMin := parsenum (p, regparse - 1);
+ if regparse^ = ',' then begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ p := regparse;
+ while Pos (regparse^, '0123456789') > 0
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if regparse^ <> '}' then begin
+ regparse := savedparse;
+ end;
+ if p = regparse
+ then BracesMax := MaxBracesArg
+ else BracesMax := parsenum (p, regparse - 1);
+ end
+ else BracesMax := BracesMin; // {n} == {n,n}
+ if BracesMin > BracesMax then begin
+ Error (reeBracesMinParamGreaterMax);
+ end;
+ if BracesMin > 0
+ then flagp := WORST;
+ if BracesMax > 0
+ then flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SPSTART;
+ NonGreedyCh := (regparse + 1)^ = '?'; //###0.940
+ NonGreedyOp := NonGreedyCh or ((fCompModifiers and MaskModG) = 0); //###0.940
+ if (flags and SIMPLE) <> 0
+ then EmitSimpleBraces (BracesMin, BracesMax, NonGreedyOp)
+ else EmitComplexBraces (BracesMin, BracesMax, NonGreedyOp);
+ if NonGreedyCh //###0.940
+ then inc (regparse); // Skip extra char '?'
+ end; { of case '{'}
+// else // here we can't be
+ end; { of case op}
+ inc (regparse);
+ if (regparse^ = '*') or (regparse^ = '+') or (regparse^ = '?') or (regparse^ = '{') then begin
+ Error (reeNestedSQP);
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParsePiece
+function TRegExpr.ParseAtom (var flagp : integer) : PRegExprChar;
+// the lowest level
+// Optimization: gobbles an entire sequence of ordinary characters so that
+// it can turn them into a single node, which is smaller to store and
+// faster to run. Backslashed characters are exceptions, each becoming a
+// separate node; the code is simpler that way and it's not worth fixing.
+ var
+ ret : PRegExprChar;
+ flags : integer;
+ RangeBeg, RangeEnd : REChar;
+ CanBeRange : boolean;
+ len : integer;
+ ender : REChar;
+ begmodfs : PRegExprChar;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.930
+ RangePCodeBeg : PRegExprChar;
+ RangePCodeIdx : integer;
+ RangeIsCI : boolean;
+ RangeSet : TSetOfREChar;
+ RangeLen : integer;
+ RangeChMin, RangeChMax : REChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure EmitExactly (ch : REChar);
+ begin
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitNode (EXACTLYCI)
+ else ret := EmitNode (EXACTLY);
+ EmitC (ch);
+ EmitC (#0);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ procedure EmitStr (const s : RegExprString);
+ var i : integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 1 to length (s)
+ do EmitC (s [i]);
+ end;
+ function HexDig (ch : REChar) : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ if (ch >= 'a') and (ch <= 'f')
+ then ch := REChar (ord (ch) - (ord ('a') - ord ('A')));
+ if (ch < '0') or (ch > 'F') or ((ch > '9') and (ch < 'A')) then begin
+ Error (reeBadHexDigit);
+ end;
+ Result := ord (ch) - ord ('0');
+ if ch >= 'A'
+ then Result := Result - (ord ('A') - ord ('9') - 1);
+ end;
+ function EmitRange (AOpCode : REChar) : PRegExprChar;
+ begin
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ case AOpCode of
+ Result := EmitNode (ANYBUTTINYSET);
+ else // ANYOFCI, ANYOF
+ Result := EmitNode (ANYOFTINYSET);
+ end;
+ case AOpCode of
+ RangeIsCI := True;
+ else // ANYBUT, ANYOF
+ RangeIsCI := False;
+ end;
+ RangePCodeBeg := regcode;
+ RangePCodeIdx := regsize;
+ RangeLen := 0;
+ RangeSet := [];
+ RangeChMin := #255;
+ RangeChMax := #0;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := EmitNode (AOpCode);
+ // ToDo:
+ // !!!!!!!!!!!!! Implement ANYOF[BUT]TINYSET generation for UniCode !!!!!!!!!!
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ procedure EmitRangeCPrim (b : REChar); //###0.930
+ begin
+ if b in RangeSet
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (RangeLen);
+ if b < RangeChMin
+ then RangeChMin := b;
+ if b > RangeChMax
+ then RangeChMax := b;
+ Include (RangeSet, b);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ procedure EmitRangeC (b : REChar);
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ var
+ Ch : REChar;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ CanBeRange := false;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ if b <> #0 then begin
+ EmitRangeCPrim (b); //###0.930
+ if RangeIsCI
+ then EmitRangeCPrim (InvertCase (b)); //###0.930
+ end
+ else begin
+ {$IFDEF UseAsserts}
+ Assert (RangeLen > 0, 'TRegExpr.ParseAtom(subroutine EmitRangeC): empty range'); // impossible, but who knows..
+ Assert (RangeChMin <= RangeChMax, 'TRegExpr.ParseAtom(subroutine EmitRangeC): RangeChMin > RangeChMax'); // impossible, but who knows..
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if RangeLen <= TinySetLen then begin // emit "tiny set"
+ if regcode = @regdummy then begin
+ regsize := RangePCodeIdx + TinySetLen; // RangeChMin/Max !!!
+ end;
+ regcode := RangePCodeBeg;
+ for Ch := RangeChMin to RangeChMax do //###0.930
+ if Ch in RangeSet then begin
+ regcode^ := Ch;
+ inc (regcode);
+ end;
+ // fill rest:
+ while regcode < RangePCodeBeg + TinySetLen do begin
+ regcode^ := RangeChMax;
+ inc (regcode);
+ end;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if regcode = @regdummy then begin
+ regsize := RangePCodeIdx + SizeOf (TSetOfREChar);
+ end;
+ if (RangePCodeBeg - REOpSz - RENextOffSz)^ = ANYBUTTINYSET
+ then RangeSet := [#0 .. #255] - RangeSet;
+ PREOp (RangePCodeBeg - REOpSz - RENextOffSz)^ := ANYOFFULLSET;
+ regcode := RangePCodeBeg;
+ Move (RangeSet, regcode^, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar));
+ inc (regcode, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar));
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ EmitC (b);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ procedure EmitSimpleRangeC (b : REChar);
+ begin
+ RangeBeg := b;
+ EmitRangeC (b);
+ CanBeRange := true;
+ end;
+ procedure EmitRangeStr (const s : RegExprString);
+ var i : integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 1 to length (s)
+ do EmitRangeC (s [i]);
+ end;
+ function UnQuoteChar (var APtr : PRegExprChar) : REChar; //###0.934
+ begin
+ case APtr^ of
+ 't': Result := #$9; // tab (HT/TAB)
+ 'n': Result := #$a; // newline (NL)
+ 'r': Result := #$d; // car.return (CR)
+ 'f': Result := #$c; // form feed (FF)
+ 'a': Result := #$7; // alarm (bell) (BEL)
+ 'e': Result := #$1b; // escape (ESC)
+ 'x': begin // hex char
+ Result := #0;
+ inc (APtr);
+ if APtr^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX);
+ end;
+ if APtr^ = '{' then begin // \x{nnnn} //###0.936
+ inc (APtr);
+ if APtr^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX);
+ end;
+ if APtr^ <> '}' then begin
+ if (Ord (Result)
+ ShR (SizeOf (REChar) * 8 - 4)) and $F <> 0 then begin
+ Error (reeHexCodeAfterBSlashXTooBig);
+ end;
+ Result := REChar ((Ord (Result) ShL 4) or HexDig (APtr^));
+ // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found
+ end
+ else BREAK;
+ UNTIL False;
+ end
+ else begin
+ Result := REChar (HexDig (APtr^));
+ // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found
+ inc (APtr);
+ if APtr^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeNoHexCodeAfterBSlashX);
+ end;
+ Result := REChar ((Ord (Result) ShL 4) or HexDig (APtr^));
+ // HexDig will cause Error if bad hex digit found
+ end;
+ end;
+ else Result := APtr^;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Result := nil;
+ flagp := WORST; // Tentatively.
+ inc (regparse);
+ case (regparse - 1)^ of
+ '^': if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModM) = 0)
+ or ((fLineSeparators = '') and not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned)
+ then ret := EmitNode (BOL)
+ else ret := EmitNode (BOLML);
+ '$': if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModM) = 0)
+ or ((fLineSeparators = '') and not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned)
+ then ret := EmitNode (EOL)
+ else ret := EmitNode (EOLML);
+ '.':
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModS) <> 0 then begin
+ ret := EmitNode (ANY);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end
+ else begin // not /s, so emit [^:LineSeparators:]
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYML);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH; // not so simple ;)
+// ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+// EmitRangeStr (LineSeparators); //###0.941
+// EmitRangeStr (LinePairedSeparator); // !!! isn't correct if have to accept only paired
+// EmitRangeC (#0);
+// flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ '[': begin
+ if regparse^ = '^' then begin // Complement of range.
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitRange (ANYBUTCI)
+ else ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+ inc (regparse);
+ end
+ else
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitRange (ANYOFCI)
+ else ret := EmitRange (ANYOF);
+ CanBeRange := false;
+ if (regparse^ = ']') then begin
+ EmitSimpleRangeC (regparse^); // []-a] -> ']' .. 'a'
+ inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ']') do begin
+ if (regparse^ = '-')
+ and ((regparse + 1)^ <> #0) and ((regparse + 1)^ <> ']')
+ and CanBeRange then begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ RangeEnd := regparse^;
+ if RangeEnd = EscChar then begin
+ {$IFDEF UniCode} //###0.935
+ if (ord ((regparse + 1)^) < 256)
+ and (char ((regparse + 1)^)
+ in ['d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W']) then begin
+ {$ELSE}
+ if (regparse + 1)^ in ['d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W'] then begin
+ {$ENDIF}
+ EmitRangeC ('-'); // or treat as error ?!!
+ end;
+ inc (regparse);
+ RangeEnd := UnQuoteChar (regparse);
+ end;
+ // r.e.ranges extension for russian
+ if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0)
+ and (RangeBeg = RusRangeLoLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeLoHigh) then begin
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeLo);
+ end
+ else if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0)
+ and (RangeBeg = RusRangeHiLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeHiHigh) then begin
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeHi);
+ end
+ else if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModR) <> 0)
+ and (RangeBeg = RusRangeLoLow) and (RangeEnd = RusRangeHiHigh) then begin
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeLo);
+ EmitRangeStr (RusRangeHi);
+ end
+ else begin // standard r.e. handling
+ if RangeBeg > RangeEnd then begin
+ Error (reeInvalidRange);
+ end;
+ inc (RangeBeg);
+ EmitRangeC (RangeEnd); // prevent infinite loop if RangeEnd=$ff
+ while RangeBeg < RangeEnd do begin //###0.929
+ EmitRangeC (RangeBeg);
+ inc (RangeBeg);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc (regparse);
+ end
+ else begin
+ if regparse^ = EscChar then begin
+ inc (regparse);
+ if regparse^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeParseAtomTrailingBackSlash);
+ end;
+ case regparse^ of // r.e.extensions
+ 'd': EmitRangeStr ('0123456789');
+ 'w': EmitRangeStr (WordChars);
+ 's': EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars);
+ else EmitSimpleRangeC (UnQuoteChar (regparse));
+ end; { of case}
+ end
+ else EmitSimpleRangeC (regparse^);
+ inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ end; { of while}
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ if regparse^ <> ']' then begin
+ Error (reeUnmatchedSqBrackets);
+ end;
+ inc (regparse);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ '(': begin
+ if regparse^ = '?' then begin
+ // check for extended Perl syntax : (?..)
+ if (regparse + 1)^ = '#' then begin // (?#comment)
+ inc (regparse, 2); // find closing ')'
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ')')
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if regparse^ <> ')' then begin
+ Error (reeUnclosedComment);
+ end;
+ inc (regparse); // skip ')'
+ ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment
+ end
+ else begin // modifiers ?
+ inc (regparse); // skip '?'
+ begmodfs := regparse;
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> ')')
+ do inc (regparse);
+ if (regparse^ <> ')')
+ or not ParseModifiersStr (copy (begmodfs, 1, (regparse - begmodfs)), fCompModifiers) then begin
+ Error (reeUrecognizedModifier);
+ end;
+ inc (regparse); // skip ')'
+ ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment
+// Error (reeQPSBFollowsNothing);
+// EXIT;
+ end;
+ end
+ else begin
+ ret := ParseReg (1, flags);
+ if ret = nil then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ flagp := flagp or flags and (HASWIDTH or SPSTART);
+ end;
+ end;
+ #0, '|', ')': begin // Supposed to be caught earlier.
+ Error (reeInternalUrp);
+ end;
+ '?', '+', '*': begin
+ Error (reeQPSBFollowsNothing);
+ end;
+ EscChar: begin
+ if regparse^ = #0 then begin
+ Error (reeTrailingBackSlash);
+ end;
+ case regparse^ of // r.e.extensions
+ 'b': ret := EmitNode (BOUND); //###0.943
+ 'B': ret := EmitNode (NOTBOUND); //###0.943
+ 'A': ret := EmitNode (BOL); //###0.941
+ 'Z': ret := EmitNode (EOL); //###0.941
+ 'd': begin // r.e.extension - any digit ('0' .. '9')
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYDIGIT);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'D': begin // r.e.extension - not digit ('0' .. '9')
+ ret := EmitNode (NOTDIGIT);
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 's': begin // r.e.extension - any space char
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYOF);
+ EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYSPACE);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'S': begin // r.e.extension - not space char
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+ EmitRangeStr (SpaceChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (NOTSPACE);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'w': begin // r.e.extension - any english char / digit / '_'
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYOF);
+ EmitRangeStr (WordChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (ANYLETTER);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ 'W': begin // r.e.extension - not english char / digit / '_'
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar}
+ ret := EmitRange (ANYBUT);
+ EmitRangeStr (WordChars);
+ EmitRangeC (#0);
+ {$ELSE}
+ ret := EmitNode (NOTLETTER);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ '1' .. '9': begin //###0.936
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitNode (BSUBEXPCI)
+ else ret := EmitNode (BSUBEXP);
+ EmitC (REChar (ord (regparse^) - ord ('0')));
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH or SIMPLE;
+ end;
+ else EmitExactly (UnQuoteChar (regparse));
+ end; { of case}
+ inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ else begin
+ dec (regparse);
+ if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) <> 0) and // check for eXtended syntax
+ ((regparse^ = '#')
+ or ({$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947
+ {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF})) then begin //###0.941 \x
+ if regparse^ = '#' then begin // Skip eXtended comment
+ // find comment terminator (group of \n and/or \r)
+ while (regparse^ <> #0) and (regparse^ <> #$d) and (regparse^ <> #$a)
+ do inc (regparse);
+ while (regparse^ = #$d) or (regparse^ = #$a) // skip comment terminator
+ do inc (regparse); // attempt to support different type of line separators
+ end
+ else begin // Skip the blanks!
+ while {$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947
+ {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF}
+ do inc (regparse);
+ end;
+ ret := EmitNode (COMMENT); // comment
+ end
+ else begin
+ len := strcspn (regparse, META);
+ if len <= 0 then
+ if regparse^ <> '{' then begin
+ Error (reeRarseAtomInternalDisaster);
+ end
+ else len := strcspn (regparse + 1, META) + 1; // bad {n,m} - compile as EXATLY
+ ender := (regparse + len)^;
+ if (len > 1)
+ and ((ender = '*') or (ender = '+') or (ender = '?') or (ender = '{'))
+ then dec (len); // Back off clear of ?+*{ operand.
+ flagp := flagp or HASWIDTH;
+ if len = 1
+ then flagp := flagp or SIMPLE;
+ if (fCompModifiers and MaskModI) <> 0
+ then ret := EmitNode (EXACTLYCI)
+ else ret := EmitNode (EXACTLY);
+ while (len > 0)
+ and (((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) = 0) or (regparse^ <> '#')) do begin
+ if ((fCompModifiers and MaskModX) = 0) or not ( //###0.941
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}StrScan (XIgnoredChars, regparse^) <> nil //###0.947
+ {$ELSE}regparse^ in XIgnoredChars{$ENDIF} )
+ then EmitC (regparse^);
+ inc (regparse);
+ dec (len);
+ end;
+ EmitC (#0);
+ end; { of if not comment}
+ end; { of case else}
+ end; { of case}
+ Result := ret;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ParseAtom
+function TRegExpr.GetCompilerErrorPos : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ if (regexpbeg = nil) or (regparse = nil)
+ then EXIT; // not in compiling mode ?
+ Result := regparse - regexpbeg;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetCompilerErrorPos
+{===================== Matching section ======================}
+{$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar}
+function TRegExpr.StrScanCI (s : PRegExprChar; ch : REChar) : PRegExprChar; //###0.928 - now method of TRegExpr
+ begin
+ while (s^ <> #0) and (s^ <> ch) and (s^ <> InvertCase (ch))
+ do inc (s);
+ if s^ <> #0
+ then Result := s
+ else Result := nil;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.StrScanCI
+function TRegExpr.regrepeat (p : PRegExprChar; AMax : integer) : integer;
+// repeatedly match something simple, report how many
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar;
+ opnd : PRegExprChar;
+ TheMax : integer;
+ {Ch,} InvCh : REChar; //###0.931
+ sestart, seend : PRegExprChar; //###0.936
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ scan := reginput;
+ opnd := p + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; //OPERAND
+ TheMax := fInputEnd - scan;
+ if TheMax > AMax
+ then TheMax := AMax;
+ case PREOp (p)^ of
+ ANY: begin
+ // note - ANYML cannot be proceeded in regrepeat because can skip
+ // more than one char at once
+ Result := TheMax;
+ inc (scan, Result);
+ end;
+ EXACTLY: begin // in opnd can be only ONE char !!!
+// Ch := opnd^; // store in register //###0.931
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (opnd^ = scan^) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ EXACTLYCI: begin // in opnd can be only ONE char !!!
+// Ch := opnd^; // store in register //###0.931
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (opnd^ = scan^) do begin // prevent unneeded InvertCase //###0.931
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ if Result < TheMax then begin //###0.931
+ InvCh := InvertCase (opnd^); // store in register
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ ((opnd^ = scan^) or (InvCh = scan^)) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ BSUBEXP: begin //###0.936
+ sestart := startp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if sestart = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ seend := endp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if seend = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ opnd := sestart;
+ while opnd < seend do begin
+ if (scan >= fInputEnd) or (scan^ <> opnd^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (scan);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ inc (Result);
+ reginput := scan;
+ UNTIL Result >= AMax;
+ end;
+ BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.936
+ sestart := startp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if sestart = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ seend := endp [ord (opnd^)];
+ if seend = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ opnd := sestart;
+ while opnd < seend do begin
+ if (scan >= fInputEnd) or
+ ((scan^ <> opnd^) and (scan^ <> InvertCase (opnd^)))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (scan);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ inc (Result);
+ reginput := scan;
+ UNTIL Result >= AMax;
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (scan^ >= '0') and (scan^ <= '9') do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ ((scan^ < '0') or (scan^ > '9')) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fWordChars) > 0) //###0.940
+ { ((scan^ >= 'a') and (scan^ <= 'z') !! I've forgotten (>='0') and (<='9')
+ or (scan^ >= 'A') and (scan^ <= 'Z') or (scan^ = '_'))} do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fWordChars) <= 0) //###0.940
+ { not ((scan^ >= 'a') and (scan^ <= 'z') !! I've forgotten (>='0') and (<='9')
+ or (scan^ >= 'A') and (scan^ <= 'Z')
+ or (scan^ = '_'))} do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fSpaceChars) > 0) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (Pos (scan^, fSpaceChars) <= 0) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ while (Result < TheMax) and //!!!TinySet
+ ((scan^ = opnd^) or (scan^ = (opnd + 1)^)
+ or (scan^ = (opnd + 2)^)) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and //!!!TinySet
+ (scan^ <> opnd^) and (scan^ <> (opnd + 1)^)
+ and (scan^ <> (opnd + 2)^) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (scan^ in PSetOfREChar (opnd)^) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (StrScan (opnd, scan^) <> nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and
+ (StrScan (opnd, scan^) = nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScanCI (opnd, scan^) <> nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ while (Result < TheMax) and (StrScanCI (opnd, scan^) = nil) do begin
+ inc (Result);
+ inc (scan);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ else begin // Oh dear. Called inappropriately.
+ Result := 0; // Best compromise.
+ Error (reeRegRepeatCalledInappropriately);
+ end;
+ end; { of case}
+ reginput := scan;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.regrepeat
+function TRegExpr.regnext (p : PRegExprChar) : PRegExprChar;
+// dig the "next" pointer out of a node
+ var offset : TRENextOff;
+ begin
+ if p = @regdummy then begin
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ offset := PRENextOff (p + REOpSz)^; //###0.933 inlined NEXT
+ if offset = 0
+ then Result := nil
+ else Result := p + offset;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.regnext
+function TRegExpr.MatchPrim (prog : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+// recursively matching routine
+// Conceptually the strategy is simple: check to see whether the current
+// node matches, call self recursively to see whether the rest matches,
+// and then act accordingly. In practice we make some effort to avoid
+// recursion, in particular by going through "ordinary" nodes (that don't
+// need to know whether the rest of the match failed) by a loop instead of
+// by recursion.
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar; // Current node.
+ next : PRegExprChar; // Next node.
+ len : integer;
+ opnd : PRegExprChar;
+ no : integer;
+ save : PRegExprChar;
+ nextch : REChar;
+ BracesMin, BracesMax : integer; // we use integer instead of TREBracesArg for better support */+
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ SavedLoopStack : array [1 .. LoopStackMax] of integer; // :(( very bad for recursion
+ SavedLoopStackIdx : integer; //###0.925
+ {$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ scan := prog;
+ while scan <> nil do begin
+ len := PRENextOff (scan + 1)^; //###0.932 inlined regnext
+ if len = 0
+ then next := nil
+ else next := scan + len;
+ case scan^ of
+ NOTBOUND, //###0.943 //!!! think about UseSetOfChar !!!
+ if (scan^ = BOUND)
+ xor (
+ ((reginput = fInputStart) or (Pos ((reginput - 1)^, fWordChars) <= 0))
+ and (reginput^ <> #0) and (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) > 0)
+ or
+ (reginput <> fInputStart) and (Pos ((reginput - 1)^, fWordChars) > 0)
+ and ((reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) <= 0)))
+ then EXIT;
+ BOL: if reginput <> fInputStart
+ then EXIT;
+ EOL: if reginput^ <> #0
+ then EXIT;
+ BOLML: if reginput > fInputStart then begin
+ nextch := (reginput - 1)^;
+ if (nextch <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ or ((reginput - 1) <= fInputStart)
+ or ((reginput - 2)^ <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ then begin
+ if (nextch = fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ and (reginput^ = fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ then EXIT; // don't stop between paired separator
+ if
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ not (nextch in fLineSeparatorsSet)
+ {$ELSE}
+ (pos (nextch, fLineSeparators) <= 0)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ end;
+ EOLML: if reginput^ <> #0 then begin
+ nextch := reginput^;
+ if (nextch <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ or ((reginput + 1)^ <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ then begin
+ if (nextch = fLinePairedSeparatorTail)
+ and (reginput > fInputStart)
+ and ((reginput - 1)^ = fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ then EXIT; // don't stop between paired separator
+ if
+ {$IFNDEF UniCode}
+ not (nextch in fLineSeparatorsSet)
+ {$ELSE}
+ (pos (nextch, fLineSeparators) <= 0)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ANY: begin
+ if reginput^ = #0
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYML: begin //###0.941
+ if (reginput^ = #0)
+ or ((reginput^ = fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ and ((reginput + 1)^ = fLinePairedSeparatorTail))
+ or {$IFNDEF UniCode} (reginput^ in fLineSeparatorsSet)
+ {$ELSE} (pos (reginput^, fLineSeparators) > 0) {$ENDIF}
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYDIGIT: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (reginput^ < '0') or (reginput^ > '9')
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ NOTDIGIT: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or ((reginput^ >= '0') and (reginput^ <= '9'))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$IFNDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ ANYLETTER: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) <= 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ NOTLETTER: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fWordChars) > 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYSPACE: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or not (Pos (reginput^, fSpaceChars) > 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ NOTSPACE: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (Pos (reginput^, fSpaceChars) > 0) //###0.943
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ EXACTLYCI: begin
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; // OPERAND
+ // Inline the first character, for speed.
+ if (opnd^ <> reginput^)
+ and (InvertCase (opnd^) <> reginput^)
+ then EXIT;
+ len := strlen (opnd);
+ //###0.929 begin
+ no := len;
+ save := reginput;
+ while no > 1 do begin
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ if (opnd^ <> save^)
+ and (InvertCase (opnd^) <> save^)
+ then EXIT;
+ dec (no);
+ end;
+ //###0.929 end
+ inc (reginput, len);
+ end;
+ EXACTLY: begin
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz; // OPERAND
+ // Inline the first character, for speed.
+ if opnd^ <> reginput^
+ then EXIT;
+ len := strlen (opnd);
+ //###0.929 begin
+ no := len;
+ save := reginput;
+ while no > 1 do begin
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ if opnd^ <> save^
+ then EXIT;
+ dec (no);
+ end;
+ //###0.929 end
+ inc (reginput, len);
+ end;
+ BSUBEXP: begin //###0.936
+ no := ord ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ if startp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ if endp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ save := reginput;
+ opnd := startp [no];
+ while opnd < endp [no] do begin
+ if (save >= fInputEnd) or (save^ <> opnd^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.936
+ no := ord ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ if startp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ if endp [no] = nil
+ then EXIT;
+ save := reginput;
+ opnd := startp [no];
+ while opnd < endp [no] do begin
+ if (save >= fInputEnd) or
+ ((save^ <> opnd^) and (save^ <> InvertCase (opnd^)))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (save);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or //!!!TinySet
+ ((reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^)
+ and (reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^)
+ and (reginput^ <> (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^))
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or //!!!TinySet
+ (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^)
+ or (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^)
+ or (reginput^ = (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ if (reginput^ = #0)
+ or not (reginput^ in PSetOfREChar (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ ANYOF: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScan (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) = nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYBUT: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScan (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) <> nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYOFCI: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScanCI (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) = nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ ANYBUTCI: begin
+ if (reginput^ = #0) or (StrScanCI (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz, reginput^) <> nil)
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (reginput);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ BACK: ;
+ Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1) : begin //###0.929
+ no := ord (scan^) - ord (OPEN);
+// save := reginput;
+ save := startp [no]; //###0.936
+ startp [no] := reginput; //###0.936
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if not Result //###0.936
+ then startp [no] := save;
+// if Result and (startp [no] = nil)
+// then startp [no] := save;
+ // Don't set startp if some later invocation of the same
+ // parentheses already has.
+ end;
+ Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): begin //###0.929
+ no := ord (scan^) - ord (CLOSE);
+// save := reginput;
+ save := endp [no]; //###0.936
+ endp [no] := reginput; //###0.936
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if not Result //###0.936
+ then endp [no] := save;
+// if Result and (endp [no] = nil)
+// then endp [no] := save;
+ // Don't set endp if some later invocation of the same
+ // parentheses already has.
+ end;
+ BRANCH: begin
+ if (next^ <> BRANCH) // No choice.
+ then next := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz // Avoid recursion
+ else begin
+ save := reginput;
+ Result := MatchPrim (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ scan := regnext (scan);
+ UNTIL (scan = nil) or (scan^ <> BRANCH);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LOOPENTRY: begin //###0.925
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ inc (LoopStackIdx);
+ if LoopStackIdx > LoopStackMax then begin
+ Error (reeLoopStackExceeded);
+ end;
+ save := reginput;
+ LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] := 0; // init loop counter
+ Result := MatchPrim (next); // execute LOOP
+ LoopStackIdx := no; // cleanup
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ LOOP, LOOPNG: begin //###0.940
+ if LoopStackIdx <= 0 then begin
+ Error (reeLoopWithoutEntry);
+ end;
+ opnd := scan + PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2 * REBracesArgSz)^;
+ BracesMin := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ BracesMax := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz)^;
+ save := reginput;
+ if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] >= BracesMin then begin // Min alredy matched - we can work
+ if scan^ = LOOP then begin
+ // greedy way - first try to max deep of greed ;)
+ if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] < BracesMax then begin
+ inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ Result := MatchPrim (opnd);
+ LoopStackIdx := no;
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ dec (LoopStackIdx); // Fail. May be we are too greedy? ;)
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if not Result
+ then reginput := save;
+ end
+ else begin
+ // non-greedy - try just now
+ Result := MatchPrim (next);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT
+ else reginput := save; // failed - move next and try again
+ if LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] < BracesMax then begin
+ inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ Result := MatchPrim (opnd);
+ LoopStackIdx := no;
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ dec (LoopStackIdx); // Failed - back up
+ end
+ end
+ else begin // first match a min_cnt times
+ inc (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ no := LoopStackIdx;
+ Result := MatchPrim (opnd);
+ LoopStackIdx := no;
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ dec (LoopStack [LoopStackIdx]);
+ reginput := save;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // Lookahead to avoid useless match attempts when we know
+ // what character comes next.
+ nextch := #0;
+ if next^ = EXACTLY
+ then nextch := (next + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ BracesMax := MaxInt; // infinite loop for * and + //###0.92
+ if (scan^ = STAR) or (scan^ = STARNG)
+ then BracesMin := 0 // STAR
+ else if (scan^ = PLUS) or (scan^ = PLUSNG)
+ then BracesMin := 1 // PLUS
+ else begin // BRACES
+ BracesMin := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ BracesMax := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz)^;
+ end;
+ save := reginput;
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz;
+ if (scan^ = BRACES) or (scan^ = BRACESNG)
+ then inc (opnd, 2 * REBracesArgSz);
+ if (scan^ = PLUSNG) or (scan^ = STARNG) or (scan^ = BRACESNG) then begin
+ // non-greedy mode
+ BracesMax := regrepeat (opnd, BracesMax); // don't repeat more than BracesMax
+ // Now we know real Max limit to move forward (for recursion 'back up')
+ // In some cases it can be faster to check only Min positions first,
+ // but after that we have to check every position separtely instead
+ // of fast scannig in loop.
+ no := BracesMin;
+ while no <= BracesMax do begin
+ reginput := save + no;
+ // If it could work, try it.
+ if (nextch = #0) or (reginput^ = nextch) then begin
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (LoopStack, SavedLoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack)); //###0.925
+ SavedLoopStackIdx := LoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if MatchPrim (next) then begin
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (SavedLoopStack, LoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack));
+ LoopStackIdx := SavedLoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ inc (no); // Couldn't or didn't - move forward.
+ end; { of while}
+ end
+ else begin // greedy mode
+ no := regrepeat (opnd, BracesMax); // don't repeat more than max_cnt
+ while no >= BracesMin do begin
+ // If it could work, try it.
+ if (nextch = #0) or (reginput^ = nextch) then begin
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (LoopStack, SavedLoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack)); //###0.925
+ SavedLoopStackIdx := LoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if MatchPrim (next) then begin
+ Result := true;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ System.Move (SavedLoopStack, LoopStack, SizeOf (LoopStack));
+ LoopStackIdx := SavedLoopStackIdx;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ dec (no); // Couldn't or didn't - back up.
+ reginput := save + no;
+ end; { of while}
+ end;
+ end;
+ EEND: begin
+ Result := true; // Success!
+ end;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption);
+ end;
+ end; { of case scan^}
+ scan := next;
+ end; { of while scan <> nil}
+ // We get here only if there's trouble -- normally "case EEND" is the
+ // terminating point.
+ Error (reeMatchPrimCorruptedPointers);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.MatchPrim
+{$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+procedure TRegExpr.FillFirstCharSet (prog : PRegExprChar);
+ var
+ scan : PRegExprChar; // Current node.
+ next : PRegExprChar; // Next node.
+ opnd : PRegExprChar;
+ min_cnt : integer;
+ begin
+ scan := prog;
+ while scan <> nil do begin
+ next := regnext (scan);
+ case PREOp (scan)^ of
+ BSUBEXP, BSUBEXPCI: begin //###0.938
+ FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; // :((( we cannot
+ // optimize r.e. if it starts with back reference
+ end;
+ BOL, BOLML: ; // EXIT; //###0.937
+ EOL, EOLML: begin //###0.948 was empty in 0.947, was EXIT in 0.937
+ Include (FirstCharSet, #0);
+ if ModifierM
+ then begin
+ opnd := PRegExprChar (LineSeparators);
+ while opnd^ <> #0 do begin
+ Include (FirstCharSet, opnd^);
+ inc (opnd);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ BOUND, NOTBOUND: ; //###0.943 ?!!
+ ANY, ANYML: begin // we can better define ANYML !!!
+ FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; //###0.930
+ end;
+ ANYDIGIT: begin
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ['0' .. '9'];
+ end;
+ NOTDIGIT: begin
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ([#0 .. #255] - ['0' .. '9']); //###0.948 FirstCharSet was forgotten
+ end;
+ EXACTLYCI: begin
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ Include (FirstCharSet, InvertCase ((scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^));
+ end;
+ EXACTLY: begin
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ end;
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + PSetOfREChar (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ end;
+ //!!!TinySet
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^);
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^);
+ Include (FirstCharSet, (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^);
+ // ... // up to TinySetLen
+ end;
+ //!!!TinySet
+ FirstCharSet := FirstCharSet + ([#0 .. #255] - [ //###0.948 FirstCharSet was forgotten
+ (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^,
+ (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 1)^,
+ (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + 2)^]);
+ // ... // up to TinySetLen
+ end;
+ BACK: ;
+ Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1) : begin //###0.929
+ FillFirstCharSet (next);
+ end;
+ Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): begin //###0.929
+ FillFirstCharSet (next);
+ end;
+ BRANCH: begin
+ if (PREOp (next)^ <> BRANCH) // No choice.
+ then next := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz // Avoid recursion.
+ else begin
+ FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ scan := regnext (scan);
+ UNTIL (scan = nil) or (PREOp (scan)^ <> BRANCH);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LOOPENTRY: begin //###0.925
+// LoopStack [LoopStackIdx] := 0; //###0.940 line removed
+ FillFirstCharSet (next); // execute LOOP
+ end;
+ LOOP, LOOPNG: begin //###0.940
+ opnd := scan + PRENextOff (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2)^;
+ min_cnt := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^;
+ FillFirstCharSet (opnd);
+ if min_cnt = 0
+ then FillFirstCharSet (next);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ STAR, STARNG: //###0.940
+ FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ PLUS, PLUSNG: begin //###0.940
+ FillFirstCharSet (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ BRACES, BRACESNG: begin //###0.940
+ opnd := scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz + REBracesArgSz * 2;
+ min_cnt := PREBracesArg (scan + REOpSz + RENextOffSz)^; // BRACES
+ FillFirstCharSet (opnd);
+ if min_cnt > 0
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ EEND: begin
+ FirstCharSet := [#0 .. #255]; //###0.948
+ end;
+ else begin
+ Error (reeMatchPrimMemoryCorruption);
+ end;
+ end; { of case scan^}
+ scan := next;
+ end; { of while scan <> nil}
+ end; { of procedure FillFirstCharSet
+function TRegExpr.Exec (const AInputString : RegExprString) : boolean;
+ begin
+ InputString := AInputString;
+ Result := ExecPrim (1);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec
+{$IFDEF OverMeth}
+function TRegExpr.Exec : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := ExecPrim (1);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec
+function TRegExpr.Exec (AOffset: integer) : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := ExecPrim (AOffset);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Exec
+function TRegExpr.ExecPos (AOffset: integer {$IFDEF DefParam}= 1{$ENDIF}) : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := ExecPrim (AOffset);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecPos
+function TRegExpr.ExecPrim (AOffset: integer) : boolean;
+ procedure ClearMatchs;
+ // Clears matchs array
+ var i : integer;
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to NSUBEXP - 1 do begin
+ startp [i] := nil;
+ endp [i] := nil;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure ClearMatchs;
+ function RegMatch (str : PRegExprChar) : boolean;
+ // try match at specific point
+ begin
+ //###0.949 removed clearing of start\endp
+ reginput := str;
+ Result := MatchPrim (programm + REOpSz);
+ if Result then begin
+ startp [0] := str;
+ endp [0] := reginput;
+ end;
+ end; { of function RegMatch
+ var
+ s : PRegExprChar;
+ StartPtr: PRegExprChar;
+ InputLen : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false; // Be paranoid...
+ ClearMatchs; //###0.949
+ // ensure that Match cleared either if optimization tricks or some error
+ // will lead to leaving ExecPrim without actual search. That is
+ // importent for ExecNext logic and so on.
+ if not IsProgrammOk //###0.929
+ then EXIT;
+ // Check InputString presence
+ if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Error (reeNoInpitStringSpecified);
+ end;
+ InputLen := length (fInputString);
+ //Check that the start position is not negative
+ if AOffset < 1 then begin
+ Error (reeOffsetMustBeGreaterThen0);
+ end;
+ // Check that the start position is not longer than the line
+ // If so then exit with nothing found
+ if AOffset > (InputLen + 1) // for matching empty string after last char.
+ then EXIT;
+ StartPtr := fInputString + AOffset - 1;
+ // If there is a "must appear" string, look for it.
+ if regmust <> nil then begin
+ s := StartPtr;
+ s := StrScan (s, regmust [0]);
+ if s <> nil then begin
+ if StrLComp (s, regmust, regmlen) = 0
+ then BREAK; // Found it.
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ UNTIL s = nil;
+ if s = nil // Not present.
+ then EXIT;
+ end;
+ // Mark beginning of line for ^ .
+ fInputStart := fInputString;
+ // Pointer to end of input stream - for
+ // pascal-style string processing (may include #0)
+ fInputEnd := fInputString + InputLen;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ // no loops started
+ LoopStackIdx := 0; //###0.925
+ {$ENDIF}
+ // Simplest case: anchored match need be tried only once.
+ if reganch <> #0 then begin
+ Result := RegMatch (StartPtr);
+ end;
+ // Messy cases: unanchored match.
+ s := StartPtr;
+ if regstart <> #0 then // We know what char it must start with.
+ s := StrScan (s, regstart);
+ if s <> nil then begin
+ Result := RegMatch (s);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT
+ else ClearMatchs; //###0.949
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ UNTIL s = nil
+ else begin // We don't - general case.
+ repeat //###0.948
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet}
+ if s^ in FirstCharSet
+ then Result := RegMatch (s);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := RegMatch (s);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if Result or (s^ = #0) // Exit on a match or after testing the end-of-string.
+ then EXIT
+ else ClearMatchs; //###0.949
+ inc (s);
+ until false;
+(* optimized and fixed by Martin Fuller - empty strings
+ were not allowed to pass thru in UseFirstCharSet mode
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ while s^ <> #0 do begin
+ if s^ in FirstCharSet
+ then Result := RegMatch (s);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := RegMatch (s);
+ if Result
+ then EXIT;
+ inc (s);
+ UNTIL s^ = #0;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end;
+ // Failure
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecPrim
+function TRegExpr.ExecNext : boolean;
+ var offset : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if not Assigned (startp[0]) or not Assigned (endp[0]) then begin
+ Error (reeExecNextWithoutExec);
+ end;
+// Offset := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+// if MatchLen [0] = 0
+ Offset := endp [0] - fInputString + 1; //###0.929
+ if endp [0] = startp [0] //###0.929
+ then inc (Offset); // prevent infinite looping if empty string match r.e.
+ Result := ExecPrim (Offset);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ExecNext
+function TRegExpr.GetInputString : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Error (reeGetInputStringWithoutInputString);
+ end;
+ Result := fInputString;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetInputString
+procedure TRegExpr.SetInputString (const AInputString : RegExprString);
+ var
+ Len : integer;
+ i : integer;
+ begin
+ // clear Match* - before next Exec* call it's undefined
+ for i := 0 to NSUBEXP - 1 do begin
+ startp [i] := nil;
+ endp [i] := nil;
+ end;
+ // need reallocation of input string buffer ?
+ Len := length (AInputString);
+ if Assigned (fInputString) and (Length (fInputString) <> Len) then begin
+ FreeMem (fInputString);
+ fInputString := nil;
+ end;
+ // buffer [re]allocation
+ if not Assigned (fInputString)
+ then GetMem (fInputString, (Len + 1) * SizeOf (REChar));
+ // copy input string into buffer
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ StrPCopy (fInputString, Copy (AInputString, 1, Len)); //###0.927
+ {$ELSE}
+ StrLCopy (fInputString, PRegExprChar (AInputString), Len);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {
+ fInputString : string;
+ fInputStart, fInputEnd : PRegExprChar;
+ SetInputString:
+ fInputString := AInputString;
+ UniqueString (fInputString);
+ fInputStart := PChar (fInputString);
+ Len := length (fInputString);
+ fInputEnd := PRegExprChar (integer (fInputStart) + Len); ??
+ !! startp/endp âñå ðàâíî áóäåò îïàñíî èñïîëüçîâàòü ?
+ }
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetInputString
+procedure TRegExpr.SetLineSeparators (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ begin
+ if AStr <> fLineSeparators then begin
+ fLineSeparators := AStr;
+ InvalidateProgramm;
+ end;
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetLineSeparators
+procedure TRegExpr.SetLinePairedSeparator (const AStr : RegExprString);
+ begin
+ if length (AStr) = 2 then begin
+ if AStr [1] = AStr [2] then begin
+ // it's impossible for our 'one-point' checking to support
+ // two chars separator for identical chars
+ Error (reeBadLinePairedSeparator);
+ end;
+ if not fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned
+ or (AStr [1] <> fLinePairedSeparatorHead)
+ or (AStr [2] <> fLinePairedSeparatorTail) then begin
+ fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned := true;
+ fLinePairedSeparatorHead := AStr [1];
+ fLinePairedSeparatorTail := AStr [2];
+ InvalidateProgramm;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if length (AStr) = 0 then begin
+ if fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned then begin
+ fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned := false;
+ InvalidateProgramm;
+ end;
+ end
+ else Error (reeBadLinePairedSeparator);
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.SetLinePairedSeparator
+function TRegExpr.GetLinePairedSeparator : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ if fLinePairedSeparatorAssigned then begin
+ {$IFDEF UniCode}
+ // Here is some UniCode 'magic'
+ // If You do know better decision to concatenate
+ // two WideChars, please, let me know!
+ Result := fLinePairedSeparatorHead; //###0.947
+ Result := Result + fLinePairedSeparatorTail;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Result := fLinePairedSeparatorHead + fLinePairedSeparatorTail;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end
+ else Result := '';
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.GetLinePairedSeparator
+function TRegExpr.Substitute (const ATemplate : RegExprString) : RegExprString;
+// perform substitutions after a regexp match
+// completely rewritten in 0.929
+ var
+ TemplateLen : integer;
+ TemplateBeg, TemplateEnd : PRegExprChar;
+ p, p0, ResultPtr : PRegExprChar;
+ ResultLen : integer;
+ n : integer;
+ Ch : REChar;
+ function ParseVarName (var APtr : PRegExprChar) : integer;
+ // extract name of variable (digits, may be enclosed with
+ // curly braces) from APtr^, uses TemplateEnd !!!
+ const
+ Digits = ['0' .. '9'];
+ var
+ p : PRegExprChar;
+ Delimited : boolean;
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ p := APtr;
+ Delimited := (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '{');
+ if Delimited
+ then inc (p); // skip left curly brace
+ if (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '&')
+ then inc (p) // this is '$&' or '${&}'
+ else
+ while (p < TemplateEnd) and
+ {$IFDEF UniCode} //###0.935
+ (ord (p^) < 256) and (char (p^) in Digits)
+ {$ELSE}
+ (p^ in Digits)
+ {$ENDIF}
+ do begin
+ Result := Result * 10 + (ord (p^) - ord ('0')); //###0.939
+ inc (p);
+ end;
+ if Delimited then
+ if (p < TemplateEnd) and (p^ = '}')
+ then inc (p) // skip right curly brace
+ else p := APtr; // isn't properly terminated
+ if p = APtr
+ then Result := -1; // no valid digits found or no right curly brace
+ APtr := p;
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Check programm and input string
+ if not IsProgrammOk
+ then EXIT;
+ if not Assigned (fInputString) then begin
+ Error (reeNoInpitStringSpecified);
+ end;
+ // Prepare for working
+ TemplateLen := length (ATemplate);
+ if TemplateLen = 0 then begin // prevent nil pointers
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+ TemplateBeg := pointer (ATemplate);
+ TemplateEnd := TemplateBeg + TemplateLen;
+ // Count result length for speed optimization.
+ ResultLen := 0;
+ p := TemplateBeg;
+ while p < TemplateEnd do begin
+ Ch := p^;
+ inc (p);
+ if Ch = '$'
+ then n := ParseVarName (p)
+ else n := -1;
+ if n >= 0 then begin
+ if (n < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (startp [n]) and Assigned (endp [n])
+ then inc (ResultLen, endp [n] - startp [n]);
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (Ch = EscChar) and (p < TemplateEnd)
+ then inc (p); // quoted or special char followed
+ inc (ResultLen);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Get memory. We do it once and it significant speed up work !
+ if ResultLen = 0 then begin
+ Result := '';
+ end;
+ SetString (Result, nil, ResultLen);
+ // Fill Result
+ ResultPtr := pointer (Result);
+ p := TemplateBeg;
+ while p < TemplateEnd do begin
+ Ch := p^;
+ inc (p);
+ if Ch = '$'
+ then n := ParseVarName (p)
+ else n := -1;
+ if n >= 0 then begin
+ p0 := startp [n];
+ if (n < NSUBEXP) and Assigned (p0) and Assigned (endp [n]) then
+ while p0 < endp [n] do begin
+ ResultPtr^ := p0^;
+ inc (ResultPtr);
+ inc (p0);
+ end;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (Ch = EscChar) and (p < TemplateEnd) then begin // quoted or special char followed
+ Ch := p^;
+ inc (p);
+ end;
+ ResultPtr^ := Ch;
+ inc (ResultPtr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Substitute
+procedure TRegExpr.Split (AInputStr : RegExprString; APieces : TStrings);
+ var PrevPos : integer;
+ begin
+ PrevPos := 1;
+ if Exec (AInputStr) then
+ APieces.Add (System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MatchPos [0] - PrevPos));
+ PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+ UNTIL not ExecNext;
+ APieces.Add (System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt)); // Tail
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Split
+function TRegExpr.Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString; const AReplaceStr : RegExprString;
+ AUseSubstitution : boolean{$IFDEF DefParam}= False{$ENDIF}) : RegExprString;
+ var
+ PrevPos : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ PrevPos := 1;
+ if Exec (AInputStr) then
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos,
+ MatchPos [0] - PrevPos);
+ if AUseSubstitution //###0.946
+ then Result := Result + Substitute (AReplaceStr)
+ else Result := Result + AReplaceStr;
+ PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+ UNTIL not ExecNext;
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt); // Tail
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Replace
+function TRegExpr.ReplaceEx (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString;
+ var
+ PrevPos : integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ PrevPos := 1;
+ if Exec (AInputStr) then
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos,
+ MatchPos [0] - PrevPos)
+ + AReplaceFunc (Self);
+ PrevPos := MatchPos [0] + MatchLen [0];
+ UNTIL not ExecNext;
+ Result := Result + System.Copy (AInputStr, PrevPos, MaxInt); // Tail
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.ReplaceEx
+{$IFDEF OverMeth}
+function TRegExpr.Replace (AInputStr : RegExprString;
+ AReplaceFunc : TRegExprReplaceFunction)
+ : RegExprString;
+ begin
+ ReplaceEx (AInputStr, AReplaceFunc);
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Replace
+{====================== Debug section ========================}
+{$IFDEF RegExpPCodeDump}
+function TRegExpr.DumpOp (op : TREOp) : RegExprString;
+// printable representation of opcode
+ begin
+ case op of
+ BOL: Result := 'BOL';
+ EOL: Result := 'EOL';
+ BOLML: Result := 'BOLML';
+ EOLML: Result := 'EOLML';
+ BOUND: Result := 'BOUND'; //###0.943
+ NOTBOUND: Result := 'NOTBOUND'; //###0.943
+ ANY: Result := 'ANY';
+ ANYML: Result := 'ANYML'; //###0.941
+ ANYOF: Result := 'ANYOF';
+ ANYBUT: Result := 'ANYBUT';
+ ANYOFCI: Result := 'ANYOF/CI';
+ ANYBUTCI: Result := 'ANYBUT/CI';
+ BRANCH: Result := 'BRANCH';
+ EXACTLY: Result := 'EXACTLY';
+ NOTHING: Result := 'NOTHING';
+ COMMENT: Result := 'COMMENT';
+ BACK: Result := 'BACK';
+ EEND: Result := 'END';
+ BSUBEXP: Result := 'BSUBEXP';
+ Succ (OPEN) .. TREOp (Ord (OPEN) + NSUBEXP - 1): //###0.929
+ Result := Format ('OPEN[%d]', [ord (op) - ord (OPEN)]);
+ Succ (CLOSE) .. TREOp (Ord (CLOSE) + NSUBEXP - 1): //###0.929
+ Result := Format ('CLOSE[%d]', [ord (op) - ord (CLOSE)]);
+ STAR: Result := 'STAR';
+ PLUS: Result := 'PLUS';
+ BRACES: Result := 'BRACES';
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ LOOPENTRY: Result := 'LOOPENTRY'; //###0.925
+ LOOP: Result := 'LOOP'; //###0.925
+ LOOPNG: Result := 'LOOPNG'; //###0.940
+ {$ENDIF}
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ {$ENDIF}
+ STARNG: Result := 'STARNG'; //###0.940
+ PLUSNG: Result := 'PLUSNG'; //###0.940
+ BRACESNG: Result := 'BRACESNG'; //###0.940
+ else Error (reeDumpCorruptedOpcode);
+ end; {of case op}
+ Result := ':' + Result;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.DumpOp
+function TRegExpr.Dump : RegExprString;
+// dump a regexp in vaguely comprehensible form
+ var
+ s : PRegExprChar;
+ op : TREOp; // Arbitrary non-END op.
+ next : PRegExprChar;
+ i : integer;
+ Diff : integer;
+{$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ Ch : REChar;
+ begin
+ if not IsProgrammOk //###0.929
+ then EXIT;
+ op := EXACTLY;
+ Result := '';
+ s := programm + REOpSz;
+ while op <> EEND do begin // While that wasn't END last time...
+ op := s^;
+ Result := Result + Format ('%2d%s', [s - programm, DumpOp (s^)]); // Where, what.
+ next := regnext (s);
+ if next = nil // Next ptr.
+ then Result := Result + ' (0)'
+ else begin
+ if next > s //###0.948 PWideChar subtraction workaround (see comments in Tail method for details)
+ then Diff := next - s
+ else Diff := - (s - next);
+ Result := Result + Format (' (%d) ', [(s - programm) + Diff]);
+ end;
+ inc (s, REOpSz + RENextOffSz);
+ if (op = ANYOF) or (op = ANYOFCI) or (op = ANYBUT) or (op = ANYBUTCI)
+ or (op = EXACTLY) or (op = EXACTLYCI) then begin
+ // Literal string, where present.
+ while s^ <> #0 do begin
+ Result := Result + s^;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ if (op = ANYOFTINYSET) or (op = ANYBUTTINYSET) then begin
+ for i := 1 to TinySetLen do begin
+ Result := Result + s^;
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (op = BSUBEXP) or (op = BSUBEXPCI) then begin
+ Result := Result + ' \' + IntToStr (Ord (s^));
+ inc (s);
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF UseSetOfChar} //###0.929
+ if op = ANYOFFULLSET then begin
+ for Ch := #0 to #255 do
+ if Ch in PSetOfREChar (s)^ then
+ if Ch < ' '
+ then Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr (Ord (Ch)) //###0.936
+ else Result := Result + Ch;
+ inc (s, SizeOf (TSetOfREChar));
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if (op = BRACES) or (op = BRACESNG) then begin //###0.941
+ // show min/max argument of BRACES operator
+ Result := Result + Format ('{%d,%d}', [PREBracesArg (s)^, PREBracesArg (s + REBracesArgSz)^]);
+ inc (s, REBracesArgSz * 2);
+ end;
+ {$IFDEF ComplexBraces}
+ if (op = LOOP) or (op = LOOPNG) then begin //###0.940
+ Result := Result + Format (' -> (%d) {%d,%d}', [
+ (s - programm - (REOpSz + RENextOffSz)) + PRENextOff (s + 2 * REBracesArgSz)^,
+ PREBracesArg (s)^, PREBracesArg (s + REBracesArgSz)^]);
+ inc (s, 2 * REBracesArgSz + RENextOffSz);
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result := Result + #$d#$a;
+ end; { of while}
+ // Header fields of interest.
+ if regstart <> #0
+ then Result := Result + 'start ' + regstart;
+ if reganch <> #0
+ then Result := Result + 'anchored ';
+ if regmust <> nil
+ then Result := Result + 'must have ' + regmust;
+ {$IFDEF UseFirstCharSet} //###0.929
+ Result := Result + #$d#$a'FirstCharSet:';
+ for Ch := #0 to #255 do
+ if Ch in FirstCharSet
+ then begin
+ if Ch < ' '
+ then Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr(Ord(Ch)) //###0.948
+ else Result := Result + Ch;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Result := Result + #$d#$a;
+ end; { of function TRegExpr.Dump
+{$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr}
+// ReturnAddr works correctly only if compiler optimization is ON
+// I placed this method at very end of unit because there are no
+// way to restore compiler optimization flag ...
+procedure TRegExpr.Error (AErrorID : integer);
+{$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr}
+ function ReturnAddr : pointer; //###0.938
+ asm
+ mov eax,[ebp+4]
+ end;
+ var
+ e : ERegExpr;
+ begin
+ fLastError := AErrorID; // dummy stub - useless because will raise exception
+ if AErrorID < 1000 // compilation error ?
+ then e := ERegExpr.Create (ErrorMsg (AErrorID) // yes - show error pos
+ + ' (pos ' + IntToStr (CompilerErrorPos) + ')')
+ else e := ERegExpr.Create (ErrorMsg (AErrorID));
+ e.ErrorCode := AErrorID;
+ e.CompilerErrorPos := CompilerErrorPos;
+ raise e
+ {$IFDEF reRealExceptionAddr}
+ At ReturnAddr; //###0.938
+ {$ENDIF}
+ end; { of procedure TRegExpr.Error
+ PCode persistence:
+ FirstCharSet
+ programm, regsize
+ regstart // -> programm
+ reganch // -> programm
+ regmust, regmlen // -> programm
+ fExprIsCompiled
+// be carefull - placed here code will be always compiled with
+// compiler optimization flag
+ RegExprInvertCaseFunction := TRegExpr.InvertCaseFunction;
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/cef.inc b/src/thirdparty/cef.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68e0614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/cef.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ * Delphi Chromium Embedded
+ *
+ * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest
+ * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com
+ * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/
+ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded
+ *)
+ {.$define CEF_STRING_TYPE_UTF8}
+{$define CEF_STRING_TYPE_UTF16}
+ // force multithreading message loop on FPC, still not work
+{$IFDEF VER130}
+{$IFDEF VER140}
+{$IFDEF VER150}
+{$IFDEF VER160}
+ // DELPHI 8 for Dotnet
+// Delphi 2005
+{$IFDEF VER170}
+{$IFDEF VER180}
+ // Delphi 2007
+ {$IFDEF VER185}
+ // Delphi 2006
+ {$ELSE}
+ {$ENDIF}
+// Delphi 2009
+{$IFDEF VER200}
+//Delphi 2010
+{$IFDEF VER210}
+// Delphi XE
+{$IFDEF VER220}
+{$IFDEF VER230}
+{$IFDEF VER240}
+{$IFDEF VER250}
+{$IFDEF VER260}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/cefgui.pas b/src/thirdparty/cefgui.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..333d522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/cefgui.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1138 @@
+ * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3
+ *
+ * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest
+ * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com
+ * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/
+ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded
+ *
+ * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute
+ * this source code without explicit permission.
+ *
+ *)
+unit cefgui;
+{$I cef.inc}
+ Classes, ceflib;
+ TOnProcessMessageReceived = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnLoadingStateChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnLoadStart = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame) of object;
+ TOnLoadEnd = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer) of object;
+ TOnLoadError = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring) of object;
+ TOnRenderProcessTerminated = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus) of object;
+ TOnPluginCrashed = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring) of object;
+ TOnTakeFocus = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnSetFocus = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnGotFocus = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser) of object;
+ TOnBeforeContextMenu = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel) of object;
+ TOnContextMenuCommand = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnContextMenuDismissed = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame) of object;
+ TOnPreKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnKeyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnAddressChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring) of object;
+ TOnTitleChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring) of object;
+ TOnTooltip = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnStatusMessage = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring) of object;
+ TOnConsoleMessage = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: Integer; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnBeforeDownload = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback) of object;
+ TOnDownloadUpdated = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback) of object;
+ TOnRequestGeolocationPermission = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer; const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback) of object;
+ TOnCancelGeolocationPermission = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer) of object;
+ TOnJsdialog = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring;
+ dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnBeforeUnloadDialog = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnResetDialogState = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser) of object;
TOnDialogClosed = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser) of object;
+ TOnBeforePopup = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnAfterCreated = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser) of object;
+ TOnBeforeClose = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser) of object;
+ TOnRunModal = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnClose = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnBeforeBrowse = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnBeforeResourceLoad = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnGetResourceHandler = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; out Result: ICefResourceHandler) of object;
+ TOnResourceRedirect = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring) of object;
+ TOnGetAuthCredentials = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback; out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnQuotaRequest = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl: ustring; newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefQuotaCallback;
+ out Result: Boolean) of object;
+ TOnGetCookieManager = procedure(Sender: TObject; out Result: ICefCookieManager) of object;
+ TOnProtocolExecution = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean) of object;
TOnBeforePluginLoad = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url, policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo; out Result: Boolean) of Object;
+ TOnFileDialog = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback;
+ out Result: Boolean) of Object;
+ TOnGetRootScreenRect = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect; out Result: Boolean) of Object;
+ TOnGetViewRect = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect; out Result: Boolean) of Object;
+ TOnGetScreenPoint = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ viewX, viewY: Integer; screenX, screenY: PInteger; out Result: Boolean) of Object;
+ TOnGetScreenInfo = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo; Result: Boolean) of Object;
+ TOnPopupShow = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ show: Boolean) of Object;
+ TOnPopupSize = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const rect: PCefRect) of Object;
+ TOnPaint = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray;
+ const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer) of Object;
+ TOnCursorChange = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ cursor: TCefCursorHandle) of Object;
+ TOnScrollOffsetChanged = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser) of Object;
+ TOnDragEnter = procedure(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const dragData: ICefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations; out Result: Boolean) of Object;
+ TChromiumOptions = class(TPersistent)
+ private
+ FJavascript: TCefState;
+ FJavascriptOpenWindows: TCefState;
+ FJavascriptCloseWindows: TCefState;
+ FJavascriptAccessClipboard: TCefState;
+ FJavascriptDomPaste: TCefState;
+ FCaretBrowsing: TCefState;
+ FJava: TCefState;
+ FPlugins: TCefState;
+ FUniversalAccessFromFileUrls: TCefState;
+ FFileAccessFromFileUrls: TCefState;
+ FWebSecurity: TCefState;
+ FImageLoading: TCefState;
+ FImageShrinkStandaloneToFit: TCefState;
+ FTextAreaResize: TCefState;
+ FTabToLinks: TCefState;
+ FAuthorAndUserStyles: TCefState;
+ FLocalStorage: TCefState;
+ FDatabases: TCefState;
+ FApplicationCache: TCefState;
+ FWebgl: TCefState;
+ FAcceleratedCompositing: TCefState;
+ published
+ property Javascript: TCefState read FJavascript write FJavascript default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property JavascriptOpenWindows: TCefState read FJavascriptOpenWindows write FJavascriptOpenWindows default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property JavascriptCloseWindows: TCefState read FJavascriptCloseWindows write FJavascriptCloseWindows default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property JavascriptAccessClipboard: TCefState read FJavascriptAccessClipboard write FJavascriptAccessClipboard default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property JavascriptDomPaste: TCefState read FJavascriptDomPaste write FJavascriptDomPaste default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property CaretBrowsing: TCefState read FCaretBrowsing write FCaretBrowsing default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property Java: TCefState read FJava write FJava default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property Plugins: TCefState read FPlugins write FPlugins default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property UniversalAccessFromFileUrls: TCefState read FUniversalAccessFromFileUrls write FUniversalAccessFromFileUrls default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property FileAccessFromFileUrls: TCefState read FFileAccessFromFileUrls write FFileAccessFromFileUrls default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property WebSecurity: TCefState read FWebSecurity write FWebSecurity default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property ImageLoading: TCefState read FImageLoading write FImageLoading default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit: TCefState read FImageShrinkStandaloneToFit write FImageShrinkStandaloneToFit default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property TextAreaResize: TCefState read FTextAreaResize write FTextAreaResize default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property TabToLinks: TCefState read FTabToLinks write FTabToLinks default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property AuthorAndUserStyles: TCefState read FAuthorAndUserStyles write FAuthorAndUserStyles default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property LocalStorage: TCefState read FLocalStorage write FLocalStorage default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property Databases: TCefState read FDatabases write FDatabases default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property ApplicationCache: TCefState read FApplicationCache write FApplicationCache default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property Webgl: TCefState read FWebgl write FWebgl default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ property AcceleratedCompositing: TCefState read FAcceleratedCompositing write FAcceleratedCompositing default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ end;
+ TChromiumFontOptions = class(TPersistent)
+ private
+ FStandardFontFamily: ustring;
+ FCursiveFontFamily: ustring;
+ FSansSerifFontFamily: ustring;
+ FMinimumLogicalFontSize: Integer;
+ FFantasyFontFamily: ustring;
+ FSerifFontFamily: ustring;
+ FDefaultFixedFontSize: Integer;
+ FDefaultFontSize: Integer;
+ FRemoteFontsDisabled: TCefState;
+ FFixedFontFamily: ustring;
+ FMinimumFontSize: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ published
+ property StandardFontFamily: ustring read FStandardFontFamily;
+ property FixedFontFamily: ustring read FFixedFontFamily write FFixedFontFamily;
+ property SerifFontFamily: ustring read FSerifFontFamily write FSerifFontFamily;
+ property SansSerifFontFamily: ustring read FSansSerifFontFamily write FSansSerifFontFamily;
+ property CursiveFontFamily: ustring read FCursiveFontFamily write FCursiveFontFamily;
+ property FantasyFontFamily: ustring read FFantasyFontFamily write FFantasyFontFamily;
+ property DefaultFontSize: Integer read FDefaultFontSize write FDefaultFontSize default 0;
+ property DefaultFixedFontSize: Integer read FDefaultFixedFontSize write FDefaultFixedFontSize default 0;
+ property MinimumFontSize: Integer read FMinimumFontSize write FMinimumFontSize default 0;
+ property MinimumLogicalFontSize: Integer read FMinimumLogicalFontSize write FMinimumLogicalFontSize default 0;
+ property RemoteFonts: TCefState read FRemoteFontsDisabled write FRemoteFontsDisabled default STATE_DEFAULT;
+ end;
+ IChromiumEvents = interface
+ ['{0C139DB1-0349-4D7F-8155-76FEA6A0126D}']
+ procedure GetSettings(var settings: TCefBrowserSettings);
+ function doOnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+ procedure doOnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame);
+ procedure doOnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer);
+ procedure doOnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring);
+ procedure doOnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus);
+ procedure doOnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring);
+ procedure doOnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean);
+ function doOnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ procedure doOnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel);
+ function doOnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame);
+ function doOnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function doOnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+ procedure doOnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring);
+ function doOnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring);
+ function doOnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnRequestGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer; const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback);
+ procedure doOnCancelGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer);
+ procedure doOnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+ procedure doOnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+ function doOnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring;
+ dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ procedure doOnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ function doOnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ procedure doOnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ function doOnRunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ function doOnClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ function doOnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function doOnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ procedure doOnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring);
+ function doOnGetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ function doOnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring;
+ newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ procedure doOnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean);
+ function doOnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url, policyUrl: ustring;
+ const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean;
+ function doOnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, defaultFileName: ustring; acceptTypes: TStrings;
+ const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer;
+ screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser; screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean);
+ procedure doOnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect);
+ procedure doOnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; kind: TCefPaintElementType;
+ dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray;
+ const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+ procedure doOnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+ procedure doOnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ function doOnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser; const dragData: ICefDragData;
+ mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefClientHandler = interface
+ ['{E76F6888-D9C3-4FCE-9C23-E89659820A36}']
+ procedure Disconnect;
+ function GetRequestContextHandler: ICefRequestContextHandler;
+ end;
+ TCustomClientHandler = class(TCefClientOwn, ICefClientHandler)
+ private
+ FEvents: IChromiumEvents;
+ FLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler;
+ FFocusHandler: ICefFocusHandler;
+ FContextMenuHandler: ICefContextMenuHandler;
+ FDialogHandler: ICefDialogHandler;
+ FKeyboardHandler: ICefKeyboardHandler;
+ FDisplayHandler: ICefDisplayHandler;
+ FDownloadHandler: ICefDownloadHandler;
+ FGeolocationHandler: ICefGeolocationHandler;
+ FJsDialogHandler: ICefJsDialogHandler;
+ FLifeSpanHandler: ICefLifeSpanHandler;
+ FRenderHandler: ICefRenderHandler;
+ FRequestHandler: ICefRequestHandler;
+ FDragHandler: ICefDragHandler;
+ FRequestContextHandler: ICefRequestContextHandler;
+ protected
+ function GetContextMenuHandler: ICefContextMenuHandler; override;
+ function GetDialogHandler: ICefDialogHandler; override;
+ function GetDisplayHandler: ICefDisplayHandler; override;
+ function GetDownloadHandler: ICefDownloadHandler; override;
+ function GetFocusHandler: ICefFocusHandler; override;
+ function GetGeolocationHandler: ICefGeolocationHandler; override;
+ function GetJsdialogHandler: ICefJsdialogHandler; override;
+ function GetKeyboardHandler: ICefKeyboardHandler; override;
+ function GetLifeSpanHandler: ICefLifeSpanHandler; override;
+ function GetRenderHandler: ICefRenderHandler; override;
+ function GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler; override;
+ function GetRequestHandler: ICefRequestHandler; override;
+ function GetRequestContextHandler: ICefRequestContextHandler;
+ function OnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean; override;
+ procedure Disconnect;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents; renderer: Boolean); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomClientHandlerClass = class of TCustomClientHandler;
+ TCustomLoadHandler = class(TCefLoadHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ procedure OnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading,
+ canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean); override;
+ procedure OnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); override;
+ procedure OnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer); override;
+ procedure OnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomFocusHandler = class(TCefFocusHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ procedure OnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean); override;
+ function OnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomContextMenuHandler = class(TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ procedure OnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel); override;
+ function OnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomDialogHandler = class(TCefDialogHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ function OnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title: ustring; const defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomKeyboardHandler = class(TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ function OnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function OnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomDisplayHandler = class(TCefDisplayHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ procedure OnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring); override;
+ procedure OnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring); override;
+ function OnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring); override;
+ function OnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomDownloadHandler = class(TCefDownloadHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ procedure OnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback); override;
+ procedure OnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomGeolocationHandler = class(TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ procedure OnRequestGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer; const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback); override;
+ procedure OnCancelGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomJsDialogHandler = class(TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ function OnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring;
+ dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function OnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser); override;
+ procedure OnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomLifeSpanHandler = class(TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn)
+ private
FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
function OnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring; var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures;
+ var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser); override;
+ procedure OnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser); override;
+ function RunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; override;
+ function DoClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomRequestHandler = class(TCefRequestHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ function OnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ function OnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): Boolean; override;
+ function GetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler; override;
+ procedure OnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring); override;
+ function GetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean; override;
+ function OnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring;
+ newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean); override;
+ function OnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url: ustring;
+ const policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring); override;
+ procedure OnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomRenderHandler = class(TCefRenderHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ function GetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean; override;
+ function GetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean; override;
+ function GetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer;
+ screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean); override;
+ procedure OnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect); override;
+ procedure OnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; kind: TCefPaintElementType;
+ dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray;
+ const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer); override;
+ procedure OnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle); override;
+ function GetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean; override;
+ procedure OnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomDragHandler = class(TCefDragHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ function OnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const dragData: ICefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCustomRequestContextHandler = class(TCefRequestContextHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FEvent: IChromiumEvents;
+ protected
+ function GetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const events: IChromiumEvents); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+{ TChromiumFontOptions }
+constructor TChromiumFontOptions.Create;
+ FStandardFontFamily := '';
+ FCursiveFontFamily := '';
+ FSansSerifFontFamily := '';
+ FMinimumLogicalFontSize := 0;
+ FFantasyFontFamily := '';
+ FSerifFontFamily := '';
+ FDefaultFixedFontSize := 0;
+ FDefaultFontSize := 0;
+ FRemoteFontsDisabled := STATE_DEFAULT;
+ FFixedFontFamily := '';
+ FMinimumFontSize := 0;
+{ TCefCustomHandler }
+constructor TCustomClientHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents; renderer: Boolean);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvents := events;
+ FLoadHandler := TCustomLoadHandler.Create(events);
+ FFocusHandler := TCustomFocusHandler.Create(events);
+ FContextMenuHandler := TCustomContextMenuHandler.Create(events);
+ FDialogHandler := TCustomDialogHandler.Create(events);
+ FKeyboardHandler := TCustomKeyboardHandler.Create(events);
+ FDisplayHandler := TCustomDisplayHandler.Create(events);
+ FDownloadHandler := TCustomDownloadHandler.Create(events);
+ FGeolocationHandler := TCustomGeolocationHandler.Create(events);
+ FJsDialogHandler := TCustomJsDialogHandler.Create(events);
+ FLifeSpanHandler := TCustomLifeSpanHandler.Create(events);
+ FRequestHandler := TCustomRequestHandler.Create(events);
+ FRequestContextHandler := TCustomRequestContextHandler.Create(events);
+ if renderer then
+ FRenderHandler := TCustomRenderHandler.Create(events) else
+ FRenderHandler := nil;
+ FDragHandler := TCustomDragHandler.Create(events);
+procedure TCustomClientHandler.Disconnect;
+ FEvents := nil;
+ FLoadHandler := nil;
+ FFocusHandler := nil;
+ FContextMenuHandler := nil;
+ FDialogHandler := nil;
+ FKeyboardHandler := nil;
+ FDisplayHandler := nil;
+ FDownloadHandler := nil;
+ FGeolocationHandler := nil;
+ FJsDialogHandler := nil;
+ FLifeSpanHandler := nil;
+ FRequestHandler := nil;
+ FRenderHandler := nil;
+ FDragHandler := nil;
+ FRequestContextHandler := nil;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetContextMenuHandler: ICefContextMenuHandler;
+ Result := FContextMenuHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetDialogHandler: ICefDialogHandler;
+ Result := FDialogHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetDisplayHandler: ICefDisplayHandler;
+ Result := FDisplayHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetDownloadHandler: ICefDownloadHandler;
+ Result := FDownloadHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetFocusHandler: ICefFocusHandler;
+ Result := FFocusHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetGeolocationHandler: ICefGeolocationHandler;
+ Result := FGeolocationHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetJsdialogHandler: ICefJsDialogHandler;
+ Result := FJsDialogHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetKeyboardHandler: ICefKeyboardHandler;
+ Result := FKeyboardHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetLifeSpanHandler: ICefLifeSpanHandler;
+ Result := FLifeSpanHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler;
+ Result := FLoadHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetRenderHandler: ICefRenderHandler;
+ Result := FRenderHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetRequestContextHandler: ICefRequestContextHandler;
+ Result := FRequestContextHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.GetRequestHandler: ICefRequestHandler;
+ Result := FRequestHandler;
+function TCustomClientHandler.OnProcessMessageReceived(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvents.doOnProcessMessageReceived(browser, sourceProcess, message);
+{ TCustomLoadHandler }
+constructor TCustomLoadHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+procedure TCustomLoadHandler.OnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer);
+ FEvent.doOnLoadEnd(browser, frame, httpStatusCode);
+procedure TCustomLoadHandler.OnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer; const errorText,
+ failedUrl: ustring);
+ FEvent.doOnLoadError(browser, frame, errorCode, errorText, failedUrl);
+procedure TCustomLoadHandler.OnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+ FEvent.doOnLoadingStateChange(browser, isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward);
+procedure TCustomLoadHandler.OnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame);
+ FEvent.doOnLoadStart(browser, frame);
+{ TCustomFocusHandler }
+constructor TCustomFocusHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+procedure TCustomFocusHandler.OnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ FEvent.doOnGotFocus(browser);
+function TCustomFocusHandler.OnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnSetFocus(browser, source);
+procedure TCustomFocusHandler.OnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ next: Boolean);
+ FEvent.doOnTakeFocus(browser, next);
+{ TCustomContextMenuHandler }
+constructor TCustomContextMenuHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+procedure TCustomContextMenuHandler.OnBeforeContextMenu(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel);
+ FEvent.doOnBeforeContextMenu(browser, frame, params, model);
+function TCustomContextMenuHandler.OnContextMenuCommand(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnContextMenuCommand(browser, frame, params, commandId,
+ eventFlags);
+procedure TCustomContextMenuHandler.OnContextMenuDismissed(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame);
+ FEvent.doOnContextMenuDismissed(browser, frame);
+{ TCustomKeyboardHandler }
+constructor TCustomKeyboardHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomKeyboardHandler.OnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnKeyEvent(browser, event, osEvent);
+function TCustomKeyboardHandler.OnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle;
+ out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnPreKeyEvent(browser, event, osEvent, isKeyboardShortcut);
+{ TCustomDisplayHandler }
+constructor TCustomDisplayHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+procedure TCustomDisplayHandler.OnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+ FEvent.doOnAddressChange(browser, frame, url);
+function TCustomDisplayHandler.OnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnConsoleMessage(browser, message, source, line);
+procedure TCustomDisplayHandler.OnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const value: ustring);
+ FEvent.doOnStatusMessage(browser, value);
+procedure TCustomDisplayHandler.OnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const title: ustring);
+ FEvent.doOnTitleChange(browser, title);
+function TCustomDisplayHandler.OnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ var text: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnTooltip(browser, text);
+{ TCustomDownloadHandler }
+constructor TCustomDownloadHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+procedure TCustomDownloadHandler.OnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem; const suggestedName: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+ FEvent.doOnBeforeDownload(browser, downloadItem, suggestedName, callback);
+procedure TCustomDownloadHandler.OnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+ FEvent.doOnDownloadUpdated(browser, downloadItem, callback);
+{ TCustomGeolocationHandler }
+constructor TCustomGeolocationHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+procedure TCustomGeolocationHandler.OnCancelGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer);
+ FEvent.doOnCancelGeolocationPermission(browser, requestingUrl, requestId);
+procedure TCustomGeolocationHandler.OnRequestGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer;
+ const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback);
+ FEvent.doOnRequestGeolocationPermission(browser, requestingUrl, requestId, callback);
+{ TCustomJsDialogHandler }
+constructor TCustomJsDialogHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomJsDialogHandler.OnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(browser, messageText, isReload, callback);
+procedure TCustomJsDialogHandler.OnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ FEvent.doOnDialogClosed(browser);
+function TCustomJsDialogHandler.OnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring; dialogType: TCefJsDialogType;
+ const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring; callback: ICefJsDialogCallback;
+ out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnJsdialog(browser, originUrl, acceptLang, dialogType,
+ messageText, defaultPromptText, callback, suppressMessage);
+procedure TCustomJsDialogHandler.OnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ FEvent.doOnResetDialogState(browser);
+{ TCustomLifeSpanHandler }
+constructor TCustomLifeSpanHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomLifeSpanHandler.DoClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnClose(browser);
+procedure TCustomLifeSpanHandler.OnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ FEvent.doOnAfterCreated(browser);
+procedure TCustomLifeSpanHandler.OnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ FEvent.doOnBeforeClose(browser);
+function TCustomLifeSpanHandler.OnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnBeforePopup(browser, frame, targetUrl, targetFrameName,
+ popupFeatures, windowInfo, client, settings, noJavascriptAccess);
+function TCustomLifeSpanHandler.RunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnRunModal(browser);
+{ TCustomRequestHandler }
+constructor TCustomRequestHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomRequestHandler.GetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer;
+ const realm, scheme: ustring; const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnGetAuthCredentials(browser, frame, isProxy, host, port,
+ realm, scheme, callback);
+function TCustomRequestHandler.GetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnGetResourceHandler(browser, frame, request);
+function TCustomRequestHandler.OnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest;
+ isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnBeforeBrowse(browser, frame, request, isRedirect);
+function TCustomRequestHandler.OnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url, policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnBeforePluginLoad(browser, url, policyUrl, info);
+function TCustomRequestHandler.OnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnBeforeResourceLoad(browser, frame, request);
+procedure TCustomRequestHandler.OnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const pluginPath: ustring);
+ FEvent.doOnPluginCrashed(browser, pluginPath);
+procedure TCustomRequestHandler.OnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean);
+ FEvent.doOnProtocolExecution(browser, url, allowOsExecution);
+function TCustomRequestHandler.OnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl: ustring; newSize: Int64;
+ const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnQuotaRequest(browser, originUrl, newSize, callback);
+procedure TCustomRequestHandler.OnRenderProcessTerminated(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus);
+ FEvent.doOnRenderProcessTerminated(browser, status);
+procedure TCustomRequestHandler.OnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring);
+ FEvent.doOnResourceRedirect(browser, frame, oldUrl, newUrl);
+{ TCustomDialogHandler }
+constructor TCustomDialogHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomDialogHandler.OnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnFileDialog(browser, mode, title,
+ defaultFileName, acceptTypes, callback)
+{ TCustomRenderHandler }
+constructor TCustomRenderHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomRenderHandler.GetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnGetRootScreenRect(browser, rect);
+function TCustomRenderHandler.GetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnGetScreenInfo(browser, screenInfo);
+function TCustomRenderHandler.GetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX,
+ viewY: Integer; screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnGetScreenPoint(browser, viewX, viewY, screenX, screenY);
+function TCustomRenderHandler.GetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnGetViewRect(browser, rect);
+procedure TCustomRenderHandler.OnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+ FEvent.doOnCursorChange(browser, cursor);
+procedure TCustomRenderHandler.OnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+ FEvent.doOnPaint(browser, kind, dirtyRectsCount, dirtyRects, buffer, width, height);
+procedure TCustomRenderHandler.OnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ show: Boolean);
+ FEvent.doOnPopupShow(browser, show);
+procedure TCustomRenderHandler.OnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const rect: PCefRect);
+ FEvent.doOnPopupSize(browser, rect);
+procedure TCustomRenderHandler.OnScrollOffsetChanged(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ FEvent.doOnScrollOffsetChanged(browser);
+{ TCustomDragHandler }
+constructor TCustomDragHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomDragHandler.OnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const dragData: ICefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnDragEnter(browser, dragData, mask);
+{ TCustomRequestContextHandler }
+constructor TCustomRequestContextHandler.Create(const events: IChromiumEvents);
+ inherited Create;
+ FEvent := events;
+function TCustomRequestContextHandler.GetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ Result := FEvent.doOnGetCookieManager()
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/ceflib.pas b/src/thirdparty/ceflib.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b67b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/ceflib.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,16800 @@
+ * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3
+ *
+ * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest
+ * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com
+ * Repository : http://code.google.ctom/p/delphichromiumembedded/
+ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded
+ *
+ * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute
+ * this source code without explicit permission.
+ *
+ *)
+unit ceflib;
+{$I cef.inc}
+ Rtti, TypInfo, Variants, Generics.Collections,
+ Messages,
+ SysUtils, Classes, Math, SyncObjs
+ , Windows
+ ;
+ ustring = type string;
+ rbstring = type RawByteString;
+ {$if declared(unicodestring)}
+ ustring = type unicodestring;
+ {$else}
+ ustring = type WideString;
+ {$ifend}
+ {$ELSE}
+ ustring = type WideString;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ rbstring = type AnsiString;
+{$if not defined(UInt64)}
+ UInt64 = Int64;
+{$ifndef DELPHI16_UP}
+ NativeUInt = Cardinal;
+ PNativeUInt = ^NativeUInt;
+ NativeInt = Integer;
+ TCefWindowHandle = {$IFDEF MACOS}Pointer{$ELSE}HWND{$ENDIF};
+ TCefCursorHandle = {$IFDEF MACOS}Pointer{$ELSE}HCURSOR{$ENDIF};
+ TCefEventHandle = {$IFDEF MACOS}Pointer{$ELSE}PMsg{$ENDIF};
+ TCefTextInputContext = Pointer;
+ // CEF provides functions for converting between UTF-8, -16 and -32 strings.
+ // CEF string types are safe for reading from multiple threads but not for
+ // modification. It is the user's responsibility to provide synchronization if
+ // modifying CEF strings from multiple threads.
+ // CEF character type definitions. wchat_t is 2 bytes on Windows and 4 bytes on
+ // most other platforms.
+ Char16 = WideChar;
+ PChar16 = PWideChar;
+ // CEF string type definitions. Whomever allocates |str| is responsible for
+ // providing an appropriate |dtor| implementation that will free the string in
+ // the same memory space. When reusing an existing string structure make sure
+ // to call |dtor| for the old value before assigning new |str| and |dtor|
+ // values. Static strings will have a NULL |dtor| value. Using the below
+ // functions if you want this managed for you.
+ PCefStringWide = ^TCefStringWide;
+ TCefStringWide = record
+ str: PWideChar;
+ length: NativeUInt;
+ dtor: procedure(str: PWideChar); stdcall;
+ end;
+ PCefStringUtf8 = ^TCefStringUtf8;
+ TCefStringUtf8 = record
+ str: PAnsiChar;
+ length: NativeUInt;
+ dtor: procedure(str: PAnsiChar); stdcall;
+ end;
+ PCefStringUtf16 = ^TCefStringUtf16;
+ TCefStringUtf16 = record
+ str: PChar16;
+ length: NativeUInt;
+ dtor: procedure(str: PChar16); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // It is sometimes necessary for the system to allocate string structures with
+ // the expectation that the user will free them. The userfree types act as a
+ // hint that the user is responsible for freeing the structure.
+ PCefStringUserFreeWide = ^TCefStringUserFreeWide;
+ TCefStringUserFreeWide = type TCefStringWide;
+ PCefStringUserFreeUtf8 = ^TCefStringUserFreeUtf8;
+ TCefStringUserFreeUtf8 = type TCefStringUtf8;
+ PCefStringUserFreeUtf16 = ^TCefStringUserFreeUtf16;
+ TCefStringUserFreeUtf16 = type TCefStringUtf16;
+ TCefChar = AnsiChar;
+ PCefChar = PAnsiChar;
+ TCefStringUserFree = TCefStringUserFreeUtf8;
+ PCefStringUserFree = PCefStringUserFreeUtf8;
+ TCefString = TCefStringUtf8;
+ PCefString = PCefStringUtf8;
+ TCefChar = Char16;
+ PCefChar = PChar16;
+ TCefStringUserFree = TCefStringUserFreeUtf16;
+ PCefStringUserFree = PCefStringUserFreeUtf16;
+ TCefString = TCefStringUtf16;
+ PCefString = PCefStringUtf16;
+ TCefChar = WideChar;
+ PCefChar = PWideChar;
+ TCefStringUserFree = TCefStringUserFreeWide;
+ PCefStringUserFree = PCefStringUserFreeWide;
+ TCefString = TCefStringWide;
+ PCefString = PCefStringWide;
+ // CEF strings are NUL-terminated wide character strings prefixed with a size
+ // value, similar to the Microsoft BSTR type. Use the below API functions for
+ // allocating, managing and freeing CEF strings.
+ // CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs.
+ TCefStringMap = Pointer;
+ // CEF string multimaps are a set of key/value string pairs.
+ // More than one value can be assigned to a single key.
+ TCefStringMultimap = Pointer;
+ // CEF string maps are a set of key/value string pairs.
+ TCefStringList = Pointer;
+ // Structure representing CefExecuteProcess arguments.
+ PCefMainArgs = ^TCefMainArgs;
+ TCefMainArgs = record
+ instance: HINST;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing window information.
+ PCefWindowInfo = ^TCefWindowInfo;
+ TCefWindowInfo = record
+ m_windowName: TCefString;
+ m_x: Integer;
+ m_y: Integer;
+ m_nWidth: Integer;
+ m_nHeight: Integer;
+ m_bHidden: Integer;
+ // NSView pointer for the parent view.
+ m_ParentView: TCefWindowHandle;
+ // NSView pointer for the new browser view.
+ m_View: TCefWindowHandle;
+ end;
+ TCefWindowInfo = record
+ // Standard parameters required by CreateWindowEx()
+ ex_style: DWORD;
+ window_name: TCefString;
+ style: DWORD;
+ x: Integer;
+ y: Integer;
+ width: Integer;
+ height: Integer;
+ parent_window: HWND;
+ menu: HMENU;
+ // If window rendering is disabled no browser window will be created. Set
+ // |parent_window| to be used for identifying monitor info
+ // (MonitorFromWindow). If |parent_window| is not provided the main screen
+ // monitor will be used.
+ window_rendering_disabled: BOOL;
+ // Set to true to enable transparent painting.
+ // If window rendering is disabled and |transparent_painting| is set to true
+ // WebKit rendering will draw on a transparent background (RGBA=0x00000000).
+ // When this value is false the background will be white and opaque.
+ transparent_painting: BOOL;
+ // Handle for the new browser window.
+ window: HWND ;
+ end;
+// 32-bit ARGB color value, not premultiplied. The color components are always
+// in a known order. Equivalent to the SkColor type.
+ TCefColor = Cardinal;
+// Return the alpha byte from a cef_color_t value.
+function CefColorGetA(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+// Return the red byte from a cef_color_t value.
+function CefColorGetR(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+// Return the green byte from a cef_color_t value.
+function CefColorGetG(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+// Return the blue byte from a cef_color_t value.
+function CefColorGetB(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+// Return an cef_color_t value with the specified byte component values.
+function CefColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): TCefColor;
+ // Log severity levels.
+ TCefLogSeverity = (
+ // Default logging (currently INFO logging).
+ // Verbose logging.
+ // INFO logging.
+ // WARNING logging.
+ // ERROR logging.
+ // ERROR_REPORT logging.
+ // Disables logging completely.
+ );
+ // Represents the state of a setting.
+ TCefState = (
+ // Use the default state for the setting.
+ // Enable or allow the setting.
+ // Disable or disallow the setting.
+ );
+ // Initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended default
+ // values. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command-
+ // line switches.
+ PCefSettings = ^TCefSettings;
+ TCefSettings = record
+ // Size of this structure.
+ size: NativeUInt;
+ // Set to true (1) to use a single process for the browser and renderer. This
+ // run mode is not officially supported by Chromium and is less stable than
+ // the multi-process default. Also configurable using the "single-process"
+ // command-line switch.
+ single_process: Boolean;
+ // The path to a separate executable that will be launched for sub-processes.
+ // By default the browser process executable is used. See the comments on
+ // CefExecuteProcess() for details. Also configurable using the
+ // "browser-subprocess-path" command-line switch.
+ browser_subprocess_path: TCefString;
+ // Set to true (1) to have the browser process message loop run in a separate
+ // thread. If false (0) than the CefDoMessageLoopWork() function must be
+ // called from your application message loop.
+ multi_threaded_message_loop: Boolean;
+ // Set to true (1) to disable configuration of browser process features using
+ // standard CEF and Chromium command-line arguments. Configuration can still
+ // be specified using CEF data structures or via the
+ // CefApp::OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing() method.
+ command_line_args_disabled: Boolean;
+ // The location where cache data will be stored on disk. If empty an in-memory
+ // cache will be used for some features and a temporary disk cache for others.
+ // HTML5 databases such as localStorage will only persist across sessions if a
+ // cache path is specified.
+ cache_path: TCefString;
+ // To persist session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity
+ // interval) by default when using the global cookie manager set this value to
+ // true. Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web
+ // browsers do not persist them. A |cache_path| value must also be specified to
+ // enable this feature. Also configurable using the "persist-session-cookies"
+ // command-line switch.
+ persist_session_cookies: Boolean;
+ // Value that will be returned as the User-Agent HTTP header. If empty the
+ // default User-Agent string will be used. Also configurable using the
+ // "user-agent" command-line switch.
+ user_agent: TCefString;
+ // Value that will be inserted as the product portion of the default
+ // User-Agent string. If empty the Chromium product version will be used. If
+ // |userAgent| is specified this value will be ignored. Also configurable
+ // using the "product-version" command-line switch.
+ product_version: TCefString;
+ // The locale string that will be passed to WebKit. If empty the default
+ // locale of "en-US" will be used. This value is ignored on Linux where locale
+ // is determined using environment variable parsing with the precedence order:
+ // LANGUAGE, LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES and LANG. Also configurable using the "lang"
+ // command-line switch.
+ locale: TCefString;
+ // The directory and file name to use for the debug log. If empty, the
+ // default name of "debug.log" will be used and the file will be written
+ // to the application directory. Also configurable using the "log-file"
+ // command-line switch.
+ log_file: TCefString;
+ // The log severity. Only messages of this severity level or higher will be
+ // logged.
+ log_severity: TCefLogSeverity;
+ // Enable DCHECK in release mode to ease debugging. Also configurable using the
+ // "enable-release-dcheck" command-line switch.
+ release_dcheck_enabled: Boolean;
+ // Custom flags that will be used when initializing the V8 JavaScript engine.
+ // The consequences of using custom flags may not be well tested. Also
+ // configurable using the "js-flags" command-line switch.
+ javascript_flags: TCefString;
+ // The fully qualified path for the resources directory. If this value is
+ // empty the cef.pak and/or devtools_resources.pak files must be located in
+ // the module directory on Windows/Linux or the app bundle Resources directory
+ // on Mac OS X. Also configurable using the "resources-dir-path" command-line
+ // switch.
+ resources_dir_path: TCefString;
+ // The fully qualified path for the locales directory. If this value is empty
+ // the locales directory must be located in the module directory. This value
+ // is ignored on Mac OS X where pack files are always loaded from the app
+ // bundle Resources directory. Also configurable using the "locales-dir-path"
+ // command-line switch.
+ locales_dir_path: TCefString;
+ // Set to true (1) to disable loading of pack files for resources and locales.
+ // A resource bundle handler must be provided for the browser and render
+ // processes via CefApp::GetResourceBundleHandler() if loading of pack files
+ // is disabled. Also configurable using the "disable-pack-loading" command-
+ // line switch.
+ pack_loading_disabled: Boolean;
+ // Set to a value between 1024 and 65535 to enable remote debugging on the
+ // specified port. For example, if 8080 is specified the remote debugging URL
+ // will be http://localhost:8080. CEF can be remotely debugged from any CEF or
+ // Chrome browser window. Also configurable using the "remote-debugging-port"
+ // command-line switch.
+ remote_debugging_port: Integer;
+ // The number of stack trace frames to capture for uncaught exceptions.
+ // Specify a positive value to enable the CefV8ContextHandler::
+ // OnUncaughtException() callback. Specify 0 (default value) and
+ // OnUncaughtException() will not be called. Also configurable using the
+ // "uncaught-exception-stack-size" command-line switch.
+ uncaught_exception_stack_size: Integer;
+ // By default CEF V8 references will be invalidated (the IsValid() method will
+ // return false) after the owning context has been released. This reduces the
+ // need for external record keeping and avoids crashes due to the use of V8
+ // references after the associated context has been released.
+ //
+ // CEF currently offers two context safety implementations with different
+ // performance characteristics. The default implementation (value of 0) uses a
+ // map of hash values and should provide better performance in situations with
+ // a small number contexts. The alternate implementation (value of 1) uses a
+ // hidden value attached to each context and should provide better performance
+ // in situations with a large number of contexts.
+ //
+ // If you need better performance in the creation of V8 references and you
+ // plan to manually track context lifespan you can disable context safety by
+ // specifying a value of -1.
+ //
+ // Also configurable using the "context-safety-implementation" command-line
+ // switch.
+ context_safety_implementation: Integer;
+ // Set to true (1) to ignore errors related to invalid SSL certificates.
+ // Enabling this setting can lead to potential security vulnerabilities like
+ // "man in the middle" attacks. Applications that load content from the
+ // internet should not enable this setting. Also configurable using the
+ // "ignore-certificate-errors" command-line switch.
+ ignore_certificate_errors: Boolean;
+ // Used on Mac OS X to specify the background color for hardware accelerated
+ // content.
+ background_color: TCefColor;
+ end;
+ // Browser initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended
+ // default values. The consequences of using custom values may not be well
+ // tested. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command-
+ // line switches.
+ PCefBrowserSettings = ^TCefBrowserSettings;
+ TCefBrowserSettings = record
+ // Size of this structure.
+ size: NativeUInt;
+ // The below values map to WebPreferences settings.
+ // Font settings.
+ standard_font_family: TCefString;
+ fixed_font_family: TCefString;
+ serif_font_family: TCefString;
+ sans_serif_font_family: TCefString;
+ cursive_font_family: TCefString;
+ fantasy_font_family: TCefString;
+ default_font_size: Integer;
+ default_fixed_font_size: Integer;
+ minimum_font_size: Integer;
+ minimum_logical_font_size: Integer;
+ // Default encoding for Web content. If empty "ISO-8859-1" will be used. Also
+ // configurable using the "default-encoding" command-line switch.
+ default_encoding: TCefString;
+ // Location of the user style sheet that will be used for all pages. This must
+ // be a data URL of the form "data:text/css;charset=utf-8;base64,csscontent"
+ // where "csscontent" is the base64 encoded contents of the CSS file. Also
+ // configurable using the "user-style-sheet-location" command-line switch.
+ user_style_sheet_location: TCefString;
+ // Controls the loading of fonts from remote sources. Also configurable using
+ // the "disable-remote-fonts" command-line switch.
+ remote_fonts: TCefState;
// Controls whether JavaScript can be executed. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-javascript" command-line switch.
+ javascript: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether JavaScript can be used for opening windows. Also
+ // configurable using the "disable-javascript-open-windows" command-line
+ // switch.
+ javascript_open_windows: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether JavaScript can be used to close windows that were not
+ // opened via JavaScript. JavaScript can still be used to close windows that
+ // were opened via JavaScript. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-javascript-close-windows" command-line switch.
+ javascript_close_windows: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether JavaScript can access the clipboard. Also configurable
+ // using the "disable-javascript-access-clipboard" command-line switch.
+ javascript_access_clipboard: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether DOM pasting is supported in the editor via
+ // execCommand("paste"). The |javascript_access_clipboard| setting must also
+ // be enabled. Also configurable using the "disable-javascript-dom-paste"
+ // command-line switch.
+ javascript_dom_paste: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether the caret position will be drawn. Also configurable using
+ // the "enable-caret-browsing" command-line switch.
+ caret_browsing: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether the Java plugin will be loaded. Also configurable using
+ // the "disable-java" command-line switch.
+ java: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether any plugins will be loaded. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-plugins" command-line switch.
+ plugins: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether file URLs will have access to all URLs. Also configurable
+ // using the "allow-universal-access-from-files" command-line switch.
+ universal_access_from_file_urls: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether file URLs will have access to other file URLs. Also
+ // configurable using the "allow-access-from-files" command-line switch.
+ file_access_from_file_urls: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether web security restrictions (same-origin policy) will be
+ // enforced. Disabling this setting is not recommend as it will allow risky
+ // security behavior such as cross-site scripting (XSS). Also configurable
+ // using the "disable-web-security" command-line switch.
+ web_security: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether image URLs will be loaded from the network. A cached image
+ // will still be rendered if requested. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-image-loading" command-line switch.
+ image_loading: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether standalone images will be shrunk to fit the page. Also
+ // configurable using the "image-shrink-standalone-to-fit" command-line
+ // switch.
+ image_shrink_standalone_to_fit: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether text areas can be resized. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-text-area-resize" command-line switch.
+ text_area_resize: TCefState;
// Controls whether the tab key can advance focus to links. Also configurable
// using the "disable-tab-to-links" command-line switch.
+ tab_to_links: TCefState;
// Controls whether style sheets can be used. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-author-and-user-styles" command-line switch.
+ author_and_user_styles: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether local storage can be used. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-local-storage" command-line switch.
+ local_storage: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether databases can be used. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-databases" command-line switch.
+ databases: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether the application cache can be used. Also configurable using
+ // the "disable-application-cache" command-line switch.
+ application_cache: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether WebGL can be used. Note that WebGL requires hardware
+ // support and may not work on all systems even when enabled. Also
+ // configurable using the "disable-webgl" command-line switch.
+ webgl: TCefState;
+ // Controls whether content that depends on accelerated compositing can be
+ // used. Note that accelerated compositing requires hardware support and may
+ // not work on all systems even when enabled. Also configurable using the
+ // "disable-accelerated-compositing" command-line switch.
+ accelerated_compositing: TCefState;
+ // URL component parts.
+ PCefUrlParts = ^TCefUrlParts;
+ TCefUrlParts = record
+ // The complete URL specification.
+ spec: TCefString;
+ // Scheme component not including the colon (e.g., "http").
+ scheme: TCefString;
+ // User name component.
+ username: TCefString;
+ // Password component.
+ password: TCefString;
+ // Host component. This may be a hostname, an IPv4 address or an IPv6 literal
+ // surrounded by square brackets (e.g., "[2001:db8::1]").
+ host: TCefString;
+ // Port number component.
+ port: TCefString;
+ // Path component including the first slash following the host.
+ path: TCefString;
+ // Query string component (i.e., everything following the '?').
+ query: TCefString;
+ end;
+ TUrlParts = record
+ spec: ustring;
+ scheme: ustring;
+ username: ustring;
+ password: ustring;
+ host: ustring;
+ port: ustring;
+ path: ustring;
+ query: ustring;
+ end;
+ // Time information. Values should always be in UTC.
+ PCefTime = ^TCefTime;
+ TCefTime = record
+ year: Integer; // Four digit year "2007"
+ month: Integer; // 1-based month (values 1 = January, etc.)
+ day_of_week: Integer; // 0-based day of week (0 = Sunday, etc.)
+ day_of_month: Integer; // 1-based day of month (1-31)
+ hour: Integer; // Hour within the current day (0-23)
+ minute: Integer; // Minute within the current hour (0-59)
+ second: Integer; // Second within the current minute (0-59 plus leap
+ // seconds which may take it up to 60).
+ millisecond: Integer; // Milliseconds within the current second (0-999)
+ end;
+ // Cookie information.
+ TCefCookie = record
+ // The cookie name.
+ name: TCefString;
+ // The cookie value.
+ value: TCefString;
+ // If |domain| is empty a host cookie will be created instead of a domain
+ // cookie. Domain cookies are stored with a leading "." and are visible to
+ // sub-domains whereas host cookies are not.
+ domain: TCefString;
+ // If |path| is non-empty only URLs at or below the path will get the cookie
+ // value.
+ path: TCefString;
+ // If |secure| is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTPS requests.
+ secure: Boolean;
+ // If |httponly| is true the cookie will only be sent for HTTP requests.
+ httponly: Boolean;
+ // The cookie creation date. This is automatically populated by the system on
+ // cookie creation.
+ creation: TCefTime;
+ // The cookie last access date. This is automatically populated by the system
+ // on access.
+ last_access: TCefTime;
+ // The cookie expiration date is only valid if |has_expires| is true.
+ has_expires: Boolean;
+ expires: TCefTime;
+ end;
+ // Process termination status values.
+ TCefTerminationStatus = (
+ // Non-zero exit status.
+ // SIGKILL or task manager kill.
+ // Segmentation fault.
+ );
+ // Path key values.
+ TCefPathKey = (
+ // Current directory.
+ // Directory containing PK_FILE_EXE.
+ // Directory containing PK_FILE_MODULE.
+ // Temporary directory.
+ // Path and filename of the current executable.
+ // Path and filename of the module containing the CEF code (usually the libcef
+ // module).
+ );
+ // Storage types.
+ TCefStorageType = (
+ );
+ // Supported error code values. See net\base\net_error_list.h for complete
+ // descriptions of the error codes.
+ TCefErrorcode = Integer;
+ ERR_NONE = 0;
+ ERR_FAILED = -2;
+ ERR_CERT_END = -208;
+ ERR_CACHE_MISS = -400;
+// "Verb" of a drag-and-drop operation as negotiated between the source and
+// destination. These constants match their equivalents in WebCore's
+// DragActions.h and should not be renumbered.
+ TCefDragOperation = (
+ //DRAG_OPERATION_EVERY = High(Cardinal);
+ );
+ TCefDragOperations = set of TCefDragOperation;
+ // V8 access control values.
+ TCefV8AccessControl = (
+ );
+ TCefV8AccessControls = set of TCefV8AccessControl;
+ // V8 property attribute values.
+ TCefV8PropertyAttribute = (
+ //V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE = 0; // Writeable, Enumerable, Configurable
+ );
+ TCefV8PropertyAttributes = set of TCefV8PropertyAttribute;
+ // Post data elements may represent either bytes or files.
+ TCefPostDataElementType = (
+ );
+ // Resource type for a request.
+ TCefResourceType = (
+ // Top level page.
+ // Frame or iframe.
+ // CSS stylesheet.
+ // External script.
+ // Image (jpg/gif/png/etc).
+ // Font.
+ // Some other subresource. This is the default type if the actual type is
+ // unknown.
+ // Object (or embed) tag for a plugin, or a resource that a plugin requested.
+ // Media resource.
+ // Main resource of a dedicated worker.
+ // Main resource of a shared worker.
+ // Explicitly requested prefetch.
+ // Favicon.
+ // XMLHttpRequest.
+ );
+ // Transition type for a request. Made up of one source value and 0 or more
+ // qualifiers.
+ TCefTransitionType = Integer;
+ // Source is a link click or the JavaScript window.open function. This is
+ // also the default value for requests like sub-resource loads that are not
+ // navigations.
+ TT_LINK = 0;
+ // Source is some other "explicit" navigation action such as creating a new
+ // browser or using the LoadURL function. This is also the default value
+ // for navigations where the actual type is unknown.
+ // Source is a subframe navigation. This is any content that is automatically
+ // loaded in a non-toplevel frame. For example, if a page consists of several
+ // frames containing ads, those ad URLs will have this transition type.
+ // The user may not even realize the content in these pages is a separate
+ // frame, so may not care about the URL.
+ // Source is a subframe navigation explicitly requested by the user that will
+ // generate new navigation entries in the back/forward list. These are
+ // probably more important than frames that were automatically loaded in
+ // the background because the user probably cares about the fact that this
+ // link was loaded.
+ // Source is a form submission by the user. NOTE: In some situations
+ // submitting a form does not result in this transition type. This can happen
+ // if the form uses a script to submit the contents.
