Progress Report
May 2018. Started using code from Forex experiments focusing on Ibovespa stocks specially PETR4 for day-trade robot.
- Learned how to download stock using Metatrader 5 in .csv format.
- Using 60 minutes shift in time and ideas from Russian post on Metatrader started testing with Petrobras. Used 8 symbols code is
- Wrote misleading code to make backtesting using ExtraTreeClassifier from sktlearn
- Time for backtesting was too slow (altough I was using multithreading) so I decided to test Tensorflow aiming GPU boost.
- Wrote script ( DownloadRates.mq5 ) for downloading ibovespa stocks data using Metatrader 5 (1 minute time frame) and converting it to pandas dataframe ( ).
- Tensorflow was fast but Pytorch was easier and cleaner so I moved ( ).
- Created a efficient fast backtesting engine backtesting.pyx (1 minute time-frame) in Cython - checked against Metatrader 5 backtesting tool.
- Results were promissing with 120 minutes time shift and local models using past 1 week data.
- Wrote ExpertAdvisor.mq5 . Backtesting inside Metatrader 5 results were increadible using predictions file. Also wrote to create predictions to advisor in real time.
- When backtesting on Rico Hedge Demo Account found the biggest errors of all, predictions created by pytorch code were shift in time to the past 120 minutes. So results were wrong! Need to study a mathematical model that works (P1, P10, P50, acceptable) for prediction.
September 2018. Starting again.
Lessons learned: • Progress Report: Data science somewhere stated that 20% time should be used documenting. • Write good unit tests, specially testing time of prediction. Use Python 3 API. • Don't spend much time with prototype notebooks. That means you are losing focus and objective. Instead write python modules from notebooks using the knowledge learned.
Table of Definitions  Algorithm trading pillars are:
- Mathematical model (if used)
- Trading strategy (stop-loss-gain size, time, trailing stop etc.)
- Pytorch NN Global Model - Wrote code to fit global NN on 5 years data using 1:30 hours shift. Removed samples overlapping days, 90 minutes in the morning and 90 minutes before session end - avoiding contamination between days assumption for day trade. Trained with 1 year and tested on the next 6 months. After training 66/33 with cross-validation 30 samples P50 accuracy is 56%.
• [x] Write class to train model BinaryNN
• [x] Decent Early Stopping (with patiance default 5 epochs ignoring variances in loss less than 0.05%)
• [x] Cross-validate model (K-fold). Test sklearn K-fold. Cannot use K-fold because cannot use future to train model.
• [x] Also tested train_test_split from sklearn but it cannot be used for the same reason, mixing future with past when training the model.
Quotting article Random-testtrain-split-is-not-always-enough.
• [x] Wrote indexSequentialFolds to create folds for cross-validate the model, following the name no future-past mixing.
• [x] Wrote draft of cross-validation function using sequential-folds.
• [ ] Backtest 6 months predictions of global model.
• [ ] Try to tune backtesting parameters like stop time etc.
• [x] Is P50:56% accuracy enough for profiting? Not with the actual set-up of trade?
• [ ] What accuracy pdf should my model produce so I can profit?
- Too many degrees of freedom, too many variables to explore. Random-search (gut instinct is random?) has proved to be a good tool for parameter optimization. Furthermore I have no other way to decide which path is better. Vai na raça!
• [ ] Sensibility Analyses and Optimal Parameters for lagged EMA Binary Strategy.
• Direction decision is based on the majority (sum) of the future predicted minutes.
• What is the sensibility to wrong predictions for this EMA trend strategy?
• What accuracy should a forecast model have to use this strategy?
• What are the optimal parameters for using this strategy?
• Prototype: What direction - Ema trend up-down.ipynb .
• [x] Ported backtestEngine to numba. Easier and cleaner.
• [x] Created EstrategyTester class.
• [x] Random Grid Search for optimal parameters lag time , clip percentage (decision) , min. profit , expected. variation
• [x] Run ~2000 simulations with scenarios of 1 month, capital of 50k, 10 orders per day max., 2 orders per hours max. Assuming 3% frequency appearance of entry points by the forecast model.