+ // Source is a "reload" of the page via the Reload function or by re-visiting
+ // the same URL. NOTE: This is distinct from the concept of whether a
+ // particular load uses "reload semantics" (i.e. bypasses cached data).
+ TT_RELOAD = 8;
+ // General mask defining the bits used for the source values.
+ // Qualifiers.
+ // Any of the core values above can be augmented by one or more qualifiers.
+ // These qualifiers further define the transition.
+ // Attempted to visit a URL but was blocked.
+ TT_BLOCKED_FLAG = $00800000;
+ // Used the Forward or Back function to navigate among browsing history.
+ TT_FORWARD_BACK_FLAG = $01000000;
+ // The beginning of a navigation chain.
+ TT_CHAIN_START_FLAG = $10000000;
+ // The last transition in a redirect chain.
+ TT_CHAIN_END_FLAG = $20000000;
+ // Redirects caused by JavaScript or a meta refresh tag on the page.
+ // Redirects sent from the server by HTTP headers.
+ // Used to test whether a transition involves a redirect.
+ TT_IS_REDIRECT_MASK = $C0000000;
+ // General mask defining the bits used for the qualifiers.
+// );
+ // Flags used to customize the behavior of CefURLRequest.
+ TCefUrlRequestFlag = (
+ // Default behavior.
+ //UR_FLAG_NONE = 0,
+ // If set the cache will be skipped when handling the request.
+ // If set user name, password, and cookies may be sent with the request.
+ // If set cookies may be sent with the request and saved from the response.
+ // If set upload progress events will be generated when a request has a body.
+ // If set load timing info will be collected for the request.
+ // If set the headers sent and received for the request will be recorded.
+ // If set the CefURLRequestClient::OnDownloadData method will not be called.
+ // If set 5XX redirect errors will be propagated to the observer instead of
+ // automatically re-tried. This currently only applies for requests
+ // originated in the browser process.
+ );
+ TCefUrlRequestFlags = set of TCefUrlRequestFlag;
+ // Flags that represent CefURLRequest status.
+ TCefUrlRequestStatus = (
+ // Unknown status.
+ // Request succeeded.
+ // An IO request is pending, and the caller will be informed when it is
+ // completed.
+ // Request was canceled programatically.
+ // Request failed for some reason.
+ );
+ // Structure representing a rectangle.
+ PCefRect = ^TCefRect;
+ TCefRect = record
+ x: Integer;
+ y: Integer;
+ width: Integer;
+ height: Integer;
+ end;
+ TCefRectArray = array[0..(High(Integer) div SizeOf(TCefRect))-1] of TCefRect;
+ PCefRectArray = ^TCefRectArray;
+ // Existing process IDs.
+ TCefProcessId = (
+ // Browser process.
+ // Renderer process.
+ );
+ // Existing thread IDs.
+ TCefThreadId = (
+ // BROWSER PROCESS THREADS -- Only available in the browser process.
+ // The main thread in the browser. This will be the same as the main
+ // application thread if CefInitialize() is called with a
+ // CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false.
+ ///
+ // Used to interact with the database.
+ // Used to interact with the file system.
+ // Used for file system operations that block user interactions.
+ // Responsiveness of this thread affects users.
+ // Used to launch and terminate browser processes.
+ // Used to handle slow HTTP cache operations.
+ // Used to process IPC and network messages.
+ // RENDER PROCESS THREADS -- Only available in the render process.
+ ///
+ // The main thread in the renderer. Used for all WebKit and V8 interaction.
+ ///
+ );
+ // Supported value types.
+ TCefValueType = (
+ );
+ // Supported JavaScript dialog types.
+ TCefJsDialogType = (
+ );
+ // Screen information used when window rendering is disabled. This structure is
+ // passed as a parameter to CefRenderHandler::GetScreenInfo and should be filled
+ // in by the client.
+ ///
+ TCefScreenInfo = record
+ // Device scale factor. Specifies the ratio between physical and logical
+ // pixels.
+ device_scale_factor: Single;
+ // The screen depth in bits per pixel.
+ depth: Integer;
+ // The bits per color component. This assumes that the colors are balanced
+ // equally.
+ depth_per_component: Integer;
+ // This can be true for black and white printers.
+ is_monochrome: Boolean;
+ // This is set from the rcMonitor member of MONITORINFOEX, to whit:
+ // "A RECT structure that specifies the display monitor rectangle,
+ // expressed in virtual-screen coordinates. Note that if the monitor
+ // is not the primary display monitor, some of the rectangle's
+ // coordinates may be negative values."
+ //
+ // The |rect| and |available_rect| properties are used to determine the
+ // available surface for rendering popup views.
+ rect: TCefRect;
+ // This is set from the rcWork member of MONITORINFOEX, to whit:
+ // "A RECT structure that specifies the work area rectangle of the
+ // display monitor that can be used by applications, expressed in
+ // virtual-screen coordinates. Windows uses this rectangle to
+ // maximize an application on the monitor. The rest of the area in
+ // rcMonitor contains system windows such as the task bar and side
+ // bars. Note that if the monitor is not the primary display monitor,
+ // some of the rectangle's coordinates may be negative values".
+ //
+ // The |rect| and |available_rect| properties are used to determine the
+ // available surface for rendering popup views.
+ ///
+ available_rect: TCefRect;
+ end;
+ // Supported menu IDs. Non-English translations can be provided for the
+ // IDS_MENU_* strings in CefResourceBundleHandler::GetLocalizedString().
+ TCefMenuId = (
+ // Navigation.
+ MENU_ID_BACK = 100,
+ // Editing.
+ MENU_ID_UNDO = 110,
+ MENU_ID_REDO = 111,
+ MENU_ID_CUT = 112,
+ MENU_ID_COPY = 113,
+ MENU_ID_PASTE = 114,
+ // Miscellaneous.
+ MENU_ID_FIND = 130,
+ MENU_ID_PRINT = 131,
+ // All user-defined menu IDs should come between MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and
+ // MENU_ID_USER_LAST to avoid overlapping the Chromium and CEF ID ranges
+ // defined in the tools/gritsettings/resource_ids file.
+ );
+ // Mouse button types.
+ TCefMouseButtonType = (
+ );
+ // Paint element types.
+ TCefPaintElementType = (
+ );
+ // Supported event bit flags.
+ TCefEventFlag = (
+ // Mac OS-X command key.
+ );
+ TCefEventFlags = set of TCefEventFlag;
+ // Structure representing mouse event information.
+ PCefMouseEvent = ^TCefMouseEvent;
+ TCefMouseEvent = record
+ // X coordinate relative to the left side of the view.
+ x: Integer;
+ // Y coordinate relative to the top side of the view.
+ y: Integer;
+ // Bit flags describing any pressed modifier keys. See
+ // cef_event_flags_t for values.
+ modifiers: TCefEventFlags;
+ end;
+ // Supported menu item types.
+ TCefMenuItemType = (
+ );
+ // Supported context menu type flags.
+ TCefContextMenuTypeFlag = (
+ // No node is selected.
+ // The top page is selected.
+ // A subframe page is selected.
+ // A link is selected.
+ // A media node is selected.
+ // There is a textual or mixed selection that is selected.
+ // An editable element is selected.
+ );
+ TCefContextMenuTypeFlags = set of TCefContextMenuTypeFlag;
+ // Supported context menu media types.
+ TCefContextMenuMediaType = (
+ // No special node is in context.
+ // An image node is selected.
+ // A video node is selected.
+ // An audio node is selected.
+ // A file node is selected.
+ // A plugin node is selected.
+ );
+ // Supported context menu media state bit flags.
+ TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlag = (
+ );
+ TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlags = set of TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlag;
+ // Supported context menu edit state bit flags.
+ TCefContextMenuEditStateFlag = (
+ );
+ TCefContextMenuEditStateFlags = set of TCefContextMenuEditStateFlag;
+ // Key event types.
+ TCefKeyEventType = (
+ );
+ // Structure representing keyboard event information.
+ PCefKeyEvent = ^TCefKeyEvent;
+ TCefKeyEvent = record
+ // The type of keyboard event.
+ kind: TCefKeyEventType;
+ // Bit flags describing any pressed modifier keys. See
+ // cef_event_flags_t for values.
+ modifiers: TCefEventFlags;
+ // The Windows key code for the key event. This value is used by the DOM
+ // specification. Sometimes it comes directly from the event (i.e. on
+ // Windows) and sometimes it's determined using a mapping function. See
+ // WebCore/platform/chromium/KeyboardCodes.h for the list of values.
+ windows_key_code: Integer;
+ // The actual key code genenerated by the platform.
+ native_key_code: Integer;
+ // Indicates whether the event is considered a "system key" event (see
+ // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646286(VS.85).aspx for details).
+ // This value will always be false on non-Windows platforms.
+ is_system_key: Boolean;
+ // The character generated by the keystroke.
+ character: WideChar;
+ // Same as |character| but unmodified by any concurrently-held modifiers
+ // (except shift). This is useful for working out shortcut keys.
+ unmodified_character: WideChar;
+ // True if the focus is currently on an editable field on the page. This is
+ // useful for determining if standard key events should be intercepted.
+ focus_on_editable_field: Boolean;
+ end;
+ // Focus sources.
+ TCefFocusSource = (
+ // The source is explicit navigation via the API (LoadURL(), etc).
+ // The source is a system-generated focus event.
+ );
+ // Navigation types.
+ TCefNavigationType = (
+ );
+ // Supported XML encoding types. The parser supports ASCII, ISO-8859-1, and
+ // UTF16 (LE and BE) by default. All other types must be translated to UTF8
+ // before being passed to the parser. If a BOM is detected and the correct
+ // decoder is available then that decoder will be used automatically.
+ TCefXmlEncodingType = (
+ );
+ // XML node types.
+ TCefXmlNodeType = (
+ );
+ // Popup window features.
+ PCefPopupFeatures = ^TCefPopupFeatures;
+ TCefPopupFeatures = record
+ x: Integer;
+ xSet: Boolean;
+ y: Integer;
+ ySet: Boolean;
+ width: Integer;
+ widthSet: Boolean;
+ height: Integer;
+ heightSet: Boolean;
+ menuBarVisible: Boolean;
+ statusBarVisible: Boolean;
+ toolBarVisible: Boolean;
+ locationBarVisible: Boolean;
+ scrollbarsVisible: Boolean;
+ resizable: Boolean;
+ fullscreen: Boolean;
+ dialog: Boolean;
+ additionalFeatures: TCefStringList;
+ end;
+ // DOM document types.
+ TCefDomDocumentType = (
+ );
+ // DOM event category flags.
+ TCefDomEventCategory = Integer;
+ // DOM event processing phases.
+ TCefDomEventPhase = (
+ );
+ // DOM node types.
+ TCefDomNodeType = (
+ );
+ // Supported file dialog modes.
+ TCefFileDialogMode = (
+ // Requires that the file exists before allowing the user to pick it.
+ // Like Open, but allows picking multiple files to open.
+ // Allows picking a nonexistent file, and prompts to overwrite if the file
+ // already exists.
+ );
+ // Geoposition error codes.
+ TCefGeopositionErrorCode = (
+ );
+ // Structure representing geoposition information. The properties of this
+ // structure correspond to those of the JavaScript Position object although
+ // their types may differ.
+ PCefGeoposition = ^TCefGeoposition;
+ TCefGeoposition = record
+ // Latitude in decimal degrees north (WGS84 coordinate frame).
+ latitude: Double;
+ // Longitude in decimal degrees west (WGS84 coordinate frame).
+ longitude: Double;
+ // Altitude in meters (above WGS84 datum).
+ altitude: Double;
+ // Accuracy of horizontal position in meters.
+ accuracy: Double;
+ // Accuracy of altitude in meters.
+ altitude_accuracy: Double;
+ // Heading in decimal degrees clockwise from true north.
+ heading: Double;
+ // Horizontal component of device velocity in meters per second.
+ speed: Double;
+ // Time of position measurement in miliseconds since Epoch in UTC time. This
+ // is taken from the host computer's system clock.
+ timestamp: TCefTime;
+ // Error code, see enum above.
+ error_code: TCefGeopositionErrorCode;
+ // Human-readable error message.
+ error_message: TCefString;
+ end;
+ capi
+ *******************************************************************************)
+ PCefv8Handler = ^TCefv8Handler;
+ PCefV8Accessor = ^TCefV8Accessor;
+ PCefv8Value = ^TCefv8Value;
+ PCefV8StackTrace = ^TCefV8StackTrace;
+ PCefV8StackFrame = ^TCefV8StackFrame;
+ PCefV8ValueArray = array[0..(High(Integer) div SizeOf(Pointer)) - 1] of PCefV8Value;
+ PPCefV8Value = ^PCefV8ValueArray;
+ PCefSchemeHandlerFactory = ^TCefSchemeHandlerFactory;
+ PCefSchemeRegistrar = ^TCefSchemeRegistrar;
+ PCefFrame = ^TCefFrame;
+ PCefRequest = ^TCefRequest;
+ PCefStreamReader = ^TCefStreamReader;
+ PCefPostData = ^TCefPostData;
+ PCefPostDataElement = ^TCefPostDataElement;
+ PPCefPostDataElement = ^PCefPostDataElement;
+ PCefReadHandler = ^TCefReadHandler;
+ PCefWriteHandler = ^TCefWriteHandler;
+ PCefStreamWriter = ^TCefStreamWriter;
+ PCefBase = ^TCefBase;
+ PCefBrowser = ^TCefBrowser;
+ PCefRunFileDialogCallback = ^TCefRunFileDialogCallback;
+ PCefBrowserHost = ^TCefBrowserHost;
+ PCefTask = ^TCefTask;
+ PCefTaskRunner = ^TCefTaskRunner;
+ PCefDownloadHandler = ^TCefDownloadHandler;
+ PCefXmlReader = ^TCefXmlReader;
+ PCefZipReader = ^TCefZipReader;
+ PCefDomVisitor = ^TCefDomVisitor;
+ PCefDomDocument = ^TCefDomDocument;
+ PCefDomNode = ^TCefDomNode;
+ PCefDomEventListener = ^TCefDomEventListener;
+ PCefDomEvent = ^TCefDomEvent;
+ PCefResponse = ^TCefResponse;
+ PCefv8Context = ^TCefv8Context;
+ PCefCookieVisitor = ^TCefCookieVisitor;
+ PCefCookie = ^TCefCookie;
+ PCefClient = ^TCefClient;
+ PCefLifeSpanHandler = ^TCefLifeSpanHandler;
+ PCefLoadHandler = ^TCefLoadHandler;
+ PCefRequestHandler = ^TCefRequestHandler;
+ PCefDisplayHandler = ^TCefDisplayHandler;
+ PCefFocusHandler = ^TCefFocusHandler;
+ PCefKeyboardHandler = ^TCefKeyboardHandler;
+ PCefJsDialogHandler = ^TCefJsDialogHandler;
+ PCefApp = ^TCefApp;
+ PCefV8Exception = ^TCefV8Exception;
+ PCefResourceBundleHandler = ^TCefResourceBundleHandler;
+ PCefCookieManager = ^TCefCookieManager;
+ PCefWebPluginInfo = ^TCefWebPluginInfo;
+ PCefCommandLine = ^TCefCommandLine;
+ PCefProcessMessage = ^TCefProcessMessage;
+ PCefBinaryValue = ^TCefBinaryValue;
+ PCefDictionaryValue = ^TCefDictionaryValue;
+ PCefListValue = ^TCefListValue;
+ PCefBrowserProcessHandler = ^TCefBrowserProcessHandler;
+ PCefRenderProcessHandler = ^TCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ PCefAuthCallback = ^TCefAuthCallback;
+ PCefQuotaCallback = ^TCefQuotaCallback;
+ PCefAllowCertificateErrorCallback = ^TCefAllowCertificateErrorCallback;
+ PCefResourceHandler = ^TCefResourceHandler;
+ PCefCallback = ^TCefCallback;
+ PCefCompletionHandler = ^TCefCompletionHandler;
+ PCefContextMenuHandler = ^TCefContextMenuHandler;
+ PCefContextMenuParams = ^TCefContextMenuParams;
+ PCefMenuModel = ^TCefMenuModel;
+ PCefGeolocationCallback = ^TCefGeolocationCallback;
+ PCefGeolocationHandler = ^TCefGeolocationHandler;
+ PCefBeforeDownloadCallback = ^TCefBeforeDownloadCallback;
+ PCefDownloadItemCallback = ^TCefDownloadItemCallback;
+ PCefDownloadItem = ^TCefDownloadItem;
+ PCefStringVisitor = ^TCefStringVisitor;
+ PCefJsDialogCallback = ^TCefJsDialogCallback;
+ PCefUrlRequest = ^TCefUrlRequest;
+ PCefUrlRequestClient = ^TCefUrlRequestClient;
+ PCefWebPluginInfoVisitor = ^TCefWebPluginInfoVisitor;
+ PCefWebPluginUnstableCallback = ^TCefWebPluginUnstableCallback;
+ PCefFileDialogCallback = ^TCefFileDialogCallback;
+ PCefDialogHandler = ^TCefDialogHandler;
+ PCefRenderHandler = ^TCefRenderHandler;
+ PCefGetGeolocationCallback = ^TCefGetGeolocationCallback;
+ PCefTraceClient = ^TCefTraceClient;
+ PCefScreenInfo = ^TCefScreenInfo;
+ PCefDragData = ^TCefDragData;
+ PCefDragHandler = ^TCefDragHandler;
+ PCefRequestContextHandler = ^TCefRequestContextHandler;
+ PCefRequestContext = ^TCefRequestContext;
+ // Structure defining the reference count implementation functions. All
+ // framework structures must include the cef_base_t structure first.
+ TCefBase = record
+ // Size of the data structure.
+ size: NativeUInt;
+ // Increment the reference count.
+ add_ref: function(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Decrement the reference count. Delete this object when no references
+ // remain.
+ release: function(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the current number of references.
+ get_refct: function(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a binary value. Can be used on any process and thread.
+ TCefBinaryValue = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions
+ // if this function returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefBinaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is currently owned by another object.
+ is_owned: function(self: PCefBinaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns a copy of this object. The data in this object will also be copied.
+ copy: function(self: PCefBinaryValue): PCefBinaryValue; stdcall;
+ // Returns the data size.
+ get_size: function(self: PCefBinaryValue): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Read up to |buffer_size| number of bytes into |buffer|. Reading begins at
+ // the specified byte |data_offset|. Returns the number of bytes read.
+ get_data: function(self: PCefBinaryValue; buffer: Pointer; buffer_size,
+ data_offset: NativeUInt): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a dictionary value. Can be used on any process and
+ // thread.
+ TCefDictionaryValue = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions
+ // if this function returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is currently owned by another object.
+ is_owned: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may
+ // expose read-only objects.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns a writable copy of this object. If |exclude_NULL_children| is true
+ // (1) any NULL dictionaries or lists will be excluded from the copy.
+ copy: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; exclude_empty_children: Integer): PCefDictionaryValue; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of values.
+ get_size: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Removes all values. Returns true (1) on success.
+ clear: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the current dictionary has a value for the given key.
+ has_key: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Reads all keys for this dictionary into the specified vector.
+ get_keys: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const keys: TCefStringList): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Removes the value at the specified key. Returns true (1) is the value was
+ // removed successfully.
+ remove: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value type for the specified key.
+ get_type: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): TCefValueType; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified key as type bool.
+ get_bool: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified key as type int.
+ get_int: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified key as type double.
+ get_double: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): Double; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified key as type string.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_string: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified key as type binary.
+ get_binary: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): PCefBinaryValue; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified key as type dictionary.
+ get_dictionary: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): PCefDictionaryValue; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified key as type list.
+ get_list: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): PCefListValue; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type null. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_null: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type bool. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_bool: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString; value: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type int. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_int: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString; value: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type double. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_double: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString; value: Double): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type string. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_string: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString; value: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type binary. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully. If |value| is currently owned by another object
+ // then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change.
+ // Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value|
+ // reference will be invalidated.
+ set_binary: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString; value: PCefBinaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type dict. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully. After calling this function the |value| object
+ // will no longer be valid. If |value| is currently owned by another object
+ // then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change.
+ // Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value|
+ // reference will be invalidated.
+ set_dictionary: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString; value: PCefDictionaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified key as type list. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully. After calling this function the |value| object
+ // will no longer be valid. If |value| is currently owned by another object
+ // then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change.
+ // Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value|
+ // reference will be invalidated.
+ set_list: function(self: PCefDictionaryValue; const key: PCefString; value: PCefListValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a list value. Can be used on any process and thread.
+ TCefListValue = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions
+ // if this function returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefListValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is currently owned by another object.
+ is_owned: function(self: PCefListValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may
+ // expose read-only objects.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefListValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns a writable copy of this object.
+ copy: function(self: PCefListValue): PCefListValue; stdcall;
+ // Sets the number of values. If the number of values is expanded all new
+ // value slots will default to type null. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_size: function(self: PCefListValue; size: NativeUInt): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of values.
+ get_size: function(self: PCefListValue): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Removes all values. Returns true (1) on success.
+ clear: function(self: PCefListValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Removes the value at the specified index.
+ remove: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value type at the specified index.
+ get_type: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): TCefValueType; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified index as type bool.
+ get_bool: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified index as type int.
+ get_int: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified index as type double.
+ get_double: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): Double; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified index as type string.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_string: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified index as type binary.
+ get_binary: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): PCefBinaryValue; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified index as type dictionary.
+ get_dictionary: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): PCefDictionaryValue; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value at the specified index as type list.
+ get_list: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): PCefListValue; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type null. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_null: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type bool. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_bool: function(self: PCefListValue; index, value: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type int. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully.
+ set_int: function(self: PCefListValue; index, value: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type double. Returns true (1) if
+ // the value was set successfully.
+ set_double: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer; value: Double): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type string. Returns true (1) if
+ // the value was set successfully.
+ set_string: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer; value: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type binary. Returns true (1) if
+ // the value was set successfully. After calling this function the |value|
+ // object will no longer be valid. If |value| is currently owned by another
+ // object then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not
+ // change. Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the
+ // |value| reference will be invalidated.
+ set_binary: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer; value: PCefBinaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type dict. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully. After calling this function the |value| object
+ // will no longer be valid. If |value| is currently owned by another object
+ // then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change.
+ // Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value|
+ // reference will be invalidated.
+ set_dictionary: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer; value: PCefDictionaryValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the value at the specified index as type list. Returns true (1) if the
+ // value was set successfully. After calling this function the |value| object
+ // will no longer be valid. If |value| is currently owned by another object
+ // then the value will be copied and the |value| reference will not change.
+ // Otherwise, ownership will be transferred to this object and the |value|
+ // reference will be invalidated.
+ set_list: function(self: PCefListValue; index: Integer; value: PCefListValue): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure for asynchronous task execution. If the task is
+ // posted successfully and if the associated message loop is still running then
+ // the execute() function will be called on the target thread. If the task fails
+ // to post then the task object may be destroyed on the source thread instead of
+ // the target thread. For this reason be cautious when performing work in the
+ // task object destructor.
+ TCefTask = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Method that will be executed on the target thread.
+ execute: procedure(self: PCefTask); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that asynchronously executes tasks on the associated thread. It is
+ // safe to call the functions of this structure on any thread.
+ //
+ // CEF maintains multiple internal threads that are used for handling different
+ // types of tasks in different processes. The cef_thread_id_t definitions in
+ // cef_types.h list the common CEF threads. Task runners are also available for
+ // other CEF threads as appropriate (for example, V8 WebWorker threads).
+ TCefTaskRunner = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same task runner as
+ // |that| object.
+ is_same: function(self, that: PCefTaskRunner): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this task runner belongs to the current thread.
+ belongs_to_current_thread: function(self: PCefTaskRunner): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this task runner is for the specified CEF thread.
+ belongs_to_thread: function(self: PCefTaskRunner; threadId: TCefThreadId): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Post a task for execution on the thread associated with this task runner.
+ // Execution will occur asynchronously.
+ post_task: function(self: PCefTaskRunner; task: PCefTask): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Post a task for delayed execution on the thread associated with this task
+ // runner. Execution will occur asynchronously. Delayed tasks are not
+ // supported on V8 WebWorker threads and will be executed without the
+ // specified delay.
+ post_delayed_task: function(self: PCefTaskRunner; task: PCefTask; delay_ms: Int64): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a message. Can be used on any process and thread.
+ TCefProcessMessage = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions
+ // if this function returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefProcessMessage): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may
+ // expose read-only objects.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefProcessMessage): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns a writable copy of this object.
+ copy: function(self: PCefProcessMessage): PCefProcessMessage; stdcall;
+ // Returns the message name.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_name: function(self: PCefProcessMessage): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the list of arguments.
+ get_argument_list: function(self: PCefProcessMessage): PCefListValue; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Class used to represent a browser window. When used in the browser process
+ // the methods of this class may be called on any thread unless otherwise
+ // indicated in the comments. When used in the render process the methods of
+ // this class may only be called on the main thread.
+ TCefBrowser = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the browser host object. This function can only be called in the
+ // browser process.
+ get_host: function(self: PCefBrowser): PCefBrowserHost; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the browser can navigate backwards.
+ can_go_back: function(self: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Navigate backwards.
+ go_back: procedure(self: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the browser can navigate forwards.
+ can_go_forward: function(self: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Navigate forwards.
+ go_forward: procedure(self: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the browser is currently loading.
+ is_loading: function(self: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Reload the current page.
+ reload: procedure(self: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Reload the current page ignoring any cached data.
+ reload_ignore_cache: procedure(self: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Stop loading the page.
+ stop_load: procedure(self: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Returns the globally unique identifier for this browser.
+ get_identifier : function(self: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that|
+ // object.
+ is_same: function(self, that: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the window is a popup window.
+ is_popup: function(self: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if a document has been loaded in the browser.
+ has_document: function(self: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the main (top-level) frame for the browser window.
+ get_main_frame: function(self: PCefBrowser): PCefFrame; stdcall;
+ // Returns the focused frame for the browser window.
+ get_focused_frame: function(self: PCefBrowser): PCefFrame; stdcall;
+ // Returns the frame with the specified identifier, or NULL if not found.
+ get_frame_byident: function(self: PCefBrowser; identifier: Int64): PCefFrame; stdcall;
+ // Returns the frame with the specified name, or NULL if not found.
+ get_frame: function(self: PCefBrowser; const name: PCefString): PCefFrame; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of frames that currently exist.
+ get_frame_count: function(self: PCefBrowser): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Returns the identifiers of all existing frames.
+ get_frame_identifiers: procedure(self: PCefBrowser; identifiersCount: PNativeUInt; identifiers: PInt64); stdcall;
+ // Returns the names of all existing frames.
+ get_frame_names: procedure(self: PCefBrowser; names: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ // Send a message to the specified |target_process|. Returns true (1) if the
+ // message was sent successfully.
+ send_process_message: function(self: PCefBrowser; target_process: TCefProcessId;
+ message: PCefProcessMessage): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure for cef_browser_host_t::RunFileDialog. The functions of
+ // this structure will be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ TCefRunFileDialogCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called asynchronously after the file dialog is dismissed. If the selection
+ // was successful |file_paths| will be a single value or a list of values
+ // depending on the dialog mode. If the selection was cancelled |file_paths|
+ // will be NULL.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefRunFileDialogCallback; browser_host: PCefBrowserHost;
+ file_paths: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent the browser process aspects of a browser window.
+ // The functions of this structure can only be called in the browser process.
+ // They may be called on any thread in that process unless otherwise indicated
+ // in the comments.
+ TCefBrowserHost = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the hosted browser object.
+ get_browser: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): PCefBrowser; stdcall;
+ // Call this function before destroying a contained browser window. This
+ // function performs any internal cleanup that may be needed before the
+ // browser window is destroyed. See cef_life_span_handler_t::do_close()
+ // documentation for additional usage information.
+ parent_window_will_close: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost); stdcall;
+ // Request that the browser close. The JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' event will
+ // be fired. If |force_close| is false (0) the event handler, if any, will be
+ // allowed to prompt the user and the user can optionally cancel the close. If
+ // |force_close| is true (1) the prompt will not be displayed and the close
+ // will proceed. Results in a call to cef_life_span_handler_t::do_close() if
+ // the event handler allows the close or if |force_close| is true (1). See
+ // cef_life_span_handler_t::do_close() documentation for additional usage
+ // information.
+ close_browser: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; force_close: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Set focus for the browser window. If |enable| is true (1) focus will be set
+ // to the window. Otherwise, focus will be removed.
+ set_focus: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; enable: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Retrieve the window handle for this browser.
+ get_window_handle: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): TCefWindowHandle; stdcall;
+ // Retrieve the window handle of the browser that opened this browser. Will
+ // return NULL for non-popup windows. This function can be used in combination
+ // with custom handling of modal windows.
+ get_opener_window_handle: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): TCefWindowHandle; stdcall;
+ // Returns the client for this browser.
+ get_client: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): PCefClient; stdcall;
+ // Returns the request context for this browser.
+ get_request_context: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): PCefRequestContext; stdcall;
+ // Returns the DevTools URL for this browser. If |http_scheme| is true (1) the
+ // returned URL will use the http scheme instead of the chrome-devtools
+ // scheme. Remote debugging can be enabled by specifying the "remote-
+ // debugging-port" command-line flag or by setting the
+ // CefSettings.remote_debugging_port value. If remote debugging is not enabled
+ // this function will return an NULL string.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_dev_tools_url: function(self: PCefBrowserHost; http_scheme: Integer): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Get the current zoom level. The default zoom level is 0.0. This function
+ // can only be called on the UI thread.
+ get_zoom_level: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): Double; stdcall;
+ // Change the zoom level to the specified value. Specify 0.0 to reset the zoom
+ // level. If called on the UI thread the change will be applied immediately.
+ // Otherwise, the change will be applied asynchronously on the UI thread.
+ set_zoom_level: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; zoomLevel: Double); stdcall;
+ // Call to run a file chooser dialog. Only a single file chooser dialog may be
+ // pending at any given time. |mode| represents the type of dialog to display.
+ // |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be NULL to show the
+ // default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode). |default_file_name|
+ // is the default file name to select in the dialog. |accept_types| is a list
+ // of valid lower-cased MIME types or file extensions specified in an input
+ // element and is used to restrict selectable files to such types. |callback|
+ // will be executed after the dialog is dismissed or immediately if another
+ // dialog is already pending. The dialog will be initiated asynchronously on
+ // the UI thread.
+ run_file_dialog: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, default_file_name: PCefString; accept_types: TCefStringList;
+ callback: PCefRunFileDialogCallback); stdcall;
+ // Download the file at |url| using cef_download_handler_t.
+ start_download: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; const url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Print the current browser contents.
+ print: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost); stdcall;
+ // Search for |searchText|. |identifier| can be used to have multiple searches
+ // running simultaniously. |forward| indicates whether to search forward or
+ // backward within the page. |matchCase| indicates whether the search should
+ // be case-sensitive. |findNext| indicates whether this is the first request
+ // or a follow-up.
+ find: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; identifier: Integer;
+ const searchText: PCefString; forward, matchCase, findNext: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Cancel all searches that are currently going on.
+ stop_finding: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; clearSelection: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Set whether mouse cursor change is disabled.
+ set_mouse_cursor_change_disabled: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; disabled: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if mouse cursor change is disabled.
+ is_mouse_cursor_change_disabled: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if window rendering is disabled.
+ is_window_rendering_disabled: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Notify the browser that the widget has been resized. The browser will first
+ // call cef_render_handler_t::GetViewRect to get the new size and then call
+ // cef_render_handler_t::OnPaint asynchronously with the updated regions. This
+ // function is only used when window rendering is disabled.
+ was_resized: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost); stdcall;
+ // Notify the browser that it has been hidden or shown. Layouting and
+ // cef_render_handler_t::OnPaint notification will stop when the browser is
+ // hidden. This function is only used when window rendering is disabled.
+ was_hidden: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; hidden: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Send a notification to the browser that the screen info has changed. The
+ // browser will then call cef_render_handler_t::GetScreenInfo to update the
+ // screen information with the new values. This simulates moving the webview
+ // window from one display to another, or changing the properties of the
+ // current display. This function is only used when window rendering is
+ // disabled.
+ notify_screen_info_changed: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost); stdcall;
+ // Invalidate the |dirtyRect| region of the view. The browser will call
+ // cef_render_handler_t::OnPaint asynchronously with the updated regions. This
+ // function is only used when window rendering is disabled.
+ invalidate: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; const dirtyRect: PCefRect;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType); stdcall;
+ // Send a key event to the browser.
+ send_key_event: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; const event: PCefKeyEvent); stdcall;
+ // Send a mouse click event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are
+ // relative to the upper-left corner of the view.
+ send_mouse_click_event: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost;
+ const event: PCefMouseEvent; kind: TCefMouseButtonType;
+ mouseUp, clickCount: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Send a mouse move event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are
+ // relative to the upper-left corner of the view.
+ send_mouse_move_event: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost;
+ const event: PCefMouseEvent; mouseLeave: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Send a mouse wheel event to the browser. The |x| and |y| coordinates are
+ // relative to the upper-left corner of the view. The |deltaX| and |deltaY|
+ // values represent the movement delta in the X and Y directions respectively.
+ // In order to scroll inside select popups with window rendering disabled
+ // cef_render_handler_t::GetScreenPoint should be implemented properly.
+ send_mouse_wheel_event: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost;
+ const event: PCefMouseEvent; deltaX, deltaY: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Send a focus event to the browser.
+ send_focus_event: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; setFocus: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Send a capture lost event to the browser.
+ send_capture_lost_event: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost); stdcall;
+ // Get the NSTextInputContext implementation for enabling IME on Mac when
+ // window rendering is disabled.
+ get_nstext_input_context: function(self: PCefBrowserHost): TCefTextInputContext; stdcall;
+ // Handles a keyDown event prior to passing it through the NSTextInputClient
+ // machinery.
+ handle_key_event_before_text_input_client: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; keyEvent: TCefEventHandle); stdcall;
+ // Performs any additional actions after NSTextInputClient handles the event.
+ handle_key_event_after_text_input_client: procedure(self: PCefBrowserHost; keyEvent: TCefEventHandle); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to receive string values asynchronously.
+ TCefStringVisitor = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Method that will be executed.
+ visit: procedure(self: PCefStringVisitor; const str: PCefString); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a frame in the browser window. When used in the
+ // browser process the functions of this structure may be called on any thread
+ // unless otherwise indicated in the comments. When used in the render process
+ // the functions of this structure may only be called on the main thread.
+ TCefFrame = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // True if this object is currently attached to a valid frame.
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Execute undo in this frame.
+ undo: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Execute redo in this frame.
+ redo: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Execute cut in this frame.
+ cut: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Execute copy in this frame.
+ copy: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Execute paste in this frame.
+ paste: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Execute delete in this frame.
+ del: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Execute select all in this frame.
+ select_all: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Save this frame's HTML source to a temporary file and open it in the
+ // default text viewing application. This function can only be called from the
+ // browser process.
+ view_source: procedure(self: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Retrieve this frame's HTML source as a string sent to the specified
+ // visitor.
+ get_source: procedure(self: PCefFrame; visitor: PCefStringVisitor); stdcall;
+ // Retrieve this frame's display text as a string sent to the specified
+ // visitor.
+ get_text: procedure(self: PCefFrame; visitor: PCefStringVisitor); stdcall;
+ // Load the request represented by the |request| object.
+ load_request: procedure(self: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest); stdcall;
+ // Load the specified |url|.
+ load_url: procedure(self: PCefFrame; const url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Load the contents of |string_val| with the specified dummy |url|. |url|
+ // should have a standard scheme (for example, http scheme) or behaviors like
+ // link clicks and web security restrictions may not behave as expected.
+ load_string: procedure(self: PCefFrame; const stringVal, url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Execute a string of JavaScript code in this frame. The |script_url|
+ // parameter is the URL where the script in question can be found, if any. The
+ // renderer may request this URL to show the developer the source of the
+ // error. The |start_line| parameter is the base line number to use for error
+ // reporting.
+ execute_java_script: procedure(self: PCefFrame; const code,
+ script_url: PCefString; start_line: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this is the main (top-level) frame.
+ is_main: function(self: PCefFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this is the focused frame.
+ is_focused: function(self: PCefFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the name for this frame. If the frame has an assigned name (for
+ // example, set via the iframe "name" attribute) then that value will be
+ // returned. Otherwise a unique name will be constructed based on the frame
+ // parent hierarchy. The main (top-level) frame will always have an NULL name
+ // value.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_name: function(self: PCefFrame): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the globally unique identifier for this frame.
+ get_identifier: function(self: PCefFrame): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Returns the parent of this frame or NULL if this is the main (top-level)
+ // frame.
+ get_parent: function(self: PCefFrame): PCefFrame; stdcall;
+ // Returns the URL currently loaded in this frame.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_url: function(self: PCefFrame): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the browser that this frame belongs to.
+ get_browser: function(self: PCefFrame): PCefBrowser; stdcall;
+ // Get the V8 context associated with the frame. This function can only be
+ // called from the render process.
+ get_v8context: function(self: PCefFrame): PCefv8Context; stdcall;
+ // Visit the DOM document. This function can only be called from the render
+ // process.
+ visit_dom: procedure(self: PCefFrame; visitor: PCefDomVisitor); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to implement a custom resource bundle structure. The functions
+ // of this structure may be called on multiple threads.
+ TCefResourceBundleHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called to retrieve a localized translation for the string specified by
+ // |message_id|. To provide the translation set |string| to the translation
+ // string and return true (1). To use the default translation return false
+ // (0). Supported message IDs are listed in cef_pack_strings.h.
+ get_localized_string: function(self: PCefResourceBundleHandler;
+ message_id: Integer; string_val: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called to retrieve data for the resource specified by |resource_id|. To
+ // provide the resource data set |data| and |data_size| to the data pointer
+ // and size respectively and return true (1). To use the default resource data
+ // return false (0). The resource data will not be copied and must remain
+ // resident in memory. Supported resource IDs are listed in
+ // cef_pack_resources.h.
+ get_data_resource: function(self: PCefResourceBundleHandler;
+ resource_id: Integer; var data: Pointer; var data_size: NativeUInt): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to create and/or parse command line arguments. Arguments with
+ // '--', '-' and, on Windows, '/' prefixes are considered switches. Switches
+ // will always precede any arguments without switch prefixes. Switches can
+ // optionally have a value specified using the '=' delimiter (e.g.
+ // "-switch=value"). An argument of "--" will terminate switch parsing with all
+ // subsequent tokens, regardless of prefix, being interpreted as non-switch
+ // arguments. Switch names are considered case-insensitive. This structure can
+ // be used before cef_initialize() is called.
+ TCefCommandLine = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions
+ // if this function returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefCommandLine): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the values of this object are read-only. Some APIs may
+ // expose read-only objects.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefCommandLine): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns a writable copy of this object.
+ copy: function(self: PCefCommandLine): PCefCommandLine; stdcall;
+ // Initialize the command line with the specified |argc| and |argv| values.
+ // The first argument must be the name of the program. This function is only
+ // supported on non-Windows platforms.
+ init_from_argv: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; argc: Integer; const argv: PPAnsiChar); stdcall;
+ // Initialize the command line with the string returned by calling
+ // GetCommandLineW(). This function is only supported on Windows.
+ init_from_string: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; command_line: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Reset the command-line switches and arguments but leave the program
+ // component unchanged.
+ reset: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine); stdcall;
+ // Retrieve the original command line string as a vector of strings. The argv
+ // array: { program, [(--|-|/)switch[=value]]*, [--], [argument]* }
+ get_argv: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; argv: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ // Constructs and returns the represented command line string. Use this
+ // function cautiously because quoting behavior is unclear.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_command_line_string: function(self: PCefCommandLine): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Get the program part of the command line string (the first item).
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_program: function(self: PCefCommandLine): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Set the program part of the command line string (the first item).
+ set_program: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; program_: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the command line has switches.
+ has_switches: function(self: PCefCommandLine): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the command line contains the given switch.
+ has_switch: function(self: PCefCommandLine; const name: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value associated with the given switch. If the switch has no
+ // value or isn't present this function returns the NULL string.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_switch_value: function(self: PCefCommandLine; const name: PCefString): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the map of switch names and values. If a switch has no value an
+ // NULL string is returned.
+ get_switches: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; switches: TCefStringMap); stdcall;
+ // Add a switch to the end of the command line. If the switch has no value
+ // pass an NULL value string.
+ append_switch: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; const name: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Add a switch with the specified value to the end of the command line.
+ append_switch_with_value: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; const name, value: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // True if there are remaining command line arguments.
+ has_arguments: function(self: PCefCommandLine): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Get the remaining command line arguments.
+ get_arguments: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; arguments: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ // Add an argument to the end of the command line.
+ append_argument: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; const argument: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Insert a command before the current command. Common for debuggers, like
+ // "valgrind" or "gdb --args".
+ prepend_wrapper: procedure(self: PCefCommandLine; const wrapper: PCefString); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to implement browser process callbacks. The functions of this
+ // structure will be called on the browser process main thread unless otherwise
+ // indicated.
+ TCefBrowserProcessHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called on the browser process UI thread immediately after the CEF context
+ // has been initialized.
+ on_context_initialized: procedure(self: PCefBrowserProcessHandler); stdcall;
+ // Called before a child process is launched. Will be called on the browser
+ // process UI thread when launching a render process and on the browser
+ // process IO thread when launching a GPU or plugin process. Provides an
+ // opportunity to modify the child process command line. Do not keep a
+ // reference to |command_line| outside of this function.
+ on_before_child_process_launch: procedure(self: PCefBrowserProcessHandler;
+ command_line: PCefCommandLine); stdcall;
+ // Called on the browser process IO thread after the main thread has been
+ // created for a new render process. Provides an opportunity to specify extra
+ // information that will be passed to
+ // cef_render_process_handler_t::on_render_thread_created() in the render
+ // process. Do not keep a reference to |extra_info| outside of this function.
+ on_render_process_thread_created: procedure(self: PCefBrowserProcessHandler;
+ extra_info: PCefListValue); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to implement render process callbacks. The functions of this
+ // structure will be called on the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER)
+ // unless otherwise indicated.
+ TCefRenderProcessHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called after the render process main thread has been created. |extra_info|
+ // is a read-only value originating from
+ // cef_browser_process_handler_t::on_render_process_thread_created(). Do not
+ // keep a reference to |extra_info| outside of this function.
+ on_render_thread_created: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ extra_info: PCefListValue); stdcall;
+ // Called after WebKit has been initialized.
+ on_web_kit_initialized: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler); stdcall;
+ // Called after a browser has been created. When browsing cross-origin a new
+ // browser will be created before the old browser with the same identifier is
+ // destroyed.
+ on_browser_created: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Called before a browser is destroyed.
+ on_browser_destroyed: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for browser load status events.
+ get_load_handler: function(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler): PCefLoadHandler; stdcall;
+ // Called before browser navigation. Return true (1) to cancel the navigation
+ // or false (0) to allow the navigation to proceed. The |request| object
+ // cannot be modified in this callback.
+ on_before_navigation: function(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest;
+ navigation_type: TCefNavigationType; is_redirect: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called immediately after the V8 context for a frame has been created. To
+ // retrieve the JavaScript 'window' object use the
+ // cef_v8context_t::get_global() function. V8 handles can only be accessed
+ // from the thread on which they are created. A task runner for posting tasks
+ // on the associated thread can be retrieved via the
+ // cef_v8context_t::get_task_runner() function.
+ on_context_created: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; context: PCefv8Context); stdcall;
+ // Called immediately before the V8 context for a frame is released. No
+ // references to the context should be kept after this function is called.
+ on_context_released: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; context: PCefv8Context); stdcall;
+ // Called for global uncaught exceptions in a frame. Execution of this
+ // callback is disabled by default. To enable set
+ // CefSettings.uncaught_exception_stack_size > 0.
+ on_uncaught_exception: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; context: PCefv8Context;
+ exception: PCefV8Exception; stackTrace: PCefV8StackTrace); stdcall;
+ // Called when a new node in the the browser gets focus. The |node| value may
+ // be NULL if no specific node has gained focus. The node object passed to
+ // this function represents a snapshot of the DOM at the time this function is
+ // executed. DOM objects are only valid for the scope of this function. Do not
+ // keep references to or attempt to access any DOM objects outside the scope
+ // of this function.
+ on_focused_node_changed: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; node: PCefDomNode); stdcall;
+ // Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return true
+ // (1) if the message was handled or false (0) otherwise. Do not keep a
+ // reference to or attempt to access the message outside of this callback.
+ on_process_message_received: function(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; source_process: TCefProcessId;
+ message: PCefProcessMessage): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to provide handler implementations. Methods will be
+ // called by the process and/or thread indicated.
+ TCefApp = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Provides an opportunity to view and/or modify command-line arguments before
+ // processing by CEF and Chromium. The |process_type| value will be NULL for
+ // the browser process. Do not keep a reference to the cef_command_line_t
+ // object passed to this function. The CefSettings.command_line_args_disabled
+ // value can be used to start with an NULL command-line object. Any values
+ // specified in CefSettings that equate to command-line arguments will be set
+ // before this function is called. Be cautious when using this function to
+ // modify command-line arguments for non-browser processes as this may result
+ // in undefined behavior including crashes.
+ on_before_command_line_processing: procedure(self: PCefApp; const process_type: PCefString;
+ command_line: PCefCommandLine); stdcall;
+ // Provides an opportunity to register custom schemes. Do not keep a reference
+ // to the |registrar| object. This function is called on the main thread for
+ // each process and the registered schemes should be the same across all
+ // processes.
+ on_register_custom_schemes: procedure(self: PCefApp; registrar: PCefSchemeRegistrar); stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for resource bundle events. If
+ // CefSettings.pack_loading_disabled is true (1) a handler must be returned.
+ // If no handler is returned resources will be loaded from pack files. This
+ // function is called by the browser and render processes on multiple threads.
+ get_resource_bundle_handler: function(self: PCefApp): PCefResourceBundleHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for functionality specific to the browser process. This
+ // function is called on multiple threads in the browser process.
+ get_browser_process_handler: function(self: PCefApp): PCefBrowserProcessHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for functionality specific to the render process. This
+ // function is called on the render process main thread.
+ get_render_process_handler: function(self: PCefApp): PCefRenderProcessHandler; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to browser life span. The
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the UI thread unless otherwise
+ // indicated.
+ TCefLifeSpanHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called on the IO thread before a new popup window is created. The |browser|
+ // and |frame| parameters represent the source of the popup request. The
+ // |target_url| and |target_frame_name| values may be NULL if none were
+ // specified with the request. The |popupFeatures| structure contains
+ // information about the requested popup window. To allow creation of the
+ // popup window optionally modify |windowInfo|, |client|, |settings| and
+ // |no_javascript_access| and return false (0). To cancel creation of the
+ // popup window return true (1). The |client| and |settings| values will
+ // default to the source browser's values. The |no_javascript_access| value
+ // indicates whether the new browser window should be scriptable and in the
+ // same process as the source browser.
+ on_before_popup: function(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame;
+ const target_url, target_frame_name: PCefString;
+ const popupFeatures: PCefPopupFeatures;
+ windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; var client: PCefClient;
+ settings: PCefBrowserSettings; no_javascript_access: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called after a new browser is created.
+ on_after_created: procedure(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Called when a modal window is about to display and the modal loop should
+ // begin running. Return false (0) to use the default modal loop
+ // implementation or true (1) to use a custom implementation.
+ run_modal: function(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called when a browser has recieved a request to close. This may result
+ // directly from a call to cef_browser_host_t::close_browser() or indirectly
+ // if the browser is a top-level OS window created by CEF and the user
+ // attempts to close the window. This function will be called after the
+ // JavaScript 'onunload' event has been fired. It will not be called for
+ // browsers after the associated OS window has been destroyed (for those
+ // browsers it is no longer possible to cancel the close).
+ //
+ // If CEF created an OS window for the browser returning false (0) will send
+ // an OS close notification to the browser window's top-level owner (e.g.
+ // WM_CLOSE on Windows, performClose: on OS-X and "delete_event" on Linux). If
+ // no OS window exists (window rendering disabled) returning false (0) will
+ // cause the browser object to be destroyed immediately. Return true (1) if
+ // the browser is parented to another window and that other window needs to
+ // receive close notification via some non-standard technique.
+ //
+ // If an application provides its own top-level window it should handle OS
+ // close notifications by calling cef_browser_host_t::CloseBrowser(false (0))
+ // instead of immediately closing (see the example below). This gives CEF an
+ // opportunity to process the 'onbeforeunload' event and optionally cancel the
+ // close before do_close() is called.
+ //
+ // The cef_life_span_handler_t::OnBeforeclose() function will be called
+ // immediately before the browser object is destroyed. The application should
+ // only exit after OnBeforeclose() has been called for all existing browsers.
+ //
+ // If the browser represents a modal window and a custom modal loop
+ // implementation was provided in cef_life_span_handler_t::run_modal() this
+ // callback should be used to restore the opener window to a usable state.
+ //
+ // By way of example consider what should happen during window close when the
+ // browser is parented to an application-provided top-level OS window. 1.
+ // User clicks the window close button which sends an OS close
+ // notification (e.g. WM_CLOSE on Windows, performClose: on OS-X and
+ // "delete_event" on Linux).
+ // 2. Application's top-level window receives the close notification and:
+ // A. Calls CefBrowserHost::CloseBrowser(false).
+ // B. Cancels the window close.
+ // 3. JavaScript 'onbeforeunload' handler executes and shows the close
+ // confirmation dialog (which can be overridden via
+ // CefJSDialogHandler::OnBeforeUnloadDialog()).
+ // 4. User approves the close. 5. JavaScript 'onunload' handler executes. 6.
+ // Application's do_close() handler is called. Application will:
+ // A. Call CefBrowserHost::ParentWindowWillClose() to notify CEF that the
+ // parent window will be closing.
+ // B. Set a flag to indicate that the next close attempt will be allowed.
+ // C. Return false.
+ // 7. CEF sends an OS close notification. 8. Application's top-level window
+ // receives the OS close notification and
+ // allows the window to close based on the flag from #6B.
+ // 9. Browser OS window is destroyed. 10. Application's
+ // cef_life_span_handler_t::OnBeforeclose() handler is called and
+ // the browser object is destroyed.
+ // 11. Application exits by calling cef_quit_message_loop() if no other
+ // browsers
+ // exist.
+ do_close: function(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called just before a browser is destroyed. Release all references to the
+ // browser object and do not attempt to execute any functions on the browser
+ // object after this callback returns. If this is a modal window and a custom
+ // modal loop implementation was provided in run_modal() this callback should
+ // be used to exit the custom modal loop. See do_close() documentation for
+ // additional usage information.
+ on_before_close: procedure(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the browser process UI thread
+ // or render process main thread (TID_RENDERER).
+ TCefLoadHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called when the loading state has changed. This callback will be executed
+ // twice -- once when loading is initiated either programmatically or by user
+ // action, and once when loading is terminated due to completion, cancellation
+ // of failure.
+ on_loading_state_change: procedure(self: PCefLoadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser begins loading a frame. The |frame| value will
+ // never be NULL -- call the is_main() function to check if this frame is the
+ // main frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames may
+ // start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This
+ // function may not be called for a particular frame if the load request for
+ // that frame fails. For notification of overall browser load status use
+ // OnLoadingStateChange instead.
+ on_load_start: procedure(self: PCefLoadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser is done loading a frame. The |frame| value will
+ // never be NULL -- call the is_main() function to check if this frame is the
+ // main frame. Multiple frames may be loading at the same time. Sub-frames may
+ // start or continue loading after the main frame load has ended. This
+ // function will always be called for all frames irrespective of whether the
+ // request completes successfully.
+ on_load_end: procedure(self: PCefLoadHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ frame: PCefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Called when the resource load for a navigation fails or is canceled.
+ // |errorCode| is the error code number, |errorText| is the error text and
+ // |failedUrl| is the URL that failed to load. See net\base\net_error_list.h
+ // for complete descriptions of the error codes.
+ on_load_error: procedure(self: PCefLoadHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ frame: PCefFrame; errorCode: Integer; const errorText, failedUrl: PCefString); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Generic callback structure used for asynchronous continuation.
+ TCefCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Continue processing.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefCallback); stdcall;
+ // Cancel processing.
+ cancel: procedure(self: PCefCallback); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Generic callback structure used for asynchronous completion.
+ TCefCompletionHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Method that will be called once the task is complete.
+ on_complete: procedure(self: PCefCompletionHandler); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to implement a custom request handler structure. The functions
+ // of this structure will always be called on the IO thread.
+ TCefResourceHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Begin processing the request. To handle the request return true (1) and
+ // call cef_callback_t::cont() once the response header information is
+ // available (cef_callback_t::cont() can also be called from inside this
+ // function if header information is available immediately). To cancel the
+ // request return false (0).
+ process_request: function(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ request: PCefRequest; callback: PCefCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Retrieve response header information. If the response length is not known
+ // set |response_length| to -1 and read_response() will be called until it
+ // returns false (0). If the response length is known set |response_length| to
+ // a positive value and read_response() will be called until it returns false
+ // (0) or the specified number of bytes have been read. Use the |response|
+ // object to set the mime type, http status code and other optional header
+ // values. To redirect the request to a new URL set |redirectUrl| to the new
+ // URL.
+ get_response_headers: procedure(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ response: PCefResponse; response_length: PInt64; redirectUrl: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Read response data. If data is available immediately copy up to
+ // |bytes_to_read| bytes into |data_out|, set |bytes_read| to the number of
+ // bytes copied, and return true (1). To read the data at a later time set
+ // |bytes_read| to 0, return true (1) and call cef_callback_t::cont() when the
+ // data is available. To indicate response completion return false (0).
+ read_response: function(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ data_out: Pointer; bytes_to_read: Integer; bytes_read: PInteger;
+ callback: PCefCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return true (1) if the specified cookie can be sent with the request or
+ // false (0) otherwise. If false (0) is returned for any cookie then no
+ // cookies will be sent with the request.
+ can_get_cookie: function(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ const cookie: PCefCookie): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return true (1) if the specified cookie returned with the response can be
+ // set or false (0) otherwise.
+ can_set_cookie: function(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ const cookie: PCefCookie): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Request processing has been canceled.
+ cancel: procedure(self: PCefResourceHandler); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure used for asynchronous continuation of authentication
+ // requests.
+ TCefAuthCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Continue the authentication request.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefAuthCallback;
+ const username, password: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Cancel the authentication request.
+ cancel: procedure(self: PCefAuthCallback); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure used for asynchronous continuation of quota requests.
+ TCefQuotaCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Continue the quota request. If |allow| is true (1) the request will be
+ // allowed. Otherwise, the request will be denied.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefQuotaCallback; allow: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Cancel the quota request.
+ cancel: procedure(self: PCefQuotaCallback); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure used for asynchronous continuation of url requests when
+ // invalid SSL certificates are encountered.
+ TCefAllowCertificateErrorCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Continue the url request. If |allow| is true (1) the request will be
+ // continued. Otherwise, the request will be canceled.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefAllowCertificateErrorCallback; allow: Integer); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to browser requests. The
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the thread indicated.
+ TCefRequestHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called on the UI thread before browser navigation. Return true (1) to
+ // cancel the navigation or false (0) to allow the navigation to proceed. The
+ // |request| object cannot be modified in this callback.
+ // cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadingStateChange will be called twice in all cases.
+ // If the navigation is allowed cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadStart and
+ // cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadEnd will be called. If the navigation is canceled
+ // cef_load_handler_t::OnLoadError will be called with an |errorCode| value of
+ on_before_browse: function(self: PCefRequestHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest; is_redirect: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called on the IO thread before a resource request is loaded. The |request|
+ // object may be modified. To cancel the request return true (1) otherwise
+ // return false (0).
+ on_before_resource_load: function(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called on the IO thread before a resource is loaded. To allow the resource
+ // to load normally return NULL. To specify a handler for the resource return
+ // a cef_resource_handler_t object. The |request| object should not be
+ // modified in this callback.
+ get_resource_handler: function(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest): PCefResourceHandler; stdcall;
+ // Called on the IO thread when a resource load is redirected. The |old_url|
+ // parameter will contain the old URL. The |new_url| parameter will contain
+ // the new URL and can be changed if desired.
+ on_resource_redirect: procedure(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; const old_url: PCefString;
+ new_url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user.
+ // |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the
+ // hostname and |port| contains the port number. Return true (1) to continue
+ // the request and call cef_auth_callback_t::cont() when the authentication
+ // information is available. Return false (0) to cancel the request.
+ get_auth_credentials: function(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; isProxy: Integer; const host: PCefString;
+ port: Integer; const realm, scheme: PCefString; callback: PCefAuthCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called on the IO thread when JavaScript requests a specific storage quota
+ // size via the webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota function. |origin_url| is the
+ // origin of the page making the request. |new_size| is the requested quota
+ // size in bytes. Return true (1) and call cef_quota_callback_t::cont() either
+ // in this function or at a later time to grant or deny the request. Return
+ // false (0) to cancel the request.
+ on_quota_request: function(self: PCefRequestHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ const origin_url: PCefString; new_size: Int64; callback: PCefQuotaCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an unknown
+ // protocol component. Set |allow_os_execution| to true (1) to attempt
+ // execution via the registered OS protocol handler, if any. SECURITY WARNING:
+ on_protocol_execution: procedure(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const url: PCefString; allow_os_execution: PInteger); stdcall;
+ // Called on the UI thread to handle requests for URLs with an invalid SSL
+ // certificate. Return true (1) and call
+ // cef_allow_certificate_error_callback_t:: cont() either in this function or
+ // at a later time to continue or cancel the request. Return false (0) to
+ // cancel the request immediately. If |callback| is NULL the error cannot be
+ // recovered from and the request will be canceled automatically. If
+ // CefSettings.ignore_certificate_errors is set all invalid certificates will
+ // be accepted without calling this function.
+ on_certificate_error: function(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ cert_error: TCefErrorCode; const request_url: PCefString;
+ callback: PCefAllowCertificateErrorCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called on the browser process IO thread before a plugin is loaded. Return
+ // true (1) to block loading of the plugin.
+ on_before_plugin_load: function(self: PCefRequestHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ const url, policy_url: PCefString; info: PCefWebPluginInfo): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called on the browser process UI thread when a plugin has crashed.
+ // |plugin_path| is the path of the plugin that crashed.
+ on_plugin_crashed: procedure(self: PCefRequestHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ const plugin_path: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Called on the browser process UI thread when the render process terminates
+ // unexpectedly. |status| indicates how the process terminated.
+ on_render_process_terminated: procedure(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); stdcall
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to browser display state.
+ // The functions of this structure will be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefDisplayHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called when a frame's address has changed.
+ on_address_change: procedure(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; const url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Called when the page title changes.
+ on_title_change: procedure(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const title: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser is about to display a tooltip. |text| contains the
+ // text that will be displayed in the tooltip. To handle the display of the
+ // tooltip yourself return true (1). Otherwise, you can optionally modify
+ // |text| and then return false (0) to allow the browser to display the
+ // tooltip. When window rendering is disabled the application is responsible
+ // for drawing tooltips and the return value is ignored.
+ on_tooltip: function(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser receives a status message. |text| contains the text
+ // that will be displayed in the status message.
+ on_status_message: procedure(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const value: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Called to display a console message. Return true (1) to stop the message
+ // from being output to the console.
+ on_console_message: function(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const message: PCefString;
+ const source: PCefString; line: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to focus. The functions of
+ // this structure will be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefFocusHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called when the browser component is about to loose focus. For instance, if
+ // focus was on the last HTML element and the user pressed the TAB key. |next|
+ // will be true (1) if the browser is giving focus to the next component and
+ // false (0) if the browser is giving focus to the previous component.
+ on_take_focus: procedure(self: PCefFocusHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; next: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser component is requesting focus. |source| indicates
+ // where the focus request is originating from. Return false (0) to allow the
+ // focus to be set or true (1) to cancel setting the focus.
+ on_set_focus: function(self: PCefFocusHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser component has received focus.
+ on_got_focus: procedure(self: PCefFocusHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to keyboard input. The
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefKeyboardHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called before a keyboard event is sent to the renderer. |event| contains
+ // information about the keyboard event. |os_event| is the operating system
+ // event message, if any. Return true (1) if the event was handled or false
+ // (0) otherwise. If the event will be handled in on_key_event() as a keyboard
+ // shortcut set |is_keyboard_shortcut| to true (1) and return false (0).
+ on_pre_key_event: function(self: PCefKeyboardHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ os_event: TCefEventHandle; is_keyboard_shortcut: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called after the renderer and JavaScript in the page has had a chance to
+ // handle the event. |event| contains information about the keyboard event.
+ // |os_event| is the operating system event message, if any. Return true (1)
+ // if the keyboard event was handled or false (0) otherwise.
+ on_key_event: function(self: PCefKeyboardHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ os_event: TCefEventHandle): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure used for asynchronous continuation of JavaScript dialog
+ // requests.
+ TCefJsDialogCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Continue the JS dialog request. Set |success| to true (1) if the OK button
+ // was pressed. The |user_input| value should be specified for prompt dialogs.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefJsDialogCallback; success: Integer; const user_input: PCefString); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to JavaScript dialogs. The
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefJsDialogHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called to run a JavaScript dialog. The |default_prompt_text| value will be
+ // specified for prompt dialogs only. Set |suppress_message| to true (1) and
+ // return false (0) to suppress the message (suppressing messages is
+ // preferable to immediately executing the callback as this is used to detect
+ // presumably malicious behavior like spamming alert messages in
+ // onbeforeunload). Set |suppress_message| to false (0) and return false (0)
+ // to use the default implementation (the default implementation will show one
+ // modal dialog at a time and suppress any additional dialog requests until
+ // the displayed dialog is dismissed). Return true (1) if the application will
+ // use a custom dialog or if the callback has been executed immediately.
+ // Custom dialogs may be either modal or modeless. If a custom dialog is used
+ // the application must execute |callback| once the custom dialog is
+ // dismissed.
+ on_jsdialog: function(self: PCefJsDialogHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const origin_url, accept_lang: PCefString;
+ dialog_type: TCefJsDialogType; const message_text, default_prompt_text: PCefString;
+ callback: PCefJsDialogCallback; suppress_message: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called to run a dialog asking the user if they want to leave a page. Return
+ // false (0) to use the default dialog implementation. Return true (1) if the
+ // application will use a custom dialog or if the callback has been executed
+ // immediately. Custom dialogs may be either modal or modeless. If a custom
+ // dialog is used the application must execute |callback| once the custom
+ // dialog is dismissed.
+ on_before_unload_dialog: function(self: PCefJsDialogHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const message_text: PCefString; is_reload: Integer;
+ callback: PCefJsDialogCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called to cancel any pending dialogs and reset any saved dialog state. Will
+ // be called due to events like page navigation irregardless of whether any
+ // dialogs are currently pending.
+ on_reset_dialog_state: procedure(self: PCefJsDialogHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ // Called when the default implementation dialog is closed.
+ on_dialog_closed: procedure(self: PCefJsDialogHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Supports creation and modification of menus. See cef_menu_id_t for the
+ // command ids that have default implementations. All user-defined command ids
+ // should be between MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and MENU_ID_USER_LAST. The functions of
+ // this structure can only be accessed on the browser process the UI thread.
+ TCefMenuModel = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Clears the menu. Returns true (1) on success.
+ clear: function(self: PCefMenuModel): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of items in this menu.
+ get_count: function(self: PCefMenuModel): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Add a separator to the menu. Returns true (1) on success.
+ add_separator: function(self: PCefMenuModel): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Add an item to the menu. Returns true (1) on success.
+ add_item: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Add a check item to the menu. Returns true (1) on success.
+ add_check_item: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Add a radio item to the menu. Only a single item with the specified
+ // |group_id| can be checked at a time. Returns true (1) on success.
+ add_radio_item: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString; group_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Add a sub-menu to the menu. The new sub-menu is returned.
+ add_sub_menu: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): PCefMenuModel; stdcall;
+ // Insert a separator in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true (1)
+ // on success.
+ insert_separator_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Insert an item in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on
+ // success.
+ insert_item_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Insert a check item in the menu at the specified |index|. Returns true (1)
+ // on success.
+ insert_check_item_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Insert a radio item in the menu at the specified |index|. Only a single
+ // item with the specified |group_id| can be checked at a time. Returns true
+ // (1) on success.
+ insert_radio_item_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString; group_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Insert a sub-menu in the menu at the specified |index|. The new sub-menu is
+ // returned.
+ insert_sub_menu_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): PCefMenuModel; stdcall;
+ // Removes the item with the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on
+ // success.
+ remove: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Removes the item at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success.
+ remove_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the index associated with the specified |command_id| or -1 if not
+ // found due to the command id not existing in the menu.
+ get_index_of: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the command id at the specified |index| or -1 if not found due to
+ // invalid range or the index being a separator.
+ get_command_id_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the command id at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_command_id_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the label for the specified |command_id| or NULL if not found.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_label: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the label at the specified |index| or NULL if not found due to
+ // invalid range or the index being a separator.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_label_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Sets the label for the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_label: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Set the label at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_label_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer;
+ const text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the item type for the specified |command_id|.
+ get_type: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): TCefMenuItemType; stdcall;
+ // Returns the item type at the specified |index|.
+ get_type_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): TCefMenuItemType; stdcall;
+ // Returns the group id for the specified |command_id| or -1 if invalid.
+ get_group_id: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the group id at the specified |index| or -1 if invalid.
+ get_group_id_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the group id for the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on
+ // success.
+ set_group_id: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id, group_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the group id at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_group_id_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, group_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the submenu for the specified |command_id| or NULL if invalid.
+ get_sub_menu: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): PCefMenuModel; stdcall;
+ // Returns the submenu at the specified |index| or NULL if invalid.
+ get_sub_menu_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): PCefMenuModel; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| is visible.
+ is_visible: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |index| is visible.
+ is_visible_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Change the visibility of the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1) on
+ // success.
+ set_visible: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id, visible: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Change the visibility at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on
+ // success.
+ set_visible_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, visible: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| is enabled.
+ is_enabled: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |index| is enabled.
+ is_enabled_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Change the enabled status of the specified |command_id|. Returns true (1)
+ // on success.
+ set_enabled: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id, enabled: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Change the enabled status at the specified |index|. Returns true (1) on
+ // success.
+ set_enabled_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, enabled: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| is checked. Only applies to
+ // check and radio items.
+ is_checked: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |index| is checked. Only applies to check
+ // and radio items.
+ is_checked_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Check the specified |command_id|. Only applies to check and radio items.
+ // Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_checked: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id, checked: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Check the specified |index|. Only applies to check and radio items. Returns
+ // true (1) on success.
+ set_checked_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, checked: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |command_id| has a keyboard accelerator
+ // assigned.
+ has_accelerator: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the specified |index| has a keyboard accelerator
+ // assigned.
+ has_accelerator_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Set the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. |key_code| can
+ // be any virtual key or character value. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_accelerator: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id, key_code,
+ shift_pressed, ctrl_pressed, alt_pressed: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Set the keyboard accelerator at the specified |index|. |key_code| can be
+ // any virtual key or character value. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_accelerator_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index, key_code,
+ shift_pressed, ctrl_pressed, alt_pressed: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Remove the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. Returns
+ // true (1) on success.
+ remove_accelerator: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Remove the keyboard accelerator at the specified |index|. Returns true (1)
+ // on success.
+ remove_accelerator_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Retrieves the keyboard accelerator for the specified |command_id|. Returns
+ // true (1) on success.
+ get_accelerator: function(self: PCefMenuModel; command_id: Integer; key_code,
+ shift_pressed, ctrl_pressed, alt_pressed: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Retrieves the keyboard accelerator for the specified |index|. Returns true
+ // (1) on success.
+ get_accelerator_at: function(self: PCefMenuModel; index: Integer; key_code,
+ shift_pressed, ctrl_pressed, alt_pressed: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle context menu events. The functions of this
+ // structure will be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefContextMenuHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called before a context menu is displayed. |params| provides information
+ // about the context menu state. |model| initially contains the default
+ // context menu. The |model| can be cleared to show no context menu or
+ // modified to show a custom menu. Do not keep references to |params| or
+ // |model| outside of this callback.
+ on_before_context_menu: procedure(self: PCefContextMenuHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; params: PCefContextMenuParams;
+ model: PCefMenuModel); stdcall;
+ // Called to execute a command selected from the context menu. Return true (1)
+ // if the command was handled or false (0) for the default implementation. See
+ // cef_menu_id_t for the command ids that have default implementations. All
+ // user-defined command ids should be between MENU_ID_USER_FIRST and
+ // MENU_ID_USER_LAST. |params| will have the same values as what was passed to
+ // on_before_context_menu(). Do not keep a reference to |params| outside of
+ // this callback.
+ on_context_menu_command: function(self: PCefContextMenuHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; params: PCefContextMenuParams;
+ command_id: Integer; event_flags: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called when the context menu is dismissed irregardless of whether the menu
+ // was NULL or a command was selected.
+ on_context_menu_dismissed: procedure(self: PCefContextMenuHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Provides information about the context menu state. The ethods of this
+ // structure can only be accessed on browser process the UI thread.
+ TCefContextMenuParams = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the X coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked.
+ // Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin.
+ get_xcoord: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the Y coordinate of the mouse where the context menu was invoked.
+ // Coords are relative to the associated RenderView's origin.
+ get_ycoord: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns flags representing the type of node that the context menu was
+ // invoked on.
+ get_type_flags: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the URL of the link, if any, that encloses the node that the
+ // context menu was invoked on.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_link_url: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the link URL, if any, to be used ONLY for "copy link address". We
+ // don't validate this field in the frontend process.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_unfiltered_link_url: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the source URL, if any, for the element that the context menu was
+ // invoked on. Example of elements with source URLs are img, audio, and video.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_source_url: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the context menu was invoked on an image which has non-
+ // NULL contents.
+ has_image_contents: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the URL of the top level page that the context menu was invoked on.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_page_url: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the URL of the subframe that the context menu was invoked on.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_frame_url: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the character encoding of the subframe that the context menu was
+ // invoked on.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_frame_charset: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the type of context node that the context menu was invoked on.
+ get_media_type: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): TCefContextMenuMediaType; stdcall;
+ // Returns flags representing the actions supported by the media element, if
+ // any, that the context menu was invoked on.
+ get_media_state_flags: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the text of the selection, if any, that the context menu was
+ // invoked on.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_selection_text: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the context menu was invoked on an editable node.
+ is_editable: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the context menu was invoked on an editable node where
+ // speech-input is enabled.
+ is_speech_input_enabled: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns flags representing the actions supported by the editable node, if
+ // any, that the context menu was invoked on.
+ get_edit_state_flags: function(self: PCefContextMenuParams): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure used for asynchronous continuation of geolocation
+ // permission requests.
+ TCefGeolocationCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Call to allow or deny geolocation access.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefGeolocationCallback; allow: Integer); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to geolocation permission
+ // requests. The functions of this structure will be called on the browser
+ // process IO thread.
+ TCefGeolocationHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called when a page requests permission to access geolocation information.
+ // |requesting_url| is the URL requesting permission and |request_id| is the
+ // unique ID for the permission request. Call
+ // cef_geolocation_callback_t::Continue to allow or deny the permission
+ // request.
+ on_request_geolocation_permission: procedure(self: PCefGeolocationHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const requesting_url: PCefString; request_id: Integer;
+ callback: PCefGeolocationCallback); stdcall;
+ // Called when a geolocation access request is canceled. |requesting_url| is
+ // the URL that originally requested permission and |request_id| is the unique
+ // ID for the permission request.
+ on_cancel_geolocation_permission: procedure(self: PCefGeolocationHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const requesting_url: PCefString; request_id: Integer); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to provide handler implementations.
+ TCefClient = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Return the handler for context menus. If no handler is provided the default
+ // implementation will be used.
+ get_context_menu_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefContextMenuHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for dialogs. If no handler is provided the default
+ // implementation will be used.
+ get_dialog_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefDialogHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for browser display state events.
+ get_display_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefDisplayHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for download events. If no handler is returned downloads
+ // will not be allowed.
+ get_download_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefDownloadHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for drag events.
+ get_drag_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefDragHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for focus events.
+ get_focus_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefFocusHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for geolocation permissions requests. If no handler is
+ // provided geolocation access will be denied by default.
+ get_geolocation_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefGeolocationHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for JavaScript dialog events.
+ get_jsdialog_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefJsDialogHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for keyboard events.
+ get_keyboard_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefKeyboardHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for browser life span events.
+ get_life_span_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefLifeSpanHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for browser load status events.
+ get_load_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefLoadHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for off-screen rendering events.
+ get_render_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefRenderHandler; stdcall;
+ // Return the handler for browser request events.
+ get_request_handler: function(self: PCefClient): PCefRequestHandler; stdcall;
+ // Called when a new message is received from a different process. Return true
+ // (1) if the message was handled or false (0) otherwise. Do not keep a
+ // reference to or attempt to access the message outside of this callback.
+ on_process_message_received: function(self: PCefClient; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ source_process: TCefProcessId; message: PCefProcessMessage): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a web request. The functions of this structure
+ // may be called on any thread.
+ TCefRequest = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is read-only.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefRequest): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Get the fully qualified URL.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_url: function(self: PCefRequest): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Set the fully qualified URL.
+ set_url: procedure(self: PCefRequest; const url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Get the request function type. The value will default to POST if post data
+ // is provided and GET otherwise.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_method: function(self: PCefRequest): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Set the request function type.
+ set_method: procedure(self: PCefRequest; const method: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Get the post data.
+ get_post_data: function(self: PCefRequest): PCefPostData; stdcall;
+ // Set the post data.
+ set_post_data: procedure(self: PCefRequest; postData: PCefPostData); stdcall;
+ // Get the header values.
+ get_header_map: procedure(self: PCefRequest; headerMap: TCefStringMultimap); stdcall;
+ // Set the header values.
+ set_header_map: procedure(self: PCefRequest; headerMap: TCefStringMultimap); stdcall;
+ // Set all values at one time.
+ set_: procedure(self: PCefRequest; const url, method: PCefString;
+ postData: PCefPostData; headerMap: TCefStringMultimap); stdcall;
+ // Get the flags used in combination with cef_urlrequest_t. See
+ // cef_urlrequest_flags_t for supported values.
+ get_flags: function(self: PCefRequest): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Set the flags used in combination with cef_urlrequest_t. See
+ // cef_urlrequest_flags_t for supported values.
+ set_flags: procedure(self: PCefRequest; flags: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Get the URL to the first party for cookies used in combination with
+ // cef_urlrequest_t.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_first_party_for_cookies: function(self: PCefRequest): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Set the URL to the first party for cookies used in combination with
+ // cef_urlrequest_t.
+ set_first_party_for_cookies: procedure(self: PCefRequest; const url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Get the resource type for this request. Accurate resource type information
+ // may only be available in the browser process.
+ get_resource_type: function(self: PCefRequest): TCefResourceType; stdcall;
+ // Get the transition type for this request. Only available in the browser
+ // process and only applies to requests that represent a main frame or sub-
+ // frame navigation.
+ get_transition_type: function(self: PCefRequest): TCefTransitionType; stdcall;
+ end;
+ TCefPostDataElementArray = array[0..(High(Integer) div SizeOf(PCefPostDataElement)) - 1] of PCefPostDataElement;
+ PCefPostDataElementArray = ^TCefPostDataElementArray;
+ // Structure used to represent post data for a web request. The functions of
+ // this structure may be called on any thread.
+ TCefPostData = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is read-only.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefPostData):Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of existing post data elements.
+ get_element_count: function(self: PCefPostData): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Retrieve the post data elements.
+ get_elements: procedure(self: PCefPostData; elementsCount: PNativeUInt;
+ elements: PCefPostDataElementArray); stdcall;
+ // Remove the specified post data element. Returns true (1) if the removal
+ // succeeds.
+ remove_element: function(self: PCefPostData;
+ element: PCefPostDataElement): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Add the specified post data element. Returns true (1) if the add succeeds.
+ add_element: function(self: PCefPostData;
+ element: PCefPostDataElement): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Remove all existing post data elements.
+ remove_elements: procedure(self: PCefPostData); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a single element in the request post data. The
+ // functions of this structure may be called on any thread.
+ TCefPostDataElement = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is read-only.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefPostDataElement): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Remove all contents from the post data element.
+ set_to_empty: procedure(self: PCefPostDataElement); stdcall;
+ // The post data element will represent a file.
+ set_to_file: procedure(self: PCefPostDataElement;
+ const fileName: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // The post data element will represent bytes. The bytes passed in will be
+ // copied.
+ set_to_bytes: procedure(self: PCefPostDataElement;
+ size: NativeUInt; const bytes: Pointer); stdcall;
+ // Return the type of this post data element.
+ get_type: function(self: PCefPostDataElement): TCefPostDataElementType; stdcall;
+ // Return the file name.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_file: function(self: PCefPostDataElement): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Return the number of bytes.
+ get_bytes_count: function(self: PCefPostDataElement): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Read up to |size| bytes into |bytes| and return the number of bytes
+ // actually read.
+ get_bytes: function(self: PCefPostDataElement;
+ size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a web response. The functions of this structure
+ // may be called on any thread.
+ TCefResponse = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is read-only.
+ is_read_only: function(self: PCefResponse): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Get the response status code.
+ get_status: function(self: PCefResponse): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Set the response status code.
+ set_status: procedure(self: PCefResponse; status: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Get the response status text.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_status_text: function(self: PCefResponse): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Set the response status text.
+ set_status_text: procedure(self: PCefResponse; const statusText: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Get the response mime type.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_mime_type: function(self: PCefResponse): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Set the response mime type.
+ set_mime_type: procedure(self: PCefResponse; const mimeType: PCefString); stdcall;
+ // Get the value for the specified response header field.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_header: function(self: PCefResponse; const name: PCefString): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Get all response header fields.
+ get_header_map: procedure(self: PCefResponse; headerMap: TCefStringMultimap); stdcall;
+ // Set all response header fields.
+ set_header_map: procedure(self: PCefResponse; headerMap: TCefStringMultimap); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure the client can implement to provide a custom stream reader. The
+ // functions of this structure may be called on any thread.
+ TCefReadHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Read raw binary data.
+ read: function(self: PCefReadHandler; ptr: Pointer;
+ size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR,
+ // SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Return zero on success and non-zero on failure.
+ seek: function(self: PCefReadHandler; offset: Int64;
+ whence: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return the current offset position.
+ tell: function(self: PCefReadHandler): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Return non-zero if at end of file.
+ eof: function(self: PCefReadHandler): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to read data from a stream. The functions of this structure
+ // may be called on any thread.
+ TCefStreamReader = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Read raw binary data.
+ read: function(self: PCefStreamReader; ptr: Pointer;
+ size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR,
+ // SEEK_END or SEEK_SET. Returns zero on success and non-zero on failure.
+ seek: function(self: PCefStreamReader; offset: Int64;
+ whence: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return the current offset position.
+ tell: function(self: PCefStreamReader): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Return non-zero if at end of file.
+ eof: function(self: PCefStreamReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure the client can implement to provide a custom stream writer. The
+ // functions of this structure may be called on any thread.
+ // TODO: implement class
+ TCefWriteHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Write raw binary data.
+ write: function(self: PCefWriteHandler;
+ const ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR,
+ seek: function(self: PCefWriteHandler; offset: Int64;
+ whence: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return the current offset position.
+ tell: function(self: PCefWriteHandler): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Flush the stream.
+ flush: function(self: PCefWriteHandler): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to write data to a stream. The functions of this structure may
+ // be called on any thread.
+ // TODO: Implement class
+ TCefStreamWriter = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Write raw binary data.
+ write: function(self: PCefStreamWriter;
+ const ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Seek to the specified offset position. |whence| may be any one of SEEK_CUR,
+ seek: function(self: PCefStreamWriter; offset: Int64;
+ whence: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return the current offset position.
+ tell: function(self: PCefStreamWriter): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Flush the stream.
+ flush: function(self: PCefStreamWriter): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a V8 context handle. V8 handles can only be accessed
+ // from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8
+ // handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker
+ // threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated thread can be
+ // retrieved via the cef_v8context_t::get_task_runner() function.
+ TCefV8Context = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the task runner associated with this context. V8 handles can only
+ // be accessed from the thread on which they are created. This function can be
+ // called on any render process thread.
+ get_task_runner: function(self: PCefv8Context): PCefTask; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed
+ // on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function
+ // returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefv8Context): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the browser for this context. This function will return an NULL
+ // reference for WebWorker contexts.
+ get_browser: function(self: PCefv8Context): PCefBrowser; stdcall;
+ // Returns the frame for this context. This function will return an NULL
+ // reference for WebWorker contexts.
+ get_frame: function(self: PCefv8Context): PCefFrame; stdcall;
+ // Returns the global object for this context. The context must be entered
+ // before calling this function.
+ get_global: function(self: PCefv8Context): PCefv8Value; stdcall;
+ // Enter this context. A context must be explicitly entered before creating a
+ // V8 Object, Array, Function or Date asynchronously. exit() must be called
+ // the same number of times as enter() before releasing this context. V8
+ // objects belong to the context in which they are created. Returns true (1)
+ // if the scope was entered successfully.
+ enter: function(self: PCefv8Context): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Exit this context. Call this function only after calling enter(). Returns
+ // true (1) if the scope was exited successfully.
+ exit: function(self: PCefv8Context): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that|
+ // object.
+ is_same: function(self, that: PCefv8Context): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Evaluates the specified JavaScript code using this context's global object.
+ // On success |retval| will be set to the return value, if any, and the
+ // function will return true (1). On failure |exception| will be set to the
+ // exception, if any, and the function will return false (0).
+ eval: function(self: PCefv8Context; const code: PCefString;
+ var retval: PCefv8Value; var exception: PCefV8Exception): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that should be implemented to handle V8 function calls. The
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the thread associated with the
+ // V8 function.
+ TCefv8Handler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Handle execution of the function identified by |name|. |object| is the
+ // receiver ('this' object) of the function. |arguments| is the list of
+ // arguments passed to the function. If execution succeeds set |retval| to the
+ // function return value. If execution fails set |exception| to the exception
+ // that will be thrown. Return true (1) if execution was handled.
+ execute: function(self: PCefv8Handler;
+ const name: PCefString; obj: PCefv8Value; argumentsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const arguments: PPCefV8Value; var retval: PCefV8Value;
+ var exception: TCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that should be implemented to handle V8 accessor calls. Accessor
+ // identifiers are registered by calling cef_v8value_t::set_value_byaccessor().
+ // The functions of this structure will be called on the thread associated with
+ // the V8 accessor.
+ TCefV8Accessor = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Handle retrieval the accessor value identified by |name|. |object| is the
+ // receiver ('this' object) of the accessor. If retrieval succeeds set
+ // |retval| to the return value. If retrieval fails set |exception| to the
+ // exception that will be thrown. Return true (1) if accessor retrieval was
+ // handled.
+ get: function(self: PCefV8Accessor; const name: PCefString;
+ obj: PCefv8Value; out retval: PCefv8Value; exception: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Handle assignment of the accessor value identified by |name|. |object| is
+ // the receiver ('this' object) of the accessor. |value| is the new value
+ // being assigned to the accessor. If assignment fails set |exception| to the
+ // exception that will be thrown. Return true (1) if accessor assignment was
+ // handled.
+ put: function(self: PCefV8Accessor; const name: PCefString;
+ obj: PCefv8Value; value: PCefv8Value; exception: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a V8 exception. The functions of this structure may be
+ // called on any render process thread.
+ TCefV8Exception = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the exception message.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_message: function(self: PCefV8Exception): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the line of source code that the exception occurred within.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_source_line: function(self: PCefV8Exception): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the resource name for the script from where the function causing
+ // the error originates.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_script_resource_name: function(self: PCefV8Exception): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the 1-based number of the line where the error occurred or 0 if the
+ // line number is unknown.
+ get_line_number: function(self: PCefV8Exception): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the index within the script of the first character where the error
+ // occurred.
+ get_start_position: function(self: PCefV8Exception): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the index within the script of the last character where the error
+ // occurred.
+ get_end_position: function(self: PCefV8Exception): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the index within the line of the first character where the error
+ // occurred.
+ get_start_column: function(self: PCefV8Exception): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the index within the line of the last character where the error
+ // occurred.
+ get_end_column: function(self: PCefV8Exception): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
// Structure representing a V8 value handle. V8 handles can only be accessed
+ // from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for creating a V8
+ // handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER) and WebWorker
+ // threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated thread can be
+ // retrieved via the cef_v8context_t::get_task_runner() function.
+ TCefv8Value = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed
+ // on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function
+ // returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is undefined.
+ is_undefined: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is null.
+ is_null: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is bool.
+ is_bool: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is int.
+ is_int: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is unsigned int.
+ is_uint: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is double.
+ is_double: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is Date.
+ is_date: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is string.
+ is_string: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is object.
+ is_object: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is array.
+ is_array: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // True if the value type is function.
+ is_function: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that|
+ // object.
+ is_same: function(self, that: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return a bool value. The underlying data will be converted to if
+ // necessary.
+ get_bool_value: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return an int value. The underlying data will be converted to if
+ // necessary.
+ get_int_value: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return an unisgned int value. The underlying data will be converted to if
+ // necessary.
+ get_uint_value: function(self: PCefv8Value): Cardinal; stdcall;
+ // Return a double value. The underlying data will be converted to if
+ // necessary.
+ get_double_value: function(self: PCefv8Value): double; stdcall;
+ // Return a Date value. The underlying data will be converted to if
+ // necessary.
+ get_date_value: function(self: PCefv8Value): TCefTime; stdcall;
+ // Return a string value. The underlying data will be converted to if
+ // necessary.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_string_value: function(self: PCefv8Value): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // OBJECT METHODS - These functions are only available on objects. Arrays and
+ // functions are also objects. String- and integer-based keys can be used
+ // interchangably with the framework converting between them as necessary.
+ // Returns true (1) if this is a user created object.
+ is_user_created: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the last function call resulted in an exception. This
+ // attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object.
+ has_exception: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the exception resulting from the last function call. This attribute
+ // exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object.
+ get_exception: function(self: PCefv8Value): PCefV8Exception; stdcall;
+ // Clears the last exception and returns true (1) on success.
+ clear_exception: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object will re-throw future exceptions. This
+ // attribute exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object.
+ will_rethrow_exceptions: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Set whether this object will re-throw future exceptions. By default
+ // exceptions are not re-thrown. If a exception is re-thrown the current
+ // context should not be accessed again until after the exception has been
+ // caught and not re-thrown. Returns true (1) on success. This attribute
+ // exists only in the scope of the current CEF value object.
+ set_rethrow_exceptions: function(self: PCefv8Value; rethrow: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the object has a value with the specified identifier.
+ has_value_bykey: function(self: PCefv8Value; const key: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the object has a value with the specified identifier.
+ has_value_byindex: function(self: PCefv8Value; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Deletes the value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on
+ // success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly or an
+ // exception is thrown. For read-only and don't-delete values this function
+ // will return true (1) even though deletion failed.
+ delete_value_bykey: function(self: PCefv8Value; const key: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Deletes the value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on
+ // success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly, deletion
+ // fails or an exception is thrown. For read-only and don't-delete values this
+ // function will return true (1) even though deletion failed.
+ delete_value_byindex: function(self: PCefv8Value; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value with the specified identifier on success. Returns NULL if
+ // this function is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown.
+ get_value_bykey: function(self: PCefv8Value; const key: PCefString): PCefv8Value; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value with the specified identifier on success. Returns NULL if
+ // this function is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown.
+ get_value_byindex: function(self: PCefv8Value; index: Integer): PCefv8Value; stdcall;
+ // Associates a value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on
+ // success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly or an
+ // exception is thrown. For read-only values this function will return true
+ // (1) even though assignment failed.
+ set_value_bykey: function(self: PCefv8Value; const key: PCefString;
+ value: PCefv8Value; attribute: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Associates a value with the specified identifier and returns true (1) on
+ // success. Returns false (0) if this function is called incorrectly or an
+ // exception is thrown. For read-only values this function will return true
+ // (1) even though assignment failed.
+ set_value_byindex: function(self: PCefv8Value; index: Integer;
+ value: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Registers an identifier and returns true (1) on success. Access to the
+ // identifier will be forwarded to the cef_v8accessor_t instance passed to
+ // cef_v8value_t::cef_v8value_create_object(). Returns false (0) if this
+ // function is called incorrectly or an exception is thrown. For read-only
+ // values this function will return true (1) even though assignment failed.
+ set_value_byaccessor: function(self: PCefv8Value; const key: PCefString;
+ settings: Integer; attribute: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Read the keys for the object's values into the specified vector. Integer-
+ // based keys will also be returned as strings.
+ get_keys: function(self: PCefv8Value; keys: TCefStringList): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the user data for this object and returns true (1) on success. Returns
+ // false (0) if this function is called incorrectly. This function can only be
+ // called on user created objects.
+ set_user_data: function(self: PCefv8Value; user_data: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the user data, if any, assigned to this object.
+ get_user_data: function(self: PCefv8Value): PCefBase; stdcall;
+ // Returns the amount of externally allocated memory registered for the
+ // object.
+ get_externally_allocated_memory: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Adjusts the amount of registered external memory for the object. Used to
+ // give V8 an indication of the amount of externally allocated memory that is
+ // kept alive by JavaScript objects. V8 uses this information to decide when
+ // to perform global garbage collection. Each cef_v8value_t tracks the amount
+ // of external memory associated with it and automatically decreases the
+ // global total by the appropriate amount on its destruction.
+ // |change_in_bytes| specifies the number of bytes to adjust by. This function
+ // returns the number of bytes associated with the object after the
+ // adjustment. This function can only be called on user created objects.
+ adjust_externally_allocated_memory: function(self: PCefv8Value; change_in_bytes: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // ARRAY METHODS - These functions are only available on arrays.
+ // Returns the number of elements in the array.
+ get_array_length: function(self: PCefv8Value): Integer; stdcall;
+ // FUNCTION METHODS - These functions are only available on functions.
+ // Returns the function name.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_function_name: function(self: PCefv8Value): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the function handler or NULL if not a CEF-created function.
+ get_function_handler: function(
+ self: PCefv8Value): PCefv8Handler; stdcall;
+ // Execute the function using the current V8 context. This function should
+ // only be called from within the scope of a cef_v8handler_t or
+ // cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in combination with calling enter() and
+ // exit() on a stored cef_v8context_t reference. |object| is the receiver
+ // ('this' object) of the function. If |object| is NULL the current context's
+ // global object will be used. |arguments| is the list of arguments that will
+ // be passed to the function. Returns the function return value on success.
+ // Returns NULL if this function is called incorrectly or an exception is
+ // thrown.
+ execute_function: function(self: PCefv8Value; obj: PCefv8Value;
+ argumentsCount: NativeUInt; const arguments: PPCefV8Value): PCefv8Value; stdcall;
+ // Execute the function using the specified V8 context. |object| is the
+ // receiver ('this' object) of the function. If |object| is NULL the specified
+ // context's global object will be used. |arguments| is the list of arguments
+ // that will be passed to the function. Returns the function return value on
+ // success. Returns NULL if this function is called incorrectly or an
+ // exception is thrown.
+ execute_function_with_context: function(self: PCefv8Value; context: PCefv8Context;
+ obj: PCefv8Value; argumentsCount: NativeUInt; const arguments: PPCefV8Value): PCefv8Value; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a V8 stack trace handle. V8 handles can only be
+ // accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for
+ // creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER)
+ // and WebWorker threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated
+ // thread can be retrieved via the cef_v8context_t::get_task_runner() function.
+ TCefV8StackTrace = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed
+ // on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function
+ // returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefV8StackTrace): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of stack frames.
+ get_frame_count: function(self: PCefV8StackTrace): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the stack frame at the specified 0-based index.
+ get_frame: function(self: PCefV8StackTrace; index: Integer): PCefV8StackFrame; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure representing a V8 stack frame handle. V8 handles can only be
+ // accessed from the thread on which they are created. Valid threads for
+ // creating a V8 handle include the render process main thread (TID_RENDERER)
+ // and WebWorker threads. A task runner for posting tasks on the associated
+ // thread can be retrieved via the cef_v8context_t::get_task_runner() function.
+ TCefV8StackFrame = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if the underlying handle is valid and it can be accessed
+ // on the current thread. Do not call any other functions if this function
+ // returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the name of the resource script that contains the function.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_script_name: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the name of the resource script that contains the function or the
+ // sourceURL value if the script name is undefined and its source ends with a
+ // "//@ sourceURL=..." string.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_script_name_or_source_url: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the name of the function.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_function_name: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the 1-based line number for the function call or 0 if unknown.
+ get_line_number: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the 1-based column offset on the line for the function call or 0 if
+ // unknown.
+ get_column: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the function was compiled using eval().
+ is_eval: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the function was called as a constructor via "new".
+ is_constructor: function(self: PCefV8StackFrame): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that manages custom scheme registrations.
+ TCefSchemeRegistrar = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Register a custom scheme. This function should not be called for the built-
+ // in HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, FTP, ABOUT and DATA schemes.
+ //
+ // If |is_standard| is true (1) the scheme will be treated as a standard
+ // scheme. Standard schemes are subject to URL canonicalization and parsing
+ // rules as defined in the Common Internet Scheme Syntax RFC 1738 Section 3.1
+ // available at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt
+ //
+ // In particular, the syntax for standard scheme URLs must be of the form:
+ //
+ // [scheme]://[username]:[password]@[host]:[port]/[url-path]
+ //
Standard scheme URLs must have a host component that is a fully
+ // qualified domain name as defined in Section 3.5 of RFC 1034 [13] and
+ // Section 2.1 of RFC 1123. These URLs will be canonicalized to
+ // "scheme://host/path" in the simplest case and
+ // "scheme://username:password@host:port/path" in the most explicit case. For
+ // example, "scheme:host/path" and "scheme:///host/path" will both be
+ // canonicalized to "scheme://host/path". The origin of a standard scheme URL
+ // is the combination of scheme, host and port (i.e., "scheme://host:port" in
+ // the most explicit case).
+ //
+ // For non-standard scheme URLs only the "scheme:" component is parsed and
+ // canonicalized. The remainder of the URL will be passed to the handler as-
+ // is. For example, "scheme:///some%20text" will remain the same. Non-standard
+ // scheme URLs cannot be used as a target for form submission.
+ //
+ // If |is_local| is true (1) the scheme will be treated as local (i.e., with
+ // the same security rules as those applied to "file" URLs). Normal pages
+ // cannot link to or access local URLs. Also, by default, local URLs can only
+ // perform XMLHttpRequest calls to the same URL (origin + path) that
+ // originated the request. To allow XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to
+ // other URLs with the same origin set the
+ // CefSettings.file_access_from_file_urls_allowed value to true (1). To allow
+ // XMLHttpRequest calls from a local URL to all origins set the
+ // CefSettings.universal_access_from_file_urls_allowed value to true (1).
+ //
+ // If |is_display_isolated| is true (1) the scheme will be treated as display-
+ // isolated. This means that pages cannot display these URLs unless they are
+ // from the same scheme. For example, pages in another origin cannot create
+ // iframes or hyperlinks to URLs with this scheme.
+ //
+ // This function may be called on any thread. It should only be called once
+ // per unique |scheme_name| value. If |scheme_name| is already registered or
+ // if an error occurs this function will return false (0).
+ add_custom_scheme: function(self: PCefSchemeRegistrar;
+ const scheme_name: PCefString; is_standard, is_local,
+ is_display_isolated: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that creates cef_scheme_handler_t instances. The functions of this
+ // structure will always be called on the IO thread.
+ TCefSchemeHandlerFactory = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Return a new resource handler instance to handle the request or an NULL
+ // reference to allow default handling of the request. |browser| and |frame|
+ // will be the browser window and frame respectively that originated the
+ // request or NULL if the request did not originate from a browser window (for
+ // example, if the request came from cef_urlrequest_t). The |request| object
+ // passed to this function will not contain cookie data.
+ create: function(self: PCefSchemeHandlerFactory;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; const scheme_name: PCefString;
+ request: PCefRequest): PCefResourceHandler; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a download item.
+ TCefDownloadItem = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is valid. Do not call any other functions
+ // if this function returns false (0).
+ is_valid: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the download is in progress.
+ is_in_progress: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the download is complete.
+ is_complete: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the download has been canceled or interrupted.
+ is_canceled: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns a simple speed estimate in bytes/s.
+ get_current_speed: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Returns the rough percent complete or -1 if the receive total size is
+ // unknown.
+ get_percent_complete: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the total number of bytes.
+ get_total_bytes: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of received bytes.
+ get_received_bytes: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Returns the time that the download started.
+ get_start_time: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): TCefTime; stdcall;
+ // Returns the time that the download ended.
+ get_end_time: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): TCefTime; stdcall;
+ // Returns the full path to the downloaded or downloading file.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_full_path: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the unique identifier for this download.
+ get_id: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): Cardinal; stdcall;
+ // Returns the URL.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_url: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the suggested file name.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_suggested_file_name: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the content disposition.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_content_disposition: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the mime type.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_mime_type: function(self: PCefDownloadItem): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure used to asynchronously continue a download.
+ TCefBeforeDownloadCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Call to continue the download. Set |download_path| to the full file path
+ // for the download including the file name or leave blank to use the
+ // suggested name and the default temp directory. Set |show_dialog| to true
+ // (1) if you do wish to show the default "Save As" dialog.
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefBeforeDownloadCallback;
+ const download_path: PCefString; show_dialog: Integer); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure used to asynchronously cancel a download.
+ TCefDownloadItemCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Call to cancel the download.
+ cancel: procedure(self: PCefDownloadItemCallback); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to handle file downloads. The functions of this structure will
+ // always be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefDownloadHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called before a download begins. |suggested_name| is the suggested name for
+ // the download file. By default the download will be canceled. Execute
+ // |callback| either asynchronously or in this function to continue the
+ // download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of
+ // this function.
+ on_before_download: procedure(self: PCefDownloadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; download_item: PCefDownloadItem;
+ const suggested_name: PCefString; callback: PCefBeforeDownloadCallback); stdcall;
+ // Called when a download's status or progress information has been updated.
+ // This may be called multiple times before and after on_before_download().
+ // Execute |callback| either asynchronously or in this function to cancel the
+ // download if desired. Do not keep a reference to |download_item| outside of
+ // this function.
+ on_download_updated: procedure(self: PCefDownloadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; download_item: PCefDownloadItem;
+ callback: PCefDownloadItemCallback); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that supports the reading of XML data via the libxml streaming API.
+ // The functions of this structure should only be called on the thread that
+ // creates the object.
+ TCefXmlReader = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TcefBase;
+ // Moves the cursor to the next node in the document. This function must be
+ // called at least once to set the current cursor position. Returns true (1)
+ // if the cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_next_node: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Close the document. This should be called directly to ensure that cleanup
+ // occurs on the correct thread.
+ close: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if an error has been reported by the XML parser.
+ has_error: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the error string.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_error: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // The below functions retrieve data for the node at the current cursor
+ // position.
+ // Returns the node type.
+ get_type: function(self: PCefXmlReader): TCefXmlNodeType; stdcall;
+ // Returns the node depth. Depth starts at 0 for the root node.
+ get_depth: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the local name. See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-
+ // LocalPart for additional details.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_local_name: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the namespace prefix. See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/ for
+ // additional details.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_prefix: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the qualified name, equal to (Prefix:)LocalName. See
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#ns-qualnames for additional details.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_qualified_name: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the URI defining the namespace associated with the node. See
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/ for additional details.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_namespace_uri: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the base URI of the node. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlbase/ for
+ // additional details.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_base_uri: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the xml:lang scope within which the node resides. See
+ // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#sec-lang-tag for additional details.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_xml_lang: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the node represents an NULL element. is considered
+ // NULL but is not.
+ is_empty_element: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the node has a text value.
+ has_value: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the text value.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_value: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the node has attributes.
+ has_attributes: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the number of attributes.
+ get_attribute_count: function(self: PCefXmlReader): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value of the attribute at the specified 0-based index.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_attribute_byindex: function(self: PCefXmlReader; index: Integer): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value of the attribute with the specified qualified name.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_attribute_byqname: function(self: PCefXmlReader; const qualifiedName: PCefString): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value of the attribute with the specified local name and
+ // namespace URI.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_attribute_bylname: function(self: PCefXmlReader; const localName, namespaceURI: PCefString): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns an XML representation of the current node's children.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_inner_xml: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns an XML representation of the current node including its children.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_outer_xml: function(self: PCefXmlReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the line number for the current node.
+ get_line_number: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Attribute nodes are not traversed by default. The below functions can be
+ // used to move the cursor to an attribute node. move_to_carrying_element()
+ // can be called afterwards to return the cursor to the carrying element. The
+ // depth of an attribute node will be 1 + the depth of the carrying element.
+ // Moves the cursor to the attribute at the specified 0-based index. Returns
+ // true (1) if the cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_attribute_byindex: function(self: PCefXmlReader; index: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Moves the cursor to the attribute with the specified qualified name.
+ // Returns true (1) if the cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_attribute_byqname: function(self: PCefXmlReader; const qualifiedName: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Moves the cursor to the attribute with the specified local name and
+ // namespace URI. Returns true (1) if the cursor position was set
+ // successfully.
+ move_to_attribute_bylname: function(self: PCefXmlReader; const localName, namespaceURI: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Moves the cursor to the first attribute in the current element. Returns
+ // true (1) if the cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_first_attribute: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Moves the cursor to the next attribute in the current element. Returns true
+ // (1) if the cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_next_attribute: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Moves the cursor back to the carrying element. Returns true (1) if the
+ // cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_carrying_element: function(self: PCefXmlReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that supports the reading of zip archives via the zlib unzip API.
+ // The functions of this structure should only be called on the thread that
+ // creates the object.
+ TCefZipReader = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Moves the cursor to the first file in the archive. Returns true (1) if the
+ // cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_first_file: function(self: PCefZipReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Moves the cursor to the next file in the archive. Returns true (1) if the
+ // cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_next_file: function(self: PCefZipReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Moves the cursor to the specified file in the archive. If |caseSensitive|
+ // is true (1) then the search will be case sensitive. Returns true (1) if the
+ // cursor position was set successfully.
+ move_to_file: function(self: PCefZipReader; const fileName: PCefString; caseSensitive: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Closes the archive. This should be called directly to ensure that cleanup
+ // occurs on the correct thread.
+ close: function(Self: PCefZipReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // The below functions act on the file at the current cursor position.
+ // Returns the name of the file.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_file_name: function(Self: PCefZipReader): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the uncompressed size of the file.
+ get_file_size: function(Self: PCefZipReader): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Returns the last modified timestamp for the file.
+ get_file_last_modified: function(Self: PCefZipReader): LongInt; stdcall;
+ // Opens the file for reading of uncompressed data. A read password may
+ // optionally be specified.
+ open_file: function(Self: PCefZipReader; const password: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Closes the file.
+ close_file: function(Self: PCefZipReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Read uncompressed file contents into the specified buffer. Returns < 0 if
+ // an error occurred, 0 if at the end of file, or the number of bytes read.
+ read_file: function(Self: PCefZipReader; buffer: Pointer; bufferSize: NativeUInt): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the current offset in the uncompressed file contents.
+ tell: function(Self: PCefZipReader): Int64; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if at end of the file contents.
+ eof: function(Self: PCefZipReader): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure to implement for visiting the DOM. The functions of this structure
+ // will be called on the render process main thread.
+ TCefDomVisitor = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Method executed for visiting the DOM. The document object passed to this
+ // function represents a snapshot of the DOM at the time this function is
+ // executed. DOM objects are only valid for the scope of this function. Do not
+ // keep references to or attempt to access any DOM objects outside the scope
+ // of this function.
+ visit: procedure(self: PCefDomVisitor; document: PCefDomDocument); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a DOM document. The functions of this structure
+ // should only be called on the render process main thread thread.
+ TCefDomDocument = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the document type.
+ get_type: function(self: PCefDomDocument): TCefDomDocumentType; stdcall;
+ // Returns the root document node.
+ get_document: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the BODY node of an HTML document.
+ get_body: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the HEAD node of an HTML document.
+ get_head: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the title of an HTML document.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_title: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the document element with the specified ID value.
+ get_element_by_id: function(self: PCefDomDocument; const id: PCefString): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the node that currently has keyboard focus.
+ get_focused_node: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if a portion of the document is selected.
+ has_selection: function(self: PCefDomDocument): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the selection start node.
+ get_selection_start_node: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the selection offset within the start node.
+ get_selection_start_offset: function(self: PCefDomDocument): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the selection end node.
+ get_selection_end_node: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the selection offset within the end node.
+ get_selection_end_offset: function(self: PCefDomDocument): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the contents of this selection as markup.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_selection_as_markup: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the contents of this selection as text.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_selection_as_text: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the base URL for the document.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_base_url: function(self: PCefDomDocument): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns a complete URL based on the document base URL and the specified
+ // partial URL.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_complete_url: function(self: PCefDomDocument; const partialURL: PCefString): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a DOM node. The functions of this structure
+ // should only be called on the render process main thread.
+ TCefDomNode = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the type for this node.
+ get_type: function(self: PCefDomNode): TCefDomNodeType; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this is a text node.
+ is_text: function(self: PCefDomNode): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this is an element node.
+ is_element: function(self: PCefDomNode): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this is an editable node.
+ is_editable: function(self: PCefDomNode): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this is a form control element node.
+ is_form_control_element: function(self: PCefDomNode): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the type of this form control element node.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_form_control_element_type: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same handle as |that|
+ // object.
+ is_same: function(self, that: PCefDomNode): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the name of this node.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_name: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the value of this node.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_value: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Set the value of this node. Returns true (1) on success.
+ set_value: function(self: PCefDomNode; const value: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the contents of this node as markup.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_as_markup: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the document associated with this node.
+ get_document: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefDomDocument; stdcall;
+ // Returns the parent node.
+ get_parent: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the previous sibling node.
+ get_previous_sibling: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the next sibling node.
+ get_next_sibling: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this node has child nodes.
+ has_children: function(self: PCefDomNode): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return the first child node.
+ get_first_child: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the last child node.
+ get_last_child: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Add an event listener to this node for the specified event type. If
+ // |useCapture| is true (1) then this listener will be considered a capturing
+ // listener. Capturing listeners will recieve all events of the specified type
+ // before the events are dispatched to any other event targets beneath the
+ // current node in the tree. Events which are bubbling upwards through the
+ // tree will not trigger a capturing listener. Separate calls to this function
+ // can be used to register the same listener with and without capture. See
+ // WebCore/dom/EventNames.h for the list of supported event types.
+ add_event_listener: procedure(self: PCefDomNode; const eventType: PCefString;
+ listener: PCefDomEventListener; useCapture: Integer); stdcall;
+ // The following functions are valid only for element nodes.
+ // Returns the tag name of this element.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_element_tag_name: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this element has attributes.
+ has_element_attributes: function(self: PCefDomNode): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this element has an attribute named |attrName|.
+ has_element_attribute: function(self: PCefDomNode; const attrName: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the element attribute named |attrName|.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_element_attribute: function(self: PCefDomNode; const attrName: PCefString): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns a map of all element attributes.
+ get_element_attributes: procedure(self: PCefDomNode; attrMap: TCefStringMap); stdcall;
+ // Set the value for the element attribute named |attrName|. Returns true (1)
+ // on success.
+ set_element_attribute: function(self: PCefDomNode; const attrName, value: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the inner text of the element.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_element_inner_text: function(self: PCefDomNode): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to represent a DOM event. The functions of this structure
+ // should only be called on the render process main thread.
+ TCefDomEvent = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the event type.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_type: function(self: PCefDomEvent): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the event category.
+ get_category: function(self: PCefDomEvent): TCefDomEventCategory; stdcall;
+ // Returns the event processing phase.
+ get_phase: function(self: PCefDomEvent): TCefDomEventPhase; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the event can bubble up the tree.
+ can_bubble: function(self: PCefDomEvent): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the event can be canceled.
+ can_cancel: function(self: PCefDomEvent): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the document associated with this event.
+ get_document: function(self: PCefDomEvent): PCefDomDocument; stdcall;
+ // Returns the target of the event.
+ get_target: function(self: PCefDomEvent): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ // Returns the current target of the event.
+ get_current_target: function(self: PCefDomEvent): PCefDomNode; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure to implement for handling DOM events. The functions of this
+ // structure will be called on the render process main thread.
+ TCefDomEventListener = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called when an event is received. The event object passed to this function
+ // contains a snapshot of the DOM at the time this function is executed. DOM
+ // objects are only valid for the scope of this function. Do not keep
+ // references to or attempt to access any DOM objects outside the scope of
+ // this function.
+ handle_event: procedure(self: PCefDomEventListener; event: PCefDomEvent); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure to implement for visiting cookie values. The functions of this
+ // structure will always be called on the IO thread.
+ TCefCookieVisitor = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Method that will be called once for each cookie. |count| is the 0-based
+ // index for the current cookie. |total| is the total number of cookies. Set
+ // |deleteCookie| to true (1) to delete the cookie currently being visited.
+ // Return false (0) to stop visiting cookies. This function may never be
+ // called if no cookies are found.
+ visit: function(self: PCefCookieVisitor; const cookie: PCefCookie;
+ count, total: Integer; deleteCookie: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used for managing cookies. The functions of this structure may be
+ // called on any thread unless otherwise indicated.
+ TCefCookieManager = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Set the schemes supported by this manager. By default only "http" and
+ // "https" schemes are supported. Must be called before any cookies are
+ // accessed.
+ set_supported_schemes: procedure(self: PCefCookieManager; schemes: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ // Visit all cookies. The returned cookies are ordered by longest path, then
+ // by earliest creation date. Returns false (0) if cookies cannot be accessed.
+ visit_all_cookies: function(self: PCefCookieManager; visitor: PCefCookieVisitor): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Visit a subset of cookies. The results are filtered by the given url
+ // scheme, host, domain and path. If |includeHttpOnly| is true (1) HTTP-only
+ // cookies will also be included in the results. The returned cookies are
+ // ordered by longest path, then by earliest creation date. Returns false (0)
+ // if cookies cannot be accessed.
+ visit_url_cookies: function(self: PCefCookieManager; const url: PCefString;
+ includeHttpOnly: Integer; visitor: PCefCookieVisitor): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets a cookie given a valid URL and explicit user-provided cookie
+ // attributes. This function expects each attribute to be well-formed. It will
+ // check for disallowed characters (e.g. the ';' character is disallowed
+ // within the cookie value attribute) and will return false (0) without
+ // setting the cookie if such characters are found. This function must be
+ // called on the IO thread.
+ set_cookie: function(self: PCefCookieManager; const url: PCefString;
+ const cookie: PCefCookie): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Delete all cookies that match the specified parameters. If both |url| and
+ // values |cookie_name| are specified all host and domain cookies matching
+ // both will be deleted. If only |url| is specified all host cookies (but not
+ // domain cookies) irrespective of path will be deleted. If |url| is NULL all
+ // cookies for all hosts and domains will be deleted. Returns false (0) if a
+ // non- NULL invalid URL is specified or if cookies cannot be accessed. This
+ // function must be called on the IO thread.
+ delete_cookies: function(self: PCefCookieManager;
+ const url, cookie_name: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Sets the directory path that will be used for storing cookie data. If
+ // |path| is NULL data will be stored in memory only. Otherwise, data will be
+ // stored at the specified |path|. To persist session cookies (cookies without
+ // an expiry date or validity interval) set |persist_session_cookies| to true
+ // (1). Session cookies are generally intended to be transient and most Web
+ // browsers do not persist them. Returns false (0) if cookies cannot be
+ // accessed.
+ set_storage_path: function(self: PCefCookieManager;
+ const path: PCefString; persist_session_cookies: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Flush the backing store (if any) to disk and execute the specified
+ // |handler| on the IO thread when done. Returns false (0) if cookies cannot
+ // be accessed.
+ flush_store: function(self: PCefCookieManager; handler: PCefCompletionHandler): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
// Information about a specific web plugin.
TCefWebPluginInfo = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the plugin name (i.e. Flash).
+ get_name: function(self: PCefWebPluginInfo): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the plugin file path (DLL/bundle/library).
+ get_path: function(self: PCefWebPluginInfo): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns the version of the plugin (may be OS-specific).
+ get_version: function(self: PCefWebPluginInfo): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Returns a description of the plugin from the version information.
+ get_description: function(self: PCefWebPluginInfo): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure to implement for visiting web plugin information. The functions of
+ // this structure will be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ TCefWebPluginInfoVisitor = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Method that will be called once for each plugin. |count| is the 0-based
+ // index for the current plugin. |total| is the total number of plugins.
+ // Return false (0) to stop visiting plugins. This function may never be
+ // called if no plugins are found.
+ visit: function(self: PCefWebPluginInfoVisitor;
+ info: PCefWebPluginInfo; count, total: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure to implement for receiving unstable plugin information. The
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the browser process IO thread.
+ TCefWebPluginUnstableCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Method that will be called for the requested plugin. |unstable| will be
+ // true (1) if the plugin has reached the crash count threshold of 3 times in
+ // 120 seconds.
+ is_unstable: procedure(self: PCefWebPluginUnstableCallback;
+ const path: PCefString; unstable: Integer); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure used to make a URL request. URL requests are not associated with a
+ // browser instance so no cef_client_t callbacks will be executed. URL requests
+ // can be created on any valid CEF thread in either the browser or render
+ // process. Once created the functions of the URL request object must be
+ // accessed on the same thread that created it.
+ TCefUrlRequest = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns the request object used to create this URL request. The returned
+ // object is read-only and should not be modified.
+ get_request: function(self: PCefUrlRequest): PCefRequest; stdcall;
+ // Returns the client.
+ get_client: function(self: PCefUrlRequest): PCefUrlRequestClient; stdcall;
+ // Returns the request status.
+ get_request_status: function(self: PCefUrlRequest): TCefUrlRequestStatus; stdcall;
+ // Returns the request error if status is UR_CANCELED or UR_FAILED, or 0
+ // otherwise.
+ get_request_error: function(self: PCefUrlRequest): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the response, or NULL if no response information is available.
+ // Response information will only be available after the upload has completed.
+ // The returned object is read-only and should not be modified.
+ get_response: function(self: PCefUrlRequest): PCefResponse; stdcall;
+ // Cancel the request.
+ cancel: procedure(self: PCefUrlRequest); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Structure that should be implemented by the cef_urlrequest_t client. The
+ // functions of this structure will be called on the same thread that created
+ // the request unless otherwise documented.
+ TCefUrlrequestClient = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Notifies the client that the request has completed. Use the
+ // cef_urlrequest_t::GetRequestStatus function to determine if the request was
+ // successful or not.
+ on_request_complete: procedure(self: PCefUrlRequestClient; request: PCefUrlRequest); stdcall;
+ // Notifies the client of upload progress. |current| denotes the number of
+ // bytes sent so far and |total| is the total size of uploading data (or -1 if
+ // chunked upload is enabled). This function will only be called if the
+ // UR_FLAG_REPORT_UPLOAD_PROGRESS flag is set on the request.
+ on_upload_progress: procedure(self: PCefUrlRequestClient;
+ request: PCefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64); stdcall;
+ // Notifies the client of download progress. |current| denotes the number of
+ // bytes received up to the call and |total| is the expected total size of the
+ // response (or -1 if not determined).
+ on_download_progress: procedure(self: PCefUrlRequestClient;
+ request: PCefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64); stdcall;
+ // Called when some part of the response is read. |data| contains the current
+ // bytes received since the last call. This function will not be called if the
+ // UR_FLAG_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA flag is set on the request.
+ on_download_data: procedure(self: PCefUrlRequestClient;
+ request: PCefUrlRequest; const data: Pointer; data_length: NativeUInt); stdcall;
+ // Called on the IO thread when the browser needs credentials from the user.
+ // |isProxy| indicates whether the host is a proxy server. |host| contains the
+ // hostname and |port| contains the port number. Return true (1) to continue
+ // the request and call cef_auth_callback_t::cont() when the authentication
+ // information is available. Return false (0) to cancel the request. This
+ // function will only be called for requests initiated from the browser
+ // process.
+ get_auth_credentials: function(self: PCefUrlRequestClient; isProxy: Integer;
+ const host: PCefString; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: PCefString;
+ callback: PCefAuthCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Callback structure for asynchronous continuation of file dialog requests.
+ TCefFileDialogCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Continue the file selection with the specified |file_paths|. This may be a
+ // single value or a list of values depending on the dialog mode. An NULL
+ // value is treated the same as calling cancel().
+ cont: procedure(self: PCefFileDialogCallback; file_paths: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ // Cancel the file selection.
+ cancel: procedure(self: PCefFileDialogCallback); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle dialog events. The functions of this
+ // structure will be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ TCefDialogHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called to run a file chooser dialog. |mode| represents the type of dialog
+ // to display. |title| to the title to be used for the dialog and may be NULL
+ // to show the default title ("Open" or "Save" depending on the mode).
+ // |default_file_name| is the default file name to select in the dialog.
+ // |accept_types| is a list of valid lower-cased MIME types or file extensions
+ // specified in an input element and is used to restrict selectable files to
+ // such types. To display a custom dialog return true (1) and execute
+ // |callback| either inline or at a later time. To display the default dialog
+ // return false (0).
+ on_file_dialog: function(self: PCefDialogHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, default_file_name: PCefString;
+ accept_types: TCefStringList; callback: PCefFileDialogCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events when window rendering is disabled.
+ // The functions of this structure will be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefRenderHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called to retrieve the root window rectangle in screen coordinates. Return
+ // true (1) if the rectangle was provided.
+ get_root_screen_rect: function(self: PCefRenderHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called to retrieve the view rectangle which is relative to screen
+ // coordinates. Return true (1) if the rectangle was provided.
+ get_view_rect: function(self: PCefRenderHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called to retrieve the translation from view coordinates to actual screen
+ // coordinates. Return true (1) if the screen coordinates were provided.
+ get_screen_point: function(self: PCefRenderHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ viewX, viewY: Integer; screenX, screenY: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called to allow the client to fill in the CefScreenInfo object with
+ // appropriate values. Return true (1) if the |screen_info| structure has been
+ // modified.
+ //
+ // If the screen info rectangle is left NULL the rectangle from GetViewRect
+ // will be used. If the rectangle is still NULL or invalid popups may not be
+ // drawn correctly.
+ get_screen_info: function(self: PCefRenderHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ screen_info: PCefScreenInfo): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser wants to show or hide the popup widget. The popup
+ // should be shown if |show| is true (1) and hidden if |show| is false (0).
+ on_popup_show: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ show: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser wants to move or resize the popup widget. |rect|
+ // contains the new location and size.
+ on_popup_size: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ const rect: PCefRect); stdcall;
+ // Called when an element should be painted. |type| indicates whether the
+ // element is the view or the popup widget. |buffer| contains the pixel data
+ // for the whole image. |dirtyRects| contains the set of rectangles that need
+ // to be repainted. On Windows |buffer| will be |width|*|height|*4 bytes in
+ // size and represents a BGRA image with an upper-left origin.
+ on_paint: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer); stdcall;
+ // Called when the browser window's cursor has changed.
+ on_cursor_change: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ cursor: TCefCursorHandle); stdcall;
+ // Called when the scroll offset has changed.
+ on_scroll_offset_changed: procedure(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to receive geolocation updates. The functions of
+ // this structure will be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ TCefGetGeolocationCallback = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called with the 'best available' location information or, if the location
+ // update failed, with error information.
+ on_location_update: procedure(self: PCefGetGeolocationCallback;
+ const position: Pcefgeoposition); stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to receive trace notifications. The functions of
+ // this structure will be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ TCefTraceClient = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called 0 or more times between CefBeginTracing and OnEndTracingComplete
+ // with a UTF8 JSON |fragment| of the specified |fragment_size|. Do not keep a
+ // reference to |fragment|.
+ on_trace_data_collected: procedure(self: PCefTraceClient;
+ const fragment: PAnsiChar; fragment_size: NativeUInt); stdcall;
+ // Called in response to CefGetTraceBufferPercentFullAsync.
+ on_trace_buffer_percent_full_reply: procedure(self: PCefTraceClient; percent_full: Single); stdcall;
+ // Called after all processes have sent their trace data.
+ on_end_tracing_complete: procedure(self: PCefTraceClient); stdcall;
+ end;
+ TCefDragData = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if the drag data is a link.
+ is_link: function(self: PCefDragData): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the drag data is a text or html fragment.
+ is_fragment: function(self: PCefDragData): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if the drag data is a file.
+ is_file: function(self: PCefDragData): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Return the link URL that is being dragged.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_link_url: function(self: PCefDragData): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Return the title associated with the link being dragged.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_link_title: function(self: PCefDragData): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Return the metadata, if any, associated with the link being dragged.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_link_metadata: function(self: PCefDragData): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Return the plain text fragment that is being dragged.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_fragment_text: function(self: PCefDragData): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Return the text/html fragment that is being dragged.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_fragment_html: function(self: PCefDragData): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Return the base URL that the fragment came from. This value is used for
+ // resolving relative URLs and may be NULL.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_fragment_base_url: function(self: PCefDragData): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Return the name of the file being dragged out of the browser window.
+ // The resulting string must be freed by calling cef_string_userfree_free().
+ get_file_name: function(self: PCefDragData): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ // Retrieve the list of file names that are being dragged into the browser
+ // window.
+ get_file_names: function(self: PCefDragData; names: TCefStringList): Integer; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to handle events related to dragging. The functions
+ // of this structure will be called on the UI thread.
+ TCefDragHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called when an external drag event enters the browser window. |dragData|
+ // contains the drag event data and |mask| represents the type of drag
+ // operation. Return false (0) for default drag handling behavior or true (1)
+ // to cancel the drag event.
+ on_drag_enter: function(self: PCefDragHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ dragData: PCefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Integer; stdcall
+ end;
+ // Implement this structure to provide handler implementations.
+ TCefRequestContextHandler = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Called on the IO thread to retrieve the cookie manager. The global cookie
+ // manager will be used if this function returns NULL.
+ get_cookie_manager: function(self: PCefRequestContextHandler): PCefCookieManager; stdcall;
+ end;
+ // A request context provides request handling for a set of related browser
+ // objects. A request context is specified when creating a new browser object
+ // via the cef_browser_host_t static factory functions. Browser objects with
+ // different request contexts will never be hosted in the same render process.
+ // Browser objects with the same request context may or may not be hosted in the
+ // same render process depending on the process model. Browser objects created
+ // indirectly via the JavaScript window.open function or targeted links will
+ // share the same render process and the same request context as the source
+ // browser. When running in single-process mode there is only a single render
+ // process (the main process) and so all browsers created in single-process mode
+ // will share the same request context. This will be the first request context
+ // passed into a cef_browser_host_t static factory function and all other
+ // request context objects will be ignored.
+ TCefRequestContext = record
+ // Base structure.
+ base: TCefBase;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is pointing to the same context as |that|
+ // object.
+ is_same: function(self, other: PCefRequestContext): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns true (1) if this object is the global context.
+ is_global: function(self: PCefRequestContext): Integer; stdcall;
+ // Returns the handler for this context if any.
+ get_handler: function(self: PCefRequestContext): PCefRequestHandler; stdcall;
+ end;
+// I N T E R F A C E S
+ ICefBrowser = interface;
+ ICefFrame = interface;
+ ICefRequest = interface;
+ ICefv8Value = interface;
+ ICefDomVisitor = interface;
+ ICefDomDocument = interface;
+ ICefDomNode = interface;
+ ICefv8Context = interface;
+ ICefListValue = interface;
+ ICefClient = interface;
+ ICefUrlrequestClient = interface;
+ ICefBrowserHost = interface;
+ ICefTask = interface;
+ ICefTaskRunner = interface;
+ ICefFileDialogCallback = interface;
+ ICefRequestContext = interface;
+ ICefLoadHandler = interface;
+ ICefBase = interface
+ ['{1F9A7B44-DCDC-4477-9180-3ADD44BDEB7B}']
+ function Wrap: Pointer;
+ end;
+ ICefRunFileDialogCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{59FCECC6-E897-45BA-873B-F09586C4BE47}']
+ procedure cont(const browserHost: ICefBrowserHost; filePaths: TStrings);
+ end;
+ TCefRunFileDialogCallbackProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF}
+ procedure(const browserHost: ICefBrowserHost; filePaths: TStrings);
+ ICefBrowserHost = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{53AE02FF-EF5D-48C3-A43E-069DA9535424}']
+ function GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ procedure ParentWindowWillClose;
+ procedure CloseBrowser(forceClose: Boolean);
+ procedure SetFocus(enable: Boolean);
+ function GetWindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle;
+ function GetOpenerWindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle;
+ function GetRequestContext: ICefRequestContext;
+ function GetDevToolsUrl(httpScheme: Boolean): ustring;
+ function GetZoomLevel: Double;
+ procedure SetZoomLevel(zoomLevel: Double);
+ procedure RunFileDialog(mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefRunFileDialogCallback);
+ procedure RunFileDialogProc(mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: TCefRunFileDialogCallbackProc);
+ procedure StartDownload(const url: ustring);
+ procedure Print;
+ procedure Find(identifier: Integer; const searchText: ustring; forward, matchCase, findNext: Boolean);
+ procedure StopFinding(clearSelection: Boolean);
+ procedure SetMouseCursorChangeDisabled(disabled: Boolean);
+ function IsMouseCursorChangeDisabled: Boolean;
+ function IsWindowRenderingDisabled: Boolean;
+ procedure WasResized;
+ procedure WasHidden(hidden: Boolean);
+ procedure NotifyScreenInfoChanged;
+ procedure Invalidate(const dirtyRect: PCefRect; kind: TCefPaintElementType);
+ procedure SendKeyEvent(const event: PCefKeyEvent);
+ procedure SendMouseClickEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent;
+ kind: TCefMouseButtonType; mouseUp: Boolean; clickCount: Integer);
+ procedure SendMouseMoveEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; mouseLeave: Boolean);
+ procedure SendMouseWheelEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; deltaX, deltaY: Integer);
+ procedure SendFocusEvent(setFocus: Boolean);
+ procedure SendCaptureLostEvent;
+ function GetNsTextInputContext: TCefTextInputContext;
+ procedure HandleKeyEventBeforeTextInputClient(keyEvent: TCefEventHandle);
+ procedure HandleKeyEventAfterTextInputClient(keyEvent: TCefEventHandle);
+ property Browser: ICefBrowser read GetBrowser;
+ property WindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle read GetWindowHandle;
+ property OpenerWindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle read GetOpenerWindowHandle;
+ property ZoomLevel: Double read GetZoomLevel write SetZoomLevel;
+ end;
+ ICefProcessMessage = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{E0B1001A-8777-425A-869B-29D40B8B93B1}']
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefProcessMessage;
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetArgumentList: ICefListValue;
+ property Name: ustring read GetName;
+ property ArgumentList: ICefListValue read GetArgumentList;
+ end;
+ ICefBrowser = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{BA003C2E-CF15-458F-9D4A-FE3CEFCF3EEF}']
+ function GetHost: ICefBrowserHost;
+ function CanGoBack: Boolean;
+ procedure GoBack;
+ function CanGoForward: Boolean;
+ procedure GoForward;
+ function IsLoading: Boolean;
+ procedure Reload;
+ procedure ReloadIgnoreCache;
+ procedure StopLoad;
+ function GetIdentifier: Integer;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ function IsPopup: Boolean;
+ function HasDocument: Boolean;
+ function GetMainFrame: ICefFrame;
+ function GetFocusedFrame: ICefFrame;
+ function GetFrameByident(identifier: Int64): ICefFrame;
+ function GetFrame(const name: ustring): ICefFrame;
+ function GetFrameCount: NativeUInt;
+ procedure GetFrameIdentifiers(count: PNativeUInt; identifiers: PInt64);
+ procedure GetFrameNames(names: TStrings);
+ function SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ property MainFrame: ICefFrame read GetMainFrame;
+ property FocusedFrame: ICefFrame read GetFocusedFrame;
+ property FrameCount: NativeUInt read GetFrameCount;
+ property Host: ICefBrowserHost read GetHost;
+ property Identifier: Integer read GetIdentifier;
+ end;
+ ICefPostDataElement = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{3353D1B8-0300-4ADC-8D74-4FF31C77D13C}']
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ procedure SetToEmpty;
+ procedure SetToFile(const fileName: ustring);
+ procedure SetToBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer);
+ function GetType: TCefPostDataElementType;
+ function GetFile: ustring;
+ function GetBytesCount: NativeUInt;
+ function GetBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer): NativeUInt;
+ end;
+ ICefPostData = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{1E677630-9339-4732-BB99-D6FE4DE4AEC0}']
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function GetCount: NativeUInt;
+ function GetElements(Count: NativeUInt): IInterfaceList; // ICefPostDataElement
+ function RemoveElement(const element: ICefPostDataElement): Integer;
+ function AddElement(const element: ICefPostDataElement): Integer;
+ procedure RemoveElements;
+ end;
+ ICefStringMap = interface
+ ['{A33EBC01-B23A-4918-86A4-E24A243B342F}']
+ function GetHandle: TCefStringMap;
+ function GetSize: Integer;
+ function Find(const Key: ustring): ustring;
+ function GetKey(Index: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetValue(Index: Integer): ustring;
+ procedure Append(const Key, Value: ustring);
+ procedure Clear;
+ property Handle: TCefStringMap read GetHandle;
+ property Size: Integer read GetSize;
+ property Key[index: Integer]: ustring read GetKey;
+ property Value[index: Integer]: ustring read GetValue;
+ end;
+ ICefStringMultimap = interface
+ ['{583ED0C2-A9D6-4034-A7C9-20EC7E47F0C7}']
+ function GetHandle: TCefStringMultimap;
+ function GetSize: Integer;
+ function FindCount(const Key: ustring): Integer;
+ function GetEnumerate(const Key: ustring; ValueIndex: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetKey(Index: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetValue(Index: Integer): ustring;
+ procedure Append(const Key, Value: ustring);
+ procedure Clear;
+ property Handle: TCefStringMap read GetHandle;
+ property Size: Integer read GetSize;
+ property Key[index: Integer]: ustring read GetKey;
+ property Value[index: Integer]: ustring read GetValue;
+ property Enumerate[const Key: ustring; ValueIndex: Integer]: ustring read GetEnumerate;
+ end;
+ ICefRequest = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{FB4718D3-7D13-4979-9F4C-D7F6C0EC592A}']
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function GetUrl: ustring;
+ function GetMethod: ustring;
+ function GetPostData: ICefPostData;
+ procedure GetHeaderMap(const HeaderMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ procedure SetUrl(const value: ustring);
+ procedure SetMethod(const value: ustring);
+ procedure SetPostData(const value: ICefPostData);
+ procedure SetHeaderMap(const HeaderMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ function GetFlags: TCefUrlRequestFlags;
+ procedure SetFlags(flags: TCefUrlRequestFlags);
+ function GetFirstPartyForCookies: ustring;
+ procedure SetFirstPartyForCookies(const url: ustring);
+ procedure Assign(const url, method: ustring;
+ const postData: ICefPostData; const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ function GetResourceType: TCefResourceType;
+ function GetTransitionType: TCefTransitionType;
+ property Url: ustring read GetUrl write SetUrl;
+ property Method: ustring read GetMethod write SetMethod;
+ property PostData: ICefPostData read GetPostData write SetPostData;
+ property Flags: TCefUrlRequestFlags read GetFlags write SetFlags;
+ property FirstPartyForCookies: ustring read GetFirstPartyForCookies write SetFirstPartyForCookies;
+ property ResourceType: TCefResourceType read GetResourceType;
+ property TransitionType: TCefTransitionType read GetTransitionType;
+ end;
+ TCefDomVisitorProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF} procedure(const document: ICefDomDocument);
+ TCefStringVisitorProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF} procedure(const str: ustring);
+ ICefStringVisitor = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{63ED4D6C-2FC8-4537-964B-B84C008F6158}']
+ procedure Visit(const str: ustring);
+ end;
+ ICefFrame = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{8FD3D3A6-EA3A-4A72-8501-0276BD5C3D1D}']
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ procedure Undo;
+ procedure Redo;
+ procedure Cut;
+ procedure Copy;
+ procedure Paste;
+ procedure Del;
+ procedure SelectAll;
+ procedure ViewSource;
+ procedure GetSource(const visitor: ICefStringVisitor);
+ procedure GetSourceProc(const proc: TCefStringVisitorProc);
+ procedure GetText(const visitor: ICefStringVisitor);
+ procedure GetTextProc(const proc: TCefStringVisitorProc);
+ procedure LoadRequest(const request: ICefRequest);
+ procedure LoadUrl(const url: ustring);
+ procedure LoadString(const str, url: ustring);
+ procedure ExecuteJavaScript(const code, scriptUrl: ustring; startLine: Integer);
+ function IsMain: Boolean;
+ function IsFocused: Boolean;
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetIdentifier: Int64;
+ function GetParent: ICefFrame;
+ function GetUrl: ustring;
+ function GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ function GetV8Context: ICefv8Context;
+ procedure VisitDom(const visitor: ICefDomVisitor);
+ procedure VisitDomProc(const proc: TCefDomVisitorProc);
+ property Name: ustring read GetName;
+ property Url: ustring read GetUrl;
+ property Browser: ICefBrowser read GetBrowser;
+ property Parent: ICefFrame read GetParent;
+ end;
+ ICefCustomStreamReader = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{BBCFF23A-6FE7-4C28-B13E-6D2ACA5C83B7}']
+ function Read(ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ function Seek(offset: Int64; whence: Integer): Integer;
+ function Tell: Int64;
+ function Eof: Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefStreamReader = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{DD5361CB-E558-49C5-A4BD-D1CE84ADB277}']
+ function Read(ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ function Seek(offset: Int64; whence: Integer): Integer;
+ function Tell: Int64;
+ function Eof: Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefResponse = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{E9C896E4-59A8-4B96-AB5E-6EA3A498B7F1}']
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function GetStatus: Integer;
+ procedure SetStatus(status: Integer);
+ function GetStatusText: ustring;
+ procedure SetStatusText(const StatusText: ustring);
+ function GetMimeType: ustring;
+ procedure SetMimeType(const mimetype: ustring);
+ function GetHeader(const name: ustring): ustring;
+ procedure GetHeaderMap(const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ procedure SetHeaderMap(const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ property Status: Integer read GetStatus write SetStatus;
+ property StatusText: ustring read GetStatusText write SetStatusText;
+ property MimeType: ustring read GetMimeType write SetMimeType;
+ end;
+ ICefDownloadItem = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{B34BD320-A82E-4185-8E84-B98E5EEC803F}']
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsInProgress: Boolean;
+ function IsComplete: Boolean;
+ function IsCanceled: Boolean;
+ function GetCurrentSpeed: Int64;
+ function GetPercentComplete: Integer;
+ function GetTotalBytes: Int64;
+ function GetReceivedBytes: Int64;
+ function GetStartTime: TDateTime;
+ function GetEndTime: TDateTime;
+ function GetFullPath: ustring;
+ function GetId: Integer;
+ function GetUrl: ustring;
+ function GetSuggestedFileName: ustring;
+ function GetContentDisposition: ustring;
+ function GetMimeType: ustring;
property CurrentSpeed: Int64 read GetCurrentSpeed;
+ property PercentComplete: Integer read GetPercentComplete;
+ property TotalBytes: Int64 read GetTotalBytes;
+ property ReceivedBytes: Int64 read GetReceivedBytes;
+ property StartTime: TDateTime read GetStartTime;
+ property EndTime: TDateTime read GetEndTime;
+ property FullPath: ustring read GetFullPath;
+ property Id: Integer read GetId;
+ property Url: ustring read GetUrl;
+ property SuggestedFileName: ustring read GetSuggestedFileName;
+ property ContentDisposition: ustring read GetContentDisposition;
+ property MimeType: ustring read GetMimeType;
+ end;
+ ICefBeforeDownloadCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{5A81AF75-CBA2-444D-AD8E-522160F36433}']
+ procedure Cont(const downloadPath: ustring; showDialog: Boolean);
+ end;
+ ICefDownloadItemCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{498F103F-BE64-4D5F-86B7-B37EC69E1735}']
+ procedure cancel;
+ end;
+ ICefDownloadHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{3137F90A-5DC5-43C1-858D-A269F28EF4F1}']
+ procedure OnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+ procedure OnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+ end;
+ ICefV8Exception = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{7E422CF0-05AC-4A60-A029-F45105DCE6A4}']
+ function GetMessage: ustring;
+ function GetSourceLine: ustring;
+ function GetScriptResourceName: ustring;
+ function GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ function GetStartPosition: Integer;
+ function GetEndPosition: Integer;
+ function GetStartColumn: Integer;
+ function GetEndColumn: Integer;
+ property Message: ustring read GetMessage;
+ property SourceLine: ustring read GetSourceLine;
+ property ScriptResourceName: ustring read GetScriptResourceName;
+ property LineNumber: Integer read GetLineNumber;
+ property StartPosition: Integer read GetStartPosition;
+ property EndPosition: Integer read GetEndPosition;
+ property StartColumn: Integer read GetStartColumn;
+ property EndColumn: Integer read GetEndColumn;
+ end;
+ ICefv8Context = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{2295A11A-8773-41F2-AD42-308C215062D9}']
+ function GetTaskRunner: ICefTaskRunner;
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ function GetFrame: ICefFrame;
+ function GetGlobal: ICefv8Value;
+ function Enter: Boolean;
+ function Exit: Boolean;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefv8Context): Boolean;
+ function Eval(const code: ustring; var retval: ICefv8Value; var exception: ICefV8Exception): Boolean;
+ property Browser: ICefBrowser read GetBrowser;
+ property Frame: ICefFrame read GetFrame;
+ property Global: ICefv8Value read GetGlobal;
+ end;
+ TCefv8ValueArray = array of ICefv8Value;
+ ICefv8Handler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{F94CDC60-FDCB-422D-96D5-D2A775BD5D73}']
+ function Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefV8Accessor = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{DCA6D4A2-726A-4E24-AA64-5E8C731D868A}']
+ function Get(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ out value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ function Put(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefTask = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{0D965470-4A86-47CE-BD39-A8770021AD7E}']
+ procedure Execute;
+ end;
+ ICefTaskRunner = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{6A500FA3-77B7-4418-8EA8-6337EED1337B}']
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefTaskRunner): Boolean;
+ function BelongsToCurrentThread: Boolean;
+ function BelongsToThread(threadId: TCefThreadId): Boolean;
+ function PostTask(const task: ICefTask): Boolean; stdcall;
+ function PostDelayedTask(const task: ICefTask; delayMs: Int64): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefv8Value = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{52319B8D-75A8-422C-BD4B-16FA08CC7F42}']
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsUndefined: Boolean;
+ function IsNull: Boolean;
+ function IsBool: Boolean;
+ function IsInt: Boolean;
+ function IsUInt: Boolean;
+ function IsDouble: Boolean;
+ function IsDate: Boolean;
+ function IsString: Boolean;
+ function IsObject: Boolean;
+ function IsArray: Boolean;
+ function IsFunction: Boolean;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ function GetBoolValue: Boolean;
+ function GetIntValue: Integer;
+ function GetUIntValue: Cardinal;
+ function GetDoubleValue: Double;
+ function GetDateValue: TDateTime;
+ function GetStringValue: ustring;
+ function IsUserCreated: Boolean;
+ function HasException: Boolean;
+ function GetException: ICefV8Exception;
+ function ClearException: Boolean;
+ function WillRethrowExceptions: Boolean;
+ function SetRethrowExceptions(rethrow: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function HasValueByKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function HasValueByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function DeleteValueByKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function DeleteValueByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetValueByKey(const key: ustring): ICefv8Value;
+ function GetValueByIndex(index: Integer): ICefv8Value;
+ function SetValueByKey(const key: ustring; const value: ICefv8Value;
+ attribute: TCefV8PropertyAttributes): Boolean;
+ function SetValueByIndex(index: Integer; const value: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ function SetValueByAccessor(const key: ustring; settings: TCefV8AccessControls;
+ attribute: TCefV8PropertyAttributes): Boolean;
+ function GetKeys(const keys: TStrings): Integer;
+ function SetUserData(const data: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ function GetUserData: ICefv8Value;
+ function GetExternallyAllocatedMemory: Integer;
+ function AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory(changeInBytes: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetArrayLength: Integer;
+ function GetFunctionName: ustring;
+ function GetFunctionHandler: ICefv8Handler;
+ function ExecuteFunction(const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray): ICefv8Value;
+ function ExecuteFunctionWithContext(const context: ICefv8Context;
+ const obj: ICefv8Value; const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray): ICefv8Value;
+ end;
+ ICefV8StackFrame = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{BA1FFBF4-E9F2-4842-A827-DC220F324286}']
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function GetScriptName: ustring;
+ function GetScriptNameOrSourceUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFunctionName: ustring;
+ function GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ function GetColumn: Integer;
+ function IsEval: Boolean;
+ function IsConstructor: Boolean;
+ property ScriptName: ustring read GetScriptName;
+ property ScriptNameOrSourceUrl: ustring read GetScriptNameOrSourceUrl;
+ property FunctionName: ustring read GetFunctionName;
+ property LineNumber: Integer read GetLineNumber;
+ property Column: Integer read GetColumn;
+ end;
+ ICefV8StackTrace = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{32111C84-B7F7-4E3A-92B9-7CA1D0ADB613}']
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function GetFrameCount: Integer;
+ function GetFrame(index: Integer): ICefV8StackFrame;
+ property FrameCount: Integer read GetFrameCount;
+ property Frame[index: Integer]: ICefV8StackFrame read GetFrame;
+ end;
+ ICefXmlReader = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{0DE686C3-A8D7-45D2-82FD-92F7F4E62A90}']
+ function MoveToNextNode: Boolean;
+ function Close: Boolean;
+ function HasError: Boolean;
+ function GetError: ustring;
+ function GetType: TCefXmlNodeType;
+ function GetDepth: Integer;
+ function GetLocalName: ustring;
+ function GetPrefix: ustring;
+ function GetQualifiedName: ustring;
+ function GetNamespaceUri: ustring;
+ function GetBaseUri: ustring;
+ function GetXmlLang: ustring;
+ function IsEmptyElement: Boolean;
+ function HasValue: Boolean;
+ function GetValue: ustring;
+ function HasAttributes: Boolean;
+ function GetAttributeCount: NativeUInt;
+ function GetAttributeByIndex(index: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetAttributeByQName(const qualifiedName: ustring): ustring;
+ function GetAttributeByLName(const localName, namespaceURI: ustring): ustring;
+ function GetInnerXml: ustring;
+ function GetOuterXml: ustring;
+ function GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ function MoveToAttributeByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function MoveToAttributeByQName(const qualifiedName: ustring): Boolean;
+ function MoveToAttributeByLName(const localName, namespaceURI: ustring): Boolean;
+ function MoveToFirstAttribute: Boolean;
+ function MoveToNextAttribute: Boolean;
+ function MoveToCarryingElement: Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefZipReader = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{3B6C591F-9877-42B3-8892-AA7B27DA34A8}']
+ function MoveToFirstFile: Boolean;
+ function MoveToNextFile: Boolean;
+ function MoveToFile(const fileName: ustring; caseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function Close: Boolean;
+ function GetFileName: ustring;
+ function GetFileSize: Int64;
+ function GetFileLastModified: LongInt;
+ function OpenFile(const password: ustring): Boolean;
+ function CloseFile: Boolean;
+ function ReadFile(buffer: Pointer; bufferSize: NativeUInt): Integer;
+ function Tell: Int64;
+ function Eof: Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefDomEvent = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{2CBD2259-ADC6-4187-9008-A666B57695CE}']
+ function GetType: ustring;
+ function GetCategory: TCefDomEventCategory;
+ function GetPhase: TCefDomEventPhase;
+ function CanBubble: Boolean;
+ function CanCancel: Boolean;
+ function GetDocument: ICefDomDocument;
+ function GetTarget: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetCurrentTarget: ICefDomNode;
+ property EventType: ustring read GetType;
+ property Category: TCefDomEventCategory read GetCategory;
+ property Phase: TCefDomEventPhase read GetPhase;
+ property Bubble: Boolean read CanBubble;
+ property Cancel: Boolean read CanCancel;
+ property Document: ICefDomDocument read GetDocument;
+ property Target: ICefDomNode read GetTarget;
+ property CurrentTarget: ICefDomNode read GetCurrentTarget;
+ end;
+ ICefDomEventListener = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{68BABB49-1824-42D0-ACCC-FDE9F8D39B88}']
+ procedure HandleEvent(const event: ICefDomEvent);
+ end;
+ TCefDomEventListenerProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to {$ENDIF}procedure(const event: ICefDomEvent);
+ ICefDomNode = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{96C03C9E-9C98-491A-8DAD-1947332232D6}']
+ function GetType: TCefDomNodeType;
+ function IsText: Boolean;
+ function IsElement: Boolean;
+ function IsEditable: Boolean;
+ function IsFormControlElement: Boolean;
+ function GetFormControlElementType: ustring;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefDomNode): Boolean;
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetValue: ustring;
+ function SetValue(const value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetAsMarkup: ustring;
+ function GetDocument: ICefDomDocument;
+ function GetParent: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetPreviousSibling: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetNextSibling: ICefDomNode;
+ function HasChildren: Boolean;
+ function GetFirstChild: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetLastChild: ICefDomNode;
+ procedure AddEventListener(const eventType: ustring; useCapture: Boolean;
+ const listener: ICefDomEventListener);
+ procedure AddEventListenerProc(const eventType: ustring; useCapture: Boolean;
+ const proc: TCefDomEventListenerProc);
+ function GetElementTagName: ustring;
+ function HasElementAttributes: Boolean;
+ function HasElementAttribute(const attrName: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetElementAttribute(const attrName: ustring): ustring;
+ procedure GetElementAttributes(const attrMap: ICefStringMap);
+ function SetElementAttribute(const attrName, value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetElementInnerText: ustring;
+ property NodeType: TCefDomNodeType read GetType;
+ property Name: ustring read GetName;
+ property AsMarkup: ustring read GetAsMarkup;
+ property Document: ICefDomDocument read GetDocument;
+ property Parent: ICefDomNode read GetParent;
+ property PreviousSibling: ICefDomNode read GetPreviousSibling;
+ property NextSibling: ICefDomNode read GetNextSibling;
+ property FirstChild: ICefDomNode read GetFirstChild;
+ property LastChild: ICefDomNode read GetLastChild;
+ property ElementTagName: ustring read GetElementTagName;
+ property ElementInnerText: ustring read GetElementInnerText;
+ end;
+ ICefDomDocument = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{08E74052-45AF-4F69-A578-98A5C3959426}']
+ function GetType: TCefDomDocumentType;
+ function GetDocument: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetBody: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetHead: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetTitle: ustring;
+ function GetElementById(const id: ustring): ICefDomNode;
+ function GetFocusedNode: ICefDomNode;
+ function HasSelection: Boolean;
+ function GetSelectionStartNode: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetSelectionStartOffset: Integer;
+ function GetSelectionEndNode: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetSelectionEndOffset: Integer;
+ function GetSelectionAsMarkup: ustring;
+ function GetSelectionAsText: ustring;
+ function GetBaseUrl: ustring;
+ function GetCompleteUrl(const partialURL: ustring): ustring;
+ property DocType: TCefDomDocumentType read GetType;
+ property Document: ICefDomNode read GetDocument;
+ property Body: ICefDomNode read GetBody;
+ property Head: ICefDomNode read GetHead;
+ property Title: ustring read GetTitle;
+ property FocusedNode: ICefDomNode read GetFocusedNode;
+ property SelectionStartNode: ICefDomNode read GetSelectionStartNode;
+ property SelectionStartOffset: Integer read GetSelectionStartOffset;
+ property SelectionEndNode: ICefDomNode read GetSelectionEndNode;
+ property SelectionEndOffset: Integer read GetSelectionEndOffset;
+ property SelectionAsMarkup: ustring read GetSelectionAsMarkup;
+ property SelectionAsText: ustring read GetSelectionAsText;
+ property BaseUrl: ustring read GetBaseUrl;
+ end;
+ ICefDomVisitor = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{30398428-3196-4531-B968-2DDBED36F6B0}']
+ procedure visit(const document: ICefDomDocument);
+ end;
+ ICefCookieVisitor = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{8378CF1B-84AB-4FDB-9B86-34DDABCCC402}']
+ function visit(const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime;
+ count, total: Integer; out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefResourceBundleHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{09C264FD-7E03-41E3-87B3-4234E82B5EA2}']
+ function GetLocalizedString(messageId: Integer; out stringVal: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetDataResource(resourceId: Integer; out data: Pointer; out dataSize: NativeUInt): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefCommandLine = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{6B43D21B-0F2C-4B94-B4E6-4AF0D7669D8E}']
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefCommandLine;
+ procedure InitFromArgv(argc: Integer; const argv: PPAnsiChar);
+ procedure InitFromString(const commandLine: ustring);
+ procedure Reset;
+ function GetCommandLineString: ustring;
+ procedure GetArgv(args: TStrings);
+ function GetProgram: ustring;
+ procedure SetProgram(const prog: ustring);
+ function HasSwitches: Boolean;
+ function HasSwitch(const name: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetSwitchValue(const name: ustring): ustring;
+ procedure GetSwitches(switches: TStrings);
+ procedure AppendSwitch(const name: ustring);
+ procedure AppendSwitchWithValue(const name, value: ustring);
+ function HasArguments: Boolean;
+ procedure GetArguments(arguments: TStrings);
+ procedure AppendArgument(const argument: ustring);
+ procedure PrependWrapper(const wrapper: ustring);
+ property CommandLineString: ustring read GetCommandLineString;
+ end;
+ ICefBrowserProcessHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{27291B7A-C0AE-4EE0-9115-15C810E22F6C}']
+ procedure OnContextInitialized;
+ procedure OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(const commandLine: ICefCommandLine);
+ procedure OnRenderProcessThreadCreated(const extraInfo: ICefListValue);
+ end;
+ ICefSchemeRegistrar = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{1832FF6E-100B-4E8B-B996-AD633168BEE7}']
+ function AddCustomScheme(const schemeName: ustring; IsStandard, IsLocal,
+ IsDisplayIsolated: Boolean): Boolean; stdcall;
+ end;
+ ICefRenderProcessHandler = interface(IcefBase)
+ ['{FADEE3BC-BF66-430A-BA5D-1EE3782ECC58}']
+ procedure OnRenderThreadCreated(const extraInfo: ICefListValue) ;
+ procedure OnWebKitInitialized;
+ procedure OnBrowserCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ procedure OnBrowserDestroyed(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ function GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler;
+ procedure OnContextCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context);
+ procedure OnContextReleased(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context);
+ procedure OnUncaughtException(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const context: ICefv8Context; const exception: ICefV8Exception;
+ const stackTrace: ICefV8StackTrace);
+ procedure OnFocusedNodeChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const node: ICefDomNode);
+ function OnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ end;
+ TOnRegisterCustomSchemes = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF} procedure(const registrar: ICefSchemeRegistrar);
+ TOnBeforeCommandLineProcessing = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF} procedure(const processType: ustring; const commandLine: ICefCommandLine);
+ ICefApp = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{970CA670-9070-4642-B188-7D8A22DAEED4}']
+ procedure OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(const processType: ustring;
+ const commandLine: ICefCommandLine);
+ procedure OnRegisterCustomSchemes(const registrar: ICefSchemeRegistrar);
+ function GetResourceBundleHandler: ICefResourceBundleHandler;
+ function GetBrowserProcessHandler: ICefBrowserProcessHandler;
+ function GetRenderProcessHandler: ICefRenderProcessHandler;
+ end;
+ TCefCookieVisitorProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP} reference to {$ENDIF} function(
+ const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime;
+ count, total: Integer; out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean;
+ ICefCompletionHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{A8ECCFBB-FEE0-446F-AB32-AD69A7478D57}']
+ procedure OnComplete;
+ end;
+ TCefCompletionHandlerProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP} reference to {$ENDIF} procedure;
+ ICefCookieManager = Interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{CC1749E6-9AD3-4283-8430-AF6CBF3E8785}']
+ procedure SetSupportedSchemes(schemes: TStrings);
+ function VisitAllCookies(const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ function VisitUrlCookies(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ function SetCookie(const url: ustring; const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime): Boolean;
+ function DeleteCookies(const url, cookieName: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetStoragePath(const path: ustring; persistSessionCookies: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function FlushStore(const handler: ICefCompletionHandler): Boolean;
+ function FlushStoreProc(const proc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefCookieManager2 = interface(ICefCookieManager)
+ ['{D8DCAFA7-F515-432E-BDE5-6329CB4451B7}']
+ function VisitAllCookiesProc(const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc): Boolean;
+ function VisitUrlCookiesProc(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefWebPluginInfo = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{AA879E58-F649-44B1-AF9C-655FF5B79A02}']
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetPath: ustring;
+ function GetVersion: ustring;
+ function GetDescription: ustring;
+ property Name: ustring read GetName;
+ property Path: ustring read GetPath;
+ property Version: ustring read GetVersion;
+ property Description: ustring read GetDescription;
+ end;
ICefCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ procedure Cont;
+ procedure Cancel;
+ end;
ICefResourceHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ function ProcessRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const callback: ICefCallback): Boolean;
+ procedure GetResponseHeaders(const response: ICefResponse;
+ out responseLength: Int64; out redirectUrl: ustring);
+ function ReadResponse(const dataOut: Pointer; bytesToRead: Integer;
+ var bytesRead: Integer; const callback: ICefCallback): Boolean;
+ function CanGetCookie(const cookie: PCefCookie): Boolean;
+ function CanSetCookie(const cookie: PCefCookie): Boolean;
+ procedure Cancel;
+ end;
ICefSchemeHandlerFactory = interface(ICefBase)
+ function New(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const schemeName: ustring; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ end;
ICefAuthCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ procedure Cont(const username, password: ustring);
+ procedure Cancel;
+ end;
ICefJsDialogCallback = interface(ICefBase)
procedure Cont(success: Boolean; const userInput: ustring);
+ end;
ICefContextMenuParams = interface(ICefBase)
function GetXCoord: Integer;
+ function GetYCoord: Integer;
+ function GetTypeFlags: TCefContextMenuTypeFlags;
+ function GetLinkUrl: ustring;
+ function GetUnfilteredLinkUrl: ustring;
+ function GetSourceUrl: ustring;
+ function HasImageContents: Boolean;
+ function GetPageUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFrameUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFrameCharset: ustring;
+ function GetMediaType: TCefContextMenuMediaType;
+ function GetMediaStateFlags: TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlags;
+ function GetSelectionText: ustring;
+ function IsEditable: Boolean;
+ function IsSpeechInputEnabled: Boolean;
+ function GetEditStateFlags: TCefContextMenuEditStateFlags;
+ property XCoord: Integer read GetXCoord;
property YCoord: Integer read GetYCoord;
+ property TypeFlags: TCefContextMenuTypeFlags read GetTypeFlags;
+ property LinkUrl: ustring read GetLinkUrl;
+ property UnfilteredLinkUrl: ustring read GetUnfilteredLinkUrl;
+ property SourceUrl: ustring read GetSourceUrl;
+ property PageUrl: ustring read GetPageUrl;
+ property FrameUrl: ustring read GetFrameUrl;
+ property FrameCharset: ustring read GetFrameCharset;
+ property MediaType: TCefContextMenuMediaType read GetMediaType;
+ property MediaStateFlags: TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlags read GetMediaStateFlags;
+ property SelectionText: ustring read GetSelectionText;
+ property EditStateFlags: TCefContextMenuEditStateFlags read GetEditStateFlags;
ICefMenuModel = interface(ICefBase)
function Clear: Boolean;
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function AddSeparator: Boolean;
+ function AddItem(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function AddCheckItem(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function AddRadioItem(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring; groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function AddSubMenu(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): ICefMenuModel;
+ function InsertSeparatorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function InsertItemAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function InsertCheckItemAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function InsertRadioItemAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring; groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function InsertSubMenuAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): ICefMenuModel;
+ function Remove(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function RemoveAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetIndexOf(commandId: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetCommandIdAt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ function SetCommandIdAt(index, commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetLabel(commandId: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetLabelAt(index: Integer): ustring;
+ function SetLabel(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetLabelAt(index: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetType(commandId: Integer): TCefMenuItemType;
+ function GetTypeAt(index: Integer): TCefMenuItemType;
+ function GetGroupId(commandId: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetGroupIdAt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ function SetGroupId(commandId, groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetGroupIdAt(index, groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetSubMenu(commandId: Integer): ICefMenuModel;
+ function GetSubMenuAt(index: Integer): ICefMenuModel;
+ function IsVisible(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function isVisibleAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetVisible(commandId: Integer; visible: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetVisibleAt(index: Integer; visible: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function IsEnabled(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function IsEnabledAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetEnabled(commandId: Integer; enabled: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetEnabledAt(index: Integer; enabled: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function IsChecked(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function IsCheckedAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function setChecked(commandId: Integer; checked: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function setCheckedAt(index: Integer; checked: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function HasAccelerator(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function HasAcceleratorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetAccelerator(commandId, keyCode: Integer; shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetAcceleratorAt(index, keyCode: Integer; shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function RemoveAccelerator(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function RemoveAcceleratorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetAccelerator(commandId: Integer; out keyCode: Integer; out shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function GetAcceleratorAt(index: Integer; out keyCode: Integer; out shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ end;
ICefBinaryValue = interface(ICefBase)
function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsOwned: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefBinaryValue;
+ function GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ function GetData(buffer: Pointer; bufferSize, dataOffset: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ end;
ICefDictionaryValue = interface(ICefBase)
function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function isOwned: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy(excludeEmptyChildren: Boolean): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ function GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ function Clear: Boolean;
+ function HasKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetKeys(const keys: TStrings): Boolean;
+ function Remove(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetType(const key: ustring): TCefValueType;
+ function GetBool(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetInt(const key: ustring): Integer;
+ function GetDouble(const key: ustring): Double;
+ function GetString(const key: ustring): ustring;
+ function GetBinary(const key: ustring): ICefBinaryValue;
+ function GetDictionary(const key: ustring): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ function GetList(const key: ustring): ICefListValue;
+ function SetNull(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetBool(const key: ustring; value: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetInt(const key: ustring; value: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetDouble(const key: ustring; value: Double): Boolean;
+ function SetString(const key, value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetBinary(const key: ustring; const value: ICefBinaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetDictionary(const key: ustring; const value: ICefDictionaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetList(const key: ustring; const value: ICefListValue): Boolean;
+ end;
ICefListValue = interface(ICefBase)
function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsOwned: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefListValue;
+ function SetSize(size: NativeUInt): Boolean;
+ function GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ function Clear: Boolean;
+ function Remove(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetType(index: Integer): TCefValueType;
+ function GetBool(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetInt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetDouble(index: Integer): Double;
+ function GetString(index: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetBinary(index: Integer): ICefBinaryValue;
+ function GetDictionary(index: Integer): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ function GetList(index: Integer): ICefListValue;
+ function SetNull(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetBool(index: Integer; value: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetInt(index, value: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetDouble(index: Integer; value: Double): Boolean;
+ function SetString(index: Integer; const value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetBinary(index: Integer; const value: ICefBinaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetDictionary(index: Integer; const value: ICefDictionaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetList(index: Integer; const value: ICefListValue): Boolean;
+ end;
ICefLifeSpanHandler = interface(ICefBase)
function OnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring; var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures;
+ var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean;
+ procedure OnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ procedure OnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ function RunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ function DoClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefLoadHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{2C63FB82-345D-4A5B-9858-5AE7A85C9F49}']
+ procedure OnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading,
+ canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+ procedure OnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame);
+ procedure OnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer);
+ procedure OnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring);
+ end;
+ ICefQuotaCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{F163D612-CC9C-49CC-ADEA-FB6A32A25485}']
+ procedure Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ procedure Cancel;
+ end;
+ ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{A28E92D1-CF5A-4703-9C2F-C97D88174489}']
+ procedure Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ end;
+ ICefRequestHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{050877A9-D1F8-4EB3-B58E-50DC3E3D39FD}']
+ function OnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function OnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): Boolean;
+ function GetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ procedure OnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring);
+ function GetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ function OnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl: ustring; newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean;
+ procedure OnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean);
+ function OnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url, policyUrl: ustring;
+ const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean;
+ function OnCertificateError(certError: TCefErrorCode; const requestUrl: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefDisplayHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{1EC7C76D-6969-41D1-B26D-079BCFF054C4}']
+ procedure OnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+ procedure OnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring);
+ function OnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean;
+ procedure OnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring);
+ function OnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefFocusHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{BB7FA3FA-7B1A-4ADC-8E50-12A24018DD90}']
+ procedure OnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean);
+ function OnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean;
+ procedure OnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ end;
+ ICefKeyboardHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{0512F4EC-ED88-44C9-90D3-5C6D03D3B146}']
+ function OnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function OnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefJsDialogHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{64E18F86-DAC5-4ED1-8589-44DE45B9DB56}']
+ function OnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring;
+ dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function OnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ procedure OnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ procedure OnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ end;
+ ICefContextMenuHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{C2951895-4087-49D5-BA18-4D9BA4F5EDD7}']
+ procedure OnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel);
+ function OnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean;
+ procedure OnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame);
+ end;
ICefDialogHandler = interface(ICefBase)
function OnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, defaultFileName: ustring; acceptTypes: TStrings;
+ const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ end;
ICefGeolocationCallback = interface(ICefBase)
procedure Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ end;
ICefGeolocationHandler = interface(ICefBase)
procedure OnRequestGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer; const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback);
+ procedure OnCancelGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer);
+ end;
ICefRenderHandler = interface(ICefBase)
function GetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function GetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function GetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer;
+ screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ function GetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser; screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ procedure OnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean);
+ procedure OnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect);
+ procedure OnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; kind: TCefPaintElementType;
+ dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray;
+ const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+ procedure OnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+ procedure OnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ end;
ICefClient = interface(ICefBase)
+ function GetContextMenuHandler: ICefContextMenuHandler;
+ function GetDisplayHandler: ICefDisplayHandler;
+ function GetDownloadHandler: ICefDownloadHandler;
+ function GetFocusHandler: ICefFocusHandler;
+ function GetGeolocationHandler: ICefGeolocationHandler;
+ function GetJsdialogHandler: ICefJsdialogHandler;
+ function GetKeyboardHandler: ICefKeyboardHandler;
+ function GetLifeSpanHandler: ICefLifeSpanHandler;
+ function GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler;
+ function GetRenderHandler: ICefRenderHandler;
+ function GetRequestHandler: ICefRequestHandler;
+ function OnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ end;
ICefUrlRequest = interface(ICefBase)
+ function GetRequest: ICefRequest;
+ function GetRequestStatus: TCefUrlRequestStatus;
+ function GetRequestError: Integer;
+ function GetResponse: ICefResponse;
+ procedure Cancel;
+ end;
ICefUrlrequestClient = interface(ICefBase)
+ procedure OnRequestComplete(const request: ICefUrlRequest);
+ procedure OnUploadProgress(const request: ICefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64);
+ procedure OnDownloadProgress(const request: ICefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64);
+ procedure OnDownloadData(const request: ICefUrlRequest; data: Pointer; dataLength: NativeUInt);
+ function GetAuthCredentials(isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer;
+ const realm, scheme: ustring; const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ end;
+ ICefWebPluginInfoVisitor = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{7523D432-4424-4804-ACAD-E67D2313436E}']
+ function Visit(const info: ICefWebPluginInfo; count, total: Integer): Boolean;
+ end;
ICefWebPluginUnstableCallback = interface(ICefBase)
procedure IsUnstable(const path: ustring; unstable: Boolean);
ICefTraceClient = interface(ICefBase)
procedure OnTraceDataCollected(const fragment: PAnsiChar; fragmentSize: NativeUInt);
+ procedure OnTraceBufferPercentFullReply(percentFull: Single);
+ procedure OnEndTracingComplete;
+ end;
ICefGetGeolocationCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ procedure OnLocationUpdate(const position: PCefGeoposition);
+ end;
ICefFileDialogCallback = interface(ICefBase)
+ procedure Cont(filePaths: TStrings);
+ procedure Cancel;
+ end;
ICefDragData = interface(ICefBase)
function IsLink: Boolean;
+ function IsFragment: Boolean;
+ function IsFile: Boolean;
+ function GetLinkUrl: ustring;
+ function GetLinkTitle: ustring;
+ function GetLinkMetadata: ustring;
+ function GetFragmentText: ustring;
+ function GetFragmentHtml: ustring;
+ function GetFragmentBaseUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFileName: ustring;
+ function GetFileNames(names: TStrings): Integer;
+ end;
+ ICefDragHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ ['{59A89579-5B18-489F-A25C-5CC25FF831FC}']
+ function OnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser; const dragData: ICefDragData;
+ mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ end;
ICefRequestContextHandler = interface(ICefBase)
+ function GetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ end;
ICefRequestContext = interface(ICefBase)
function IsSame(const other: ICefRequestContext): Boolean;
+ function IsGlobal: Boolean;
+ function GetHandler: ICefBase;
+ end;
TCefBaseOwn = class(TInterfacedObject, ICefBase)
+ private
+ FData: Pointer;
+ public
+ function Wrap: Pointer;
+ constructor CreateData(size: Cardinal; owned: Boolean = False); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TCefBaseRef = class(TInterfacedObject, ICefBase)
+ private
+ FData: Pointer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(data: Pointer); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Wrap: Pointer;
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBase;
+ end;
+ TCefRunFileDialogCallbackOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefRunFileDialogCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(const browserHost: ICefBrowserHost; filePaths: TStrings); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ end;
+ TCefFastRunFileDialogCallback = class(TCefRunFileDialogCallbackOwn)
+ private
+ FCallback: TCefRunFileDialogCallbackProc;
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(const browserHost: ICefBrowserHost; filePaths: TStrings); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(callback: TCefRunFileDialogCallbackProc); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefBrowserHostRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefBrowserHost)
+ protected
+ function GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ procedure ParentWindowWillClose;
+ procedure CloseBrowser(forceClose: Boolean);
+ procedure SetFocus(enable: Boolean);
+ function GetWindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle;
+ function GetOpenerWindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle;
+ function GetRequestContext: ICefRequestContext;
+ function GetDevToolsUrl(httpScheme: Boolean): ustring;
+ function GetZoomLevel: Double;
+ procedure SetZoomLevel(zoomLevel: Double);
+ procedure RunFileDialog(mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefRunFileDialogCallback);
+ procedure RunFileDialogProc(mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: TCefRunFileDialogCallbackProc);
+ procedure Print;
+ procedure Find(identifier: Integer; const searchText: ustring; forward, matchCase, findNext: Boolean);
+ procedure StopFinding(clearSelection: Boolean);
+ procedure StartDownload(const url: ustring);
+ procedure SetMouseCursorChangeDisabled(disabled: Boolean);
+ function IsMouseCursorChangeDisabled: Boolean;
+ function IsWindowRenderingDisabled: Boolean;
+ procedure WasResized;
+ procedure NotifyScreenInfoChanged;
+ procedure WasHidden(hidden: Boolean);
+ procedure Invalidate(const dirtyRect: PCefRect; kind: TCefPaintElementType);
+ procedure SendKeyEvent(const event: PCefKeyEvent);
+ procedure SendMouseClickEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent;
+ kind: TCefMouseButtonType; mouseUp: Boolean; clickCount: Integer);
+ procedure SendMouseMoveEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; mouseLeave: Boolean);
+ procedure SendMouseWheelEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent; deltaX, deltaY: Integer);
+ procedure SendFocusEvent(setFocus: Boolean);
+ procedure SendCaptureLostEvent;
+ function GetNsTextInputContext: TCefTextInputContext;
+ procedure HandleKeyEventBeforeTextInputClient(keyEvent: TCefEventHandle);
+ procedure HandleKeyEventAfterTextInputClient(keyEvent: TCefEventHandle);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBrowserHost;
+ end;
+ TCefBrowserRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefBrowser)
+ protected
+ function GetHost: ICefBrowserHost;
+ function CanGoBack: Boolean;
+ procedure GoBack;
+ function CanGoForward: Boolean;
+ procedure GoForward;
+ function IsLoading: Boolean;
+ procedure Reload;
+ procedure ReloadIgnoreCache;
+ procedure StopLoad;
+ function GetIdentifier: Integer;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ function IsPopup: Boolean;
+ function HasDocument: Boolean;
+ function GetMainFrame: ICefFrame;
+ function GetFocusedFrame: ICefFrame;
+ function GetFrameByident(identifier: Int64): ICefFrame;
+ function GetFrame(const name: ustring): ICefFrame;
+ function GetFrameCount: NativeUInt;
+ procedure GetFrameIdentifiers(count: PNativeUInt; identifiers: PInt64);
+ procedure GetFrameNames(names: TStrings);
+ function SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBrowser;
+ end;
+ TCefFrameRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefFrame)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ procedure Undo;
+ procedure Redo;
+ procedure Cut;
+ procedure Copy;
+ procedure Paste;
+ procedure Del;
+ procedure SelectAll;
+ procedure ViewSource;
+ procedure GetSource(const visitor: ICefStringVisitor);
+ procedure GetSourceProc(const proc: TCefStringVisitorProc);
+ procedure GetText(const visitor: ICefStringVisitor);
+ procedure GetTextProc(const proc: TCefStringVisitorProc);
+ procedure LoadRequest(const request: ICefRequest);
+ procedure LoadUrl(const url: ustring);
+ procedure LoadString(const str, url: ustring);
+ procedure ExecuteJavaScript(const code, scriptUrl: ustring; startLine: Integer);
+ function IsMain: Boolean;
+ function IsFocused: Boolean;
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetIdentifier: Int64;
+ function GetParent: ICefFrame;
+ function GetUrl: ustring;
+ function GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ function GetV8Context: ICefv8Context;
+ procedure VisitDom(const visitor: ICefDomVisitor);
+ procedure VisitDomProc(const proc: TCefDomVisitorProc);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefFrame;
+ end;
+ TCefPostDataRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefPostData)
+ protected
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function GetCount: NativeUInt;
+ function GetElements(Count: NativeUInt): IInterfaceList; // ICefPostDataElement
+ function RemoveElement(const element: ICefPostDataElement): Integer;
+ function AddElement(const element: ICefPostDataElement): Integer;
+ procedure RemoveElements;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefPostData;
+ class function New: ICefPostData;
+ end;
+ TCefPostDataElementRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefPostDataElement)
+ protected
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ procedure SetToEmpty;
+ procedure SetToFile(const fileName: ustring);
+ procedure SetToBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer);
+ function GetType: TCefPostDataElementType;
+ function GetFile: ustring;
+ function GetBytesCount: NativeUInt;
+ function GetBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer): NativeUInt;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefPostDataElement;
+ class function New: ICefPostDataElement;
+ end;
+ TCefRequestRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefRequest)
+ protected
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function GetUrl: ustring;
+ function GetMethod: ustring;
+ function GetPostData: ICefPostData;
+ procedure GetHeaderMap(const HeaderMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ procedure SetUrl(const value: ustring);
+ procedure SetMethod(const value: ustring);
+ procedure SetPostData(const value: ICefPostData);
+ procedure SetHeaderMap(const HeaderMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ function GetFlags: TCefUrlRequestFlags;
+ procedure SetFlags(flags: TCefUrlRequestFlags);
+ function GetFirstPartyForCookies: ustring;
+ procedure SetFirstPartyForCookies(const url: ustring);
+ function GetResourceType: TCefResourceType;
+ function GetTransitionType: TCefTransitionType;
+ procedure Assign(const url, method: ustring;
+ const postData: ICefPostData; const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefRequest;
+ class function New: ICefRequest;
+ end;
+ TCefStreamReaderRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefStreamReader)
+ protected
+ function Read(ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ function Seek(offset: Int64; whence: Integer): Integer;
+ function Tell: Int64;
+ function Eof: Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefStreamReader;
+ class function CreateForFile(const filename: ustring): ICefStreamReader;
+ class function CreateForCustomStream(const stream: ICefCustomStreamReader): ICefStreamReader;
+ class function CreateForStream(const stream: TSTream; owned: Boolean): ICefStreamReader;
+ class function CreateForData(data: Pointer; size: NativeUInt): ICefStreamReader;
+ end;
+ TCefV8AccessorGetterProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP} reference to{$ENDIF} function(
+ const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value; out value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ TCefV8AccessorSetterProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to {$ENDIF} function(
+ const name: ustring; const obj, value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ TCefv8ValueRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefv8Value)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsUndefined: Boolean;
+ function IsNull: Boolean;
+ function IsBool: Boolean;
+ function IsInt: Boolean;
+ function IsUInt: Boolean;
+ function IsDouble: Boolean;
+ function IsDate: Boolean;
+ function IsString: Boolean;
+ function IsObject: Boolean;
+ function IsArray: Boolean;
+ function IsFunction: Boolean;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ function GetBoolValue: Boolean;
+ function GetIntValue: Integer;
+ function GetUIntValue: Cardinal;
+ function GetDoubleValue: Double;
+ function GetDateValue: TDateTime;
+ function GetStringValue: ustring;
+ function IsUserCreated: Boolean;
+ function HasException: Boolean;
+ function GetException: ICefV8Exception;
+ function ClearException: Boolean;
+ function WillRethrowExceptions: Boolean;
+ function SetRethrowExceptions(rethrow: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function HasValueByKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function HasValueByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function DeleteValueByKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function DeleteValueByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetValueByKey(const key: ustring): ICefv8Value;
+ function GetValueByIndex(index: Integer): ICefv8Value;
+ function SetValueByKey(const key: ustring; const value: ICefv8Value;
+ attribute: TCefV8PropertyAttributes): Boolean;
+ function SetValueByIndex(index: Integer; const value: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ function SetValueByAccessor(const key: ustring; settings: TCefV8AccessControls;
+ attribute: TCefV8PropertyAttributes): Boolean;
+ function GetKeys(const keys: TStrings): Integer;
+ function SetUserData(const data: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ function GetUserData: ICefv8Value;
+ function GetExternallyAllocatedMemory: Integer;
+ function AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory(changeInBytes: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetArrayLength: Integer;
+ function GetFunctionName: ustring;
+ function GetFunctionHandler: ICefv8Handler;
+ function ExecuteFunction(const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray): ICefv8Value;
+ function ExecuteFunctionWithContext(const context: ICefv8Context;
+ const obj: ICefv8Value; const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray): ICefv8Value;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewUndefined: ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewNull: ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewBool(value: Boolean): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewInt(value: Integer): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewUInt(value: Cardinal): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewDouble(value: Double): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewDate(value: TDateTime): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewString(const str: ustring): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewObject(const Accessor: ICefV8Accessor): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewObjectProc(const getter: TCefV8AccessorGetterProc;
+ const setter: TCefV8AccessorSetterProc): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewArray(len: Integer): ICefv8Value;
+ class function NewFunction(const name: ustring; const handler: ICefv8Handler): ICefv8Value;
+ end;
+ TCefv8ContextRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefv8Context)
+ protected
+ function GetTaskRunner: ICefTaskRunner;
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ function GetFrame: ICefFrame;
+ function GetGlobal: ICefv8Value;
+ function Enter: Boolean;
+ function Exit: Boolean;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefv8Context): Boolean;
+ function Eval(const code: ustring; var retval: ICefv8Value; var exception: ICefV8Exception): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefv8Context;
+ class function Current: ICefv8Context;
+ class function Entered: ICefv8Context;
+ end;
+ TCefV8StackFrameRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefV8StackFrame)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function GetScriptName: ustring;
+ function GetScriptNameOrSourceUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFunctionName: ustring;
+ function GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ function GetColumn: Integer;
+ function IsEval: Boolean;
+ function IsConstructor: Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefV8StackFrame;
+ end;
+ TCefV8StackTraceRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefV8StackTrace)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function GetFrameCount: Integer;
+ function GetFrame(index: Integer): ICefV8StackFrame;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefV8StackTrace;
+ class function Current(frameLimit: Integer): ICefV8StackTrace;
+ end;
+ TCefv8HandlerRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefv8Handler)
+ protected
+ function Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefv8Handler;
+ end;
+ TCefClientOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefClient)
+ protected
+ function GetContextMenuHandler: ICefContextMenuHandler; virtual;
+ function GetDialogHandler: ICefDialogHandler; virtual;
+ function GetDisplayHandler: ICefDisplayHandler; virtual;
+ function GetDownloadHandler: ICefDownloadHandler; virtual;
+ function GetDragHandler: ICefDragHandler; virtual;
+ function GetFocusHandler: ICefFocusHandler; virtual;
+ function GetGeolocationHandler: ICefGeolocationHandler; virtual;
+ function GetJsdialogHandler: ICefJsdialogHandler; virtual;
+ function GetKeyboardHandler: ICefKeyboardHandler; virtual;
+ function GetLifeSpanHandler: ICefLifeSpanHandler; virtual;
+ function GetRenderHandler: ICefRenderHandler; virtual;
+ function GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler; virtual;
+ function GetRequestHandler: ICefRequestHandler; virtual;
+ function OnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefGeolocationHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnRequestGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer;
+ const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback); virtual;
+ procedure OnCancelGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer); virtual;
+ public
constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefLifeSpanHandler)
+ protected
+ function OnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring; var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures;
+ var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo; var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ procedure OnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ function RunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; virtual;
+ function DoClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefLoadHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefLoadHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading,
+ canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure OnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); virtual;
+ procedure OnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer); virtual;
+ procedure OnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefQuotaCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefQuotaCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ procedure Cancel;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefQuotaCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefAllowCertificateErrorCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefRequestHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefRequestHandler)
+ protected
+ function OnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function OnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): Boolean; virtual;
+ function GetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler; virtual;
+ procedure OnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring); virtual;
+ function GetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ function OnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring;
+ newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean); virtual;
+ function OnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url, policyUrl: ustring;
+ const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean; virtual;
+ function OnCertificateError(certError: TCefErrorCode; const requestUrl: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure OnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefDisplayHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefDisplayHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure OnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring); virtual;
+ function OnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring); virtual;
+ function OnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefFocusHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefFocusHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean); virtual;
+ function OnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefKeyboardHandler)
+ protected
+ function OnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function OnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefJsDialogHandler)
+ protected
+ function OnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring;
+ dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function OnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ procedure OnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefContextMenuHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel); virtual;
+ function OnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefDialogHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefDialogHandler)
+ protected
+ function OnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, defaultFileName: ustring; acceptTypes: TStrings;
+ const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefDownloadHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefDownloadHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback); virtual;
+ procedure OnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefCustomStreamReader = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefCustomStreamReader)
+ private
+ FStream: TStream;
+ FOwned: Boolean;
+ protected
+ function Read(ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt; virtual;
+ function Seek(offset: Int64; whence: Integer): Integer; virtual;
+ function Tell: Int64; virtual;
+ function Eof: Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Stream: TStream; Owned: Boolean); overload; virtual;
+ constructor Create(const filename: string); overload; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TCefPostDataElementOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefPostDataElement)
+ private
+ FDataType: TCefPostDataElementType;
+ FValueByte: Pointer;
+ FValueStr: TCefString;
+ FSize: NativeUInt;
+ FReadOnly: Boolean;
+ procedure Clear;
+ protected
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure SetToEmpty; virtual;
+ procedure SetToFile(const fileName: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure SetToBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer); virtual;
+ function GetType: TCefPostDataElementType; virtual;
+ function GetFile: ustring; virtual;
+ function GetBytesCount: NativeUInt; virtual;
+ function GetBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer): NativeUInt; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(readonly: Boolean); virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont;
+ procedure Cancel;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefCompletionHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefCompletionHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnComplete; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefCompletionHandlerRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefCompletionHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnComplete;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCompletionHandler;
+ end;
+ TCefFastCompletionHandler = class(TCefCompletionHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FProc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc;
+ protected
+ procedure OnComplete; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const proc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefResourceHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefResourceHandler)
+ protected
+ function ProcessRequest(const request: ICefRequest; const callback: ICefCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure GetResponseHeaders(const response: ICefResponse;
+ out responseLength: Int64; out redirectUrl: ustring); virtual;
+ function ReadResponse(const dataOut: Pointer; bytesToRead: Integer;
+ var bytesRead: Integer; const callback: ICefCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ function CanGetCookie(const cookie: PCefCookie): Boolean; virtual;
+ function CanSetCookie(const cookie: PCefCookie): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure Cancel; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const schemeName: ustring; const request: ICefRequest); virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefResourceHandlerClass = class of TCefResourceHandlerOwn;
+ TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefSchemeHandlerFactory)
+ private
+ FClass: TCefResourceHandlerClass;
+ protected
+ function New(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const schemeName: ustring; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const AClass: TCefResourceHandlerClass; SyncMainThread: Boolean); virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefv8HandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefv8Handler)
+ protected
+ function Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefTaskOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefTask)
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefTaskRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefTask)
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; virtual;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefTask;
+ end;
+ TCefTaskRunnerRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefTaskRunner)
+ protected
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefTaskRunner): Boolean;
+ function BelongsToCurrentThread: Boolean;
+ function BelongsToThread(threadId: TCefThreadId): Boolean;
+ function PostTask(const task: ICefTask): Boolean; stdcall;
+ function PostDelayedTask(const task: ICefTask; delayMs: Int64): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefTaskRunner;
+ class function GetForCurrentThread: ICefTaskRunner;
+ class function GetForThread(threadId: TCefThreadId): ICefTaskRunner;
+ end;
+ TCefStringMapOwn = class(TInterfacedObject, ICefStringMap)
+ private
+ FStringMap: TCefStringMap;
+ protected
+ function GetHandle: TCefStringMap; virtual;
+ function GetSize: Integer; virtual;
+ function Find(const key: ustring): ustring; virtual;
+ function GetKey(index: Integer): ustring; virtual;
+ function GetValue(index: Integer): ustring; virtual;
+ procedure Append(const key, value: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure Clear; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TCefStringMultimapOwn = class(TInterfacedObject, ICefStringMultimap)
+ private
+ FStringMap: TCefStringMultimap;
+ protected
+ function GetHandle: TCefStringMultimap; virtual;
+ function GetSize: Integer; virtual;
+ function FindCount(const Key: ustring): Integer; virtual;
+ function GetEnumerate(const Key: ustring; ValueIndex: Integer): ustring; virtual;
+ function GetKey(Index: Integer): ustring; virtual;
+ function GetValue(Index: Integer): ustring; virtual;
+ procedure Append(const Key, Value: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure Clear; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+ TCefXmlReaderRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefXmlReader)
+ protected
+ function MoveToNextNode: Boolean;
+ function Close: Boolean;
+ function HasError: Boolean;
+ function GetError: ustring;
+ function GetType: TCefXmlNodeType;
+ function GetDepth: Integer;
+ function GetLocalName: ustring;
+ function GetPrefix: ustring;
+ function GetQualifiedName: ustring;
+ function GetNamespaceUri: ustring;
+ function GetBaseUri: ustring;
+ function GetXmlLang: ustring;
+ function IsEmptyElement: Boolean;
+ function HasValue: Boolean;
+ function GetValue: ustring;
+ function HasAttributes: Boolean;
+ function GetAttributeCount: NativeUInt;
+ function GetAttributeByIndex(index: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetAttributeByQName(const qualifiedName: ustring): ustring;
+ function GetAttributeByLName(const localName, namespaceURI: ustring): ustring;
+ function GetInnerXml: ustring;
+ function GetOuterXml: ustring;
+ function GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ function MoveToAttributeByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function MoveToAttributeByQName(const qualifiedName: ustring): Boolean;
+ function MoveToAttributeByLName(const localName, namespaceURI: ustring): Boolean;
+ function MoveToFirstAttribute: Boolean;
+ function MoveToNextAttribute: Boolean;
+ function MoveToCarryingElement: Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefXmlReader;
+ class function New(const stream: ICefStreamReader;
+ encodingType: TCefXmlEncodingType; const URI: ustring): ICefXmlReader;
+ end;
+ TCefZipReaderRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefZipReader)
+ protected
+ function MoveToFirstFile: Boolean;
+ function MoveToNextFile: Boolean;
+ function MoveToFile(const fileName: ustring; caseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function Close: Boolean;
+ function GetFileName: ustring;
+ function GetFileSize: Int64;
+ function GetFileLastModified: LongInt;
+ function OpenFile(const password: ustring): Boolean;
+ function CloseFile: Boolean;
+ function ReadFile(buffer: Pointer; bufferSize: NativeUInt): Integer;
+ function Tell: Int64;
+ function Eof: Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefZipReader;
+ class function New(const stream: ICefStreamReader): ICefZipReader;
+ end;
+ TCefDomVisitorOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefDomVisitor)
+ protected
+ procedure visit(const document: ICefDomDocument); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefFastDomVisitor = class(TCefDomVisitorOwn)
+ private
+ FProc: TCefDomVisitorProc;
+ protected
+ procedure visit(const document: ICefDomDocument); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const proc: TCefDomVisitorProc); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefDomDocumentRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefDomDocument)
+ protected
+ function GetType: TCefDomDocumentType;
+ function GetDocument: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetBody: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetHead: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetTitle: ustring;
+ function GetElementById(const id: ustring): ICefDomNode;
+ function GetFocusedNode: ICefDomNode;
+ function HasSelection: Boolean;
+ function GetSelectionStartNode: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetSelectionStartOffset: Integer;
+ function GetSelectionEndNode: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetSelectionEndOffset: Integer;
+ function GetSelectionAsMarkup: ustring;
+ function GetSelectionAsText: ustring;
+ function GetBaseUrl: ustring;
+ function GetCompleteUrl(const partialURL: ustring): ustring;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDomDocument;
+ end;
+ TCefDomNodeRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefDomNode)
+ protected
+ function GetType: TCefDomNodeType;
+ function IsText: Boolean;
+ function IsElement: Boolean;
+ function IsEditable: Boolean;
+ function IsFormControlElement: Boolean;
+ function GetFormControlElementType: ustring;
+ function IsSame(const that: ICefDomNode): Boolean;
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetValue: ustring;
+ function SetValue(const value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetAsMarkup: ustring;
+ function GetDocument: ICefDomDocument;
+ function GetParent: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetPreviousSibling: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetNextSibling: ICefDomNode;
+ function HasChildren: Boolean;
+ function GetFirstChild: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetLastChild: ICefDomNode;
+ procedure AddEventListener(const eventType: ustring;
+ useCapture: Boolean; const listener: ICefDomEventListener);
+ procedure AddEventListenerProc(const eventType: ustring; useCapture: Boolean;
+ const proc: TCefDomEventListenerProc);
+ function GetElementTagName: ustring;
+ function HasElementAttributes: Boolean;
+ function HasElementAttribute(const attrName: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetElementAttribute(const attrName: ustring): ustring;
+ procedure GetElementAttributes(const attrMap: ICefStringMap);
+ function SetElementAttribute(const attrName, value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetElementInnerText: ustring;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDomNode;
+ end;
+ TCefDomEventRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefDomEvent)
+ protected
+ function GetType: ustring;
+ function GetCategory: TCefDomEventCategory;
+ function GetPhase: TCefDomEventPhase;
+ function CanBubble: Boolean;
+ function CanCancel: Boolean;
+ function GetDocument: ICefDomDocument;
+ function GetTarget: ICefDomNode;
+ function GetCurrentTarget: ICefDomNode;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDomEvent;
+ end;
+ TCefDomEventListenerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefDomEventListener)
+ protected
+ procedure HandleEvent(const event: ICefDomEvent); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefResponseRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefResponse)
+ protected
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function GetStatus: Integer;
+ procedure SetStatus(status: Integer);
+ function GetStatusText: ustring;
+ procedure SetStatusText(const StatusText: ustring);
+ function GetMimeType: ustring;
+ procedure SetMimeType(const mimetype: ustring);
+ function GetHeader(const name: ustring): ustring;
+ procedure GetHeaderMap(const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ procedure SetHeaderMap(const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefResponse;
+ class function New: ICefResponse;
+ end;
+ TCefFastDomEventListener = class(TCefDomEventListenerOwn)
+ private
+ FProc: TCefDomEventListenerProc;
+ protected
+ procedure HandleEvent(const event: ICefDomEvent); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const proc: TCefDomEventListenerProc); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefFastTaskProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF} procedure;
+ TCefFastTask = class(TCefTaskOwn)
+ private
+ FMethod: TCefFastTaskProc;
+ protected
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ class procedure New(threadId: TCefThreadId; const method: TCefFastTaskProc);
+ class procedure NewDelayed(threadId: TCefThreadId; Delay: Int64; const method: TCefFastTaskProc);
+ constructor Create(const method: TCefFastTaskProc); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefRTTIExtension = class(TCefv8HandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FValue: TValue;
+ FCtx: TRttiContext;
+ FSyncMainThread: Boolean;
+ function GetValue(pi: PTypeInfo; const v: ICefv8Value; var ret: TValue): Boolean;
+ function SetValue(const v: TValue; var ret: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ class function StrToPtr(const str: ustring): Pointer;
+ class function PtrToStr(p: Pointer): ustring;
+ protected
+ function Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const value: TValue
+ ; SyncMainThread: Boolean
+); reintroduce;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ class procedure Register(const name: string; const value: TValue
+ end;
+ TCefV8AccessorOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefV8Accessor)
+ protected
+ function Get(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ out value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean; virtual;
+ function Put(const name: ustring; const obj, value: ICefv8Value;
+ const exception: ustring): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefFastV8Accessor = class(TCefV8AccessorOwn)
+ private
+ FGetter: TCefV8AccessorGetterProc;
+ FSetter: TCefV8AccessorSetterProc;
+ protected
+ function Get(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ out value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean; override;
+ function Put(const name: ustring; const obj, value: ICefv8Value;
+ const exception: ustring): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const getter: TCefV8AccessorGetterProc;
+ const setter: TCefV8AccessorSetterProc); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefCookieVisitorOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefCookieVisitor)
+ protected
+ function visit(const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime;
+ count, total: Integer; out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefFastCookieVisitor = class(TCefCookieVisitorOwn)
+ private
+ FVisitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc;
+ protected
+ function visit(const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime;
+ count, total: Integer; out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefV8ExceptionRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefV8Exception)
+ protected
+ function GetMessage: ustring;
+ function GetSourceLine: ustring;
+ function GetScriptResourceName: ustring;
+ function GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ function GetStartPosition: Integer;
+ function GetEndPosition: Integer;
+ function GetStartColumn: Integer;
+ function GetEndColumn: Integer;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefV8Exception;
+ end;
+ TCefResourceBundleHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefResourceBundleHandler)
+ protected
function GetDataResource(resourceId: Integer; out data: Pointer;
out dataSize: NativeUInt): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
function GetLocalizedString(messageId: Integer;
+ out stringVal: ustring): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
TGetDataResource = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF}function(
+ resourceId: Integer; out data: Pointer; out dataSize: NativeUInt): Boolean;
+ TGetLocalizedString = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF}function(
+ messageId: Integer; out stringVal: ustring): Boolean;
+ TCefFastResourceBundle = class(TCefResourceBundleHandlerOwn)
+ private
+ FGetDataResource: TGetDataResource;
+ FGetLocalizedString: TGetLocalizedString;
+ protected
+ function GetDataResource(resourceId: Integer; out data: Pointer;
+ out dataSize: NativeUInt): Boolean; override;
function GetLocalizedString(messageId: Integer;
+ out stringVal: ustring): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AGetDataResource: TGetDataResource;
+ AGetLocalizedString: TGetLocalizedString); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefAppOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefApp)
+ protected
+ procedure OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(const processType: ustring;
+ const commandLine: ICefCommandLine); virtual; abstract;
+ procedure OnRegisterCustomSchemes(const registrar: ICefSchemeRegistrar); virtual; abstract;
+ function GetResourceBundleHandler: ICefResourceBundleHandler; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetBrowserProcessHandler: ICefBrowserProcessHandler; virtual; abstract;
+ function GetRenderProcessHandler: ICefRenderProcessHandler; virtual; abstract;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefCookieManagerRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefCookieManager2)
+ protected
+ procedure SetSupportedSchemes(schemes: TStrings);
+ function VisitAllCookies(const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ function VisitAllCookiesProc(const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc): Boolean;
+ function VisitUrlCookies(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ function VisitUrlCookiesProc(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc): Boolean;
+ function SetCookie(const url: ustring; const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime): Boolean;
+ function DeleteCookies(const url, cookieName: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetStoragePath(const path: ustring; persistSessionCookies: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function FlushStore(const handler: ICefCompletionHandler): Boolean;
+ function FlushStoreProc(const proc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCookieManager2;
+ class function Global: ICefCookieManager2;
+ class function New(const path: ustring; persistSessionCookies: Boolean): ICefCookieManager2;
+ end;
+ TCefCookieManagerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefCookieManager)
+ protected
+ procedure SetSupportedSchemes(schemes: TStrings); virtual;
+ function VisitAllCookies(const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean; virtual;
+ function VisitUrlCookies(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean; virtual;
+ function SetCookie(const url: ustring; const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime): Boolean; virtual;
+ function DeleteCookies(const url, cookieName: ustring): Boolean; virtual;
+ function SetStoragePath(const path: ustring; persistSessionCookies: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function FlushStore(const handler: ICefCompletionHandler): Boolean; virtual;
+ function FlushStoreProc(const proc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefWebPluginInfoRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefWebPluginInfo)
+ protected
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetPath: ustring;
+ function GetVersion: ustring;
+ function GetDescription: ustring;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefWebPluginInfo;
+ end;
+ TCefProcessMessageRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefProcessMessage)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefProcessMessage;
+ function GetName: ustring;
+ function GetArgumentList: ICefListValue;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefProcessMessage;
+ class function New(const name: ustring): ICefProcessMessage;
+ end;
+ TCefStringVisitorOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefStringVisitor)
+ protected
+ procedure Visit(const str: ustring); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefFastStringVisitor = class(TCefStringVisitorOwn, ICefStringVisitor)
+ private
+ FVisit: TCefStringVisitorProc;
+ protected
+ procedure Visit(const str: ustring); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const callback: TCefStringVisitorProc); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefDownLoadItemRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefDownLoadItem)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsInProgress: Boolean;
+ function IsComplete: Boolean;
+ function IsCanceled: Boolean;
+ function GetCurrentSpeed: Int64;
+ function GetPercentComplete: Integer;
+ function GetTotalBytes: Int64;
+ function GetReceivedBytes: Int64;
+ function GetStartTime: TDateTime;
+ function GetEndTime: TDateTime;
+ function GetFullPath: ustring;
+ function GetId: Integer;
+ function GetUrl: ustring;
+ function GetSuggestedFileName: ustring;
+ function GetContentDisposition: ustring;
+ function GetMimeType: ustring;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDownLoadItem;
+ end;
+ TCefBeforeDownloadCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefBeforeDownloadCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(const downloadPath: ustring; showDialog: Boolean);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBeforeDownloadCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefDownloadItemCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefDownloadItemCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure cancel;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDownloadItemCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefAuthCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefAuthCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(const username, password: ustring);
+ procedure Cancel;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefAuthCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefJsDialogCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefJsDialogCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(success: Boolean; const userInput: ustring);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefJsDialogCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefCommandLineRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefCommandLine)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefCommandLine;
+ procedure InitFromArgv(argc: Integer; const argv: PPAnsiChar);
+ procedure InitFromString(const commandLine: ustring);
+ procedure Reset;
+ function GetCommandLineString: ustring;
+ procedure GetArgv(args: TStrings);
+ function GetProgram: ustring;
+ procedure SetProgram(const prog: ustring);
+ function HasSwitches: Boolean;
+ function HasSwitch(const name: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetSwitchValue(const name: ustring): ustring;
+ procedure GetSwitches(switches: TStrings);
+ procedure AppendSwitch(const name: ustring);
+ procedure AppendSwitchWithValue(const name, value: ustring);
+ function HasArguments: Boolean;
+ procedure GetArguments(arguments: TStrings);
+ procedure AppendArgument(const argument: ustring);
+ procedure PrependWrapper(const wrapper: ustring);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCommandLine;
+ class function New: ICefCommandLine;
+ class function Global: ICefCommandLine;
+ end;
+ TCefSchemeRegistrarRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefSchemeRegistrar)
+ protected
+ function AddCustomScheme(const schemeName: ustring; IsStandard, IsLocal,
+ IsDisplayIsolated: Boolean): Boolean; stdcall;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefSchemeRegistrar;
+ end;
+ TCefGeolocationCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefGeolocationCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefGeolocationCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefContextMenuParamsRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefContextMenuParams)
+ protected
+ function GetXCoord: Integer;
+ function GetYCoord: Integer;
+ function GetTypeFlags: TCefContextMenuTypeFlags;
+ function GetLinkUrl: ustring;
+ function GetUnfilteredLinkUrl: ustring;
+ function GetSourceUrl: ustring;
+ function HasImageContents: Boolean;
+ function GetPageUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFrameUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFrameCharset: ustring;
+ function GetMediaType: TCefContextMenuMediaType;
+ function GetMediaStateFlags: TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlags;
+ function GetSelectionText: ustring;
+ function IsEditable: Boolean;
+ function IsSpeechInputEnabled: Boolean;
+ function GetEditStateFlags: TCefContextMenuEditStateFlags;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefContextMenuParams;
+ end;
TCefMenuModelRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefMenuModel)
+ function Clear: Boolean;
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function AddSeparator: Boolean;
+ function AddItem(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function AddCheckItem(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function AddRadioItem(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring; groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function AddSubMenu(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): ICefMenuModel;
+ function InsertSeparatorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function InsertItemAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function InsertCheckItemAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function InsertRadioItemAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring; groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function InsertSubMenuAt(index, commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): ICefMenuModel;
+ function Remove(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function RemoveAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetIndexOf(commandId: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetCommandIdAt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ function SetCommandIdAt(index, commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetLabel(commandId: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetLabelAt(index: Integer): ustring;
+ function SetLabel(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetLabelAt(index: Integer; const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetType(commandId: Integer): TCefMenuItemType;
+ function GetTypeAt(index: Integer): TCefMenuItemType;
+ function GetGroupId(commandId: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetGroupIdAt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ function SetGroupId(commandId, groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetGroupIdAt(index, groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetSubMenu(commandId: Integer): ICefMenuModel;
+ function GetSubMenuAt(index: Integer): ICefMenuModel;
+ function IsVisible(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function isVisibleAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetVisible(commandId: Integer; visible: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetVisibleAt(index: Integer; visible: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function IsEnabled(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function IsEnabledAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetEnabled(commandId: Integer; enabled: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetEnabledAt(index: Integer; enabled: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function IsChecked(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function IsCheckedAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function setChecked(commandId: Integer; checked: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function setCheckedAt(index: Integer; checked: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function HasAccelerator(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function HasAcceleratorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetAccelerator(commandId, keyCode: Integer; shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetAcceleratorAt(index, keyCode: Integer; shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function RemoveAccelerator(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ function RemoveAcceleratorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetAccelerator(commandId: Integer; out keyCode: Integer; out shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function GetAcceleratorAt(index: Integer; out keyCode: Integer; out shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefMenuModel;
+ end;
+ TCefListValueRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefListValue)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsOwned: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefListValue;
+ function SetSize(size: NativeUInt): Boolean;
+ function GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ function Clear: Boolean;
+ function Remove(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetType(index: Integer): TCefValueType;
+ function GetBool(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function GetInt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ function GetDouble(index: Integer): Double;
+ function GetString(index: Integer): ustring;
+ function GetBinary(index: Integer): ICefBinaryValue;
+ function GetDictionary(index: Integer): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ function GetList(index: Integer): ICefListValue;
+ function SetNull(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetBool(index: Integer; value: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetInt(index, value: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetDouble(index: Integer; value: Double): Boolean;
+ function SetString(index: Integer; const value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetBinary(index: Integer; const value: ICefBinaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetDictionary(index: Integer; const value: ICefDictionaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetList(index: Integer; const value: ICefListValue): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefListValue;
+ class function New: ICefListValue;
+ end;
+ TCefBinaryValueRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefBinaryValue)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function IsOwned: Boolean;
+ function Copy: ICefBinaryValue;
+ function GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ function GetData(buffer: Pointer; bufferSize, dataOffset: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBinaryValue;
+ class function New(const data: Pointer; dataSize: NativeUInt): ICefBinaryValue;
+ end;
+ TCefDictionaryValueRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefDictionaryValue)
+ protected
+ function IsValid: Boolean;
+ function isOwned: Boolean;
+ function IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ function Copy(excludeEmptyChildren: Boolean): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ function GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ function Clear: Boolean;
+ function HasKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetKeys(const keys: TStrings): Boolean;
+ function Remove(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetType(const key: ustring): TCefValueType;
+ function GetBool(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function GetInt(const key: ustring): Integer;
+ function GetDouble(const key: ustring): Double;
+ function GetString(const key: ustring): ustring;
+ function GetBinary(const key: ustring): ICefBinaryValue;
+ function GetDictionary(const key: ustring): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ function GetList(const key: ustring): ICefListValue;
+ function SetNull(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetBool(const key: ustring; value: Boolean): Boolean;
+ function SetInt(const key: ustring; value: Integer): Boolean;
+ function SetDouble(const key: ustring; value: Double): Boolean;
+ function SetString(const key, value: ustring): Boolean;
+ function SetBinary(const key: ustring; const value: ICefBinaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetDictionary(const key: ustring; const value: ICefDictionaryValue): Boolean;
+ function SetList(const key: ustring; const value: ICefListValue): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ class function New: ICefDictionaryValue;
+ end;
+ TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefBrowserProcessHandler)
+ protected
+ procedure OnContextInitialized; virtual;
+ procedure OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(const commandLine: ICefCommandLine); virtual;
+ procedure OnRenderProcessThreadCreated(const extraInfo: ICefListValue); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefRenderProcessHandler)
+ procedure OnRenderThreadCreated(const extraInfo: ICefListValue); virtual;
+ procedure OnWebKitInitialized; virtual;
+ procedure OnBrowserCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ function GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler; virtual;
+ procedure OnBrowserDestroyed(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ function OnBeforeNavigation(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; navigationType: TCefNavigationType;
+ isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnContextCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context); virtual;
+ procedure OnContextReleased(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const context: ICefv8Context); virtual;
+ procedure OnUncaughtException(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const context: ICefv8Context; const exception: ICefV8Exception;
+ const stackTrace: ICefV8StackTrace); virtual;
+ procedure OnFocusedNodeChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const node: ICefDomNode); virtual;
+ function OnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefUrlrequestClientOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefUrlrequestClient)
+ protected
+ procedure OnRequestComplete(const request: ICefUrlRequest); virtual;
+ procedure OnUploadProgress(const request: ICefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64); virtual;
+ procedure OnDownloadProgress(const request: ICefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64); virtual;
+ procedure OnDownloadData(const request: ICefUrlRequest; data: Pointer; dataLength: NativeUInt); virtual;
+ function GetAuthCredentials(isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer;
+ const realm, scheme: ustring; const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefUrlRequestRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefUrlRequest)
+ protected
+ function GetRequest: ICefRequest;
+ function GetRequestStatus: TCefUrlRequestStatus;
+ function GetRequestError: Integer;
+ function GetResponse: ICefResponse;
+ procedure Cancel;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefUrlRequest;
+ class function New(const request: ICefRequest; const client: ICefUrlRequestClient): ICefUrlRequest;
+ end;
+ TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefWebPluginInfoVisitor)
+ protected
+ function Visit(const info: ICefWebPluginInfo; count, total: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF} function(const info: ICefWebPluginInfo; count, total: Integer): Boolean;
+ TCefWebPluginIsUnstableProc = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF}procedure(const path: ustring; unstable: Boolean);
+ TCefFastWebPluginInfoVisitor = class(TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorOwn)
+ private
+ FProc: TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorProc;
+ protected
+ function Visit(const info: ICefWebPluginInfo; count, total: Integer): Boolean; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const proc: TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorProc); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefWebPluginUnstableCallbackOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefWebPluginUnstableCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure IsUnstable(const path: ustring; unstable: Boolean); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefFastWebPluginUnstableCallback = class(TCefWebPluginUnstableCallbackOwn)
+ private
+ FCallback: TCefWebPluginIsUnstableProc;
+ protected
+ procedure IsUnstable(const path: ustring; unstable: Boolean); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const callback: TCefWebPluginIsUnstableProc); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefTraceClientOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefTraceClient)
+ protected
procedure OnTraceDataCollected(const fragment: PAnsiChar; fragmentSize: NativeUInt); virtual;
+ procedure OnTraceBufferPercentFullReply(percentFull: Single); virtual;
+ procedure OnEndTracingComplete; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefGetGeolocationCallbackOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefGetGeolocationCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure OnLocationUpdate(const position: PCefGeoposition); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TOnLocationUpdate = {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}reference to{$ENDIF} procedure(const position: PCefGeoposition);
+ TCefFastGetGeolocationCallback = class(TCefGetGeolocationCallbackOwn)
+ private
+ FCallback: TOnLocationUpdate;
+ protected
+ procedure OnLocationUpdate(const position: PCefGeoposition); override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const callback: TOnLocationUpdate); reintroduce;
+ end;
+ TCefFileDialogCallbackRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefFileDialogCallback)
+ protected
+ procedure Cont(filePaths: TStrings);
+ procedure Cancel;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefFileDialogCallback;
+ end;
+ TCefRenderHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefRenderHandler)
+ protected
function GetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean; virtual;
+ function GetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean; virtual;
+ function GetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer;
+ screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean; virtual;
+ function GetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser; screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure OnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure OnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect); virtual;
+ procedure OnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; kind: TCefPaintElementType;
+ dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray;
+ const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer); virtual;
+ procedure OnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle); virtual;
+ procedure OnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefDragDataRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefDragData)
+ protected
+ function IsLink: Boolean;
+ function IsFragment: Boolean;
+ function IsFile: Boolean;
+ function GetLinkUrl: ustring;
+ function GetLinkTitle: ustring;
+ function GetLinkMetadata: ustring;
+ function GetFragmentText: ustring;
+ function GetFragmentHtml: ustring;
+ function GetFragmentBaseUrl: ustring;
+ function GetFileName: ustring;
+ function GetFileNames(names: TStrings): Integer;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDragData;
+ end;
+ TCefDragHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefDragHandler)
+ function OnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser; const dragData: ICefDragData;
+ mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefRequestContextHandlerOwn = class(TCefBaseOwn, ICefRequestContextHandler)
+ protected
+ function GetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ end;
+ TCefRequestContextHandlerRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefRequestContextHandler)
+ protected
+ function GetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefRequestContextHandler;
+ end;
+ TCefCookieVisitorRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefCookieVisitor)
+ protected
+ function visit(const name, value, domain, path: ustring; secure, httponly,
+ hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime;
+ count, total: Integer; out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCookieVisitor;
+ end;
+ TCefRequestContextRef = class(TCefBaseRef, ICefRequestContext)
+ protected
+ function IsSame(const other: ICefRequestContext): Boolean;
+ function IsGlobal: Boolean;
+ function GetHandler: ICefBase;
+ public
+ class function UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefRequestContext;
+ class function GetGlobalContext: ICefRequestContext;
+ class function CreateContext(const handler: ICefRequestContextHandler): ICefRequestContext;
+ end;
+ ECefException = class(Exception)
+ end;
+function CefLoadLibDefault: Boolean;
+function CefLoadLib(
+ const Cache: ustring = '';
+ const UserAgent: ustring = '';
+ const ProductVersion: ustring = '';
+ const Locale: ustring = '';
+ const LogFile: ustring = '';
+ const BrowserSubprocessPath: ustring = '';
+ LogSeverity: TCefLogSeverity = LOGSEVERITY_DISABLE;
+ JavaScriptFlags: ustring = '';
+ ResourcesDirPath: ustring = '';
+ LocalesDirPath: ustring = '';
+ SingleProcess: Boolean = False;
+ CommandLineArgsDisabled: Boolean = False;
+ PackLoadingDisabled: Boolean = False;
+ RemoteDebuggingPort: Integer = 0;
+ ReleaseDCheck: Boolean = False;
+ UncaughtExceptionStackSize: Integer = 0;
+ ContextSafetyImplementation: Integer = 0;
+ PersistSessionCookies: Boolean = False;
+ IgnoreCertificateErrors: Boolean = False): Boolean;
+function CefGetObject(ptr: Pointer): TObject;
+function CefStringAlloc(const str: ustring): TCefString;
+function CefString(const str: ustring): TCefString; overload;
+function CefString(const str: PCefString): ustring; overload;
+function CefUserFreeString(const str: ustring): PCefStringUserFree;
+function CefStringClearAndGet(var str: TCefString): ustring;
+procedure CefStringFree(const str: PCefString);
+function CefStringFreeAndGet(const str: PCefStringUserFree): ustring;
+procedure CefStringSet(const str: PCefString; const value: ustring);
+function CefBrowserHostCreate(windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; const client: ICefClient;
+ const url: ustring; const settings: PCefBrowserSettings;
+ const requestContext: ICefRequestContext = nil): Boolean;
+function CefBrowserHostCreateSync(windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; const client: ICefClient;
+ const url: ustring; const settings: PCefBrowserSettings;
+ const requestContext: ICefRequestContext = nil): ICefBrowser;
+procedure CefDoMessageLoopWork;
+procedure CefRunMessageLoop;
+procedure CefQuitMessageLoop;
+procedure CefSetOsModalLoop(loop: Boolean);
+procedure CefShutDown;
+function CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(const SchemeName, HostName: ustring;
+ SyncMainThread: Boolean; const handler: TCefResourceHandlerClass): Boolean;
+function CefClearSchemeHandlerFactories: Boolean;
+function CefAddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(const SourceOrigin, TargetProtocol,
+ TargetDomain: ustring; AllowTargetSubdomains: Boolean): Boolean;
+function CefRemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(
+ const SourceOrigin, TargetProtocol, TargetDomain: ustring;
+ AllowTargetSubdomains: Boolean): Boolean;
+function CefClearCrossOriginWhitelist: Boolean;
+function CefRegisterExtension(const name, code: ustring;
+ const Handler: ICefv8Handler): Boolean;
+function CefCurrentlyOn(ThreadId: TCefThreadId): Boolean;
+procedure CefPostTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask);
+procedure CefPostDelayedTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask; delayMs: Int64);
+function CefGetData(const i: ICefBase): Pointer;
+function CefParseUrl(const url: ustring; var parts: TUrlParts): Boolean;
+function CefCreateUrl(var parts: TUrlParts): ustring;
+procedure CefVisitWebPluginInfo(const visitor: ICefWebPluginInfoVisitor);
+procedure CefVisitWebPluginInfoProc(const visitor: TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorProc);
+procedure CefRefreshWebPlugins;
+procedure CefAddWebPluginPath(const path: ustring);
+procedure CefAddWebPluginDirectory(const dir: ustring);
+procedure CefRemoveWebPluginPath(const path: ustring);
+procedure CefUnregisterInternalWebPlugin(const path: ustring);
+procedure CefForceWebPluginShutdown(const path: ustring);
+procedure CefRegisterWebPluginCrash(const path: ustring);
+procedure CefIsWebPluginUnstable(const path: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefWebPluginUnstableCallback);
+procedure CefIsWebPluginUnstableProc(const path: ustring;
+ const callback: TCefWebPluginIsUnstableProc);
+function CefGetPath(key: TCefPathKey; out path: ustring): Boolean;
+function CefBeginTracing(const client: ICefTraceClient; const categories: ustring): Boolean;
+function CefGetTraceBufferPercentFullAsync: Integer;
+function CefEndTracingAsync: Boolean;
+function CefNowFromSystemTraceTime: Int64;
+function CefGetGeolocation(const callback: ICefGetGeolocationCallback): Boolean;
+ CefLibrary: string = {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}'libcef.dll'{$ELSE}'libcef.dylib'{$ENDIF};
+ CefCache: ustring = '';
+ CefUserAgent: ustring = '';
+ CefProductVersion: ustring = '';
+ CefLocale: ustring = '';
+ CefLogFile: ustring = '';
+ CefLogSeverity: TCefLogSeverity = LOGSEVERITY_DISABLE;
+ CefJavaScriptFlags: ustring = '';
+ CefResourcesDirPath: ustring = '';
+ CefLocalesDirPath: ustring = '';
+ CefPackLoadingDisabled: Boolean = False;
+ CefSingleProcess: Boolean = True;
+ CefBrowserSubprocessPath: ustring = '';
+ CefCommandLineArgsDisabled: Boolean = False;
+ CefRemoteDebuggingPort: Integer = 0;
+ CefGetDataResource: TGetDataResource = nil;
+ CefGetLocalizedString: TGetLocalizedString = nil;
+ CefReleaseDCheck: Boolean = False;
+ CefUncaughtExceptionStackSize: Integer = 0;
+ CefContextSafetyImplementation: Integer = 0;
+ CefPersistSessionCookies: Boolean = False;
+ CefIgnoreCertificateErrors: Boolean = False;
+ CefResourceBundleHandler: ICefResourceBundleHandler = nil;
+ CefBrowserProcessHandler: ICefBrowserProcessHandler = nil;
+ CefRenderProcessHandler: ICefRenderProcessHandler = nil;
+ CefOnBeforeCommandLineProcessing: TOnBeforeCommandLineProcessing = nil;
+ CefOnRegisterCustomSchemes: TOnRegisterCustomSchemes = nil;
+function CefColorGetA(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+ Result := (((color) shr 24) and $FF)
+function CefColorGetR(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+ Result := (((color) shr 16) and $FF);
+function CefColorGetG(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+ Result := (((color) shr 8) and $FF);
+function CefColorGetB(color: TCefColor): Byte;
+ Result := (((color) shr 0) and $FF);
+function CefColorSetARGB(a, r, g, b: Byte): TCefColor;
+ Result := (a shl 24) or (r shl 16) or (g shl 8) or (b shl 0);
+ TInternalApp = class(TCefAppOwn)
+ protected
+ procedure OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(const processType: ustring;
+ const commandLine: ICefCommandLine); override;
+ procedure OnRegisterCustomSchemes(const registrar: ICefSchemeRegistrar); override;
+ function GetResourceBundleHandler: ICefResourceBundleHandler; override;
+ function GetBrowserProcessHandler: ICefBrowserProcessHandler; override;
+ function GetRenderProcessHandler: ICefRenderProcessHandler; override;
+ end;
+ procedure TInternalApp.OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(const processType: ustring;
+ const commandLine: ICefCommandLine);
+ begin
if Assigned(CefOnBeforeCommandLineProcessing) then
+ CefOnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(processType, commandLine);
+ end;
+ procedure TInternalApp.OnRegisterCustomSchemes(const registrar: ICefSchemeRegistrar);
+ begin
if Assigned(CefOnRegisterCustomSchemes) then
+ CefOnRegisterCustomSchemes(registrar);
+ end;
+ function TInternalApp.GetResourceBundleHandler: ICefResourceBundleHandler;
+ begin
+ Result := CefResourceBundleHandler;
+ end;
+ function TInternalApp.GetBrowserProcessHandler: ICefBrowserProcessHandler;
+ begin
result := CefBrowserProcessHandler;
+ end;
+ function TInternalApp.GetRenderProcessHandler: ICefRenderProcessHandler;
+ begin
+ Result := CefRenderProcessHandler;
+ end;
+function TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(
+ lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ lpLocalTime, lpUniversalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';
+function SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(
+ lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ lpUniversalTime, lpLocalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';
+// These functions set string values. If |copy| is true (1) the value will be
+// copied instead of referenced. It is up to the user to properly manage
+// the lifespan of references.