• [x] Varying variables have uniform distributions: lag=[60, 180], clip=[0.66, 0.96], var=[0.005, 0.025], minprofit=[70, 600]
• [x] Saved metric variables: money[p0, p1, p50], accuracy,
• [x] First evaluation variable to sort results: eval=3acc+2p0+p10+p50+(1.-minprofit/max(minprofit))
• [x] Mixed random noise with correct binary direction to analyze what's the needed accuracy for a NN Model.
• Assuming adding 30% random (wrong) directions, for example, corresponds to a model with a p50 of 70% of accuracy. Don't know how to approach it better.
• [x] Discussion. I missed to save profit and average number of orders per day. Chosen parameters were producing too few predictions per day and low profit. Evaluation variable used doesn't account for profit. Not considering effect of wrong predictions during scenarios.
• [x] Implement better reward-to-variability ratio than sharp and suitable for algorithm evaluation in month, week etc scenario. To compare to risk-free, like CDI/SELIC, investment. Sortino adapted to linear interest rate growth sortina with numba.
• [x] Changed way expected variation (average volatility expected) is used to make stop/loss and stop/gain. Included reward-to-risk as a parameter in the Simulator default rwr=3 , stop=exvar/rwr , gain=exvar .
• [x] Random Grid Search for optimal parameters lag time , clip percentage (decision) , min. profit , expected. variation , reward-to-risk-ratio
• [x] Run ~6000 simulations same as above.
• [x] Additional variables varying: rwr=[2, 7], rand=[0.05, 0.40] (wrong predictions). Changed exvar=[0.01, 0.07], minprofit=[300, 4300]
• [x] Additional metric variables saved: final profit, average orders per day, sortino-adapted sortina
• [x] Evaluation based only on bucketized sortina variable. Using seaborn factorplot due very spreaded variable space.
• [x] Tunned parameters. clip < 0.8; mprof >> (as high as possible); exvar > 0.05; lag < 90; rand < 20% or NN acc > 80%. Choosen: clip 0.73, lag 71, exvar 0.05, mprof 1800. Ignored reward-risk-ratio not possible to find a best.
• Too high lag values gave bad profit. Too high: mprof made a lot of nans, not enough money to make an order; clip, not sufficient entry points; lag, not sufficient entry points;
• [x] Discussion. If you observe that in all cases simulated 60%++ of data is correct or more, it is almost abvious that the more money ( mprof ) or greater tolerance you have on stop loss ( exvar ) the more money you will make. Reward-risk-ratio can be ignored since the backtest engine probably closed the vast majority of orders by time. Interesting that 1800 gives an ~ 1.6% risk appetite for 50k capital.
• [x] Screening better over these parameters including even 40% of wrong directions (90k scenarios) proved very profitable. Percentiles of profit: p0: 0.03, p1: 0.04, p10: 0.067, p50: 0.134118. Always profitable exactly what we want!
Pytorch NN Local Models Assuming P50 56% validation accuracy isn't enough for proffiting. Did some tests moving from Global to Local models. Using a week to predict 90 minutes. Made some cross-validations using the draft code above, but added additional samples with size of prediction vector (90 minutes) to check accuracy of model just after the validation-set, simulating "future" data when on real-world use. Models were trainned, and a fine-tune on the model was done. Models were trained using all the samples available without a validation-set to supervise but for very few epochs. Idea is to displace the weights just a little bit using the most recent data available. Preliminar results suggests that's a promising methodology. To divide good from bad models (entry points) the best result found was using an 'average' of trainging and validation accuracies avg = np.sqrt(score0*score1) Parameters : [ntrain= 4 60 5 week, ntest = 90 1 30 hours, nacc = 90 1 30 hours, finetunning 3 epochs]. Final results were ~ : p0 0.70 p1 0.70 p10 0.76 p50 0.90 p90 0.95. for avg > 0.93/94 with 1.5% showing frequency on ~1600 simulations ~3.5 per day.