+ cef_string_wide_set: function(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide; copy: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf8_set: function(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8; copy: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf16_set: function(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16; copy: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_set: function(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString; copy: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // These functions clear string values. The structure itself is not freed.
+ cef_string_wide_clear: procedure(str: PCefStringWide); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf8_clear: procedure(str: PCefStringUtf8); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf16_clear: procedure(str: PCefStringUtf16); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_clear: procedure(str: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // These functions compare two string values with the same results as strcmp().
+ cef_string_wide_cmp: function(const str1, str2: PCefStringWide): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf8_cmp: function(const str1, str2: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf16_cmp: function(const str1, str2: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // These functions convert between UTF-8, -16, and -32 strings. They are
+ // potentially slow so unnecessary conversions should be avoided. The best
+ // possible result will always be written to |output| with the boolean return
+ // value indicating whether the conversion is 100% valid.
+ cef_string_wide_to_utf8: function(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf8_to_wide: function(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_wide_to_utf16: function (const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf16_to_wide: function(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf8_to_utf16: function(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_utf16_to_utf8: function(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_to_utf8: function(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_from_utf8: function(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_to_utf16: function(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_from_utf16: function(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_to_wide: function(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_from_wide: function(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // These functions convert an ASCII string, typically a hardcoded constant, to a
+ // Wide/UTF16 string. Use instead of the UTF8 conversion routines if you know
+ // the string is ASCII.
+ cef_string_ascii_to_wide: function(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_ascii_to_utf16: function(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_from_ascii: function(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // These functions allocate a new string structure. They must be freed by
+ // calling the associated free function.
+ cef_string_userfree_wide_alloc: function(): PCefStringUserFreeWide; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_userfree_utf8_alloc: function(): PCefStringUserFreeUtf8; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_userfree_utf16_alloc: function(): PCefStringUserFreeUtf16; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_userfree_alloc: function(): PCefStringUserFree; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // These functions free the string structure allocated by the associated
+ // alloc function. Any string contents will first be cleared.
+ cef_string_userfree_wide_free: procedure(str: PCefStringUserFreeWide); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_userfree_utf8_free: procedure(str: PCefStringUserFreeUtf8); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_userfree_utf16_free: procedure(str: PCefStringUserFreeUtf16); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_userfree_free: procedure(str: PCefStringUserFree); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+// Convenience macros for copying values.
+function cef_string_wide_copy(const src: PWideChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringWide): Integer;
+ Result := cef_string_wide_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True))
+function cef_string_utf8_copy(const src: PAnsiChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf8): Integer;
+ Result := cef_string_utf8_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True))
+function cef_string_utf16_copy(const src: PChar16; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefStringUtf16): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ Result := cef_string_utf16_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True))
+function cef_string_copy(const src: PCefChar; src_len: NativeUInt; output: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ Result := cef_string_set(src, src_len, output, ord(True));
+ // Create a new browser window using the window parameters specified by
+ // |windowInfo|. All values will be copied internally and the actual window will
+ // be created on the UI thread. If |request_context| is NULL the global request
+ // context will be used. This function can be called on any browser process
+ // thread and will not block.
+ cef_browser_host_create_browser: function(
+ const windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; client: PCefClient;
+ const url: PCefString; const settings: PCefBrowserSettings;
+ request_context: Pcefrequestcontext): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new browser window using the window parameters specified by
+ // |windowInfo|. If |request_context| is NULL the global request context will be
+ // used. This function can only be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync: function(
+ const windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; client: PCefClient;
+ const url: PCefString; const settings: PCefBrowserSettings;
+ request_context: Pcefrequestcontext): PCefBrowser; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Perform a single iteration of CEF message loop processing. This function is
+ // used to integrate the CEF message loop into an existing application message
+ // loop. Care must be taken to balance performance against excessive CPU usage.
+ // This function should only be called on the main application thread and only
+ // if cef_initialize() is called with a CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop
+ // value of false (0). This function will not block.
+ cef_do_message_loop_work: procedure(); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Run the CEF message loop. Use this function instead of an application-
+ // provided message loop to get the best balance between performance and CPU
+ // usage. This function should only be called on the main application thread and
+ // only if cef_initialize() is called with a
+ // CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false (0). This function
+ // will block until a quit message is received by the system.
+ cef_run_message_loop: procedure; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Quit the CEF message loop that was started by calling cef_run_message_loop().
+ // This function should only be called on the main application thread and only
+ // if cef_run_message_loop() was used.
+ cef_quit_message_loop: procedure; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
// Set to true (1) before calling Windows APIs like TrackPopupMenu that enter a
// modal message loop. Set to false (0) after exiting the modal message loop.
+ cef_set_osmodal_loop: procedure(osModalLoop: Integer); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
// This function should be called from the application entry point function to
+ // execute a secondary process. It can be used to run secondary processes from
+ // the browser client executable (default behavior) or from a separate
+ // executable specified by the CefSettings.browser_subprocess_path value. If
+ // called for the browser process (identified by no "type" command-line value)
+ // it will return immediately with a value of -1. If called for a recognized
+ // secondary process it will block until the process should exit and then return
+ // the process exit code. The |application| parameter may be NULL.
+ cef_execute_process: function(const args: PCefMainArgs; application: PCefApp): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // This function should be called on the main application thread to initialize
+ // the CEF browser process. The |application| parameter may be NULL. A return
+ // value of true (1) indicates that it succeeded and false (0) indicates that it
+ // failed.
+ cef_initialize: function(const args: PCefMainArgs; const settings: PCefSettings; application: PCefApp): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // This function should be called on the main application thread to shut down
+ // the CEF browser process before the application exits.
+ cef_shutdown: procedure(); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Allocate a new string map.
+ cef_string_map_alloc: function(): TCefStringMap; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ //function cef_string_map_size(map: TCefStringMap): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_string_map_size: function(map: TCefStringMap): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the value assigned to the specified key.
+ cef_string_map_find: function(map: TCefStringMap; const key: PCefString; var value: TCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the key at the specified zero-based string map index.
+ cef_string_map_key: function(map: TCefStringMap; index: Integer; var key: TCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the value at the specified zero-based string map index.
+ cef_string_map_value: function(map: TCefStringMap; index: Integer; var value: TCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Append a new key/value pair at the end of the string map.
+ cef_string_map_append: function(map: TCefStringMap; const key, value: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Clear the string map.
+ cef_string_map_clear: procedure(map: TCefStringMap); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Free the string map.
+ cef_string_map_free: procedure(map: TCefStringMap); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Allocate a new string map.
+ cef_string_list_alloc: function(): TCefStringList; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the number of elements in the string list.
+ cef_string_list_size: function(list: TCefStringList): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Retrieve the value at the specified zero-based string list index. Returns
+ // true (1) if the value was successfully retrieved.
+ cef_string_list_value: function(list: TCefStringList; index: Integer; value: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Append a new value at the end of the string list.
+ cef_string_list_append: procedure(list: TCefStringList; const value: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Clear the string list.
+ cef_string_list_clear: procedure(list: TCefStringList); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Free the string list.
+ cef_string_list_free: procedure(list: TCefStringList); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Creates a copy of an existing string list.
+ cef_string_list_copy: function(list: TCefStringList): TCefStringList;
+ // Register a new V8 extension with the specified JavaScript extension code and
+ // handler. Functions implemented by the handler are prototyped using the
+ // keyword 'native'. The calling of a native function is restricted to the scope
+ // in which the prototype of the native function is defined. This function may
+ // only be called on the render process main thread.
+ //
+ // Example JavaScript extension code:
+ //
+ // // create the 'example' global object if it doesn't already exist.
+ // if (!example)
+ // example = {};
+ // // create the 'example.test' global object if it doesn't already exist.
+ // if (!example.test)
+ // example.test = {};
+ // (function() {
+ // // Define the function 'example.test.myfunction'.
+ // example.test.myfunction = function() {
+ // // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'MyFunction'
+ // // and no arguments.
+ // native function MyFunction();
+ // return MyFunction();
+ // };
+ // // Define the getter function for parameter 'example.test.myparam'.
+ // example.test.__defineGetter__('myparam', function() {
+ // // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'GetMyParam'
+ // // and no arguments.
+ // native function GetMyParam();
+ // return GetMyParam();
+ // });
+ // // Define the setter function for parameter 'example.test.myparam'.
+ // example.test.__defineSetter__('myparam', function(b) {
+ // // Call CefV8Handler::Execute() with the function name 'SetMyParam'
+ // // and a single argument.
+ // native function SetMyParam();
+ // if(b) SetMyParam(b);
+ // });
+ //
+ // // Extension definitions can also contain normal JavaScript variables
+ // // and functions.
+ // var myint = 0;
+ // example.test.increment = function() {
+ // myint += 1;
+ // return myint;
+ // };
+ // })();
+ //
+ // Example usage in the page:
+ //
+ // // Call the function.
+ // example.test.myfunction();
+ // // Set the parameter.
+ // example.test.myparam = value;
+ // // Get the parameter.
+ // value = example.test.myparam;
+ // // Call another function.
+ // example.test.increment();
+ //
+ cef_register_extension: function(const extension_name,
+ javascript_code: PCefString; handler: PCefv8Handler): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Register a scheme handler factory for the specified |scheme_name| and
+ // optional |domain_name|. An NULL |domain_name| value for a standard scheme
+ // will cause the factory to match all domain names. The |domain_name| value
+ // will be ignored for non-standard schemes. If |scheme_name| is a built-in
+ // scheme and no handler is returned by |factory| then the built-in scheme
+ // handler factory will be called. If |scheme_name| is a custom scheme then also
+ // implement the cef_app_t::on_register_custom_schemes() function in all
+ // processes. This function may be called multiple times to change or remove the
+ // factory that matches the specified |scheme_name| and optional |domain_name|.
+ // Returns false (0) if an error occurs. This function may be called on any
+ // thread in the browser process.
+ cef_register_scheme_handler_factory: function(
+ const scheme_name, domain_name: PCefString;
+ factory: PCefSchemeHandlerFactory): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Clear all registered scheme handler factories. Returns false (0) on error.
+ // This function may be called on any thread in the browser process.
+ cef_clear_scheme_handler_factories: function: Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Add an entry to the cross-origin access whitelist.
+ //
+ // The same-origin policy restricts how scripts hosted from different origins
+ // (scheme + domain + port) can communicate. By default, scripts can only access
+ // resources with the same origin. Scripts hosted on the HTTP and HTTPS schemes
+ // (but no other schemes) can use the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header to
+ // allow cross-origin requests. For example, https://source.example.com can make
+ // XMLHttpRequest requests on http://target.example.com if the
+ // http://target.example.com request returns an "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
+ // https://source.example.com" response header.
+ //
+ // Scripts in separate frames or iframes and hosted from the same protocol and
+ // domain suffix can execute cross-origin JavaScript if both pages set the
+ // document.domain value to the same domain suffix. For example,
+ // scheme://foo.example.com and scheme://bar.example.com can communicate using
+ // JavaScript if both domains set document.domain="example.com".
+ //
+ // This function is used to allow access to origins that would otherwise violate
+ // the same-origin policy. Scripts hosted underneath the fully qualified
+ // |source_origin| URL (like http://www.example.com) will be allowed access to
+ // all resources hosted on the specified |target_protocol| and |target_domain|.
+ // If |target_domain| is non-NULL and |allow_target_subdomains| if false (0)
+ // only exact domain matches will be allowed. If |target_domain| contains a top-
+ // level domain component (like "example.com") and |allow_target_subdomains| is
+ // true (1) sub-domain matches will be allowed. If |target_domain| is NULL and
+ // |allow_target_subdomains| if true (1) all domains and IP addresses will be
+ // allowed.
+ //
+ // This function cannot be used to bypass the restrictions on local or display
+ // isolated schemes. See the comments on CefRegisterCustomScheme for more
+ // information.
+ //
+ // This function may be called on any thread. Returns false (0) if
+ // |source_origin| is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed.
+ cef_add_cross_origin_whitelist_entry: function(const source_origin, target_protocol,
+ target_domain: PCefString; allow_target_subdomains: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Remove an entry from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false (0) if
+ // |source_origin| is invalid or the whitelist cannot be accessed.
+ cef_remove_cross_origin_whitelist_entry: function(
+ const source_origin, target_protocol, target_domain: PCefString;
+ allow_target_subdomains: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Remove all entries from the cross-origin access whitelist. Returns false (0)
+ // if the whitelist cannot be accessed.
+ cef_clear_cross_origin_whitelist: function: Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns true (1) if called on the specified thread. Equivalent to using
+ // cef_task_runner_t::GetForThread(threadId)->belongs_to_current_thread().
+ cef_currently_on: function(threadId: TCefThreadId): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Post a task for execution on the specified thread. Equivalent to using
+ // cef_task_runner_t::GetForThread(threadId)->PostTask(task).
+ cef_post_task: function(threadId: TCefThreadId; task: PCefTask): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Post a task for delayed execution on the specified thread. Equivalent to
+ // using cef_task_runner_t::GetForThread(threadId)->PostDelayedTask(task,
+ // delay_ms).
+ cef_post_delayed_task: function(threadId: TCefThreadId;
+ task: PCefTask; delay_ms: Int64): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Parse the specified |url| into its component parts. Returns false (0) if the
+ // URL is NULL or invalid.
+ cef_parse_url: function(const url: PCefString; var parts: TCefUrlParts): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Creates a URL from the specified |parts|, which must contain a non-NULL spec
+ // or a non-NULL host and path (at a minimum), but not both. Returns false (0)
+ // if |parts| isn't initialized as described.
+ cef_create_url: function(parts: PCefUrlParts; url: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new TCefRequest object.
+ cef_request_create: function(): PCefRequest; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new TCefPostData object.
+ cef_post_data_create: function(): PCefPostData; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_post_data_Element object.
+ cef_post_data_element_create: function(): PCefPostDataElement; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_stream_reader_t object from a file.
+ cef_stream_reader_create_for_file: function(const fileName: PCefString): PCefStreamReader; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_stream_reader_t object from data.
+ cef_stream_reader_create_for_data: function(data: Pointer; size: NativeUInt): PCefStreamReader; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_stream_reader_t object from a custom handler.
+ cef_stream_reader_create_for_handler: function(handler: PCefReadHandler): PCefStreamReader; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_stream_writer_t object for a file.
+ cef_stream_writer_create_for_file: function(const fileName: PCefString): PCefStreamWriter; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_stream_writer_t object for a custom handler.
+ cef_stream_writer_create_for_handler: function(handler: PCefWriteHandler): PCefStreamWriter; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the current (top) context object in the V8 context stack.
+ cef_v8context_get_current_context: function(): PCefv8Context; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the entered (bottom) context object in the V8 context stack.
+ cef_v8context_get_entered_context: function(): PCefv8Context; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns true (1) if V8 is currently inside a context.
+ cef_v8context_in_context: function(): Integer;
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type undefined.
+ cef_v8value_create_undefined: function(): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type null.
+ cef_v8value_create_null: function(): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type bool.
+ cef_v8value_create_bool: function(value: Integer): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type int.
+ cef_v8value_create_int: function(value: Integer): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type unsigned int.
+ cef_v8value_create_uint: function(value: Cardinal): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type double.
+ cef_v8value_create_double: function(value: Double): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type Date. This function should only be
+ // called from within the scope of a cef_v8context_tHandler, cef_v8handler_t or
+ // cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in combination with calling enter() and exit()
+ // on a stored cef_v8context_t reference.
+ cef_v8value_create_date: function(const value: PCefTime): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type string.
+ cef_v8value_create_string: function(const value: PCefString): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type object with optional accessor. This
+ // function should only be called from within the scope of a
+ // cef_v8context_tHandler, cef_v8handler_t or cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in
+ // combination with calling enter() and exit() on a stored cef_v8context_t
+ // reference.
+ cef_v8value_create_object: function(accessor: PCefV8Accessor): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type array with the specified |length|.
+ // If |length| is negative the returned array will have length 0. This function
+ // should only be called from within the scope of a cef_v8context_tHandler,
+ // cef_v8handler_t or cef_v8accessor_t callback, or in combination with calling
+ // enter() and exit() on a stored cef_v8context_t reference.
+ cef_v8value_create_array: function(length: Integer): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_v8value_t object of type function.
+ cef_v8value_create_function: function(const name: PCefString; handler: PCefv8Handler): PCefv8Value; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the stack trace for the currently active context. |frame_limit| is
+ // the maximum number of frames that will be captured.
+ cef_v8stack_trace_get_current: function(frame_limit: Integer): PCefV8StackTrace; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_xml_reader_t object. The returned object's functions can
+ // only be called from the thread that created the object.
+ cef_xml_reader_create: function(stream: PCefStreamReader;
+ encodingType: TCefXmlEncodingType; const URI: PCefString): PCefXmlReader; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_zip_reader_t object. The returned object's functions can
+ // only be called from the thread that created the object.
+ cef_zip_reader_create: function(stream: PCefStreamReader): PCefZipReader; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Allocate a new string multimap.
+ cef_string_multimap_alloc: function: TCefStringMultimap; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the number of elements in the string multimap.
+ cef_string_multimap_size: function(map: TCefStringMultimap): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the number of values with the specified key.
+ cef_string_multimap_find_count: function(map: TCefStringMultimap; const key: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the value_index-th value with the specified key.
+ cef_string_multimap_enumerate: function(map: TCefStringMultimap;
+ const key: PCefString; value_index: Integer; var value: TCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the key at the specified zero-based string multimap index.
+ cef_string_multimap_key: function(map: TCefStringMultimap; index: Integer; var key: TCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Return the value at the specified zero-based string multimap index.
+ cef_string_multimap_value: function(map: TCefStringMultimap; index: Integer; var value: TCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Append a new key/value pair at the end of the string multimap.
+ cef_string_multimap_append: function(map: TCefStringMultimap; const key, value: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Clear the string multimap.
+ cef_string_multimap_clear: procedure(map: TCefStringMultimap); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Free the string multimap.
+ cef_string_multimap_free: procedure(map: TCefStringMultimap); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ cef_build_revision: function: Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the global cookie manager. By default data will be stored at
+ // CefSettings.cache_path if specified or in memory otherwise.
+ cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager: function(): PCefCookieManager; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Creates a new cookie manager. If |path| is NULL data will be stored in memory
+ // only. Otherwise, data will be stored at the specified |path|. To persist
+ // session cookies (cookies without an expiry date or validity interval) set
+ // |persist_session_cookies| to true (1). Session cookies are generally intended
+ // to be transient and most Web browsers do not persist them. Returns NULL if
+ // creation fails.
+ cef_cookie_manager_create_manager: function(const path: PCefString;
+ persist_session_cookies: Integer): PCefCookieManager; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
// Create a new cef_command_line_t instance.
cef_command_line_create: function(): PCefCommandLine; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the singleton global cef_command_line_t object. The returned object
+ // will be read-only.
+ cef_command_line_get_global: function(): PCefCommandLine; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_process_message_t object with the specified name.
+ cef_process_message_create: function(const name: PCefString): PCefProcessMessage; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object. The specified
+ // |data| will be copied.
+ cef_binary_value_create: function(const data: Pointer; data_size: NativeUInt): PCefBinaryValue; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object.
+ cef_dictionary_value_create: function: PCefDictionaryValue; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Creates a new object that is not owned by any other object.
+ cef_list_value_create: function: PCefListValue; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Retrieve the path associated with the specified |key|. Returns true (1) on
+ // success. Can be called on any thread in the browser process.
+ cef_get_path: function(key: TCefPathKey; path: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Launches the process specified via |command_line|. Returns true (1) upon
+ // success. Must be called on the browser process TID_PROCESS_LAUNCHER thread.
+ //
+ // Unix-specific notes: - All file descriptors open in the parent process will
+ // be closed in the
+ // child process except for stdin, stdout, and stderr.
+ // - If the first argument on the command line does not contain a slash,
+ // PATH will be searched. (See man execvp.)
+ cef_launch_process: function(command_line: PCefCommandLine): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new cef_response_t object.
+ cef_response_create: function: PCefResponse; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Create a new URL request. Only GET, POST, HEAD, DELETE and PUT request
+ // functions are supported. Multiple post data elements are not supported and
+ // elements of type PDE_TYPE_FILE are only supported for requests originating
+ // from the browser process. Requests originating from the render process will
+ // receive the same handling as requests originating from Web content -- if the
+ // response contains Content-Disposition or Mime-Type header values that would
+ // not normally be rendered then the response may receive special handling
+ // inside the browser (for example, via the file download code path instead of
+ // the URL request code path). The |request| object will be marked as read-only
+ // after calling this function.
+ cef_urlrequest_create: function(request: PCefRequest; client: PCefUrlRequestClient): PCefUrlRequest; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Visit web plugin information.
+ cef_visit_web_plugin_info: procedure(visitor: PCefWebPluginInfoVisitor); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Cause the plugin list to refresh the next time it is accessed regardless of
+ // whether it has already been loaded. Can be called on any thread in the
+ // browser process.
+ cef_refresh_web_plugins: procedure; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Add a plugin path (directory + file). This change may not take affect until
+ // after cef_refresh_web_plugins() is called. Can be called on any thread in the
+ // browser process.
+ cef_add_web_plugin_path: procedure(const path: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Add a plugin directory. This change may not take affect until after
+ // cef_refresh_web_plugins() is called. Can be called on any thread in the
+ // browser process.
+ cef_add_web_plugin_directory: procedure(const dir: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Remove a plugin path (directory + file). This change may not take affect
+ // until after cef_refresh_web_plugins() is called. Can be called on any thread
+ // in the browser process.
+ cef_remove_web_plugin_path: procedure(const path: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Unregister an internal plugin. This may be undone the next time
+ // cef_refresh_web_plugins() is called. Can be called on any thread in the
+ // browser process.
+ cef_unregister_internal_web_plugin: procedure(const path: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Force a plugin to shutdown. Can be called on any thread in the browser
+ // process but will be executed on the IO thread.
+ cef_force_web_plugin_shutdown: procedure(const path: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Register a plugin crash. Can be called on any thread in the browser process
+ // but will be executed on the IO thread.
+ cef_register_web_plugin_crash: procedure(const path: PCefString); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Query if a plugin is unstable. Can be called on any thread in the browser
+ // process.
+ cef_is_web_plugin_unstable: procedure(const path: PCefString;
+ callback: PCefWebPluginUnstableCallback); {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Request a one-time geolocation update. This function bypasses any user
+ // permission checks so should only be used by code that is allowed to access
+ // location information.
+ cef_get_geolocation: function(callback: PCefGetGeolocationCallback): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the task runner for the current thread. Only CEF threads will have
+ // task runners. An NULL reference will be returned if this function is called
+ // on an invalid thread.
+ cef_task_runner_get_for_current_thread: function: PCefTaskRunner; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the task runner for the specified CEF thread.
+ cef_task_runner_get_for_thread: function(threadId: TCefThreadId): PCefTaskRunner; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Start tracing events on all processes. Tracing begins immediately locally,
+ // and asynchronously on child processes as soon as they receive the
+ // BeginTracing request.
+ //
+ // If CefBeginTracing was called previously, or if a CefEndTracingAsync call is
+ // pending, CefBeginTracing will fail and return false (0).
+ //
+ // |categories| is a comma-delimited list of category wildcards. A category can
+ // have an optional '-' prefix to make it an excluded category. Having both
+ // included and excluded categories in the same list is not supported.
+ //
+ // Example: "test_MyTest*" Example: "test_MyTest*,test_OtherStuff" Example:
+ // "-excluded_category1,-excluded_category2"
+ //
+ // This function must be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ cef_begin_tracing: function(client: PCefTraceClient;
+ const categories: PCefString): Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Get the maximum trace buffer percent full state across all processes.
+ //
+ // cef_trace_client_t::OnTraceBufferPercentFullReply will be called
+ // asynchronously after the value is determined. When any child process reaches
+ // 100% full tracing will end automatically and
+ // cef_trace_client_t::OnEndTracingComplete will be called. This function fails
+ // and returns false (0) if trace is ending or disabled, no cef_trace_client_t
+ // was passed to CefBeginTracing, or if a previous call to
+ // CefGetTraceBufferPercentFullAsync is pending.
+ //
+ // This function must be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ cef_get_trace_buffer_percent_full_async: function: Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Stop tracing events on all processes.
+ //
+ // This function will fail and return false (0) if a previous call to
+ // CefEndTracingAsync is already pending or if CefBeginTracing was not called.
+ //
+ // This function must be called on the browser process UI thread.
+ cef_end_tracing_async: function: Integer; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the current system trace time or, if none is defined, the current
+ // high-res time. Can be used by clients to synchronize with the time
+ // information in trace events.
+ cef_now_from_system_trace_time: function: Int64; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Returns the global context object.
+ cef_request_context_get_global_context: function(): PCefRequestContext; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ // Creates a new context object with the specified handler.
+ cef_request_context_create_context: function(handler: PCefRequestContextHandler): PCefRequestContext; {$IFDEF CPUX64}stdcall{$ELSE}cdecl{$ENDIF};
+ LibHandle: THandle = 0;
+ CefIsMainProcess: Boolean = False;
+function CefLoadLibDefault: Boolean;
+ if LibHandle = 0 then
+ Result := CefLoadLib(CefCache, CefUserAgent, CefProductVersion, CefLocale, CefLogFile,
+ CefBrowserSubprocessPath, CefLogSeverity,
+ CefJavaScriptFlags, CefResourcesDirPath, CefLocalesDirPath, CefSingleProcess,
+ CefCommandLineArgsDisabled, CefPackLoadingDisabled, CefRemoteDebuggingPort,
+ CefReleaseDCheck, CefUncaughtExceptionStackSize, CefContextSafetyImplementation,
+ CefPersistSessionCookies, CefIgnoreCertificateErrors) else
+ Result := True;
+function CefLoadLib(const Cache, UserAgent, ProductVersion, Locale, LogFile, BrowserSubprocessPath: ustring;
+ LogSeverity: TCefLogSeverity; JavaScriptFlags, ResourcesDirPath, LocalesDirPath: ustring;
+ SingleProcess, CommandLineArgsDisabled, PackLoadingDisabled: Boolean; RemoteDebuggingPort: Integer;
+ ReleaseDCheck: Boolean; UncaughtExceptionStackSize: Integer; ContextSafetyImplementation: Integer;
+ PersistSessionCookies: Boolean; IgnoreCertificateErrors: Boolean): Boolean;
+ settings: TCefSettings;
+ app: ICefApp;
+ errcode: Integer;
+ if LibHandle = 0 then
+ begin
+ // deactivate FPU exception FPU & SSE2
+ SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide, exOverflow, exUnderflow, exPrecision]);
+ LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(CefLibrary));
+ if LibHandle = 0 then
+ RaiseLastOSError;
+ cef_string_wide_set := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_wide_set');
+ cef_string_utf8_set := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf8_set');
+ cef_string_utf16_set := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf16_set');
+ cef_string_wide_clear := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_wide_clear');
+ cef_string_utf8_clear := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf8_clear');
+ cef_string_utf16_clear := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf16_clear');
+ cef_string_wide_cmp := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_wide_cmp');
+ cef_string_utf8_cmp := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf8_cmp');
+ cef_string_utf16_cmp := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf16_cmp');
+ cef_string_wide_to_utf8 := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_wide_to_utf8');
+ cef_string_utf8_to_wide := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf8_to_wide');
+ cef_string_wide_to_utf16 := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_wide_to_utf16');
+ cef_string_utf16_to_wide := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf16_to_wide');
+ cef_string_utf8_to_utf16 := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf8_to_utf16');
+ cef_string_utf16_to_utf8 := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_utf16_to_utf8');
+ cef_string_ascii_to_wide := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_ascii_to_wide');
+ cef_string_ascii_to_utf16 := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_ascii_to_utf16');
+ cef_string_userfree_wide_alloc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_userfree_wide_alloc');
+ cef_string_userfree_utf8_alloc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_userfree_utf8_alloc');
+ cef_string_userfree_utf16_alloc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_userfree_utf16_alloc');
+ cef_string_userfree_wide_free := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_userfree_wide_free');
+ cef_string_userfree_utf8_free := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_userfree_utf8_free');
+ cef_string_userfree_utf16_free := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_userfree_utf16_free');
+ cef_string_set := cef_string_utf8_set;
+ cef_string_clear := cef_string_utf8_clear;
+ cef_string_userfree_alloc := cef_string_userfree_utf8_alloc;
+ cef_string_userfree_free := cef_string_userfree_utf8_free;
+ cef_string_from_ascii := cef_string_utf8_copy;
+ cef_string_to_utf8 := cef_string_utf8_copy;
+ cef_string_from_utf8 := cef_string_utf8_copy;
+ cef_string_to_utf16 := cef_string_utf8_to_utf16;
+ cef_string_from_utf16 := cef_string_utf16_to_utf8;
+ cef_string_to_wide := cef_string_utf8_to_wide;
+ cef_string_from_wide := cef_string_wide_to_utf8;
+ cef_string_set := cef_string_utf16_set;
+ cef_string_clear := cef_string_utf16_clear;
+ cef_string_userfree_alloc := cef_string_userfree_utf16_alloc;
+ cef_string_userfree_free := cef_string_userfree_utf16_free;
+ cef_string_from_ascii := cef_string_ascii_to_utf16;
+ cef_string_to_utf8 := cef_string_utf16_to_utf8;
+ cef_string_from_utf8 := cef_string_utf8_to_utf16;
+ cef_string_to_utf16 := cef_string_utf16_copy;
+ cef_string_from_utf16 := cef_string_utf16_copy;
+ cef_string_to_wide := cef_string_utf16_to_wide;
+ cef_string_from_wide := cef_string_wide_to_utf16;
+ cef_string_set := cef_string_wide_set;
+ cef_string_clear := cef_string_wide_clear;
+ cef_string_userfree_alloc := cef_string_userfree_wide_alloc;
+ cef_string_userfree_free := cef_string_userfree_wide_free;
+ cef_string_from_ascii := cef_string_ascii_to_wide;
+ cef_string_to_utf8 := cef_string_wide_to_utf8;
+ cef_string_from_utf8 := cef_string_utf8_to_wide;
+ cef_string_to_utf16 := cef_string_wide_to_utf16;
+ cef_string_from_utf16 := cef_string_utf16_to_wide;
+ cef_string_to_wide := cef_string_wide_copy;
+ cef_string_from_wide := cef_string_wide_copy;
+ cef_string_map_alloc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_alloc');
+ cef_string_map_size := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_size');
+ cef_string_map_find := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_find');
+ cef_string_map_key := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_key');
+ cef_string_map_value := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_value');
+ cef_string_map_append := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_append');
+ cef_string_map_clear := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_clear');
+ cef_string_map_free := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_map_free');
+ cef_string_list_alloc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_list_alloc');
+ cef_string_list_size := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_list_size');
+ cef_string_list_value := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_list_value');
+ cef_string_list_append := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_list_append');
+ cef_string_list_clear := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_list_clear');
+ cef_string_list_free := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_list_free');
+ cef_string_list_copy := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_list_copy');
+ cef_initialize := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_initialize');
+ cef_execute_process := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_execute_process');
+ cef_shutdown := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_shutdown');
+ cef_do_message_loop_work := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_do_message_loop_work');
+ cef_run_message_loop := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_run_message_loop');
+ cef_quit_message_loop := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_quit_message_loop');
+ cef_set_osmodal_loop := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_set_osmodal_loop');
+ cef_register_extension := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_register_extension');
+ cef_register_scheme_handler_factory := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_register_scheme_handler_factory');
+ cef_clear_scheme_handler_factories := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_clear_scheme_handler_factories');
+ cef_add_cross_origin_whitelist_entry := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_add_cross_origin_whitelist_entry');
+ cef_remove_cross_origin_whitelist_entry := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_remove_cross_origin_whitelist_entry');
+ cef_clear_cross_origin_whitelist := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_clear_cross_origin_whitelist');
+ cef_currently_on := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_currently_on');
+ cef_post_task := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_post_task');
+ cef_post_delayed_task := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_post_delayed_task');
+ cef_parse_url := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_parse_url');
+ cef_create_url := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_create_url');
+ cef_browser_host_create_browser := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_browser_host_create_browser');
+ cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync');
+ cef_request_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_request_create');
+ cef_post_data_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_post_data_create');
+ cef_post_data_element_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_post_data_element_create');
+ cef_stream_reader_create_for_file := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_stream_reader_create_for_file');
+ cef_stream_reader_create_for_data := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_stream_reader_create_for_data');
+ cef_stream_reader_create_for_handler := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_stream_reader_create_for_handler');
+ cef_stream_writer_create_for_file := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_stream_writer_create_for_file');
+ cef_stream_writer_create_for_handler := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_stream_writer_create_for_handler');
+ cef_v8context_get_current_context := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8context_get_current_context');
+ cef_v8context_get_entered_context := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8context_get_entered_context');
+ cef_v8context_in_context := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8context_in_context');
+ cef_v8value_create_undefined := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_undefined');
+ cef_v8value_create_null := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_null');
+ cef_v8value_create_bool := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_bool');
+ cef_v8value_create_int := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_int');
+ cef_v8value_create_uint := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_uint');
+ cef_v8value_create_double := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_double');
+ cef_v8value_create_date := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_date');
+ cef_v8value_create_string := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_string');
+ cef_v8value_create_object := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_object');
+ cef_v8value_create_array := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_array');
+ cef_v8value_create_function := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8value_create_function');
+ cef_v8stack_trace_get_current := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_v8stack_trace_get_current');
+ cef_xml_reader_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_xml_reader_create');
+ cef_zip_reader_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_zip_reader_create');
+ cef_string_multimap_alloc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_alloc');
+ cef_string_multimap_size := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_size');
+ cef_string_multimap_find_count := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_find_count');
+ cef_string_multimap_enumerate := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_enumerate');
+ cef_string_multimap_key := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_key');
+ cef_string_multimap_value := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_value');
+ cef_string_multimap_append := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_append');
+ cef_string_multimap_clear := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_clear');
+ cef_string_multimap_free := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_string_multimap_free');
+ cef_build_revision := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_build_revision');
+ cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager');
+ cef_cookie_manager_create_manager := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_cookie_manager_create_manager');
cef_command_line_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_command_line_create');
cef_command_line_get_global := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_command_line_get_global');
+ cef_process_message_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_process_message_create');
+ cef_binary_value_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_binary_value_create');
+ cef_dictionary_value_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_dictionary_value_create');
+ cef_list_value_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_list_value_create');
+ cef_get_path := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_get_path');
+ cef_launch_process := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_launch_process');
+ cef_response_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_response_create');
+ cef_urlrequest_create := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_urlrequest_create');
+ cef_visit_web_plugin_info := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_visit_web_plugin_info');
+ cef_refresh_web_plugins := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_refresh_web_plugins');
+ cef_add_web_plugin_path := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_add_web_plugin_path');
+ cef_add_web_plugin_directory := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_add_web_plugin_directory');
+ cef_remove_web_plugin_path := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_remove_web_plugin_path');
+ cef_unregister_internal_web_plugin := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_unregister_internal_web_plugin');
+ cef_force_web_plugin_shutdown := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_force_web_plugin_shutdown');
+ cef_register_web_plugin_crash := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_register_web_plugin_crash');
+ cef_is_web_plugin_unstable := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_is_web_plugin_unstable');
+ cef_get_geolocation := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_get_geolocation');
+ cef_task_runner_get_for_current_thread := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_task_runner_get_for_current_thread');
+ cef_task_runner_get_for_thread := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_task_runner_get_for_thread');
+ cef_begin_tracing := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_begin_tracing');
+ cef_get_trace_buffer_percent_full_async := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_get_trace_buffer_percent_full_async');
+ cef_end_tracing_async := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_end_tracing_async');
+ cef_now_from_system_trace_time := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_now_from_system_trace_time');
+ cef_request_context_get_global_context := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_request_context_get_global_context');
+ cef_request_context_create_context := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'cef_request_context_create_context');
+ if not (
Assigned(cef_string_wide_set) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf8_set) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf16_set) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_wide_clear) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf8_clear) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf16_clear) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_wide_cmp) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf8_cmp) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf16_cmp) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_wide_to_utf8) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf8_to_wide) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_wide_to_utf16) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf16_to_wide) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf8_to_utf16) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_utf16_to_utf8) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_ascii_to_wide) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_ascii_to_utf16) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_userfree_wide_alloc) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_userfree_utf8_alloc) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_userfree_utf16_alloc) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_userfree_wide_free) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_userfree_utf8_free) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_userfree_utf16_free) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_alloc) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_size) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_find) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_key) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_value) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_append) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_clear) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_map_free) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_list_alloc) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_list_size) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_list_value) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_list_append) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_list_clear) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_list_free) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_list_copy) and
+ Assigned(cef_initialize) and
+ Assigned(cef_execute_process) and
+ Assigned(cef_shutdown) and
+ Assigned(cef_do_message_loop_work) and
+ Assigned(cef_run_message_loop) and
+ Assigned(cef_quit_message_loop) and
+ Assigned(cef_set_osmodal_loop) and
+ Assigned(cef_register_extension) and
+ Assigned(cef_register_scheme_handler_factory) and
+ Assigned(cef_clear_scheme_handler_factories) and
+ Assigned(cef_add_cross_origin_whitelist_entry) and
+ Assigned(cef_remove_cross_origin_whitelist_entry) and
+ Assigned(cef_clear_cross_origin_whitelist) and
+ Assigned(cef_currently_on) and
+ Assigned(cef_post_task) and
+ Assigned(cef_post_delayed_task) and
+ Assigned(cef_parse_url) and
+ Assigned(cef_create_url) and
+ Assigned(cef_browser_host_create_browser) and
+ Assigned(cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync) and
+ Assigned(cef_request_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_post_data_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_post_data_element_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_stream_reader_create_for_file) and
+ Assigned(cef_stream_reader_create_for_data) and
+ Assigned(cef_stream_reader_create_for_handler) and
+ Assigned(cef_stream_writer_create_for_file) and
+ Assigned(cef_stream_writer_create_for_handler) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8context_get_current_context) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8context_get_entered_context) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8context_in_context) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_undefined) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_null) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_bool) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_int) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_uint) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_double) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_date) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_string) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_object) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_array) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8value_create_function) and
+ Assigned(cef_v8stack_trace_get_current) and
+ Assigned(cef_xml_reader_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_zip_reader_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_alloc) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_size) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_find_count) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_enumerate) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_key) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_value) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_append) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_clear) and
+ Assigned(cef_string_multimap_free) and
+ Assigned(cef_build_revision) and
+ Assigned(cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager) and
+ Assigned(cef_cookie_manager_create_manager) and
+ Assigned(cef_command_line_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_command_line_get_global) and
+ Assigned(cef_process_message_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_binary_value_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_dictionary_value_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_list_value_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_get_path) and
+ Assigned(cef_launch_process) and
+ Assigned(cef_response_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_urlrequest_create) and
+ Assigned(cef_visit_web_plugin_info) and
+ Assigned(cef_refresh_web_plugins) and
+ Assigned(cef_add_web_plugin_path) and
+ Assigned(cef_add_web_plugin_directory) and
+ Assigned(cef_remove_web_plugin_path) and
+ Assigned(cef_unregister_internal_web_plugin) and
+ Assigned(cef_force_web_plugin_shutdown) and
+ Assigned(cef_register_web_plugin_crash) and
+ Assigned(cef_is_web_plugin_unstable) and
+ Assigned(cef_get_geolocation) and
+ Assigned(cef_task_runner_get_for_current_thread) and
+ Assigned(cef_task_runner_get_for_thread) and
+ Assigned(cef_begin_tracing) and
+ Assigned(cef_get_trace_buffer_percent_full_async) and
+ Assigned(cef_end_tracing_async) and
+ Assigned(cef_now_from_system_trace_time) and
+ Assigned(cef_request_context_get_global_context) and
+ Assigned(cef_request_context_create_context)
+ ) then raise ECefException.Create('Invalid CEF Library version');
+ FillChar(settings, SizeOf(settings), 0);
+ settings.size := SizeOf(settings);
+ settings.single_process := SingleProcess;
+ settings.multi_threaded_message_loop := False;
+ settings.multi_threaded_message_loop := True;
+ settings.cache_path := CefString(Cache);
+ settings.persist_session_cookies := PersistSessionCookies;
+ settings.browser_subprocess_path := CefString(BrowserSubprocessPath);
+ settings.command_line_args_disabled := CommandLineArgsDisabled;
+ settings.user_agent := cefstring(UserAgent);
+ settings.product_version := CefString(ProductVersion);
+ settings.locale := CefString(Locale);
+ settings.log_file := CefString(LogFile);
+ settings.log_severity := LogSeverity;
+ settings.release_dcheck_enabled := ReleaseDCheck;
+ settings.javascript_flags := CefString(JavaScriptFlags);
+ settings.resources_dir_path := CefString(ResourcesDirPath);
+ settings.locales_dir_path := CefString(LocalesDirPath);
+ settings.pack_loading_disabled := PackLoadingDisabled;
+ settings.remote_debugging_port := RemoteDebuggingPort;
+ settings.uncaught_exception_stack_size := UncaughtExceptionStackSize;
+ settings.context_safety_implementation := ContextSafetyImplementation;
+ settings.ignore_certificate_errors := IgnoreCertificateErrors;
+ app := TInternalApp.Create;
+ errcode := cef_execute_process(@HInstance, CefGetData(app));
+ if errcode >= 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ cef_initialize(@HInstance, @settings, CefGetData(app));
+ CefIsMainProcess := True;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+procedure CefDoMessageLoopWork;
+ if LibHandle > 0 then
+ cef_do_message_loop_work;
+procedure CefRunMessageLoop;
+ if LibHandle > 0 then
+ cef_run_message_loop;
+procedure CefQuitMessageLoop;
+ cef_quit_message_loop;
+procedure CefSetOsModalLoop(loop: Boolean);
+ cef_set_osmodal_loop(Ord(loop));
+procedure CefShutDown;
+ if LibHandle <> 0 then
+ begin
+ if CefIsMainProcess then
+ cef_shutdown;
+ FreeLibrary(LibHandle);
+ LibHandle := 0;
+ end;
+function CefString(const str: ustring): TCefString;
+ Result.str := PChar16(PWideChar(str));
+ Result.length := Length(str);
+ Result.dtor := nil;
+function CefString(const str: PCefString): ustring;
+ if str <> nil then
+ SetString(Result, str.str, str.length) else
+ Result := '';
+procedure _free_string(str: PChar16); stdcall;
+ if str <> nil then
+ FreeMem(str);
+function CefUserFreeString(const str: ustring): PCefStringUserFree;
+ Result := cef_string_userfree_alloc;
+ Result.length := Length(str);
+ GetMem(Result.str, Result.length * SizeOf(TCefChar));
+ Move(PCefChar(str)^, Result.str^, Result.length * SizeOf(TCefChar));
+ Result.dtor := @_free_string;
+function CefStringAlloc(const str: ustring): TCefString;
+ FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0);
+ if str <> '' then
+ cef_string_from_wide(PWideChar(str), Length(str), @Result);
+procedure CefStringSet(const str: PCefString; const value: ustring);
+ if str <> nil then
+ cef_string_set(PWideChar(value), Length(value), str, 1);
+function CefStringClearAndGet(var str: TCefString): ustring;
+ Result := CefString(@str);
+ cef_string_clear(@str);
+function CefStringFreeAndGet(const str: PCefStringUserFree): ustring;
+ if str <> nil then
+ begin
+ Result := CefString(PCefString(str));
+ cef_string_userfree_free(str);
+ end else
+ Result := '';
+procedure CefStringFree(const str: PCefString);
+ if str <> nil then
+ cef_string_clear(str);
+function CefRegisterSchemeHandlerFactory(const SchemeName, HostName: ustring;
+ SyncMainThread: Boolean; const handler: TCefResourceHandlerClass): Boolean;
+ s, h: TCefString;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ s := CefString(SchemeName);
+ h := CefString(HostName);
+ Result := cef_register_scheme_handler_factory(
+ @s,
+ @h,
+ CefGetData(TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn.Create(handler, SyncMainThread) as ICefBase)) <> 0;
+function CefClearSchemeHandlerFactories: Boolean;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ Result := cef_clear_scheme_handler_factories <> 0;
+function CefAddCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(const SourceOrigin, TargetProtocol,
+ TargetDomain: ustring; AllowTargetSubdomains: Boolean): Boolean;
+ so, tp, td: TCefString;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ so := CefString(SourceOrigin);
+ tp := CefString(TargetProtocol);
+ td := CefString(TargetDomain);
+ Result := cef_add_cross_origin_whitelist_entry(@so, @tp, @td, Ord(AllowTargetSubdomains)) <> 0;
+function CefRemoveCrossOriginWhitelistEntry(
+ const SourceOrigin, TargetProtocol, TargetDomain: ustring;
+ AllowTargetSubdomains: Boolean): Boolean;
+ so, tp, td: TCefString;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ so := CefString(SourceOrigin);
+ tp := CefString(TargetProtocol);
+ td := CefString(TargetDomain);
+ Result := cef_remove_cross_origin_whitelist_entry(@so, @tp, @td, Ord(AllowTargetSubdomains)) <> 0;
+function CefClearCrossOriginWhitelist: Boolean;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ Result := cef_clear_cross_origin_whitelist <> 0;
+function CefRegisterExtension(const name, code: ustring;
+ const Handler: ICefv8Handler): Boolean;
+ n, c: TCefString;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ c := CefString(code);
+ Result := cef_register_extension(@n, @c, CefGetData(handler)) <> 0;
+function CefCurrentlyOn(ThreadId: TCefThreadId): Boolean;
+ Result := cef_currently_on(ThreadId) <> 0;
+procedure CefPostTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask);
+ cef_post_task(ThreadId, CefGetData(task));
+procedure CefPostDelayedTask(ThreadId: TCefThreadId; const task: ICefTask; delayMs: Int64);
+ cef_post_delayed_task(ThreadId, CefGetData(task), delayMs);
+function CefGetData(const i: ICefBase): Pointer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ if i <> nil then
+ Result := i.Wrap else
+ Result := nil;
+function CefGetObject(ptr: Pointer): TObject; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF}
+ Dec(PByte(ptr), SizeOf(Pointer));
+ Result := TObject(PPointer(ptr)^);
+function CefParseUrl(const url: ustring; var parts: TUrlParts): Boolean;
+ u: TCefString;
+ p: TCefUrlParts;
+ FillChar(p, sizeof(p), 0);
+ u := CefString(url);
+ Result := cef_parse_url(@u, p) <> 0;
+ if Result then
+ begin
+ //parts.spec := CefString(@p.spec);
+ parts.scheme := CefString(@p.scheme);
+ parts.username := CefString(@p.username);
+ parts.password := CefString(@p.password);
+ parts.host := CefString(@p.host);
+ parts.port := CefString(@p.port);
+ parts.path := CefString(@p.path);
+ parts.query := CefString(@p.query);
+ end;
+function CefCreateUrl(var parts: TUrlParts): ustring;
+ p: TCefUrlParts;
+ u: TCefString;
+ FillChar(p, sizeof(p), 0);
+ p.spec := CefString(parts.spec);
+ p.scheme := CefString(parts.scheme);
+ p.username := CefString(parts.username);
+ p.password := CefString(parts.password);
+ p.host := CefString(parts.host);
+ p.port := CefString(parts.port);
+ p.path := CefString(parts.path);
+ p.query := CefString(parts.query);
+ FillChar(u, SizeOf(u), 0);
+ if cef_create_url(@p, @u) <> 0 then
+ Result := CefString(@u) else
+ Result := '';
+function CefBrowserHostCreate(windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; const client: ICefClient;
+ const url: ustring; const settings: PCefBrowserSettings;
+ const requestContext: ICefRequestContext): Boolean;
+ u: TCefString;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ u := CefString(url);
+ Result := cef_browser_host_create_browser(windowInfo, CefGetData(client), @u,
+ settings, CefGetData(requestContext)) <> 0;
+function CefBrowserHostCreateSync(windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; const client: ICefClient;
+ const url: ustring; const settings: PCefBrowserSettings;
+ const requestContext: ICefRequestContext): ICefBrowser;
+ u: TCefString;
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ u := CefString(url);
+ Result := TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(cef_browser_host_create_browser_sync(windowInfo,
+ CefGetData(client), @u, settings, CefGetData(requestContext)));
+procedure CefVisitWebPluginInfo(const visitor: ICefWebPluginInfoVisitor);
+ cef_visit_web_plugin_info(CefGetData(visitor));
+procedure CefVisitWebPluginInfoProc(const visitor: TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorProc);
+ CefVisitWebPluginInfo(TCefFastWebPluginInfoVisitor.Create(visitor));
+procedure CefRefreshWebPlugins;
+ cef_refresh_web_plugins();
+procedure CefAddWebPluginPath(const path: ustring);
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(path);
+ cef_add_web_plugin_path(@p);
+procedure CefAddWebPluginDirectory(const dir: ustring);
+ d: TCefString;
+ d := CefString(dir);
+ cef_add_web_plugin_directory(@d);
+procedure CefRemoveWebPluginPath(const path: ustring);
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(path);
+ cef_remove_web_plugin_path(@p);
+procedure CefUnregisterInternalWebPlugin(const path: ustring);
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(path);
+ cef_unregister_internal_web_plugin(@p);
+procedure CefForceWebPluginShutdown(const path: ustring);
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(path);
+ cef_force_web_plugin_shutdown(@p);
+procedure CefRegisterWebPluginCrash(const path: ustring);
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(path);
+ cef_register_web_plugin_crash(@p);
+procedure CefIsWebPluginUnstable(const path: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefWebPluginUnstableCallback);
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(path);
+ cef_is_web_plugin_unstable(@p, CefGetData(callback));
+procedure CefIsWebPluginUnstableProc(const path: ustring;
+ const callback: TCefWebPluginIsUnstableProc);
+ CefIsWebPluginUnstable(path, TCefFastWebPluginUnstableCallback.Create(callback));
+function CefGetPath(key: TCefPathKey; out path: ustring): Boolean;
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString('');
+ Result := cef_get_path(key, @p) <> 0;
+ path := CefStringClearAndGet(p);
+function CefBeginTracing(const client: ICefTraceClient; const categories: ustring): Boolean;
+ c: TCefString;
+ c := CefString(categories);
+ Result := cef_begin_tracing(CefGetData(client), @c) <> 0;
+function CefGetTraceBufferPercentFullAsync: Integer;
+ Result := cef_get_trace_buffer_percent_full_async();
+function CefEndTracingAsync: Boolean;
+ Result := cef_end_tracing_async() <> 0;
+function CefNowFromSystemTraceTime: Int64;
+ Result := cef_now_from_system_trace_time();
+function CefGetGeolocation(const callback: ICefGetGeolocationCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := cef_get_geolocation(CefGetData(callback)) <> 0;
+function CefTimeToSystemTime(const dt: TCefTime): TSystemTime;
+ Result.wYear := dt.year;
+ Result.wMonth := dt.month;
+ Result.wDayOfWeek := dt.day_of_week;
+ Result.wDay := dt.day_of_month;
+ Result.wHour := dt.hour;
+ Result.wMinute := dt.minute;
+ Result.wSecond := dt.second;
+ Result.wMilliseconds := dt.millisecond;
+function SystemTimeToCefTime(const dt: TSystemTime): TCefTime;
+ Result.year := dt.wYear;
+ Result.month := dt.wMonth;
+ Result.day_of_week := dt.wDayOfWeek;
+ Result.day_of_month := dt.wDay;
+ Result.hour := dt.wHour;
+ Result.minute := dt.wMinute;
+ Result.second := dt.wSecond;
+ Result.millisecond := dt.wMilliseconds;
+function CefTimeToDateTime(const dt: TCefTime): TDateTime;
+ st: TSystemTime;
+ st := CefTimeToSystemTime(dt);
+ SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nil, @st, @st);
+ Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(st);
+function DateTimeToCefTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefTime;
+ st: TSystemTime;
+ DateTimeToSystemTime(dt, st);
+ TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nil, @st, @st);
+ Result := SystemTimeToCefTime(st);
+function CefTimeToDateTime(const dt: TCefTime): TDateTime;
+ Result :=
+ EncodeDate(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day_of_month) +
+ EncodeTime(dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.millisecond);
+function DateTimeToCefTime(dt: TDateTime): TCefTime;
+ Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word;
+ DecodeDate(dt, Year, Month, Day);
+ DecodeTime(dt, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
+ Result.year := Year;
+ Result.month := Month;
+ Result.day_of_week := DayOfWeek(dt);
+ Result.day_of_month := Month;
+ Result.hour := Hour;
+ Result.minute := Min;
+ Result.second := Sec;
+ Result.millisecond := MSec;
+{ cef_base }
+function cef_base_add_ref(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := TCefBaseOwn(CefGetObject(self))._AddRef;
+function cef_base_release(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := TCefBaseOwn(CefGetObject(self))._Release;
+function cef_base_get_refct(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := TCefBaseOwn(CefGetObject(self)).FRefCount;
+function cef_base_add_ref_owned(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := 1;
+function cef_base_release_owned(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := 1;
+function cef_base_get_refct_owned(self: PCefBase): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := 1;
+{ cef_client }
+function cef_client_get_context_menu_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefContextMenuHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetContextMenuHandler);
+function cef_client_get_dialog_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefDialogHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetDialogHandler);
+function cef_client_get_display_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefDisplayHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetDisplayHandler);
+function cef_client_get_download_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefDownloadHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetDownloadHandler);
+function cef_client_get_drag_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefDragHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetDragHandler);
+function cef_client_get_focus_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefFocusHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetFocusHandler);
+function cef_client_get_geolocation_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefGeolocationHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetGeolocationHandler);
+function cef_client_get_jsdialog_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefJsDialogHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetJsdialogHandler);
+function cef_client_get_keyboard_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefKeyboardHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetKeyboardHandler);
+function cef_client_get_life_span_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefLifeSpanHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetLifeSpanHandler);
+function cef_client_get_load_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefLoadHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetLoadHandler);
+function cef_client_get_get_render_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefRenderHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetRenderHandler);
+function cef_client_get_request_handler(self: PCefClient): PCefRequestHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetRequestHandler);
+function cef_client_on_process_message_received(self: PCefClient; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ source_process: TCefProcessId; message: PCefProcessMessage): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnProcessMessageReceived(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), source_process,
+ TCefProcessMessageRef.UnWrap(message)));
+{ cef_geolocation_handler }
+procedure cef_geolocation_handler_on_request_geolocation_permission(self: PCefGeolocationHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const requesting_url: PCefString; request_id: Integer;
+ callback: PCefGeolocationCallback); stdcall;
+ with TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnRequestGeolocationPermission(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), CefString(requesting_url),
+ request_id, TCefGeolocationCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback));
+procedure cef_geolocation_handler_on_cancel_geolocation_permission(self: PCefGeolocationHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const requesting_url: PCefString; request_id: Integer); stdcall;
+ with TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnCancelGeolocationPermission(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), CefString(requesting_url), request_id);
+{ cef_life_span_handler }
+//function cef_life_span_handler_on_before_popup(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; parentBrowser: PCefBrowser;
+// const popupFeatures: PCefPopupFeatures; windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; const url: PCefString;
+// var client: PCefClient; settings: PCefBrowserSettings): Integer; stdcall;
+function cef_life_span_handler_on_before_popup(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; const target_url, target_frame_name: PCefString;
+ const popupFeatures: PCefPopupFeatures; windowInfo: PCefWindowInfo; var client: PCefClient;
+ settings: PCefBrowserSettings; no_javascript_access: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ _url, _frame: ustring;
+ _client: ICefClient;
+ _nojs: Boolean;
+ _url := CefString(target_url);
+ _frame := CefString(target_frame_name);
+ _client := TCefClientOwn(CefGetObject(client)) as ICefClient;
+ _nojs := no_javascript_access^ <> 0;
+ with TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnBeforePopup(
+ TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ _url,
+ _frame,
+ popupFeatures^,
+ windowInfo^,
+ _client,
+ settings^,
+ _nojs
+ ));
+ CefStringSet(target_url, _url);
+ CefStringSet(target_frame_name, _frame);
+ client := CefGetData(_client);
+ no_javascript_access^ := Ord(_nojs);
+ _client := nil;
+procedure cef_life_span_handler_on_after_created(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnAfterCreated(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+procedure cef_life_span_handler_on_before_close(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnBeforeClose(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+function cef_life_span_handler_run_modal(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(RunModal(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser)));
+function cef_life_span_handler_do_close(self: PCefLifeSpanHandler; browser: PCefBrowser): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(DoClose(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser)));
+{ cef_load_handler }
+procedure cef_load_handler_on_loading_state_change(self: PCefLoadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Integer); stdcall;
+ with TCefLoadHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnLoadingStateChange(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ isLoading <> 0, canGoBack <> 0, canGoForward <> 0);
+procedure cef_load_handler_on_load_start(self: PCefLoadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ with TCefLoadHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnLoadStart(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame));
+procedure cef_load_handler_on_load_end(self: PCefLoadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer); stdcall;
+ with TCefLoadHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnLoadEnd(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame), httpStatusCode);
+procedure cef_load_handler_on_load_error(self: PCefLoadHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ frame: PCefFrame; errorCode: Integer; const errorText, failedUrl: PCefString); stdcall;
+ with TCefLoadHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnLoadError(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ errorCode, CefString(errorText), CefString(failedUrl));
+{ cef_request_handler }
function cef_request_handler_on_before_browse(self: PCefRequestHandler;
browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest;
is_redirect: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnBeforeBrowse(
+ TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(request),
+ is_redirect <> 0));
function cef_request_handler_on_before_resource_load(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnBeforeResourceLoad(
+ TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(request)));
+function cef_request_handler_get_resource_handler(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest): PCefResourceHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetResourceHandler(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame), TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(request)));
+procedure cef_request_handler_on_resource_redirect(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; const old_url: PCefString; new_url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ url: ustring;
+ url := CefString(new_url);
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnResourceRedirect(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ CefString(old_url), url);
+ if url <> '' then
+ CefStringSet(new_url, url);
+function cef_request_handler_get_auth_credentials(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; isProxy: Integer; const host: PCefString;
+ port: Integer; const realm, scheme: PCefString; callback: PCefAuthCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(GetAuthCredentials(
+ TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame), isProxy <> 0,
+ CefString(host), port, CefString(realm), CefString(scheme), TCefAuthCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+function cef_request_handler_on_quota_request(self: PCefRequestHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ const origin_url: PCefString; new_size: Int64; callback: PCefQuotaCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnQuotaRequest(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ CefString(origin_url), new_size, TCefQuotaCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+procedure cef_request_handler_on_protocol_execution(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const url: PCefString; allow_os_execution: PInteger); stdcall;
+ allow: Boolean;
+ allow := allow_os_execution^ <> 0;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnProtocolExecution(
+ TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ CefString(url), allow);
+ allow_os_execution^ := Ord(allow);
+function cef_request_handler_on_before_plugin_load(self: PCefRequestHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ const url, policy_url: PCefString; info: PCefWebPluginInfo): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnBeforePluginLoad(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ CefString(url), CefString(policy_url), TCefWebPluginInfoRef.UnWrap(info)));
+function cef_request_handler_on_certificate_error(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ cert_error: TCefErrorCode; const request_url: PCefString;
+ callback: PCefAllowCertificateErrorCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnCertificateError(cert_error, CefString(request_url),
+ TCefAllowCertificateErrorCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+procedure cef_request_handler_on_plugin_crashed(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const plugin_path: PCefString); stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnPluginCrashed(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), CefString(plugin_path));
+procedure cef_request_handler_on_render_process_terminated(self: PCefRequestHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnRenderProcessTerminated(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), status);
+{ cef_display_handler }
+procedure cef_display_handler_on_address_change(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; const url: PCefString); stdcall;
+ with TCefDisplayHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnAddressChange(
+ TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ cefstring(url))
+procedure cef_display_handler_on_title_change(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const title: PCefString); stdcall;
+ with TCefDisplayHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnTitleChange(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), CefString(title));
+function cef_display_handler_on_tooltip(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; text: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ t: ustring;
+ t := CefStringClearAndGet(text^);
+ with TCefDisplayHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnTooltip(
+ TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), t));
+ text^ := CefStringAlloc(t);
+procedure cef_display_handler_on_status_message(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const value: PCefString); stdcall;
+ with TCefDisplayHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnStatusMessage(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), CefString(value));
+function cef_display_handler_on_console_message(self: PCefDisplayHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const message: PCefString;
+ const source: PCefString; line: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefDisplayHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnConsoleMessage(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ CefString(message), CefString(source), line));
+{ cef_focus_handler }
+procedure cef_focus_handler_on_take_focus(self: PCefFocusHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; next: Integer); stdcall;
+ with TCefFocusHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnTakeFocus(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), next <> 0);
+function cef_focus_handler_on_set_focus(self: PCefFocusHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefFocusHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnSetFocus(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), source))
+procedure cef_focus_handler_on_got_focus(self: PCefFocusHandler; browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefFocusHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnGotFocus(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+{ cef_keyboard_handler }
+function cef_keyboard_handler_on_pre_key_event(self: PCefKeyboardHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ os_event: TCefEventHandle; is_keyboard_shortcut: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ ks: Boolean;
+ ks := is_keyboard_shortcut^ <> 0;
+ with TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnPreKeyEvent(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), event, os_event, ks));
+ is_keyboard_shortcut^ := Ord(ks);
+function cef_keyboard_handler_on_key_event(self: PCefKeyboardHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent; os_event: TCefEventHandle): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnKeyEvent(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), event, os_event));
+{ cef_jsdialog_handler }
+function cef_jsdialog_handler_on_jsdialog(self: PCefJsDialogHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const origin_url, accept_lang: PCefString;
+ dialog_type: TCefJsDialogType; const message_text, default_prompt_text: PCefString;
+ callback: PCefJsDialogCallback; suppress_message: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ sm: Boolean;
+ sm := suppress_message^ <> 0;
+ with TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnJsdialog(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), CefString(origin_url),
+ CefString(accept_lang), dialog_type, CefString(message_text),
+ CefString(default_prompt_text), TCefJsDialogCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback), sm));
+ suppress_message^ := Ord(sm);
+function cef_jsdialog_handler_on_before_unload_dialog(self: PCefJsDialogHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const message_text: PCefString; is_reload: Integer;
+ callback: PCefJsDialogCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnBeforeUnloadDialog(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), CefString(message_text),
+ is_reload <> 0, TCefJsDialogCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+procedure cef_jsdialog_handler_on_reset_dialog_state(self: PCefJsDialogHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnResetDialogState(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+procedure cef_jsdialog_handler_on_dialog_closed(self: PCefJsDialogHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnDialogClosed(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+{ cef_context_menu_handler }
+procedure cef_context_menu_handler_on_before_context_menu(self: PCefContextMenuHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; params: PCefContextMenuParams;
+ model: PCefMenuModel); stdcall;
+ with TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnBeforeContextMenu(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ TCefContextMenuParamsRef.UnWrap(params), TCefMenuModelRef.UnWrap(model));
+function cef_context_menu_handler_on_context_menu_command(self: PCefContextMenuHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; params: PCefContextMenuParams;
+ command_id: Integer; event_flags: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnContextMenuCommand(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ TCefContextMenuParamsRef.UnWrap(params), command_id, TCefEventFlags(Pointer(@event_flags)^)));
+procedure cef_context_menu_handler_on_context_menu_dismissed(self: PCefContextMenuHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame); stdcall;
+ with TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnContextMenuDismissed(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame));
+{ cef_stream_reader }
+function cef_stream_reader_read(self: PCefReadHandler; ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ with TCefCustomStreamReader(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Read(ptr, size, n);
+function cef_stream_reader_seek(self: PCefReadHandler; offset: Int64; whence: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCustomStreamReader(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Seek(offset, whence);
+function cef_stream_reader_tell(self: PCefReadHandler): Int64; stdcall;
+ with TCefCustomStreamReader(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Tell;
+function cef_stream_reader_eof(self: PCefReadHandler): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCustomStreamReader(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(eof);
+{ cef_post_data_element }
+function cef_post_data_element_is_read_only(self: PCefPostDataElement): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(IsReadOnly)
+procedure cef_post_data_element_set_to_empty(self: PCefPostDataElement); stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ SetToEmpty;
+procedure cef_post_data_element_set_to_file(self: PCefPostDataElement; const fileName: PCefString); stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ SetToFile(CefString(fileName));
+procedure cef_post_data_element_set_to_bytes(self: PCefPostDataElement; size: NativeUInt; const bytes: Pointer); stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ SetToBytes(size, bytes);
+function cef_post_data_element_get_type(self: PCefPostDataElement): TCefPostDataElementType; stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := GetType;
+function cef_post_data_element_get_file(self: PCefPostDataElement): PCefStringUserFree; stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefUserFreeString(GetFile);
+function cef_post_data_element_get_bytes_count(self: PCefPostDataElement): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := GetBytesCount;
+function cef_post_data_element_get_bytes(self: PCefPostDataElement; size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer): NativeUInt; stdcall;
+ with TCefPostDataElementOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := GetBytes(size, bytes)
+{ cef_v8_handler }
+function cef_v8_handler_execute(self: PCefv8Handler;
+ const name: PCefString; obj: PCefv8Value; argumentsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const arguments: PPCefV8Value; var retval: PCefV8Value;
+ var exception: TCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ args: TCefv8ValueArray;
+ i: NativeInt;
+ ret: ICefv8Value;
+ exc: ustring;
+ SetLength(args, argumentsCount);
+ for i := 0 to argumentsCount - 1 do
+ args[i] := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(arguments[i]);
+ Result := -Ord(TCefv8HandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)).Execute(
+ CefString(name), TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(obj), args, ret, exc));
+ retval := CefGetData(ret);
+ ret := nil;
+ exception := CefString(exc);
+{ cef_task }
+procedure cef_task_execute(self: PCefTask); stdcall;
+ TCefTaskOwn(CefGetObject(self)).Execute();
+{ cef_download_handler }
+procedure cef_download_handler_on_before_download(self: PCefDownloadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; download_item: PCefDownloadItem;
+ const suggested_name: PCefString; callback: PCefBeforeDownloadCallback); stdcall;
+ TCefDownloadHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)).
+ OnBeforeDownload(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefDownLoadItemRef.UnWrap(download_item), CefString(suggested_name),
+ TCefBeforeDownloadCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback));
+procedure cef_download_handler_on_download_updated(self: PCefDownloadHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; download_item: PCefDownloadItem; callback: PCefDownloadItemCallback); stdcall;
+ TCefDownloadHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)).
+ OnDownloadUpdated(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefDownLoadItemRef.UnWrap(download_item),
+ TCefDownloadItemCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback));
+{ cef_dom_visitor }
+procedure cef_dom_visitor_visite(self: PCefDomVisitor; document: PCefDomDocument); stdcall;
+ TCefDomVisitorOwn(CefGetObject(self)).visit(TCefDomDocumentRef.UnWrap(document));
+{ cef_dom_event_listener }
+procedure cef_dom_event_listener_handle_event(self: PCefDomEventListener; event: PCefDomEvent); stdcall;
+ TCefDomEventListenerOwn(CefGetObject(self)).HandleEvent(TCefDomEventRef.UnWrap(event));
+{ cef_v8_accessor }
+function cef_v8_accessor_get(self: PCefV8Accessor; const name: PCefString;
+ obj: PCefv8Value; out retval: PCefv8Value; exception: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ ret: ICefv8Value;
+ Result := Ord(TCefV8AccessorOwn(CefGetObject(self)).Get(CefString(name),
+ TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(obj), ret, CefString(exception)));
+ retval := CefGetData(ret);
+function cef_v8_accessor_put(self: PCefV8Accessor; const name: PCefString;
+ obj: PCefv8Value; value: PCefv8Value; exception: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Ord(TCefV8AccessorOwn(CefGetObject(self)).Put(CefString(name),
+ TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(obj), TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(value), CefString(exception)));
+{ cef_cookie_visitor }
+function cef_cookie_visitor_visit(self: PCefCookieVisitor; const cookie: PCefCookie;
+ count, total: Integer; deleteCookie: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ delete: Boolean;
+ exp: TDateTime;
+ delete := False;
+ if cookie.has_expires then
+ exp := CefTimeToDateTime(cookie.expires) else
+ exp := 0;
+ Result := Ord(TCefCookieVisitorOwn(CefGetObject(self)).visit(CefString(@cookie.name),
+ CefString(@cookie.value), CefString(@cookie.domain), CefString(@cookie.path),
+ cookie.secure, cookie.httponly, cookie.has_expires, CefTimeToDateTime(cookie.creation),
+ CefTimeToDateTime(cookie.last_access), exp, count, total, delete));
+ deleteCookie^ := Ord(delete);
+{ cef_resource_bundle_handler }
+function cef_resource_bundle_handler_get_localized_string(self: PCefResourceBundleHandler;
+ message_id: Integer; string_val: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ str: ustring;
+ Result := Ord(TCefResourceBundleHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)).
+ GetLocalizedString(message_id, str));
+ if Result <> 0 then
+ string_val^ := CefString(str);
+function cef_resource_bundle_handler_get_data_resource(self: PCefResourceBundleHandler;
+ resource_id: Integer; var data: Pointer; var data_size: NativeUInt): Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := Ord(TCefResourceBundleHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)).
+ GetDataResource(resource_id, data, data_size));
+{ cef_app }
+procedure cef_app_on_before_command_line_processing(self: PCefApp;
+ const process_type: PCefString; command_line: PCefCommandLine); stdcall;
+ with TCefAppOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing(CefString(process_type),
+ TCefCommandLineRef.UnWrap(command_line));
+procedure cef_app_on_register_custom_schemes(self: PCefApp; registrar: PCefSchemeRegistrar); stdcall;
+ with TCefAppOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnRegisterCustomSchemes(TCefSchemeRegistrarRef.UnWrap(registrar));
+function cef_app_get_resource_bundle_handler(self: PCefApp): PCefResourceBundleHandler; stdcall;
+ Result := CefGetData(TCefAppOwn(CefGetObject(self)).GetResourceBundleHandler());
+function cef_app_get_browser_process_handler(self: PCefApp): PCefBrowserProcessHandler; stdcall;
+ Result := CefGetData(TCefAppOwn(CefGetObject(self)).GetBrowserProcessHandler());
+function cef_app_get_render_process_handler(self: PCefApp): PCefRenderProcessHandler; stdcall;
+ Result := CefGetData(TCefAppOwn(CefGetObject(self)).GetRenderProcessHandler());
+{ cef_string_visitor_visit }
+procedure cef_string_visitor_visit(self: PCefStringVisitor; const str: PCefString); stdcall;
+ TCefStringVisitorOwn(CefGetObject(self)).Visit(CefString(str));
+{ cef_browser_process_handler }
+procedure cef_browser_process_handler_on_context_initialized(self: PCefBrowserProcessHandler); stdcall;
+ with TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnContextInitialized;
+procedure cef_browser_process_handler_on_before_child_process_launch(
+ self: PCefBrowserProcessHandler; command_line: PCefCommandLine); stdcall;
+ with TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(TCefCommandLineRef.UnWrap(command_line));
+procedure cef_browser_process_handler_on_render_process_thread_created(
+ self: PCefBrowserProcessHandler; extra_info: PCefListValue); stdcall;
+ with TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnRenderProcessThreadCreated(TCefListValueRef.UnWrap(extra_info));
+{ cef_render_process_handler }
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_render_thread_created(
+ self: PCefRenderProcessHandler; extra_info: PCefListValue); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnRenderThreadCreated(TCefListValueRef.UnWrap(extra_info));
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_web_kit_initialized(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnWebKitInitialized;
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_browser_created(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnBrowserCreated(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_browser_destroyed(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnBrowserDestroyed(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+function cef_render_process_handler_get_load_handler(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler): PCefLoadHandler; stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetLoadHandler());
+function cef_render_process_handler_on_before_navigation(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; request: PCefRequest;
+ navigation_type: TCefNavigationType; is_redirect: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnBeforeNavigation(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser),
+ TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame), TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(request),
+ navigation_type, is_redirect <> 0));
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_context_created(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; context: PCefv8Context); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnContextCreated(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame), TCefv8ContextRef.UnWrap(context));
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_context_released(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; context: PCefv8Context); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnContextReleased(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame), TCefv8ContextRef.UnWrap(context));
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_uncaught_exception(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; context: PCefv8Context;
+ exception: PCefV8Exception; stackTrace: PCefV8StackTrace); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnUncaughtException(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ TCefv8ContextRef.UnWrap(context), TCefV8ExceptionRef.UnWrap(exception),
+ TCefV8StackTraceRef.UnWrap(stackTrace));
+procedure cef_render_process_handler_on_focused_node_changed(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; node: PCefDomNode); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ OnFocusedNodeChanged(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(node));
+function cef_render_process_handler_on_process_message_received(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; source_process: TCefProcessId;
+ message: PCefProcessMessage): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(Self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnProcessMessageReceived(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), source_process,
+ TCefProcessMessageRef.UnWrap(message)));
+{ cef_url_request_client }
+procedure cef_url_request_client_on_request_complete(self: PCefUrlRequestClient; request: PCefUrlRequest); stdcall;
+ with TCefUrlrequestClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnRequestComplete(TCefUrlRequestRef.UnWrap(request));
+procedure cef_url_request_client_on_upload_progress(self: PCefUrlRequestClient;
+ request: PCefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64); stdcall;
+ with TCefUrlrequestClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnUploadProgress(TCefUrlRequestRef.UnWrap(request), current, total);
+procedure cef_url_request_client_on_download_progress(self: PCefUrlRequestClient;
+ request: PCefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64); stdcall;
+ with TCefUrlrequestClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnDownloadProgress(TCefUrlRequestRef.UnWrap(request), current, total);
+procedure cef_url_request_client_on_download_data(self: PCefUrlRequestClient;
+ request: PCefUrlRequest; const data: Pointer; data_length: NativeUInt); stdcall;
+ with TCefUrlrequestClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnDownloadData(TCefUrlRequestRef.UnWrap(request), data, data_length);
+function cef_url_request_client_get_auth_credentials(self: PCefUrlRequestClient;
+ isProxy: Integer; const host: PCefString; port: Integer;
+ const realm, scheme: PCefString; callback: PCefAuthCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefUrlrequestClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(GetAuthCredentials(isProxy <> 0, CefString(host), port,
+ CefString(realm), CefString(scheme), TCefAuthCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+{ cef_scheme_handler_factory }
+function cef_scheme_handler_factory_create(self: PCefSchemeHandlerFactory;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; frame: PCefFrame; const scheme_name: PCefString;
+ request: PCefRequest): PCefResourceHandler; stdcall;
with TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(New(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(frame),
+ CefString(scheme_name), TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(request)));
+{ cef_resource_handler }
+function cef_resource_handler_process_request(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ request: PCefRequest; callback: PCefCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefResourceHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(ProcessRequest(TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(request), TCefCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+procedure cef_resource_handler_get_response_headers(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ response: PCefResponse; response_length: PInt64; redirectUrl: PCefString); stdcall;
+ ru: ustring;
+ ru := '';
+ with TCefResourceHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ GetResponseHeaders(TCefResponseRef.UnWrap(response), response_length^, ru);
+ if ru <> '' then
+ CefStringSet(redirectUrl, ru);
+function cef_resource_handler_read_response(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ data_out: Pointer; bytes_to_read: Integer; bytes_read: PInteger;
+ callback: PCefCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefResourceHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(ReadResponse(data_out, bytes_to_read, bytes_read^, TCefCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+function cef_resource_handler_can_get_cookie(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ const cookie: PCefCookie): Integer; stdcall;
with TCefResourceHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(CanGetCookie(cookie));
+function cef_resource_handler_can_set_cookie(self: PCefResourceHandler;
+ const cookie: PCefCookie): Integer; stdcall;
with TCefResourceHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(CanSetCookie(cookie));
+procedure cef_resource_handler_cancel(self: PCefResourceHandler); stdcall;
with TCefResourceHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Cancel;
{ cef_web_plugin_info_visitor }
function cef_web_plugin_info_visitor_visit(self: PCefWebPluginInfoVisitor;
info: PCefWebPluginInfo; count, total: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(Visit(TCefWebPluginInfoRef.UnWrap(info), count, total));
{ cef_web_plugin_unstable_callback }
procedure cef_web_plugin_unstable_callback_is_unstable(
+ self: PCefWebPluginUnstableCallback; const path: PCefString; unstable: Integer); stdcall;
+ with TCefWebPluginUnstableCallbackOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ IsUnstable(CefString(path), unstable <> 0);
{ cef_run_file_dialog_callback }
+procedure cef_run_file_dialog_callback_cont(self: PCefRunFileDialogCallback;
+ browser_host: PCefBrowserHost; file_paths: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ list: TStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(file_paths) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(file_paths, i, @str);
+ list.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ with TCefRunFileDialogCallbackOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ cont(TCefBrowserHostRef.UnWrap(browser_host), list);
+ finally
+ list.Free;
+ end;
{ cef_trace_client }
procedure cef_trace_client_on_trace_data_collected(self: PCefTraceClient;
const fragment: PAnsiChar; fragment_size: NativeUInt); stdcall;
+ with TCefTraceClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnTraceDataCollected(fragment, fragment_size);
+procedure cef_trace_client_on_trace_buffer_percent_full_reply(
+ self: PCefTraceClient; percent_full: Single); stdcall;
+ with TCefTraceClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnTraceBufferPercentFullReply(percent_full);
+procedure cef_trace_client_on_end_tracing_complete(self: PCefTraceClient); stdcall;
+ with TCefTraceClientOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnEndTracingComplete;
+{ cef_get_geolocation_callback }
+procedure cef_get_geolocation_callback_on_location_update(
+ self: PCefGetGeolocationCallback; const position: PCefGeoposition); stdcall;
+ with TCefGetGeolocationCallbackOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnLocationUpdate(position);
+{ cef_dialog_handler }
+function cef_dialog_handler_on_file_dialog(self: PCefDialogHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, default_file_name: PCefString;
+ accept_types: TCefStringList; callback: PCefFileDialogCallback): Integer; stdcall;
+ list: TStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(accept_types) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(accept_types, i, @str);
+ list.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ with TCefDialogHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnFileDialog(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), mode, CefString(title),
+ CefString(default_file_name), list, TCefFileDialogCallbackRef.UnWrap(callback)));
+ finally
+ list.Free;
+ end;
+{ cef_render_handler }
+function cef_render_handler_get_root_screen_rect(self: PCefRenderHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(GetRootScreenRect(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), rect));
+function cef_render_handler_get_view_rect(self: PCefRenderHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(GetViewRect(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), rect));
+function cef_render_handler_get_screen_point(self: PCefRenderHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer; screenX, screenY: PInteger): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(GetScreenPoint(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), viewX, viewY, screenX, screenY));
+function cef_render_handler_get_screen_info(self: PCefRenderHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; screen_info: PCefScreenInfo): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(GetScreenInfo(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), screen_info));
+procedure cef_render_handler_on_popup_show(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; show: Integer); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnPopupShow(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), show <> 0);
+procedure cef_render_handler_on_popup_size(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnPopupSize(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), rect);
+procedure cef_render_handler_on_paint(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; kind: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnPaint(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), kind, dirtyRectsCount, dirtyRects,
+ buffer, width, height);
+procedure cef_render_handler_on_cursor_change(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnCursorChange(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), cursor);
+procedure cef_render_handler_on_scroll_offset_changed(self: PCefRenderProcessHandler;
+ browser: PCefBrowser); stdcall;
+ with TCefRenderHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnScrollOffsetChanged(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser));
+{ cef_completion_handler }
+procedure cef_completion_handler_on_complete(self: PCefCompletionHandler); stdcall;
+ with TCefCompletionHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ OnComplete();
+{ cef_drag_handler }
+function cef_drag_handler_on_drag_enter(self: PCefDragHandler; browser: PCefBrowser;
+ dragData: PCefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefDragHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(OnDragEnter(TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(browser), TCefDragDataRef.UnWrap(dragData), mask));
+{ cef_request_context_handler }
+function cef_request_context_handler_get_cookie_manager(self: PCefRequestContextHandler): PCefCookieManager; stdcall;
+ with TCefRequestContextHandlerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := CefGetData(GetCookieManager());
+{ cef_cookie_manager }
+procedure cef_cookie_manager_set_supported_schemes(self: PCefCookieManager; schemes: TCefStringList); stdcall;
+ list: TStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(schemes) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(schemes, i, @str);
+ list.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ with TCefCookieManagerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ SetSupportedSchemes(list);
+ finally
+ list.Free;
+ end;
+function cef_cookie_manager_visit_all_cookies(self: PCefCookieManager; visitor: PCefCookieVisitor): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCookieManagerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(VisitAllCookies(TCefCookieVisitorRef.UnWrap(visitor)));
+function cef_cookie_manager_visit_url_cookies(self: PCefCookieManager; const url: PCefString; includeHttpOnly: Integer; visitor: PCefCookieVisitor): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCookieManagerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(VisitUrlCookies(CefString(url), includeHttpOnly <> 0, TCefCookieVisitorRef.UnWrap(visitor)));
+function cef_cookie_manager_set_cookie(self: PCefCookieManager; const url: PCefString; const cookie: PCefCookie): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCookieManagerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(SetCookie(CefString(url), CefString(@cookie.name), CefString(@cookie.value),
+ CefString(@cookie.domain), CefString(@cookie.path), cookie.secure, cookie.httponly,
+ cookie.has_expires, CefTimeToDateTime(cookie.creation),
+ CefTimeToDateTime(cookie.last_access), CefTimeToDateTime(cookie.expires)));
+function cef_cookie_manager_delete_cookies(self: PCefCookieManager; const url, cookie_name: PCefString): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCookieManagerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(DeleteCookies(CefString(url), CefString(cookie_name)));
+function cef_cookie_manager_set_storage_path(self: PCefCookieManager; const path: PCefString; persist_session_cookies: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCookieManagerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(SetStoragePath(CefString(path), persist_session_cookies <> 0));
+function cef_cookie_manager_flush_store(self: PCefCookieManager; handler: PCefCompletionHandler): Integer; stdcall;
+ with TCefCookieManagerOwn(CefGetObject(self)) do
+ Result := Ord(FlushStore(TCefCompletionHandlerRef.UnWrap(handler)));
+{ TCefBaseOwn }
+constructor TCefBaseOwn.CreateData(size: Cardinal; owned: Boolean);
+ GetMem(FData, size + SizeOf(Pointer));
+ PPointer(FData)^ := Self;
+ Inc(PByte(FData), SizeOf(Pointer));
+ FillChar(FData^, size, 0);
+ PCefBase(FData)^.size := size;
+ if owned then
+ begin
+ PCefBase(FData)^.add_ref := @cef_base_add_ref_owned;
+ PCefBase(FData)^.release := @cef_base_release_owned;
+ PCefBase(FData)^.get_refct := @cef_base_get_refct_owned;
+ end else
+ begin
+ PCefBase(FData)^.add_ref := @cef_base_add_ref;
+ PCefBase(FData)^.release := @cef_base_release;
+ PCefBase(FData)^.get_refct := @cef_base_get_refct;
+ end;
+destructor TCefBaseOwn.Destroy;
+ Dec(PByte(FData), SizeOf(Pointer));
+ FreeMem(FData);
+ inherited;
+function TCefBaseOwn.Wrap: Pointer;
+ Result := FData;
+ if Assigned(PCefBase(FData)^.add_ref) then
+ PCefBase(FData)^.add_ref(PCefBase(FData));
+{ TCefBaseRef }
+constructor TCefBaseRef.Create(data: Pointer);
+ Assert(data <> nil);
+ FData := data;
+destructor TCefBaseRef.Destroy;
+ if Assigned(PCefBase(FData)^.release) then
+ PCefBase(FData)^.release(PCefBase(FData));
+ inherited;
+class function TCefBaseRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBase;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefBase else
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefBaseRef.Wrap: Pointer;
+ Result := FData;
+ if Assigned(PCefBase(FData)^.add_ref) then
+ PCefBase(FData)^.add_ref(PCefBase(FData));
+{ TCefBrowserRef }
+function TCefBrowserRef.GetHost: ICefBrowserHost;
+ Result := TCefBrowserHostRef.UnWrap(PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_host(PCefBrowser(FData)));
+function TCefBrowserRef.CanGoBack: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.can_go_back(PCefBrowser(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefBrowserRef.CanGoForward: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.can_go_forward(PCefBrowser(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefBrowserRef.GetFocusedFrame: ICefFrame;
+ Result := TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_focused_frame(PCefBrowser(FData)))
+function TCefBrowserRef.GetFrameByident(identifier: Int64): ICefFrame;
+ Result := TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_frame_byident(PCefBrowser(FData), identifier));
+function TCefBrowserRef.GetFrame(const name: ustring): ICefFrame;
+ n: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ Result := TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_frame(PCefBrowser(FData), @n));
+function TCefBrowserRef.GetFrameCount: NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_frame_count(PCefBrowser(FData));
+procedure TCefBrowserRef.GetFrameIdentifiers(count: PNativeUInt; identifiers: PInt64);
+ PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_frame_identifiers(PCefBrowser(FData), count, identifiers);
+procedure TCefBrowserRef.GetFrameNames(names: TStrings);
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_frame_names(PCefBrowser(FData), list);
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(list) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(list, i, @str);
+ names.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+function TCefBrowserRef.SendProcessMessage(targetProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.send_process_message(PCefBrowser(FData), targetProcess, CefGetData(message)) <> 0;
+function TCefBrowserRef.GetMainFrame: ICefFrame;
+ Result := TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_main_frame(PCefBrowser(FData)))
+procedure TCefBrowserRef.GoBack;
+ PCefBrowser(FData)^.go_back(PCefBrowser(FData));
+procedure TCefBrowserRef.GoForward;
+ PCefBrowser(FData)^.go_forward(PCefBrowser(FData));
+function TCefBrowserRef.IsLoading: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.is_loading(PCefBrowser(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefBrowserRef.HasDocument: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.has_document(PCefBrowser(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefBrowserRef.IsPopup: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.is_popup(PCefBrowser(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefBrowserRef.IsSame(const that: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.is_same(PCefBrowser(FData), CefGetData(that)) <> 0;
+procedure TCefBrowserRef.Reload;
+ PCefBrowser(FData)^.reload(PCefBrowser(FData));
+procedure TCefBrowserRef.ReloadIgnoreCache;
+ PCefBrowser(FData)^.reload_ignore_cache(PCefBrowser(FData));
+procedure TCefBrowserRef.StopLoad;
+ PCefBrowser(FData)^.stop_load(PCefBrowser(FData));
+function TCefBrowserRef.GetIdentifier: Integer;
+ Result := PCefBrowser(FData)^.get_identifier(PCefBrowser(FData));
+class function TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBrowser;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefBrowser else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefFrameRef }
+function TCefFrameRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefFrame(FData)^.is_valid(PCefFrame(FData)) <> 0;
+procedure TCefFrameRef.Copy;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.copy(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.Cut;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.cut(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.Del;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.del(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.ExecuteJavaScript(const code, scriptUrl: ustring;
+ startLine: Integer);
+ j, s: TCefString;
+ j := CefString(code);
+ s := CefString(scriptUrl);
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.execute_java_script(PCefFrame(FData), @j, @s, startline);
+function TCefFrameRef.GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ Result := TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(PCefFrame(FData)^.get_browser(PCefFrame(FData)));
+function TCefFrameRef.GetIdentifier: Int64;
+ Result := PCefFrame(FData)^.get_identifier(PCefFrame(FData));
+function TCefFrameRef.GetName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefFrame(FData)^.get_name(PCefFrame(FData)));
+function TCefFrameRef.GetParent: ICefFrame;
+ Result := TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(PCefFrame(FData)^.get_parent(PCefFrame(FData)));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.GetSource(const visitor: ICefStringVisitor);
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.get_source(PCefFrame(FData), CefGetData(visitor));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.GetSourceProc(const proc: TCefStringVisitorProc);
+ GetSource(TCefFastStringVisitor.Create(proc));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.getText(const visitor: ICefStringVisitor);
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.get_text(PCefFrame(FData), CefGetData(visitor));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.GetTextProc(const proc: TCefStringVisitorProc);
+ GetText(TCefFastStringVisitor.Create(proc));
+function TCefFrameRef.GetUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefFrame(FData)^.get_url(PCefFrame(FData)));
+function TCefFrameRef.GetV8Context: ICefv8Context;
+ Result := TCefv8ContextRef.UnWrap(PCefFrame(FData)^.get_v8context(PCefFrame(FData)));
+function TCefFrameRef.IsFocused: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefFrame(FData)^.is_focused(PCefFrame(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefFrameRef.IsMain: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefFrame(FData)^.is_main(PCefFrame(FData)) <> 0;
+procedure TCefFrameRef.LoadRequest(const request: ICefRequest);
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.load_request(PCefFrame(FData), CefGetData(request));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.LoadString(const str, url: ustring);
+ s, u: TCefString;
+ s := CefString(str);
+ u := CefString(url);
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.load_string(PCefFrame(FData), @s, @u);
+procedure TCefFrameRef.LoadUrl(const url: ustring);
+ u: TCefString;
+ u := CefString(url);
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.load_url(PCefFrame(FData), @u);
+procedure TCefFrameRef.Paste;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.paste(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.Redo;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.redo(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.SelectAll;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.select_all(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.Undo;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.undo(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.ViewSource;
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.view_source(PCefFrame(FData));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.VisitDom(const visitor: ICefDomVisitor);
+ PCefFrame(FData)^.visit_dom(PCefFrame(FData), CefGetData(visitor));
+procedure TCefFrameRef.VisitDomProc(const proc: TCefDomVisitorProc);
+ VisitDom(TCefFastDomVisitor.Create(proc) as ICefDomVisitor);
+class function TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefFrame;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefFrame else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefCustomStreamReader }
+constructor TCefCustomStreamReader.Create(Stream: TStream; Owned: Boolean);
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefReadHandler));
+ FStream := stream;
+ FOwned := Owned;
+ with PCefReadHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ read := cef_stream_reader_read;
+ seek := cef_stream_reader_seek;
+ tell := cef_stream_reader_tell;
+ eof := cef_stream_reader_eof;
+ end;
+constructor TCefCustomStreamReader.Create(const filename: string);
+ Create(TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite), True);
+destructor TCefCustomStreamReader.Destroy;
+ if FOwned then
+ FStream.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TCefCustomStreamReader.Eof: Boolean;
+ Result := FStream.Position = FStream.size;
+function TCefCustomStreamReader.Read(ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ result := NativeUInt(FStream.Read(ptr^, n * size)) div size;
+function TCefCustomStreamReader.Seek(offset: Int64; whence: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := FStream.Seek(offset, whence);
+function TCefCustomStreamReader.Tell: Int64;
+ Result := FStream.Position;
+{ TCefPostDataRef }
+function TCefPostDataRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefPostData(FData)^.is_read_only(PCefPostData(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefPostDataRef.AddElement(
+ const element: ICefPostDataElement): Integer;
+ Result := PCefPostData(FData)^.add_element(PCefPostData(FData), CefGetData(element));
+function TCefPostDataRef.GetCount: NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefPostData(FData)^.get_element_count(PCefPostData(FData))
+function TCefPostDataRef.GetElements(Count: NativeUInt): IInterfaceList;
+ items: PCefPostDataElementArray;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := TInterfaceList.Create;
+ GetMem(items, SizeOf(PCefPostDataElement) * Count);
+ FillChar(items^, SizeOf(PCefPostDataElement) * Count, 0);
+ try
+ PCefPostData(FData)^.get_elements(PCefPostData(FData), @Count, items);
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ Result.Add(TCefPostDataElementRef.UnWrap(items[i]));
+ finally
+ FreeMem(items);
+ end;
+class function TCefPostDataRef.New: ICefPostData;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_post_data_create);
+function TCefPostDataRef.RemoveElement(
+ const element: ICefPostDataElement): Integer;
+ Result := PCefPostData(FData)^.remove_element(PCefPostData(FData), CefGetData(element));
+procedure TCefPostDataRef.RemoveElements;
+ PCefPostData(FData)^.remove_elements(PCefPostData(FData));
+class function TCefPostDataRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefPostData;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefPostData else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefPostDataElementRef }
+function TCefPostDataElementRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.is_read_only(PCefPostDataElement(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefPostDataElementRef.GetBytes(size: NativeUInt;
+ bytes: Pointer): NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.get_bytes(PCefPostDataElement(FData), size, bytes);
+function TCefPostDataElementRef.GetBytesCount: NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.get_bytes_count(PCefPostDataElement(FData));
+function TCefPostDataElementRef.GetFile: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.get_file(PCefPostDataElement(FData)));
+function TCefPostDataElementRef.GetType: TCefPostDataElementType;
+ Result := PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.get_type(PCefPostDataElement(FData));
+class function TCefPostDataElementRef.New: ICefPostDataElement;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_post_data_element_create);
+procedure TCefPostDataElementRef.SetToBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer);
+ PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.set_to_bytes(PCefPostDataElement(FData), size, bytes);
+procedure TCefPostDataElementRef.SetToEmpty;
+ PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.set_to_empty(PCefPostDataElement(FData));
+procedure TCefPostDataElementRef.SetToFile(const fileName: ustring);
+ f: TCefString;
+ f := CefString(fileName);
+ PCefPostDataElement(FData)^.set_to_file(PCefPostDataElement(FData), @f);
+class function TCefPostDataElementRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefPostDataElement;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefPostDataElement else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefPostDataElementOwn }
+procedure TCefPostDataElementOwn.Clear;
+ case FDataType of
+ if (FValueByte <> nil) then
+ begin
+ FreeMem(FValueByte);
+ FValueByte := nil;
+ end;
+ CefStringFree(@FValueStr)
+ end;
+ FDataType := PDE_TYPE_EMPTY;
+ FSize := 0;
+constructor TCefPostDataElementOwn.Create(readonly: Boolean);
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefPostDataElement));
+ FReadOnly := readonly;
+ FDataType := PDE_TYPE_EMPTY;
+ FValueByte := nil;
+ FillChar(FValueStr, SizeOf(FValueStr), 0);
+ FSize := 0;
+ with PCefPostDataElement(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ is_read_only := cef_post_data_element_is_read_only;
+ set_to_empty := cef_post_data_element_set_to_empty;
+ set_to_file := cef_post_data_element_set_to_file;
+ set_to_bytes := cef_post_data_element_set_to_bytes;
+ get_type := cef_post_data_element_get_type;
+ get_file := cef_post_data_element_get_file;
+ get_bytes_count := cef_post_data_element_get_bytes_count;
+ get_bytes := cef_post_data_element_get_bytes;
+ end;
+function TCefPostDataElementOwn.GetBytes(size: NativeUInt;
+ bytes: Pointer): NativeUInt;
+ if (FDataType = PDE_TYPE_BYTES) and (FValueByte <> nil) then
+ begin
+ if size > FSize then
+ Result := FSize else
+ Result := size;
+ Move(FValueByte^, bytes^, Result);
+ end else
+ Result := 0;
+function TCefPostDataElementOwn.GetBytesCount: NativeUInt;
+ if (FDataType = PDE_TYPE_BYTES) then
+ Result := FSize else
+ Result := 0;
+function TCefPostDataElementOwn.GetFile: ustring;
+ if (FDataType = PDE_TYPE_FILE) then
+ Result := CefString(@FValueStr) else
+ Result := '';
+function TCefPostDataElementOwn.GetType: TCefPostDataElementType;
+ Result := FDataType;
+function TCefPostDataElementOwn.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := FReadOnly;
+procedure TCefPostDataElementOwn.SetToBytes(size: NativeUInt; bytes: Pointer);
+ Clear;
+ if (size > 0) and (bytes <> nil) then
+ begin
+ GetMem(FValueByte, size);
+ Move(bytes^, FValueByte, size);
+ FSize := size;
+ end else
+ begin
+ FValueByte := nil;
+ FSize := 0;
+ end;
+ FDataType := PDE_TYPE_BYTES;
+procedure TCefPostDataElementOwn.SetToEmpty;
+ Clear;
+procedure TCefPostDataElementOwn.SetToFile(const fileName: ustring);
+ Clear;
+ FSize := 0;
+ FValueStr := CefStringAlloc(fileName);
+ FDataType := PDE_TYPE_FILE;
+{ TCefRequestRef }
+function TCefRequestRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefRequest(FData).is_read_only(PCefRequest(FData)) <> 0;
+procedure TCefRequestRef.Assign(const url, method: ustring;
+ const postData: ICefPostData; const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ u, m: TCefString;
+ u := cefstring(url);
+ m := cefstring(method);
+ PCefRequest(FData).set_(PCefRequest(FData), @u, @m, CefGetData(postData), headerMap.Handle);
+function TCefRequestRef.GetFirstPartyForCookies: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefRequest(FData).get_first_party_for_cookies(PCefRequest(FData)));
+function TCefRequestRef.GetFlags: TCefUrlRequestFlags;
+ Byte(Result) := PCefRequest(FData)^.get_flags(PCefRequest(FData));
+procedure TCefRequestRef.GetHeaderMap(const HeaderMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ PCefRequest(FData)^.get_header_map(PCefRequest(FData), HeaderMap.Handle);
+function TCefRequestRef.GetMethod: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefRequest(FData)^.get_method(PCefRequest(FData)))
+function TCefRequestRef.GetPostData: ICefPostData;
+ Result := TCefPostDataRef.UnWrap(PCefRequest(FData)^.get_post_data(PCefRequest(FData)));
+function TCefRequestRef.GetResourceType: TCefResourceType;
+ Result := PCefRequest(FData)^.get_resource_type(FData);
+function TCefRequestRef.GetTransitionType: TCefTransitionType;
+ Result := PCefRequest(FData)^.get_transition_type(FData);
+function TCefRequestRef.GetUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefRequest(FData)^.get_url(PCefRequest(FData)))
+class function TCefRequestRef.New: ICefRequest;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_request_create);
+procedure TCefRequestRef.SetFirstPartyForCookies(const url: ustring);
+ str: TCefString;
+ str := CefString(url);
+ PCefRequest(FData).set_first_party_for_cookies(PCefRequest(FData), @str);
+procedure TCefRequestRef.SetFlags(flags: TCefUrlRequestFlags);
+ PCefRequest(FData)^.set_flags(PCefRequest(FData), PByte(@flags)^);
+procedure TCefRequestRef.SetHeaderMap(const HeaderMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ PCefRequest(FData)^.set_header_map(PCefRequest(FData), HeaderMap.Handle);
+procedure TCefRequestRef.SetMethod(const value: ustring);
+ v: TCefString;
+ v := CefString(value);
+ PCefRequest(FData)^.set_method(PCefRequest(FData), @v);
+procedure TCefRequestRef.SetPostData(const value: ICefPostData);
+ if value <> nil then
+ PCefRequest(FData)^.set_post_data(PCefRequest(FData), CefGetData(value));
+procedure TCefRequestRef.SetUrl(const value: ustring);
+ v: TCefString;
+ v := CefString(value);
+ PCefRequest(FData)^.set_url(PCefRequest(FData), @v);
+class function TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefRequest;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefRequest else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefStreamReaderRef }
+class function TCefStreamReaderRef.CreateForCustomStream(
+ const stream: ICefCustomStreamReader): ICefStreamReader;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_stream_reader_create_for_handler(CefGetData(stream)))
+class function TCefStreamReaderRef.CreateForData(data: Pointer; size: NativeUInt): ICefStreamReader;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_stream_reader_create_for_data(data, size))
+class function TCefStreamReaderRef.CreateForFile(const filename: ustring): ICefStreamReader;
+ f: TCefString;
+ f := CefString(filename);
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_stream_reader_create_for_file(@f))
+class function TCefStreamReaderRef.CreateForStream(const stream: TSTream;
+ owned: Boolean): ICefStreamReader;
+ Result := CreateForCustomStream(TCefCustomStreamReader.Create(stream, owned) as ICefCustomStreamReader);
+function TCefStreamReaderRef.Eof: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefStreamReader(FData)^.eof(PCefStreamReader(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefStreamReaderRef.Read(ptr: Pointer; size, n: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefStreamReader(FData)^.read(PCefStreamReader(FData), ptr, size, n);
+function TCefStreamReaderRef.Seek(offset: Int64; whence: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PCefStreamReader(FData)^.seek(PCefStreamReader(FData), offset, whence);
+function TCefStreamReaderRef.Tell: Int64;
+ Result := PCefStreamReader(FData)^.tell(PCefStreamReader(FData));
+class function TCefStreamReaderRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefStreamReader;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefStreamReader else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefv8ValueRef }
+function TCefv8ValueRef.AdjustExternallyAllocatedMemory(
+ changeInBytes: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.adjust_externally_allocated_memory(PCefV8Value(FData), changeInBytes);
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewArray(len: Integer): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_array(len));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewBool(value: Boolean): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_bool(Ord(value)));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewDate(value: TDateTime): ICefv8Value;
+ dt: TCefTime;
+ dt := DateTimeToCefTime(value);
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_date(@dt));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewDouble(value: Double): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_double(value));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction(const name: ustring;
+ const handler: ICefv8Handler): ICefv8Value;
+ n: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_function(@n, CefGetData(handler)));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(value: Integer): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_int(value));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewUInt(value: Cardinal): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_uint(value));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewNull: ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_null);
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewObject(const Accessor: ICefV8Accessor): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_object(CefGetData(Accessor)));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewObjectProc(const getter: TCefV8AccessorGetterProc;
+ const setter: TCefV8AccessorSetterProc): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := NewObject(TCefFastV8Accessor.Create(getter, setter) as ICefV8Accessor);
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(const str: ustring): ICefv8Value;
+ s: TCefString;
+ s := CefString(str);
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_string(@s));
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.NewUndefined: ICefv8Value;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8value_create_undefined);
+function TCefv8ValueRef.DeleteValueByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.delete_value_byindex(PCefV8Value(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.DeleteValueByKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.delete_value_bykey(PCefV8Value(FData), @k) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.ExecuteFunction(const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray): ICefv8Value;
+ args: PPCefV8Value;
+ i: Integer;
+ GetMem(args, SizeOf(PCefV8Value) * Length(arguments));
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Length(arguments) - 1 do
+ args[i] := CefGetData(arguments[i]);
+ Result := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(PCefV8Value(FData)^.execute_function(PCefV8Value(FData),
+ CefGetData(obj), Length(arguments), args));
+ finally
+ FreeMem(args);
+ end;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.ExecuteFunctionWithContext(const context: ICefv8Context;
+ const obj: ICefv8Value; const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray): ICefv8Value;
+ args: PPCefV8Value;
+ i: Integer;
+ GetMem(args, SizeOf(PCefV8Value) * Length(arguments));
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Length(arguments) - 1 do
+ args[i] := CefGetData(arguments[i]);
+ Result := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(PCefV8Value(FData)^.execute_function_with_context(PCefV8Value(FData),
+ CefGetData(context), CefGetData(obj), Length(arguments), args));
+ finally
+ FreeMem(args);
+ end;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetArrayLength: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_array_length(PCefV8Value(FData));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetBoolValue: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_bool_value(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetDateValue: TDateTime;
+ Result := CefTimeToDateTime(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_date_value(PCefV8Value(FData)));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetDoubleValue: Double;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_double_value(PCefV8Value(FData));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetExternallyAllocatedMemory: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_externally_allocated_memory(PCefV8Value(FData));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetFunctionHandler: ICefv8Handler;
+ Result := TCefv8HandlerRef.UnWrap(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_function_handler(PCefV8Value(FData)));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetFunctionName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_function_name(PCefV8Value(FData)))
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetIntValue: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_int_value(PCefV8Value(FData))
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetUIntValue: Cardinal;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_uint_value(PCefV8Value(FData))
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetKeys(const keys: TStrings): Integer;
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_keys(PCefV8Value(FData), list);
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(list) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(list, i, @str);
+ keys.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.SetUserData(const data: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.set_user_data(PCefV8Value(FData), CefGetData(data)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetStringValue: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_string_value(PCefV8Value(FData)));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsUserCreated: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_user_created(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_valid(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.HasException: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.has_exception(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetException: ICefV8Exception;
+ Result := TCefV8ExceptionRef.UnWrap(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_exception(PCefV8Value(FData)));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.ClearException: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.clear_exception(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.WillRethrowExceptions: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.will_rethrow_exceptions(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.SetRethrowExceptions(rethrow: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.set_rethrow_exceptions(PCefV8Value(FData), Ord(rethrow)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetUserData: ICefv8Value;
+ Result := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_user_data(PCefV8Value(FData)));
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetValueByIndex(index: Integer): ICefv8Value;
+ Result := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_value_byindex(PCefV8Value(FData), index))
+function TCefv8ValueRef.GetValueByKey(const key: ustring): ICefv8Value;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(PCefV8Value(FData)^.get_value_bykey(PCefV8Value(FData), @k))
+function TCefv8ValueRef.HasValueByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.has_value_byindex(PCefV8Value(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.HasValueByKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.has_value_bykey(PCefV8Value(FData), @k) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsArray: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_array(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsBool: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_bool(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsDate: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_date(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsDouble: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_double(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsFunction: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_function(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsInt: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_int(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsUInt: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_uint(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsNull: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_null(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsObject: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_object(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsSame(const that: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_same(PCefV8Value(FData), CefGetData(that)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsString: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_string(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.IsUndefined: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8Value(FData)^.is_undefined(PCefV8Value(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.SetValueByAccessor(const key: ustring;
+ settings: TCefV8AccessControls; attribute: TCefV8PropertyAttributes): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result:= PCefV8Value(FData)^.set_value_byaccessor(PCefV8Value(FData), @k,
+ PByte(@settings)^, PByte(@attribute)^) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.SetValueByIndex(index: Integer;
+ const value: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ Result:= PCefV8Value(FData)^.set_value_byindex(PCefV8Value(FData), index, CefGetData(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ValueRef.SetValueByKey(const key: ustring;
+ const value: ICefv8Value; attribute: TCefV8PropertyAttributes): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result:= PCefV8Value(FData)^.set_value_bykey(PCefV8Value(FData), @k,
+ CefGetData(value), PByte(@attribute)^) <> 0;
+class function TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefv8Value;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefv8Value else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefv8HandlerRef }
+function TCefv8HandlerRef.Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ args: array of PCefV8Value;
+ i: Integer;
+ ret: PCefV8Value;
+ exc: TCefString;
+ n: TCefString;
+ SetLength(args, Length(arguments));
+ for i := 0 to Length(arguments) - 1 do
+ args[i] := CefGetData(arguments[i]);
+ ret := nil;
+ FillChar(exc, SizeOf(exc), 0);
+ n := CefString(name);
+ Result := PCefv8Handler(FData)^.execute(PCefv8Handler(FData), @n,
+ CefGetData(obj), Length(arguments), @args, ret, exc) <> 0;
+ retval := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(ret);
+ exception := CefStringClearAndGet(exc);
+class function TCefv8HandlerRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefv8Handler;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefv8Handler else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefv8HandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefv8HandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefv8Handler));
+ with PCefv8Handler(FData)^ do
+ execute := cef_v8_handler_execute;
+function TCefv8HandlerOwn.Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefTaskOwn }
+constructor TCefTaskOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefTask));
+ with PCefTask(FData)^ do
+ execute := cef_task_execute;
+procedure TCefTaskOwn.Execute;
+{ TCefStringMapOwn }
+procedure TCefStringMapOwn.Append(const key, value: ustring);
+ k, v: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ v := CefString(value);
+ cef_string_map_append(FStringMap, @k, @v);
+procedure TCefStringMapOwn.Clear;
+ cef_string_map_clear(FStringMap);
+constructor TCefStringMapOwn.Create;
+ FStringMap := cef_string_map_alloc;
+destructor TCefStringMapOwn.Destroy;
+ cef_string_map_free(FStringMap);
+function TCefStringMapOwn.Find(const key: ustring): ustring;
+ str, k: TCefString;
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ k := CefString(key);
+ cef_string_map_find(FStringMap, @k, str);
+ Result := CefString(@str);
+function TCefStringMapOwn.GetHandle: TCefStringMap;
+ Result := FStringMap;
+function TCefStringMapOwn.GetKey(index: Integer): ustring;
+ str: TCefString;
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_map_key(FStringMap, index, str);
+ Result := CefString(@str);
+function TCefStringMapOwn.GetSize: Integer;
+ Result := cef_string_map_size(FStringMap);
+function TCefStringMapOwn.GetValue(index: Integer): ustring;
+ str: TCefString;
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_map_value(FStringMap, index, str);
+ Result := CefString(@str);
+{ TCefStringMultimapOwn }
+procedure TCefStringMultimapOwn.Append(const Key, Value: ustring);
+ k, v: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ v := CefString(value);
+ cef_string_multimap_append(FStringMap, @k, @v);
+procedure TCefStringMultimapOwn.Clear;
+ cef_string_multimap_clear(FStringMap);
+constructor TCefStringMultimapOwn.Create;
+ FStringMap := cef_string_multimap_alloc;
+destructor TCefStringMultimapOwn.Destroy;
+ cef_string_multimap_free(FStringMap);
+ inherited;
+function TCefStringMultimapOwn.FindCount(const Key: ustring): Integer;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(Key);
+ Result := cef_string_multimap_find_count(FStringMap, @k);
+function TCefStringMultimapOwn.GetEnumerate(const Key: ustring;
+ ValueIndex: Integer): ustring;
+ k, v: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(Key);
+ FillChar(v, SizeOf(v), 0);
+ cef_string_multimap_enumerate(FStringMap, @k, ValueIndex, v);
+ Result := CefString(@v);
+function TCefStringMultimapOwn.GetHandle: TCefStringMultimap;
+ Result := FStringMap;
+function TCefStringMultimapOwn.GetKey(Index: Integer): ustring;
+ str: TCefString;
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_multimap_key(FStringMap, index, str);
+ Result := CefString(@str);
+function TCefStringMultimapOwn.GetSize: Integer;
+ Result := cef_string_multimap_size(FStringMap);
+function TCefStringMultimapOwn.GetValue(Index: Integer): ustring;
+ str: TCefString;
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_multimap_value(FStringMap, index, str);
+ Result := CefString(@str);
+{ TCefDownloadHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefDownloadHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefDownloadHandler));
+ with PCefDownloadHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_before_download := cef_download_handler_on_before_download;
+ on_download_updated := cef_download_handler_on_download_updated;
+ end;
+procedure TCefDownloadHandlerOwn.OnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem; const suggestedName: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+procedure TCefDownloadHandlerOwn.OnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+{ TCefXmlReaderRef }
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.Close: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).close(FData) <> 0;
+class function TCefXmlReaderRef.New(const stream: ICefStreamReader;
+ encodingType: TCefXmlEncodingType; const URI: ustring): ICefXmlReader;
+ u: TCefString;
+ u := CefString(URI);
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_xml_reader_create(CefGetData(stream), encodingType, @u));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetAttributeByIndex(index: Integer): ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_attribute_byindex(FData, index));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetAttributeByLName(const localName,
+ namespaceURI: ustring): ustring;
+ l, n: TCefString;
+ l := CefString(localName);
+ n := CefString(namespaceURI);
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_attribute_bylname(FData, @l, @n));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetAttributeByQName(
+ const qualifiedName: ustring): ustring;
+ q: TCefString;
+ q := CefString(qualifiedName);
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_attribute_byqname(FData, @q));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetAttributeCount: NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).get_attribute_count(FData);
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetBaseUri: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_base_uri(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetDepth: Integer;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).get_depth(FData);
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetError: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_error(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetInnerXml: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_inner_xml(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).get_line_number(FData);
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetLocalName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_local_name(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetNamespaceUri: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_namespace_uri(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetOuterXml: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_outer_xml(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetPrefix: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_prefix(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetQualifiedName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_qualified_name(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetType: TCefXmlNodeType;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).get_type(FData);
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetValue: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_value(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.GetXmlLang: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefXmlReader(FData).get_xml_lang(FData));
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.HasAttributes: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).has_attributes(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.HasError: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).has_error(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.HasValue: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).has_value(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.IsEmptyElement: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).is_empty_element(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.MoveToAttributeByIndex(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).move_to_attribute_byindex(FData, index) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.MoveToAttributeByLName(const localName,
+ namespaceURI: ustring): Boolean;
+ l, n: TCefString;
+ l := CefString(localName);
+ n := CefString(namespaceURI);
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).move_to_attribute_bylname(FData, @l, @n) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.MoveToAttributeByQName(
+ const qualifiedName: ustring): Boolean;
+ q: TCefString;
+ q := CefString(qualifiedName);
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).move_to_attribute_byqname(FData, @q) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.MoveToCarryingElement: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).move_to_carrying_element(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.MoveToFirstAttribute: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).move_to_first_attribute(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.MoveToNextAttribute: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).move_to_next_attribute(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefXmlReaderRef.MoveToNextNode: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefXmlReader(FData).move_to_next_node(FData) <> 0;
+class function TCefXmlReaderRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefXmlReader;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefXmlReader else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefZipReaderRef }
+function TCefZipReaderRef.Close: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).close(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefZipReaderRef.CloseFile: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).close_file(FData) <> 0;
+class function TCefZipReaderRef.New(const stream: ICefStreamReader): ICefZipReader;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_zip_reader_create(CefGetData(stream)));
+function TCefZipReaderRef.Eof: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).eof(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefZipReaderRef.GetFileLastModified: LongInt;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).get_file_last_modified(FData);
+function TCefZipReaderRef.GetFileName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefZipReader(FData).get_file_name(FData));
+function TCefZipReaderRef.GetFileSize: Int64;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).get_file_size(FData);
+function TCefZipReaderRef.MoveToFile(const fileName: ustring;
+ caseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean;
+ f: TCefString;
+ f := CefString(fileName);
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).move_to_file(FData, @f, Ord(caseSensitive)) <> 0;
+function TCefZipReaderRef.MoveToFirstFile: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).move_to_first_file(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefZipReaderRef.MoveToNextFile: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).move_to_next_file(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefZipReaderRef.OpenFile(const password: ustring): Boolean;
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(password);
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).open_file(FData, @p) <> 0;
+function TCefZipReaderRef.ReadFile(buffer: Pointer;
+ bufferSize: NativeUInt): Integer;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).read_file(FData, buffer, buffersize);
+function TCefZipReaderRef.Tell: Int64;
+ Result := PCefZipReader(FData).tell(FData);
+class function TCefZipReaderRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefZipReader;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefZipReader else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefFastTask }
+constructor TCefFastTask.Create(const method: TCefFastTaskProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FMethod := method;
+procedure TCefFastTask.Execute;
+ FMethod();
+class procedure TCefFastTask.New(threadId: TCefThreadId; const method: TCefFastTaskProc);
+ CefPostTask(threadId, Create(method));
+class procedure TCefFastTask.NewDelayed(threadId: TCefThreadId;
+ Delay: Int64; const method: TCefFastTaskProc);
+ CefPostDelayedTask(threadId, Create(method), Delay);
+{ TCefv8ContextRef }
+class function TCefv8ContextRef.Current: ICefv8Context;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8context_get_current_context)
+function TCefv8ContextRef.Enter: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefv8Context(FData)^.enter(PCefv8Context(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefv8ContextRef.Entered: ICefv8Context;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8context_get_entered_context)
+function TCefv8ContextRef.Exit: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefv8Context(FData)^.exit(PCefv8Context(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ContextRef.GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ Result := TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(PCefv8Context(FData)^.get_browser(PCefv8Context(FData)));
+function TCefv8ContextRef.GetFrame: ICefFrame;
+ Result := TCefFrameRef.UnWrap(PCefv8Context(FData)^.get_frame(PCefv8Context(FData)))
+function TCefv8ContextRef.GetGlobal: ICefv8Value;
+ Result := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(PCefv8Context(FData)^.get_global(PCefv8Context(FData)));
+function TCefv8ContextRef.GetTaskRunner: ICefTaskRunner;
+ Result := TCefTaskRunnerRef.UnWrap(PCefv8Context(FData)^.get_task_runner(FData));
+function TCefv8ContextRef.IsSame(const that: ICefv8Context): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefv8Context(FData)^.is_same(PCefv8Context(FData), CefGetData(that)) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ContextRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefv8Context(FData)^.is_valid(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefv8ContextRef.Eval(const code: ustring; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ICefV8Exception): Boolean;
+ c: TCefString;
+ r: PCefv8Value;
+ e: PCefV8Exception;
+ c := CefString(code);
+ r := nil; e := nil;
+ Result := PCefv8Context(FData)^.eval(PCefv8Context(FData), @c, r, e) <> 0;
+ retval := TCefv8ValueRef.UnWrap(r);
+ exception := TCefV8ExceptionRef.UnWrap(e);
+class function TCefv8ContextRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefv8Context;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefv8Context else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDomVisitorOwn }
+constructor TCefDomVisitorOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefDomVisitor));
+ with PCefDomVisitor(FData)^ do
+ visit := cef_dom_visitor_visite;
+procedure TCefDomVisitorOwn.visit(const document: ICefDomDocument);
+{ TCefFastDomVisitor }
+constructor TCefFastDomVisitor.Create(const proc: TCefDomVisitorProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FProc := proc;
+procedure TCefFastDomVisitor.visit(const document: ICefDomDocument);
+ FProc(document);
+{ TCefDomDocumentRef }
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetBaseUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_base_url(PCefDomDocument(FData)))
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetBody: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_body(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetCompleteUrl(const partialURL: ustring): ustring;
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(partialURL);
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_complete_url(PCefDomDocument(FData), @p));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetDocument: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_document(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetElementById(const id: ustring): ICefDomNode;
+ i: TCefString;
+ i := CefString(id);
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_element_by_id(PCefDomDocument(FData), @i));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetFocusedNode: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_focused_node(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetHead: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_head(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetSelectionAsMarkup: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_selection_as_markup(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetSelectionAsText: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_selection_as_text(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetSelectionEndNode: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_selection_end_node(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetSelectionEndOffset: Integer;
+ Result := PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_selection_end_offset(PCefDomDocument(FData));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetSelectionStartNode: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_selection_start_node(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetSelectionStartOffset: Integer;
+ Result := PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_selection_start_offset(PCefDomDocument(FData));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetTitle: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_title(PCefDomDocument(FData)));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.GetType: TCefDomDocumentType;
+ Result := PCefDomDocument(FData)^.get_type(PCefDomDocument(FData));
+function TCefDomDocumentRef.HasSelection: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomDocument(FData)^.has_selection(PCefDomDocument(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefDomDocumentRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDomDocument;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefDomDocument else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDomNodeRef }
+procedure TCefDomNodeRef.AddEventListener(const eventType: ustring;
+ useCapture: Boolean; const listener: ICefDomEventListener);
+ et: TCefString;
+ et := CefString(eventType);
+ PCefDomNode(FData)^.add_event_listener(PCefDomNode(FData), @et, CefGetData(listener), Ord(useCapture));
+procedure TCefDomNodeRef.AddEventListenerProc(const eventType: ustring; useCapture: Boolean;
+ const proc: TCefDomEventListenerProc);
+ AddEventListener(eventType, useCapture, TCefFastDomEventListener.Create(proc) as ICefDomEventListener);
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetAsMarkup: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_as_markup(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetDocument: ICefDomDocument;
+ Result := TCefDomDocumentRef.UnWrap(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_document(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetElementAttribute(const attrName: ustring): ustring;
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(attrName);
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_element_attribute(PCefDomNode(FData), @p));
+procedure TCefDomNodeRef.GetElementAttributes(const attrMap: ICefStringMap);
+ PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_element_attributes(PCefDomNode(FData), attrMap.Handle);
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetElementInnerText: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_element_inner_text(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetElementTagName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_element_tag_name(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetFirstChild: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_first_child(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetFormControlElementType: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_form_control_element_type(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetLastChild: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_last_child(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_name(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetNextSibling: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_next_sibling(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetParent: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_parent(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetPreviousSibling: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_previous_sibling(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetType: TCefDomNodeType;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_type(PCefDomNode(FData));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.GetValue: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomNode(FData)^.get_value(PCefDomNode(FData)));
+function TCefDomNodeRef.HasChildren: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.has_children(PCefDomNode(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.HasElementAttribute(const attrName: ustring): Boolean;
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(attrName);
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.has_element_attribute(PCefDomNode(FData), @p) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.HasElementAttributes: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.has_element_attributes(PCefDomNode(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.IsEditable: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.is_editable(PCefDomNode(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.IsElement: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.is_element(PCefDomNode(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.IsFormControlElement: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.is_form_control_element(PCefDomNode(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.IsSame(const that: ICefDomNode): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.is_same(PCefDomNode(FData), CefGetData(that)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.IsText: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.is_text(PCefDomNode(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.SetElementAttribute(const attrName,
+ value: ustring): Boolean;
+ p1, p2: TCefString;
+ p1 := CefString(attrName);
+ p2 := CefString(value);
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.set_element_attribute(PCefDomNode(FData), @p1, @p2) <> 0;
+function TCefDomNodeRef.SetValue(const value: ustring): Boolean;
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(value);
+ Result := PCefDomNode(FData)^.set_value(PCefDomNode(FData), @p) <> 0;
+class function TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDomNode;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefDomNode else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDomEventListenerOwn }
+constructor TCefDomEventListenerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefDomEventListener));
+ with PCefDomEventListener(FData)^ do
+ handle_event := cef_dom_event_listener_handle_event;
+procedure TCefDomEventListenerOwn.HandleEvent(const event: ICefDomEvent);
+{ TCefDomEventRef }
+function TCefDomEventRef.CanBubble: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomEvent(FData)^.can_bubble(PCefDomEvent(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomEventRef.CanCancel: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDomEvent(FData)^.can_cancel(PCefDomEvent(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDomEventRef.GetCategory: TCefDomEventCategory;
+ Result := PCefDomEvent(FData)^.get_category(PCefDomEvent(FData));
+function TCefDomEventRef.GetCurrentTarget: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomEvent(FData)^.get_current_target(PCefDomEvent(FData)));
+function TCefDomEventRef.GetDocument: ICefDomDocument;
+ Result := TCefDomDocumentRef.UnWrap(PCefDomEvent(FData)^.get_document(PCefDomEvent(FData)));
+function TCefDomEventRef.GetPhase: TCefDomEventPhase;
+ Result := PCefDomEvent(FData)^.get_phase(PCefDomEvent(FData));
+function TCefDomEventRef.GetTarget: ICefDomNode;
+ Result := TCefDomNodeRef.UnWrap(PCefDomEvent(FData)^.get_target(PCefDomEvent(FData)));
+function TCefDomEventRef.GetType: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDomEvent(FData)^.get_type(PCefDomEvent(FData)));
+class function TCefDomEventRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDomEvent;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefDomEvent else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefFastDomEventListener }
+constructor TCefFastDomEventListener.Create(
+ const proc: TCefDomEventListenerProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FProc := proc;
+procedure TCefFastDomEventListener.HandleEvent(const event: ICefDomEvent);
+ inherited;
+ FProc(event);
+{ TCefResponseRef }
+class function TCefResponseRef.New: ICefResponse;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_response_create);
+function TCefResponseRef.GetHeader(const name: ustring): ustring;
+ n: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefResponse(FData)^.get_header(PCefResponse(FData), @n));
+procedure TCefResponseRef.GetHeaderMap(const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ PCefResponse(FData)^.get_header_map(PCefResponse(FData), headermap.Handle);
+function TCefResponseRef.GetMimeType: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefResponse(FData)^.get_mime_type(PCefResponse(FData)));
+function TCefResponseRef.GetStatus: Integer;
+ Result := PCefResponse(FData)^.get_status(PCefResponse(FData));
+function TCefResponseRef.GetStatusText: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefResponse(FData)^.get_status_text(PCefResponse(FData)));
+function TCefResponseRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefResponse(FData)^.is_read_only(PCefResponse(FData)) <> 0;
+procedure TCefResponseRef.SetHeaderMap(const headerMap: ICefStringMultimap);
+ PCefResponse(FData)^.set_header_map(PCefResponse(FData), headerMap.Handle);
+procedure TCefResponseRef.SetMimeType(const mimetype: ustring);
+ txt: TCefString;
+ txt := CefString(mimetype);
+ PCefResponse(FData)^.set_mime_type(PCefResponse(FData), @txt);
+procedure TCefResponseRef.SetStatus(status: Integer);
+ PCefResponse(FData)^.set_status(PCefResponse(FData), status);
+procedure TCefResponseRef.SetStatusText(const StatusText: ustring);
+ txt: TCefString;
+ txt := CefString(StatusText);
+ PCefResponse(FData)^.set_status_text(PCefResponse(FData), @txt);
+class function TCefResponseRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefResponse;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefResponse else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefRTTIExtension }
+constructor TCefRTTIExtension.Create(const value: TValue
+; SyncMainThread: Boolean
+ inherited Create;
+ FCtx := TRttiContext.Create;
+ FSyncMainThread := SyncMainThread;
+ FValue := value;
+destructor TCefRTTIExtension.Destroy;
+ FCtx.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TCefRTTIExtension.GetValue(pi: PTypeInfo; const v: ICefv8Value; var ret: TValue): Boolean;
+ function ProcessInt: Boolean;
+ var
+ sv: record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (ub: Byte);
+ 1: (sb: ShortInt);
+ 2: (uw: Word);
+ 3: (sw: SmallInt);
+ 4: (si: Integer);
+ 5: (ui: Cardinal);
+ end;
+ pd: PTypeData;
+ begin
+ pd := GetTypeData(pi);
+ if (v.IsInt or v.IsBool) and (v.GetIntValue >= pd.MinValue) and (v.GetIntValue <= pd.MaxValue) then
+ begin
+ case pd.OrdType of
+ otSByte: sv.sb := v.GetIntValue;
+ otUByte: sv.ub := v.GetIntValue;
+ otSWord: sv.sw := v.GetIntValue;
+ otUWord: sv.uw := v.GetIntValue;
+ otSLong: sv.si := v.GetIntValue;
+ otULong: sv.ui := v.GetIntValue;
+ end;
+ TValue.Make(@sv, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessInt64: Boolean;
+ var
+ i: Int64;
+ begin
+ i := StrToInt64(v.GetStringValue); // hack
+ TValue.Make(@i, pi, ret);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessUString: Boolean;
+ var
+ vus: string;
+ begin
+ if v.IsString then
+ begin
+ vus := v.GetStringValue;
+ TValue.Make(@vus, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessLString: Boolean;
+ var
+ vas: AnsiString;
+ begin
+ if v.IsString then
+ begin
+ vas := AnsiString(v.GetStringValue);
+ TValue.Make(@vas, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessWString: Boolean;
+ var
+ vws: WideString;
+ begin
+ if v.IsString then
+ begin
+ vws := v.GetStringValue;
+ TValue.Make(@vws, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessFloat: Boolean;
+ var
+ sv: record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (fs: Single);
+ 1: (fd: Double);
+ 2: (fe: Extended);
+ 3: (fc: Comp);
+ 4: (fcu: Currency);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if v.IsDouble or v.IsInt then
+ begin
+ case GetTypeData(pi).FloatType of
+ ftSingle: sv.fs := v.GetDoubleValue;
+ ftDouble: sv.fd := v.GetDoubleValue;
+ ftExtended: sv.fe := v.GetDoubleValue;
+ ftComp: sv.fc := v.GetDoubleValue;
+ ftCurr: sv.fcu := v.GetDoubleValue;
+ end;
+ TValue.Make(@sv, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ if v.IsDate then
+ begin
+ sv.fd := v.GetDateValue;
+ TValue.Make(@sv, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessSet: Boolean;
+ var
+ sv: record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (ub: Byte);
+ 1: (sb: ShortInt);
+ 2: (uw: Word);
+ 3: (sw: SmallInt);
+ 4: (si: Integer);
+ 5: (ui: Cardinal);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if v.IsInt then
+ begin
+ case GetTypeData(pi).OrdType of
+ otSByte: sv.sb := v.GetIntValue;
+ otUByte: sv.ub := v.GetIntValue;
+ otSWord: sv.sw := v.GetIntValue;
+ otUWord: sv.uw := v.GetIntValue;
+ otSLong: sv.si := v.GetIntValue;
+ otULong: sv.ui := v.GetIntValue;
+ end;
+ TValue.Make(@sv, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessVariant: Boolean;
+ var
+ vr: Variant;
+ i: Integer;
+ vl: TValue;
+ begin
+ VarClear(vr);
+ if v.IsString then vr := v.GetStringValue else
+ if v.IsBool then vr := v.GetBoolValue else
+ if v.IsInt then vr := v.GetIntValue else
+ if v.IsDouble then vr := v.GetDoubleValue else
+ if v.IsUndefined then TVarData(vr).VType := varEmpty else
+ if v.IsNull then TVarData(vr).VType := varNull else
+ if v.IsArray then
+ begin
+ vr := VarArrayCreate([0, v.GetArrayLength], varVariant);
+ for i := 0 to v.GetArrayLength - 1 do
+ begin
+ if not GetValue(pi, v.GetValueByIndex(i), vl) then Exit(False);
+ VarArrayPut(vr, vl.AsVariant, i);
+ end;
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ TValue.Make(@vr, pi, ret);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessObject: Boolean;
+ var
+ ud: ICefv8Value;
+ i: Pointer;
+ td: PTypeData;
+ rt: TRttiType;
+ begin
+ if v.IsObject then
+ begin
+ ud := v.GetUserData;
+ if (ud = nil) then Exit(False);
+ rt := StrToPtr(ud.GetValueByIndex(0).GetStringValue);
+ rt := TRttiType(ud.GetValueByIndex(0).GetIntValue);
+ td := GetTypeData(rt.Handle);
+ if (rt.TypeKind = tkClass) and td.ClassType.InheritsFrom(GetTypeData(pi).ClassType) then
+ begin
+ i := StrToPtr(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetStringValue);
+ i := Pointer(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetIntValue);
+ TValue.Make(@i, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessClass: Boolean;
+ var
+ ud: ICefv8Value;
+ i: Pointer;
+ rt: TRttiType;
+ begin
+ if v.IsObject then
+ begin
+ ud := v.GetUserData;
+ if (ud = nil) then Exit(False);
+ rt := StrToPtr(ud.GetValueByIndex(0).GetStringValue);
+ rt := TRttiType(ud.GetValueByIndex(0).GetIntValue);
+ if (rt.TypeKind = tkClassRef) then
+ begin
+ i := StrToPtr(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetStringValue);
+ i := Pointer(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetIntValue);
+ TValue.Make(@i, pi, ret);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessRecord: Boolean;
+ var
+ r: TRttiField;
+ f: TValue;
+ rec: Pointer;
+ begin
+ if v.IsObject then
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, pi, ret);
+ rec := TValueData(ret).FValueData.GetReferenceToRawData;
+ rec := IValueData(TValueData(ret).FHeapData).GetReferenceToRawData;
+ for r in FCtx.GetType(pi).GetFields do
+ begin
+ if not GetValue(r.FieldType.Handle, v.GetValueByKey(r.Name), f) then
+ Exit(False);
+ r.SetValue(rec, f);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ function ProcessInterface: Boolean;
+ begin
+ if pi = TypeInfo(ICefV8Value) then
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(@v, pi, ret);
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False; // todo
+ end;
+ case pi.Kind of
+ tkInteger, tkEnumeration: Result := ProcessInt;
+ tkInt64: Result := ProcessInt64;
+ tkUString: Result := ProcessUString;
+ tkLString: Result := ProcessLString;
+ tkWString: Result := ProcessWString;
+ tkFloat: Result := ProcessFloat;
+ tkSet: Result := ProcessSet;
+ tkVariant: Result := ProcessVariant;
+ tkClass: Result := ProcessObject;
+ tkClassRef: Result := ProcessClass;
+ tkRecord: Result := ProcessRecord;
+ tkInterface: Result := ProcessInterface;
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+function TCefRTTIExtension.SetValue(const v: TValue; var ret: ICefv8Value): Boolean;
+ function ProcessRecord: Boolean;
+ var
+ rf: TRttiField;
+ vl: TValue;
+ ud, v8: ICefv8Value;
+ rec: Pointer;
+ rt: TRttiType;
+ begin
+ ud := TCefv8ValueRef.NewArray(1);
+ rt := FCtx.GetType(v.TypeInfo);
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(PtrToStr(rt)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(Integer(rt)));
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewObject(nil);
+ ret.SetUserData(ud);
+ rec := TValueData(v).FValueData.GetReferenceToRawData;
+ rec := IValueData(TValueData(v).FHeapData).GetReferenceToRawData;
+ if FSyncMainThread then
+ begin
+ v8 := ret;
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure
+ var
+ rf: TRttiField;
+ o: ICefv8Value;
+ begin
+ for rf in rt.GetFields do
+ begin
+ vl := rf.GetValue(rec);
+ SetValue(vl, o);
+ v8.SetValueByKey(rf.Name, o, []);
+ end;
+ end)
+ end else
+ for rf in FCtx.GetType(v.TypeInfo).GetFields do
+ begin
+ vl := rf.GetValue(rec);
+ if not SetValue(vl, v8) then
+ Exit(False);
+ ret.SetValueByKey(rf.Name, v8, []);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessObject: Boolean;
+ var
+ m: TRttiMethod;
+ p: TRttiProperty;
+ fl: TRttiField;
+ f: ICefv8Value;
+ _r, _g, _s, ud: ICefv8Value;
+ _a: TCefv8ValueArray;
+ rt: TRttiType;
+ begin
+ rt := FCtx.GetType(v.TypeInfo);
+ ud := TCefv8ValueRef.NewArray(2);
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(PtrToStr(rt)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(1, TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(PtrToStr(v.AsObject)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(Integer(rt)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(1, TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(Integer(v.AsObject)));
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewObject(nil); // todo
+ ret.SetUserData(ud);
+ for m in rt.GetMethods do
+ if m.Visibility > mvProtected then
+ begin
+ f := TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction(m.Name, Self);
+ ret.SetValueByKey(m.Name, f, []);
+ end;
+ for p in rt.GetProperties do
+ if (p.Visibility > mvProtected) then
+ begin
+ if _g = nil then _g := ret.GetValueByKey('__defineGetter__');
+ if _s = nil then _s := ret.GetValueByKey('__defineSetter__');
+ SetLength(_a, 2);
+ _a[0] := TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(p.Name);
+ if p.IsReadable then
+ begin
+ _a[1] := TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction('$pg' + p.Name, Self);
+ _r := _g.ExecuteFunction(ret, _a);
+ end;
+ if p.IsWritable then
+ begin
+ _a[1] := TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction('$ps' + p.Name, Self);
+ _r := _s.ExecuteFunction(ret, _a);
+ end;
+ end;
+ for fl in rt.GetFields do
+ if (fl.Visibility > mvProtected) then
+ begin
+ if _g = nil then _g := ret.GetValueByKey('__defineGetter__');
+ if _s = nil then _s := ret.GetValueByKey('__defineSetter__');
+ SetLength(_a, 2);
+ _a[0] := TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(fl.Name);
+ _a[1] := TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction('$vg' + fl.Name, Self);
+ _r := _g.ExecuteFunction(ret, _a);
+ _a[1] := TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction('$vs' + fl.Name, Self);
+ _r := _s.ExecuteFunction(ret, _a);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessClass: Boolean;
+ var
+ m: TRttiMethod;
+ f, ud: ICefv8Value;
+ c: TClass;
+ rt: TRttiType;
+ begin
+ c := v.AsClass;
+ rt := FCtx.GetType(c);
+ ud := TCefv8ValueRef.NewArray(2);
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(PtrToStr(rt)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(1, TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(PtrToStr(c)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(Integer(rt)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(1, TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(Integer(c)));
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewObject(nil); // todo
+ ret.SetUserData(ud);
+ if c <> nil then
+ begin
+ for m in rt.GetMethods do
+ if (m.Visibility > mvProtected) and (m.MethodKind in [mkClassProcedure, mkClassFunction]) then
+ begin
+ f := TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction(m.Name, Self);
+ ret.SetValueByKey(m.Name, f, []);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessVariant: Boolean;
+ var
+ vr: Variant;
+ begin
+ vr := v.AsVariant;
+ case TVarData(vr).VType of
+ varSmallint, varInteger, varShortInt:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(vr);
+ varByte, varWord, varLongWord:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewUInt(vr);
+ varUString, varOleStr, varString:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(vr);
+ varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency, varUInt64, varInt64:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewDouble(vr);
+ varBoolean:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewBool(vr);
+ varNull:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewNull;
+ varEmpty:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewUndefined;
+ else
+ ret := nil;
+ Exit(False)
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessInterface: Boolean;
+ var
+ m: TRttiMethod;
+ f: ICefv8Value;
+ ud: ICefv8Value;
+ rt: TRttiType;
+ begin
+ rt := FCtx.GetType(v.TypeInfo);
+ ud := TCefv8ValueRef.NewArray(2);
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(PtrToStr(rt)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(1, TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(PtrToStr(Pointer(v.AsInterface))));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(0, TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(Integer(rt)));
+ ud.SetValueByIndex(1, TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(Integer(v.AsInterface)));
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewObject(nil);
+ ret.SetUserData(ud);
+ for m in rt.GetMethods do
+ if m.Visibility > mvProtected then
+ begin
+ f := TCefv8ValueRef.NewFunction(m.Name, Self);
+ ret.SetValueByKey(m.Name, f, []);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ function ProcessFloat: Boolean;
+ begin
+ if v.TypeInfo = TypeInfo(TDateTime) then
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewDate(TValueData(v).FAsDouble) else
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewDouble(v.AsExtended);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ case v.TypeInfo.Kind of
+ tkUString, tkLString, tkWString, tkChar, tkWChar:
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewString(v.AsString);
+ tkInteger: ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(v.AsInteger);
+ tkEnumeration:
+ if v.TypeInfo = TypeInfo(Boolean) then
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewBool(v.AsBoolean) else
+ ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewInt(TValueData(v).FAsSLong);
+ tkFloat: if not ProcessFloat then Exit(False);
+ tkInt64: ret := TCefv8ValueRef.NewDouble(v.AsInt64);
+ tkClass: if not ProcessObject then Exit(False);
+ tkClassRef: if not ProcessClass then Exit(False);
+ tkRecord: if not ProcessRecord then Exit(False);
+ tkVariant: if not ProcessVariant then Exit(False);
+ tkInterface: if not ProcessInterface then Exit(False);
+ else
+ Exit(False)
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+class procedure TCefRTTIExtension.Register(const name: string;
+ const value: TValue{$IFDEF CEF_MULTI_THREADED_MESSAGE_LOOP}; SyncMainThread: Boolean{$ENDIF});
+ CefRegisterExtension(name,
+ format('__defineSetter__(''%s'', function(v){native function $s();$s(v)});__defineGetter__(''%0:s'', function(){native function $g();return $g()});', [name]),
+ TCefRTTIExtension.Create(value
+ , SyncMainThread
+ ) as ICefv8Handler);
+class function TCefRTTIExtension.StrToPtr(const str: ustring): Pointer;
+ HexToBin(PWideChar(str), @Result, SizeOf(Result));
+class function TCefRTTIExtension.PtrToStr(p: Pointer): ustring;
+ SetLength(Result, SizeOf(p)*2);
+ BinToHex(@p, PWideChar(Result), SizeOf(p));
+function TCefRTTIExtension.Execute(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ const arguments: TCefv8ValueArray; var retval: ICefv8Value;
+ var exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ p: PChar;
+ ud: ICefv8Value;
+ rt: TRttiType;
+ val: TObject;
+ cls: TClass;
+ m: TRttiMethod;
+ pr: TRttiProperty;
+ vl: TRttiField;
+ args: array of TValue;
+ prm: TArray;
+ i: Integer;
+ ret: TValue;
+ Result := True;
+ p := PChar(name);
+ m := nil;
+ if obj <> nil then
+ begin
+ ud := obj.GetUserData;
+ if ud <> nil then
+ begin
+ rt := StrToPtr(ud.GetValueByIndex(0).GetStringValue);
+ rt := TRttiType(ud.GetValueByIndex(0).GetIntValue);
+ case rt.TypeKind of
+ tkClass:
+ begin
+ val := StrToPtr(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetStringValue);
+ val := TObject(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetIntValue);
+ cls := GetTypeData(rt.Handle).ClassType;
+ if p^ = '$' then
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ case p^ of
+ 'p':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ case p^ of
+ 'g':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ pr := rt.GetProperty(p);
+ if FSyncMainThread then
+ begin
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin
+ ret := pr.GetValue(val);
+ end);
+ Exit(SetValue(ret, retval));
+ end else
+ Exit(SetValue(pr.GetValue(val), retval));
+ end;
+ 's':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ pr := rt.GetProperty(p);
+ if GetValue(pr.PropertyType.Handle, arguments[0], ret) then
+ begin
+ if FSyncMainThread then
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin
+ pr.SetValue(val, ret) end) else
+ pr.SetValue(val, ret);
+ Exit(True);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'v':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ case p^ of
+ 'g':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ vl := rt.GetField(p);
+ if FSyncMainThread then
+ begin
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin
+ ret := vl.GetValue(val);
+ end);
+ Exit(SetValue(ret, retval));
+ end else
+ Exit(SetValue(vl.GetValue(val), retval));
+ end;
+ 's':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ vl := rt.GetField(p);
+ if GetValue(vl.FieldType.Handle, arguments[0], ret) then
+ begin
+ if FSyncMainThread then
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin
+ vl.SetValue(val, ret) end) else
+ vl.SetValue(val, ret);
+ Exit(True);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ m := rt.GetMethod(name);
+ end;
+ tkClassRef:
+ begin
+ val := nil;
+ cls := StrToPtr(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetStringValue);
+ cls := TClass(ud.GetValueByIndex(1).GetIntValue);
+ m := FCtx.GetType(cls).GetMethod(name);
+ end;
+ else
+ m := nil;
+ cls := nil;
+ val := nil;
+ end;
+ prm := m.GetParameters;
+ i := Length(prm);
+ if i = Length(arguments) then
+ begin
+ SetLength(args, i);
+ for i := 0 to i - 1 do
+ if not GetValue(prm[i].ParamType.Handle, arguments[i], args[i]) then
+ Exit(False);
+ case m.MethodKind of
+ mkClassProcedure, mkClassFunction:
+ if FSyncMainThread then
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin
+ ret := m.Invoke(cls, args) end) else
+ ret := m.Invoke(cls, args);
+ mkProcedure, mkFunction:
+ if (val <> nil) then
+ begin
+ if FSyncMainThread then
+ TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin
+ ret := m.Invoke(val, args) end) else
+ ret := m.Invoke(val, args);
+ end else
+ Exit(False)
+ else
+ Exit(False);
+ end;
+ if m.MethodKind in [mkClassFunction, mkFunction] then
+ if not SetValue(ret, retval) then
+ Exit(False);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ end else
+ if p^ = '$' then
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ case p^ of
+ 'g': SetValue(FValue, retval);
+ 's': GetValue(FValue.TypeInfo, arguments[0], FValue);
+ else
+ Exit(False);
+ end;
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+ end else
+ Exit(False);
+{ TCefV8AccessorOwn }
+constructor TCefV8AccessorOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefV8Accessor));
+ PCefV8Accessor(FData)^.get := cef_v8_accessor_get;
+ PCefV8Accessor(FData)^.put := cef_v8_accessor_put;
+function TCefV8AccessorOwn.Get(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ out value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefV8AccessorOwn.Put(const name: ustring; const obj,
+ value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefFastV8Accessor }
+constructor TCefFastV8Accessor.Create(
+ const getter: TCefV8AccessorGetterProc;
+ const setter: TCefV8AccessorSetterProc);
+ FGetter := getter;
+ FSetter := setter;
+function TCefFastV8Accessor.Get(const name: ustring; const obj: ICefv8Value;
+ out value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ if Assigned(FGetter) then
+ Result := FGetter(name, obj, value, exception) else
+ Result := False;
+function TCefFastV8Accessor.Put(const name: ustring; const obj,
+ value: ICefv8Value; const exception: ustring): Boolean;
+ if Assigned(FSetter) then
+ Result := FSetter(name, obj, value, exception) else
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefCookieVisitorOwn }
+constructor TCefCookieVisitorOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefCookieVisitor));
+ PCefCookieVisitor(FData)^.visit := cef_cookie_visitor_visit;
+function TCefCookieVisitorOwn.visit(const name, value, domain, path: ustring;
+ secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess, expires: TDateTime;
+ count, total: Integer; out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := True;
+{ TCefFastCookieVisitor }
+constructor TCefFastCookieVisitor.Create(const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FVisitor := visitor;
+function TCefFastCookieVisitor.visit(const name, value, domain, path: ustring;
+ secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess,
+ expires: TDateTime; count, total: Integer; out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := FVisitor(name, value, domain, path, secure, httponly, hasExpires,
+ creation, lastAccess, expires, count, total, deleteCookie);
+{ TCefClientOwn }
+constructor TCefClientOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefClient));
+ with PCefClient(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ get_context_menu_handler := cef_client_get_context_menu_handler;
+ get_dialog_handler := cef_client_get_dialog_handler;
+ get_display_handler := cef_client_get_display_handler;
+ get_download_handler := cef_client_get_download_handler;
+ get_drag_handler := cef_client_get_drag_handler;
+ get_focus_handler := cef_client_get_focus_handler;
+ get_geolocation_handler := cef_client_get_geolocation_handler;
+ get_jsdialog_handler := cef_client_get_jsdialog_handler;
+ get_keyboard_handler := cef_client_get_keyboard_handler;
+ get_life_span_handler := cef_client_get_life_span_handler;
+ get_load_handler := cef_client_get_load_handler;
+ get_render_handler := cef_client_get_get_render_handler;
+ get_request_handler := cef_client_get_request_handler;
+ on_process_message_received := cef_client_on_process_message_received;
+ end;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetContextMenuHandler: ICefContextMenuHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetDialogHandler: ICefDialogHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetDisplayHandler: ICefDisplayHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetDownloadHandler: ICefDownloadHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetDragHandler: ICefDragHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetFocusHandler: ICefFocusHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetGeolocationHandler: ICefGeolocationHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetJsdialogHandler: ICefJsDialogHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetKeyboardHandler: ICefKeyboardHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetLifeSpanHandler: ICefLifeSpanHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetRenderHandler: ICefRenderHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.GetRequestHandler: ICefRequestHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefClientOwn.OnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn.Create;
inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefGeolocationHandler));
+ with PCefGeolocationHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_request_geolocation_permission := cef_geolocation_handler_on_request_geolocation_permission;
+ on_cancel_geolocation_permission := cef_geolocation_handler_on_cancel_geolocation_permission;
+ end;
procedure TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn.OnRequestGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer;
+ const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback);
+procedure TCefGeolocationHandlerOwn.OnCancelGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer);
+{ TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefLifeSpanHandler));
+ with PCefLifeSpanHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_before_popup := @cef_life_span_handler_on_before_popup;
+ on_after_created := @cef_life_span_handler_on_after_created;
+ on_before_close := @cef_life_span_handler_on_before_close;
+ run_modal := @cef_life_span_handler_run_modal;
+ do_close := @cef_life_span_handler_do_close;
+ end;
+procedure TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn.OnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+procedure TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn.OnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+function TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn.OnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn.DoClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefLifeSpanHandlerOwn.RunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefLoadHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefLoadHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefLoadHandler));
+ with PCefLoadHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_loading_state_change := cef_load_handler_on_loading_state_change;
+ on_load_start := cef_load_handler_on_load_start;
+ on_load_end := cef_load_handler_on_load_end;
+ on_load_error := cef_load_handler_on_load_error;
+ end;
+procedure TCefLoadHandlerOwn.OnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer);
+procedure TCefLoadHandlerOwn.OnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer; const errorText, failedUrl: ustring);
+procedure TCefLoadHandlerOwn.OnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+procedure TCefLoadHandlerOwn.OnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame);
+{ TCefRequestHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefRequestHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefRequestHandler));
+ with PCefRequestHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_before_browse := cef_request_handler_on_before_browse;
+ on_before_resource_load := cef_request_handler_on_before_resource_load;
+ get_resource_handler := cef_request_handler_get_resource_handler;
+ on_resource_redirect := cef_request_handler_on_resource_redirect;
+ get_auth_credentials := cef_request_handler_get_auth_credentials;
+ on_quota_request := cef_request_handler_on_quota_request;
+ on_protocol_execution := cef_request_handler_on_protocol_execution;
+ on_certificate_error := cef_request_handler_on_certificate_error;
+ on_before_plugin_load := cef_request_handler_on_before_plugin_load;
+ on_plugin_crashed := cef_request_handler_on_plugin_crashed;
+ on_render_process_terminated := cef_request_handler_on_render_process_terminated;
+ end;
+function TCefRequestHandlerOwn.GetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest;
+ isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url, policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnCertificateError(certError: TCefErrorCode;
+ const requestUrl: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRequestHandlerOwn.GetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const pluginPath: ustring);
+procedure TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean);
+function TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl: ustring; newSize: Int64;
+ const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnRenderProcessTerminated(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus);
+procedure TCefRequestHandlerOwn.OnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring);
+{ TCefDisplayHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefDisplayHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefDisplayHandler));
+ with PCefDisplayHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_address_change := cef_display_handler_on_address_change;
+ on_title_change := cef_display_handler_on_title_change;
+ on_tooltip := cef_display_handler_on_tooltip;
+ on_status_message := cef_display_handler_on_status_message;
+ on_console_message := cef_display_handler_on_console_message;
+ end;
+procedure TCefDisplayHandlerOwn.OnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+function TCefDisplayHandlerOwn.OnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefDisplayHandlerOwn.OnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const value: ustring);
+procedure TCefDisplayHandlerOwn.OnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const title: ustring);
+function TCefDisplayHandlerOwn.OnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ var text: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefFocusHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefFocusHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefFocusHandler));
+ with PCefFocusHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_take_focus := cef_focus_handler_on_take_focus;
+ on_set_focus := cef_focus_handler_on_set_focus;
+ on_got_focus := cef_focus_handler_on_got_focus;
+ end;
+function TCefFocusHandlerOwn.OnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefFocusHandlerOwn.OnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+procedure TCefFocusHandlerOwn.OnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ next: Boolean);
+{ TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefKeyboardHandler));
+ with PCefKeyboardHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_pre_key_event := cef_keyboard_handler_on_pre_key_event;
+ on_key_event := cef_keyboard_handler_on_key_event;
+ end;
+function TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn.OnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle;
+ out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefKeyboardHandlerOwn.OnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean;
Result := False;
+{ TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefJsDialogHandler));
+ with PCefJsDialogHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_jsdialog := cef_jsdialog_handler_on_jsdialog;
+ on_before_unload_dialog := cef_jsdialog_handler_on_before_unload_dialog;
+ on_reset_dialog_state := cef_jsdialog_handler_on_reset_dialog_state;
+ on_dialog_closed := cef_jsdialog_handler_on_dialog_closed;
+ end;
+function TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn.OnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring; dialogType: TCefJsDialogType;
+ const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring; callback: ICefJsDialogCallback;
+ out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn.OnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean; const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean;
Result := False;
+procedure TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn.OnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+procedure TCefJsDialogHandlerOwn.OnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+{ TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefContextMenuHandler));
+ with PCefContextMenuHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_before_context_menu := cef_context_menu_handler_on_before_context_menu;
+ on_context_menu_command := cef_context_menu_handler_on_context_menu_command;
+ on_context_menu_dismissed := cef_context_menu_handler_on_context_menu_dismissed;
+ end;
+procedure TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn.OnBeforeContextMenu(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel);
+function TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn.OnContextMenuCommand(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefContextMenuHandlerOwn.OnContextMenuDismissed(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame);
+{ TCefV8ExceptionRef }
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetEndColumn: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_end_column(FData);
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetEndPosition: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_end_position(FData);
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_line_number(FData);
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetMessage: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_message(FData));
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetScriptResourceName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_script_resource_name(FData));
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetSourceLine: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_source_line(FData));
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetStartColumn: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_start_column(FData);
+function TCefV8ExceptionRef.GetStartPosition: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8Exception(FData)^.get_start_position(FData);
+class function TCefV8ExceptionRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefV8Exception;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefV8Exception else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefResourceBundleHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefResourceBundleHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefResourceBundleHandler));
+ with PCefResourceBundleHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ get_localized_string := cef_resource_bundle_handler_get_localized_string;
+ get_data_resource := cef_resource_bundle_handler_get_data_resource;
+ end;
+{ TCefFastResourceBundle }
+constructor TCefFastResourceBundle.Create(AGetDataResource: TGetDataResource;
+ AGetLocalizedString: TGetLocalizedString);
+ inherited Create;
+ FGetDataResource := AGetDataResource;
+ FGetLocalizedString := AGetLocalizedString;
+function TCefFastResourceBundle.GetDataResource(resourceId: Integer;
+ out data: Pointer; out dataSize: NativeUInt): Boolean;
+ if Assigned(FGetDataResource) then
+ Result := FGetDataResource(resourceId, data, dataSize) else
+ Result := False;
+function TCefFastResourceBundle.GetLocalizedString(messageId: Integer;
+ out stringVal: ustring): Boolean;
+ if Assigned(FGetLocalizedString) then
+ Result := FGetLocalizedString(messageId, stringVal) else
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefAppOwn }
+constructor TCefAppOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefApp));
+ with PCefApp(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_before_command_line_processing := cef_app_on_before_command_line_processing;
+ on_register_custom_schemes := cef_app_on_register_custom_schemes;
+ get_resource_bundle_handler := cef_app_get_resource_bundle_handler;
+ get_browser_process_handler := cef_app_get_browser_process_handler;
+ get_render_process_handler := cef_app_get_render_process_handler;
+ end;
+{ TCefCookieManagerRef }
+class function TCefCookieManagerRef.New(const path: ustring;
+ persistSessionCookies: Boolean): ICefCookieManager2;
+ pth: TCefString;
+ pth := CefString(path);
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_cookie_manager_create_manager(@pth, Ord(persistSessionCookies)));
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.DeleteCookies(const url,
+ cookieName: ustring): Boolean;
+ u, n: TCefString;
+ u := CefString(url);
+ n := CefString(cookieName);
+ Result := PCefCookieManager(FData).delete_cookies(
+ PCefCookieManager(FData), @u, @n) <> 0;
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.FlushStore(
+ const handler: ICefCompletionHandler): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefCookieManager(FData).flush_store(PCefCookieManager(FData),
+ CefGetData(handler)) <> 0;
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.FlushStoreProc(
+ const proc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc): Boolean;
+ Result := FlushStore(TCefFastCompletionHandler.Create(proc))
+class function TCefCookieManagerRef.Global: ICefCookieManager2;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_cookie_manager_get_global_manager());
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.SetCookie(const url, name, value, domain,
+ path: ustring; secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation,
+ lastAccess, expires: TDateTime): Boolean;
+ str: TCefString;
+ cook: TCefCookie;
+ str := CefString(url);
+ cook.name := CefString(name);
+ cook.value := CefString(value);
+ cook.domain := CefString(domain);
+ cook.path := CefString(path);
+ cook.secure := secure;
+ cook.httponly := httponly;
+ cook.creation := DateTimeToCefTime(creation);
+ cook.last_access := DateTimeToCefTime(lastAccess);
+ cook.has_expires := hasExpires;
+ if hasExpires then
+ cook.expires := DateTimeToCefTime(expires) else
+ FillChar(cook.expires, SizeOf(TCefTime), 0);
+ Result := PCefCookieManager(FData).set_cookie(
+ PCefCookieManager(FData), @str, @cook) <> 0;
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.SetStoragePath(const path: ustring; persistSessionCookies: Boolean): Boolean;
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(path);
+ Result := PCefCookieManager(FData)^.set_storage_path(
+ PCefCookieManager(FData), @p, Ord(persistSessionCookies)) <> 0;
+procedure TCefCookieManagerRef.SetSupportedSchemes(schemes: TStrings);
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ item: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc();
+ try
+ if (schemes <> nil) then
+ for i := 0 to schemes.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ item := CefString(schemes[i]);
+ cef_string_list_append(list, @item);
+ end;
+ PCefCookieManager(FData).set_supported_schemes(
+ PCefCookieManager(FData), list);
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+class function TCefCookieManagerRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCookieManager2;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefCookieManager2 else
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.VisitAllCookies(
+ const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefCookieManager(FData).visit_all_cookies(
+ PCefCookieManager(FData), CefGetData(visitor)) <> 0;
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.VisitAllCookiesProc(
+ const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc): Boolean;
+ Result := VisitAllCookies(
+ TCefFastCookieVisitor.Create(visitor) as ICefCookieVisitor);
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.VisitUrlCookies(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ str: TCefString;
+ str := CefString(url);
+ Result := PCefCookieManager(FData).visit_url_cookies(PCefCookieManager(FData), @str, Ord(includeHttpOnly), CefGetData(visitor)) <> 0;
+function TCefCookieManagerRef.VisitUrlCookiesProc(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: TCefCookieVisitorProc): Boolean;
+ Result := VisitUrlCookies(url, includeHttpOnly,
+ TCefFastCookieVisitor.Create(visitor) as ICefCookieVisitor);
+{ TCefWebPluginInfoRef }
+function TCefWebPluginInfoRef.GetDescription: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)^.get_description(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)));
+function TCefWebPluginInfoRef.GetName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)^.get_name(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)));
+function TCefWebPluginInfoRef.GetPath: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)^.get_path(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)));
+function TCefWebPluginInfoRef.GetVersion: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)^.get_version(PCefWebPluginInfo(FData)));
+class function TCefWebPluginInfoRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefWebPluginInfo;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefWebPluginInfo else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefBrowserHostRef }
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.Find(identifier: Integer;
+ const searchText: ustring; forward, matchCase, findNext: Boolean);
+ st: TCefString;
+ st := CefString(searchText);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).find(FData, Ord(identifier), @st, Ord(forward), Ord(matchCase), Ord(findNext));
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.GetBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ Result := TCefBrowserRef.UnWrap(PCefBrowserHost(FData).get_browser(PCefBrowserHost(FData)));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.ParentWindowWillClose;
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).parent_window_will_close(PCefBrowserHost(FData));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.Print;
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).print(FData);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.RunFileDialog(mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, defaultFileName: ustring; acceptTypes: TStrings;
+ const callback: ICefRunFileDialogCallback);
+ t, f: TCefString;
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ item: TCefString;
+ i: Integer;
+ t := CefString(title);
+ f := CefString(defaultFileName);
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc();
+ try
+ for i := 0 to acceptTypes.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ item := CefString(acceptTypes[i]);
+ cef_string_list_append(list, @item);
+ end;
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).run_file_dialog(PCefBrowserHost(FData), mode, @t, @f,
+ list, CefGetData(callback));
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.RunFileDialogProc(mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, defaultFileName: ustring; acceptTypes: TStrings;
+ const callback: TCefRunFileDialogCallbackProc);
+ RunFileDialog(mode, title, defaultFileName, acceptTypes,
+ TCefFastRunFileDialogCallback.Create(callback));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.CloseBrowser(forceClose: Boolean);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).close_browser(PCefBrowserHost(FData), Ord(forceClose));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SendCaptureLostEvent;
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).send_capture_lost_event(FData);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SendFocusEvent(setFocus: Boolean);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).send_focus_event(FData, Ord(setFocus));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SendKeyEvent(const event: PCefKeyEvent);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).send_key_event(FData, event);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SendMouseClickEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent;
+ kind: TCefMouseButtonType; mouseUp: Boolean; clickCount: Integer);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).send_mouse_click_event(FData, event, kind, Ord(mouseUp), clickCount);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SendMouseMoveEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent;
+ mouseLeave: Boolean);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).send_mouse_move_event(FData, event, Ord(mouseLeave));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SendMouseWheelEvent(const event: PCefMouseEvent;
+ deltaX, deltaY: Integer);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).send_mouse_wheel_event(FData, event, deltaX, deltaY);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SetFocus(enable: Boolean);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).set_focus(PCefBrowserHost(FData), Ord(enable));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SetMouseCursorChangeDisabled(disabled: Boolean);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).set_mouse_cursor_change_disabled(PCefBrowserHost(FData), Ord(disabled));
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.GetWindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle;
+ Result := PCefBrowserHost(FData).get_window_handle(PCefBrowserHost(FData))
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.GetOpenerWindowHandle: TCefWindowHandle;
+ Result := PCefBrowserHost(FData).get_opener_window_handle(PCefBrowserHost(FData));
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.GetRequestContext: ICefRequestContext;
+ Result := TCefRequestContextRef.UnWrap(PCefBrowserHost(FData).get_request_context(PCefBrowserHost(FData)));
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.GetDevToolsUrl(httpScheme: Boolean): ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefBrowserHost(FData).get_dev_tools_url(PCefBrowserHost(FData), Ord(httpScheme)));
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.GetNsTextInputContext: TCefTextInputContext;
+ Result := PCefBrowserHost(FData).get_nstext_input_context(PCefBrowserHost(FData));
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.GetZoomLevel: Double;
+ Result := PCefBrowserHost(FData).get_zoom_level(PCefBrowserHost(FData));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.HandleKeyEventAfterTextInputClient(
+ keyEvent: TCefEventHandle);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).handle_key_event_after_text_input_client(PCefBrowserHost(FData), keyEvent);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.HandleKeyEventBeforeTextInputClient(
+ keyEvent: TCefEventHandle);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).handle_key_event_before_text_input_client(PCefBrowserHost(FData), keyEvent);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.Invalidate(const dirtyRect: PCefRect;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).invalidate(FData, dirtyRect, kind);
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.IsMouseCursorChangeDisabled: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowserHost(FData).is_mouse_cursor_change_disabled(FData) <> 0
+function TCefBrowserHostRef.IsWindowRenderingDisabled: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBrowserHost(FData).is_window_rendering_disabled(FData) <> 0
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.NotifyScreenInfoChanged;
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).notify_screen_info_changed(PCefBrowserHost(FData));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.SetZoomLevel(zoomLevel: Double);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).set_zoom_level(PCefBrowserHost(FData), zoomLevel);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.StartDownload(const url: ustring);
+ u: TCefString;
+ u := CefString(url);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).start_download(PCefBrowserHost(FData), @u);
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.StopFinding(clearSelection: Boolean);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).stop_finding(FData, Ord(clearSelection));
+class function TCefBrowserHostRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBrowserHost;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefBrowserHost else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.WasHidden(hidden: Boolean);
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).was_hidden(FData, Ord(hidden));
+procedure TCefBrowserHostRef.WasResized;
+ PCefBrowserHost(FData).was_resized(FData);
+{ TCefProcessMessageRef }
+function TCefProcessMessageRef.Copy: ICefProcessMessage;
+ Result := UnWrap(PCefProcessMessage(FData)^.copy(PCefProcessMessage(FData)));
+function TCefProcessMessageRef.GetArgumentList: ICefListValue;
+ Result := TCefListValueRef.UnWrap(PCefProcessMessage(FData)^.get_argument_list(PCefProcessMessage(FData)));
+function TCefProcessMessageRef.GetName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefProcessMessage(FData)^.get_name(PCefProcessMessage(FData)));
+function TCefProcessMessageRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefProcessMessage(FData)^.is_read_only(PCefProcessMessage(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefProcessMessageRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefProcessMessage(FData)^.is_valid(PCefProcessMessage(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefProcessMessageRef.New(const name: ustring): ICefProcessMessage;
+ n: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_process_message_create(@n));
+class function TCefProcessMessageRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefProcessMessage;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefProcessMessage else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefStringVisitorOwn }
+constructor TCefStringVisitorOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefStringVisitor));
+ with PCefStringVisitor(FData)^ do
+ visit := cef_string_visitor_visit;
+procedure TCefStringVisitorOwn.Visit(const str: ustring);
+{ TCefFastStringVisitor }
+constructor TCefFastStringVisitor.Create(
+ const callback: TCefStringVisitorProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FVisit := callback;
+procedure TCefFastStringVisitor.Visit(const str: ustring);
+ FVisit(str);
+{ TCefDownLoadItemRef }
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetContentDisposition: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_content_disposition(PCefDownloadItem(FData)));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetCurrentSpeed: Int64;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_current_speed(PCefDownloadItem(FData));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetEndTime: TDateTime;
+ Result := CefTimeToDateTime(PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_end_time(PCefDownloadItem(FData)));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetFullPath: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_full_path(PCefDownloadItem(FData)));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetId: Integer;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_id(PCefDownloadItem(FData));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetMimeType: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_mime_type(PCefDownloadItem(FData)));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetPercentComplete: Integer;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_percent_complete(PCefDownloadItem(FData));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetReceivedBytes: Int64;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_received_bytes(PCefDownloadItem(FData));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetStartTime: TDateTime;
+ Result := CefTimeToDateTime(PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_start_time(PCefDownloadItem(FData)));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetSuggestedFileName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_suggested_file_name(PCefDownloadItem(FData)));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetTotalBytes: Int64;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_total_bytes(PCefDownloadItem(FData));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.GetUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.get_url(PCefDownloadItem(FData)));
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.IsCanceled: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.is_canceled(PCefDownloadItem(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.IsComplete: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.is_complete(PCefDownloadItem(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.IsInProgress: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.is_in_progress(PCefDownloadItem(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDownLoadItemRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDownloadItem(FData)^.is_valid(PCefDownloadItem(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefDownLoadItemRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDownLoadItem;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefDownLoadItem else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefBeforeDownloadCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefBeforeDownloadCallbackRef.Cont(const downloadPath: ustring;
+ showDialog: Boolean);
+ dp: TCefString;
+ dp := CefString(downloadPath);
+ PCefBeforeDownloadCallback(FData).cont(PCefBeforeDownloadCallback(FData), @dp, Ord(showDialog));
+class function TCefBeforeDownloadCallbackRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefBeforeDownloadCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefBeforeDownloadCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDownloadItemCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefDownloadItemCallbackRef.cancel;
+ PCefDownloadItemCallback(FData).cancel(PCefDownloadItemCallback(FData));
+class function TCefDownloadItemCallbackRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefDownloadItemCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefDownloadItemCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefAuthCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefAuthCallbackRef.Cancel;
+ PCefAuthCallback(FData).cancel(PCefAuthCallback(FData));
+procedure TCefAuthCallbackRef.Cont(const username, password: ustring);
+ u, p: TCefString;
+ u := CefString(username);
+ p := CefString(password);
+ PCefAuthCallback(FData).cont(PCefAuthCallback(FData), @u, @p);
+class function TCefAuthCallbackRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefAuthCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefAuthCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefJsDialogCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefJsDialogCallbackRef.Cont(success: Boolean;
+ const userInput: ustring);
+ ui: TCefString;
+ ui := CefString(userInput);
+ PCefJsDialogCallback(FData).cont(PCefJsDialogCallback(FData), Ord(success), @ui);
+class function TCefJsDialogCallbackRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefJsDialogCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefJsDialogCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefCommandLineRef }
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.AppendArgument(const argument: ustring);
+ a: TCefString;
+ a := CefString(argument);
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).append_argument(PCefCommandLine(FData), @a);
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.AppendSwitch(const name: ustring);
+ n: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).append_switch(PCefCommandLine(FData), @n);
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.AppendSwitchWithValue(const name, value: ustring);
+ n, v: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ v := CefString(value);
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).append_switch_with_value(PCefCommandLine(FData), @n, @v);
+function TCefCommandLineRef.Copy: ICefCommandLine;
+ Result := UnWrap(PCefCommandLine(FData).copy(PCefCommandLine(FData)));
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.GetArguments(arguments: TStrings);
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).get_arguments(PCefCommandLine(FData), list);
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(list) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(list, i, @str);
+ arguments.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.GetArgv(args: TStrings);
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).get_argv(FData, list);
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(list) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(list, i, @str);
+ args.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+function TCefCommandLineRef.GetCommandLineString: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefCommandLine(FData).get_command_line_string(PCefCommandLine(FData)));
+function TCefCommandLineRef.GetProgram: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefCommandLine(FData).get_program(PCefCommandLine(FData)));
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.GetSwitches(switches: TStrings);
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).get_switches(PCefCommandLine(FData), list);
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(list) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(list, i, @str);
+ switches.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+function TCefCommandLineRef.GetSwitchValue(const name: ustring): ustring;
+ n: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefCommandLine(FData).get_switch_value(PCefCommandLine(FData), @n));
+class function TCefCommandLineRef.Global: ICefCommandLine;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_command_line_get_global);
+function TCefCommandLineRef.HasArguments: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefCommandLine(FData).has_arguments(PCefCommandLine(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefCommandLineRef.HasSwitch(const name: ustring): Boolean;
+ n: TCefString;
+ n := CefString(name);
+ Result := PCefCommandLine(FData).has_switch(PCefCommandLine(FData), @n) <> 0;
+function TCefCommandLineRef.HasSwitches: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefCommandLine(FData).has_switches(PCefCommandLine(FData)) <> 0;
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.InitFromArgv(argc: Integer;
+ const argv: PPAnsiChar);
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).init_from_argv(PCefCommandLine(FData), argc, argv);
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.InitFromString(const commandLine: ustring);
+ cl: TCefString;
+ cl := CefString(commandLine);
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).init_from_string(PCefCommandLine(FData), @cl);
+function TCefCommandLineRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefCommandLine(FData).is_read_only(PCefCommandLine(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefCommandLineRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefCommandLine(FData).is_valid(PCefCommandLine(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefCommandLineRef.New: ICefCommandLine;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_command_line_create);
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.PrependWrapper(const wrapper: ustring);
+ w: TCefString;
+ w := CefString(wrapper);
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).prepend_wrapper(PCefCommandLine(FData), @w);
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.Reset;
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).reset(PCefCommandLine(FData));
+procedure TCefCommandLineRef.SetProgram(const prog: ustring);
+ p: TCefString;
+ p := CefString(prog);
+ PCefCommandLine(FData).set_program(PCefCommandLine(FData), @p);
+class function TCefCommandLineRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCommandLine;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefCommandLine else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefSchemeRegistrarRef }
+function TCefSchemeRegistrarRef.AddCustomScheme(const schemeName: ustring;
+ IsStandard, IsLocal, IsDisplayIsolated: Boolean): Boolean;
+ sn: TCefString;
+ sn := CefString(schemeName);
+ Result := PCefSchemeRegistrar(FData).add_custom_scheme(PCefSchemeRegistrar(FData),
+ @sn, Ord(IsStandard), Ord(IsLocal), Ord(IsDisplayIsolated)) <> 0;
+class function TCefSchemeRegistrarRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefSchemeRegistrar;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefSchemeRegistrar else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefGeolocationCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefGeolocationCallbackRef.Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ PCefGeolocationCallback(FData).cont(PCefGeolocationCallback(FData), Ord(allow));
+class function TCefGeolocationCallbackRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefGeolocationCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefGeolocationCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefContextMenuParamsRef }
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetEditStateFlags: TCefContextMenuEditStateFlags;
+ Byte(Result) := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_edit_state_flags(PCefContextMenuParams(FData));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetFrameCharset: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_frame_charset(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetFrameUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_frame_url(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetLinkUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_link_url(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetMediaStateFlags: TCefContextMenuMediaStateFlags;
+ Word(Result) := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_media_state_flags(PCefContextMenuParams(FData));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetMediaType: TCefContextMenuMediaType;
+ Result := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_media_type(PCefContextMenuParams(FData));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetPageUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_page_url(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetSelectionText: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_selection_text(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetSourceUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_source_url(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetTypeFlags: TCefContextMenuTypeFlags;
+ Byte(Result) := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_type_flags(PCefContextMenuParams(FData));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetUnfilteredLinkUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_unfiltered_link_url(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetXCoord: Integer;
+ Result := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_xcoord(PCefContextMenuParams(FData));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.GetYCoord: Integer;
+ Result := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).get_ycoord(PCefContextMenuParams(FData));
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.IsEditable: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).is_editable(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.HasImageContents: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).has_image_contents(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.IsSpeechInputEnabled: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefContextMenuParams(FData).is_speech_input_enabled(PCefContextMenuParams(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefContextMenuParamsRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefContextMenuParams;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefContextMenuParams else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefMenuModelRef }
+function TCefMenuModelRef.AddCheckItem(commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).add_check_item(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, @t) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.AddItem(commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).add_item(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, @t) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.AddRadioItem(commandId: Integer; const text: ustring;
+ groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).add_radio_item(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, @t, groupId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.AddSeparator: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).add_separator(PCefMenuModel(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.AddSubMenu(commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): ICefMenuModel;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := TCefMenuModelRef.UnWrap(PCefMenuModel(FData).add_sub_menu(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, @t));
+function TCefMenuModelRef.Clear: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).clear(PCefMenuModel(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetAccelerator(commandId: Integer;
+ out keyCode: Integer; out shiftPressed, ctrlPressed,
+ altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ sp, cp, ap: Integer;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_accelerator(PCefMenuModel(FData),
+ commandId, @keyCode, @sp, @cp, @ap) <> 0;
+ shiftPressed := sp <> 0;
+ ctrlPressed := cp <> 0;
+ altPressed := ap <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetAcceleratorAt(index: Integer; out keyCode: Integer;
+ out shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ sp, cp, ap: Integer;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_accelerator_at(PCefMenuModel(FData),
+ index, @keyCode, @sp, @cp, @ap) <> 0;
+ shiftPressed := sp <> 0;
+ ctrlPressed := cp <> 0;
+ altPressed := ap <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetCommandIdAt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_command_id_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index);
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetCount: Integer;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_count(PCefMenuModel(FData));
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetGroupId(commandId: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_group_id(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId);
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetGroupIdAt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_group_id(PCefMenuModel(FData), index);
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetIndexOf(commandId: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_index_of(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId);
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetLabel(commandId: Integer): ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefMenuModel(FData).get_label(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId));
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetLabelAt(index: Integer): ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefMenuModel(FData).get_label_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index));
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetSubMenu(commandId: Integer): ICefMenuModel;
+ Result := TCefMenuModelRef.UnWrap(PCefMenuModel(FData).get_sub_menu(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId));
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetSubMenuAt(index: Integer): ICefMenuModel;
+ Result := TCefMenuModelRef.UnWrap(PCefMenuModel(FData).get_sub_menu_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index));
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetType(commandId: Integer): TCefMenuItemType;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_type(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId);
+function TCefMenuModelRef.GetTypeAt(index: Integer): TCefMenuItemType;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).get_type_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index);
+function TCefMenuModelRef.HasAccelerator(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).has_accelerator(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.HasAcceleratorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).has_accelerator_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.InsertCheckItemAt(index, commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).insert_check_item_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, commandId, @t) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.InsertItemAt(index, commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).insert_item_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, commandId, @t) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.InsertRadioItemAt(index, commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring; groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).insert_radio_item_at(PCefMenuModel(FData),
+ index, commandId, @t, groupId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.InsertSeparatorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).insert_separator_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.InsertSubMenuAt(index, commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): ICefMenuModel;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := TCefMenuModelRef.UnWrap(PCefMenuModel(FData).insert_sub_menu_at(
+ PCefMenuModel(FData), index, commandId, @t));
+function TCefMenuModelRef.IsChecked(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).is_checked(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.IsCheckedAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).is_checked_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.IsEnabled(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).is_enabled(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.IsEnabledAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).is_enabled_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.IsVisible(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).is_visible(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.isVisibleAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).is_visible_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.Remove(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).remove(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.RemoveAccelerator(commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).remove_accelerator(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.RemoveAcceleratorAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).remove_accelerator_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.RemoveAt(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).remove_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetAccelerator(commandId, keyCode: Integer;
+ shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_accelerator(PCefMenuModel(FData),
+ commandId, keyCode, Ord(shiftPressed), Ord(ctrlPressed), Ord(altPressed)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetAcceleratorAt(index, keyCode: Integer;
+ shiftPressed, ctrlPressed, altPressed: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_accelerator_at(PCefMenuModel(FData),
+ index, keyCode, Ord(shiftPressed), Ord(ctrlPressed), Ord(altPressed)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.setChecked(commandId: Integer;
+ checked: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_checked(PCefMenuModel(FData),
+ commandId, Ord(checked)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.setCheckedAt(index: Integer;
+ checked: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_checked_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, Ord(checked)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetCommandIdAt(index, commandId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_command_id_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, commandId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetEnabled(commandId: Integer;
+ enabled: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_enabled(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, Ord(enabled)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetEnabledAt(index: Integer;
+ enabled: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_enabled_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, Ord(enabled)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetGroupId(commandId, groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_group_id(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, groupId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetGroupIdAt(index, groupId: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_group_id_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, groupId) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetLabel(commandId: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_label(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, @t) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetLabelAt(index: Integer;
+ const text: ustring): Boolean;
+ t: TCefString;
+ t := CefString(text);
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_label_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, @t) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetVisible(commandId: Integer;
+ visible: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_visible(PCefMenuModel(FData), commandId, Ord(visible)) <> 0;
+function TCefMenuModelRef.SetVisibleAt(index: Integer;
+ visible: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefMenuModel(FData).set_visible_at(PCefMenuModel(FData), index, Ord(visible)) <> 0;
+class function TCefMenuModelRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefMenuModel;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefMenuModel else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefListValueRef }
+function TCefListValueRef.Clear: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).clear(PCefListValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.Copy: ICefListValue;
+ Result := UnWrap(PCefListValue(FData).copy(PCefListValue(FData)));
+class function TCefListValueRef.New: ICefListValue;
+ UnWrap(cef_list_value_create);
+function TCefListValueRef.GetBinary(index: Integer): ICefBinaryValue;
+ Result := TCefBinaryValueRef.UnWrap(PCefListValue(FData).get_binary(PCefListValue(FData), index));
+function TCefListValueRef.GetBool(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).get_bool(PCefListValue(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.GetDictionary(index: Integer): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ Result := TCefDictionaryValueRef.UnWrap(PCefListValue(FData).get_dictionary(PCefListValue(FData), index));
+function TCefListValueRef.GetDouble(index: Integer): Double;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).get_double(PCefListValue(FData), index);
+function TCefListValueRef.GetInt(index: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).get_int(PCefListValue(FData), index);
+function TCefListValueRef.GetList(index: Integer): ICefListValue;
+ Result := UnWrap(PCefListValue(FData).get_list(PCefListValue(FData), index));
+function TCefListValueRef.GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).get_size(PCefListValue(FData));
+function TCefListValueRef.GetString(index: Integer): ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefListValue(FData).get_string(PCefListValue(FData), index));
+function TCefListValueRef.GetType(index: Integer): TCefValueType;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).get_type(PCefListValue(FData), index);
+function TCefListValueRef.IsOwned: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).is_owned(PCefListValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).is_read_only(PCefListValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).is_valid(PCefListValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.Remove(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).remove(PCefListValue(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetBinary(index: Integer;
+ const value: ICefBinaryValue): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_binary(PCefListValue(FData), index, CefGetData(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetBool(index: Integer; value: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_bool(PCefListValue(FData), index, Ord(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetDictionary(index: Integer;
+ const value: ICefDictionaryValue): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_dictionary(PCefListValue(FData), index, CefGetData(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetDouble(index: Integer; value: Double): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_double(PCefListValue(FData), index, value) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetInt(index, value: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_int(PCefListValue(FData), index, value) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetList(index: Integer;
+ const value: ICefListValue): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_list(PCefListValue(FData), index, CefGetData(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetNull(index: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_null(PCefListValue(FData), index) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetSize(size: NativeUInt): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_size(PCefListValue(FData), size) <> 0;
+function TCefListValueRef.SetString(index: Integer;
+ const value: ustring): Boolean;
+ v: TCefString;
+ v := CefString(value);
+ Result := PCefListValue(FData).set_string(PCefListValue(FData), index, @v) <> 0;
+class function TCefListValueRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefListValue;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefListValue else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefBinaryValueRef }
+function TCefBinaryValueRef.Copy: ICefBinaryValue;
+ Result := UnWrap(PCefBinaryValue(FData).copy(PCefBinaryValue(FData)));
+function TCefBinaryValueRef.GetData(buffer: Pointer; bufferSize,
+ dataOffset: NativeUInt): NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefBinaryValue(FData).get_data(PCefBinaryValue(FData), buffer, bufferSize, dataOffset);
+function TCefBinaryValueRef.GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefBinaryValue(FData).get_size(PCefBinaryValue(FData));
+function TCefBinaryValueRef.IsOwned: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBinaryValue(FData).is_owned(PCefBinaryValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefBinaryValueRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefBinaryValue(FData).is_valid(PCefBinaryValue(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefBinaryValueRef.New(const data: Pointer; dataSize: NativeUInt): ICefBinaryValue;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_binary_value_create(data, dataSize));
+class function TCefBinaryValueRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefBinaryValue;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefBinaryValue else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDictionaryValueRef }
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.Clear: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).clear(PCefDictionaryValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.Copy(
+ excludeEmptyChildren: Boolean): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ Result := UnWrap(PCefDictionaryValue(FData).copy(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), Ord(excludeEmptyChildren)));
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetBinary(const key: ustring): ICefBinaryValue;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := TCefBinaryValueRef.UnWrap(PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_binary(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k));
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetBool(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_bool(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetDictionary(
+ const key: ustring): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := UnWrap(PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_dictionary(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k));
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetDouble(const key: ustring): Double;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_double(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k);
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetInt(const key: ustring): Integer;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_int(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k);
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetKeys(const keys: TStrings): Boolean;
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_keys(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), list) <> 0;
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(list) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(list, i, @str);
+ keys.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetList(const key: ustring): ICefListValue;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := TCefListValueRef.UnWrap(PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_list(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k));
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetSize: NativeUInt;
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_size(PCefDictionaryValue(FData));
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetString(const key: ustring): ustring;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_string(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k));
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.GetType(const key: ustring): TCefValueType;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).get_type(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k);
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.HasKey(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).has_key(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.isOwned: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).is_owned(PCefDictionaryValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.IsReadOnly: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).is_read_only(PCefDictionaryValue(FData)) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).is_valid(PCefDictionaryValue(FData)) <> 0;
+class function TCefDictionaryValueRef.New: ICefDictionaryValue;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_dictionary_value_create);
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.Remove(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).remove(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetBinary(const key: ustring;
+ const value: ICefBinaryValue): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_binary(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k, CefGetData(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetBool(const key: ustring;
+ value: Boolean): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_bool(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k, Ord(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetDictionary(const key: ustring;
+ const value: ICefDictionaryValue): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_dictionary(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k, CefGetData(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetDouble(const key: ustring;
+ value: Double): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_double(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k, value) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetInt(const key: ustring;
+ value: Integer): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_int(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k, value) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetList(const key: ustring;
+ const value: ICefListValue): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_list(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k, CefGetData(value)) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetNull(const key: ustring): Boolean;
+ k: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_null(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k) <> 0;
+function TCefDictionaryValueRef.SetString(const key, value: ustring): Boolean;
+ k, v: TCefString;
+ k := CefString(key);
+ v := CefString(value);
+ Result := PCefDictionaryValue(FData).set_string(PCefDictionaryValue(FData), @k, @v) <> 0;
+class function TCefDictionaryValueRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefDictionaryValue;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefDictionaryValue else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefBrowserProcessHandler));
+ with PCefBrowserProcessHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_context_initialized := cef_browser_process_handler_on_context_initialized;
+ on_before_child_process_launch := cef_browser_process_handler_on_before_child_process_launch;
+ on_render_process_thread_created := cef_browser_process_handler_on_render_process_thread_created;
+ end;
+procedure TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn.OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch(
+ const commandLine: ICefCommandLine);
+procedure TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn.OnContextInitialized;
+procedure TCefBrowserProcessHandlerOwn.OnRenderProcessThreadCreated(
+ const extraInfo: ICefListValue);
+{ TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefRenderProcessHandler));
+ with PCefRenderProcessHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_render_thread_created := cef_render_process_handler_on_render_thread_created;
+ on_web_kit_initialized := cef_render_process_handler_on_web_kit_initialized;
+ on_browser_created := cef_render_process_handler_on_browser_created;
+ on_browser_destroyed := cef_render_process_handler_on_browser_destroyed;
+ get_load_handler := cef_render_process_handler_get_load_handler;
+ on_before_navigation := cef_render_process_handler_on_before_navigation;
+ on_context_created := cef_render_process_handler_on_context_created;
+ on_context_released := cef_render_process_handler_on_context_released;
+ on_uncaught_exception := cef_render_process_handler_on_uncaught_exception;
+ on_focused_node_changed := cef_render_process_handler_on_focused_node_changed;
+ on_process_message_received := cef_render_process_handler_on_process_message_received;
+ end;
+function TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.GetLoadHandler: ICefLoadHandler;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnBeforeNavigation(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; navigationType: TCefNavigationType;
+ isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnBrowserCreated(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser);
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnBrowserDestroyed(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser);
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnContextCreated(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const context: ICefv8Context);
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnContextReleased(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const context: ICefv8Context);
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnFocusedNodeChanged(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const node: ICefDomNode);
+function TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnProcessMessageReceived(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; sourceProcess: TCefProcessId;
+ const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnRenderThreadCreated(const extraInfo: ICefListValue);
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnUncaughtException(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const context: ICefv8Context; const exception: ICefV8Exception;
+ const stackTrace: ICefV8StackTrace);
+procedure TCefRenderProcessHandlerOwn.OnWebKitInitialized;
+{ TCefResourceHandlerOwn }
+procedure TCefResourceHandlerOwn.Cancel;
+function TCefResourceHandlerOwn.CanGetCookie(const cookie: PCefCookie): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefResourceHandlerOwn.CanSetCookie(const cookie: PCefCookie): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+constructor TCefResourceHandlerOwn.Create(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const schemeName: ustring;
+ const request: ICefRequest);
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefResourceHandler));
+ with PCefResourceHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ process_request := cef_resource_handler_process_request;
+ get_response_headers := cef_resource_handler_get_response_headers;
+ read_response := cef_resource_handler_read_response;
+ can_get_cookie := cef_resource_handler_can_get_cookie;
+ can_set_cookie := cef_resource_handler_can_set_cookie;
+ cancel:= cef_resource_handler_cancel;
+ end;
+procedure TCefResourceHandlerOwn.GetResponseHeaders(
+ const response: ICefResponse; out responseLength: Int64;
+ out redirectUrl: ustring);
+function TCefResourceHandlerOwn.ProcessRequest(const request: ICefRequest;
+ const callback: ICefCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefResourceHandlerOwn.ReadResponse(const dataOut: Pointer;
+ bytesToRead: Integer; var bytesRead: Integer;
+ const callback: ICefCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn }
+constructor TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn.Create(
+ const AClass: TCefResourceHandlerClass; SyncMainThread: Boolean);
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefSchemeHandlerFactory));
+ FClass := AClass;
+ with PCefSchemeHandlerFactory(FData)^ do
+ create := cef_scheme_handler_factory_create;
+function TCefSchemeHandlerFactoryOwn.New(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const schemeName: ustring;
+ const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ Result := FClass.Create(browser, frame, schemeName, request);
+{ TCefCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefCallbackRef.Cancel;
+ PCefCallback(FData)^.cancel(PCefCallback(FData));
+procedure TCefCallbackRef.Cont;
+ PCefCallback(FData)^.cont(PCefCallback(FData));
+class function TCefCallbackRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefUrlrequestClientOwn }
+constructor TCefUrlrequestClientOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefUrlrequestClient));
+ with PCefUrlrequestClient(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_request_complete := cef_url_request_client_on_request_complete;
+ on_upload_progress := cef_url_request_client_on_upload_progress;
+ on_download_progress := cef_url_request_client_on_download_progress;
+ on_download_data := cef_url_request_client_on_download_data;
+ get_auth_credentials := cef_url_request_client_get_auth_credentials;
+ end;
+function TCefUrlrequestClientOwn.GetAuthCredentials(isProxy: Boolean;
+ const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefUrlrequestClientOwn.OnDownloadData(const request: ICefUrlRequest;
+ data: Pointer; dataLength: NativeUInt);
+procedure TCefUrlrequestClientOwn.OnDownloadProgress(
+ const request: ICefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64);
+procedure TCefUrlrequestClientOwn.OnRequestComplete(
+ const request: ICefUrlRequest);
+procedure TCefUrlrequestClientOwn.OnUploadProgress(
+ const request: ICefUrlRequest; current, total: UInt64);
+{ TCefUrlRequestRef }
+procedure TCefUrlRequestRef.Cancel;
+ PCefUrlRequest(FData).cancel(PCefUrlRequest(FData));
+class function TCefUrlRequestRef.New(const request: ICefRequest;
+ const client: ICefUrlRequestClient): ICefUrlRequest;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_urlrequest_create(CefGetData(request), CefGetData(client)));
+function TCefUrlRequestRef.GetRequest: ICefRequest;
+ Result := TCefRequestRef.UnWrap(PCefUrlRequest(FData).get_request(PCefUrlRequest(FData)));
+function TCefUrlRequestRef.GetRequestError: Integer;
+ Result := PCefUrlRequest(FData).get_request_error(PCefUrlRequest(FData));
+function TCefUrlRequestRef.GetRequestStatus: TCefUrlRequestStatus;
+ Result := PCefUrlRequest(FData).get_request_status(PCefUrlRequest(FData));
+function TCefUrlRequestRef.GetResponse: ICefResponse;
+ Result := TCefResponseRef.UnWrap(PCefUrlRequest(FData).get_response(PCefUrlRequest(FData)));
+class function TCefUrlRequestRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefUrlRequest;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefUrlRequest else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorOwn }
+constructor TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefWebPluginInfoVisitor));
+ PCefWebPluginInfoVisitor(FData).visit := cef_web_plugin_info_visitor_visit;
+function TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorOwn.Visit(const info: ICefWebPluginInfo; count,
+ total: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefFastWebPluginInfoVisitor }
+constructor TCefFastWebPluginInfoVisitor.Create(
+ const proc: TCefWebPluginInfoVisitorProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FProc := proc;
+function TCefFastWebPluginInfoVisitor.Visit(const info: ICefWebPluginInfo;
+ count, total: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := FProc(info, count, total);
+{ TCefQuotaCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefQuotaCallbackRef.Cancel;
+ PCefQuotaCallback(FData).cancel(FData);
+procedure TCefQuotaCallbackRef.Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ PCefQuotaCallback(FData).cont(FData, Ord(allow));
+class function TCefQuotaCallbackRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefQuotaCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefQuotaCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefV8StackFrameRef }
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.GetColumn: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8StackFrame(FData).get_column(FData);
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.GetFunctionName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8StackFrame(FData).get_function_name(FData));
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.GetLineNumber: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8StackFrame(FData).get_line_number(FData);
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.GetScriptName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8StackFrame(FData).get_script_name(FData));
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.GetScriptNameOrSourceUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefV8StackFrame(FData).get_script_name_or_source_url(FData));
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.IsConstructor: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8StackFrame(FData).is_constructor(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.IsEval: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8StackFrame(FData).is_eval(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefV8StackFrameRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8StackFrame(FData).is_valid(FData) <> 0;
+class function TCefV8StackFrameRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefV8StackFrame;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefV8StackFrame else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefV8StackTraceRef }
+class function TCefV8StackTraceRef.Current(frameLimit: Integer): ICefV8StackTrace;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_v8stack_trace_get_current(frameLimit));
+function TCefV8StackTraceRef.GetFrame(index: Integer): ICefV8StackFrame;
+ Result := TCefV8StackFrameRef.UnWrap(PCefV8StackTrace(FData).get_frame(FData, index));
+function TCefV8StackTraceRef.GetFrameCount: Integer;
+ Result := PCefV8StackTrace(FData).get_frame_count(FData);
+function TCefV8StackTraceRef.IsValid: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefV8StackTrace(FData).is_valid(FData) <> 0;
+class function TCefV8StackTraceRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefV8StackTrace;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefV8StackTrace else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefWebPluginUnstableCallbackOwn }
+constructor TCefWebPluginUnstableCallbackOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefWebPluginUnstableCallback));
+ PCefWebPluginUnstableCallback(FData).is_unstable := cef_web_plugin_unstable_callback_is_unstable;
+procedure TCefWebPluginUnstableCallbackOwn.IsUnstable(const path: ustring;
+ unstable: Boolean);
+{ TCefFastWebPluginUnstableCallback }
+constructor TCefFastWebPluginUnstableCallback.Create(
+ const callback: TCefWebPluginIsUnstableProc);
+ FCallback := callback;
+procedure TCefFastWebPluginUnstableCallback.IsUnstable(const path: ustring;
+ unstable: Boolean);
+ FCallback(path, unstable);
+{ TCefRunFileDialogCallbackOwn }
+procedure TCefRunFileDialogCallbackOwn.Cont(const browserHost: ICefBrowserHost;
+ filePaths: TStrings);
+constructor TCefRunFileDialogCallbackOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefRunFileDialogCallback));
+ with PCefRunFileDialogCallback(FData)^ do
+ cont := cef_run_file_dialog_callback_cont;
+{ TCefFastRunFileDialogCallback }
+procedure TCefFastRunFileDialogCallback.Cont(const browserHost: ICefBrowserHost;
+ filePaths: TStrings);
+ FCallback(browserHost, filePaths);
+constructor TCefFastRunFileDialogCallback.Create(
+ callback: TCefRunFileDialogCallbackProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FCallback := callback;
+{ TCefTaskRef }
+procedure TCefTaskRef.Execute;
+ PCefTask(FData).execute(FData);
+class function TCefTaskRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefTask;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefTask else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefTaskRunnerRef }
+function TCefTaskRunnerRef.BelongsToCurrentThread: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefTaskRunner(FData).belongs_to_current_thread(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefTaskRunnerRef.BelongsToThread(threadId: TCefThreadId): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefTaskRunner(FData).belongs_to_thread(FData, threadId) <> 0;
+class function TCefTaskRunnerRef.GetForCurrentThread: ICefTaskRunner;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_task_runner_get_for_current_thread());
+class function TCefTaskRunnerRef.GetForThread(threadId: TCefThreadId): ICefTaskRunner;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_task_runner_get_for_thread(threadId));
+function TCefTaskRunnerRef.IsSame(const that: ICefTaskRunner): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefTaskRunner(FData).is_same(FData, CefGetData(that)) <> 0;
+function TCefTaskRunnerRef.PostDelayedTask(const task: ICefTask;
+ delayMs: Int64): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefTaskRunner(FData).post_delayed_task(FData, CefGetData(task), delayMs) <> 0;
+function TCefTaskRunnerRef.PostTask(const task: ICefTask): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefTaskRunner(FData).post_task(FData, CefGetData(task)) <> 0;
+class function TCefTaskRunnerRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefTaskRunner;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefTaskRunner else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefTraceClientOwn }
+constructor TCefTraceClientOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefTraceClient));
+ with PCefTraceClient(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ on_trace_data_collected := cef_trace_client_on_trace_data_collected;
+ on_trace_buffer_percent_full_reply := cef_trace_client_on_trace_buffer_percent_full_reply;
+ on_end_tracing_complete := cef_trace_client_on_end_tracing_complete;
+ end;
+procedure TCefTraceClientOwn.OnEndTracingComplete;
+procedure TCefTraceClientOwn.OnTraceBufferPercentFullReply(percentFull: Single);
+procedure TCefTraceClientOwn.OnTraceDataCollected(const fragment: PAnsiChar;
+ fragmentSize: NativeUInt);
+{ TCefGetGeolocationCallbackOwn }
+constructor TCefGetGeolocationCallbackOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefGetGeolocationCallback));
+ with PCefGetGeolocationCallback(FData)^ do
+ on_location_update := cef_get_geolocation_callback_on_location_update;
+procedure TCefGetGeolocationCallbackOwn.OnLocationUpdate(
+ const position: PCefGeoposition);
+{ TCefFastGetGeolocationCallback }
+constructor TCefFastGetGeolocationCallback.Create(
+ const callback: TOnLocationUpdate);
+ inherited Create;
+ FCallback := callback;
+procedure TCefFastGetGeolocationCallback.OnLocationUpdate(
+ const position: PCefGeoposition);
+ FCallback(position);
+{ TCefFileDialogCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefFileDialogCallbackRef.Cancel;
+ PCefFileDialogCallback(FData).cancel(FData);
+procedure TCefFileDialogCallbackRef.Cont(filePaths: TStrings);
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to filePaths.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ str := CefString(filePaths[i]);
+ cef_string_list_append(list, @str);
+ end;
+ PCefFileDialogCallback(FData).cont(FData, list);
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+class function TCefFileDialogCallbackRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefFileDialogCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefFileDialogCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDialogHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefDialogHandlerOwn.Create;
+ CreateData(SizeOf(TCefDialogHandler));
+ with PCefDialogHandler(FData)^ do
+ on_file_dialog := cef_dialog_handler_on_file_dialog;
+function TCefDialogHandlerOwn.OnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefRenderHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefRenderHandlerOwn.Create;
+ CreateData(SizeOf(TCefRenderHandler), False);
+ with PCefRenderHandler(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ get_root_screen_rect := cef_render_handler_get_root_screen_rect;
+ get_view_rect := cef_render_handler_get_view_rect;
+ get_screen_point := cef_render_handler_get_screen_point;
+ on_popup_show := cef_render_handler_on_popup_show;
+ on_popup_size := cef_render_handler_on_popup_size;
+ on_paint := cef_render_handler_on_paint;
+ on_cursor_change := cef_render_handler_on_cursor_change;
+ on_scroll_offset_changed := cef_render_handler_on_scroll_offset_changed;
+ end;
+function TCefRenderHandlerOwn.GetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRenderHandlerOwn.GetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRenderHandlerOwn.GetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX,
+ viewY: Integer; screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefRenderHandlerOwn.GetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefRenderHandlerOwn.OnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+procedure TCefRenderHandlerOwn.OnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+procedure TCefRenderHandlerOwn.OnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ show: Boolean);
+procedure TCefRenderHandlerOwn.OnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const rect: PCefRect);
+procedure TCefRenderHandlerOwn.OnScrollOffsetChanged(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser);
+{ TCefCompletionHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefCompletionHandlerOwn.Create;
+ inherited CreateData(SizeOf(TCefCompletionHandler));
+ with PCefCompletionHandler(FData)^ do
+ on_complete := cef_completion_handler_on_complete;
+procedure TCefCompletionHandlerOwn.OnComplete;
+{ TCefFastCompletionHandler }
+constructor TCefFastCompletionHandler.Create(
+ const proc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc);
+ inherited Create;
+ FProc := proc;
+procedure TCefFastCompletionHandler.OnComplete;
+ FProc();
+{ TCefAllowCertificateErrorCallbackRef }
+procedure TCefAllowCertificateErrorCallbackRef.Cont(allow: Boolean);
+ PCefAllowCertificateErrorCallback(FData).cont(FData, Ord(allow));
+class function TCefAllowCertificateErrorCallbackRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefAllowCertificateErrorCallback else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDragDataRef }
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetFileName: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDragData(FData).get_file_name(FData));
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetFileNames(names: TStrings): Integer;
+ list: TCefStringList;
+ i: Integer;
+ str: TCefString;
+ list := cef_string_list_alloc;
+ try
+ Result := PCefDragData(FData).get_file_names(FData, list);
+ for i := 0 to cef_string_list_size(list) - 1 do
+ begin
+ FillChar(str, SizeOf(str), 0);
+ cef_string_list_value(list, i, @str);
+ names.Add(CefStringClearAndGet(str));
+ end;
+ finally
+ cef_string_list_free(list);
+ end;
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetFragmentBaseUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDragData(FData).get_fragment_base_url(FData));
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetFragmentHtml: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDragData(FData).get_fragment_html(FData));
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetFragmentText: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDragData(FData).get_fragment_text(FData));
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetLinkMetadata: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDragData(FData).get_link_metadata(FData));
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetLinkTitle: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDragData(FData).get_link_title(FData));
+function TCefDragDataRef.GetLinkUrl: ustring;
+ Result := CefStringFreeAndGet(PCefDragData(FData).get_link_url(FData));
+function TCefDragDataRef.IsFile: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDragData(FData).is_file(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefDragDataRef.IsFragment: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDragData(FData).is_fragment(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefDragDataRef.IsLink: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefDragData(FData).is_link(FData) <> 0;
+class function TCefDragDataRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefDragData;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefDragData else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefDragHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefDragHandlerOwn.Create;
+ CreateData(SizeOf(TCefDragHandler), False);
+ with PCefDragHandler(FData)^ do
+ on_drag_enter := cef_drag_handler_on_drag_enter;
+function TCefDragHandlerOwn.OnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const dragData: ICefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefRequestContextHandlerOwn }
+constructor TCefRequestContextHandlerOwn.Create;
+ CreateData(SizeOf(TCefRequestContextHandler), False);
+ with PCefRequestContextHandler(FData)^ do
+ get_cookie_manager := cef_request_context_handler_get_cookie_manager;
+function TCefRequestContextHandlerOwn.GetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefCookieManagerOwn }
+constructor TCefCookieManagerOwn.Create;
+ CreateData(SizeOf(TCefCookieManager), False);
+ with PCefCookieManager(FData)^ do
+ begin
+ set_supported_schemes := cef_cookie_manager_set_supported_schemes;
+ visit_all_cookies := cef_cookie_manager_visit_all_cookies;
+ visit_url_cookies := cef_cookie_manager_visit_url_cookies;
+ set_cookie := cef_cookie_manager_set_cookie;
+ delete_cookies := cef_cookie_manager_delete_cookies;
+ set_storage_path := cef_cookie_manager_set_storage_path;
+ flush_store := cef_cookie_manager_flush_store;
+ end;
+function TCefCookieManagerOwn.DeleteCookies(const url,
+ cookieName: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefCookieManagerOwn.FlushStore(
+ const handler: ICefCompletionHandler): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefCookieManagerOwn.FlushStoreProc(
+ const proc: TCefCompletionHandlerProc): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefCookieManagerOwn.SetCookie(const url, name, value, domain,
+ path: ustring; secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation,
+ lastAccess, expires: TDateTime): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefCookieManagerOwn.SetStoragePath(const path: ustring;
+ persistSessionCookies: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCefCookieManagerOwn.SetSupportedSchemes(schemes: TStrings);
+function TCefCookieManagerOwn.VisitAllCookies(
+ const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCefCookieManagerOwn.VisitUrlCookies(const url: ustring;
+ includeHttpOnly: Boolean; const visitor: ICefCookieVisitor): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+{ TCefCookieVisitorRef }
+class function TCefCookieVisitorRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefCookieVisitor;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefCookieVisitor else
+ Result := nil;
+function TCefCookieVisitorRef.visit(const name, value, domain, path: ustring;
+ secure, httponly, hasExpires: Boolean; const creation, lastAccess,
+ expires: TDateTime; count, total: Integer;
+ out deleteCookie: Boolean): Boolean;
+ c: TCefCookie;
+ d: Integer;
+ d := Ord(False);
+ FillChar(c, SizeOf(c), 0);
+ c.name := CefString(name);
+ c.value := CefString(value);
+ c.domain := CefString(domain);
+ c.path := CefString(path);
+ c.secure := secure;
+ c.httponly := httponly;
+ c.creation := DateTimeToCefTime(creation);
+ c.last_access := DateTimeToCefTime(lastAccess);
+ c.has_expires := hasExpires;
+ c.expires := DateTimeToCefTime(expires);
+ Result := PCefCookieVisitor(FData).visit(FData, @c, count, total, @d) <> 0;
+{ TCefCompletionHandlerRef }
+procedure TCefCompletionHandlerRef.OnComplete;
+ PCefCompletionHandler(FData).on_complete(FData);
+class function TCefCompletionHandlerRef.UnWrap(
+ data: Pointer): ICefCompletionHandler;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefCompletionHandler else
+ Result := nil;
+{ TCefRequestContextRef }
+function TCefRequestContextRef.IsSame(const other: ICefRequestContext): Boolean;
+ Result := PCefRequestContext(FData).is_same(FData, CefGetData(other)) <> 0;
+function TCefRequestContextRef.IsGlobal: Boolean;
+ Result := PCefRequestContext(FData).is_global(FData) <> 0;
+function TCefRequestContextRef.GetHandler: ICefBase;
+ Result := TCefBaseRef.UnWrap(PCefRequestContext(FData).get_handler(FData));
+class function TCefRequestContextRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefRequestContext;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefRequestContext else
+ Result := nil;
+class function TCefRequestContextRef.GetGlobalContext: ICefRequestContext;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_request_context_get_global_context());
+class function TCefRequestContextRef.CreateContext(const handler: ICefRequestContextHandler): ICefRequestContext;
+ Result := UnWrap(cef_request_context_create_context(CefGetData(handler)));
+{ TCefRequestContextHandlerRef }
+function TCefRequestContextHandlerRef.GetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ Result := TCefCookieManagerRef.UnWrap(PCefRequestContextHandler(FData).get_cookie_manager(FData));
+class function TCefRequestContextHandlerRef.UnWrap(data: Pointer): ICefRequestContextHandler;
+ if data <> nil then
+ Result := Create(data) as ICefRequestContextHandler else
+ Result := nil;
+ IsMultiThread := True;
+ CefShutDown;
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/cefvcl.pas b/src/thirdparty/cefvcl.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45ef6ab
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@@ -0,0 +1,1818 @@
+ * Delphi Chromium Embedded 3
+ *
+ * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest
+ * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com
+ * Repository : http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/
+ * Group : http://groups.google.com/group/delphichromiumembedded
+ *
+ * Embarcadero Technologies, Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute
+ * this source code without explicit permission.