Risk, leverage and number of stocks to buy/sell. Quoting Quora answer about How-do-I-reduce-losses-in-day-trading-of-stocks.
• [x] The formula for number of stocks did not used risk-appetite but minimal profit. That do not account for capital and the default settings for a 50k capital was a risk-appetite really low of 0.2%. Probably that is the reason for having so low profit even when accuracy was above 50% on many past experiments. I've seen algorithms with accuracy reported on Infomoney of 48% or less being profitable by having a 3:1 or more risk-to-reward rate. Also if could not achieve the defined minprofit order wasn't made. Need to change code to use a risk-appetite riskap in decimal and capital to define number of stocks. Low volatility causing low profit should be dealt separately.
- Understand better the simulator. Don't know how it performs with 20% or 70% correct entries.
• [ ] Write test case for Simulator using some of the EMA trend on real data.
• [ ] Analyze Simulator sensibility to risk-appetite, reward-risk-ratio and expected-variation.
Todo: Implement candle pattern next-day predictor. Implement next day prediction up or down based on 1 century historical data. Remember to set to unknown class classified with less than 0.6 certainty. Probably not an up or an down.
- Implemented and got preliminary results using dow-jones one century of historical daily Open, High, Low, Close and Volume. The data preparation I describe bellow:
- Removed nan values or all equal O, H, L, C values.
- 'Corrected' inflation by applying log function on all.
- 'Corrected' the noise effects, 'long wave-lengths'. What I don't care are monthly, yearly time-scale variations of price by removing a EMA of 2 days. I am only interested on daily to 1 days price variations.
- Calculated Up or Down binary class based on the Close price. 4.1 Also use another class that was the up/down of the difference to the SMA. I calculated the SMA for 2 days over Close Price. Calculated the residues by removing the Close prices from it. If the residues[i+1] > residues[i] -> class 1. If the residues[i+1] <= residues[i] -> class 0
- Scaled that with
clipping (10%, 90%) already creates mean 0. and stdev 1. - Made feature vector using 21 previous days and concatenating it with a total size of 21*5.
- Create target vector/class with the following day residues direction 1 or 0.
- Trainned Torch binary classifier with different scenarios:
- 3 to 6 layers
- 1024 to 200 neurons in each layer
- 10, 12, 5 years for training
- 1 year, 6 months for validation
- different start year/month/day for each training/validation window
- Many tests with different parameters: patience, learning rate, optimizer, gamma, number of epochs.
- Results averaged from 48% to 56% on training set. As expected. There is no such thing as a candle pattern.
- Tried to use a cut-off to overcome the problem of having an unprobable prediction, too close to 0.5 for class 0 or 1. Results are not clear need to test more.
- Need to properly cross-validade it and maybe do a grid-search for parameters, network topology, number of previous days to use etc. Need also focus on the recent years data.
- Need to test if this works for Petrobras 2000 to 2018 data I have. Or Bovespa from 1993 to today from Metatrader 5.
- New tests using EMA of 2/3 days and 21 previous has given an average from 48 to 56% of accuracy on the validation set. Now using
since it already clips outliers. - Conclusion again: There is no such thing as a candle pattern!
After some tentatives found better use WIN future contracts with 1-2 hours time-frame, corrected by discount downloaded with Metatrader 5. Altough data just from 2013, very realiable and exactly what I want to operate with real money.
Pytorch NN Global - Candle Pattern - WIN.ipynb
- Found similar results (48-56% accuracy) as above, best using 2 hours SMA.
- Note: depending on the window/fold size, training and validation samples different results can be achieved in the cross-validation. Also when prediction further ahead of the window/fold the accuracy also varies a lot. It seams that farther from the fold window worse is the prediction accuracy. That need to be better understood.
- Using 5 years for training set and 0.9 ratio for validation, ~ 132 days. I run CV on entire data-set using local classifiers with [256, 256, 256, 32] layers-neurons, drop-out 0.55, learn rate 1e-3, patiance 10. Training with 5 epochs, batch size 32, scoring in 0.5 epochs, gama 0.92.