+ *
+ *)
+unit cefvcl;
+{$I cef.inc}
+ Windows, Messages, Classes,
+ cefgui, ceflib,
+{$ifdef DELPHI16_UP}
+ Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Graphics
+ Controls, Graphics
+ TCustomChromium = class(TWinControl, IChromiumEvents)
+ private
+ FHandler: ICefClient;
+ FBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ FBrowserId: Integer;
+ FDefaultUrl: ustring;
+ FOnProcessMessageReceived: TOnProcessMessageReceived;
+ FOnLoadStart: TOnLoadStart;
+ FOnLoadEnd: TOnLoadEnd;
+ FOnLoadError: TOnLoadError;
+ FOnRenderProcessTerminated: TOnRenderProcessTerminated;
+ FOnPluginCrashed: TOnPluginCrashed;
+ FOnTakeFocus: TOnTakeFocus;
+ FOnSetFocus: TOnSetFocus;
+ FOnGotFocus: TOnGotFocus;
+ FOnBeforeContextMenu: TOnBeforeContextMenu;
+ FOnContextMenuCommand: TOnContextMenuCommand;
+ FOnContextMenuDismissed: TOnContextMenuDismissed;
+ FOnPreKeyEvent: TOnPreKeyEvent;
+ FOnKeyEvent: TOnKeyEvent;
+ FOnLoadingStateChange: TOnLoadingStateChange;
+ FOnAddressChange: TOnAddressChange;
FOnTitleChange: TOnTitleChange;
+ FOnTooltip: TOnTooltip;
+ FOnStatusMessage: TOnStatusMessage;
+ FOnConsoleMessage: TOnConsoleMessage;
+ FOnBeforeDownload: TOnBeforeDownload;
+ FOnDownloadUpdated: TOnDownloadUpdated;
+ FOnRequestGeolocationPermission: TOnRequestGeolocationPermission;
+ FOnCancelGeolocationPermission: TOnCancelGeolocationPermission;
+ FOnJsdialog: TOnJsdialog;
FOnBeforeUnloadDialog: TOnBeforeUnloadDialog;
+ FOnResetDialogState: TOnResetDialogState;
+ FOnDialogClosed: TOnDialogClosed;
+ FOnBeforePopup: TOnBeforePopup;
+ FOnAfterCreated: TOnAfterCreated;
+ FOnBeforeClose: TOnBeforeClose;
+ FOnRunModal: TOnRunModal;
+ FOnClose: TOnClose;
+ FOnBeforeBrowse: TOnBeforeBrowse;
+ FOnBeforeResourceLoad: TOnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ FOnGetResourceHandler: TOnGetResourceHandler;
+ FOnResourceRedirect: TOnResourceRedirect;
+ FOnGetAuthCredentials: TOnGetAuthCredentials;
+ FOnQuotaRequest: TOnQuotaRequest;
+ FOnGetCookieManager: TOnGetCookieManager;
+ FOnProtocolExecution: TOnProtocolExecution;
FOnBeforePluginLoad: TOnBeforePluginLoad;
FOnFileDialog: TOnFileDialog;
FOnDragEnter: TOnDragEnter;
+ FOptions: TChromiumOptions;
+ FUserStyleSheetLocation: ustring;
+ FDefaultEncoding: ustring;
+ FFontOptions: TChromiumFontOptions;
+ procedure GetSettings(var settings: TCefBrowserSettings);
+ procedure CreateBrowser;
+ protected
+ procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
+ procedure CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams); override;
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ procedure Resize; override;
+ function doOnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer); virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure doOnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); virtual;
+ procedure doOnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure doOnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean); virtual;
+ function doOnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ procedure doOnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel); virtual;
+ function doOnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); virtual;
+ function doOnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure doOnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure doOnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring); virtual;
+ function doOnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring); virtual;
+ function doOnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback); virtual;
+ procedure doOnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback); virtual;
+ procedure doOnRequestGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer; const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback); virtual;
+ procedure doOnCancelGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer); virtual;
+ function doOnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring;
+ dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
procedure doOnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
function doOnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ procedure doOnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ function doOnRunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnGetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler; virtual;
+ procedure doOnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring); virtual;
+ function doOnGetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring;
+ newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnGetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager; virtual;
+ procedure doOnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser;
const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean); virtual;
function doOnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url,
+ policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, defaultFileName: ustring; acceptTypes: TStrings;
+ const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer;
+ screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser; screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean);
+ procedure doOnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect);
+ procedure doOnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; kind: TCefPaintElementType;
+ dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray;
+ const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+ procedure doOnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+ procedure doOnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ function doOnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser; const dragData: ICefDragData;
+ mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ property OnProcessMessageReceived: TOnProcessMessageReceived read FOnProcessMessageReceived write FOnProcessMessageReceived;
+ property OnLoadStart: TOnLoadStart read FOnLoadStart write FOnLoadStart;
+ property OnLoadEnd: TOnLoadEnd read FOnLoadEnd write FOnLoadEnd;
+ property OnLoadError: TOnLoadError read FOnLoadError write FOnLoadError;
+ property OnRenderProcessTerminated: TOnRenderProcessTerminated read FOnRenderProcessTerminated write FOnRenderProcessTerminated;
+ property OnPluginCrashed: TOnPluginCrashed read FOnPluginCrashed write FOnPluginCrashed;
+ property OnTakeFocus: TOnTakeFocus read FOnTakeFocus write FOnTakeFocus;
+ property OnSetFocus: TOnSetFocus read FOnSetFocus write FOnSetFocus;
+ property OnGotFocus: TOnGotFocus read FOnGotFocus write FOnGotFocus;
+ property OnBeforeContextMenu: TOnBeforeContextMenu read FOnBeforeContextMenu write FOnBeforeContextMenu;
+ property OnContextMenuCommand: TOnContextMenuCommand read FOnContextMenuCommand write FOnContextMenuCommand;
+ property OnContextMenuDismissed: TOnContextMenuDismissed read FOnContextMenuDismissed write FOnContextMenuDismissed;
+ property OnPreKeyEvent: TOnPreKeyEvent read FOnPreKeyEvent write FOnPreKeyEvent;
+ property OnKeyEvent: TOnKeyEvent read FOnKeyEvent write FOnKeyEvent;
+ property OnLoadingStateChange: TOnLoadingStateChange read FOnLoadingStateChange write FOnLoadingStateChange;
+ property OnAddressChange: TOnAddressChange read FOnAddressChange write FOnAddressChange;
property OnTitleChange: TOnTitleChange read FOnTitleChange write FOnTitleChange;
+ property OnTooltip: TOnTooltip read FOnTooltip write FOnTooltip;
+ property OnStatusMessage: TOnStatusMessage read FOnStatusMessage write FOnStatusMessage;
+ property OnConsoleMessage: TOnConsoleMessage read FOnConsoleMessage write FOnConsoleMessage;
+ property OnBeforeDownload: TOnBeforeDownload read FOnBeforeDownload write FOnBeforeDownload;
+ property OnDownloadUpdated: TOnDownloadUpdated read FOnDownloadUpdated write FOnDownloadUpdated;
+ property OnRequestGeolocationPermission: TOnRequestGeolocationPermission read FOnRequestGeolocationPermission write FOnRequestGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnCancelGeolocationPermission: TOnCancelGeolocationPermission read FOnCancelGeolocationPermission write FOnCancelGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnJsdialog: TOnJsdialog read FOnJsdialog write FOnJsdialog;
property OnBeforeUnloadDialog: TOnBeforeUnloadDialog read FOnBeforeUnloadDialog write FOnBeforeUnloadDialog;
+ property OnResetDialogState: TOnResetDialogState read FOnResetDialogState write FOnResetDialogState;
+ property OnDialogClosed: TOnDialogClosed read FOnDialogClosed write FOnDialogClosed;
+ property OnBeforePopup: TOnBeforePopup read FOnBeforePopup write FOnBeforePopup;
+ property OnAfterCreated: TOnAfterCreated read FOnAfterCreated write FOnAfterCreated;
+ property OnBeforeClose: TOnBeforeClose read FOnBeforeClose write FOnBeforeClose;
+ property OnRunModal: TOnRunModal read FOnRunModal write FOnRunModal;
+ property OnClose: TOnClose read FOnClose write FOnClose;
+ property OnBeforeBrowse: TOnBeforeBrowse read FOnBeforeBrowse write FOnBeforeBrowse;
+ property OnBeforeResourceLoad: TOnBeforeResourceLoad read FOnBeforeResourceLoad write FOnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ property OnGetResourceHandler: TOnGetResourceHandler read FOnGetResourceHandler write FOnGetResourceHandler;
+ property OnResourceRedirect: TOnResourceRedirect read FOnResourceRedirect write FOnResourceRedirect;
+ property OnGetAuthCredentials: TOnGetAuthCredentials read FOnGetAuthCredentials write FOnGetAuthCredentials;
+ property OnQuotaRequest: TOnQuotaRequest read FOnQuotaRequest write FOnQuotaRequest;
+ property OnGetCookieManager: TOnGetCookieManager read FOnGetCookieManager write FOnGetCookieManager;
+ property OnProtocolExecution: TOnProtocolExecution read FOnProtocolExecution write FOnProtocolExecution;
property OnBeforePluginLoad: TOnBeforePluginLoad read FOnBeforePluginLoad write FOnBeforePluginLoad;
property OnFileDialog: TOnFileDialog read FOnFileDialog write FOnFileDialog;
+ property OnDragEnter: TOnDragEnter read FOnDragEnter write FOnDragEnter;
+ property DefaultUrl: ustring read FDefaultUrl write FDefaultUrl;
+ property Options: TChromiumOptions read FOptions write FOptions;
+ property FontOptions: TChromiumFontOptions read FFontOptions;
+ property DefaultEncoding: ustring read FDefaultEncoding write FDefaultEncoding;
+ property UserStyleSheetLocation: ustring read FUserStyleSheetLocation write FUserStyleSheetLocation;
+ property BrowserId: Integer read FBrowserId;
+ property Browser: ICefBrowser read FBrowser;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Load(const url: ustring);
+ procedure ReCreateBrowser(const url: string);
+ end;
+ TCustomChromiumOSR = class(TComponent, IChromiumEvents)
+ private
+ FHandler: ICefClient;
+ FBrowser: ICefBrowser;
+ FBrowserId: Integer;
+ FDefaultUrl: ustring;
+ FOnProcessMessageReceived: TOnProcessMessageReceived;
+ FOnLoadStart: TOnLoadStart;
+ FOnLoadEnd: TOnLoadEnd;
+ FOnLoadError: TOnLoadError;
+ FOnRenderProcessTerminated: TOnRenderProcessTerminated;
+ FOnPluginCrashed: TOnPluginCrashed;
+ FOnTakeFocus: TOnTakeFocus;
+ FOnSetFocus: TOnSetFocus;
+ FOnGotFocus: TOnGotFocus;
+ FOnBeforeContextMenu: TOnBeforeContextMenu;
+ FOnContextMenuCommand: TOnContextMenuCommand;
+ FOnContextMenuDismissed: TOnContextMenuDismissed;
+ FOnPreKeyEvent: TOnPreKeyEvent;
+ FOnKeyEvent: TOnKeyEvent;
+ FOnLoadingStateChange: TOnLoadingStateChange;
+ FOnAddressChange: TOnAddressChange;
FOnTitleChange: TOnTitleChange;
+ FOnTooltip: TOnTooltip;
+ FOnStatusMessage: TOnStatusMessage;
+ FOnConsoleMessage: TOnConsoleMessage;
+ FOnBeforeDownload: TOnBeforeDownload;
+ FOnDownloadUpdated: TOnDownloadUpdated;
+ FOnRequestGeolocationPermission: TOnRequestGeolocationPermission;
+ FOnCancelGeolocationPermission: TOnCancelGeolocationPermission;
+ FOnJsdialog: TOnJsdialog;
FOnBeforeUnloadDialog: TOnBeforeUnloadDialog;
+ FOnResetDialogState: TOnResetDialogState;
+ FOnDialogClosed: TOnDialogClosed;
+ FOnBeforePopup: TOnBeforePopup;
+ FOnAfterCreated: TOnAfterCreated;
+ FOnBeforeClose: TOnBeforeClose;
+ FOnRunModal: TOnRunModal;
+ FOnClose: TOnClose;
+ FOnBeforeBrowse: TOnBeforeBrowse;
+ FOnBeforeResourceLoad: TOnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ FOnGetResourceHandler: TOnGetResourceHandler;
+ FOnResourceRedirect: TOnResourceRedirect;
+ FOnGetAuthCredentials: TOnGetAuthCredentials;
+ FOnQuotaRequest: TOnQuotaRequest;
+ FOnGetCookieManager: TOnGetCookieManager;
+ FOnProtocolExecution: TOnProtocolExecution;
FOnBeforePluginLoad: TOnBeforePluginLoad;
FOnFileDialog: TOnFileDialog;
+ FOnGetRootScreenRect: TOnGetRootScreenRect;
+ FOnGetViewRect: TOnGetViewRect;
+ FOnGetScreenPoint: TOnGetScreenPoint;
+ FOnGetScreenInfo: TOnGetScreenInfo;
+ FOnPopupShow: TOnPopupShow;
+ FOnPopupSize: TOnPopupSize;
+ FOnPaint: TOnPaint;
+ FOnCursorChange: TOnCursorChange;
+ FOnScrollOffsetChanged: TOnScrollOffsetChanged;
+ FOnDragEnter: TOnDragEnter;
+ FOptions: TChromiumOptions;
+ FUserStyleSheetLocation: ustring;
+ FDefaultEncoding: ustring;
+ FFontOptions: TChromiumFontOptions;
+ procedure GetSettings(var settings: TCefBrowserSettings);
+ procedure CreateBrowser;
+ protected
+ procedure Loaded; override;
+ function doOnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer); virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer;
+ const errorText, failedUrl: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure doOnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser; status: TCefTerminationStatus); virtual;
+ procedure doOnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const pluginPath: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure doOnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; next: Boolean); virtual;
+ function doOnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser; source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ procedure doOnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; const model: ICefMenuModel); virtual;
+ function doOnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const params: ICefContextMenuParams; commandId: Integer;
+ eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame); virtual;
+ function doOnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle; out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser; const event: PCefKeyEvent;
+ osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean); virtual;
+ procedure doOnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring); virtual;
+ procedure doOnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; const title: ustring); virtual;
+ function doOnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser; var text: ustring): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring); virtual;
+ function doOnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser; const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const suggestedName: ustring; const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback); virtual;
+ procedure doOnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser; const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback); virtual;
+ procedure doOnRequestGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer; const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback); virtual;
+ procedure doOnCancelGeolocationPermission(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer); virtual;
+ function doOnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring;
+ dialogType: TCefJsDialogType; const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring;
+ callback: ICefJsDialogCallback; out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
procedure doOnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ function doOnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure doOnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ procedure doOnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser); virtual;
+ function doOnRunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnGetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler; virtual;
+ procedure doOnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring); virtual;
+ function doOnGetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser; const frame: ICefFrame;
+ isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer; const realm, scheme: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser; const originUrl: ustring;
+ newSize: Int64; const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnGetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager; virtual;
+ procedure doOnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser;
const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean); virtual;
function doOnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser; const url,
+ policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean; virtual;
+ function doOnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser; mode: TCefFileDialogMode;
+ const title, defaultFileName: ustring; acceptTypes: TStrings;
+ const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser; rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX, viewY: Integer;
+ screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ function doOnGetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser; screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ procedure doOnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser; show: Boolean);
+ procedure doOnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser; const rect: PCefRect);
+ procedure doOnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser; kind: TCefPaintElementType;
+ dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt; const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray;
+ const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+ procedure doOnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser; cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+ procedure doOnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ function doOnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser; const dragData: ICefDragData;
+ mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ property OnProcessMessageReceived: TOnProcessMessageReceived read FOnProcessMessageReceived write FOnProcessMessageReceived;
+ property OnLoadStart: TOnLoadStart read FOnLoadStart write FOnLoadStart;
+ property OnLoadEnd: TOnLoadEnd read FOnLoadEnd write FOnLoadEnd;
+ property OnLoadError: TOnLoadError read FOnLoadError write FOnLoadError;
+ property OnRenderProcessTerminated: TOnRenderProcessTerminated read FOnRenderProcessTerminated write FOnRenderProcessTerminated;
+ property OnPluginCrashed: TOnPluginCrashed read FOnPluginCrashed write FOnPluginCrashed;
+ property OnTakeFocus: TOnTakeFocus read FOnTakeFocus write FOnTakeFocus;
+ property OnSetFocus: TOnSetFocus read FOnSetFocus write FOnSetFocus;
+ property OnGotFocus: TOnGotFocus read FOnGotFocus write FOnGotFocus;
+ property OnBeforeContextMenu: TOnBeforeContextMenu read FOnBeforeContextMenu write FOnBeforeContextMenu;
+ property OnContextMenuCommand: TOnContextMenuCommand read FOnContextMenuCommand write FOnContextMenuCommand;
+ property OnContextMenuDismissed: TOnContextMenuDismissed read FOnContextMenuDismissed write FOnContextMenuDismissed;
+ property OnPreKeyEvent: TOnPreKeyEvent read FOnPreKeyEvent write FOnPreKeyEvent;
+ property OnKeyEvent: TOnKeyEvent read FOnKeyEvent write FOnKeyEvent;
+ property OnLoadingStateChange: TOnLoadingStateChange read FOnLoadingStateChange write FOnLoadingStateChange;
+ property OnAddressChange: TOnAddressChange read FOnAddressChange write FOnAddressChange;
property OnTitleChange: TOnTitleChange read FOnTitleChange write FOnTitleChange;
+ property OnTooltip: TOnTooltip read FOnTooltip write FOnTooltip;
+ property OnStatusMessage: TOnStatusMessage read FOnStatusMessage write FOnStatusMessage;
+ property OnConsoleMessage: TOnConsoleMessage read FOnConsoleMessage write FOnConsoleMessage;
+ property OnBeforeDownload: TOnBeforeDownload read FOnBeforeDownload write FOnBeforeDownload;
+ property OnDownloadUpdated: TOnDownloadUpdated read FOnDownloadUpdated write FOnDownloadUpdated;
+ property OnRequestGeolocationPermission: TOnRequestGeolocationPermission read FOnRequestGeolocationPermission write FOnRequestGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnCancelGeolocationPermission: TOnCancelGeolocationPermission read FOnCancelGeolocationPermission write FOnCancelGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnJsdialog: TOnJsdialog read FOnJsdialog write FOnJsdialog;
property OnBeforeUnloadDialog: TOnBeforeUnloadDialog read FOnBeforeUnloadDialog write FOnBeforeUnloadDialog;
+ property OnResetDialogState: TOnResetDialogState read FOnResetDialogState write FOnResetDialogState;
+ property OnDialogClosed: TOnDialogClosed read FOnDialogClosed write FOnDialogClosed;
+ property OnBeforePopup: TOnBeforePopup read FOnBeforePopup write FOnBeforePopup;
+ property OnAfterCreated: TOnAfterCreated read FOnAfterCreated write FOnAfterCreated;
+ property OnBeforeClose: TOnBeforeClose read FOnBeforeClose write FOnBeforeClose;
+ property OnRunModal: TOnRunModal read FOnRunModal write FOnRunModal;
+ property OnClose: TOnClose read FOnClose write FOnClose;
+ property OnBeforeBrowse: TOnBeforeBrowse read FOnBeforeBrowse write FOnBeforeBrowse;
+ property OnBeforeResourceLoad: TOnBeforeResourceLoad read FOnBeforeResourceLoad write FOnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ property OnGetResourceHandler: TOnGetResourceHandler read FOnGetResourceHandler write FOnGetResourceHandler;
+ property OnResourceRedirect: TOnResourceRedirect read FOnResourceRedirect write FOnResourceRedirect;
+ property OnGetAuthCredentials: TOnGetAuthCredentials read FOnGetAuthCredentials write FOnGetAuthCredentials;
+ property OnQuotaRequest: TOnQuotaRequest read FOnQuotaRequest write FOnQuotaRequest;
+ property OnGetCookieManager: TOnGetCookieManager read FOnGetCookieManager write FOnGetCookieManager;
+ property OnProtocolExecution: TOnProtocolExecution read FOnProtocolExecution write FOnProtocolExecution;
property OnBeforePluginLoad: TOnBeforePluginLoad read FOnBeforePluginLoad write FOnBeforePluginLoad;
property OnFileDialog: TOnFileDialog read FOnFileDialog write FOnFileDialog;
+ property OnGetRootScreenRect: TOnGetRootScreenRect read FOnGetRootScreenRect write FOnGetRootScreenRect;
+ property OnGetViewRect: TOnGetViewRect read FOnGetViewRect write FOnGetViewRect;
+ property OnGetScreenPoint: TOnGetScreenPoint read FOnGetScreenPoint write FOnGetScreenPoint;
+ property OnGetScreenInfo: TOnGetScreenInfo read FOnGetScreenInfo write FOnGetScreenInfo;
+ property OnPopupShow: TOnPopupShow read FOnPopupShow write FOnPopupShow;
+ property OnPopupSize: TOnPopupSize read FOnPopupSize write FOnPopupSize;
+ property OnPaint: TOnPaint read FOnPaint write FOnPaint;
+ property OnCursorChange: TOnCursorChange read FOnCursorChange write FOnCursorChange;
+ property OnScrollOffsetChanged: TOnScrollOffsetChanged read FOnScrollOffsetChanged write FOnScrollOffsetChanged;
+ property OnDragEnter: TOnDragEnter read FOnDragEnter write FOnDragEnter;
+ property DefaultUrl: ustring read FDefaultUrl write FDefaultUrl;
+ property Options: TChromiumOptions read FOptions write FOptions;
+ property FontOptions: TChromiumFontOptions read FFontOptions;
+ property DefaultEncoding: ustring read FDefaultEncoding write FDefaultEncoding;
+ property UserStyleSheetLocation: ustring read FUserStyleSheetLocation write FUserStyleSheetLocation;
+ property BrowserId: Integer read FBrowserId;
+ property Browser: ICefBrowser read FBrowser;
+ public
+ constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Load(const url: ustring);
+ procedure ReCreateBrowser(const url: string);
+ end;
+ TChromium = class(TCustomChromium)
+ public
+ property BrowserId;
+ property Browser;
+ published
+ property Color;
+ property Constraints;
+ property TabStop;
+ property Align;
+ property Anchors;
+ property DefaultUrl;
+ property TabOrder;
+ property Visible;
+ property OnProcessMessageReceived;
+ property OnLoadStart;
+ property OnLoadEnd;
+ property OnLoadError;
+ property OnRenderProcessTerminated;
+ property OnPluginCrashed;
+ property OnTakeFocus;
+ property OnSetFocus;
+ property OnGotFocus;
+ property OnBeforeContextMenu;
+ property OnContextMenuCommand;
+ property OnContextMenuDismissed;
+ property OnPreKeyEvent;
+ property OnKeyEvent;
+ property OnLoadingStateChange;
+ property OnAddressChange;
property OnTitleChange;
+ property OnTooltip;
+ property OnStatusMessage;
+ property OnConsoleMessage;
+ property OnBeforeDownload;
+ property OnDownloadUpdated;
+ property OnRequestGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnCancelGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnJsdialog;
property OnBeforeUnloadDialog;
+ property OnResetDialogState;
+ property OnDialogClosed;
+ property OnBeforePopup;
+ property OnAfterCreated;
+ property OnBeforeClose;
+ property OnRunModal;
+ property OnClose;
+ property OnBeforeBrowse;
+ property OnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ property OnGetResourceHandler;
+ property OnResourceRedirect;
+ property OnGetAuthCredentials;
+ property OnGetCookieManager;
+ property OnProtocolExecution;
property OnFileDialog;
property OnDragEnter;
+ property Options;
+ property FontOptions;
+ property DefaultEncoding;
+ property UserStyleSheetLocation;
+ end;
TChromiumOSR = class(TCustomChromiumOSR)
+ property BrowserId;
+ property Browser;
+ published
+ property DefaultUrl;
+ property OnProcessMessageReceived;
+ property OnLoadStart;
+ property OnLoadEnd;
+ property OnLoadError;
+ property OnRenderProcessTerminated;
+ property OnPluginCrashed;
+ property OnTakeFocus;
+ property OnSetFocus;
+ property OnGotFocus;
+ property OnBeforeContextMenu;
+ property OnContextMenuCommand;
+ property OnContextMenuDismissed;
+ property OnPreKeyEvent;
+ property OnKeyEvent;
+ property OnLoadingStateChange;
+ property OnAddressChange;
property OnTitleChange;
+ property OnTooltip;
+ property OnStatusMessage;
+ property OnConsoleMessage;
+ property OnBeforeDownload;
+ property OnDownloadUpdated;
+ property OnRequestGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnCancelGeolocationPermission;
+ property OnJsdialog;
property OnBeforeUnloadDialog;
+ property OnResetDialogState;
+ property OnDialogClosed;
+ property OnBeforePopup;
+ property OnAfterCreated;
+ property OnBeforeClose;
+ property OnRunModal;
+ property OnClose;
+ property OnBeforeBrowse;
+ property OnBeforeResourceLoad;
+ property OnGetResourceHandler;
+ property OnResourceRedirect;
+ property OnGetAuthCredentials;
+ property OnGetCookieManager;
+ property OnProtocolExecution;
property OnFileDialog;
property OnGetRootScreenRect;
+ property OnGetViewRect;
+ property OnGetScreenPoint;
+ property OnPopupShow;
+ property OnPopupSize;
+ property OnPaint;
+ property OnCursorChange;
+ property OnScrollOffsetChanged;
+ property OnDragEnter;
+ property Options;
+ property FontOptions;
+ property DefaultEncoding;
+ property UserStyleSheetLocation;
+ end;
+ uses
+ Vcl.AppEvnts;
+ AppEvnts;
+ CefInstances: Integer = 0;
+ CefTimer: UINT = 0;
+ TVCLClientHandler = class(TCustomClientHandler)
+ public
+ constructor Create(const crm: IChromiumEvents; renderer: Boolean); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ end;
+{ TVCLClientHandler }
+ looping: Boolean = False;
+procedure TimerProc(hwnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; idEvent: Pointer; dwTime: DWORD); stdcall;
+ if looping then Exit;
+ if CefInstances > 0 then
+ begin
+ looping := True;
+ try
+ CefDoMessageLoopWork;
+ finally
+ looping := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+constructor TVCLClientHandler.Create(const crm: IChromiumEvents; renderer: Boolean);
+ inherited Create(crm, renderer);
+ if CefInstances = 0 then
+ CefTimer := SetTimer(0, 0, 10, @TimerProc);
+ InterlockedIncrement(CefInstances);
+destructor TVCLClientHandler.Destroy;
+ InterlockedDecrement(CefInstances);
+ if CefInstances = 0 then
+ KillTimer(0, CefTimer);
+ inherited;
+{ TCustomChromium }
+constructor TCustomChromium.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FDefaultUrl := 'about:blank';
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ FHandler := TVCLClientHandler.Create(Self, False);
+ FOptions := TChromiumOptions.Create;
+ FFontOptions := TChromiumFontOptions.Create;
+ FUserStyleSheetLocation := '';
+ FDefaultEncoding := '';
+ FBrowserId := 0;
+ FBrowser := nil;
+procedure TCustomChromium.CreateBrowser;
+ info: TCefWindowInfo;
+ settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ rect: TRect;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ FillChar(info, SizeOf(info), 0);
+ rect := GetClientRect;
+ info.parent_window := Handle;
+ info.x := rect.left;
+ info.y := rect.top;
+ info.Width := rect.right - rect.left;
+ info.Height := rect.bottom - rect.top;
+ FillChar(settings, SizeOf(TCefBrowserSettings), 0);
+ settings.size := SizeOf(TCefBrowserSettings);
+ GetSettings(settings);
+ CefBrowserHostCreate(@info, FHandler, FDefaultUrl, @settings,
+ TCefRequestContextRef.CreateContext((FHandler as ICefClientHandler).GetRequestContextHandler));
+ CefLoadLibDefault;
+ FBrowser := CefBrowserHostCreateSync(@info, FHandler, '', @settings,
+ TCefRequestContextRef.CreateContext((FHandler as ICefClientHandler).GetRequestContextHandler));
+ FBrowserId := FBrowser.Identifier;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomChromium.CreateWindowHandle(const Params: TCreateParams);
+ inherited;
+ CreateBrowser;
+destructor TCustomChromium.Destroy;
+ if FBrowser <> nil then
+ begin
+ FBrowser.StopLoad;
+ FBrowser.Host.ParentWindowWillClose;
+ end;
+ if FHandler <> nil then
+ (FHandler as ICefClientHandler).Disconnect;
+ FHandler := nil;
+ FBrowser := nil;
+ FFontOptions.Free;
+ FOptions.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TCustomChromium.GetSettings(var settings: TCefBrowserSettings);
+ Assert(settings.size >= SizeOf(settings));
+ settings.standard_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.StandardFontFamily);
+ settings.fixed_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.FixedFontFamily);
+ settings.serif_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.SerifFontFamily);
+ settings.sans_serif_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.SansSerifFontFamily);
+ settings.cursive_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.CursiveFontFamily);
+ settings.fantasy_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.FantasyFontFamily);
+ settings.default_font_size := FFontOptions.DefaultFontSize;
+ settings.default_fixed_font_size := FFontOptions.DefaultFixedFontSize;
+ settings.minimum_font_size := FFontOptions.MinimumFontSize;
+ settings.minimum_logical_font_size := FFontOptions.MinimumLogicalFontSize;
+ settings.remote_fonts := FFontOptions.RemoteFonts;
+ settings.default_encoding := CefString(DefaultEncoding);
+ settings.user_style_sheet_location := CefString(UserStyleSheetLocation);
+ settings.javascript := FOptions.Javascript;
+ settings.javascript_open_windows := FOptions.JavascriptOpenWindows;
+ settings.javascript_close_windows := FOptions.JavascriptCloseWindows;
+ settings.javascript_access_clipboard := FOptions.JavascriptAccessClipboard;
+ settings.javascript_dom_paste := FOptions.JavascriptDomPaste;
+ settings.caret_browsing := FOptions.CaretBrowsing;
+ settings.java := FOptions.Java;
+ settings.plugins := FOptions.Plugins;
+ settings.universal_access_from_file_urls := FOptions.UniversalAccessFromFileUrls;
+ settings.file_access_from_file_urls := FOptions.FileAccessFromFileUrls;
+ settings.web_security := FOptions.WebSecurity;
+ settings.image_loading := FOptions.ImageLoading;
+ settings.image_shrink_standalone_to_fit := FOptions.ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit;
+ settings.text_area_resize := FOptions.TextAreaResize;
+ settings.tab_to_links := FOptions.TabToLinks;
+ settings.author_and_user_styles := FOptions.AuthorAndUserStyles;
+ settings.local_storage := FOptions.LocalStorage;
+ settings.databases := FOptions.Databases;
+ settings.application_cache := FOptions.ApplicationCache;
+ settings.webgl := FOptions.Webgl;
+ settings.accelerated_compositing := FOptions.AcceleratedCompositing;
+procedure TCustomChromium.Load(const url: ustring);
+ frm: ICefFrame;
+ HandleNeeded;
+ if FBrowser <> nil then
+ begin
+ frm := FBrowser.MainFrame;
+ if frm <> nil then
+ frm.LoadUrl(url);
+ end;
+procedure TCustomChromium.Loaded;
+ inherited;
+ Load(FDefaultUrl);
+procedure TCustomChromium.ReCreateBrowser(const url: string);
+ if (FBrowser <> nil) and (FBrowserId <> 0) then
+ begin
+ FBrowser.Host.ParentWindowWillClose;
+ SendMessage(FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+ SendMessage(FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
+ FBrowserId := 0;
+ FBrowser := nil;
+ CreateBrowser;
+ Load(url);
+ end;
+procedure TCustomChromium.Resize;
+ brws: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: TRect;
+ hdwp: THandle;
+ inherited;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ brws := FBrowser;
+ if (brws <> nil) and (brws.Host.WindowHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then
+ begin
+ rect := GetClientRect;
+ hdwp := BeginDeferWindowPos(1);
+ try
+ hdwp := DeferWindowPos(hdwp, brws.Host.WindowHandle, 0,
+ rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top,
+ finally
+ EndDeferWindowPos(hdwp);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomChromium.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
+ case Message.Msg of
+ begin
+ if (FBrowser <> nil) and (FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle <> 0) then
+ PostMessage(FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle, WM_SETFOCUS, Message.WParam, 0);
+ inherited WndProc(Message);
+ end;
+ if (csDesigning in ComponentState) or (FBrowser = nil) then
+ inherited WndProc(Message);
+ if not (TWMKey(Message).CharCode in [VK_LEFT .. VK_DOWN]) then
+ Message.Result := 1 else
+ inherited WndProc(Message);
+ else
+ inherited WndProc(Message);
+ end;
+function TCustomChromium.doOnClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnClose) then
+ FOnClose(Self, browser, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnAddressChange) then
+ FOnAddressChange(Self, browser, frame, url);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnAfterCreated) then
+ FOnAfterCreated(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeClose) then
+ FOnBeforeClose(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams;
+ const model: ICefMenuModel);
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeContextMenu) then
+ FOnBeforeContextMenu(Self, browser, frame, params, model);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem; const suggestedName: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeDownload) then
+ FOnBeforeDownload(Self, browser, downloadItem, suggestedName, callback);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url, policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforePluginLoad) then
+ FOnBeforePluginLoad(Self, browser, url, policyUrl, info, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforePopup) then
+ FOnBeforePopup(Self, browser, frame, targetUrl, targetFrameName, popupFeatures,
+ windowInfo, client, settings, noJavascriptAccess, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeBrowse) then
+ FOnBeforeBrowse(Self, browser, frame, request, isRedirect, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeResourceLoad) then
+ FOnBeforeResourceLoad(Self, browser, frame, request, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeUnloadDialog) then
+ FOnBeforeUnloadDialog(Self, browser, messageText, isReload, callback, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnCancelGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnCancelGeolocationPermission) then
+ FOnCancelGeolocationPermission(Self, browser, requestingUrl, requestId);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnConsoleMessage) then
+ FOnConsoleMessage(Self, browser, message, source, line, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams;
+ commandId: Integer; eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnContextMenuCommand) then
+ FOnContextMenuCommand(Self, browser, frame, params, commandId, eventFlags, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame);
+ if Assigned(FOnContextMenuDismissed) then
+ FOnContextMenuDismissed(Self, browser, frame);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnDialogClosed) then
+ FOnDialogClosed(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+ if Assigned(FOnDownloadUpdated) then
+ FOnDownloadUpdated(Self, browser, downloadItem, callback);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const dragData: ICefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnDragEnter) then
+ FOnDragEnter(Self, browser, dragData, mask, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnFileDialog) then
+ FOnFileDialog(Self, browser, mode, title, defaultFileName, acceptTypes,
+ callback, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnGetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer;
+ const realm, scheme: ustring; const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetAuthCredentials) then
+ FOnGetAuthCredentials(Self, browser, frame, isProxy, host,
+ port, realm, scheme, callback, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnGetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetCookieManager) then
+ FOnGetCookieManager(Self, Result) else
+ Result := nil;
+function TCustomChromium.doOnGetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetResourceHandler) then
+ FOnGetResourceHandler(Self, browser, frame, request, Result) else
+ Result := nil;
+function TCustomChromium.doOnGetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCustomChromium.doOnGetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCustomChromium.doOnGetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX,
+ viewY: Integer; screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function TCustomChromium.doOnGetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnGotFocus) then
+ FOnGotFocus(Self, browser)
+function TCustomChromium.doOnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring; dialogType: TCefJsDialogType;
+ const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring; callback: ICefJsDialogCallback;
+ out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnJsdialog) then
+ FOnJsdialog(Self, browser, originUrl, acceptLang, dialogType,
+ messageText, defaultPromptText, callback, suppressMessage, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnKeyEvent) then
+ FOnKeyEvent(Self, browser, event, osEvent, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadEnd) then
+ FOnLoadEnd(Self, browser, frame, httpStatusCode);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer; const errorText,
+ failedUrl: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadError) then
+ FOnLoadError(Self, browser, frame, errorCode, errorText, failedUrl);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadingStateChange) then
+ FOnLoadingStateChange(Self, browser, isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadStart) then
+ FOnLoadStart(Self, browser, frame);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const pluginPath: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnPluginCrashed) then
+ FOnPluginCrashed(Self, browser, pluginPath);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ show: Boolean);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const rect: PCefRect);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle;
+ out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnPreKeyEvent) then
+ FOnPreKeyEvent(Self, browser, event, osEvent, isKeyboardShortcut, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnProcessMessageReceived) then
+ FOnProcessMessageReceived(Self, browser, sourceProcess, message, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnProtocolExecution) then
+ FOnProtocolExecution(Self, browser, url, allowOsExecution);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl: ustring; newSize: Int64;
+ const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnQuotaRequest) then
+ FOnQuotaRequest(Self, browser, originUrl, newSize, callback, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ status: TCefTerminationStatus);
+ if Assigned(FOnRenderProcessTerminated) then
+ FOnRenderProcessTerminated(Self, browser, status);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnRequestGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer;
+ const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback);
+ if Assigned(FOnRequestGeolocationPermission) then
+ FOnRequestGeolocationPermission(Self, browser, requestingUrl, requestId, callback);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnResetDialogState) then
+ FOnResetDialogState(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnResourceRedirect) then
+ FOnResourceRedirect(Self, browser, frame, oldUrl, newUrl);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnScrollOffsetChanged(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnSetFocus) then
+ FOnSetFocus(Self, browser, source, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const value: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnStatusMessage) then
+ FOnStatusMessage(Self, browser, value);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ next: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnTakeFocus) then
+ FOnTakeFocus(Self, browser, next);
+procedure TCustomChromium.doOnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const title: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnTitleChange) then
+ FOnTitleChange(Self, browser, title);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ var text: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnTooltip) then
+ FOnTooltip(Self, browser, text, Result);
+function TCustomChromium.doOnRunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnRunModal) then
+ FOnRunModal(Self, browser, Result);
+{ TCustomChromiumOSR }
+constructor TCustomChromiumOSR.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited;
+ FDefaultUrl := 'about:blank';
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ FHandler := TVCLClientHandler.Create(Self, True);
+ FOptions := TChromiumOptions.Create;
+ FFontOptions := TChromiumFontOptions.Create;
+ FUserStyleSheetLocation := '';
+ FDefaultEncoding := '';
+ FBrowserId := 0;
+ FBrowser := nil;
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.CreateBrowser;
+ info: TCefWindowInfo;
+ settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
+ begin
+ FillChar(info, SizeOf(info), 0);
+ info.window_rendering_disabled := True;
+ FillChar(settings, SizeOf(TCefBrowserSettings), 0);
+ settings.size := SizeOf(TCefBrowserSettings);
+ GetSettings(settings);
+ CefBrowserHostCreate(@info, FHandler, FDefaultUrl, @settings);
+ FBrowser := CefBrowserHostCreateSync(@info, FHandler, '', @settings);
+ FBrowserId := FBrowser.Identifier;
+ end;
+destructor TCustomChromiumOSR.Destroy;
+ if FBrowser <> nil then
+ FBrowser.Host.ParentWindowWillClose;
+ if FHandler <> nil then
+ (FHandler as ICefClientHandler).Disconnect;
+ FHandler := nil;
+ FBrowser := nil;
+ FFontOptions.Free;
+ FOptions.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.GetSettings(var settings: TCefBrowserSettings);
+ Assert(settings.size >= SizeOf(settings));
+ settings.standard_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.StandardFontFamily);
+ settings.fixed_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.FixedFontFamily);
+ settings.serif_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.SerifFontFamily);
+ settings.sans_serif_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.SansSerifFontFamily);
+ settings.cursive_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.CursiveFontFamily);
+ settings.fantasy_font_family := CefString(FFontOptions.FantasyFontFamily);
+ settings.default_font_size := FFontOptions.DefaultFontSize;
+ settings.default_fixed_font_size := FFontOptions.DefaultFixedFontSize;
+ settings.minimum_font_size := FFontOptions.MinimumFontSize;
+ settings.minimum_logical_font_size := FFontOptions.MinimumLogicalFontSize;
+ settings.remote_fonts := FFontOptions.RemoteFonts;
+ settings.default_encoding := CefString(DefaultEncoding);
+ settings.user_style_sheet_location := CefString(UserStyleSheetLocation);
+ settings.javascript := FOptions.Javascript;
+ settings.javascript_open_windows := FOptions.JavascriptOpenWindows;
+ settings.javascript_close_windows := FOptions.JavascriptCloseWindows;
+ settings.javascript_access_clipboard := FOptions.JavascriptAccessClipboard;
+ settings.javascript_dom_paste := FOptions.JavascriptDomPaste;
+ settings.caret_browsing := FOptions.CaretBrowsing;
+ settings.java := FOptions.Java;
+ settings.plugins := FOptions.Plugins;
+ settings.universal_access_from_file_urls := FOptions.UniversalAccessFromFileUrls;
+ settings.file_access_from_file_urls := FOptions.FileAccessFromFileUrls;
+ settings.web_security := FOptions.WebSecurity;
+ settings.image_loading := FOptions.ImageLoading;
+ settings.image_shrink_standalone_to_fit := FOptions.ImageShrinkStandaloneToFit;
+ settings.text_area_resize := FOptions.TextAreaResize;
+ settings.tab_to_links := FOptions.TabToLinks;
+ settings.author_and_user_styles := FOptions.AuthorAndUserStyles;
+ settings.local_storage := FOptions.LocalStorage;
+ settings.databases := FOptions.Databases;
+ settings.application_cache := FOptions.ApplicationCache;
+ settings.webgl := FOptions.Webgl;
+ settings.accelerated_compositing := FOptions.AcceleratedCompositing;
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.Load(const url: ustring);
+ frm: ICefFrame;
+ if FBrowser <> nil then
+ begin
+ frm := FBrowser.MainFrame;
+ if frm <> nil then
+ frm.LoadUrl(url);
+ end;
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.Loaded;
+ inherited;
+ CreateBrowser;
+ Load(FDefaultUrl);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.ReCreateBrowser(const url: string);
+ if (FBrowser <> nil) and (FBrowserId <> 0) then
+ begin
+ FBrowser.Host.ParentWindowWillClose;
+ SendMessage(FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+ SendMessage(FBrowser.Host.WindowHandle, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);
+ FBrowserId := 0;
+ FBrowser := nil;
+ CreateBrowser;
+ Load(url);
+ end;
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnClose(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnClose) then
+ FOnClose(Self, browser, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnAddressChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const url: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnAddressChange) then
+ FOnAddressChange(Self, browser, frame, url);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnAfterCreated(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnAfterCreated) then
+ FOnAfterCreated(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforeClose(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeClose) then
+ FOnBeforeClose(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforeContextMenu(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams;
+ const model: ICefMenuModel);
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeContextMenu) then
+ FOnBeforeContextMenu(Self, browser, frame, params, model);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforeDownload(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem; const suggestedName: ustring;
+ const callback: ICefBeforeDownloadCallback);
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeDownload) then
+ FOnBeforeDownload(Self, browser, downloadItem, suggestedName, callback);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforePluginLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url, policyUrl: ustring; const info: ICefWebPluginInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforePluginLoad) then
+ FOnBeforePluginLoad(Self, browser, url, policyUrl, info, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforePopup(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const targetUrl, targetFrameName: ustring;
+ var popupFeatures: TCefPopupFeatures; var windowInfo: TCefWindowInfo;
+ var client: ICefClient; var settings: TCefBrowserSettings;
+ var noJavascriptAccess: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforePopup) then
+ FOnBeforePopup(Self, browser, frame, targetUrl, targetFrameName, popupFeatures,
+ windowInfo, client, settings, noJavascriptAccess, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforeBrowse(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest; isRedirect: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeBrowse) then
+ FOnBeforeBrowse(Self, browser, frame, request, isRedirect, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforeResourceLoad(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeResourceLoad) then
+ FOnBeforeResourceLoad(Self, browser, frame, request, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnBeforeUnloadDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const messageText: ustring; isReload: Boolean;
+ const callback: ICefJsDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnBeforeUnloadDialog) then
+ FOnBeforeUnloadDialog(Self, browser, messageText, isReload, callback, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnCancelGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnCancelGeolocationPermission) then
+ FOnCancelGeolocationPermission(Self, browser, requestingUrl, requestId);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnConsoleMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const message, source: ustring; line: Integer): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnConsoleMessage) then
+ FOnConsoleMessage(Self, browser, message, source, line, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnContextMenuCommand(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const params: ICefContextMenuParams;
+ commandId: Integer; eventFlags: TCefEventFlags): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnContextMenuCommand) then
+ FOnContextMenuCommand(Self, browser, frame, params, commandId, eventFlags, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnContextMenuDismissed(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame);
+ if Assigned(FOnContextMenuDismissed) then
+ FOnContextMenuDismissed(Self, browser, frame);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnCursorChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ cursor: TCefCursorHandle);
+ if Assigned(FOnCursorChange) then
+ FOnCursorChange(Self, browser, cursor);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnDialogClosed(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnDialogClosed) then
+ FOnDialogClosed(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnDownloadUpdated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const downloadItem: ICefDownloadItem;
+ const callback: ICefDownloadItemCallback);
+ if Assigned(FOnDownloadUpdated) then
+ FOnDownloadUpdated(Self, browser, downloadItem, callback);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnDragEnter(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const dragData: ICefDragData; mask: TCefDragOperations): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnDragEnter) then
+ FOnDragEnter(Self, browser, dragData, mask, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnFileDialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ mode: TCefFileDialogMode; const title, defaultFileName: ustring;
+ acceptTypes: TStrings; const callback: ICefFileDialogCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnFileDialog) then
+ FOnFileDialog(Self, browser, mode, title, defaultFileName, acceptTypes,
+ callback, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGetAuthCredentials(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; isProxy: Boolean; const host: ustring; port: Integer;
+ const realm, scheme: ustring; const callback: ICefAuthCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetAuthCredentials) then
+ FOnGetAuthCredentials(Self, browser, frame, isProxy, host,
+ port, realm, scheme, callback, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGetCookieManager: ICefCookieManager;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetCookieManager) then
+ FOnGetCookieManager(Self, Result) else
+ Result := nil;
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGetResourceHandler(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const request: ICefRequest): ICefResourceHandler;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetResourceHandler) then
+ FOnGetResourceHandler(Self, browser, frame, request, Result) else
+ Result := nil;
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGetRootScreenRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetRootScreenRect) then
+ FOnGetRootScreenRect(Self, browser, rect, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGetScreenInfo(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ screenInfo: PCefScreenInfo): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetScreenInfo) then
+ FOnGetScreenInfo(Self, browser, screenInfo, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGetScreenPoint(const browser: ICefBrowser; viewX,
+ viewY: Integer; screenX, screenY: PInteger): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetScreenPoint) then
+ FOnGetScreenPoint(Self, browser, viewX, viewY, screenX, screenY, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGetViewRect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ rect: PCefRect): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetViewRect) then
+ FOnGetViewRect(Self, browser, rect, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnGotFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnGotFocus) then
+ FOnGotFocus(Self, browser)
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnJsdialog(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl, acceptLang: ustring; dialogType: TCefJsDialogType;
+ const messageText, defaultPromptText: ustring; callback: ICefJsDialogCallback;
+ out suppressMessage: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnJsdialog) then
+ FOnJsdialog(Self, browser, originUrl, acceptLang, dialogType,
+ messageText, defaultPromptText, callback, suppressMessage, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnKeyEvent) then
+ FOnKeyEvent(Self, browser, event, osEvent, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnLoadEnd(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; httpStatusCode: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadEnd) then
+ FOnLoadEnd(Self, browser, frame, httpStatusCode);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnLoadError(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; errorCode: Integer; const errorText,
+ failedUrl: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadError) then
+ FOnLoadError(Self, browser, frame, errorCode, errorText, failedUrl);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnLoadingStateChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadingStateChange) then
+ FOnLoadingStateChange(Self, browser, isLoading, canGoBack, canGoForward);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnLoadStart(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame);
+ if Assigned(FOnLoadStart) then
+ FOnLoadStart(Self, browser, frame);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnPaint(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ kind: TCefPaintElementType; dirtyRectsCount: NativeUInt;
+ const dirtyRects: PCefRectArray; const buffer: Pointer; width, height: Integer);
+ if Assigned(FOnPaint) then
+ FOnPaint(Self, browser, kind, dirtyRectsCount, dirtyRects, buffer, width, height);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnPluginCrashed(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const pluginPath: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnPluginCrashed) then
+ FOnPluginCrashed(Self, browser, pluginPath);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnPopupShow(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ show: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnPopupShow) then
+ FOnPopupShow(Self, browser, show);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnPopupSize(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const rect: PCefRect);
+ if Assigned(FOnPopupSize) then
+ FOnPopupSize(Self, browser, rect);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnPreKeyEvent(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const event: PCefKeyEvent; osEvent: TCefEventHandle;
+ out isKeyboardShortcut: Boolean): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnPreKeyEvent) then
+ FOnPreKeyEvent(Self, browser, event, osEvent, isKeyboardShortcut, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnProcessMessageReceived(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ sourceProcess: TCefProcessId; const message: ICefProcessMessage): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnProcessMessageReceived) then
+ FOnProcessMessageReceived(Self, browser, sourceProcess, message, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnProtocolExecution(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const url: ustring; out allowOsExecution: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnProtocolExecution) then
+ FOnProtocolExecution(Self, browser, url, allowOsExecution);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnQuotaRequest(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const originUrl: ustring; newSize: Int64;
+ const callback: ICefQuotaCallback): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnQuotaRequest) then
+ FOnQuotaRequest(Self, browser, originUrl, newSize, callback, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnRenderProcessTerminated(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ status: TCefTerminationStatus);
+ if Assigned(FOnRenderProcessTerminated) then
+ FOnRenderProcessTerminated(Self, browser, status);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnRequestGeolocationPermission(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser; const requestingUrl: ustring; requestId: Integer;
+ const callback: ICefGeolocationCallback);
+ if Assigned(FOnRequestGeolocationPermission) then
+ FOnRequestGeolocationPermission(Self, browser, requestingUrl, requestId, callback);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnResetDialogState(const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnResetDialogState) then
+ FOnResetDialogState(Self, browser);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnResourceRedirect(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const frame: ICefFrame; const oldUrl: ustring; var newUrl: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnResourceRedirect) then
+ FOnResourceRedirect(Self, browser, frame, oldUrl, newUrl);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnScrollOffsetChanged(
+ const browser: ICefBrowser);
+ if Assigned(FOnScrollOffsetChanged) then
+ FOnScrollOffsetChanged(Self, browser);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnSetFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ source: TCefFocusSource): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnSetFocus) then
+ FOnSetFocus(Self, browser, source, Result);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnStatusMessage(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const value: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnStatusMessage) then
+ FOnStatusMessage(Self, browser, value);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnTakeFocus(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ next: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnTakeFocus) then
+ FOnTakeFocus(Self, browser, next);
+procedure TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnTitleChange(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ const title: ustring);
+ if Assigned(FOnTitleChange) then
+ FOnTitleChange(Self, browser, title);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnTooltip(const browser: ICefBrowser;
+ var text: ustring): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnTooltip) then
+ FOnTooltip(Self, browser, text, Result);
+function TCustomChromiumOSR.doOnRunModal(const browser: ICefBrowser): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(FOnRunModal) then
+ FOnRunModal(Self, browser, Result);
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/superobject.pas b/src/thirdparty/superobject.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fe8e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/superobject.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,7616 @@
+ * Super Object Toolkit
+ *
+ * Usage allowed under the restrictions of the Lesser GNU General Public License
+ * or alternatively the restrictions of the Mozilla Public License 1.1
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * Embarcadero Technologies Inc is not permitted to use or redistribute
+ * this source code without explicit permission.
+ *
+ * Unit owner : Henri Gourvest
+ * Web site : http://www.progdigy.com
+ *
+ * This unit is inspired from the json c lib:
+ * Michael Clark
+ * http://oss.metaparadigm.com/json-c/
+ *
+ * v1.2
+ * + support of currency data type
+ * + right trim unquoted string
+ * + read Unicode Files and streams (Litle Endian with BOM)
+ * + Fix bug on javadate functions + windows nt compatibility
+ * + Now you can force to parse only the canonical syntax of JSON using the stric parameter
+ * + Delphi 2010 RTTI marshalling
+ * v1.1
+ * + Double licence MPL or LGPL.
+ * + Delphi 2009 compatibility & Unicode support.
+ * + AsString return a string instead of PChar.
+ * + Escaped and Unascaped JSON serialiser.
+ * + Missed FormFeed added \f
+ * - Removed @ trick, uses forcepath() method instead.
+ * + Fixed parse error with uppercase E symbol in numbers.
+ * + Fixed possible buffer overflow when enlarging array.
+ * + Added "delete", "pack", "insert" methods for arrays and/or objects
+ * + Multi parametters when calling methods
+ * + Delphi Enumerator (for obj1 in obj2 do ...)
+ * + Format method ex: obj.format('<%name%>%tab[1]%%name%>')
+ * + ParseFile and ParseStream methods
+ * + Parser now understand hexdecimal c syntax ex: \xFF
+ * + Null Object Design Patern (ex: for obj in values.N['path'] do ...)
+ * v1.0
+ * + renamed class
+ * + interfaced object
+ * + added a new data type: the method
+ * + parser can now evaluate properties and call methods
+ * - removed obselet rpc class
+ * - removed "find" method, now you can use "parse" method instead
+ * v0.6
+ * + refactoring
+ * v0.5
+ * + new find method to get or set value using a path syntax
+ * ex: obj.s['obj.prop[1]'] := 'string value';
+ * obj.a['@obj.array'].b[n] := true; // @ -> create property if necessary
+ * v0.4
+ * + bug corrected: AVL tree badly balanced.
+ * v0.3
+ * + New validator partially based on the Kwalify syntax.
+ * + extended syntax to parse unquoted fields.
+ * + Freepascal compatibility win32/64 Linux32/64.
+ * + JavaToDelphiDateTime and DelphiToJavaDateTime improved for UTC.
+ * + new TJsonObject.Compare function.
+ * v0.2
+ * + Hashed string list replaced with a faster AVL tree
+ * + JsonInt data type can be changed to int64
+ * + JavaToDelphiDateTime and DelphiToJavaDateTime helper fonctions
+ * + from json-c v0.7
+ * + Add escaping of backslash to json output
+ * + Add escaping of foward slash on tokenizing and output
+ * + Changes to internal tokenizer from using recursion to
+ * using a depth state structure to allow incremental parsing
+ * v0.1
+ * + first release
+ *)
+{.$DEFINE DEBUG} // track memory leack
+{$if defined(FPC) or defined(VER170) or defined(VER180) or defined(VER190) or defined(VER200) or defined(VER210)}
+{$if defined(VER210) or defined(VER220) or defined(VER230)}
+ {$define HAVE_RTTI}
+{$if defined(VER230)}
+{$if defined(FPC) and defined(VER2_6)}
+unit superobject;
+ Classes
+ ,Generics.Collections, RTTI, TypInfo
+ ;
+ PtrInt = Int64;
+ PtrUInt = UInt64;
+ PtrInt = longint;
+ PtrUInt = Longword;
+ SuperInt = Int64;
+{$if (sizeof(Char) = 1)}
+ SOChar = WideChar;
+ SOIChar = Word;
+ PSOChar = PWideChar;
+ SOString = UnicodeString;
+ SOString = WideString;
+ SOChar = Char;
+ SOIChar = Word;
+ PSOChar = PChar;
+ SOString = string;
+ SUPER_AVL_MAX_DEPTH = sizeof(longint) * 8;
+ SUPER_AVL_MASK_HIGH_BIT = not ((not longword(0)) shr 1);
+ // forward declarations
+ TSuperObject = class;
+ ISuperObject = interface;
+ TSuperArray = class;
+(* AVL Tree
+ * This is a "special" autobalanced AVL tree
+ * It use a hash value for fast compare
+ *)
+ TSuperMethod = procedure(const This, Params: ISuperObject; var Result: ISuperObject);
+ TSuperAvlBitArray = set of 0..SUPER_AVL_MAX_DEPTH - 1;
+ TSuperAvlSearchType = (stEQual, stLess, stGreater);
+ TSuperAvlSearchTypes = set of TSuperAvlSearchType;
+ TSuperAvlIterator = class;
+ TSuperAvlEntry = class
+ private
+ FGt, FLt: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ FBf: integer;
+ FHash: Cardinal;
+ FName: SOString;
+ FPtr: Pointer;
+ function GetValue: ISuperObject;
+ procedure SetValue(const val: ISuperObject);
+ public
+ class function Hash(const k: SOString): Cardinal; virtual;
+ constructor Create(const AName: SOString; Obj: Pointer); virtual;
+ property Name: SOString read FName;
+ property Ptr: Pointer read FPtr;
+ property Value: ISuperObject read GetValue write SetValue;
+ end;
+ TSuperAvlTree = class
+ private
+ FRoot: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ FCount: Integer;
+ function balance(bal: TSuperAvlEntry): TSuperAvlEntry;
+ protected
+ procedure doDeleteEntry(Entry: TSuperAvlEntry; all: boolean); virtual;
+ function CompareNodeNode(node1, node2: TSuperAvlEntry): integer; virtual;
+ function CompareKeyNode(const k: SOString; h: TSuperAvlEntry): integer; virtual;
+ function Insert(h: TSuperAvlEntry): TSuperAvlEntry; virtual;
+ function Search(const k: SOString; st: TSuperAvlSearchTypes = [stEqual]): TSuperAvlEntry; virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function IsEmpty: boolean;
+ procedure Clear(all: boolean = false); virtual;
+ procedure Pack(all: boolean);
+ function Delete(const k: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ function GetEnumerator: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ property count: Integer read FCount;
+ end;
+ TSuperTableString = class(TSuperAvlTree)
+ protected
+ procedure doDeleteEntry(Entry: TSuperAvlEntry; all: boolean); override;
+ procedure PutO(const k: SOString; const value: ISuperObject);
+ function GetO(const k: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutS(const k: SOString; const value: SOString);
+ function GetS(const k: SOString): SOString;
+ procedure PutI(const k: SOString; value: SuperInt);
+ function GetI(const k: SOString): SuperInt;
+ procedure PutD(const k: SOString; value: Double);
+ function GetD(const k: SOString): Double;
+ procedure PutB(const k: SOString; value: Boolean);
+ function GetB(const k: SOString): Boolean;
+ procedure PutM(const k: SOString; value: TSuperMethod);
+ function GetM(const k: SOString): TSuperMethod;
+ procedure PutN(const k: SOString; const value: ISuperObject);
+ function GetN(const k: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutC(const k: SOString; value: Currency);
+ function GetC(const k: SOString): Currency;
+ public
+ property O[const k: SOString]: ISuperObject read GetO write PutO; default;
+ property S[const k: SOString]: SOString read GetS write PutS;
+ property I[const k: SOString]: SuperInt read GetI write PutI;
+ property D[const k: SOString]: Double read GetD write PutD;
+ property B[const k: SOString]: Boolean read GetB write PutB;
+ property M[const k: SOString]: TSuperMethod read GetM write PutM;
+ property N[const k: SOString]: ISuperObject read GetN write PutN;
+ property C[const k: SOString]: Currency read GetC write PutC;
+ function GetValues: ISuperObject;
+ function GetNames: ISuperObject;
+ function Find(const k: SOString; var value: ISuperObject): Boolean;
+ function Exists(const k: SOString): Boolean;
+ end;
+ TSuperAvlIterator = class
+ private
+ FTree: TSuperAvlTree;
+ FBranch: TSuperAvlBitArray;
+ FDepth: LongInt;
+ FPath: array[0..SUPER_AVL_MAX_DEPTH - 2] of TSuperAvlEntry;
+ public
+ constructor Create(tree: TSuperAvlTree); virtual;
+ procedure Search(const k: SOString; st: TSuperAvlSearchTypes = [stEQual]);
+ procedure First;
+ procedure Last;
+ function GetIter: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ procedure Next;
+ procedure Prior;
+ // delphi enumerator
+ function MoveNext: Boolean;
+ property Current: TSuperAvlEntry read GetIter;
+ end;
+ TSuperObjectArray = array[0..(high(Integer) div sizeof(TSuperObject))-1] of ISuperObject;
+ PSuperObjectArray = ^TSuperObjectArray;
+ TSuperArray = class
+ private
+ FArray: PSuperObjectArray;
+ FLength: Integer;
+ FSize: Integer;
+ procedure Expand(max: Integer);
+ protected
+ function GetO(const index: integer): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutO(const index: integer; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ function GetB(const index: integer): Boolean;
+ procedure PutB(const index: integer; Value: Boolean);
+ function GetI(const index: integer): SuperInt;
+ procedure PutI(const index: integer; Value: SuperInt);
+ function GetD(const index: integer): Double;
+ procedure PutD(const index: integer; Value: Double);
+ function GetC(const index: integer): Currency;
+ procedure PutC(const index: integer; Value: Currency);
+ function GetS(const index: integer): SOString;
+ procedure PutS(const index: integer; const Value: SOString);
+ function GetM(const index: integer): TSuperMethod;
+ procedure PutM(const index: integer; Value: TSuperMethod);
+ function GetN(const index: integer): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutN(const index: integer; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function Add(const Data: ISuperObject): Integer; overload;
+ function Add(Data: SuperInt): Integer; overload;
+ function Add(const Data: SOString): Integer; overload;
+ function Add(Data: Boolean): Integer; overload;
+ function Add(Data: Double): Integer; overload;
+ function AddC(const Data: Currency): Integer;
+ function Delete(index: Integer): ISuperObject;
+ procedure Insert(index: Integer; const value: ISuperObject);
+ procedure Clear(all: boolean = false);
+ procedure Pack(all: boolean);
+ property Length: Integer read FLength;
+ property N[const index: integer]: ISuperObject read GetN write PutN;
+ property O[const index: integer]: ISuperObject read GetO write PutO; default;
+ property B[const index: integer]: boolean read GetB write PutB;
+ property I[const index: integer]: SuperInt read GetI write PutI;
+ property D[const index: integer]: Double read GetD write PutD;
+ property C[const index: integer]: Currency read GetC write PutC;
+ property S[const index: integer]: SOString read GetS write PutS;
+ property M[const index: integer]: TSuperMethod read GetM write PutM;
+ end;
+ TSuperWriter = class
+ public
+ // abstact methods to overide
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
+ procedure Reset; virtual; abstract;
+ end;
+ TSuperWriterString = class(TSuperWriter)
+ private
+ FBuf: PSOChar;
+ FBPos: integer;
+ FSize: integer;
+ public
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer; overload; override;
+ procedure Reset; override;
+ procedure TrimRight;
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function GetString: SOString;
+ property Data: PSOChar read FBuf;
+ property Size: Integer read FSize;
+ property Position: integer read FBPos;
+ end;
+ TSuperWriterStream = class(TSuperWriter)
+ private
+ FStream: TStream;
+ public
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer; override;
+ procedure Reset; override;
+ constructor Create(AStream: TStream); reintroduce; virtual;
+ end;
+ TSuperAnsiWriterStream = class(TSuperWriterStream)
+ public
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer; override;
+ end;
+ TSuperUnicodeWriterStream = class(TSuperWriterStream)
+ public
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer; override;
+ end;
+ TSuperWriterFake = class(TSuperWriter)
+ private
+ FSize: Integer;
+ public
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer; override;
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer; override;
+ procedure Reset; override;
+ constructor Create; reintroduce; virtual;
+ property size: integer read FSize;
+ end;
+ TSuperWriterSock = class(TSuperWriter)
+ private
+ FSocket: longint;
+ FSize: Integer;
+ public
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer; override;
+ function Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer; override;
+ procedure Reset; override;
+ constructor Create(ASocket: longint); reintroduce; virtual;
+ property Socket: longint read FSocket;
+ property Size: Integer read FSize;
+ end;
+ TSuperTokenizerError = (
+ teSuccess,
+ teContinue,
+ teDepth,
+ teParseEof,
+ teParseUnexpected,
+ teParseNull,
+ teParseBoolean,
+ teParseNumber,
+ teParseArray,
+ teParseObjectKeyName,
+ teParseObjectKeySep,
+ teParseObjectValueSep,
+ teParseString,
+ teParseComment,
+ teEvalObject,
+ teEvalArray,
+ teEvalMethod,
+ teEvalInt
+ );
+ TSuperTokenerState = (
+ tsEatws,
+ tsStart,
+ tsFinish,
+ tsNull,
+ tsCommentStart,
+ tsComment,
+ tsCommentEol,
+ tsCommentEnd,
+ tsString,
+ tsStringEscape,
+ tsIdentifier,
+ tsEscapeUnicode,
+ tsEscapeHexadecimal,
+ tsBoolean,
+ tsNumber,
+ tsArray,
+ tsArrayAdd,
+ tsArraySep,
+ tsObjectFieldStart,
+ tsObjectField,
+ tsObjectUnquotedField,
+ tsObjectFieldEnd,
+ tsObjectValue,
+ tsObjectValueAdd,
+ tsObjectSep,
+ tsEvalProperty,
+ tsEvalArray,
+ tsEvalMethod,
+ tsParamValue,
+ tsParamPut,
+ tsMethodValue,
+ tsMethodPut
+ );
+ PSuperTokenerSrec = ^TSuperTokenerSrec;
+ TSuperTokenerSrec = record
+ state, saved_state: TSuperTokenerState;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ current: ISuperObject;
+ field_name: SOString;
+ parent: ISuperObject;
+ gparent: ISuperObject;
+ end;
+ TSuperTokenizer = class
+ public
+ str: PSOChar;
+ pb: TSuperWriterString;
+ depth, is_double, floatcount, st_pos, char_offset: Integer;
+ err: TSuperTokenizerError;
+ ucs_char: Word;
+ quote_char: SOChar;
+ stack: array[0..SUPER_TOKENER_MAX_DEPTH-1] of TSuperTokenerSrec;
+ line, col: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure ResetLevel(adepth: integer);
+ procedure Reset;
+ end;
+ // supported object types
+ TSuperType = (
+ stNull,
+ stBoolean,
+ stDouble,
+ stCurrency,
+ stInt,
+ stObject,
+ stArray,
+ stString
+ ,stMethod
+ );
+ TSuperValidateError = (
+ veRuleMalformated,
+ veFieldIsRequired,
+ veInvalidDataType,
+ veFieldNotFound,
+ veUnexpectedField,
+ veDuplicateEntry,
+ veValueNotInEnum,
+ veInvalidLength,
+ veInvalidRange
+ );
+ TSuperFindOption = (
+ foCreatePath,
+ foPutValue,
+ foDelete
+ ,foCallMethod
+ );
+ TSuperFindOptions = set of TSuperFindOption;
+ TSuperCompareResult = (cpLess, cpEqu, cpGreat, cpError);
+ TSuperOnValidateError = procedure(sender: Pointer; error: TSuperValidateError; const objpath: SOString);
+ TSuperEnumerator = class
+ private
+ FObj: ISuperObject;
+ FObjEnum: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ FCount: Integer;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const obj: ISuperObject); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function MoveNext: Boolean;
+ function GetCurrent: ISuperObject;
+ property Current: ISuperObject read GetCurrent;
+ end;
+ ISuperObject = interface
+ ['{4B86A9E3-E094-4E5A-954A-69048B7B6327}']
+ function GetEnumerator: TSuperEnumerator;
+ function GetDataType: TSuperType;
+ function GetProcessing: boolean;
+ procedure SetProcessing(value: boolean);
+ function ForcePath(const path: SOString; dataType: TSuperType = stObject): ISuperObject;
+ function Format(const str: SOString; BeginSep: SOChar = '%'; EndSep: SOChar = '%'): SOString;
+ function GetO(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutO(const path: SOString; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ function GetB(const path: SOString): Boolean;
+ procedure PutB(const path: SOString; Value: Boolean);
+ function GetI(const path: SOString): SuperInt;
+ procedure PutI(const path: SOString; Value: SuperInt);
+ function GetD(const path: SOString): Double;
+ procedure PutC(const path: SOString; Value: Currency);
+ function GetC(const path: SOString): Currency;
+ procedure PutD(const path: SOString; Value: Double);
+ function GetS(const path: SOString): SOString;
+ procedure PutS(const path: SOString; const Value: SOString);
+ function GetM(const path: SOString): TSuperMethod;
+ procedure PutM(const path: SOString; Value: TSuperMethod);
+ function GetA(const path: SOString): TSuperArray;
+ // Null Object Design patern
+ function GetN(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutN(const path: SOString; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ // Writers
+ function Write(writer: TSuperWriter; indent: boolean; escape: boolean; level: integer): Integer;
+ function SaveTo(stream: TStream; indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer; overload;
+ function SaveTo(const FileName: string; indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer; overload;
+ function SaveTo(socket: longint; indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer; overload;
+ function CalcSize(indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer;
+ // convert
+ function AsBoolean: Boolean;
+ function AsInteger: SuperInt;
+ function AsDouble: Double;
+ function AsCurrency: Currency;
+ function AsString: SOString;
+ function AsArray: TSuperArray;
+ function AsObject: TSuperTableString;
+ function AsMethod: TSuperMethod;
+ function AsJSon(indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): SOString;
+ procedure Clear(all: boolean = false);
+ procedure Pack(all: boolean = false);
+ property N[const path: SOString]: ISuperObject read GetN write PutN;
+ property O[const path: SOString]: ISuperObject read GetO write PutO; default;
+ property B[const path: SOString]: boolean read GetB write PutB;
+ property I[const path: SOString]: SuperInt read GetI write PutI;
+ property D[const path: SOString]: Double read GetD write PutD;
+ property C[const path: SOString]: Currency read GetC write PutC;
+ property S[const path: SOString]: SOString read GetS write PutS;
+ property M[const path: SOString]: TSuperMethod read GetM write PutM;
+ property A[const path: SOString]: TSuperArray read GetA;
+ function call(const path: SOString; const param: ISuperObject = nil): ISuperObject; overload;
+ function call(const path, param: SOString): ISuperObject; overload;
+ // clone a node
+ function Clone: ISuperObject;
+ function Delete(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ // merges tow objects of same type, if reference is true then nodes are not cloned
+ procedure Merge(const obj: ISuperObject; reference: boolean = false); overload;
+ procedure Merge(const str: SOString); overload;
+ // validate methods
+ function Validate(const rules: SOString; const defs: SOString = ''; callback: TSuperOnValidateError = nil; sender: Pointer = nil): boolean; overload;
+ function Validate(const rules: ISuperObject; const defs: ISuperObject = nil; callback: TSuperOnValidateError = nil; sender: Pointer = nil): boolean; overload;
+ // compare
+ function Compare(const obj: ISuperObject): TSuperCompareResult; overload;
+ function Compare(const str: SOString): TSuperCompareResult; overload;
+ // the data type
+ function IsType(AType: TSuperType): boolean;
+ property DataType: TSuperType read GetDataType;
+ property Processing: boolean read GetProcessing write SetProcessing;
+ function GetDataPtr: Pointer;
+ procedure SetDataPtr(const Value: Pointer);
+ property DataPtr: Pointer read GetDataPtr write SetDataPtr;
+ end;
+ TSuperObject = class(TObject, ISuperObject)
+ private
+ FRefCount: Integer;
+ FProcessing: boolean;
+ FDataType: TSuperType;
+ FDataPtr: Pointer;
+{.$if true}
+ FO: record
+ case TSuperType of
+ stBoolean: (c_boolean: boolean);
+ stDouble: (c_double: double);
+ stCurrency: (c_currency: Currency);
+ stInt: (c_int: SuperInt);
+ stObject: (c_object: TSuperTableString);
+ stArray: (c_array: TSuperArray);
+ stMethod: (c_method: TSuperMethod);
+ end;
+ FOString: SOString;
+ function GetDataType: TSuperType;
+ function GetDataPtr: Pointer;
+ procedure SetDataPtr(const Value: Pointer);
+ protected
+ function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: tguid; out obj): longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
+ function QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; virtual; stdcall;
+ function _AddRef: Integer; virtual; stdcall;
+ function _Release: Integer; virtual; stdcall;
+ function GetO(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutO(const path: SOString; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ function GetB(const path: SOString): Boolean;
+ procedure PutB(const path: SOString; Value: Boolean);
+ function GetI(const path: SOString): SuperInt;
+ procedure PutI(const path: SOString; Value: SuperInt);
+ function GetD(const path: SOString): Double;
+ procedure PutD(const path: SOString; Value: Double);
+ procedure PutC(const path: SOString; Value: Currency);
+ function GetC(const path: SOString): Currency;
+ function GetS(const path: SOString): SOString;
+ procedure PutS(const path: SOString; const Value: SOString);
+ function GetM(const path: SOString): TSuperMethod;
+ procedure PutM(const path: SOString; Value: TSuperMethod);
+ function GetA(const path: SOString): TSuperArray;
+ function Write(writer: TSuperWriter; indent: boolean; escape: boolean; level: integer): Integer; virtual;
+ public
+ function GetEnumerator: TSuperEnumerator;
+ procedure AfterConstruction; override;
+ procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
+ class function NewInstance: TObject; override;
+ property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
+ function GetProcessing: boolean;
+ procedure SetProcessing(value: boolean);
+ // Writers
+ function SaveTo(stream: TStream; indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer; overload;
+ function SaveTo(const FileName: string; indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer; overload;
+ function SaveTo(socket: longint; indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer; overload;
+ function CalcSize(indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): integer;
+ function AsJSon(indent: boolean = false; escape: boolean = true): SOString;
+ // parser ... owned!
+ class function ParseString(s: PSOChar; strict: Boolean; partial: boolean = true; const this: ISuperObject = nil; options: TSuperFindOptions = [];
+ const put: ISuperObject = nil; dt: TSuperType = stNull): ISuperObject;
+ class function ParseStream(stream: TStream; strict: Boolean; partial: boolean = true; const this: ISuperObject = nil; options: TSuperFindOptions = [];
+ const put: ISuperObject = nil; dt: TSuperType = stNull): ISuperObject;
+ class function ParseFile(const FileName: string; strict: Boolean; partial: boolean = true; const this: ISuperObject = nil; options: TSuperFindOptions = [];
+ const put: ISuperObject = nil; dt: TSuperType = stNull): ISuperObject;
+ class function ParseEx(tok: TSuperTokenizer; str: PSOChar; len: integer; strict: Boolean; const this: ISuperObject = nil;
+ options: TSuperFindOptions = []; const put: ISuperObject = nil; dt: TSuperType = stNull): ISuperObject;
+ // constructors / destructor
+ constructor Create(jt: TSuperType = stObject); overload; virtual;
+ constructor Create(b: boolean); overload; virtual;
+ constructor Create(i: SuperInt); overload; virtual;
+ constructor Create(d: double); overload; virtual;
+ constructor CreateCurrency(c: Currency); overload; virtual;
+ constructor Create(const s: SOString); overload; virtual;
+ constructor Create(m: TSuperMethod); overload; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ // convert
+ function AsBoolean: Boolean; virtual;
+ function AsInteger: SuperInt; virtual;
+ function AsDouble: Double; virtual;
+ function AsCurrency: Currency; virtual;
+ function AsString: SOString; virtual;
+ function AsArray: TSuperArray; virtual;
+ function AsObject: TSuperTableString; virtual;
+ function AsMethod: TSuperMethod; virtual;
+ procedure Clear(all: boolean = false); virtual;
+ procedure Pack(all: boolean = false); virtual;
+ function GetN(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ procedure PutN(const path: SOString; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ function ForcePath(const path: SOString; dataType: TSuperType = stObject): ISuperObject;
+ function Format(const str: SOString; BeginSep: SOChar = '%'; EndSep: SOChar = '%'): SOString;
+ property N[const path: SOString]: ISuperObject read GetN write PutN;
+ property O[const path: SOString]: ISuperObject read GetO write PutO; default;
+ property B[const path: SOString]: boolean read GetB write PutB;
+ property I[const path: SOString]: SuperInt read GetI write PutI;
+ property D[const path: SOString]: Double read GetD write PutD;
+ property C[const path: SOString]: Currency read GetC write PutC;
+ property S[const path: SOString]: SOString read GetS write PutS;
+ property M[const path: SOString]: TSuperMethod read GetM write PutM;
+ property A[const path: SOString]: TSuperArray read GetA;
+ function call(const path: SOString; const param: ISuperObject = nil): ISuperObject; overload; virtual;
+ function call(const path, param: SOString): ISuperObject; overload; virtual;
+ // clone a node
+ function Clone: ISuperObject; virtual;
+ function Delete(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ // merges tow objects of same type, if reference is true then nodes are not cloned
+ procedure Merge(const obj: ISuperObject; reference: boolean = false); overload;
+ procedure Merge(const str: SOString); overload;
+ // validate methods
+ function Validate(const rules: SOString; const defs: SOString = ''; callback: TSuperOnValidateError = nil; sender: Pointer = nil): boolean; overload;
+ function Validate(const rules: ISuperObject; const defs: ISuperObject = nil; callback: TSuperOnValidateError = nil; sender: Pointer = nil): boolean; overload;
+ // compare
+ function Compare(const obj: ISuperObject): TSuperCompareResult; overload;
+ function Compare(const str: SOString): TSuperCompareResult; overload;
+ // the data type
+ function IsType(AType: TSuperType): boolean;
+ property DataType: TSuperType read GetDataType;
+ // a data pointer to link to something ele, a treeview for example
+ property DataPtr: Pointer read GetDataPtr write SetDataPtr;
+ property Processing: boolean read GetProcessing;
+ end;
+ TSuperRttiContext = class;
+ TSerialFromJson = function(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; const obj: ISuperObject; var Value: TValue): Boolean;
+ TSerialToJson = function(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; var value: TValue; const index: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ TSuperAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute)
+ private
+ FName: string;
+ public
+ constructor Create(const AName: string);
+ property Name: string read FName;
+ end;
+ SOName = class(TSuperAttribute);
+ SODefault = class(TSuperAttribute);
+ TSuperRttiContext = class
+ private
+ class function GetFieldName(r: TRttiField): string;
+ class function GetFieldDefault(r: TRttiField; const obj: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ public
+ Context: TRttiContext;
+ SerialFromJson: TDictionary;
+ SerialToJson: TDictionary;
+ constructor Create; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function FromJson(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const obj: ISuperObject; var Value: TValue): Boolean; virtual;
+ function ToJson(var value: TValue; const index: ISuperObject): ISuperObject; virtual;
+ function AsType(const obj: ISuperObject): T;
+ function AsJson(const obj: T; const index: ISuperObject = nil): ISuperObject;
+ end;
+ TSuperObjectHelper = class helper for TObject
+ public
+ function ToJson(ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil): ISuperObject;
+ constructor FromJson(const obj: ISuperObject; ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil); overload;
+ constructor FromJson(const str: string; ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil); overload;
+ end;
+ TSuperObjectIter = record
+ key: SOString;
+ val: ISuperObject;
+ Ite: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ end;
+function ObjectIsError(obj: TSuperObject): boolean;
+function ObjectIsType(const obj: ISuperObject; typ: TSuperType): boolean;
+function ObjectGetType(const obj: ISuperObject): TSuperType;
+function ObjectIsNull(const obj: ISuperObject): Boolean;
+function ObjectFindFirst(const obj: ISuperObject; var F: TSuperObjectIter): boolean;
+function ObjectFindNext(var F: TSuperObjectIter): boolean;
+procedure ObjectFindClose(var F: TSuperObjectIter);
+function SO(const s: SOString = '{}'): ISuperObject; overload;
+function SO(const value: Variant): ISuperObject; overload;
+function SO(const Args: array of const): ISuperObject; overload;
+function SA(const Args: array of const): ISuperObject; overload;
+function JavaToDelphiDateTime(const dt: int64): TDateTime;
+function DelphiToJavaDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): int64;
+function TryObjectToDate(const obj: ISuperObject; var dt: TDateTime): Boolean;
+function ISO8601DateToJavaDateTime(const str: SOString; var ms: Int64): Boolean;
+function ISO8601DateToDelphiDateTime(const str: SOString; var dt: TDateTime): Boolean;
+function DelphiDateTimeToISO8601Date(dt: TDateTime): SOString;
+function UUIDToString(const g: TGUID): SOString;
+function StringToUUID(const str: SOString; var g: TGUID): Boolean;
+ TSuperInvokeResult = (
+ irSuccess,
+ irMethothodError, // method don't exist
+ irParamError, // invalid parametters
+ irError // other error
+ );
+function TrySOInvoke(var ctx: TSuperRttiContext; const obj: TValue; const method: string; const params: ISuperObject; var Return: ISuperObject): TSuperInvokeResult; overload;
+function SOInvoke(const obj: TValue; const method: string; const params: ISuperObject; ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil): ISuperObject; overload;
+function SOInvoke(const obj: TValue; const method: string; const params: string; ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil): ISuperObject; overload;
+uses sysutils,
+ baseunix, unix, DateUtils
+ Windows
+ ,sockets
+ ,WinSock
+ debugcount: integer = 0;
+ super_number_chars_set = ['0'..'9','.','+','-','e','E'];
+ super_hex_chars: PSOChar = '0123456789abcdef';
+ super_hex_chars_set = ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F'];
+ ESC_BS: PSOChar = '\b';
+ ESC_LF: PSOChar = '\n';
+ ESC_CR: PSOChar = '\r';
+ ESC_TAB: PSOChar = '\t';
+ ESC_FF: PSOChar = '\f';
+ ESC_QUOT: PSOChar = '\"';
+ ESC_SL: PSOChar = '\\';
+ ESC_SR: PSOChar = '\/';
+ ESC_ZERO: PSOChar = '\u0000';
+ TOK_CRLF: PSOChar = #13#10;
+ TOK_SP: PSOChar = #32;
+ TOK_BS: PSOChar = #8;
+ TOK_TAB: PSOChar = #9;
+ TOK_LF: PSOChar = #10;
+ TOK_FF: PSOChar = #12;
+ TOK_CR: PSOChar = #13;
+// TOK_SL: PSOChar = '\';
+// TOK_SR: PSOChar = '/';
+ TOK_NULL: PSOChar = 'null';
+ TOK_CBL: PSOChar = '{'; // curly bracket left
+ TOK_CBR: PSOChar = '}'; // curly bracket right
+ TOK_ARL: PSOChar = '[';
+ TOK_ARR: PSOChar = ']';
+ TOK_ARRAY: PSOChar = '[]';
+ TOK_OBJ: PSOChar = '{}'; // empty object
+ TOK_COM: PSOChar = ','; // Comma
+ TOK_DQT: PSOChar = '"'; // Double Quote
+ TOK_TRUE: PSOChar = 'true';
+ TOK_FALSE: PSOChar = 'false';
+{$if (sizeof(Char) = 1)}
+function StrLComp(const Str1, Str2: PSOChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer;
+ P1, P2: PWideChar;
+ I: Cardinal;
+ C1, C2: WideChar;
+ P1 := Str1;
+ P2 := Str2;
+ I := 0;
+ while I < MaxLen do
+ begin
+ C1 := P1^;
+ C2 := P2^;
+ if (C1 <> C2) or (C1 = #0) then
+ begin
+ Result := Ord(C1) - Ord(C2);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Inc(P1);
+ Inc(P2);
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ Result := 0;
+function StrComp(const Str1, Str2: PSOChar): Integer;
+ P1, P2: PWideChar;
+ C1, C2: WideChar;
+ P1 := Str1;
+ P2 := Str2;
+ while True do
+ begin
+ C1 := P1^;
+ C2 := P2^;
+ if (C1 <> C2) or (C1 = #0) then
+ begin
+ Result := Ord(C1) - Ord(C2);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Inc(P1);
+ Inc(P2);
+ end;
+function StrLen(const Str: PSOChar): Cardinal;
+ p: PSOChar;
+ Result := 0;
+ if Str <> nil then
+ begin
+ p := Str;
+ while p^ <> #0 do inc(p);
+ Result := (p - Str);
+ end;
+function FloatToJson(const value: Double): SOString;
+ p: PSOChar;
+ Result := FloatToStr(value);
+ if {$if defined(NEED_FORMATSETTINGS)}FormatSettings.{$ifend}DecimalSeparator <> '.' then
+ begin
+ p := PSOChar(Result);
+ while p^ <> #0 do
+ if p^ <> SOChar({$if defined(NEED_FORMATSETTINGS)}FormatSettings.{$ifend}DecimalSeparator) then
+ inc(p) else
+ begin
+ p^ := '.';
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function CurrToJson(const value: Currency): SOString;
+ p: PSOChar;
+ Result := CurrToStr(value);
+ if {$if defined(NEED_FORMATSETTINGS)}FormatSettings.{$ifend}DecimalSeparator <> '.' then
+ begin
+ p := PSOChar(Result);
+ while p^ <> #0 do
+ if p^ <> SOChar({$if defined(NEED_FORMATSETTINGS)}FormatSettings.{$ifend}DecimalSeparator) then
+ inc(p) else
+ begin
+ p^ := '.';
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function GetTimeBias: integer;
+ TimeVal: TTimeVal;
+ TimeZone: TTimeZone;
+ fpGetTimeOfDay(@TimeVal, @TimeZone);
+ Result := TimeZone.tz_minuteswest;
+function GetTimeBias: integer;
+ tzi : TTimeZoneInformation;
+ case GetTimeZoneInformation(tzi) of
+ TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN : Result := tzi.Bias;
+ TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD: Result := tzi.Bias + tzi.StandardBias;
+ TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT: Result := tzi.Bias + tzi.DaylightBias;
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ ptm = ^tm;
+ tm = record
+ tm_sec: Integer; (* Seconds: 0-59 (K&R says 0-61?) *)
+ tm_min: Integer; (* Minutes: 0-59 *)
+ tm_hour: Integer; (* Hours since midnight: 0-23 *)
+ tm_mday: Integer; (* Day of the month: 1-31 *)
+ tm_mon: Integer; (* Months *since* january: 0-11 *)
+ tm_year: Integer; (* Years since 1900 *)
+ tm_wday: Integer; (* Days since Sunday (0-6) *)
+ tm_yday: Integer; (* Days since Jan. 1: 0-365 *)
+ tm_isdst: Integer; (* +1 Daylight Savings Time, 0 No DST, -1 don't know *)
+ end;
+function mktime(p: ptm): LongInt; cdecl; external;
+function gmtime(const t: PLongint): ptm; cdecl; external;
+function localtime (const t: PLongint): ptm; cdecl; external;
+function DelphiToJavaDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): Int64;
+ p: ptm;
+ l, ms: Integer;
+ v: Int64;
+ v := Round((dt - 25569) * 86400000);
+ ms := v mod 1000;
+ l := v div 1000;
+ p := localtime(@l);
+ Result := Int64(mktime(p)) * 1000 + ms;
+function JavaToDelphiDateTime(const dt: int64): TDateTime;
+ p: ptm;
+ l, ms: Integer;
+ l := dt div 1000;
+ ms := dt mod 1000;
+ p := gmtime(@l);
+ Result := EncodeDateTime(p^.tm_year+1900, p^.tm_mon+1, p^.tm_mday, p^.tm_hour, p^.tm_min, p^.tm_sec, ms);
+function DayLightCompareDate(const date: PSystemTime;
+ const compareDate: PSystemTime): Integer;
+ limit_day, dayinsecs, weekofmonth: Integer;
+ First: Word;
+ if (date^.wMonth < compareDate^.wMonth) then
+ begin
+ Result := -1; (* We are in a month before the date limit. *)
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (date^.wMonth > compareDate^.wMonth) then
+ begin
+ Result := 1; (* We are in a month after the date limit. *)
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ (* if year is 0 then date is in day-of-week format, otherwise
+ * it's absolute date.
+ *)
+ if (compareDate^.wYear = 0) then
+ begin
+ (* compareDate.wDay is interpreted as number of the week in the month
+ * 5 means: the last week in the month *)
+ weekofmonth := compareDate^.wDay;
+ (* calculate the day of the first DayOfWeek in the month *)
+ First := (6 + compareDate^.wDayOfWeek - date^.wDayOfWeek + date^.wDay) mod 7 + 1;
+ limit_day := First + 7 * (weekofmonth - 1);
+ (* check needed for the 5th weekday of the month *)
+ if (limit_day > MonthDays[(date^.wMonth=2) and IsLeapYear(date^.wYear)][date^.wMonth]) then
+ dec(limit_day, 7);
+ end
+ else
+ limit_day := compareDate^.wDay;
+ (* convert to seconds *)
+ limit_day := ((limit_day * 24 + compareDate^.wHour) * 60 + compareDate^.wMinute ) * 60;
+ dayinsecs := ((date^.wDay * 24 + date^.wHour) * 60 + date^.wMinute ) * 60 + date^.wSecond;
+ (* and compare *)
+ if dayinsecs < limit_day then
+ Result := -1 else
+ if dayinsecs > limit_day then
+ Result := 1 else
+ Result := 0; (* date is equal to the date limit. *)
+function CompTimeZoneID(const pTZinfo: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ lpFileTime: PFileTime; islocal: Boolean): LongWord;
+ ret: Integer;
+ beforeStandardDate, afterDaylightDate: Boolean;
+ llTime: Int64;
+ SysTime: TSystemTime;
+ ftTemp: TFileTime;
+ llTime := 0;
+ if (pTZinfo^.DaylightDate.wMonth <> 0) then
+ begin
+ (* if year is 0 then date is in day-of-week format, otherwise
+ * it's absolute date.
+ *)
+ if ((pTZinfo^.StandardDate.wMonth = 0) or
+ ((pTZinfo^.StandardDate.wYear = 0) and
+ ((pTZinfo^.StandardDate.wDay < 1) or
+ (pTZinfo^.StandardDate.wDay > 5) or
+ (pTZinfo^.DaylightDate.wDay < 1) or
+ (pTZinfo^.DaylightDate.wDay > 5)))) then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (not islocal) then
+ begin
+ llTime := PInt64(lpFileTime)^;
+ dec(llTime, Int64(pTZinfo^.Bias + pTZinfo^.DaylightBias) * 600000000);
+ PInt64(@ftTemp)^ := llTime;
+ lpFileTime := @ftTemp;
+ end;
+ FileTimeToSystemTime(lpFileTime^, SysTime);
+ (* check for daylight savings *)
+ ret := DayLightCompareDate(@SysTime, @pTZinfo^.StandardDate);
+ if (ret = -2) then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ beforeStandardDate := ret < 0;
+ if (not islocal) then
+ begin
+ dec(llTime, Int64(pTZinfo^.StandardBias - pTZinfo^.DaylightBias) * 600000000);
+ PInt64(@ftTemp)^ := llTime;
+ FileTimeToSystemTime(lpFileTime^, SysTime);
+ end;
+ ret := DayLightCompareDate(@SysTime, @pTZinfo^.DaylightDate);
+ if (ret = -2) then
+ begin
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ afterDaylightDate := ret >= 0;
+ if( pTZinfo^.DaylightDate.wMonth < pTZinfo^.StandardDate.wMonth ) then
+ begin
+ (* Northern hemisphere *)
+ if( beforeStandardDate and afterDaylightDate) then
+ end else (* Down south *)
+ if( beforeStandardDate or afterDaylightDate) then
+ end else
+ (* No transition date *)
+function GetTimezoneBias(const pTZinfo: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ lpFileTime: PFileTime; islocal: Boolean; pBias: PLongint): Boolean;
+ bias: LongInt;
+ tzid: LongWord;
+ bias := pTZinfo^.Bias;
+ tzid := CompTimeZoneID(pTZinfo, lpFileTime, islocal);
+ if( tzid = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (tzid = TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) then
+ inc(bias, pTZinfo^.DaylightBias)
+ else if (tzid = TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD) then
+ inc(bias, pTZinfo^.StandardBias);
+ pBias^ := bias;
+ Result := True;
+function SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(
+ lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ lpUniversalTime, lpLocalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL;
+ ft: TFileTime;
+ lBias: LongInt;
+ llTime: Int64;
+ tzinfo: TTimeZoneInformation;
+ if (lpTimeZoneInformation <> nil) then
+ tzinfo := lpTimeZoneInformation^ else
+ if (GetTimeZoneInformation(tzinfo) = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (not SystemTimeToFileTime(lpUniversalTime^, ft)) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ llTime := PInt64(@ft)^;
+ if (not GetTimezoneBias(@tzinfo, @ft, False, @lBias)) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ (* convert minutes to 100-nanoseconds-ticks *)
+ dec(llTime, Int64(lBias) * 600000000);
+ PInt64(@ft)^ := llTime;
+ Result := FileTimeToSystemTime(ft, lpLocalTime^);
+function TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(
+ const lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ const lpLocalTime: PSystemTime; lpUniversalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL;
+ ft: TFileTime;
+ lBias: LongInt;
+ t: Int64;
+ tzinfo: TTimeZoneInformation;
+ if (lpTimeZoneInformation <> nil) then
+ tzinfo := lpTimeZoneInformation^
+ else
+ if (GetTimeZoneInformation(tzinfo) = TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (not SystemTimeToFileTime(lpLocalTime^, ft)) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ t := PInt64(@ft)^;
+ if (not GetTimezoneBias(@tzinfo, @ft, True, @lBias)) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ (* convert minutes to 100-nanoseconds-ticks *)
+ inc(t, Int64(lBias) * 600000000);
+ PInt64(@ft)^ := t;
+ Result := FileTimeToSystemTime(ft, lpUniversalTime^);
+function TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(
+ lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ lpLocalTime, lpUniversalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';
+function SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(
+ lpTimeZoneInformation: PTimeZoneInformation;
+ lpUniversalTime, lpLocalTime: PSystemTime): BOOL; stdcall; external 'kernel32.dll';
+function JavaToDelphiDateTime(const dt: int64): TDateTime;
+ t: TSystemTime;
+ DateTimeToSystemTime(25569 + (dt / 86400000), t);
+ SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nil, @t, @t);
+ Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(t);
+function DelphiToJavaDateTime(const dt: TDateTime): int64;
+ t: TSystemTime;
+ DateTimeToSystemTime(dt, t);
+ TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime(nil, @t, @t);
+ Result := Round((SystemTimeToDateTime(t) - 25569) * 86400000)
+function ISO8601DateToJavaDateTime(const str: SOString; var ms: Int64): Boolean;
+ TState = (
+ stStart, stYear, stMonth, stWeek, stWeekDay, stDay, stDayOfYear,
+ stHour, stMin, stSec, stMs, stUTC, stGMTH, stGMTM,
+ stGMTend, stEnd);
+ TPerhaps = (yes, no, perhaps);
+ TDateTimeInfo = record
+ year: Word;
+ month: Word;
+ week: Word;
+ weekday: Word;
+ day: Word;
+ dayofyear: Integer;
+ hour: Word;
+ minute: Word;
+ second: Word;
+ ms: Word;
+ bias: Integer;
+ end;
+ p: PSOChar;
+ state: TState;
+ pos, v: Word;
+ sep: TPerhaps;
+ inctz, havetz, havedate: Boolean;
+ st: TDateTimeInfo;
+ DayTable: PDayTable;
+ function get(var v: Word; c: SOChar): Boolean; {$IFDEF HAVE_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ if (c < #256) and (AnsiChar(c) in ['0'..'9']) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ v := v * 10 + Ord(c) - Ord('0');
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ error;
+ p := PSOChar(str);
+ sep := perhaps;
+ state := stStart;
+ pos := 0;
+ FillChar(st, SizeOf(st), 0);
+ havedate := True;
+ inctz := False;
+ havetz := False;
+ while true do
+ case state of
+ stStart:
+ case p^ of
+ '0'..'9': state := stYear;
+ 'T', 't':
+ begin
+ state := stHour;
+ pos := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ havedate := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ stYear:
+ case pos of
+ 0..1,3:
+ if get(st.year, p^) then
+ begin
+ Inc(pos);
+ Inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ '0'..'9':
+ begin
+ st.year := st.year * 10 + ord(p^) - ord('0');
+ Inc(pos);
+ Inc(p);
+ end;
+ ':':
+ begin
+ havedate := false;
+ st.hour := st.year;
+ st.year := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ pos := 0;
+ state := stMin;
+ sep := yes;
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ 4: case p^ of
+ '-': begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ sep := yes;
+ state := stMonth;
+ end;
+ '0'..'9':
+ begin
+ sep := no;
+ pos := 0;
+ state := stMonth;
+ end;
+ 'W', 'w' :
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stWeek;
+ end;
+ 'T', 't', ' ':
+ begin
+ state := stHour;
+ pos := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ st.month := 1;
+ st.day := 1;
+ end;
+ #0:
+ begin
+ st.month := 1;
+ st.day := 1;
+ state := stEnd;
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stMonth:
+ case pos of
+ 0: case p^ of
+ '0'..'9':
+ begin
+ st.month := ord(p^) - ord('0');
+ Inc(pos);
+ Inc(p);
+ end;
+ 'W', 'w':
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stWeek;
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ 1: if get(st.month, p^) then
+ begin
+ Inc(pos);
+ Inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ '-':
+ if (sep in [yes, perhaps]) then
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stDay;
+ sep := yes;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '0'..'9':
+ if sep in [no, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ state := stDay;
+ sep := no;
+ end else
+ begin
+ st.dayofyear := st.month * 10 + Ord(p^) - Ord('0');
+ st.month := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ pos := 3;
+ state := stDayOfYear;
+ end;
+ 'T', 't', ' ':
+ begin
+ state := stHour;
+ pos := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ st.day := 1;
+ end;
+ #0:
+ begin
+ st.day := 1;
+ state := stEnd;
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stDay:
+ case pos of
+ 0: if get(st.day, p^) then
+ begin
+ Inc(pos);
+ Inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 1: if get(st.day, p^) then
+ begin
+ Inc(pos);
+ Inc(p);
+ end else
+ if sep in [no, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ st.dayofyear := st.month * 10 + st.day;
+ st.day := 0;
+ st.month := 0;
+ state := stDayOfYear;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ 'T', 't', ' ':
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stHour;
+ end;
+ #0: state := stEnd;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stDayOfYear:
+ begin
+ if (st.dayofyear <= 0) then goto error;
+ case p^ of
+ 'T', 't', ' ':
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stHour;
+ end;
+ #0: state := stEnd;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stWeek:
+ begin
+ case pos of
+ 0..1: if get(st.week, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(pos);
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ '-': if (sep in [yes, perhaps]) then
+ begin
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stWeekDay;
+ sep := yes;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '1'..'7':
+ if sep in [no, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ state := stWeekDay;
+ sep := no;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stWeekDay:
+ begin
+ if (st.week > 0) and get(st.weekday, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ v := st.year - 1;
+ v := ((v * 365) + (v div 4) - (v div 100) + (v div 400)) mod 7 + 1;
+ st.dayofyear := (st.weekday - v) + ((st.week) * 7) + 1;
+ if v <= 4 then dec(st.dayofyear, 7);
+ case p^ of
+ 'T', 't', ' ':
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stHour;
+ end;
+ #0: state := stEnd;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ stHour:
+ case pos of
+ 0: case p^ of
+ '0'..'9':
+ if get(st.hour, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(pos);
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '-':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ state := stMin;
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ 1: if get(st.hour, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(pos);
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ ':': if sep in [yes, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ sep := yes;
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stMin;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ ',', '.':
+ begin
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stMs;
+ end;
+ '+':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '-':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ inctz := True;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 'Z', 'z':
+ if havedate then
+ state := stUTC else
+ goto error;
+ '0'..'9':
+ if sep in [no, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ state := stMin;
+ sep := no;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ #0: state := stEnd;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stMin:
+ case pos of
+ 0: case p^ of
+ '0'..'9':
+ if get(st.minute, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(pos);
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '-':
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ state := stSec;
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ 1: if get(st.minute, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(pos);
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ ':': if sep in [yes, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stSec;
+ sep := yes;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ ',', '.':
+ begin
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stMs;
+ end;
+ '+':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '-':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ inctz := True;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 'Z', 'z':
+ if havedate then
+ state := stUTC else
+ goto error;
+ '0'..'9':
+ if sep in [no, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ pos := 0;
+ state := stSec;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ #0: state := stEnd;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stSec:
+ case pos of
+ 0..1: if get(st.second, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(pos);
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ ',', '.':
+ begin
+ Inc(p);
+ state := stMs;
+ end;
+ '+':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '-':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ inctz := True;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 'Z', 'z':
+ if havedate then
+ state := stUTC else
+ goto error;
+ #0: state := stEnd;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stMs:
+ case p^ of
+ '0'..'9':
+ begin
+ st.ms := st.ms * 10 + ord(p^) - ord('0');
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ '+':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '-':
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTH;
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ inc(p);
+ inctz := True;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 'Z', 'z':
+ if havedate then
+ state := stUTC else
+ goto error;
+ #0: state := stEnd;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ stUTC: // = GMT 0
+ begin
+ havetz := True;
+ inc(p);
+ if p^ = #0 then
+ Break else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ stGMTH:
+ begin
+ havetz := True;
+ case pos of
+ 0..1: if get(v, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ st.bias := v * 60;
+ case p^ of
+ ':': if sep in [yes, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTM;
+ inc(p);
+ pos := 0;
+ v := 0;
+ sep := yes;
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ '0'..'9':
+ if sep in [no, perhaps] then
+ begin
+ state := stGMTM;
+ pos := 1;
+ sep := no;
+ inc(p);
+ v := ord(p^) - ord('0');
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ #0: state := stGMTend;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stGMTM:
+ case pos of
+ 0..1: if get(v, p^) then
+ begin
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ goto error;
+ 2: case p^ of
+ #0:
+ begin
+ state := stGMTend;
+ inc(st.Bias, v);
+ end;
+ else
+ goto error;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stGMTend:
+ begin
+ if not inctz then
+ st.Bias := -st.bias;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ stEnd:
+ begin
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (st.hour >= 24) or (st.minute >= 60) or (st.second >= 60) or (st.ms >= 1000) or (st.week > 53)
+ then goto error;
+ if not havetz then
+ st.bias := GetTimeBias;
+ ms := st.ms + st.second * 1000 + (st.minute + st.bias) * 60000 + st.hour * 3600000;
+ if havedate then
+ begin
+ DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(st.year)];
+ if st.month <> 0 then
+ begin
+ if not (st.month in [1..12]) or (DayTable^[st.month] < st.day) then
+ goto error;
+ for v := 1 to st.month - 1 do
+ Inc(ms, DayTable^[v] * 86400000);
+ end;
+ dec(st.year);
+ ms := ms + (int64((st.year * 365) + (st.year div 4) - (st.year div 100) +
+ (st.year div 400) + st.day + st.dayofyear - 719163) * 86400000);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ Exit;
+ Result := False;
+function ISO8601DateToDelphiDateTime(const str: SOString; var dt: TDateTime): Boolean;
+ ms: Int64;
+ Result := ISO8601DateToJavaDateTime(str, ms);
+ if Result then
+ dt := JavaToDelphiDateTime(ms)
+function DelphiDateTimeToISO8601Date(dt: TDateTime): SOString;
+ year, month, day, hour, min, sec, msec: Word;
+ tzh: SmallInt;
+ tzm: Word;
+ sign: SOChar;
+ bias: Integer;
+ DecodeDate(dt, year, month, day);
+ DecodeTime(dt, hour, min, sec, msec);
+ bias := GetTimeBias;
+ tzh := Abs(bias) div 60;
+ tzm := Abs(bias) - tzh * 60;
+ if Bias > 0 then
+ sign := '-' else
+ sign := '+';
+ Result := Format('%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2d,%d%s%.2d:%.2d',
+ [year, month, day, hour, min, sec, msec, sign, tzh, tzm]);
+function TryObjectToDate(const obj: ISuperObject; var dt: TDateTime): Boolean;
+ i: Int64;
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ dt := JavaToDelphiDateTime(obj.AsInteger);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ if ISO8601DateToJavaDateTime(obj.AsString, i) then
+ begin
+ dt := JavaToDelphiDateTime(i);
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := TryStrToDateTime(obj.AsString, dt);
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+function SO(const s: SOString): ISuperObject; overload;
+ Result := TSuperObject.ParseString(PSOChar(s), False);
+function SA(const Args: array of const): ISuperObject; overload;
+ TByteArray = array[0..sizeof(integer) - 1] of byte;
+ PByteArray = ^TByteArray;
+ j: Integer;
+ intf: IInterface;
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ for j := 0 to length(Args) - 1 do
+ with Result.AsArray do
+ case TVarRec(Args[j]).VType of
+ vtInteger : Add(TSuperObject.Create(TVarRec(Args[j]).VInteger));
+ vtInt64 : Add(TSuperObject.Create(TVarRec(Args[j]).VInt64^));
+ vtBoolean : Add(TSuperObject.Create(TVarRec(Args[j]).VBoolean));
+ vtChar : Add(TSuperObject.Create(SOString(TVarRec(Args[j]).VChar)));
+ vtWideChar: Add(TSuperObject.Create(SOChar(TVarRec(Args[j]).VWideChar)));
+ vtExtended: Add(TSuperObject.Create(TVarRec(Args[j]).VExtended^));
+ vtCurrency: Add(TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(TVarRec(Args[j]).VCurrency^));
+ vtString : Add(TSuperObject.Create(SOString(TVarRec(Args[j]).VString^)));
+ vtPChar : Add(TSuperObject.Create(SOString(TVarRec(Args[j]).VPChar^)));
+ vtAnsiString: Add(TSuperObject.Create(SOString(AnsiString(TVarRec(Args[j]).VAnsiString))));
+ vtWideString: Add(TSuperObject.Create(SOString(PWideChar(TVarRec(Args[j]).VWideString))));
+ vtInterface:
+ if TVarRec(Args[j]).VInterface = nil then
+ Add(nil) else
+ if IInterface(TVarRec(Args[j]).VInterface).QueryInterface(ISuperObject, intf) = 0 then
+ Add(ISuperObject(intf)) else
+ Add(nil);
+ vtPointer :
+ if TVarRec(Args[j]).VPointer = nil then
+ Add(nil) else
+ Add(TSuperObject.Create(PtrInt(TVarRec(Args[j]).VPointer)));
+ vtVariant:
+ Add(SO(TVarRec(Args[j]).VVariant^));
+ vtObject:
+ if TVarRec(Args[j]).VPointer = nil then
+ Add(nil) else
+ Add(TSuperObject.Create(PtrInt(TVarRec(Args[j]).VPointer)));
+ vtClass:
+ if TVarRec(Args[j]).VPointer = nil then
+ Add(nil) else
+ Add(TSuperObject.Create(PtrInt(TVarRec(Args[j]).VPointer)));
+{$if declared(vtUnicodeString)}
+ vtUnicodeString:
+ Add(TSuperObject.Create(SOString(string(TVarRec(Args[j]).VUnicodeString))));
+ else
+ assert(false);
+ end;
+function SO(const Args: array of const): ISuperObject; overload;
+ j: Integer;
+ arr: ISuperObject;
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ arr := SA(Args);
+ with arr.AsArray do
+ for j := 0 to (Length div 2) - 1 do
+ Result.AsObject.PutO(O[j*2].AsString, O[(j*2) + 1]);
+function SO(const value: Variant): ISuperObject; overload;
+ with TVarData(value) do
+ case VType of
+ varNull: Result := nil;
+ varEmpty: Result := nil;
+ varSmallInt: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VSmallInt);
+ varInteger: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VInteger);
+ varSingle: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VSingle);
+ varDouble: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VDouble);
+ varCurrency: Result := TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(VCurrency);
+ varDate: Result := TSuperObject.Create(DelphiToJavaDateTime(vDate));
+ varOleStr: Result := TSuperObject.Create(SOString(VOleStr));
+ varBoolean: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VBoolean);
+ varShortInt: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VShortInt);
+ varByte: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VByte);
+ varWord: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VWord);
+ varLongWord: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VLongWord);
+ varInt64: Result := TSuperObject.Create(VInt64);
+ varString: Result := TSuperObject.Create(SOString(AnsiString(VString)));
+{$if declared(varUString)}
+ varUString: Result := TSuperObject.Create(SOString(UnicodeString(VString)));
+ {$ELSE}
+ varUString: Result := TSuperObject.Create(SOString(string(VUString)));
+ {$ENDIF}
+ else
+ raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unsuported variant data type: %d', [VType]);
+ end;
+function ObjectIsError(obj: TSuperObject): boolean;
+ Result := PtrUInt(obj) > PtrUInt(-4000);
+function ObjectIsType(const obj: ISuperObject; typ: TSuperType): boolean;
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := typ = obj.DataType else
+ Result := typ = stNull;
+function ObjectGetType(const obj: ISuperObject): TSuperType;
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.DataType else
+ Result := stNull;
+function ObjectIsNull(const obj: ISuperObject): Boolean;
+ Result := ObjectIsType(obj, stNull);
+function ObjectFindFirst(const obj: ISuperObject; var F: TSuperObjectIter): boolean;
+ i: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stObject) then
+ begin
+ F.Ite := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(obj.AsObject);
+ F.Ite.First;
+ i := F.Ite.GetIter;
+ if i <> nil then
+ begin
+ f.key := i.Name;
+ f.val := i.Value;
+ Result := true;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+function ObjectFindNext(var F: TSuperObjectIter): boolean;
+ i: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ F.Ite.Next;
+ i := F.Ite.GetIter;
+ if i <> nil then
+ begin
+ f.key := i.FName;
+ f.val := i.Value;
+ Result := true;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+procedure ObjectFindClose(var F: TSuperObjectIter);
+ F.Ite.Free;
+ F.val := nil;
+function UuidFromString(p: PSOChar; Uuid: PGUID): Boolean;
+ hex2bin: array[48..102] of Byte = (
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0,10,11,12,13,14,15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0,10,11,12,13,14,15);
+ TState = (stEatSpaces, stStart, stHEX, stBracket, stEnd);
+ TUUID = record
+ case byte of
+ 0: (guid: TGUID);
+ 1: (bytes: array[0..15] of Byte);
+ 2: (words: array[0..7] of Word);
+ 3: (ints: array[0..3] of Cardinal);
+ 4: (i64s: array[0..1] of UInt64);
+ end;
+ function ishex(const c: SOChar): Boolean; {$IFDEF HAVE_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ result := (c < #256) and (AnsiChar(c) in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'])
+ end;
+ pos: Byte;
+ state, saved: TState;
+ bracket, separator: Boolean;
+ redo;
+ FillChar(Uuid^, SizeOf(TGUID), 0);
+ saved := stStart;
+ state := stEatSpaces;
+ bracket := false;
+ separator := false;
+ pos := 0;
+ while true do
+ case state of
+ stEatSpaces:
+ begin
+ while true do
+ case p^ of
+ ' ', #13, #10, #9: inc(p);
+ else
+ state := saved;
+ goto redo;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stStart:
+ case p^ of
+ '{':
+ begin
+ bracket := true;
+ inc(p);
+ state := stEatSpaces;
+ saved := stHEX;
+ pos := 0;
+ end;
+ else
+ state := stHEX;
+ end;
+ stHEX:
+ case pos of
+ 0..7:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ Uuid^.D1 := (Uuid^.D1 * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 8:
+ if (p^ = '-') then
+ begin
+ separator := true;
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos)
+ end else
+ inc(pos);
+ 13,18,23:
+ if separator then
+ begin
+ if p^ <> '-' then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ inc(pos);
+ 9..12:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).words[2] := (TUUID(Uuid^).words[2] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 14..17:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).words[3] := (TUUID(Uuid^).words[3] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 19..20:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[8] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[8] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 21..22:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[9] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[9] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 24..25:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[10] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[10] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 26..27:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[11] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[11] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 28..29:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[12] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[12] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 30..31:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[13] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[13] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 32..33:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[14] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[14] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 34..35:
+ if ishex(p^) then
+ begin
+ TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[15] := (TUUID(Uuid^).bytes[15] * 16) + hex2bin[Ord(p^)];
+ inc(p);
+ inc(pos);
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ 36: if bracket then
+ begin
+ state := stEatSpaces;
+ saved := stBracket;
+ end else
+ begin
+ state := stEatSpaces;
+ saved := stEnd;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stBracket:
+ begin
+ if p^ <> '}' then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ inc(p);
+ state := stEatSpaces;
+ saved := stEnd;
+ end;
+ stEnd:
+ begin
+ if p^ <> #0 then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+function UUIDToString(const g: TGUID): SOString;
+ Result := format('%.8x%.4x%.4x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x',
+ [g.D1, g.D2, g.D3,
+ g.D4[0], g.D4[1], g.D4[2],
+ g.D4[3], g.D4[4], g.D4[5],
+ g.D4[6], g.D4[7]]);
+function StringToUUID(const str: SOString; var g: TGUID): Boolean;
+ Result := UuidFromString(PSOChar(str), @g);
+function serialtoboolean(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; var value: TValue; const index: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(TValueData(value).FAsSLong <> 0);
+function serialtodatetime(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; var value: TValue; const index: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(DelphiToJavaDateTime(TValueData(value).FAsDouble));
+function serialtoguid(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; var value: TValue; const index: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ g: TGUID;
+ value.ExtractRawData(@g);
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(
+ format('%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x',
+ [g.D1, g.D2, g.D3,
+ g.D4[0], g.D4[1], g.D4[2],
+ g.D4[3], g.D4[4], g.D4[5],
+ g.D4[6], g.D4[7]])
+ );
+function serialfromboolean(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; const obj: ISuperObject; var Value: TValue): Boolean;
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stBoolean:
+ begin
+ TValueData(Value).FAsSLong := obj.AsInteger;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ TValueData(Value).FAsSLong := ord(obj.AsInteger <> 0);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ o := SO(obj.AsString);
+ if not ObjectIsType(o, stString) then
+ Result := serialfromboolean(ctx, SO(obj.AsString), Value) else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+function serialfromdatetime(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; const obj: ISuperObject; var Value: TValue): Boolean;
+ dt: TDateTime;
+ i: Int64;
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ TValueData(Value).FAsDouble := JavaToDelphiDateTime(obj.AsInteger);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ if ISO8601DateToJavaDateTime(obj.AsString, i) then
+ begin
+ TValueData(Value).FAsDouble := JavaToDelphiDateTime(i);
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ if TryStrToDateTime(obj.AsString, dt) then
+ begin
+ TValueData(Value).FAsDouble := dt;
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+function serialfromguid(ctx: TSuperRttiContext; const obj: ISuperObject; var Value: TValue): Boolean;
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stNull:
+ begin
+ FillChar(Value.GetReferenceToRawData^, SizeOf(TGUID), 0);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString: Result := UuidFromString(PSOChar(obj.AsString), Value.GetReferenceToRawData);
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+function SOInvoke(const obj: TValue; const method: string; const params: ISuperObject; ctx: TSuperRttiContext): ISuperObject; overload;
+ owned: Boolean;
+ if ctx = nil then
+ begin
+ ctx := TSuperRttiContext.Create;
+ owned := True;
+ end else
+ owned := False;
+ try
+ if TrySOInvoke(ctx, obj, method, params, Result) <> irSuccess then
+ raise Exception.Create('Invalid method call');
+ finally
+ if owned then
+ ctx.Free;
+ end;
+function SOInvoke(const obj: TValue; const method: string; const params: string; ctx: TSuperRttiContext): ISuperObject; overload;
+ Result := SOInvoke(obj, method, so(params), ctx)
+function TrySOInvoke(var ctx: TSuperRttiContext; const obj: TValue;
+ const method: string; const params: ISuperObject;
+ var Return: ISuperObject): TSuperInvokeResult;
+ t: TRttiInstanceType;
+ m: TRttiMethod;
+ a: TArray;
+ ps: TArray;
+ v: TValue;
+ index: ISuperObject;
+ function GetParams: Boolean;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(params) of
+ stArray:
+ for i := 0 to Length(ps) - 1 do
+ if (pfOut in ps[i].Flags) then
+ TValue.Make(nil, ps[i].ParamType.Handle, a[i]) else
+ if not ctx.FromJson(ps[i].ParamType.Handle, params.AsArray[i], a[i]) then
+ Exit(False);
+ stObject:
+ for i := 0 to Length(ps) - 1 do
+ if (pfOut in ps[i].Flags) then
+ TValue.Make(nil, ps[i].ParamType.Handle, a[i]) else
+ if not ctx.FromJson(ps[i].ParamType.Handle, params.AsObject[ps[i].Name], a[i]) then
+ Exit(False);
+ stNull: ;
+ else
+ Exit(False);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ procedure SetParams;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(params) of
+ stArray:
+ for i := 0 to Length(ps) - 1 do
+ if (ps[i].Flags * [pfVar, pfOut]) <> [] then
+ params.AsArray[i] := ctx.ToJson(a[i], index);
+ stObject:
+ for i := 0 to Length(ps) - 1 do
+ if (ps[i].Flags * [pfVar, pfOut]) <> [] then
+ params.AsObject[ps[i].Name] := ctx.ToJson(a[i], index);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := irSuccess;
+ index := SO;
+ case obj.Kind of
+ tkClass:
+ begin
+ t := TRttiInstanceType(ctx.Context.GetType(obj.AsObject.ClassType));
+ m := t.GetMethod(method);
+ if m = nil then Exit(irMethothodError);
+ ps := m.GetParameters;
+ SetLength(a, Length(ps));
+ if not GetParams then Exit(irParamError);
+ if m.IsClassMethod then
+ begin
+ v := m.Invoke(obj.AsObject.ClassType, a);
+ Return := ctx.ToJson(v, index);
+ SetParams;
+ end else
+ begin
+ v := m.Invoke(obj, a);
+ Return := ctx.ToJson(v, index);
+ SetParams;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tkClassRef:
+ begin
+ t := TRttiInstanceType(ctx.Context.GetType(obj.AsClass));
+ m := t.GetMethod(method);
+ if m = nil then Exit(irMethothodError);
+ ps := m.GetParameters;
+ SetLength(a, Length(ps));
+ if not GetParams then Exit(irParamError);
+ if m.IsClassMethod then
+ begin
+ v := m.Invoke(obj, a);
+ Return := ctx.ToJson(v, index);
+ SetParams;
+ end else
+ Exit(irError);
+ end;
+ else
+ Exit(irError);
+ end;
+{ TSuperEnumerator }
+constructor TSuperEnumerator.Create(const obj: ISuperObject);
+ FObj := obj;
+ FCount := -1;
+ if ObjectIsType(FObj, stObject) then
+ FObjEnum := FObj.AsObject.GetEnumerator else
+ FObjEnum := nil;
+destructor TSuperEnumerator.Destroy;
+ if FObjEnum <> nil then
+ FObjEnum.Free;
+function TSuperEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean;
+ case ObjectGetType(FObj) of
+ stObject: Result := FObjEnum.MoveNext;
+ stArray:
+ begin
+ inc(FCount);
+ if FCount < FObj.AsArray.Length then
+ Result := True else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ end;
+function TSuperEnumerator.GetCurrent: ISuperObject;
+ case ObjectGetType(FObj) of
+ stObject: Result := FObjEnum.Current.Value;
+ stArray: Result := FObj.AsArray.GetO(FCount);
+ else
+ Result := FObj;
+ end;
+{ TSuperObject }
+constructor TSuperObject.Create(jt: TSuperType);
+ inherited Create;
+ InterlockedIncrement(debugcount);
+ FProcessing := false;
+ FDataPtr := nil;
+ FDataType := jt;
+ case FDataType of
+ stObject: FO.c_object := TSuperTableString.Create;
+ stArray: FO.c_array := TSuperArray.Create;
+ stString: FOString := '';
+ else
+ FO.c_object := nil;
+ end;
+constructor TSuperObject.Create(b: boolean);
+ Create(stBoolean);
+ FO.c_boolean := b;
+constructor TSuperObject.Create(i: SuperInt);
+ Create(stInt);
+ FO.c_int := i;
+constructor TSuperObject.Create(d: double);
+ Create(stDouble);
+ FO.c_double := d;
+constructor TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(c: Currency);
+ Create(stCurrency);
+ FO.c_currency := c;
+destructor TSuperObject.Destroy;
+ InterlockedDecrement(debugcount);
+ case FDataType of
+ stObject: FO.c_object.Free;
+ stArray: FO.c_array.Free;
+ end;
+ inherited;
+function TSuperObject.Write(writer: TSuperWriter; indent: boolean; escape: boolean; level: integer): Integer;
+function DoEscape(str: PSOChar; len: Integer): Integer;
+ pos, start_offset: Integer;
+ c: SOChar;
+ buf: array[0..5] of SOChar;
+ TByteChar = record
+ case integer of
+ 0: (a, b: Byte);
+ 1: (c: WideChar);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if str = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ pos := 0; start_offset := 0;
+ with writer do
+ while pos < len do
+ begin
+ c := str[pos];
+ case c of
+ #8,#9,#10,#12,#13,'"','\','/':
+ begin
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ if(c = #8) then Append(ESC_BS, 2)
+ else if (c = #9) then Append(ESC_TAB, 2)
+ else if (c = #10) then Append(ESC_LF, 2)
+ else if (c = #12) then Append(ESC_FF, 2)
+ else if (c = #13) then Append(ESC_CR, 2)
+ else if (c = '"') then Append(ESC_QUOT, 2)
+ else if (c = '\') then Append(ESC_SL, 2)
+ else if (c = '/') then Append(ESC_SR, 2);
+ inc(pos);
+ start_offset := pos;
+ end;
+ else
+ if (SOIChar(c) > 255) then
+ begin
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ buf[0] := '\';
+ buf[1] := 'u';
+ buf[2] := super_hex_chars[TByteChar(c).b shr 4];
+ buf[3] := super_hex_chars[TByteChar(c).b and $f];
+ buf[4] := super_hex_chars[TByteChar(c).a shr 4];
+ buf[5] := super_hex_chars[TByteChar(c).a and $f];
+ Append(@buf, 6);
+ inc(pos);
+ start_offset := pos;
+ end else
+ if (c < #32) or (c > #127) then
+ begin
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ buf[0] := '\';
+ buf[1] := 'u';
+ buf[2] := '0';
+ buf[3] := '0';
+ buf[4] := super_hex_chars[ord(c) shr 4];
+ buf[5] := super_hex_chars[ord(c) and $f];
+ Append(buf, 6);
+ inc(pos);
+ start_offset := pos;
+ end else
+ inc(pos);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ writer.Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+function DoMinimalEscape(str: PSOChar; len: Integer): Integer;
+ pos, start_offset: Integer;
+ c: SOChar;
+ TByteChar = record
+ case integer of
+ 0: (a, b: Byte);
+ 1: (c: WideChar);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if str = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ pos := 0; start_offset := 0;
+ with writer do
+ while pos < len do
+ begin
+ c := str[pos];
+ case c of
+ #0:
+ begin
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ Append(ESC_ZERO, 6);
+ inc(pos);
+ start_offset := pos;
+ end;
+ '"':
+ begin
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ Append(ESC_QUOT, 2);
+ inc(pos);
+ start_offset := pos;
+ end;
+ '\':
+ begin
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ Append(ESC_SL, 2);
+ inc(pos);
+ start_offset := pos;
+ end;
+ else
+ inc(pos);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if(pos - start_offset > 0) then
+ writer.Append(str + start_offset, pos - start_offset);
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ procedure _indent(i: shortint; r: boolean);
+ begin
+ inc(level, i);
+ if r then
+ with writer do
+ begin
+ Append(TOK_CRLF, 2);
+ Append(TOK_LF, 1);
+ for i := 0 to level - 1 do
+ Append(TOK_SP, 1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ k,j: Integer;
+ iter: TSuperObjectIter;
+ st: AnsiString;
+ val: ISuperObject;
+ ENDSTR_A: PSOChar = '": ';
+ ENDSTR_B: PSOChar = '":';
+ if FProcessing then
+ begin
+ Result := writer.Append(TOK_NULL, 4);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ FProcessing := true;
+ with writer do
+ try
+ case FDataType of
+ stObject:
+ if FO.c_object.FCount > 0 then
+ begin
+ k := 0;
+ Append(TOK_CBL, 1);
+ if indent then _indent(1, false);
+ if ObjectFindFirst(Self, iter) then
+ repeat
+ if (iter.val = nil) or not ObjectIsType(iter.val, stMethod) then
+ begin
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if (iter.val = nil) or (not iter.val.Processing) then
+ begin
+ if(k <> 0) then
+ Append(TOK_COM, 1);
+ if indent then _indent(0, true);
+ Append(TOK_DQT, 1);
+ if escape then
+ doEscape(PSOChar(iter.key), Length(iter.key)) else
+ DoMinimalEscape(PSOChar(iter.key), Length(iter.key));
+ if indent then
+ Append(ENDSTR_A, 3) else
+ Append(ENDSTR_B, 2);
+ if(iter.val = nil) then
+ Append(TOK_NULL, 4) else
+ iter.val.write(writer, indent, escape, level);
+ inc(k);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ until not ObjectFindNext(iter);
+ ObjectFindClose(iter);
+ if indent then _indent(-1, true);
+ Result := Append(TOK_CBR, 1);
+ end else
+ Result := Append(TOK_OBJ, 2);
+ stBoolean:
+ begin
+ if (FO.c_boolean) then
+ Result := Append(TOK_TRUE, 4) else
+ Result := Append(TOK_FALSE, 5);
+ end;
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ str(FO.c_int, st);
+ Result := Append(PSOChar(SOString(st)));
+ end;
+ stDouble:
+ Result := Append(PSOChar(FloatToJson(FO.c_double)));
+ stCurrency:
+ begin
+ Result := Append(PSOChar(CurrToJson(FO.c_currency)));
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ Append(TOK_DQT, 1);
+ if escape then
+ doEscape(PSOChar(FOString), Length(FOString)) else
+ DoMinimalEscape(PSOChar(FOString), Length(FOString));
+ Append(TOK_DQT, 1);
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ stArray:
+ if FO.c_array.FLength > 0 then
+ begin
+ Append(TOK_ARL, 1);
+ if indent then _indent(1, true);
+ k := 0;
+ j := 0;
+ while k < FO.c_array.FLength do
+ begin
+ val := FO.c_array.GetO(k);
+ if not ObjectIsType(val, stMethod) then
+ begin
+ {$ENDIF}
+ if (val = nil) or (not val.Processing) then
+ begin
+ if (j <> 0) then
+ Append(TOK_COM, 1);
+ if(val = nil) then
+ Append(TOK_NULL, 4) else
+ val.write(writer, indent, escape, level);
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$ENDIF}
+ inc(k);
+ end;
+ if indent then _indent(-1, false);
+ Result := Append(TOK_ARR, 1);
+ end else
+ Result := Append(TOK_ARRAY, 2);
+ stNull:
+ Result := Append(TOK_NULL, 4);
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FProcessing := false;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.IsType(AType: TSuperType): boolean;
+ Result := AType = FDataType;
+function TSuperObject.AsBoolean: boolean;
+ case FDataType of
+ stBoolean: Result := FO.c_boolean;
+ stInt: Result := (FO.c_int <> 0);
+ stDouble: Result := (FO.c_double <> 0);
+ stCurrency: Result := (FO.c_currency <> 0);
+ stString: Result := (Length(FOString) <> 0);
+ stNull: Result := False;
+ else
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.AsInteger: SuperInt;
+ code: integer;
+ cint: SuperInt;
+ case FDataType of
+ stInt: Result := FO.c_int;
+ stDouble: Result := round(FO.c_double);
+ stCurrency: Result := round(FO.c_currency);
+ stBoolean: Result := ord(FO.c_boolean);
+ stString:
+ begin
+ Val(FOString, cint, code);
+ if code = 0 then
+ Result := cint else
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := 0;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.AsDouble: Double;
+ code: integer;
+ cdouble: double;
+ case FDataType of
+ stDouble: Result := FO.c_double;
+ stCurrency: Result := FO.c_currency;
+ stInt: Result := FO.c_int;
+ stBoolean: Result := ord(FO.c_boolean);
+ stString:
+ begin
+ Val(FOString, cdouble, code);
+ if code = 0 then
+ Result := cdouble else
+ Result := 0.0;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := 0.0;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.AsCurrency: Currency;
+ code: integer;
+ cdouble: double;
+ case FDataType of
+ stDouble: Result := FO.c_double;
+ stCurrency: Result := FO.c_currency;
+ stInt: Result := FO.c_int;
+ stBoolean: Result := ord(FO.c_boolean);
+ stString:
+ begin
+ Val(FOString, cdouble, code);
+ if code = 0 then
+ Result := cdouble else
+ Result := 0.0;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := 0.0;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.AsString: SOString;
+ case FDataType of
+ stString: Result := FOString;
+ stNull: Result := '';
+ else
+ Result := AsJSon(false, false);
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.GetEnumerator: TSuperEnumerator;
+ Result := TSuperEnumerator.Create(Self);
+procedure TSuperObject.AfterConstruction;
+ InterlockedDecrement(FRefCount);
+procedure TSuperObject.BeforeDestruction;
+ if RefCount <> 0 then
+ raise Exception.Create('Invalid pointer');
+function TSuperObject.AsArray: TSuperArray;
+ if FDataType = stArray then
+ Result := FO.c_array else
+ Result := nil;
+function TSuperObject.AsObject: TSuperTableString;
+ if FDataType = stObject then
+ Result := FO.c_object else
+ Result := nil;
+function TSuperObject.AsJSon(indent, escape: boolean): SOString;
+ pb: TSuperWriterString;
+ pb := TSuperWriterString.Create;
+ try
+ if(Write(pb, indent, escape, 0) < 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := '';
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if pb.FBPos > 0 then
+ Result := pb.FBuf else
+ Result := '';
+ finally
+ pb.Free;
+ end;
+class function TSuperObject.ParseString(s: PSOChar; strict: Boolean; partial: boolean; const this: ISuperObject;
+ options: TSuperFindOptions; const put: ISuperObject; dt: TSuperType): ISuperObject;
+ tok: TSuperTokenizer;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ tok := TSuperTokenizer.Create;
+ obj := ParseEx(tok, s, -1, strict, this, options, put, dt);
+ if(tok.err <> teSuccess) or (not partial and (s[tok.char_offset] <> #0)) then
+ Result := nil else
+ Result := obj;
+ tok.Free;
+class function TSuperObject.ParseStream(stream: TStream; strict: Boolean;
+ partial: boolean; const this: ISuperObject; options: TSuperFindOptions;
+ const put: ISuperObject; dt: TSuperType): ISuperObject;
+ BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
+ tok: TSuperTokenizer;
+ buffera: array[0..BUFFER_SIZE-1] of AnsiChar;
+ bufferw: array[0..BUFFER_SIZE-1] of SOChar;
+ bom: array[0..1] of byte;
+ unicode: boolean;
+ j, size: Integer;
+ st: string;
+ st := '';
+ tok := TSuperTokenizer.Create;
+ if (stream.Read(bom, sizeof(bom)) = 2) and (bom[0] = $FF) and (bom[1] = $FE) then
+ begin
+ unicode := true;
+ size := stream.Read(bufferw, BUFFER_SIZE * SizeOf(SoChar)) div SizeOf(SoChar);
+ end else
+ begin
+ unicode := false;
+ stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
+ size := stream.Read(buffera, BUFFER_SIZE);
+ end;
+ while size > 0 do
+ begin
+ if not unicode then
+ for j := 0 to size - 1 do
+ bufferw[j] := SOChar(buffera[j]);
+ ParseEx(tok, bufferw, size, strict, this, options, put, dt);
+ if tok.err = teContinue then
+ begin
+ if not unicode then
+ size := stream.Read(buffera, BUFFER_SIZE) else
+ size := stream.Read(bufferw, BUFFER_SIZE * SizeOf(SoChar)) div SizeOf(SoChar);
+ end else
+ Break;
+ end;
+ if(tok.err <> teSuccess) or (not partial and (st[tok.char_offset] <> #0)) then
+ Result := nil else
+ Result := tok.stack[tok.depth].current;
+ tok.Free;
+class function TSuperObject.ParseFile(const FileName: string; strict: Boolean;
+ partial: boolean; const this: ISuperObject; options: TSuperFindOptions;
+ const put: ISuperObject; dt: TSuperType): ISuperObject;
+ stream: TFileStream;
+ stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead, fmShareDenyWrite);
+ try
+ Result := ParseStream(stream, strict, partial, this, options, put, dt);
+ finally
+ stream.Free;
+ end;
+class function TSuperObject.ParseEx(tok: TSuperTokenizer; str: PSOChar; len: integer;
+ strict: Boolean; const this: ISuperObject; options: TSuperFindOptions; const put: ISuperObject; dt: TSuperType): ISuperObject;
+ spaces = [#32,#8,#9,#10,#12,#13];
+ delimiters = ['"', '.', '[', ']', '{', '}', '(', ')', ',', ':', #0];
+ reserved = delimiters + spaces;
+ path = ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '.', '_'];
+ function hexdigit(x: SOChar): byte; {$IFDEF HAVE_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF}
+ begin
+ if x <= '9' then
+ Result := byte(x) - byte('0') else
+ Result := (byte(x) and 7) + 9;
+ end;
+ function min(v1, v2: integer): integer;{$IFDEF HAVE_INLINE} inline;{$ENDIF}
+ begin if v1 < v2 then result := v1 else result := v2 end;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ v: SOChar;
+ sm: TSuperMethod;
+ numi: SuperInt;
+ numd: Double;
+ code: integer;
+ TokRec: PSuperTokenerSrec;
+ evalstack: integer;
+ p: PSOChar;
+ function IsEndDelimiter(v: AnsiChar): Boolean;
+ begin
+ if tok.depth > 0 then
+ case tok.stack[tok.depth - 1].state of
+ tsArrayAdd: Result := v in [',', ']', #0];
+ tsObjectValueAdd: Result := v in [',', '}', #0];
+ else
+ Result := v = #0;
+ end else
+ Result := v = #0;
+ end;
+label out, redo_char;
+ evalstack := 0;
+ obj := nil;
+ Result := nil;
+ TokRec := @tok.stack[tok.depth];
+ tok.char_offset := 0;
+ tok.err := teSuccess;
+ repeat
+ if (tok.char_offset = len) then
+ begin
+ if (tok.depth = 0) and (TokRec^.state = tsEatws) and
+ (TokRec^.saved_state = tsFinish) then
+ tok.err := teSuccess else
+ tok.err := teContinue;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ v := str^;
+ case v of
+ #10:
+ begin
+ inc(tok.line);
+ tok.col := 0;
+ end;
+ #9: inc(tok.col, 4);
+ else
+ inc(tok.col);
+ end;
+ case TokRec^.state of
+ tsEatws:
+ begin
+ if (SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in spaces) then {nop} else
+ if (v = '/') then
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ TokRec^.state := tsCommentStart;
+ end else begin
+ TokRec^.state := TokRec^.saved_state;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsStart:
+ case v of
+ '"',
+ '''':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsString;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ tok.quote_char := v;
+ end;
+ '-':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsNumber;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ tok.is_double := 0;
+ tok.floatcount := -1;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ '0'..'9':
+ begin
+ if (tok.depth = 0) then
+ case ObjectGetType(this) of
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier;
+ TokRec^.current := this;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TokRec^.state := tsNumber;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ tok.is_double := 0;
+ tok.floatcount := -1;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ '{':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectFieldStart;
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ end;
+ '[':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsArray;
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ end;
+ '(':
+ begin
+ if (tok.depth = 0) and ObjectIsType(this, stMethod) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := this;
+ TokRec^.state := tsParamValue;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'N',
+ 'n':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsNull;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ tok.st_pos := 0;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ 'T',
+ 't',
+ 'F',
+ 'f':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsBoolean;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ tok.st_pos := 0;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ else
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ tsFinish:
+ begin
+ if(tok.depth = 0) then goto out;
+ obj := TokRec^.current;
+ tok.ResetLevel(tok.depth);
+ dec(tok.depth);
+ TokRec := @tok.stack[tok.depth];
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ tsNull:
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ if (StrLComp(TOK_NULL, PSOChar(tok.pb.FBuf), min(tok.st_pos + 1, 4)) = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (tok.st_pos = 4) then
+ if (((SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in path)) or (SOIChar(v) >= 256)) then
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier else
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stNull);
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier;
+ tok.pb.FBuf[tok.st_pos] := #0;
+ dec(tok.pb.FBPos);
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ inc(tok.st_pos);
+ end;
+ tsCommentStart:
+ begin
+ if(v = '*') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsComment;
+ end else
+ if (v = '/') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsCommentEol;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseComment;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end;
+ tsComment:
+ begin
+ if(v = '*') then
+ TokRec^.state := tsCommentEnd;
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end;
+ tsCommentEol:
+ begin
+ if (v = #10) then
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws else
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end;
+ tsCommentEnd:
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ if (v = '/') then
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws else
+ TokRec^.state := tsComment;
+ end;
+ tsString:
+ begin
+ if (v = tok.quote_char) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(SOString(tok.pb.GetString));
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ if (v = '\') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsString;
+ TokRec^.state := tsStringEscape;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end
+ end;
+ tsEvalProperty:
+ begin
+ if (TokRec^.current = nil) and (foCreatePath in options) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ TokRec^.parent.AsObject.PutO(tok.pb.Fbuf, TokRec^.current)
+ end else
+ if not ObjectIsType(TokRec^.current, stObject) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalObject;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ tsEvalArray:
+ begin
+ if (TokRec^.current = nil) and (foCreatePath in options) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ TokRec^.parent.AsObject.PutO(tok.pb.Fbuf, TokRec^.current)
+ end else
+ if not ObjectIsType(TokRec^.current, stArray) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalArray;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ TokRec^.state := tsParamValue;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ tsEvalMethod:
+ begin
+ if ObjectIsType(TokRec^.current, stMethod) and assigned(TokRec^.current.AsMethod) then
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ TokRec^.obj := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ TokRec^.state := tsMethodValue;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalMethod;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tsMethodValue:
+ begin
+ case v of
+ ')':
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier;
+ else
+ if (tok.depth >= SUPER_TOKENER_MAX_DEPTH-1) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teDepth;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ inc(evalstack);
+ TokRec^.state := tsMethodPut;
+ inc(tok.depth);
+ tok.ResetLevel(tok.depth);
+ TokRec := @tok.stack[tok.depth];
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tsMethodPut:
+ begin
+ TokRec^.obj.AsArray.Add(obj);
+ case v of
+ ',':
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsMethodValue;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end;
+ ')':
+ begin
+ if TokRec^.obj.AsArray.Length = 1 then
+ TokRec^.obj := TokRec^.obj.AsArray.GetO(0);
+ dec(evalstack);
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsIdentifier;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end;
+ else
+ tok.err := teEvalMethod;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tsParamValue:
+ begin
+ case v of
+ ']':
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier;
+ else
+ if (tok.depth >= SUPER_TOKENER_MAX_DEPTH-1) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teDepth;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ inc(evalstack);
+ TokRec^.state := tsParamPut;
+ inc(tok.depth);
+ tok.ResetLevel(tok.depth);
+ TokRec := @tok.stack[tok.depth];
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tsParamPut:
+ begin
+ dec(evalstack);
+ TokRec^.obj := obj;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsIdentifier;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ if v <> ']' then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalArray;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ end;
+ tsIdentifier:
+ begin
+ if (this = nil) then
+ begin
+ if (SOIChar(v) < 256) and IsEndDelimiter(AnsiChar(v)) then
+ begin
+ if not strict then
+ begin
+ tok.pb.TrimRight;
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(tok.pb.Fbuf);
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseString;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ end else
+ if (v = '\') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsIdentifier;
+ TokRec^.state := tsStringEscape;
+ end else
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end else
+ begin
+ if (SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in reserved) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.gparent := TokRec^.parent;
+ if TokRec^.current = nil then
+ TokRec^.parent := this else
+ TokRec^.parent := TokRec^.current;
+ case ObjectGetType(TokRec^.parent) of
+ stObject:
+ case v of
+ '.':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalProperty;
+ if tok.pb.FBPos > 0 then
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsObject.GetO(tok.pb.Fbuf);
+ end;
+ '[':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalArray;
+ if tok.pb.FBPos > 0 then
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsObject.GetO(tok.pb.Fbuf);
+ end;
+ '(':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalMethod;
+ if tok.pb.FBPos > 0 then
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsObject.GetO(tok.pb.Fbuf);
+ end;
+ else
+ if tok.pb.FBPos > 0 then
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsObject.GetO(tok.pb.Fbuf);
+ if (foPutValue in options) and (evalstack = 0) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.parent.AsObject.PutO(tok.pb.Fbuf, put);
+ TokRec^.current := put
+ end else
+ if (foDelete in options) and (evalstack = 0) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsObject.Delete(tok.pb.Fbuf);
+ end else
+ if (TokRec^.current = nil) and (foCreatePath in options) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(dt);
+ TokRec^.parent.AsObject.PutO(tok.pb.Fbuf, TokRec^.current);
+ end;
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsObject.GetO(tok.pb.Fbuf);
+ TokRec^.state := tsFinish;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ stArray:
+ begin
+ if TokRec^.obj <> nil then
+ begin
+ if not ObjectIsType(TokRec^.obj, stInt) or (TokRec^.obj.AsInteger < 0) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalInt;
+ TokRec^.obj := nil;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ numi := TokRec^.obj.AsInteger;
+ TokRec^.obj := nil;
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsArray.GetO(numi);
+ case v of
+ '.':
+ if (TokRec^.current = nil) and (foCreatePath in options) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ TokRec^.parent.AsArray.PutO(numi, TokRec^.current);
+ end else
+ if (TokRec^.current = nil) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalObject;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ '[':
+ begin
+ if (TokRec^.current = nil) and (foCreatePath in options) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ TokRec^.parent.AsArray.Add(TokRec^.current);
+ end else
+ if (TokRec^.current = nil) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalArray;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalArray;
+ end;
+ '(': TokRec^.state := tsEvalMethod;
+ else
+ if (foPutValue in options) and (evalstack = 0) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.parent.AsArray.PutO(numi, put);
+ TokRec^.current := put;
+ end else
+ if (foDelete in options) and (evalstack = 0) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsArray.Delete(numi);
+ end else
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsArray.GetO(numi);
+ TokRec^.state := tsFinish;
+ goto redo_char
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ case v of
+ '.':
+ begin
+ if (foPutValue in options) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ TokRec^.parent.AsArray.Add(TokRec^.current);
+ end else
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsArray.GetO(TokRec^.parent.AsArray.FLength - 1);
+ end;
+ '[':
+ begin
+ if (foPutValue in options) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ TokRec^.parent.AsArray.Add(TokRec^.current);
+ end else
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsArray.GetO(TokRec^.parent.AsArray.FLength - 1);
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalArray;
+ end;
+ '(':
+ begin
+ if not (foPutValue in options) then
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsArray.GetO(TokRec^.parent.AsArray.FLength - 1) else
+ TokRec^.current := nil;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalMethod;
+ end;
+ else
+ if (foPutValue in options) and (evalstack = 0) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.parent.AsArray.Add(put);
+ TokRec^.current := put;
+ end else
+ if tok.pb.FBPos = 0 then
+ TokRec^.current := TokRec^.parent.AsArray.GetO(TokRec^.parent.AsArray.FLength - 1);
+ TokRec^.state := tsFinish;
+ goto redo_char
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stMethod:
+ case v of
+ '.':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := nil;
+ sm := TokRec^.parent.AsMethod;
+ sm(TokRec^.gparent, TokRec^.obj, TokRec^.current);
+ TokRec^.obj := nil;
+ end;
+ '[':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := nil;
+ sm := TokRec^.parent.AsMethod;
+ sm(TokRec^.gparent, TokRec^.obj, TokRec^.current);
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalArray;
+ TokRec^.obj := nil;
+ end;
+ '(':
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := nil;
+ sm := TokRec^.parent.AsMethod;
+ sm(TokRec^.gparent, TokRec^.obj, TokRec^.current);
+ TokRec^.state := tsEvalMethod;
+ TokRec^.obj := nil;
+ end;
+ else
+ if not (foPutValue in options) or (evalstack > 0) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := nil;
+ sm := TokRec^.parent.AsMethod;
+ sm(TokRec^.gparent, TokRec^.obj, TokRec^.current);
+ TokRec^.obj := nil;
+ TokRec^.state := tsFinish;
+ goto redo_char
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teEvalMethod;
+ TokRec^.obj := nil;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tsStringEscape:
+ case v of
+ 'b',
+ 'n',
+ 'r',
+ 't',
+ 'f':
+ begin
+ if(v = 'b') then tok.pb.Append(TOK_BS, 1)
+ else if(v = 'n') then tok.pb.Append(TOK_LF, 1)
+ else if(v = 'r') then tok.pb.Append(TOK_CR, 1)
+ else if(v = 't') then tok.pb.Append(TOK_TAB, 1)
+ else if(v = 'f') then tok.pb.Append(TOK_FF, 1);
+ TokRec^.state := TokRec^.saved_state;
+ end;
+ 'u':
+ begin
+ tok.ucs_char := 0;
+ tok.st_pos := 0;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEscapeUnicode;
+ end;
+ 'x':
+ begin
+ tok.ucs_char := 0;
+ tok.st_pos := 0;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEscapeHexadecimal;
+ end
+ else
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ TokRec^.state := TokRec^.saved_state;
+ end;
+ tsEscapeUnicode:
+ begin
+ if ((SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in super_hex_chars_set)) then
+ begin
+ inc(tok.ucs_char, (Word(hexdigit(v)) shl ((3-tok.st_pos)*4)));
+ inc(tok.st_pos);
+ if (tok.st_pos = 4) then
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@tok.ucs_char, 1);
+ TokRec^.state := TokRec^.saved_state;
+ end
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseString;
+ goto out;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsEscapeHexadecimal:
+ begin
+ if ((SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in super_hex_chars_set)) then
+ begin
+ inc(tok.ucs_char, (Word(hexdigit(v)) shl ((1-tok.st_pos)*4)));
+ inc(tok.st_pos);
+ if (tok.st_pos = 2) then
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@tok.ucs_char, 1);
+ TokRec^.state := TokRec^.saved_state;
+ end
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseString;
+ goto out;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsBoolean:
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ if (StrLComp('true', PSOChar(tok.pb.FBuf), min(tok.st_pos + 1, 4)) = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (tok.st_pos = 4) then
+ if (((SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in path)) or (SOIChar(v) >= 256)) then
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier else
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(true);
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end
+ end else
+ if (StrLComp('false', PSOChar(tok.pb.FBuf), min(tok.st_pos + 1, 5)) = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (tok.st_pos = 5) then
+ if (((SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in path)) or (SOIChar(v) >= 256)) then
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier else
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(false);
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end
+ end else
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsIdentifier;
+ tok.pb.FBuf[tok.st_pos] := #0;
+ dec(tok.pb.FBPos);
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ inc(tok.st_pos);
+ end;
+ tsNumber:
+ begin
+ if (SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in super_number_chars_set) then
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ if (SOIChar(v) < 256) then
+ case v of
+ '.': begin
+ tok.is_double := 1;
+ tok.floatcount := 0;
+ end;
+ 'e','E':
+ begin
+ tok.is_double := 1;
+ tok.floatcount := -1;
+ end;
+ '0'..'9':
+ begin
+ if (tok.is_double = 1) and (tok.floatcount >= 0) then
+ begin
+ inc(tok.floatcount);
+ if tok.floatcount > 4 then
+ tok.floatcount := -1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if (tok.is_double = 0) then
+ begin
+ val(tok.pb.FBuf, numi, code);
+ if ObjectIsType(this, stArray) then
+ begin
+ if (foPutValue in options) and (evalstack = 0) then
+ begin
+ this.AsArray.PutO(numi, put);
+ TokRec^.current := put;
+ end else
+ if (foDelete in options) and (evalstack = 0) then
+ TokRec^.current := this.AsArray.Delete(numi) else
+ TokRec^.current := this.AsArray.GetO(numi);
+ end else
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(numi);
+ end else
+ if (tok.is_double <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if tok.floatcount >= 0 then
+ begin
+ p := tok.pb.FBuf;
+ while p^ <> '.' do inc(p);
+ for code := 0 to tok.floatcount - 1 do
+ begin
+ p^ := p[1];
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ p^ := #0;
+ val(tok.pb.FBuf, numi, code);
+ case tok.floatcount of
+ 0: numi := numi * 10000;
+ 1: numi := numi * 1000;
+ 2: numi := numi * 100;
+ 3: numi := numi * 10;
+ end;
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(PCurrency(@numi)^);
+ end else
+ begin
+ val(tok.pb.FBuf, numd, code);
+ TokRec^.current := TSuperObject.Create(numd);
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseNumber;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsArray:
+ begin
+ if (v = ']') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if(tok.depth >= SUPER_TOKENER_MAX_DEPTH-1) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teDepth;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ TokRec^.state := tsArrayAdd;
+ inc(tok.depth);
+ tok.ResetLevel(tok.depth);
+ TokRec := @tok.stack[tok.depth];
+ goto redo_char;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsArrayAdd:
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current.AsArray.Add(obj);
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsArraySep;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ tsArraySep:
+ begin
+ if (v = ']') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ if (v = ',') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsArray;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseArray;
+ goto out;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsObjectFieldStart:
+ begin
+ if (v = '}') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ if (SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in ['"', '''']) then
+ begin
+ tok.quote_char := v;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ TokRec^.state := tsObjectField;
+ end else
+ if not((SOIChar(v) < 256) and ((AnsiChar(v) in reserved) or strict)) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.state := tsObjectUnquotedField;
+ tok.pb.Reset;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseObjectKeyName;
+ goto out;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsObjectField:
+ begin
+ if (v = tok.quote_char) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.field_name := tok.pb.FBuf;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectFieldEnd;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ if (v = '\') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectField;
+ TokRec^.state := tsStringEscape;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end
+ end;
+ tsObjectUnquotedField:
+ begin
+ if (SOIChar(v) < 256) and (AnsiChar(v) in [':', #0]) then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.field_name := tok.pb.FBuf;
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectFieldEnd;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end else
+ if (v = '\') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectUnquotedField;
+ TokRec^.state := tsStringEscape;
+ end else
+ tok.pb.Append(@v, 1);
+ end;
+ tsObjectFieldEnd:
+ begin
+ if (v = ':') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectValue;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseObjectKeySep;
+ goto out;
+ end
+ end;
+ tsObjectValue:
+ begin
+ if (tok.depth >= SUPER_TOKENER_MAX_DEPTH-1) then
+ begin
+ tok.err := teDepth;
+ goto out;
+ end;
+ TokRec^.state := tsObjectValueAdd;
+ inc(tok.depth);
+ tok.ResetLevel(tok.depth);
+ TokRec := @tok.stack[tok.depth];
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ tsObjectValueAdd:
+ begin
+ TokRec^.current.AsObject.PutO(TokRec^.field_name, obj);
+ TokRec^.field_name := '';
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectSep;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ goto redo_char;
+ end;
+ tsObjectSep:
+ begin
+ if (v = '}') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsFinish;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ if (v = ',') then
+ begin
+ TokRec^.saved_state := tsObjectFieldStart;
+ TokRec^.state := tsEatws;
+ end else
+ begin
+ tok.err := teParseObjectValueSep;
+ goto out;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(str);
+ inc(tok.char_offset);
+ until v = #0;
+ if(TokRec^.state <> tsFinish) and
+ (TokRec^.saved_state <> tsFinish) then
+ tok.err := teParseEof;
+ out:
+ if(tok.err in [teSuccess]) then
+ begin
+ if (foCallMethod in options) and ObjectIsType(TokRec^.current, stMethod) and assigned(TokRec^.current.AsMethod) then
+ begin
+ sm := TokRec^.current.AsMethod;
+ sm(TokRec^.parent, put, Result);
+ end else
+ Result := TokRec^.current;
+ end else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TSuperObject.PutO(const path: SOString; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), true, False, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], Value);
+procedure TSuperObject.PutB(const path: SOString; Value: Boolean);
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), true, False, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+procedure TSuperObject.PutD(const path: SOString; Value: Double);
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), true, False, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+procedure TSuperObject.PutC(const path: SOString; Value: Currency);
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), true, False, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(Value));
+procedure TSuperObject.PutI(const path: SOString; Value: SuperInt);
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), true, False, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+procedure TSuperObject.PutS(const path: SOString; const Value: SOString);
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), true, False, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperObject.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} iid: tguid; out obj): longint;{$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};
+function TSuperObject.QueryInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; stdcall;
+ if GetInterface(IID, Obj) then
+ Result := 0
+ else
+ Result := E_NOINTERFACE;
+function TSuperObject.SaveTo(stream: TStream; indent, escape: boolean): integer;
+ pb: TSuperWriterStream;
+ if escape then
+ pb := TSuperAnsiWriterStream.Create(stream) else
+ pb := TSuperUnicodeWriterStream.Create(stream);
+ if(Write(pb, indent, escape, 0) < 0) then
+ begin
+ pb.Reset;
+ pb.Free;
+ Result := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := stream.Size;
+ pb.Free;
+function TSuperObject.CalcSize(indent, escape: boolean): integer;
+ pb: TSuperWriterFake;
+ pb := TSuperWriterFake.Create;
+ if(Write(pb, indent, escape, 0) < 0) then
+ begin
+ pb.Free;
+ Result := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := pb.FSize;
+ pb.Free;
+function TSuperObject.SaveTo(socket: Integer; indent, escape: boolean): integer;
+ pb: TSuperWriterSock;
+ pb := TSuperWriterSock.Create(socket);
+ if(Write(pb, indent, escape, 0) < 0) then
+ begin
+ pb.Free;
+ Result := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := pb.FSize;
+ pb.Free;
+constructor TSuperObject.Create(const s: SOString);
+ Create(stString);
+ FOString := s;
+procedure TSuperObject.Clear(all: boolean);
+ if FProcessing then exit;
+ FProcessing := true;
+ try
+ case FDataType of
+ stBoolean: FO.c_boolean := false;
+ stDouble: FO.c_double := 0.0;
+ stCurrency: FO.c_currency := 0.0;
+ stInt: FO.c_int := 0;
+ stObject: FO.c_object.Clear(all);
+ stArray: FO.c_array.Clear(all);
+ stString: FOString := '';
+ stMethod: FO.c_method := nil;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FProcessing := false;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperObject.Pack(all: boolean = false);
+ if FProcessing then exit;
+ FProcessing := true;
+ try
+ case FDataType of
+ stObject: FO.c_object.Pack(all);
+ stArray: FO.c_array.Pack(all);
+ end;
+ finally
+ FProcessing := false;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.GetN(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ Result := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, true, self);
+ if Result = nil then
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stNull);
+procedure TSuperObject.PutN(const path: SOString; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ if Value = nil then
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], TSuperObject.Create(stNull)) else
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], Value);
+function TSuperObject.Delete(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ Result := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, true, self, [foDelete]);
+function TSuperObject.Clone: ISuperObject;
+ ite: TSuperObjectIter;
+ arr: TSuperArray;
+ j: integer;
+ case FDataType of
+ stBoolean: Result := TSuperObject.Create(FO.c_boolean);
+ stDouble: Result := TSuperObject.Create(FO.c_double);
+ stCurrency: Result := TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(FO.c_currency);
+ stInt: Result := TSuperObject.Create(FO.c_int);
+ stString: Result := TSuperObject.Create(FOString);
+ stMethod: Result := TSuperObject.Create(FO.c_method);
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ if ObjectFindFirst(self, ite) then
+ with Result.AsObject do
+ repeat
+ PutO(ite.key, ite.val.Clone);
+ until not ObjectFindNext(ite);
+ ObjectFindClose(ite);
+ end;
+ stArray:
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ arr := AsArray;
+ with Result.AsArray do
+ for j := 0 to arr.Length - 1 do
+ Add(arr.GetO(j).Clone);
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperObject.Merge(const obj: ISuperObject; reference: boolean);
+ prop1, prop2: ISuperObject;
+ ite: TSuperObjectIter;
+ arr: TSuperArray;
+ j: integer;
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, FDataType) then
+ case FDataType of
+ stBoolean: FO.c_boolean := obj.AsBoolean;
+ stDouble: FO.c_double := obj.AsDouble;
+ stCurrency: FO.c_currency := obj.AsCurrency;
+ stInt: FO.c_int := obj.AsInteger;
+ stString: FOString := obj.AsString;
+ stMethod: FO.c_method := obj.AsMethod;
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ if ObjectFindFirst(obj, ite) then
+ with FO.c_object do
+ repeat
+ prop1 := FO.c_object.GetO(ite.key);
+ if (prop1 <> nil) and (ite.val <> nil) and (prop1.DataType = ite.val.DataType) then
+ prop1.Merge(ite.val) else
+ if reference then
+ PutO(ite.key, ite.val) else
+ if ite.val <> nil then
+ PutO(ite.key, ite.val.Clone) else
+ PutO(ite.key, nil)
+ until not ObjectFindNext(ite);
+ ObjectFindClose(ite);
+ end;
+ stArray:
+ begin
+ arr := obj.AsArray;
+ with FO.c_array do
+ for j := 0 to arr.Length - 1 do
+ begin
+ prop1 := GetO(j);
+ prop2 := arr.GetO(j);
+ if (prop1 <> nil) and (prop2 <> nil) and (prop1.DataType = prop2.DataType) then
+ prop1.Merge(prop2) else
+ if reference then
+ PutO(j, prop2) else
+ if prop2 <> nil then
+ PutO(j, prop2.Clone) else
+ PutO(j, nil);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperObject.Merge(const str: SOString);
+ Merge(TSuperObject.ParseString(PSOChar(str), False), true);
+class function TSuperObject.NewInstance: TObject;
+ Result := inherited NewInstance;
+ TSuperObject(Result).FRefCount := 1;
+function TSuperObject.ForcePath(const path: SOString; dataType: TSuperType = stObject): ISuperObject;
+ Result := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, Self, [foCreatePath], nil, dataType);
+function TSuperObject.Format(const str: SOString; BeginSep: SOChar; EndSep: SOChar): SOString;
+ p1, p2: PSOChar;
+ Result := '';
+ p2 := PSOChar(str);
+ p1 := p2;
+ while true do
+ if p2^ = BeginSep then
+ begin
+ if p2 > p1 then
+ Result := Result + Copy(p1, 0, p2-p1);
+ inc(p2);
+ p1 := p2;
+ while true do
+ if p2^ = EndSep then Break else
+ if p2^ = #0 then Exit else
+ inc(p2);
+ Result := Result + GetS(copy(p1, 0, p2-p1));
+ inc(p2);
+ p1 := p2;
+ end
+ else if p2^ = #0 then
+ begin
+ if p2 > p1 then
+ Result := Result + Copy(p1, 0, p2-p1);
+ Break;
+ end else
+ inc(p2);
+function TSuperObject.GetO(const path: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ Result := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, Self);
+function TSuperObject.GetA(const path: SOString): TSuperArray;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, Self);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsArray else
+ Result := nil;
+function TSuperObject.GetB(const path: SOString): Boolean;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(path);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsBoolean else
+ Result := false;
+function TSuperObject.GetD(const path: SOString): Double;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(path);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsDouble else
+ Result := 0.0;
+function TSuperObject.GetC(const path: SOString): Currency;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(path);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsCurrency else
+ Result := 0.0;
+function TSuperObject.GetI(const path: SOString): SuperInt;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(path);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsInteger else
+ Result := 0;
+function TSuperObject.GetDataPtr: Pointer;
+ Result := FDataPtr;
+function TSuperObject.GetDataType: TSuperType;
+ Result := FDataType
+function TSuperObject.GetS(const path: SOString): SOString;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(path);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsString else
+ Result := '';
+function TSuperObject.SaveTo(const FileName: string; indent, escape: boolean): integer;
+ stream: TFileStream;
+ stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ try
+ Result := SaveTo(stream, indent, escape);
+ finally
+ stream.Free;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.Validate(const rules: SOString; const defs: SOString = ''; callback: TSuperOnValidateError = nil; sender: Pointer = nil): boolean;
+ Result := Validate(TSuperObject.ParseString(PSOChar(rules), False), TSuperObject.ParseString(PSOChar(defs), False), callback, sender);
+function TSuperObject.Validate(const rules: ISuperObject; const defs: ISuperObject = nil; callback: TSuperOnValidateError = nil; sender: Pointer = nil): boolean;
+ TDataType = (dtUnknown, dtStr, dtInt, dtFloat, dtNumber, dtText, dtBool,
+ dtMap, dtSeq, dtScalar, dtAny);
+ datatypes: ISuperObject;
+ names: ISuperObject;
+ function FindInheritedProperty(const prop: PSOChar; p: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ e: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ begin
+ o := p[prop];
+ if o <> nil then
+ result := o else
+ begin
+ o := p['inherit'];
+ if (o <> nil) and ObjectIsType(o, stString) then
+ begin
+ e := names.AsObject.Search(o.AsString);
+ if (e <> nil) then
+ Result := FindInheritedProperty(prop, e.Value) else
+ Result := nil;
+ end else
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function FindDataType(o: ISuperObject): TDataType;
+ var
+ e: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ obj := FindInheritedProperty('type', o);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ begin
+ e := datatypes.AsObject.Search(obj.AsString);
+ if e <> nil then
+ Result := TDataType(e.Value.AsInteger) else
+ Result := dtUnknown;
+ end else
+ Result := dtUnknown;
+ end;
+ procedure GetNames(o: ISuperObject);
+ var
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ f: TSuperObjectIter;
+ begin
+ obj := o['name'];
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stString) then
+ names[obj.AsString] := o;
+ case FindDataType(o) of
+ dtMap:
+ begin
+ obj := o['mapping'];
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stObject) then
+ begin
+ if ObjectFindFirst(obj, f) then
+ repeat
+ if ObjectIsType(f.val, stObject) then
+ GetNames(f.val);
+ until not ObjectFindNext(f);
+ ObjectFindClose(f);
+ end;
+ end;
+ dtSeq:
+ begin
+ obj := o['sequence'];
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stObject) then
+ GetNames(obj);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function FindInheritedField(const prop: SOString; p: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ e: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ begin
+ o := p['mapping'];
+ if ObjectIsType(o, stObject) then
+ begin
+ o := o.AsObject.GetO(prop);
+ if o <> nil then
+ begin
+ Result := o;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ o := p['inherit'];
+ if ObjectIsType(o, stString) then
+ begin
+ e := names.AsObject.Search(o.AsString);
+ if (e <> nil) then
+ Result := FindInheritedField(prop, e.Value) else
+ Result := nil;
+ end else
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ function InheritedFieldExist(const obj: ISuperObject; p: ISuperObject; const name: SOString = ''): boolean;
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ e: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ j: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ o := p['mapping'];
+ if ObjectIsType(o, stObject) then
+ begin
+ j := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(o.AsObject);
+ try
+ j.First;
+ e := j.GetIter;
+ while e <> nil do
+ begin
+ if obj.AsObject.Search(e.Name) = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veFieldNotFound, name + '.' + e.Name);
+ end;
+ j.Next;
+ e := j.GetIter;
+ end;
+ finally
+ j.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ o := p['inherit'];
+ if ObjectIsType(o, stString) then
+ begin
+ e := names.AsObject.Search(o.AsString);
+ if (e <> nil) then
+ Result := InheritedFieldExist(obj, e.Value, name) and Result;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function getInheritedBool(f: PSOChar; p: ISuperObject; default: boolean = false): boolean;
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ o := FindInheritedProperty(f, p);
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stBoolean: Result := o.AsBoolean;
+ stNull: Result := Default;
+ else
+ Result := default;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, f);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure GetInheritedFieldList(list: ISuperObject; p: ISuperObject);
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ e: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ i: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ o := p['mapping'];
+ if ObjectIsType(o, stObject) then
+ begin
+ i := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(o.AsObject);
+ try
+ i.First;
+ e := i.GetIter;
+ while e <> nil do
+ begin
+ if list.AsObject.Search(e.Name) = nil then
+ list[e.Name] := e.Value;
+ i.Next;
+ e := i.GetIter;
+ end;
+ finally
+ i.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ o := p['inherit'];
+ if ObjectIsType(o, stString) then
+ begin
+ e := names.AsObject.Search(o.AsString);
+ if (e <> nil) then
+ GetInheritedFieldList(list, e.Value);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function CheckEnum(o: ISuperObject; p: ISuperObject; name: SOString = ''): boolean;
+ var
+ enum: ISuperObject;
+ i: integer;
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ enum := FindInheritedProperty('enum', p);
+ case ObjectGetType(enum) of
+ stArray:
+ for i := 0 to enum.AsArray.Length - 1 do
+ if (o.AsString = enum.AsArray[i].AsString) then
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ stNull: Result := true;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, '');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if (not Result) and assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veValueNotInEnum, name);
+ end;
+ function CheckLength(len: integer; p: ISuperObject; const objpath: SOString): boolean;
+ var
+ length, o: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ length := FindInheritedProperty('length', p);
+ case ObjectGetType(length) of
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('min');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.AsInteger > len) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidLength, objpath);
+ end;
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('max');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.AsInteger < len) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidLength, objpath);
+ end;
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('minex');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.AsInteger >= len) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidLength, objpath);
+ end;
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('maxex');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.AsInteger <= len) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidLength, objpath);
+ end;
+ end;
+ stNull: ;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, '');
+ end;
+ end;
+ function CheckRange(obj: ISuperObject; p: ISuperObject; const objpath: SOString): boolean;
+ var
+ length, o: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ result := true;
+ length := FindInheritedProperty('range', p);
+ case ObjectGetType(length) of
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('min');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.Compare(obj) = cpGreat) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidRange, objpath);
+ end;
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('max');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.Compare(obj) = cpLess) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidRange, objpath);
+ end;
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('minex');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.Compare(obj) in [cpGreat, cpEqu]) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidRange, objpath);
+ end;
+ o := length.AsObject.GetO('maxex');
+ if (o <> nil) and (o.Compare(obj) in [cpLess, cpEqu]) then
+ begin
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidRange, objpath);
+ end;
+ end;
+ stNull: ;
+ else
+ Result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, '');
+ end;
+ end;
+ function process(o: ISuperObject; p: ISuperObject; objpath: SOString = ''): boolean;
+ var
+ ite: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ ent: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ p2, o2, sequence: ISuperObject;
+ s: SOString;
+ i: integer;
+ uniquelist, fieldlist: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ Result := true;
+ if (o = nil) then
+ begin
+ if getInheritedBool('required', p) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veFieldIsRequired, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ end else
+ case FindDataType(p) of
+ dtStr:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stString:
+ begin
+ Result := Result and CheckLength(Length(o.AsString), p, objpath);
+ Result := Result and CheckRange(o, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidDataType, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ dtBool:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stBoolean:
+ begin
+ Result := Result and CheckRange(o, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidDataType, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ dtInt:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ Result := Result and CheckRange(o, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidDataType, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ dtFloat:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stDouble, stCurrency:
+ begin
+ Result := Result and CheckRange(o, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidDataType, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ dtMap:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ // all objects have and match a rule ?
+ ite := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(o.AsObject);
+ try
+ ite.First;
+ ent := ite.GetIter;
+ while ent <> nil do
+ begin
+ p2 := FindInheritedField(ent.Name, p);
+ if ObjectIsType(p2, stObject) then
+ result := process(ent.Value, p2, objpath + '.' + ent.Name) and result else
+ begin
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veUnexpectedField, objpath + '.' + ent.Name);
+ result := false; // field have no rule
+ end;
+ ite.Next;
+ ent := ite.GetIter;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ite.Free;
+ end;
+ // all expected field exists ?
+ Result := InheritedFieldExist(o, p, objpath) and Result;
+ end;
+ stNull: {nop};
+ else
+ result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, objpath);
+ end;
+ dtSeq:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stArray:
+ begin
+ sequence := FindInheritedProperty('sequence', p);
+ if sequence <> nil then
+ case ObjectGetType(sequence) of
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to o.AsArray.Length - 1 do
+ result := process(o.AsArray.GetO(i), sequence, objpath + '[' + IntToStr(i) + ']') and result;
+ if getInheritedBool('unique', sequence) then
+ begin
+ // type is unique ?
+ uniquelist := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ try
+ for i := 0 to o.AsArray.Length - 1 do
+ begin
+ s := o.AsArray.GetO(i).AsString;
+ if (s <> '') then
+ begin
+ if uniquelist.AsObject.Search(s) = nil then
+ uniquelist[s] := nil else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veDuplicateEntry, objpath + '[' + IntToStr(i) + ']');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ uniquelist := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ // field is unique ?
+ if (FindDataType(sequence) = dtMap) then
+ begin
+ fieldlist := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ try
+ GetInheritedFieldList(fieldlist, sequence);
+ ite := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(fieldlist.AsObject);
+ try
+ ite.First;
+ ent := ite.GetIter;
+ while ent <> nil do
+ begin
+ if getInheritedBool('unique', ent.Value) then
+ begin
+ uniquelist := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ try
+ for i := 0 to o.AsArray.Length - 1 do
+ begin
+ o2 := o.AsArray.GetO(i);
+ if o2 <> nil then
+ begin
+ s := o2.AsObject.GetO(ent.Name).AsString;
+ if (s <> '') then
+ if uniquelist.AsObject.Search(s) = nil then
+ uniquelist[s] := nil else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ if Assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veDuplicateEntry, objpath + '[' + IntToStr(i) + '].' + ent.name);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ uniquelist := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ite.Next;
+ ent := ite.GetIter;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ite.Free;
+ end;
+ finally
+ fieldlist := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stNull: {nop};
+ else
+ result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, objpath);
+ end;
+ Result := Result and CheckLength(o.AsArray.Length, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ result := false;
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, objpath);
+ end;
+ dtNumber:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stInt,
+ stDouble, stCurrency:
+ begin
+ Result := Result and CheckRange(o, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidDataType, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ dtText:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stInt,
+ stDouble,
+ stCurrency,
+ stString:
+ begin
+ result := result and CheckLength(Length(o.AsString), p, objpath);
+ Result := Result and CheckRange(o, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidDataType, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ dtScalar:
+ case ObjectGetType(o) of
+ stBoolean,
+ stDouble,
+ stCurrency,
+ stInt,
+ stString:
+ begin
+ result := result and CheckLength(Length(o.AsString), p, objpath);
+ Result := Result and CheckRange(o, p, objpath);
+ end;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veInvalidDataType, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ dtAny:;
+ else
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, objpath);
+ result := false;
+ end;
+ Result := Result and CheckEnum(o, p, objpath)
+ end;
+ j: integer;
+ Result := False;
+ datatypes := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ names := TSuperObject.Create;
+ try
+ datatypes.I['str'] := ord(dtStr);
+ datatypes.I['int'] := ord(dtInt);
+ datatypes.I['float'] := ord(dtFloat);
+ datatypes.I['number'] := ord(dtNumber);
+ datatypes.I['text'] := ord(dtText);
+ datatypes.I['bool'] := ord(dtBool);
+ datatypes.I['map'] := ord(dtMap);
+ datatypes.I['seq'] := ord(dtSeq);
+ datatypes.I['scalar'] := ord(dtScalar);
+ datatypes.I['any'] := ord(dtAny);
+ if ObjectIsType(defs, stArray) then
+ for j := 0 to defs.AsArray.Length - 1 do
+ if ObjectIsType(defs.AsArray[j], stObject) then
+ GetNames(defs.AsArray[j]) else
+ begin
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, '');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if ObjectIsType(rules, stObject) then
+ GetNames(rules) else
+ begin
+ if assigned(callback) then
+ callback(sender, veRuleMalformated, '');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := process(self, rules);
+ finally
+ datatypes := nil;
+ names := nil;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject._AddRef: Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := InterlockedIncrement(FRefCount);
+function TSuperObject._Release: Integer; stdcall;
+ Result := InterlockedDecrement(FRefCount);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Destroy;
+function TSuperObject.Compare(const str: SOString): TSuperCompareResult;
+ Result := Compare(TSuperObject.ParseString(PSOChar(str), False));
+function TSuperObject.Compare(const obj: ISuperObject): TSuperCompareResult;
+ function GetIntCompResult(const i: int64): TSuperCompareResult;
+ begin
+ if i < 0 then result := cpLess else
+ if i = 0 then result := cpEqu else
+ Result := cpGreat;
+ end;
+ function GetDblCompResult(const d: double): TSuperCompareResult;
+ begin
+ if d < 0 then result := cpLess else
+ if d = 0 then result := cpEqu else
+ Result := cpGreat;
+ end;
+ case DataType of
+ stBoolean:
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stBoolean: Result := GetIntCompResult(ord(FO.c_boolean) - ord(obj.AsBoolean));
+ stDouble: Result := GetDblCompResult(ord(FO.c_boolean) - obj.AsDouble);
+ stCurrency:Result := GetDblCompResult(ord(FO.c_boolean) - obj.AsCurrency);
+ stInt: Result := GetIntCompResult(ord(FO.c_boolean) - obj.AsInteger);
+ stString: Result := GetIntCompResult(StrComp(PSOChar(AsString), PSOChar(obj.AsString)));
+ else
+ Result := cpError;
+ end;
+ stDouble:
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stBoolean: Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_double - ord(obj.AsBoolean));
+ stDouble: Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_double - obj.AsDouble);
+ stCurrency:Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_double - obj.AsCurrency);
+ stInt: Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_double - obj.AsInteger);
+ stString: Result := GetIntCompResult(StrComp(PSOChar(AsString), PSOChar(obj.AsString)));
+ else
+ Result := cpError;
+ end;
+ stCurrency:
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stBoolean: Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_currency - ord(obj.AsBoolean));
+ stDouble: Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_currency - obj.AsDouble);
+ stCurrency:Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_currency - obj.AsCurrency);
+ stInt: Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_currency - obj.AsInteger);
+ stString: Result := GetIntCompResult(StrComp(PSOChar(AsString), PSOChar(obj.AsString)));
+ else
+ Result := cpError;
+ end;
+ stInt:
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stBoolean: Result := GetIntCompResult(FO.c_int - ord(obj.AsBoolean));
+ stDouble: Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_int - obj.AsDouble);
+ stCurrency:Result := GetDblCompResult(FO.c_int - obj.AsCurrency);
+ stInt: Result := GetIntCompResult(FO.c_int - obj.AsInteger);
+ stString: Result := GetIntCompResult(StrComp(PSOChar(AsString), PSOChar(obj.AsString)));
+ else
+ Result := cpError;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stBoolean,
+ stDouble,
+ stCurrency,
+ stInt,
+ stString: Result := GetIntCompResult(StrComp(PSOChar(AsString), PSOChar(obj.AsString)));
+ else
+ Result := cpError;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := cpError;
+ end;
+function TSuperObject.AsMethod: TSuperMethod;
+ if FDataType = stMethod then
+ Result := FO.c_method else
+ Result := nil;
+constructor TSuperObject.Create(m: TSuperMethod);
+ Create(stMethod);
+ FO.c_method := m;
+function TSuperObject.GetM(const path: SOString): TSuperMethod;
+ v: ISuperObject;
+ v := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, Self);
+ if (v <> nil) and (ObjectGetType(v) = stMethod) then
+ Result := v.AsMethod else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TSuperObject.PutM(const path: SOString; Value: TSuperMethod);
+ ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, Self, [foCreatePath, foPutValue], TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperObject.call(const path: SOString; const param: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ Result := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, Self, [foCallMethod], param);
+function TSuperObject.call(const path, param: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ Result := ParseString(PSOChar(path), False, True, Self, [foCallMethod], TSuperObject.ParseString(PSOChar(param), False));
+function TSuperObject.GetProcessing: boolean;
+ Result := FProcessing;
+procedure TSuperObject.SetDataPtr(const Value: Pointer);
+ FDataPtr := Value;
+procedure TSuperObject.SetProcessing(value: boolean);
+ FProcessing := value;
+{ TSuperArray }
+function TSuperArray.Add(const Data: ISuperObject): Integer;
+ Result := FLength;
+ PutO(Result, data);
+function TSuperArray.Add(Data: SuperInt): Integer;
+ Result := Add(TSuperObject.Create(Data));
+function TSuperArray.Add(const Data: SOString): Integer;
+ Result := Add(TSuperObject.Create(Data));
+function TSuperArray.Add(Data: Boolean): Integer;
+ Result := Add(TSuperObject.Create(Data));
+function TSuperArray.Add(Data: Double): Integer;
+ Result := Add(TSuperObject.Create(Data));
+function TSuperArray.AddC(const Data: Currency): Integer;
+ Result := Add(TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(Data));
+function TSuperArray.Delete(index: Integer): ISuperObject;
+ if (Index >= 0) and (Index < FLength) then
+ begin
+ Result := FArray^[index];
+ FArray^[index] := nil;
+ Dec(FLength);
+ if Index < FLength then
+ begin
+ Move(FArray^[index + 1], FArray^[index],
+ (FLength - index) * SizeOf(Pointer));
+ Pointer(FArray^[FLength]) := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperArray.Insert(index: Integer; const value: ISuperObject);
+ if (Index >= 0) then
+ if (index < FLength) then
+ begin
+ if FLength = FSize then
+ Expand(index);
+ if Index < FLength then
+ Move(FArray^[index], FArray^[index + 1],
+ (FLength - index) * SizeOf(Pointer));
+ Pointer(FArray^[index]) := nil;
+ FArray^[index] := value;
+ Inc(FLength);
+ end else
+ PutO(index, value);
+procedure TSuperArray.Clear(all: boolean);
+ j: Integer;
+ for j := 0 to FLength - 1 do
+ if FArray^[j] <> nil then
+ begin
+ if all then
+ FArray^[j].Clear(all);
+ FArray^[j] := nil;
+ end;
+ FLength := 0;
+procedure TSuperArray.Pack(all: boolean);
+ PackedCount, StartIndex, EndIndex, j: Integer;
+ if FLength > 0 then
+ begin
+ PackedCount := 0;
+ StartIndex := 0;
+ repeat
+ while (StartIndex < FLength) and (FArray^[StartIndex] = nil) do
+ Inc(StartIndex);
+ if StartIndex < FLength then
+ begin
+ EndIndex := StartIndex;
+ while (EndIndex < FLength) and (FArray^[EndIndex] <> nil) do
+ Inc(EndIndex);
+ Dec(EndIndex);
+ if StartIndex > PackedCount then
+ Move(FArray^[StartIndex], FArray^[PackedCount], (EndIndex - StartIndex + 1) * SizeOf(Pointer));
+ Inc(PackedCount, EndIndex - StartIndex + 1);
+ StartIndex := EndIndex + 1;
+ end;
+ until StartIndex >= FLength;
+ FillChar(FArray^[PackedCount], (FLength - PackedCount) * sizeof(Pointer), 0);
+ FLength := PackedCount;
+ if all then
+ for j := 0 to FLength - 1 do
+ FArray^[j].Pack(all);
+ end;
+constructor TSuperArray.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FLength := 0;
+ GetMem(FArray, sizeof(Pointer) * FSize);
+ FillChar(FArray^, sizeof(Pointer) * FSize, 0);
+destructor TSuperArray.Destroy;
+ Clear;
+ FreeMem(FArray);
+ inherited;
+procedure TSuperArray.Expand(max: Integer);
+ new_size: Integer;
+ if (max < FSize) then
+ Exit;
+ if max < (FSize shl 1) then
+ new_size := (FSize shl 1) else
+ new_size := max + 1;
+ ReallocMem(FArray, new_size * sizeof(Pointer));
+ FillChar(FArray^[FSize], (new_size - FSize) * sizeof(Pointer), 0);
+ FSize := new_size;
+function TSuperArray.GetO(const index: Integer): ISuperObject;
+ if(index >= FLength) then
+ Result := nil else
+ Result := FArray^[index];
+function TSuperArray.GetB(const index: integer): Boolean;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(index);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsBoolean else
+ Result := false;
+function TSuperArray.GetD(const index: integer): Double;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(index);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsDouble else
+ Result := 0.0;
+function TSuperArray.GetI(const index: integer): SuperInt;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(index);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsInteger else
+ Result := 0;
+function TSuperArray.GetS(const index: integer): SOString;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(index);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsString else
+ Result := '';
+procedure TSuperArray.PutO(const index: Integer; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ Expand(index);
+ FArray^[index] := value;
+ if(FLength <= index) then FLength := index + 1;
+function TSuperArray.GetN(const index: integer): ISuperObject;
+ Result := GetO(index);
+ if Result = nil then
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stNull);
+procedure TSuperArray.PutN(const index: integer; const Value: ISuperObject);
+ if Value <> nil then
+ PutO(index, Value) else
+ PutO(index, TSuperObject.Create(stNull));
+procedure TSuperArray.PutB(const index: integer; Value: Boolean);
+ PutO(index, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+procedure TSuperArray.PutD(const index: integer; Value: Double);
+ PutO(index, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperArray.GetC(const index: integer): Currency;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(index);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsCurrency else
+ Result := 0.0;
+procedure TSuperArray.PutC(const index: integer; Value: Currency);
+ PutO(index, TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(Value));
+procedure TSuperArray.PutI(const index: integer; Value: SuperInt);
+ PutO(index, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+procedure TSuperArray.PutS(const index: integer; const Value: SOString);
+ PutO(index, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperArray.GetM(const index: integer): TSuperMethod;
+ v: ISuperObject;
+ v := GetO(index);
+ if (ObjectGetType(v) = stMethod) then
+ Result := v.AsMethod else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TSuperArray.PutM(const index: integer; Value: TSuperMethod);
+ PutO(index, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+{ TSuperWriterString }
+function TSuperWriterString.Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer;
+ function max(a, b: Integer): integer; begin if a > b then Result := a else Result := b end;
+ Result := size;
+ if Size > 0 then
+ begin
+ if (FSize - FBPos <= size) then
+ begin
+ FSize := max(FSize * 2, FBPos + size + 8);
+ ReallocMem(FBuf, FSize * SizeOf(SOChar));
+ end;
+ // fast move
+ case size of
+ 1: FBuf[FBPos] := buf^;
+ 2: PInteger(@FBuf[FBPos])^ := PInteger(buf)^;
+ 4: PInt64(@FBuf[FBPos])^ := PInt64(buf)^;
+ else
+ move(buf^, FBuf[FBPos], size * SizeOf(SOChar));
+ end;
+ inc(FBPos, size);
+ FBuf[FBPos] := #0;
+ end;
+function TSuperWriterString.Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer;
+ Result := Append(buf, strlen(buf));
+constructor TSuperWriterString.Create;
+ inherited;
+ FSize := 32;
+ FBPos := 0;
+ GetMem(FBuf, FSize * SizeOf(SOChar));
+destructor TSuperWriterString.Destroy;
+ inherited;
+ if FBuf <> nil then
+ FreeMem(FBuf)
+function TSuperWriterString.GetString: SOString;
+ SetString(Result, FBuf, FBPos);
+procedure TSuperWriterString.Reset;
+ FBuf[0] := #0;
+ FBPos := 0;
+procedure TSuperWriterString.TrimRight;
+ while (FBPos > 0) and (FBuf[FBPos-1] < #256) and (AnsiChar(FBuf[FBPos-1]) in [#32, #13, #10]) do
+ begin
+ dec(FBPos);
+ FBuf[FBPos] := #0;
+ end;
+{ TSuperWriterStream }
+function TSuperWriterStream.Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer;
+ Result := Append(buf, StrLen(buf));
+constructor TSuperWriterStream.Create(AStream: TStream);
+ inherited Create;
+ FStream := AStream;
+procedure TSuperWriterStream.Reset;
+ FStream.Size := 0;
+{ TSuperWriterStream }
+function TSuperAnsiWriterStream.Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer;
+ Buffer: array[0..1023] of AnsiChar;
+ pBuffer: PAnsiChar;
+ i: Integer;
+ if Size = 1 then
+ Result := FStream.Write(buf^, Size) else
+ begin
+ if Size > SizeOf(Buffer) then
+ GetMem(pBuffer, Size) else
+ pBuffer := @Buffer;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ pBuffer[i] := AnsiChar(buf[i]);
+ Result := FStream.Write(pBuffer^, Size);
+ finally
+ if pBuffer <> @Buffer then
+ FreeMem(pBuffer);
+ end;
+ end;
+{ TSuperUnicodeWriterStream }
+function TSuperUnicodeWriterStream.Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := FStream.Write(buf^, Size * 2);
+{ TSuperWriterFake }
+function TSuperWriterFake.Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer;
+ inc(FSize, Size);
+ Result := FSize;
+function TSuperWriterFake.Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer;
+ inc(FSize, Strlen(buf));
+ Result := FSize;
+constructor TSuperWriterFake.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FSize := 0;
+procedure TSuperWriterFake.Reset;
+ FSize := 0;
+{ TSuperWriterSock }
+function TSuperWriterSock.Append(buf: PSOChar; Size: Integer): Integer;
+ Buffer: array[0..1023] of AnsiChar;
+ pBuffer: PAnsiChar;
+ i: Integer;
+ if Size = 1 then
+ Result := fpsend(FSocket, buf, size, 0) else
+ Result := send(FSocket, buf^, size, 0) else
+ begin
+ if Size > SizeOf(Buffer) then
+ GetMem(pBuffer, Size) else
+ pBuffer := @Buffer;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Size - 1 do
+ pBuffer[i] := AnsiChar(buf[i]);
+ Result := fpsend(FSocket, pBuffer, size, 0);
+ Result := send(FSocket, pBuffer^, size, 0);
+ finally
+ if pBuffer <> @Buffer then
+ FreeMem(pBuffer);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(FSize, Result);
+function TSuperWriterSock.Append(buf: PSOChar): Integer;
+ Result := Append(buf, StrLen(buf));
+constructor TSuperWriterSock.Create(ASocket: Integer);
+ inherited Create;
+ FSocket := ASocket;
+ FSize := 0;
+procedure TSuperWriterSock.Reset;
+ FSize := 0;
+{ TSuperTokenizer }
+constructor TSuperTokenizer.Create;
+ pb := TSuperWriterString.Create;
+ line := 1;
+ col := 0;
+ Reset;
+destructor TSuperTokenizer.Destroy;
+ Reset;
+ pb.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TSuperTokenizer.Reset;
+ i: integer;
+ for i := depth downto 0 do
+ ResetLevel(i);
+ depth := 0;
+ err := teSuccess;
+procedure TSuperTokenizer.ResetLevel(adepth: integer);
+ stack[adepth].state := tsEatws;
+ stack[adepth].saved_state := tsStart;
+ stack[adepth].current := nil;
+ stack[adepth].field_name := '';
+ stack[adepth].obj := nil;
+ stack[adepth].parent := nil;
+ stack[adepth].gparent := nil;
+{ TSuperAvlTree }
+constructor TSuperAvlTree.Create;
+ FRoot := nil;
+ FCount := 0;
+destructor TSuperAvlTree.Destroy;
+ Clear;
+ inherited;
+function TSuperAvlTree.IsEmpty: boolean;
+ result := FRoot = nil;
+function TSuperAvlTree.balance(bal: TSuperAvlEntry): TSuperAvlEntry;
+ deep, old: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ bf: integer;
+ if (bal.FBf > 0) then
+ begin
+ deep := bal.FGt;
+ if (deep.FBf < 0) then
+ begin
+ old := bal;
+ bal := deep.FLt;
+ old.FGt := bal.FLt;
+ deep.FLt := bal.FGt;
+ bal.FLt := old;
+ bal.FGt := deep;
+ bf := bal.FBf;
+ if (bf <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if (bf > 0) then
+ begin
+ old.FBf := -1;
+ deep.FBf := 0;
+ end else
+ begin
+ deep.FBf := 1;
+ old.FBf := 0;
+ end;
+ bal.FBf := 0;
+ end else
+ begin
+ old.FBf := 0;
+ deep.FBf := 0;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ bal.FGt := deep.FLt;
+ deep.FLt := bal;
+ if (deep.FBf = 0) then
+ begin
+ deep.FBf := -1;
+ bal.FBf := 1;
+ end else
+ begin
+ deep.FBf := 0;
+ bal.FBf := 0;
+ end;
+ bal := deep;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ (* "Less than" subtree is deeper. *)
+ deep := bal.FLt;
+ if (deep.FBf > 0) then
+ begin
+ old := bal;
+ bal := deep.FGt;
+ old.FLt := bal.FGt;
+ deep.FGt := bal.FLt;
+ bal.FGt := old;
+ bal.FLt := deep;
+ bf := bal.FBf;
+ if (bf <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if (bf < 0) then
+ begin
+ old.FBf := 1;
+ deep.FBf := 0;
+ end else
+ begin
+ deep.FBf := -1;
+ old.FBf := 0;
+ end;
+ bal.FBf := 0;
+ end else
+ begin
+ old.FBf := 0;
+ deep.FBf := 0;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ bal.FLt := deep.FGt;
+ deep.FGt := bal;
+ if (deep.FBf = 0) then
+ begin
+ deep.FBf := 1;
+ bal.FBf := -1;
+ end else
+ begin
+ deep.FBf := 0;
+ bal.FBf := 0;
+ end;
+ bal := deep;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := bal;
+function TSuperAvlTree.Insert(h: TSuperAvlEntry): TSuperAvlEntry;
+ unbal, parentunbal, hh, parent: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ depth, unbaldepth: longint;
+ cmp: integer;
+ unbalbf: integer;
+ branch: TSuperAvlBitArray;
+ p: Pointer;
+ inc(FCount);
+ h.FLt := nil;
+ h.FGt := nil;
+ h.FBf := 0;
+ branch := [];
+ if (FRoot = nil) then
+ FRoot := h
+ else
+ begin
+ unbal := nil;
+ parentunbal := nil;
+ depth := 0;
+ unbaldepth := 0;
+ hh := FRoot;
+ parent := nil;
+ repeat
+ if (hh.FBf <> 0) then
+ begin
+ unbal := hh;
+ parentunbal := parent;
+ unbaldepth := depth;
+ end;
+ if hh.FHash <> h.FHash then
+ begin
+ if hh.FHash < h.FHash then cmp := -1 else
+ if hh.FHash > h.FHash then cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := 0;
+ end else
+ cmp := CompareNodeNode(h, hh);
+ if (cmp = 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := hh;
+ //exchange data
+ p := hh.Ptr;
+ hh.FPtr := h.Ptr;
+ h.FPtr := p;
+ doDeleteEntry(h, false);
+ dec(FCount);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ parent := hh;
+ if (cmp > 0) then
+ begin
+ hh := hh.FGt;
+ include(branch, depth);
+ end else
+ begin
+ hh := hh.FLt;
+ exclude(branch, depth);
+ end;
+ inc(depth);
+ until (hh = nil);
+ if (cmp < 0) then
+ parent.FLt := h else
+ parent.FGt := h;
+ depth := unbaldepth;
+ if (unbal = nil) then
+ hh := FRoot
+ else
+ begin
+ if depth in branch then
+ cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := -1;
+ inc(depth);
+ unbalbf := unbal.FBf;
+ if (cmp < 0) then
+ dec(unbalbf) else
+ inc(unbalbf);
+ if cmp < 0 then
+ hh := unbal.FLt else
+ hh := unbal.FGt;
+ if ((unbalbf <> -2) and (unbalbf <> 2)) then
+ begin
+ unbal.FBf := unbalbf;
+ unbal := nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (hh <> nil) then
+ while (h <> hh) do
+ begin
+ if depth in branch then
+ cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := -1;
+ inc(depth);
+ if (cmp < 0) then
+ begin
+ hh.FBf := -1;
+ hh := hh.FLt;
+ end else (* cmp > 0 *)
+ begin
+ hh.FBf := 1;
+ hh := hh.FGt;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (unbal <> nil) then
+ begin
+ unbal := balance(unbal);
+ if (parentunbal = nil) then
+ FRoot := unbal
+ else
+ begin
+ depth := unbaldepth - 1;
+ if depth in branch then
+ cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := -1;
+ if (cmp < 0) then
+ parentunbal.FLt := unbal else
+ parentunbal.FGt := unbal;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := h;
+function TSuperAvlTree.Search(const k: SOString; st: TSuperAvlSearchTypes): TSuperAvlEntry;
+ cmp, target_cmp: integer;
+ match_h, h: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ ha: Cardinal;
+ ha := TSuperAvlEntry.Hash(k);
+ match_h := nil;
+ h := FRoot;
+ if (stLess in st) then
+ target_cmp := 1 else
+ if (stGreater in st) then
+ target_cmp := -1 else
+ target_cmp := 0;
+ while (h <> nil) do
+ begin
+ if h.FHash < ha then cmp := -1 else
+ if h.FHash > ha then cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := 0;
+ if cmp = 0 then
+ cmp := CompareKeyNode(PSOChar(k), h);
+ if (cmp = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (stEqual in st) then
+ begin
+ match_h := h;
+ break;
+ end;
+ cmp := -target_cmp;
+ end
+ else
+ if (target_cmp <> 0) then
+ if ((cmp xor target_cmp) and SUPER_AVL_MASK_HIGH_BIT) = 0 then
+ match_h := h;
+ if cmp < 0 then
+ h := h.FLt else
+ h := h.FGt;
+ end;
+ result := match_h;
+function TSuperAvlTree.Delete(const k: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ depth, rm_depth: longint;
+ branch: TSuperAvlBitArray;
+ h, parent, child, path, rm, parent_rm: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ cmp, cmp_shortened_sub_with_path, reduced_depth, bf: integer;
+ ha: Cardinal;
+ ha := TSuperAvlEntry.Hash(k);
+ cmp_shortened_sub_with_path := 0;
+ branch := [];
+ depth := 0;
+ h := FRoot;
+ parent := nil;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if (h = nil) then
+ exit;
+ if h.FHash < ha then cmp := -1 else
+ if h.FHash > ha then cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := 0;
+ if cmp = 0 then
+ cmp := CompareKeyNode(k, h);
+ if (cmp = 0) then
+ break;
+ parent := h;
+ if (cmp > 0) then
+ begin
+ h := h.FGt;
+ include(branch, depth)
+ end else
+ begin
+ h := h.FLt;
+ exclude(branch, depth)
+ end;
+ inc(depth);
+ cmp_shortened_sub_with_path := cmp;
+ end;
+ rm := h;
+ parent_rm := parent;
+ rm_depth := depth;
+ if (h.FBf < 0) then
+ begin
+ child := h.FLt;
+ exclude(branch, depth);
+ cmp := -1;
+ end else
+ begin
+ child := h.FGt;
+ include(branch, depth);
+ cmp := 1;
+ end;
+ inc(depth);
+ if (child <> nil) then
+ begin
+ cmp := -cmp;
+ repeat
+ parent := h;
+ h := child;
+ if (cmp < 0) then
+ begin
+ child := h.FLt;
+ exclude(branch, depth);
+ end else
+ begin
+ child := h.FGt;
+ include(branch, depth);
+ end;
+ inc(depth);
+ until (child = nil);
+ if (parent = rm) then
+ cmp_shortened_sub_with_path := -cmp else
+ cmp_shortened_sub_with_path := cmp;
+ if cmp > 0 then
+ child := h.FLt else
+ child := h.FGt;
+ end;
+ if (parent = nil) then
+ FRoot := child else
+ if (cmp_shortened_sub_with_path < 0) then
+ parent.FLt := child else
+ parent.FGt := child;
+ if parent = rm then
+ path := h else
+ path := parent;
+ if (h <> rm) then
+ begin
+ h.FLt := rm.FLt;
+ h.FGt := rm.FGt;
+ h.FBf := rm.FBf;
+ if (parent_rm = nil) then
+ FRoot := h
+ else
+ begin
+ depth := rm_depth - 1;
+ if (depth in branch) then
+ parent_rm.FGt := h else
+ parent_rm.FLt := h;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (path <> nil) then
+ begin
+ h := FRoot;
+ parent := nil;
+ depth := 0;
+ while (h <> path) do
+ begin
+ if (depth in branch) then
+ begin
+ child := h.FGt;
+ h.FGt := parent;
+ end else
+ begin
+ child := h.FLt;
+ h.FLt := parent;
+ end;
+ inc(depth);
+ parent := h;
+ h := child;
+ end;
+ reduced_depth := 1;
+ cmp := cmp_shortened_sub_with_path;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if (reduced_depth <> 0) then
+ begin
+ bf := h.FBf;
+ if (cmp < 0) then
+ inc(bf) else
+ dec(bf);
+ if ((bf = -2) or (bf = 2)) then
+ begin
+ h := balance(h);
+ bf := h.FBf;
+ end else
+ h.FBf := bf;
+ reduced_depth := integer(bf = 0);
+ end;
+ if (parent = nil) then
+ break;
+ child := h;
+ h := parent;
+ dec(depth);
+ if depth in branch then
+ cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := -1;
+ if (cmp < 0) then
+ begin
+ parent := h.FLt;
+ h.FLt := child;
+ end else
+ begin
+ parent := h.FGt;
+ h.FGt := child;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FRoot := h;
+ end;
+ if rm <> nil then
+ begin
+ Result := rm.GetValue;
+ doDeleteEntry(rm, false);
+ dec(FCount);
+ end;
+procedure TSuperAvlTree.Pack(all: boolean);
+ node1, node2: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ list: TList;
+ i: Integer;
+ node1 := FRoot;
+ list := TList.Create;
+ while node1 <> nil do
+ begin
+ if (node1.FLt = nil) then
+ begin
+ node2 := node1.FGt;
+ if (node1.FPtr = nil) then
+ list.Add(node1) else
+ if all then
+ node1.Value.Pack(all);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ node2 := node1.FLt;
+ node1.FLt := node2.FGt;
+ node2.FGt := node1;
+ end;
+ node1 := node2;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do
+ Delete(TSuperAvlEntry(list[i]).FName);
+ list.Free;
+procedure TSuperAvlTree.Clear(all: boolean);
+ node1, node2: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ node1 := FRoot;
+ while node1 <> nil do
+ begin
+ if (node1.FLt = nil) then
+ begin
+ node2 := node1.FGt;
+ doDeleteEntry(node1, all);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ node2 := node1.FLt;
+ node1.FLt := node2.FGt;
+ node2.FGt := node1;
+ end;
+ node1 := node2;
+ end;
+ FRoot := nil;
+ FCount := 0;
+function TSuperAvlTree.CompareKeyNode(const k: SOString; h: TSuperAvlEntry): integer;
+ Result := StrComp(PSOChar(k), PSOChar(h.FName));
+function TSuperAvlTree.CompareNodeNode(node1, node2: TSuperAvlEntry): integer;
+ Result := StrComp(PSOChar(node1.FName), PSOChar(node2.FName));
+{ TSuperAvlIterator }
+(* Initialize depth to invalid value, to indicate iterator is
+** invalid. (Depth is zero-base.) It's not necessary to initialize
+** iterators prior to passing them to the "start" function.
+constructor TSuperAvlIterator.Create(tree: TSuperAvlTree);
+ FDepth := not 0;
+ FTree := tree;
+procedure TSuperAvlIterator.Search(const k: SOString; st: TSuperAvlSearchTypes);
+ h: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ d: longint;
+ cmp, target_cmp: integer;
+ ha: Cardinal;
+ ha := TSuperAvlEntry.Hash(k);
+ h := FTree.FRoot;
+ d := 0;
+ FDepth := not 0;
+ if (h = nil) then
+ exit;
+ if (stLess in st) then
+ target_cmp := 1 else
+ if (stGreater in st) then
+ target_cmp := -1 else
+ target_cmp := 0;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if h.FHash < ha then cmp := -1 else
+ if h.FHash > ha then cmp := 1 else
+ cmp := 0;
+ if cmp = 0 then
+ cmp := FTree.CompareKeyNode(k, h);
+ if (cmp = 0) then
+ begin
+ if (stEqual in st) then
+ begin
+ FDepth := d;
+ break;
+ end;
+ cmp := -target_cmp;
+ end
+ else
+ if (target_cmp <> 0) then
+ if ((cmp xor target_cmp) and SUPER_AVL_MASK_HIGH_BIT) = 0 then
+ FDepth := d;
+ if cmp < 0 then
+ h := h.FLt else
+ h := h.FGt;
+ if (h = nil) then
+ break;
+ if (cmp > 0) then
+ include(FBranch, d) else
+ exclude(FBranch, d);
+ FPath[d] := h;
+ inc(d);
+ end;
+procedure TSuperAvlIterator.First;
+ h: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ h := FTree.FRoot;
+ FDepth := not 0;
+ FBranch := [];
+ while (h <> nil) do
+ begin
+ if (FDepth <> not 0) then
+ FPath[FDepth] := h;
+ inc(FDepth);
+ h := h.FLt;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperAvlIterator.Last;
+ h: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ h := FTree.FRoot;
+ FDepth := not 0;
+ FBranch := [0..SUPER_AVL_MAX_DEPTH - 1];
+ while (h <> nil) do
+ begin
+ if (FDepth <> not 0) then
+ FPath[FDepth] := h;
+ inc(FDepth);
+ h := h.FGt;
+ end;
+function TSuperAvlIterator.MoveNext: boolean;
+ if FDepth = not 0 then
+ First else
+ Next;
+ Result := GetIter <> nil;
+function TSuperAvlIterator.GetIter: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ if (FDepth = not 0) then
+ begin
+ result := nil;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if FDepth = 0 then
+ Result := FTree.FRoot else
+ Result := FPath[FDepth - 1];
+procedure TSuperAvlIterator.Next;
+ h: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ if (FDepth <> not 0) then
+ begin
+ if FDepth = 0 then
+ h := FTree.FRoot.FGt else
+ h := FPath[FDepth - 1].FGt;
+ if (h = nil) then
+ repeat
+ if (FDepth = 0) then
+ begin
+ FDepth := not 0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ dec(FDepth);
+ until (not (FDepth in FBranch))
+ else
+ begin
+ include(FBranch, FDepth);
+ FPath[FDepth] := h;
+ inc(FDepth);
+ while true do
+ begin
+ h := h.FLt;
+ if (h = nil) then
+ break;
+ exclude(FBranch, FDepth);
+ FPath[FDepth] := h;
+ inc(FDepth);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperAvlIterator.Prior;
+ h: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ if (FDepth <> not 0) then
+ begin
+ if FDepth = 0 then
+ h := FTree.FRoot.FLt else
+ h := FPath[FDepth - 1].FLt;
+ if (h = nil) then
+ repeat
+ if (FDepth = 0) then
+ begin
+ FDepth := not 0;
+ break;
+ end;
+ dec(FDepth);
+ until (FDepth in FBranch)
+ else
+ begin
+ exclude(FBranch, FDepth);
+ FPath[FDepth] := h;
+ inc(FDepth);
+ while true do
+ begin
+ h := h.FGt;
+ if (h = nil) then
+ break;
+ include(FBranch, FDepth);
+ FPath[FDepth] := h;
+ inc(FDepth);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperAvlTree.doDeleteEntry(Entry: TSuperAvlEntry; all: boolean);
+ Entry.Free;
+function TSuperAvlTree.GetEnumerator: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ Result := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(Self);
+{ TSuperAvlEntry }
+constructor TSuperAvlEntry.Create(const AName: SOString; Obj: Pointer);
+ FName := AName;
+ FPtr := Obj;
+ FHash := Hash(FName);
+function TSuperAvlEntry.GetValue: ISuperObject;
+ Result := ISuperObject(FPtr)
+class function TSuperAvlEntry.Hash(const k: SOString): Cardinal;
+ h: cardinal;
+ i: Integer;
+ h := 0;
+ for i := 1 to Length(k) do
+ h := h*129 + ord(k[i]) + $9e370001;
+ Result := h;
+procedure TSuperAvlEntry.SetValue(const val: ISuperObject);
+ ISuperObject(FPtr) := val;
+{ TSuperTableString }
+function TSuperTableString.GetValues: ISuperObject;
+ ite: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ obj: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ ite := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(Self);
+ try
+ ite.First;
+ obj := ite.GetIter;
+ while obj <> nil do
+ begin
+ Result.AsArray.Add(obj.Value);
+ ite.Next;
+ obj := ite.GetIter;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ite.Free;
+ end;
+function TSuperTableString.GetNames: ISuperObject;
+ ite: TSuperAvlIterator;
+ obj: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ ite := TSuperAvlIterator.Create(Self);
+ try
+ ite.First;
+ obj := ite.GetIter;
+ while obj <> nil do
+ begin
+ Result.AsArray.Add(TSuperObject.Create(obj.FName));
+ ite.Next;
+ obj := ite.GetIter;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ite.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TSuperTableString.doDeleteEntry(Entry: TSuperAvlEntry; all: boolean);
+ if Entry.Ptr <> nil then
+ begin
+ if all then Entry.Value.Clear(true);
+ Entry.Value := nil;
+ end;
+ inherited;
+function TSuperTableString.Find(const k: SOString; var value: ISuperObject): Boolean;
+ e: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ e := Search(k);
+ if e <> nil then
+ begin
+ value := e.Value;
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+function TSuperTableString.Exists(const k: SOString): Boolean;
+ Result := Search(k) <> nil;
+function TSuperTableString.GetO(const k: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ e: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ e := Search(k);
+ if e <> nil then
+ Result := e.Value else
+ Result := nil
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutO(const k: SOString; const value: ISuperObject);
+ entry: TSuperAvlEntry;
+ entry := Insert(TSuperAvlEntry.Create(k, Pointer(value)));
+ if entry.FPtr <> nil then
+ ISuperObject(entry.FPtr)._AddRef;
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutS(const k: SOString; const value: SOString);
+ PutO(k, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperTableString.GetS(const k: SOString): SOString;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(k);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsString else
+ Result := '';
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutI(const k: SOString; value: SuperInt);
+ PutO(k, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperTableString.GetI(const k: SOString): SuperInt;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(k);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsInteger else
+ Result := 0;
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutD(const k: SOString; value: Double);
+ PutO(k, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutC(const k: SOString; value: Currency);
+ PutO(k, TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(Value));
+function TSuperTableString.GetC(const k: SOString): Currency;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(k);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsCurrency else
+ Result := 0.0;
+function TSuperTableString.GetD(const k: SOString): Double;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(k);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsDouble else
+ Result := 0.0;
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutB(const k: SOString; value: Boolean);
+ PutO(k, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperTableString.GetB(const k: SOString): Boolean;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(k);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsBoolean else
+ Result := False;
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutM(const k: SOString; value: TSuperMethod);
+ PutO(k, TSuperObject.Create(Value));
+function TSuperTableString.GetM(const k: SOString): TSuperMethod;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(k);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj.AsMethod else
+ Result := nil;
+procedure TSuperTableString.PutN(const k: SOString; const value: ISuperObject);
+ if value <> nil then
+ PutO(k, TSuperObject.Create(stNull)) else
+ PutO(k, value);
+function TSuperTableString.GetN(const k: SOString): ISuperObject;
+ obj: ISuperObject;
+ obj := GetO(k);
+ if obj <> nil then
+ Result := obj else
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stNull);
+{ TSuperAttribute }
+constructor TSuperAttribute.Create(const AName: string);
+ FName := AName;
+{ TSuperRttiContext }
+constructor TSuperRttiContext.Create;
+ Context := TRttiContext.Create;
+ SerialFromJson := TDictionary.Create;
+ SerialToJson := TDictionary.Create;
+ SerialFromJson.Add(TypeInfo(Boolean), serialfromboolean);
+ SerialFromJson.Add(TypeInfo(TDateTime), serialfromdatetime);
+ SerialFromJson.Add(TypeInfo(TGUID), serialfromguid);
+ SerialToJson.Add(TypeInfo(Boolean), serialtoboolean);
+ SerialToJson.Add(TypeInfo(TDateTime), serialtodatetime);
+ SerialToJson.Add(TypeInfo(TGUID), serialtoguid);
+destructor TSuperRttiContext.Destroy;
+ SerialFromJson.Free;
+ SerialToJson.Free;
+ Context.Free;
+class function TSuperRttiContext.GetFieldName(r: TRttiField): string;
+ o: TCustomAttribute;
+ for o in r.GetAttributes do
+ if o is SOName then
+ Exit(SOName(o).Name);
+ Result := r.Name;
+class function TSuperRttiContext.GetFieldDefault(r: TRttiField; const obj: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ o: TCustomAttribute;
+ if not ObjectIsType(obj, stNull) then Exit(obj);
+ for o in r.GetAttributes do
+ if o is SODefault then
+ Exit(SO(SODefault(o).Name));
+ Result := obj;
+function TSuperRttiContext.AsType(const obj: ISuperObject): T;
+ ret: TValue;
+ if FromJson(TypeInfo(T), obj, ret) then
+ Result := ret.AsType else
+ raise exception.Create('Marshalling error');
+function TSuperRttiContext.AsJson(const obj: T; const index: ISuperObject = nil): ISuperObject;
+ v: TValue;
+ TValue.Make(@obj, TypeInfo(T), v);
+ if index <> nil then
+ Result := ToJson(v, index) else
+ Result := ToJson(v, so);
+function TSuperRttiContext.FromJson(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const obj: ISuperObject;
+ var Value: TValue): Boolean;
+ procedure FromChar;
+ begin
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stString) and (Length(obj.AsString) = 1) then
+ begin
+ Value := string(AnsiString(obj.AsString)[1]);
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ procedure FromWideChar;
+ begin
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stString) and (Length(obj.AsString) = 1) then
+ begin
+ Value := obj.AsString[1];
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ procedure FromInt64;
+ var
+ i: Int64;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ TValueData(Value).FAsSInt64 := obj.AsInteger;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ if TryStrToInt64(obj.AsString, i) then
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ TValueData(Value).FAsSInt64 := i;
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromInt(const obj: ISuperObject);
+ var
+ TypeData: PTypeData;
+ i: Integer;
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stInt, stBoolean:
+ begin
+ i := obj.AsInteger;
+ TypeData := GetTypeData(TypeInfo);
+ if TypeData.MaxValue > TypeData.MinValue then
+ Result := (i >= TypeData.MinValue) and (i <= TypeData.MaxValue) else
+ Result := (i >= TypeData.MinValue) and (i <= Int64(PCardinal(@TypeData.MaxValue)^));
+ if Result then
+ TValue.Make(@i, TypeInfo, Value);
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ o := SO(obj.AsString);
+ if not ObjectIsType(o, stString) then
+ FromInt(o) else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure fromSet;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ TValueData(Value).FAsSLong := obj.AsInteger;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ if TryStrToInt(obj.AsString, i) then
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ TValueData(Value).FAsSLong := i;
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromFloat(const obj: ISuperObject);
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stInt, stDouble, stCurrency:
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ case GetTypeData(TypeInfo).FloatType of
+ ftSingle: TValueData(Value).FAsSingle := obj.AsDouble;
+ ftDouble: TValueData(Value).FAsDouble := obj.AsDouble;
+ ftExtended: TValueData(Value).FAsExtended := obj.AsDouble;
+ ftComp: TValueData(Value).FAsSInt64 := obj.AsInteger;
+ ftCurr: TValueData(Value).FAsCurr := obj.AsCurrency;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ o := SO(obj.AsString);
+ if not ObjectIsType(o, stString) then
+ FromFloat(o) else
+ Result := False;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromString;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stObject, stArray:
+ Result := False;
+ stnull:
+ begin
+ Value := '';
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ else
+ Value := obj.AsString;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromClass;
+ var
+ f: TRttiField;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stObject:
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ if Value.Kind <> tkClass then
+ Value := GetTypeData(TypeInfo).ClassType.Create;
+ for f in Context.GetType(Value.AsObject.ClassType).GetFields do
+ if f.FieldType <> nil then
+ begin
+ v := TValue.Empty;
+ Result := FromJson(f.FieldType.Handle, GetFieldDefault(f, obj.AsObject[GetFieldName(f)]), v);
+ if Result then
+ f.SetValue(Value.AsObject, v) else
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ stNull:
+ begin
+ Value := nil;
+ Result := True;
+ end
+ else
+ // error
+ Value := nil;
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromRecord;
+ var
+ f: TRttiField;
+ p: Pointer;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ for f in Context.GetType(TypeInfo).GetFields do
+ begin
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stObject) and (f.FieldType <> nil) then
+ begin
+{$IFDEF VER210}
+ p := IValueData(TValueData(Value).FHeapData).GetReferenceToRawData;
+ p := TValueData(Value).FValueData.GetReferenceToRawData;
+ Result := FromJson(f.FieldType.Handle, GetFieldDefault(f, obj.AsObject[GetFieldName(f)]), v);
+ if Result then
+ f.SetValue(p, v) else
+ begin
+ //Writeln(f.Name);
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromDynArray;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ p: Pointer;
+ pb: PByte;
+ val: TValue;
+ typ: PTypeData;
+ el: PTypeInfo;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stArray:
+ begin
+ i := obj.AsArray.Length;
+ p := nil;
+ DynArraySetLength(p, TypeInfo, 1, @i);
+ pb := p;
+ typ := GetTypeData(TypeInfo);
+ if typ.elType <> nil then
+ el := typ.elType^ else
+ el := typ.elType2^;
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to i - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result := FromJson(el, obj.AsArray[i], val);
+ if not Result then
+ Break;
+ val.ExtractRawData(pb);
+ val := TValue.Empty;
+ Inc(pb, typ.elSize);
+ end;
+ if Result then
+ TValue.MakeWithoutCopy(@p, TypeInfo, Value) else
+ DynArrayClear(p, TypeInfo);
+ end;
+ stNull:
+ begin
+ TValue.MakeWithoutCopy(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ else
+ i := 1;
+ p := nil;
+ DynArraySetLength(p, TypeInfo, 1, @i);
+ pb := p;
+ typ := GetTypeData(TypeInfo);
+ if typ.elType <> nil then
+ el := typ.elType^ else
+ el := typ.elType2^;
+ Result := FromJson(el, obj, val);
+ val.ExtractRawData(pb);
+ val := TValue.Empty;
+ if Result then
+ TValue.MakeWithoutCopy(@p, TypeInfo, Value) else
+ DynArrayClear(p, TypeInfo);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromArray;
+ var
+ ArrayData: PArrayTypeData;
+ idx: Integer;
+ function ProcessDim(dim: Byte; const o: ISuperobject): Boolean;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ v: TValue;
+ a: PTypeData;
+ begin
+ if ObjectIsType(o, stArray) and (ArrayData.Dims[dim-1] <> nil) then
+ begin
+ a := @GetTypeData(ArrayData.Dims[dim-1]^).ArrayData;
+ if (a.MaxValue - a.MinValue + 1) <> o.AsArray.Length then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ if dim = ArrayData.DimCount then
+ for i := a.MinValue to a.MaxValue do
+ begin
+ Result := FromJson(ArrayData.ElType^, o.AsArray[i], v);
+ if not Result then
+ Exit;
+ Value.SetArrayElement(idx, v);
+ inc(idx);
+ end
+ else
+ for i := a.MinValue to a.MaxValue do
+ begin
+ Result := ProcessDim(dim + 1, o.AsArray[i]);
+ if not Result then
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ ArrayData := @GetTypeData(TypeInfo).ArrayData;
+ idx := 0;
+ if ArrayData.DimCount = 1 then
+ begin
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stArray) and (obj.AsArray.Length = ArrayData.ElCount) then
+ begin
+ Result := True;
+ for i := 0 to ArrayData.ElCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ Result := FromJson(ArrayData.ElType^, obj.AsArray[i], v);
+ if not Result then
+ Exit;
+ Value.SetArrayElement(idx, v);
+ v := TValue.Empty;
+ inc(idx);
+ end;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end else
+ Result := ProcessDim(1, obj);
+ end;
+ procedure FromClassRef;
+ var
+ r: TRttiType;
+ begin
+ if ObjectIsType(obj, stString) then
+ begin
+ r := Context.FindType(obj.AsString);
+ if r <> nil then
+ begin
+ Value := TRttiInstanceType(r).MetaclassType;
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ procedure FromUnknown;
+ begin
+ case ObjectGetType(obj) of
+ stBoolean:
+ begin
+ Value := obj.AsBoolean;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stDouble:
+ begin
+ Value := obj.AsDouble;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stCurrency:
+ begin
+ Value := obj.AsCurrency;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stInt:
+ begin
+ Value := obj.AsInteger;
+ Result := True;
+ end;
+ stString:
+ begin
+ Value := obj.AsString;
+ Result := True;
+ end
+ else
+ Value := nil;
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure FromInterface;
+ const soguid: TGuid = '{4B86A9E3-E094-4E5A-954A-69048B7B6327}';
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ begin
+ if CompareMem(@GetTypeData(TypeInfo).Guid, @soguid, SizeOf(TGUID)) then
+ begin
+ if obj <> nil then
+ TValue.Make(@obj, TypeInfo, Value) else
+ begin
+ o := TSuperObject.Create(stNull);
+ TValue.Make(@o, TypeInfo, Value);
+ end;
+ Result := True;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+ end;
+ Serial: TSerialFromJson;
+ if TypeInfo <> nil then
+ begin
+ if not SerialFromJson.TryGetValue(TypeInfo, Serial) then
+ case TypeInfo.Kind of
+ tkChar: FromChar;
+ tkInt64: FromInt64;
+ tkEnumeration, tkInteger: FromInt(obj);
+ tkSet: fromSet;
+ tkFloat: FromFloat(obj);
+ tkString, tkLString, tkUString, tkWString: FromString;
+ tkClass: FromClass;
+ tkMethod: ;
+ tkWChar: FromWideChar;
+ tkRecord: FromRecord;
+ tkPointer: ;
+ tkInterface: FromInterface;
+ tkArray: FromArray;
+ tkDynArray: FromDynArray;
+ tkClassRef: FromClassRef;
+ else
+ FromUnknown
+ end else
+ begin
+ TValue.Make(nil, TypeInfo, Value);
+ Result := Serial(Self, obj, Value);
+ end;
+ end else
+ Result := False;
+function TSuperRttiContext.ToJson(var value: TValue; const index: ISuperObject): ISuperObject;
+ procedure ToInt64;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(SuperInt(Value.AsInt64));
+ end;
+ procedure ToChar;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(string(Value.AsType));
+ end;
+ procedure ToInteger;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(TValueData(Value).FAsSLong);
+ end;
+ procedure ToFloat;
+ begin
+ case Value.TypeData.FloatType of
+ ftSingle: Result := TSuperObject.Create(TValueData(Value).FAsSingle);
+ ftDouble: Result := TSuperObject.Create(TValueData(Value).FAsDouble);
+ ftExtended: Result := TSuperObject.Create(TValueData(Value).FAsExtended);
+ ftComp: Result := TSuperObject.Create(TValueData(Value).FAsSInt64);
+ ftCurr: Result := TSuperObject.CreateCurrency(TValueData(Value).FAsCurr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ToString;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(string(Value.AsType));
+ end;
+ procedure ToClass;
+ var
+ o: ISuperObject;
+ f: TRttiField;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ if TValueData(Value).FAsObject <> nil then
+ begin
+ o := index[IntToStr(Integer(Value.AsObject))];
+ if o = nil then
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ index[IntToStr(Integer(Value.AsObject))] := Result;
+ for f in Context.GetType(Value.AsObject.ClassType).GetFields do
+ if f.FieldType <> nil then
+ begin
+ v := f.GetValue(Value.AsObject);
+ Result.AsObject[GetFieldName(f)] := ToJson(v, index);
+ end
+ end else
+ Result := o;
+ end else
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ procedure ToWChar;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(string(Value.AsType));
+ end;
+ procedure ToVariant;
+ begin
+ Result := SO(Value.AsVariant);
+ end;
+ procedure ToRecord;
+ var
+ f: TRttiField;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stObject);
+ for f in Context.GetType(Value.TypeInfo).GetFields do
+ begin
+{$IFDEF VER210}
+ v := f.GetValue(IValueData(TValueData(Value).FHeapData).GetReferenceToRawData);
+ v := f.GetValue(TValueData(Value).FValueData.GetReferenceToRawData);
+ Result.AsObject[GetFieldName(f)] := ToJson(v, index);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ToArray;
+ var
+ idx: Integer;
+ ArrayData: PArrayTypeData;
+ procedure ProcessDim(dim: Byte; const o: ISuperObject);
+ var
+ dt: PTypeData;
+ i: Integer;
+ o2: ISuperObject;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ if ArrayData.Dims[dim-1] = nil then Exit;
+ dt := GetTypeData(ArrayData.Dims[dim-1]^);
+ if Dim = ArrayData.DimCount then
+ for i := dt.MinValue to dt.MaxValue do
+ begin
+ v := Value.GetArrayElement(idx);
+ o.AsArray.Add(toJSon(v, index));
+ inc(idx);
+ end
+ else
+ for i := dt.MinValue to dt.MaxValue do
+ begin
+ o2 := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ o.AsArray.Add(o2);
+ ProcessDim(dim + 1, o2);
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ ArrayData := @Value.TypeData.ArrayData;
+ idx := 0;
+ if ArrayData.DimCount = 1 then
+ for i := 0 to ArrayData.ElCount - 1 do
+ begin
+ v := Value.GetArrayElement(i);
+ Result.AsArray.Add(toJSon(v, index))
+ end
+ else
+ ProcessDim(1, Result);
+ end;
+ procedure ToDynArray;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ v: TValue;
+ begin
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(stArray);
+ for i := 0 to Value.GetArrayLength - 1 do
+ begin
+ v := Value.GetArrayElement(i);
+ Result.AsArray.Add(toJSon(v, index));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ToClassRef;
+ begin
+ if TValueData(Value).FAsClass <> nil then
+ Result := TSuperObject.Create(string(
+ TValueData(Value).FAsClass.UnitName + '.' +
+ TValueData(Value).FAsClass.ClassName)) else
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ procedure ToInterface;
+ var
+ intf: IInterface;
+ begin
+{$IFDEF VER210}
+ if TValueData(Value).FHeapData <> nil then
+ TValueData(Value).FHeapData.QueryInterface(ISuperObject, Result) else
+ Result := nil;
+ if TValueData(Value).FValueData <> nil then
+ begin
+ intf := IInterface(PPointer(TValueData(Value).FValueData.GetReferenceToRawData)^);
+ if intf <> nil then
+ intf.QueryInterface(ISuperObject, Result) else
+ Result := nil;
+ end else
+ Result := nil;
+ end;
+ Serial: TSerialToJson;
+ if not SerialToJson.TryGetValue(value.TypeInfo, Serial) then
+ case Value.Kind of
+ tkInt64: ToInt64;
+ tkChar: ToChar;
+ tkSet, tkInteger, tkEnumeration: ToInteger;
+ tkFloat: ToFloat;
+ tkString, tkLString, tkUString, tkWString: ToString;
+ tkClass: ToClass;
+ tkWChar: ToWChar;
+ tkVariant: ToVariant;
+ tkRecord: ToRecord;
+ tkArray: ToArray;
+ tkDynArray: ToDynArray;
+ tkClassRef: ToClassRef;
+ tkInterface: ToInterface;
+ else
+ result := nil;
+ end else
+ Result := Serial(Self, value, index);
+{ TSuperObjectHelper }
+constructor TSuperObjectHelper.FromJson(const obj: ISuperObject; ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil);
+ v: TValue;
+ ctxowned: Boolean;
+ if ctx = nil then
+ begin
+ ctx := TSuperRttiContext.Create;
+ ctxowned := True;
+ end else
+ ctxowned := False;
+ try
+ v := Self;
+ if not ctx.FromJson(v.TypeInfo, obj, v) then
+ raise Exception.Create('Invalid object');
+ finally
+ if ctxowned then
+ ctx.Free;
+ end;
+constructor TSuperObjectHelper.FromJson(const str: string; ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil);
+ FromJson(SO(str), ctx);
+function TSuperObjectHelper.ToJson(ctx: TSuperRttiContext = nil): ISuperObject;
+ v: TValue;
+ ctxowned: boolean;
+ if ctx = nil then
+ begin
+ ctx := TSuperRttiContext.Create;
+ ctxowned := True;
+ end else
+ ctxowned := False;
+ try
+ v := Self;
+ Result := ctx.ToJson(v, SO);
+ finally
+ if ctxowned then
+ ctx.Free;
+ end;
+ Assert(debugcount = 0, 'Memory leak');
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/synacode.pas b/src/thirdparty/synacode.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45f3c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/synacode.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1454 @@
+| Project : Ararat Synapse | 002.002.000 |
+| Content: Coding and decoding support |
+| Copyright (c)1999-2007, Lukas Gebauer |
+| All rights reserved. |
+| |
+| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
+| modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
+| |
+| Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this |
+| list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
+| |
+| Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
+| this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
+| and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
+| |
+| Neither the name of Lukas Gebauer nor the names of its contributors may |
+| be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
+| specific prior written permission. |
+| |
+| DAMAGE. |
+| The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
+| Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000-2007. |
+| All Rights Reserved. |
+| Contributor(s): |
+| History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
+| (Found at URL: http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
+{:@abstract(Various encoding and decoding support)}
+unit synacode;
+ SysUtils;
+ TSpecials = set of AnsiChar;
+ SpecialChar: TSpecials =
+ ['=', '(', ')', '[', ']', '<', '>', ':', ';', ',', '@', '/', '?', '\',
+ '"', '_'];
+ NonAsciiChar: TSpecials =
+ [Char(0)..Char(31), Char(127)..Char(255)];
+ URLFullSpecialChar: TSpecials =
+ [';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '=', '&', '#', '+'];
+ URLSpecialChar: TSpecials =
+ [#$00..#$20, '_', '<', '>', '"', '%', '{', '}', '|', '\', '^', '~', '[', ']',
+ '`', #$7F..#$FF];
+ TableBase64 =
+ 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
+ TableBase64mod =
+ 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+,=';
+ TableUU =
+ '`!"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_';
+ TableXX =
+ '+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
+ ReTablebase64 =
+ #$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$3E +#$40
+ +#$40 +#$40 +#$3F +#$34 +#$35 +#$36 +#$37 +#$38 +#$39 +#$3A +#$3B +#$3C
+ +#$3D +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$00 +#$01 +#$02 +#$03
+ +#$04 +#$05 +#$06 +#$07 +#$08 +#$09 +#$0A +#$0B +#$0C +#$0D +#$0E +#$0F
+ +#$10 +#$11 +#$12 +#$13 +#$14 +#$15 +#$16 +#$17 +#$18 +#$19 +#$40 +#$40
+ +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$1A +#$1B +#$1C +#$1D +#$1E +#$1F +#$20 +#$21
+ +#$22 +#$23 +#$24 +#$25 +#$26 +#$27 +#$28 +#$29 +#$2A +#$2B +#$2C +#$2D
+ +#$2E +#$2F +#$30 +#$31 +#$32 +#$33 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40;
+ ReTableUU =
+ #$01 +#$02 +#$03 +#$04 +#$05 +#$06 +#$07 +#$08 +#$09 +#$0A +#$0B +#$0C
+ +#$0D +#$0E +#$0F +#$10 +#$11 +#$12 +#$13 +#$14 +#$15 +#$16 +#$17 +#$18
+ +#$19 +#$1A +#$1B +#$1C +#$1D +#$1E +#$1F +#$20 +#$21 +#$22 +#$23 +#$24
+ +#$25 +#$26 +#$27 +#$28 +#$29 +#$2A +#$2B +#$2C +#$2D +#$2E +#$2F +#$30
+ +#$31 +#$32 +#$33 +#$34 +#$35 +#$36 +#$37 +#$38 +#$39 +#$3A +#$3B +#$3C
+ +#$3D +#$3E +#$3F +#$00 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40
+ +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40
+ +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40;
+ ReTableXX =
+ #$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$00 +#$40
+ +#$01 +#$40 +#$40 +#$02 +#$03 +#$04 +#$05 +#$06 +#$07 +#$08 +#$09 +#$0A
+ +#$0B +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$0C +#$0D +#$0E +#$0F
+ +#$10 +#$11 +#$12 +#$13 +#$14 +#$15 +#$16 +#$17 +#$18 +#$19 +#$1A +#$1B
+ +#$1C +#$1D +#$1E +#$1F +#$20 +#$21 +#$22 +#$23 +#$24 +#$25 +#$40 +#$40
+ +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$26 +#$27 +#$28 +#$29 +#$2A +#$2B +#$2C +#$2D
+ +#$2E +#$2F +#$30 +#$31 +#$32 +#$33 +#$34 +#$35 +#$36 +#$37 +#$38 +#$39
+ +#$3A +#$3B +#$3C +#$3D +#$3E +#$3F +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40 +#$40;
+{:Decodes triplet encoding with a given character delimiter. It is used for
+ decoding quoted-printable or URL encoding.}
+function DecodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar): AnsiString;
+{:Decodes a string from quoted printable form. (also decodes triplet sequences
+ like '=7F')}
+function DecodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Decodes a string of URL encoding. (also decodes triplet sequences like '%7F')}
+function DecodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Performs triplet encoding with a given character delimiter. Used for encoding
+ quoted-printable or URL encoding.}
+function EncodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar;
+ Specials: TSpecials): AnsiString;
+{:Encodes a string to triplet quoted printable form. All @link(NonAsciiChar)
+ are encoded.}
+function EncodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Encodes a string to triplet quoted printable form. All @link(NonAsciiChar) and
+ @link(SpecialChar) are encoded.}
+function EncodeSafeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Encodes a string to URL format. Used for encoding data from a form field in
+ HTTP, etc. (Encodes all critical characters including characters used as URL
+ delimiters ('/',':', etc.)}
+function EncodeURLElement(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Encodes a string to URL format. Used to encode critical characters in all
+ URLs.}
+function EncodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Decode 4to3 encoding with given table. If some element is not found in table,
+ first item from table is used. This is good for buggy coded items by Microsoft
+ Outlook. This software sometimes using wrong table for UUcode, where is used
+ ' ' instead '`'.}
+function Decode4to3(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Decode 4to3 encoding with given REVERSE table. Using this function with
+reverse table is much faster then @link(Decode4to3). This function is used
+internally for Base64, UU or XX decoding.}
+function Decode4to3Ex(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Encode by system 3to4 (used by Base64, UU coding, etc) by given table.}
+function Encode3to4(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Decode string from base64 format.}
+function DecodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Encodes a string to base64 format.}
+function EncodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Decode string from modified base64 format. (used in IMAP, for example.)}
+function DecodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Encodes a string to modified base64 format. (used in IMAP, for example.)}
+function EncodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Decodes a string from UUcode format.}
+function DecodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:encode UUcode. it encode only datas, you must also add header and footer for
+ proper encode.}
+function EncodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Decodes a string from XXcode format.}
+function DecodeXX(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:decode line with Yenc code. This code is sometimes used in newsgroups.}
+function DecodeYEnc(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Returns a new CRC32 value after adding a new byte of data.}
+function UpdateCrc32(Value: Byte; Crc32: Integer): Integer;
+{:return CRC32 from a value string.}
+function Crc32(const Value: AnsiString): Integer;
+{:Returns a new CRC16 value after adding a new byte of data.}
+function UpdateCrc16(Value: Byte; Crc16: Word): Word;
+{:return CRC16 from a value string.}
+function Crc16(const Value: AnsiString): Word;
+{:Returns a binary string with a RSA-MD5 hashing of "Value" string.}
+function MD5(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Returns a binary string with HMAC-MD5 hash.}
+function HMAC_MD5(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Returns a binary string with a RSA-MD5 hashing of string what is constructed
+ by repeating "value" until length is "Len".}
+function MD5LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString;
+{:Returns a binary string with a SHA-1 hashing of "Value" string.}
+function SHA1(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Returns a binary string with HMAC-SHA1 hash.}
+function HMAC_SHA1(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+{:Returns a binary string with a SHA-1 hashing of string what is constructed
+ by repeating "value" until length is "Len".}
+function SHA1LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString;
+{:Returns a binary string with a RSA-MD4 hashing of "Value" string.}
+function MD4(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Crc32Tab: array[0..255] of Integer = (
+ Integer($00000000), Integer($77073096), Integer($EE0E612C), Integer($990951BA),
+ Integer($076DC419), Integer($706AF48F), Integer($E963A535), Integer($9E6495A3),
+ Integer($0EDB8832), Integer($79DCB8A4), Integer($E0D5E91E), Integer($97D2D988),
+ Integer($09B64C2B), Integer($7EB17CBD), Integer($E7B82D07), Integer($90BF1D91),
+ Integer($1DB71064), Integer($6AB020F2), Integer($F3B97148), Integer($84BE41DE),
+ Integer($1ADAD47D), Integer($6DDDE4EB), Integer($F4D4B551), Integer($83D385C7),
+ Integer($136C9856), Integer($646BA8C0), Integer($FD62F97A), Integer($8A65C9EC),
+ Integer($14015C4F), Integer($63066CD9), Integer($FA0F3D63), Integer($8D080DF5),
+ Integer($3B6E20C8), Integer($4C69105E), Integer($D56041E4), Integer($A2677172),
+ Integer($3C03E4D1), Integer($4B04D447), Integer($D20D85FD), Integer($A50AB56B),
+ Integer($35B5A8FA), Integer($42B2986C), Integer($DBBBC9D6), Integer($ACBCF940),
+ Integer($32D86CE3), Integer($45DF5C75), Integer($DCD60DCF), Integer($ABD13D59),
+ Integer($26D930AC), Integer($51DE003A), Integer($C8D75180), Integer($BFD06116),
+ Integer($21B4F4B5), Integer($56B3C423), Integer($CFBA9599), Integer($B8BDA50F),
+ Integer($2802B89E), Integer($5F058808), Integer($C60CD9B2), Integer($B10BE924),
+ Integer($2F6F7C87), Integer($58684C11), Integer($C1611DAB), Integer($B6662D3D),
+ Integer($76DC4190), Integer($01DB7106), Integer($98D220BC), Integer($EFD5102A),
+ Integer($71B18589), Integer($06B6B51F), Integer($9FBFE4A5), Integer($E8B8D433),
+ Integer($7807C9A2), Integer($0F00F934), Integer($9609A88E), Integer($E10E9818),
+ Integer($7F6A0DBB), Integer($086D3D2D), Integer($91646C97), Integer($E6635C01),
+ Integer($6B6B51F4), Integer($1C6C6162), Integer($856530D8), Integer($F262004E),
+ Integer($6C0695ED), Integer($1B01A57B), Integer($8208F4C1), Integer($F50FC457),
+ Integer($65B0D9C6), Integer($12B7E950), Integer($8BBEB8EA), Integer($FCB9887C),
+ Integer($62DD1DDF), Integer($15DA2D49), Integer($8CD37CF3), Integer($FBD44C65),
+ Integer($4DB26158), Integer($3AB551CE), Integer($A3BC0074), Integer($D4BB30E2),
+ Integer($4ADFA541), Integer($3DD895D7), Integer($A4D1C46D), Integer($D3D6F4FB),
+ Integer($4369E96A), Integer($346ED9FC), Integer($AD678846), Integer($DA60B8D0),
+ Integer($44042D73), Integer($33031DE5), Integer($AA0A4C5F), Integer($DD0D7CC9),
+ Integer($5005713C), Integer($270241AA), Integer($BE0B1010), Integer($C90C2086),
+ Integer($5768B525), Integer($206F85B3), Integer($B966D409), Integer($CE61E49F),
+ Integer($5EDEF90E), Integer($29D9C998), Integer($B0D09822), Integer($C7D7A8B4),
+ Integer($59B33D17), Integer($2EB40D81), Integer($B7BD5C3B), Integer($C0BA6CAD),
+ Integer($EDB88320), Integer($9ABFB3B6), Integer($03B6E20C), Integer($74B1D29A),
+ Integer($EAD54739), Integer($9DD277AF), Integer($04DB2615), Integer($73DC1683),
+ Integer($E3630B12), Integer($94643B84), Integer($0D6D6A3E), Integer($7A6A5AA8),
+ Integer($E40ECF0B), Integer($9309FF9D), Integer($0A00AE27), Integer($7D079EB1),
+ Integer($F00F9344), Integer($8708A3D2), Integer($1E01F268), Integer($6906C2FE),
+ Integer($F762575D), Integer($806567CB), Integer($196C3671), Integer($6E6B06E7),
+ Integer($FED41B76), Integer($89D32BE0), Integer($10DA7A5A), Integer($67DD4ACC),
+ Integer($F9B9DF6F), Integer($8EBEEFF9), Integer($17B7BE43), Integer($60B08ED5),
+ Integer($D6D6A3E8), Integer($A1D1937E), Integer($38D8C2C4), Integer($4FDFF252),
+ Integer($D1BB67F1), Integer($A6BC5767), Integer($3FB506DD), Integer($48B2364B),
+ Integer($D80D2BDA), Integer($AF0A1B4C), Integer($36034AF6), Integer($41047A60),
+ Integer($DF60EFC3), Integer($A867DF55), Integer($316E8EEF), Integer($4669BE79),
+ Integer($CB61B38C), Integer($BC66831A), Integer($256FD2A0), Integer($5268E236),
+ Integer($CC0C7795), Integer($BB0B4703), Integer($220216B9), Integer($5505262F),
+ Integer($C5BA3BBE), Integer($B2BD0B28), Integer($2BB45A92), Integer($5CB36A04),
+ Integer($C2D7FFA7), Integer($B5D0CF31), Integer($2CD99E8B), Integer($5BDEAE1D),
+ Integer($9B64C2B0), Integer($EC63F226), Integer($756AA39C), Integer($026D930A),
+ Integer($9C0906A9), Integer($EB0E363F), Integer($72076785), Integer($05005713),
+ Integer($95BF4A82), Integer($E2B87A14), Integer($7BB12BAE), Integer($0CB61B38),
+ Integer($92D28E9B), Integer($E5D5BE0D), Integer($7CDCEFB7), Integer($0BDBDF21),
+ Integer($86D3D2D4), Integer($F1D4E242), Integer($68DDB3F8), Integer($1FDA836E),
+ Integer($81BE16CD), Integer($F6B9265B), Integer($6FB077E1), Integer($18B74777),
+ Integer($88085AE6), Integer($FF0F6A70), Integer($66063BCA), Integer($11010B5C),
+ Integer($8F659EFF), Integer($F862AE69), Integer($616BFFD3), Integer($166CCF45),
+ Integer($A00AE278), Integer($D70DD2EE), Integer($4E048354), Integer($3903B3C2),
+ Integer($A7672661), Integer($D06016F7), Integer($4969474D), Integer($3E6E77DB),
+ Integer($AED16A4A), Integer($D9D65ADC), Integer($40DF0B66), Integer($37D83BF0),
+ Integer($A9BCAE53), Integer($DEBB9EC5), Integer($47B2CF7F), Integer($30B5FFE9),
+ Integer($BDBDF21C), Integer($CABAC28A), Integer($53B39330), Integer($24B4A3A6),
+ Integer($BAD03605), Integer($CDD70693), Integer($54DE5729), Integer($23D967BF),
+ Integer($B3667A2E), Integer($C4614AB8), Integer($5D681B02), Integer($2A6F2B94),
+ Integer($B40BBE37), Integer($C30C8EA1), Integer($5A05DF1B), Integer($2D02EF8D)
+ );
+ Crc16Tab: array[0..255] of Word = (
+ $0000, $1189, $2312, $329B, $4624, $57AD, $6536, $74BF,
+ $8C48, $9DC1, $AF5A, $BED3, $CA6C, $DBE5, $E97E, $F8F7,
+ $1081, $0108, $3393, $221A, $56A5, $472C, $75B7, $643E,
+ $9CC9, $8D40, $BFDB, $AE52, $DAED, $CB64, $F9FF, $E876,
+ $2102, $308B, $0210, $1399, $6726, $76AF, $4434, $55BD,
+ $AD4A, $BCC3, $8E58, $9FD1, $EB6E, $FAE7, $C87C, $D9F5,
+ $3183, $200A, $1291, $0318, $77A7, $662E, $54B5, $453C,
+ $BDCB, $AC42, $9ED9, $8F50, $FBEF, $EA66, $D8FD, $C974,
+ $4204, $538D, $6116, $709F, $0420, $15A9, $2732, $36BB,
+ $CE4C, $DFC5, $ED5E, $FCD7, $8868, $99E1, $AB7A, $BAF3,
+ $5285, $430C, $7197, $601E, $14A1, $0528, $37B3, $263A,
+ $DECD, $CF44, $FDDF, $EC56, $98E9, $8960, $BBFB, $AA72,
+ $6306, $728F, $4014, $519D, $2522, $34AB, $0630, $17B9,
+ $EF4E, $FEC7, $CC5C, $DDD5, $A96A, $B8E3, $8A78, $9BF1,
+ $7387, $620E, $5095, $411C, $35A3, $242A, $16B1, $0738,
+ $FFCF, $EE46, $DCDD, $CD54, $B9EB, $A862, $9AF9, $8B70,
+ $8408, $9581, $A71A, $B693, $C22C, $D3A5, $E13E, $F0B7,
+ $0840, $19C9, $2B52, $3ADB, $4E64, $5FED, $6D76, $7CFF,
+ $9489, $8500, $B79B, $A612, $D2AD, $C324, $F1BF, $E036,
+ $18C1, $0948, $3BD3, $2A5A, $5EE5, $4F6C, $7DF7, $6C7E,
+ $A50A, $B483, $8618, $9791, $E32E, $F2A7, $C03C, $D1B5,
+ $2942, $38CB, $0A50, $1BD9, $6F66, $7EEF, $4C74, $5DFD,
+ $B58B, $A402, $9699, $8710, $F3AF, $E226, $D0BD, $C134,
+ $39C3, $284A, $1AD1, $0B58, $7FE7, $6E6E, $5CF5, $4D7C,
+ $C60C, $D785, $E51E, $F497, $8028, $91A1, $A33A, $B2B3,
+ $4A44, $5BCD, $6956, $78DF, $0C60, $1DE9, $2F72, $3EFB,
+ $D68D, $C704, $F59F, $E416, $90A9, $8120, $B3BB, $A232,
+ $5AC5, $4B4C, $79D7, $685E, $1CE1, $0D68, $3FF3, $2E7A,
+ $E70E, $F687, $C41C, $D595, $A12A, $B0A3, $8238, $93B1,
+ $6B46, $7ACF, $4854, $59DD, $2D62, $3CEB, $0E70, $1FF9,
+ $F78F, $E606, $D49D, $C514, $B1AB, $A022, $92B9, $8330,
+ $7BC7, $6A4E, $58D5, $495C, $3DE3, $2C6A, $1EF1, $0F78
+ );
+procedure ArrByteToLong(var ArByte: Array of byte; var ArLong: Array of Integer);
+ n: integer;
+ if (High(ArByte) + 1) > ((High(ArLong) + 1) * 4) then
+ Exit;
+ for n := 0 to ((high(ArByte) + 1) div 4) - 1 do
+ ArLong[n] := ArByte[n * 4 + 0]
+ + (ArByte[n * 4 + 1] shl 8)
+ + (ArByte[n * 4 + 2] shl 16)
+ + (ArByte[n * 4 + 3] shl 24);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Move(ArByte[0], ArLong[0], High(ArByte) + 1);
+ {$ENDIF}
+procedure ArrLongToByte(var ArLong: Array of Integer; var ArByte: Array of byte);
+ n: integer;
+ if (High(ArByte) + 1) < ((High(ArLong) + 1) * 4) then
+ Exit;
+ for n := 0 to high(ArLong) do
+ begin
+ ArByte[n * 4 + 0] := ArLong[n] and $000000FF;
+ ArByte[n * 4 + 1] := (ArLong[n] shr 8) and $000000FF;
+ ArByte[n * 4 + 2] := (ArLong[n] shr 16) and $000000FF;
+ ArByte[n * 4 + 3] := (ArLong[n] shr 24) and $000000FF;
+ end;
+ {$ELSE}
+ Move(ArLong[0], ArByte[0], High(ArByte) + 1);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ TMDCtx = record
+ State: array[0..3] of Integer;
+ Count: array[0..1] of Integer;
+ BufAnsiChar: array[0..63] of Byte;
+ BufLong: array[0..15] of Integer;
+ end;
+ TSHA1Ctx= record
+ Hi, Lo: integer;
+ Buffer: array[0..63] of byte;
+ Index: integer;
+ Hash: array[0..4] of Integer;
+ HashByte: array[0..19] of byte;
+ end;
+ TMDTransform = procedure(var Buf: array of LongInt; const Data: array of LongInt);
+function DecodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar): AnsiString;
+ x, l, lv: Integer;
+ c: AnsiChar;
+ b: Byte;
+ bad: Boolean;
+ lv := Length(Value);
+ SetLength(Result, lv);
+ x := 1;
+ l := 1;
+ while x <= lv do
+ begin
+ c := Value[x];
+ Inc(x);
+ if c <> Delimiter then
+ begin
+ Result[l] := c;
+ Inc(l);
+ end
+ else
+ if x < lv then
+ begin
+ Case Value[x] Of
+ #13:
+ if (Value[x + 1] = #10) then
+ Inc(x, 2)
+ else
+ Inc(x);
+ #10:
+ if (Value[x + 1] = #13) then
+ Inc(x, 2)
+ else
+ Inc(x);
+ else
+ begin
+ bad := False;
+ Case Value[x] Of
+ '0'..'9': b := (Byte(Value[x]) - 48) Shl 4;
+ 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F': b := ((Byte(Value[x]) And 7) + 9) shl 4;
+ else
+ begin
+ b := 0;
+ bad := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Case Value[x + 1] Of
+ '0'..'9': b := b Or (Byte(Value[x + 1]) - 48);
+ 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F': b := b Or ((Byte(Value[x + 1]) And 7) + 9);
+ else
+ bad := True;
+ end;
+ if bad then
+ begin
+ Result[l] := c;
+ Inc(l);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Inc(x, 2);
+ Result[l] := AnsiChar(b);
+ Inc(l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ end;
+ Dec(l);
+ SetLength(Result, l);
+function DecodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := DecodeTriplet(Value, '=');
+function DecodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := DecodeTriplet(Value, '%');
+function EncodeTriplet(const Value: AnsiString; Delimiter: AnsiChar;
+ Specials: TSpecials): AnsiString;
+ n, l: Integer;
+ s: AnsiString;
+ c: AnsiChar;
+ SetLength(Result, Length(Value) * 3);
+ l := 1;
+ for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
+ begin
+ c := Value[n];
+ if c in Specials then
+ begin
+ Result[l] := Delimiter;
+ Inc(l);
+ s := IntToHex(Ord(c), 2);
+ Result[l] := s[1];
+ Inc(l);
+ Result[l] := s[2];
+ Inc(l);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Result[l] := c;
+ Inc(l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Dec(l);
+ SetLength(Result, l);
+function EncodeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '=', ['='] + NonAsciiChar);
+function EncodeSafeQuotedPrintable(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '=', SpecialChar + NonAsciiChar);
+function EncodeURLElement(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '%', URLSpecialChar + URLFullSpecialChar);
+function EncodeURL(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := EncodeTriplet(Value, '%', URLSpecialChar);
+function Decode4to3(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ x, y, n, l: Integer;
+ d: array[0..3] of Byte;
+ SetLength(Result, Length(Value));
+ x := 1;
+ l := 1;
+ while x <= Length(Value) do
+ begin
+ for n := 0 to 3 do
+ begin
+ if x > Length(Value) then
+ d[n] := 64
+ else
+ begin
+ y := Pos(Value[x], Table);
+ if y < 1 then
+ y := 1;
+ d[n] := y - 1;
+ end;
+ Inc(x);
+ end;
+ Result[l] := AnsiChar((D[0] and $3F) shl 2 + (D[1] and $30) shr 4);
+ Inc(l);
+ if d[2] <> 64 then
+ begin
+ Result[l] := AnsiChar((D[1] and $0F) shl 4 + (D[2] and $3C) shr 2);
+ Inc(l);
+ if d[3] <> 64 then
+ begin
+ Result[l] := AnsiChar((D[2] and $03) shl 6 + (D[3] and $3F));
+ Inc(l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Dec(l);
+ SetLength(Result, l);
+function Decode4to3Ex(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ x, y, lv: Integer;
+ d: integer;
+ dl: integer;
+ c: byte;
+ p: integer;
+ lv := Length(Value);
+ SetLength(Result, lv);
+ x := 1;
+ dl := 4;
+ d := 0;
+ p := 1;
+ while x <= lv do
+ begin
+ y := Ord(Value[x]);
+ if y in [33..127] then
+ c := Ord(Table[y - 32])
+ else
+ c := 64;
+ Inc(x);
+ if c > 63 then
+ continue;
+ d := (d shl 6) or c;
+ dec(dl);
+ if dl <> 0 then
+ continue;
+ Result[p] := AnsiChar((d shr 16) and $ff);
+ inc(p);
+ Result[p] := AnsiChar((d shr 8) and $ff);
+ inc(p);
+ Result[p] := AnsiChar(d and $ff);
+ inc(p);
+ d := 0;
+ dl := 4;
+ end;
+ case dl of
+ 1:
+ begin
+ d := d shr 2;
+ Result[p] := AnsiChar((d shr 8) and $ff);
+ inc(p);
+ Result[p] := AnsiChar(d and $ff);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ 2:
+ begin
+ d := d shr 4;
+ Result[p] := AnsiChar(d and $ff);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(Result, p - 1);
+function Encode3to4(const Value, Table: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ c: Byte;
+ n, l: Integer;
+ Count: Integer;
+ DOut: array[0..3] of Byte;
+ setlength(Result, ((Length(Value) + 2) div 3) * 4);
+ l := 1;
+ Count := 1;
+ while Count <= Length(Value) do
+ begin
+ c := Ord(Value[Count]);
+ Inc(Count);
+ DOut[0] := (c and $FC) shr 2;
+ DOut[1] := (c and $03) shl 4;
+ if Count <= Length(Value) then
+ begin
+ c := Ord(Value[Count]);
+ Inc(Count);
+ DOut[1] := DOut[1] + (c and $F0) shr 4;
+ DOut[2] := (c and $0F) shl 2;
+ if Count <= Length(Value) then
+ begin
+ c := Ord(Value[Count]);
+ Inc(Count);
+ DOut[2] := DOut[2] + (c and $C0) shr 6;
+ DOut[3] := (c and $3F);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ DOut[3] := $40;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ DOut[2] := $40;
+ DOut[3] := $40;
+ end;
+ for n := 0 to 3 do
+ begin
+ if (DOut[n] + 1) <= Length(Table) then
+ begin
+ Result[l] := Table[DOut[n] + 1];
+ Inc(l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ SetLength(Result, l - 1);
+function DecodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := Decode4to3Ex(Value, ReTableBase64);
+function EncodeBase64(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := Encode3to4(Value, TableBase64);
+function DecodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := Decode4to3(Value, TableBase64mod);
+function EncodeBase64mod(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := Encode3to4(Value, TableBase64mod);
+function DecodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ s: AnsiString;
+ uut: AnsiString;
+ x: Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ uut := TableUU;
+ s := trim(UpperCase(Value));
+ if s = '' then Exit;
+ if Pos('BEGIN', s) = 1 then
+ Exit;
+ if Pos('END', s) = 1 then
+ Exit;
+ if Pos('TABLE', s) = 1 then
+ Exit; //ignore Table yet (set custom UUT)
+ //begin decoding
+ x := Pos(Value[1], uut) - 1;
+ case (x mod 3) of
+ 0: x :=(x div 3)* 4;
+ 1: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 2;
+ 2: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 3;
+ end;
+ //x - lenght UU line
+ s := Copy(Value, 2, x);
+ if s = '' then
+ Exit;
+ s := s + StringOfChar(' ', x - length(s));
+ Result := Decode4to3(s, uut);
+function EncodeUU(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ Result := '';
+ if Length(Value) < Length(TableUU) then
+ Result := TableUU[Length(Value) + 1] + Encode3to4(Value, TableUU);
+function DecodeXX(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ s: AnsiString;
+ x: Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ s := trim(UpperCase(Value));
+ if s = '' then
+ Exit;
+ if Pos('BEGIN', s) = 1 then
+ Exit;
+ if Pos('END', s) = 1 then
+ Exit;
+ //begin decoding
+ x := Pos(Value[1], TableXX) - 1;
+ case (x mod 3) of
+ 0: x :=(x div 3)* 4;
+ 1: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 2;
+ 2: x :=((x div 3) * 4) + 3;
+ end;
+ //x - lenght XX line
+ s := Copy(Value, 2, x);
+ if s = '' then
+ Exit;
+ s := s + StringOfChar(' ', x - length(s));
+ Result := Decode4to3(s, TableXX);
+function DecodeYEnc(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ C : Byte;
+ i: integer;
+ Result := '';
+ i := 1;
+ while i <= Length(Value) do
+ begin
+ c := Ord(Value[i]);
+ Inc(i);
+ if c = Ord('=') then
+ begin
+ c := Ord(Value[i]);
+ Inc(i);
+ Dec(c, 64);
+ end;
+ Dec(C, 42);
+ Result := Result + AnsiChar(C);
+ end;
+function UpdateCrc32(Value: Byte; Crc32: Integer): Integer;
+ Result := (Crc32 shr 8)
+ xor crc32tab[Byte(Value xor (Crc32 and Integer($000000FF)))];
+function Crc32(const Value: AnsiString): Integer;
+ n: Integer;
+ Result := Integer($FFFFFFFF);
+ for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
+ Result := UpdateCrc32(Ord(Value[n]), Result);
+ Result := not Result;
+function UpdateCrc16(Value: Byte; Crc16: Word): Word;
+ Result := ((Crc16 shr 8) and $00FF) xor
+ crc16tab[Byte(Crc16 xor (Word(Value)) and $00FF)];
+function Crc16(const Value: AnsiString): Word;
+ n: Integer;
+ Result := $FFFF;
+ for n := 1 to Length(Value) do
+ Result := UpdateCrc16(Ord(Value[n]), Result);
+procedure MDInit(var MDContext: TMDCtx);
+ n: integer;
+ MDContext.Count[0] := 0;
+ MDContext.Count[1] := 0;
+ for n := 0 to high(MDContext.BufAnsiChar) do
+ MDContext.BufAnsiChar[n] := 0;
+ for n := 0 to high(MDContext.BufLong) do
+ MDContext.BufLong[n] := 0;
+ MDContext.State[0] := Integer($67452301);
+ MDContext.State[1] := Integer($EFCDAB89);
+ MDContext.State[2] := Integer($98BADCFE);
+ MDContext.State[3] := Integer($10325476);
+procedure MD5Transform(var Buf: array of LongInt; const Data: array of LongInt);
+ A, B, C, D: LongInt;
+ procedure Round1(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte);
+ begin
+ Inc(W, (Z xor (X and (Y xor Z))) + Data);
+ W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
+ Inc(W, X);
+ end;
+ procedure Round2(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte);
+ begin
+ Inc(W, (Y xor (Z and (X xor Y))) + Data);
+ W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
+ Inc(W, X);
+ end;
+ procedure Round3(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte);
+ begin
+ Inc(W, (X xor Y xor Z) + Data);
+ W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
+ Inc(W, X);
+ end;
+ procedure Round4(var W: LongInt; X, Y, Z, Data: LongInt; S: Byte);
+ begin
+ Inc(W, (Y xor (X or not Z)) + Data);
+ W := (W shl S) or (W shr (32 - S));
+ Inc(W, X);
+ end;
+ A := Buf[0];
+ B := Buf[1];
+ C := Buf[2];
+ D := Buf[3];
+ Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[0] + Longint($D76AA478), 7);
+ Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[1] + Longint($E8C7B756), 12);
+ Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[2] + Longint($242070DB), 17);
+ Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[3] + Longint($C1BDCEEE), 22);
+ Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[4] + Longint($F57C0FAF), 7);
+ Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[5] + Longint($4787C62A), 12);
+ Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[6] + Longint($A8304613), 17);
+ Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[7] + Longint($FD469501), 22);
+ Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[8] + Longint($698098D8), 7);
+ Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[9] + Longint($8B44F7AF), 12);
+ Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[10] + Longint($FFFF5BB1), 17);
+ Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[11] + Longint($895CD7BE), 22);
+ Round1(A, B, C, D, Data[12] + Longint($6B901122), 7);
+ Round1(D, A, B, C, Data[13] + Longint($FD987193), 12);
+ Round1(C, D, A, B, Data[14] + Longint($A679438E), 17);
+ Round1(B, C, D, A, Data[15] + Longint($49B40821), 22);
+ Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[1] + Longint($F61E2562), 5);
+ Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[6] + Longint($C040B340), 9);
+ Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[11] + Longint($265E5A51), 14);
+ Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[0] + Longint($E9B6C7AA), 20);
+ Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[5] + Longint($D62F105D), 5);
+ Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[10] + Longint($02441453), 9);
+ Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[15] + Longint($D8A1E681), 14);
+ Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[4] + Longint($E7D3FBC8), 20);
+ Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[9] + Longint($21E1CDE6), 5);
+ Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[14] + Longint($C33707D6), 9);
+ Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[3] + Longint($F4D50D87), 14);
+ Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[8] + Longint($455A14ED), 20);
+ Round2(A, B, C, D, Data[13] + Longint($A9E3E905), 5);
+ Round2(D, A, B, C, Data[2] + Longint($FCEFA3F8), 9);
+ Round2(C, D, A, B, Data[7] + Longint($676F02D9), 14);
+ Round2(B, C, D, A, Data[12] + Longint($8D2A4C8A), 20);
+ Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[5] + Longint($FFFA3942), 4);
+ Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[8] + Longint($8771F681), 11);
+ Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[11] + Longint($6D9D6122), 16);
+ Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[14] + Longint($FDE5380C), 23);
+ Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[1] + Longint($A4BEEA44), 4);
+ Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[4] + Longint($4BDECFA9), 11);
+ Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[7] + Longint($F6BB4B60), 16);
+ Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[10] + Longint($BEBFBC70), 23);
+ Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[13] + Longint($289B7EC6), 4);
+ Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[0] + Longint($EAA127FA), 11);
+ Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[3] + Longint($D4EF3085), 16);
+ Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[6] + Longint($04881D05), 23);
+ Round3(A, B, C, D, Data[9] + Longint($D9D4D039), 4);
+ Round3(D, A, B, C, Data[12] + Longint($E6DB99E5), 11);
+ Round3(C, D, A, B, Data[15] + Longint($1FA27CF8), 16);
+ Round3(B, C, D, A, Data[2] + Longint($C4AC5665), 23);
+ Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[0] + Longint($F4292244), 6);
+ Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[7] + Longint($432AFF97), 10);
+ Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[14] + Longint($AB9423A7), 15);
+ Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[5] + Longint($FC93A039), 21);
+ Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[12] + Longint($655B59C3), 6);
+ Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[3] + Longint($8F0CCC92), 10);
+ Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[10] + Longint($FFEFF47D), 15);
+ Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[1] + Longint($85845DD1), 21);
+ Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[8] + Longint($6FA87E4F), 6);
+ Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[15] + Longint($FE2CE6E0), 10);
+ Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[6] + Longint($A3014314), 15);
+ Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[13] + Longint($4E0811A1), 21);
+ Round4(A, B, C, D, Data[4] + Longint($F7537E82), 6);
+ Round4(D, A, B, C, Data[11] + Longint($BD3AF235), 10);
+ Round4(C, D, A, B, Data[2] + Longint($2AD7D2BB), 15);
+ Round4(B, C, D, A, Data[9] + Longint($EB86D391), 21);
+ Inc(Buf[0], A);
+ Inc(Buf[1], B);
+ Inc(Buf[2], C);
+ Inc(Buf[3], D);
+//fixed by James McAdams
+procedure MDUpdate(var MDContext: TMDCtx; const Data: AnsiString; transform: TMDTransform);
+ Index, partLen, InputLen, I: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ InputLen := Length(Data);
+ with MDContext do
+ begin
+ Index := (Count[0] shr 3) and $3F;
+ Inc(Count[0], InputLen shl 3);
+ if Count[0] < (InputLen shl 3) then
+ Inc(Count[1]);
+ Inc(Count[1], InputLen shr 29);
+ partLen := 64 - Index;
+ if InputLen >= partLen then
+ begin
+ ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar);
+ for n := 1 to partLen do
+ BufAnsiChar[index - 1 + n] := Ord(Data[n]);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Move(Data[1], BufAnsiChar[Index], partLen);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong);
+ Transform(State, Buflong);
+ I := partLen;
+ while I + 63 < InputLen do
+ begin
+ ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar);
+ for n := 1 to 64 do
+ BufAnsiChar[n - 1] := Ord(Data[i + n]);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Move(Data[I+1], BufAnsiChar, 64);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong);
+ Transform(State, Buflong);
+ inc(I, 64);
+ end;
+ Index := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ I := 0;
+ ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar);
+ for n := 1 to InputLen-I do
+ BufAnsiChar[Index + n - 1] := Ord(Data[i + n]);
+ {$ELSE}
+ Move(Data[I+1], BufAnsiChar[Index], InputLen-I);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong);
+ end
+function MDFinal(var MDContext: TMDCtx; transform: TMDTransform): AnsiString;
+ Cnt: Word;
+ P: Byte;
+ digest: array[0..15] of Byte;
+ i: Integer;
+ n: integer;
+ for I := 0 to 15 do
+ Digest[I] := I + 1;
+ with MDContext do
+ begin
+ Cnt := (Count[0] shr 3) and $3F;
+ P := Cnt;
+ BufAnsiChar[P] := $80;
+ Inc(P);
+ Cnt := 64 - 1 - Cnt;
+ if Cnt < 8 then
+ begin
+ for n := 0 to cnt - 1 do
+ BufAnsiChar[P + n] := 0;
+ ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong);
+// FillChar(BufAnsiChar[P], Cnt, #0);
+ Transform(State, BufLong);
+ ArrLongToByte(BufLong, BufAnsiChar);
+ for n := 0 to 55 do
+ BufAnsiChar[n] := 0;
+ ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong);
+// FillChar(BufAnsiChar, 56, #0);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ for n := 0 to Cnt - 8 - 1 do
+ BufAnsiChar[p + n] := 0;
+ ArrByteToLong(BufAnsiChar, BufLong);
+// FillChar(BufAnsiChar[P], Cnt - 8, #0);
+ end;
+ BufLong[14] := Count[0];
+ BufLong[15] := Count[1];
+ Transform(State, BufLong);
+ ArrLongToByte(State, Digest);
+// Move(State, Digest, 16);
+ Result := '';
+ for i := 0 to 15 do
+ Result := Result + AnsiChar(digest[i]);
+ end;
+// FillChar(MD5Context, SizeOf(TMD5Ctx), #0)
+function MD5(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ MDContext: TMDCtx;
+ MDInit(MDContext);
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, Value, @MD5Transform);
+ Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform);
+function HMAC_MD5(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ ipad, opad, s: AnsiString;
+ n: Integer;
+ MDContext: TMDCtx;
+ if Length(Key) > 64 then
+ Key := md5(Key);
+ ipad := StringOfChar(#$36, 64);
+ opad := StringOfChar(#$5C, 64);
+ for n := 1 to Length(Key) do
+ begin
+ ipad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(ipad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n]));
+ opad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(opad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n]));
+ end;
+ MDInit(MDContext);
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, ipad, @MD5Transform);
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, Text, @MD5Transform);
+ s := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform);
+ MDInit(MDContext);
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, opad, @MD5Transform);
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, s, @MD5Transform);
+ Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform);
+function MD5LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString;
+ cnt, rest: integer;
+ l: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ MDContext: TMDCtx;
+ l := length(Value);
+ cnt := Len div l;
+ rest := Len mod l;
+ MDInit(MDContext);
+ for n := 1 to cnt do
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, Value, @MD5Transform);
+ if rest > 0 then
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, Copy(Value, 1, rest), @MD5Transform);
+ Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD5Transform);
+// SHA1 is based on sources by Dave Barton (davebarton@bigfoot.com)
+procedure SHA1init( var SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx );
+ n: integer;
+ SHA1Context.Hi := 0;
+ SHA1Context.Lo := 0;
+ SHA1Context.Index := 0;
+ for n := 0 to High(SHA1Context.Buffer) do
+ SHA1Context.Buffer[n] := 0;
+ for n := 0 to High(SHA1Context.HashByte) do
+ SHA1Context.HashByte[n] := 0;
+// FillChar(SHA1Context, SizeOf(TSHA1Ctx), #0);
+ SHA1Context.Hash[0] := integer($67452301);
+ SHA1Context.Hash[1] := integer($EFCDAB89);
+ SHA1Context.Hash[2] := integer($98BADCFE);
+ SHA1Context.Hash[3] := integer($10325476);
+ SHA1Context.Hash[4] := integer($C3D2E1F0);
+function RB(A: integer): integer;
+ Result := (A shr 24) or ((A shr 8) and $FF00) or ((A shl 8) and $FF0000) or (A shl 24);
+procedure SHA1Compress(var Data: TSHA1Ctx);
+ A, B, C, D, E, T: integer;
+ W: array[0..79] of integer;
+ i: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ function F1(x, y, z: integer): integer;
+ begin
+ Result := z xor (x and (y xor z));
+ end;
+ function F2(x, y, z: integer): integer;
+ begin
+ Result := x xor y xor z;
+ end;
+ function F3(x, y, z: integer): integer;
+ begin
+ Result := (x and y) or (z and (x or y));
+ end;
+ function LRot32(X: integer; c: integer): integer;
+ begin
+ result := (x shl c) or (x shr (32 - c));
+ end;
+ ArrByteToLong(Data.Buffer, W);
+// Move(Data.Buffer, W, Sizeof(Data.Buffer));
+ for i := 0 to 15 do
+ W[i] := RB(W[i]);
+ for i := 16 to 79 do
+ W[i] := LRot32(W[i-3] xor W[i-8] xor W[i-14] xor W[i-16], 1);
+ A := Data.Hash[0];
+ B := Data.Hash[1];
+ C := Data.Hash[2];
+ D := Data.Hash[3];
+ E := Data.Hash[4];
+ for i := 0 to 19 do
+ begin
+ T := LRot32(A, 5) + F1(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($5A827999);
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := LRot32(B, 30);
+ B := A;
+ A := T;
+ end;
+ for i := 20 to 39 do
+ begin
+ T := LRot32(A, 5) + F2(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($6ED9EBA1);
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := LRot32(B, 30);
+ B := A;
+ A := T;
+ end;
+ for i := 40 to 59 do
+ begin
+ T := LRot32(A, 5) + F3(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($8F1BBCDC);
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := LRot32(B, 30);
+ B := A;
+ A := T;
+ end;
+ for i := 60 to 79 do
+ begin
+ T := LRot32(A, 5) + F2(B, C, D) + E + W[i] + integer($CA62C1D6);
+ E := D;
+ D := C;
+ C := LRot32(B, 30);
+ B := A;
+ A := T;
+ end;
+ Data.Hash[0] := Data.Hash[0] + A;
+ Data.Hash[1] := Data.Hash[1] + B;
+ Data.Hash[2] := Data.Hash[2] + C;
+ Data.Hash[3] := Data.Hash[3] + D;
+ Data.Hash[4] := Data.Hash[4] + E;
+ for n := 0 to high(w) do
+ w[n] := 0;
+// FillChar(W, Sizeof(W), 0);
+ for n := 0 to high(Data.Buffer) do
+ Data.Buffer[n] := 0;
+// FillChar(Data.Buffer, Sizeof(Data.Buffer), 0);
+procedure SHA1Update(var Context: TSHA1Ctx; const Data: AnsiString);
+ Len: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ i, k: integer;
+ Len := Length(data);
+ for k := 0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ i := Context.Lo;
+ Inc(Context.Lo, Len);
+ if Context.Lo < i then
+ Inc(Context.Hi);
+ end;
+ for n := 1 to len do
+ begin
+ Context.Buffer[Context.Index] := byte(Data[n]);
+ Inc(Context.Index);
+ if Context.Index = 64 then
+ begin
+ Context.Index := 0;
+ SHA1Compress(Context);
+ end;
+ end;
+function SHA1Final(var Context: TSHA1Ctx): AnsiString;
+ Pinteger = ^integer;
+ i: integer;
+ procedure ItoArr(var Ar: Array of byte; I, value: Integer);
+ begin
+ Ar[i + 0] := Value and $000000FF;
+ Ar[i + 1] := (Value shr 8) and $000000FF;
+ Ar[i + 2] := (Value shr 16) and $000000FF;
+ Ar[i + 3] := (Value shr 24) and $000000FF;
+ end;
+ Context.Buffer[Context.Index] := $80;
+ if Context.Index >= 56 then
+ SHA1Compress(Context);
+ ItoArr(Context.Buffer, 56, RB(Context.Hi));
+ ItoArr(Context.Buffer, 60, RB(Context.Lo));
+// Pinteger(@Context.Buffer[56])^ := RB(Context.Hi);
+// Pinteger(@Context.Buffer[60])^ := RB(Context.Lo);
+ SHA1Compress(Context);
+ Context.Hash[0] := RB(Context.Hash[0]);
+ Context.Hash[1] := RB(Context.Hash[1]);
+ Context.Hash[2] := RB(Context.Hash[2]);
+ Context.Hash[3] := RB(Context.Hash[3]);
+ Context.Hash[4] := RB(Context.Hash[4]);
+ ArrLongToByte(Context.Hash, Context.HashByte);
+ Result := '';
+ for i := 0 to 19 do
+ Result := Result + AnsiChar(Context.HashByte[i]);
+function SHA1(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx;
+ SHA1Init(SHA1Context);
+ SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Value);
+ Result := SHA1Final(SHA1Context);
+function HMAC_SHA1(Text, Key: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ ipad, opad, s: AnsiString;
+ n: Integer;
+ SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx;
+ if Length(Key) > 64 then
+ Key := SHA1(Key);
+ ipad := StringOfChar(#$36, 64);
+ opad := StringOfChar(#$5C, 64);
+ for n := 1 to Length(Key) do
+ begin
+ ipad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(ipad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n]));
+ opad[n] := AnsiChar(Byte(opad[n]) xor Byte(Key[n]));
+ end;
+ SHA1Init(SHA1Context);
+ SHA1Update(SHA1Context, ipad);
+ SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Text);
+ s := SHA1Final(SHA1Context);
+ SHA1Init(SHA1Context);
+ SHA1Update(SHA1Context, opad);
+ SHA1Update(SHA1Context, s);
+ Result := SHA1Final(SHA1Context);
+function SHA1LongHash(const Value: AnsiString; Len: integer): AnsiString;
+ cnt, rest: integer;
+ l: integer;
+ n: integer;
+ SHA1Context: TSHA1Ctx;
+ l := length(Value);
+ cnt := Len div l;
+ rest := Len mod l;
+ SHA1Init(SHA1Context);
+ for n := 1 to cnt do
+ SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Value);
+ if rest > 0 then
+ SHA1Update(SHA1Context, Copy(Value, 1, rest));
+ Result := SHA1Final(SHA1Context);
+procedure MD4Transform(var Buf: array of LongInt; const Data: array of LongInt);
+ A, B, C, D: LongInt;
+ function LRot32(a, b: longint): longint;
+ begin
+ Result:= (a shl b) or (a shr (32 - b));
+ end;
+ A := Buf[0];
+ B := Buf[1];
+ C := Buf[2];
+ D := Buf[3];
+ A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 0], 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 1], 7);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[ 2], 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[ 3], 19);
+ A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 4], 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 5], 7);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[ 6], 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[ 7], 19);
+ A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[ 8], 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[ 9], 7);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[10], 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[11], 19);
+ A:= LRot32(A + (D xor (B and (C xor D))) + Data[12], 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (C xor (A and (B xor C))) + Data[13], 7);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (B xor (D and (A xor B))) + Data[14], 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (A xor (C and (D xor A))) + Data[15], 19);
+ A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 0] + longint($5a827999), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 4] + longint($5a827999), 5);
+ C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[ 8] + longint($5a827999), 9);
+ B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[12] + longint($5a827999), 13);
+ A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 1] + longint($5a827999), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 5] + longint($5a827999), 5);
+ C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[ 9] + longint($5a827999), 9);
+ B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[13] + longint($5a827999), 13);
+ A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 2] + longint($5a827999), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 6] + longint($5a827999), 5);
+ C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[10] + longint($5a827999), 9);
+ B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[14] + longint($5a827999), 13);
+ A:= LRot32(A + ((B and C) or (B and D) or (C and D)) + Data[ 3] + longint($5a827999), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + ((A and B) or (A and C) or (B and C)) + Data[ 7] + longint($5a827999), 5);
+ C:= LRot32(C + ((D and A) or (D and B) or (A and B)) + Data[11] + longint($5a827999), 9);
+ B:= LRot32(B + ((C and D) or (C and A) or (D and A)) + Data[15] + longint($5a827999), 13);
+ A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 0] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[ 8] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 4] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[12] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15);
+ A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 2] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[10] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 6] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[14] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15);
+ A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 1] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[ 9] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 5] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[13] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15);
+ A:= LRot32(A + (B xor C xor D) + Data[ 3] + longint($6ed9eba1), 3);
+ D:= LRot32(D + (A xor B xor C) + Data[11] + longint($6ed9eba1), 9);
+ C:= LRot32(C + (D xor A xor B) + Data[ 7] + longint($6ed9eba1), 11);
+ B:= LRot32(B + (C xor D xor A) + Data[15] + longint($6ed9eba1), 15);
+ Inc(Buf[0], A);
+ Inc(Buf[1], B);
+ Inc(Buf[2], C);
+ Inc(Buf[3], D);
+function MD4(const Value: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ MDContext: TMDCtx;
+ MDInit(MDContext);
+ MDUpdate(MDContext, Value, @MD4Transform);
+ Result := MDFinal(MDContext, @MD4Transform);
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/uAuthentication.dfm b/src/thirdparty/uAuthentication.dfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b93ca48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/uAuthentication.dfm
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+object PasswordDlg: TPasswordDlg
+ Left = 245
+ Top = 108
+ BorderStyle = bsDialog
+ Caption = 'Authentication'
+ ClientHeight = 128
+ ClientWidth = 233
+ Color = clBtnFace
+ ParentFont = True
+ OldCreateOrder = True
+ Position = poScreenCenter
+ PixelsPerInch = 96
+ TextHeight = 13
+ object Label1: TLabel
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 49
+ Width = 46
+ Height = 13
+ Caption = 'Password'
+ end
+ object Label2: TLabel
+ Left = 8
+ Top = 3
+ Width = 48
+ Height = 13
+ Caption = 'Username'
+ end
+ object edtPassword: TEdit
+ Left = 24
+ Top = 68
+ Width = 201
+ Height = 21
+ PasswordChar = '*'
+ TabOrder = 1
+ end
+ object OKBtn: TButton
+ Left = 62
+ Top = 95
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Caption = 'OK'
+ Default = True
+ ModalResult = 1
+ TabOrder = 2
+ end
+ object CancelBtn: TButton
+ Left = 150
+ Top = 95
+ Width = 75
+ Height = 25
+ Cancel = True
+ Caption = 'Cancel'
+ ModalResult = 2
+ TabOrder = 3
+ end
+ object edtusername: TEdit
+ Left = 24
+ Top = 22
+ Width = 201
+ Height = 21
+ TabOrder = 0
+ end
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/uAuthentication.pas b/src/thirdparty/uAuthentication.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8492f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/uAuthentication.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+unit uAuthentication;
+uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls,
+ Buttons;
+ TPasswordDlg = class(TForm)
+ Label1: TLabel;
+ edtPassword: TEdit;
+ OKBtn: TButton;
+ CancelBtn: TButton;
+ Label2: TLabel;
+ edtusername: TEdit;
+ private
+ { Déclarations privées }
+ public
+ { Déclarations publiques }
+ end;
+ PasswordDlg: TPasswordDlg;
+{$R *.dfm}
diff --git a/src/thirdparty/unitObjectCache.pas b/src/thirdparty/unitObjectCache.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c03f0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thirdparty/unitObjectCache.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@
+ | unitObjectCache |
+ | |
+ | Object caching & association classes: |
+ | |
+ | TObjectCache Implements a flexible cache of objects |
+ | TClassAssociations Associates pairs of classes |
+ | TClassStringAssociations Associates a string/class pairs |
+ | TObjectProcessor Process a list of objects in a |
+ | background thread. |
+ | |
+ | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License |
+ | Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in |
+ | compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License |
+ | at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ |
+ | |
+ | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" |
+ | basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See |
+ | the License for the specific language governing rights and |
+ | limitations under the License. |
+ | |
+ | Copyright © Colin Wilson 2003 All Rights Reserved
+ | |
+ | Version Date By Description |
+ | ------- ---------- ---- ------------------------------------------|
+ | 1.0 10/12/2003 CPWW Original |
+ *======================================================================*)
+unit unitObjectCache;
+uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ConTnrs, SyncObjs;
+TObjectCacheProc = procedure (obj : TObject; idx, param : Integer; var continue : boolean) of object;
+TObjectCache = class
+ fOrigCapacity : Integer;
+ fObjects : TObjectList;
+ function GetOwnsObjects: boolean;
+ procedure SetOwnsObjects(const Value: boolean);
+ function GetCapacity: Integer;
+ procedure SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function CanRemove (AObject : TObject) : boolean; virtual;
+ function Matches (ObjA, ObjB : TObject) : boolean; virtual;
+ constructor Create (ACapacity : Integer; OwnsObjects : boolean);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function IndexOfObject (AObject : TObject) : Integer;
+ procedure Add (AObject : TObject); virtual;
+ procedure Clear;
+ function ForEach (proc : TObjectCacheProc; param : Integer) : TObject;
+ function ForEachIdx (proc : TObjectCacheProc; param : Integer) : Integer;
+ procedure BringToFrontObject (idx : Integer);
+ function ObjectAt (idx : Integer) : TObject;
+ procedure Remove (AObject : TObject);
+ function Extract (AObject : TObject) : TObject;
+ procedure Push (AObject : TObject);
+ function Pop : TObject;
+ property OwnsObjects : boolean read GetOwnsObjects write SetOwnsObjects;
+ property Capacity : Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
+ property Count : Integer read GetCount;
+TClassAssociation = class
+ fClassA, fClassB : TClass;
+ constructor Create (AClassA, AClassB : TClass);
+ property ClassA : TClass read fClassA;
+ property ClassB : TClass read fClassB;
+TClassAssociations = class
+ fAssociations : TObjectList;
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function GetAssociation(idx: Integer): TClassAssociation;
+ function GetIndexOf(classA, classB: TClass): Integer;
+ function GetIndexOfClassA(classA: TClass): Integer;
+ function GetIndexOfClassB(classB: TClass): Integer;
+ property Association [idx : Integer] : TClassAssociation read GetAssociation;
+ property Count : Integer read GetCount;
+ property IndexOf [classA, classB : TClass] : Integer read GetIndexOf;
+ property IndexOfClassA [classA : TClass] : Integer read GetIndexOfClassA;
+ property IndexOfClassB [classB : TClass] : Integer read GetIndexOfClassB;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Associate (classA, classB : TClass);
+ procedure DisAssociate (classA, classB : TClass);
+ function FindClassBFor (classA : TClass) : TClass;
+ function FindClassAFor (classB : TClass) : TClass;
+TClassStringAssociations = class
+ fAssociations : TStringList;
+ function GetIndexOf(const st: string; cls: TClass): Integer;
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ function GetString(idx: Integer): string;
+ function GetClass(idx: Integer): TClass;
+ property IndexOf [const st : string; cls : TClass] : Integer read GetIndexOf;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Associate (const st : string; cls : TClass);
+ procedure DisAssociate (const st : string; cls : TClass);
+ function FindStringFor (cls : TClass) : string;
+ function FindClassFor (const st : string) : TClass;
+ property Count : Integer read GetCount;
+ property Strings [idx : Integer] : string read GetString;
+ property Classes [idx : Integer] : TClass read GetClass;
+TObjectProcessorState = (opsIdle, opsBusy);
+TObjectProcessor = class (TThread)
+ fSync : TCriticalSection;
+ fSignal : TEvent;
+ fObjects : TObjectList;
+ fState : TObjectProcessorState;
+ procedure SetOwnsObjects(const Value: boolean);
+ function GetOwnsObjects: boolean;
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ procedure Reset (obj : TObject); virtual;
+ procedure Process (obj : TObject); virtual;
+ procedure ObjectsProcessed; virtual;
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Terminate;
+ procedure AddObjectToQueue (obj : TObject);
+ property OwnsObjects : boolean read GetOwnsObjects write SetOwnsObjects;
+ property State : TObjectProcessorState read fState;
+ property Count : Integer read GetCount;
+TLog = class
+ fLock : TCriticalSection;
+ fStrings : TStrings;
+ fLocked : boolean;
+ fInLock : boolean;
+ fCapacity: Integer;
+ procedure Init;
+ procedure Lock;
+ procedure LimitCapacity;
+ function GetStrings(idx: Integer): string;
+ procedure SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ function LockGetCount : Integer;
+ procedure Add (const st : string);
+ procedure Clear;
+ procedure Unlock;
+ property Capacity : Integer read fCapacity write SetCapacity;
+ property Strings [idx : Integer] : string read GetStrings;
+{ TObjectCache }
+ | TObjectCache.Add |
+ | |
+ | Add an object to the cache. |
+ | |
+ | Note that the cache capacity will automatically be increased if |
+ | it is full, and no objects can be removed (see the CanRemove method) |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | AObject: TObject The object to add |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TObjectCache.Add(AObject: TObject);
+ idx, c : Integer;
+ b : boolean;
+ idx := IndexOfObject (AObject);
+ if idx = 0 then // Already in the cache at the front
+ begin
+ if OwnsObjects then
+ AObject.Free;
+ Exit
+ end;
+ if idx = -1 then
+ begin // Not already in cache. Add it.
+ b := False;
+ c := fObjects.Count;
+ while c >= fOrigCapacity do
+ begin // There's not room. Remove old objects (if we're allowed)
+ repeat // Try to get back to the original capacity if it's been
+ Dec (c); // exceeded.
+ if CanRemove (fObjects [c]) then
+ begin
+ fObjects.Delete(c);
+ b := True
+ end
+ until b or (c = 0);
+ end;
+ if b then // Shrink the cache if it's bulged.
+ if fObjects.Capacity > fOrigCapacity then
+ if fObjects.Count < fOrigCapacity then
+ fObjects.Capacity := fOrigCapacity;
+ if fObjects.Capacity = fObjects.Count then // Bulge the cache
+ fObjects.Capacity := fObjects.Capacity + 1;
+ fObjects.Insert (0, AObject)
+ end
+ else // The object was already in the cache. So bring it to
+ begin // the front
+ BringToFrontObject (idx);
+ if OwnsObjects then
+ AObject.Free
+ end
+ | procedure TObjectCache.BringToFrontObject |
+ | |
+ | Bring object 'idx' to the front of the cache. |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | idx: Integer // Index of the object to bring to the front. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TObjectCache.BringToFrontObject(idx: Integer);
+ b : boolean;
+ obj : TObject;
+ if (idx > 0) then
+ begin
+ obj := fObjects [idx];
+ b := OwnsObjects;
+ OwnsObjects := False; // Temporarily turn off 'owns objects' so we
+ try // can delete and reinsert safely.
+ fObjects.Delete (idx);
+ fObjects.Insert (0, obj)
+ finally
+ OwnsObjects := b
+ end
+ end
+ | TObjectCache.CanRemove |
+ | |
+ | Override this to prevent objects from being removed from the cache |
+ | - maybe because another reference to the object still exists. |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | AObject: TObject The object to test |
+ | |
+ | The function returns True if the object can be safely removed. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.CanRemove(AObject: TObject) : boolean;
+ result := True
+ | procedure TObjectCache.Clear |
+ | |
+ | Clear the cache - or as much of it as can safely be cleared. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TObjectCache.Clear;
+ i : Integer;
+ i := 0;
+ while i < fObjects.Count do
+ if CanRemove (fObjects [i]) then
+ fObjects.Delete(i)
+ else
+ Inc (i)
+ | constructor TObjectCache.Create |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+constructor TObjectCache.Create(ACapacity : Integer; OwnsObjects : boolean);
+ fObjects := TObjectList.Create (OwnsObjects);
+ fOrigCapacity := ACapacity;
+ fObjects.Capacity := ACapacity;
+ | destructor TObjectCache.Destroy |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+destructor TObjectCache.Destroy;
+ fObjects.Free;
+ inherited;
+ | function TObjectCache.Extract |
+ | |
+ | Extract an object from the cache. |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | AObject: TObject The object to extract |
+ | |
+ | The function returns the extracted object. nb. Even if OwnsObjects |
+ | true, the object is *not* deleted |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.Extract(AObject: TObject) : TObject;
+ result := fObjects.Extract(AObject)
+ | function TObjectCache.ForEach |
+ | |
+ | Call 'proc' for each object in the cache |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | proc: TObjectCacheProc procedure to call |
+ | param : Integer User parameter to pass to the procedure |
+ | |
+ | The function returns the object that caused 'proc' to return with |
+ | 'continue=False'. You can use this eg. to search the cache. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.ForEach(proc: TObjectCacheProc; param : Integer) : TObject;
+ i : Integer;
+ continue : boolean;
+ i := 0;
+ continue := True;
+ while continue and (i < fObjects.Count) do
+ begin
+ proc (fObjects [i], i, param, continue);
+ if continue then
+ Inc (i)
+ end;
+ if not continue then
+ result := fObjects [i]
+ else
+ result := Nil
+ | function TObjectCache.ForEachIdx |
+ | |
+ | Call 'proc' for each object in the cache. nb. this differs from |
+ | ForEach only in the return value. |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | proc: TObjectCacheProc procedure to call |
+ | param : Integer User parameter to pass to the procedure |
+ | |
+ | The function returns the index of the object that caused 'proc' |
+ | to return with 'continue=False'. You can use this eg. to search the |
+ | cache. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.ForEachIdx(proc: TObjectCacheProc;
+ param: Integer): Integer;
+ i : Integer;
+ continue : boolean;
+ i := 0;
+ continue := True;
+ while continue and (i < fObjects.Count) do
+ begin
+ proc (fObjects [i], i, param, continue);
+ if continue then
+ Inc (i)
+ end;
+ if not continue then
+ result := i
+ else
+ result := -1
+ | function TObjectCache.GetCapacity |
+ | |
+ | Return the (preferred) capacity of the cache. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.GetCapacity: Integer;
+ result := fOrigCapacity
+ | function TObjectCache.GetCount |
+ | |
+ | Returns the number of cached objects |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.GetCount: Integer;
+ result := fObjects.Count;
+ | function TObjectCache.GetOwnsObjects |
+ | |
+ | Returns the 'OwnsObjects' state of the cache. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.GetOwnsObjects: boolean;
+ result := fObjects.OwnsObjects;
+ | function TObjectCache.IndexOfObject |
+ | |
+ | Returns the index of an object in the cache |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.IndexOfObject(AObject: TObject): Integer;
+ i, c : Integer;
+ result := -1;
+ c := fObjects.Count;
+ for i := 0 to c - 1 do
+ if Matches (fObjects [i], AObject) then
+ begin
+ result := i;
+ break
+ end;
+ | function TObjectCache.Matches |
+ | |
+ | Return 'True' if ObjA matches ObB. Override this to provide more |
+ | complicated matching of objects. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.Matches(ObjA, ObjB: TObject): boolean;
+ result := ObjA = ObjB;
+ | function TObjectCache.ObjectAt |
+ | |
+ | Return the idx'th object in the cache |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.ObjectAt(idx: Integer): TObject;
+ result := fObjects [idx]
+ | procedure TObjectCache.Remove |
+ | |
+ | Remove an object from the cache. nb. Even if OwnsObjects is True |
+ | the object isn't deleted. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TObjectCache.Pop: TObject;
+ if Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ result := fObjects [0];
+ Extract (result)
+ end
+ else
+ result := Nil
+ | TObjectCache.Push |
+ | |
+ | Alias for 'Add' - see above. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TObjectCache.Push(AObject: TObject);
+ Add (AObject);
+ | procedure TObjectCache.Remove |
+ | |
+ | Remove an object from the cache |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TObjectCache.Remove(AObject: TObject);
+ if (fObjects.Count > 0) and CanRemove (AObject) then
+ fObjects.Remove(AObject)
+ | prcoedure TObjectCache.SetCapacity |
+ | |
+ | Set the (preferred) capacity of the cache |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TObjectCache.SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> fOrigCapacity then
+ begin
+ while fObjects.Count > Value do
+ fObjects.Delete(fObjects.Count - 1);
+ fObjects.Capacity := Value;
+ fOrigCapacity := Value
+ end
+ | procedure TObjectCache.SetOwnsObjects |
+ | |
+ | If 'OwnsObjects' is true, the object cache assumes responsibility |
+ | for deleting objects added to it (with Add or Push). Whenever |
+ | objects are removed from the cache, either with 'Remove' or because |
+ | the cache overflowed, the get deleted (freed). |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TObjectCache.SetOwnsObjects(const Value: boolean);
+ fObjects.OwnsObjects := Value
+{ TClassAssociations }
+// TClassAssociations allows you to associate a class with another class.
+// eg. you could associate a TGraphicsForm with TGraphic, etc.
+// TClassAssociations support inheritance, so as TIcon derives from
+// TGraphic, then TGraphicsForm will be returned for TIcon - unless a
+// separate TIconForm is registered for TIcon.
+ | TClassAssociations.Associate |
+ | |
+ | Associate ClassA with ClassB |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | classA, classB: TClass The classes to associate |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TClassAssociations.Associate(classA, classB: TClass);
+ i : Integer;
+ i := IndexOf [classA, classB];
+ if i = -1 then
+ fAssociations.Insert(0, TClassAssociation.Create(classA, classB));
+ | constructor TClassAssociations.Create |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+constructor TClassAssociations.Create;
+ fAssociations := TObjectList.Create;
+ | destructor TClassAssociations.Destroy |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+destructor TClassAssociations.Destroy;
+ fAssociations.Free;
+ inherited;
+ | procedure TClassAssociations.DisAssociate |
+ | |
+ | Remove the association between classA and classB |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+procedure TClassAssociations.DisAssociate(classA, classB: TClass);
+ idx : Integer;
+ idx := IndexOf [classA, classB];
+ if idx >= 0 then
+ fAssociations.Delete(idx);
+ | TClassAssociations.FindClassAFor |
+ | |
+ | eg. FindClassAFor (TGraphicsForm) will return TGraphic. Note that |
+ | this way round there is no inheritance. There's either an |
+ | association or there's not. |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | classB: TClass The ClassB to find. |
+ | |
+ | The function returns the classA that matches classB |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TClassAssociations.FindClassAFor(classB: TClass): TClass;
+ idx : Integer;
+ idx := IndexOfClassB [classB];
+ if idx >= 0 then
+ result := Association [idx].ClassA
+ else
+ result := Nil
+ | function TClassAssociations.FindClassBFor |
+ | |
+ | eg. FindClassAFor (TGraphic) will return TGraphicForm. |
+ | |
+ | nb. this supports inheritance, so as TIcon derives from TGraphic, |
+ | TGraphicsForm will be returned for TIcon - unless a separate |
+ | TIconForm is registered for TIcon. |
+ | |
+ | Parameters: |
+ | classA: TClass The ClassA to find |
+ | |
+ | The function returns the classB that matches classA. If no match is |
+ | found, classA's Ancestor classes are searched too. |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TClassAssociations.FindClassBFor(classA: TClass): TClass;
+ idx : Integer;
+ idx := IndexOfClassA [classA];
+ if idx >= 0 then
+ result := Association [idx].ClassB
+ else
+ result := Nil
+ | function TClassAssociations.GetAssociation |
+ | |
+ | 'Get' method for Association property |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TClassAssociations.GetAssociation(
+ idx: Integer): TClassAssociation;
+ result := TClassAssociation (fAssociations [idx]);
+ | function TClassAssociations.GetCount |
+ | |
+ | 'Get' method for Count property |
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+function TClassAssociations.GetCount: Integer;
+ result := fAssociations.Count;
+function TClassAssociations.GetIndexOf(classA, classB: TClass): Integer;
+ i : Integer;
+ ass : TClassAssociation;
+ result := -1;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ass := Association [i];
+ if (ass.ClassA = classA) and (ass.ClassB = classB) then
+ begin
+ result := i;
+ break
+ end
+ end
+function TClassAssociations.GetIndexOfClassA(classA: TClass): Integer;
+ i : Integer;
+ ass : TClassAssociation;
+ result := -1;
+ while (result = -1) and Assigned (classA) do
+ begin
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ass := Association [i];
+ if ass.ClassA = classA then
+ begin
+ result := i;
+ break
+ end
+ end;
+ if result = -1 then
+ classA := classA.ClassParent
+ end
+function TClassAssociations.GetIndexOfClassB(classB: TClass): Integer;
+ i : Integer;
+ ass : TClassAssociation;
+ result := -1;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ ass := Association [i];
+ if ass.ClassB = classB then
+ begin
+ result := i;
+ break
+ end
+ end
+{ TClassAssociation }
+constructor TClassAssociation.Create(AClassA, AClassB: TClass);
+ fClassA := AClassA;
+ fClassB := AClassB
+{ TClassStringAssociations }
+procedure TClassStringAssociations.Associate(const st: string; cls: TClass);
+ i : Integer;
+ i := IndexOf [st, cls];
+ if i = -1 then
+ fAssociations.InsertObject (0, st, TObject (cls))
+constructor TClassStringAssociations.Create;
+ fAssociations := TStringList.Create;
+destructor TClassStringAssociations.Destroy;
+ fAssociations.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TClassStringAssociations.DisAssociate(const st: string;
+ cls: TClass);
+ idx : Integer;
+ idx := IndexOf [st, cls];
+ if idx >= 0 then
+ fAssociations.Delete(idx);
+function TClassStringAssociations.FindClassFor(const st: string): TClass;
+ idx : Integer;
+ idx := fAssociations.IndexOf (st);
+ if idx >= 0 then
+ result := TClass (fAssociations.Objects [idx])
+ else
+ result := Nil
+function TClassStringAssociations.FindStringFor(cls: TClass): string;
+ i : Integer;
+ result := '';
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if TClass (fAssociations.Objects [i]) = cls then
+ begin
+ result := fAssociations [i];
+ break
+ end
+function TClassStringAssociations.GetClass(idx: Integer): TClass;
+ result := TClass (fAssociations.Objects [idx])
+function TClassStringAssociations.GetCount: Integer;
+ result := fAssociations.Count
+function TClassStringAssociations.GetIndexOf(const st: string;
+ cls: TClass): Integer;
+ i : Integer;
+ result := -1;
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if (fAssociations.Objects [i] = TObject (cls)) and SameText (st, fAssociations [i]) then
+ begin
+ result := i;
+ break
+ end
+function TClassStringAssociations.GetString(idx: Integer): string;
+ result := fAssociations [idx];
+{ TObjectProcessor }
+procedure TObjectProcessor.AddObjectToQueue(obj: TObject);
+ fSync.Enter;
+ try
+ fObjects.Add(obj);
+ if fState = opsIdle then
+ fSignal.SetEvent;
+ finally
+ fSync.Leave
+ end
+procedure TObjectProcessor.Clear;
+ i : Integer;
+ fSync.Enter;
+ try
+ for i := 0 to fObjects.Count - 1 do
+ Reset (fObjects [i]);
+ fObjects.Clear;
+ finally
+ fSync.Leave
+ end
+constructor TObjectProcessor.Create;
+ fSync := TCriticalSection.Create;
+ fSignal := TEvent.Create (Nil, false, false, '');
+ fObjects := TObjectList.Create;
+ fObjects.OwnsObjects := False;
+ inherited Create (false);
+destructor TObjectProcessor.Destroy;
+ fSync.Free;
+ fSignal.Free;
+ inherited;
+procedure TObjectProcessor.Execute;
+ while not Terminated do
+ begin
+ try
+ if fObjects.Count = 0 then
+ fSignal.WaitFor(INFINITE);
+ fState := opsBusy;
+ try
+ while not Terminated and (fObjects.Count > 0) do
+ begin
+ fSync.Enter;
+ try
+ if fObjects.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ Process (fObjects [0]);
+ fObjects.Delete(0)
+ end
+ finally
+ fSync.Leave
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not Terminated then
+ ObjectsProcessed;
+ finally
+ fState := opsIdle
+ end
+ except
+ try
+ Clear
+ except
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function TObjectProcessor.GetCount: Integer;
+ result := fObjects.Count
+function TObjectProcessor.GetOwnsObjects: boolean;
+ result := fObjects.OwnsObjects
+procedure TObjectProcessor.ObjectsProcessed;
+// Stub - called when a batch of objects has been processed
+procedure TObjectProcessor.Process(obj: TObject);
+// Stub - called to process each object
+procedure TObjectProcessor.Reset(obj: TObject);
+// Stub - called when un-processed objects are removed from the queue (by Clear)
+procedure TObjectProcessor.SetOwnsObjects(const Value: boolean);
+ fObjects.OwnsObjects := Value
+procedure TObjectProcessor.Terminate;
+ Clear;
+ inherited Terminate;
+ fSignal.SetEvent;
+ WaitFor
+{ TLog }
+procedure TLog.Add(const st: string);
+ Lock;
+ try
+ fStrings.Add(st);
+ LimitCapacity
+ finally
+ Unlock
+ end
+procedure TLog.Clear;
+ Lock;
+ try
+ fStrings.Clear
+ finally
+ Unlock
+ end
+destructor TLog.Destroy;
+ fLock.Free;
+ fStrings.Free;
+ inherited;
+function TLog.GetStrings(idx: Integer): string;
+ if not fLocked then
+ raise Exception.Create ('Must call LockGetCount');
+ result := fStrings [idx];
+procedure TLog.Init;
+ if not Assigned (fStrings) then
+ fStrings := TStringList.Create;
+ if not Assigned (fLock) then
+ fLock := TCriticalSection.Create;
+procedure TLog.LimitCapacity;
+ needLock : boolean;
+ if fCapacity < 1 then
+ Exit;
+ needLock := not fInLock;
+ if needLock then
+ Lock;
+ try
+ while fStrings.Count > fCapacity do
+ fStrings.Delete(0);
+ finally
+ if needLock then
+ Unlock
+ end
+procedure TLog.Lock;
+ Init;
+ fLock.Enter;
+ fInLock := True;
+function TLog.LockGetCount: Integer;
+ Lock;
+ fLocked := True;
+ result := fStrings.Count
+procedure TLog.SetCapacity(const Value: Integer);
+ if Value <> fCapacity then
+ begin
+ fCapacity := Value;
+ LimitCapacity
+ end
+procedure TLog.Unlock;
+ fLock.Leave;
+ fLocked := False;
+ fInLock := False;