- Predicted the next hour direction accuracy using cutoff(clip) on probabilities of 0.85 and without cutoff.
- Evaluating also with local model cross-validation, training scores using 'model score = sqrt(acc train*acc valid)' had a pearson of 0.23 (weak positive correlation) on the unclipped version averaged by week accuracy. But yeat using a threadshould (based on the joint-plot kde).
- Made another experiment. Using 2 months for training and ~4 days for validation for local classifiers. I run CV on the entire data-set using local classifiers with same parameters as in 1 and 2.
- Dicussion: That must be studied better. Separate good from bad predictions for define entry points are not that easy. I believe there must be used more inputs! Besides that param GridSearchCV would be helpfull.
Open Question - For the above two points cannot understand why random data gives better results 60% or 85% of training and validation of simple NN than correct data set. Something is wrong with data preparation I believe but could not close this question for certain. The answer maybe should deserve a topic.
- The explanation is over-fitting. The number of parameters on the model is much greater than the number of training samples. Neural Networks are yet very powerful with the use of regularization such as drop-out, early-stop etc but in this specific case the regularization were not being effective that's why accuracies so high on training and validation due over fitting. Increasing drop-out probability in between layers or decreasing the number of neurons by lays both make accuracy decrease. Awesome post about the topic on stats stackexchange
- The explanation is over-fitting. The number of parameters on the model is much greater than the number of training samples. Neural Networks are yet very powerful with the use of regularization such as drop-out, early-stop etc but in this specific case the regularization were not being effective that's why accuracies so high on training and validation due over fitting. Increasing drop-out probability in between layers or decreasing the number of neurons by lays both make accuracy decrease. Awesome post about the topic on stats stackexchange
Highlighted Thoughts for Binary NN forecast of day, minutes or hours
• Generalization of the general parameters for the Model can be done by cross-validation on sequential folds.
• Training accuracy can also be used to divide which predictions are best. Although you can have a high accuracy on validation-set it is possible to have low accuracy on training due early stopping or randomness.
• [ ] Calculate entropy of data to assist division of bad and good predictions. Low entropy is bad?
• [ ] Hyperperameter random? GridSearchCV for number layers, train size, train-score ratio, fine-tune nepochs, classifier nepochs for start fix 90 minutes for accuracy. That will guide less overfiting and too many parameters on model and others. Fundamental!
• [x] Create method fineTune to train the model without validation-set and early-stop control.
• [ ] Maybe changing how orders are placed, stop/loss, reduction, move stop/loss up, could improve accuracy.
Need to backtest on Metatrader 5 the best results found above. Altough I could try to backtest on my engine that would not work well for the 2H time-frame, stop-loss would be hitted too often and unrealistically.
Rewrite backtest engine to support callback function on event
making it support whatever time-frame of historical data. Also need to uncouple the predictions vector leting it be in whatever time-frame.
- The algorithm is based on classification of signals on bollinger bands. Using historical data first we analyze if there is a buy or sell signal from the bollinger band, a hold signal (no-buy nor-sell) we classify as class-0. Then we analyze if that buy signal and subsequent sell signal really made profit. If they did they are really buy and sell signals and are classified accordingly with 1, 2 classes, otherwise they are classified as hold 0. The set-up of the algorithm is only for long positions but I made tests changing to short positions.
- Translate code for Saulo's free course is given in
- Prototypes are
Sklearn Saulo Daimon WIN
andSklearn Saulo WIN
. - Code was entirely reorganized and
daemon was created.
Milestone : predictions were contaminated by future, had to start again. Precision for class 1 of 90% were far too much.
Restarted testing real precision of classifier without future contamination. Bellow a summary of parameters test with a data window of 300 for training and making 30k random predictions on the entire data available for different symbols. 30k upon analysis seams to be the required amount of samples to not have a biased estimate of the precision probability distribution, even with a 2% percent
. -
Random Forest don't need standardization. Decisions trees are like that. So removed that. Side effect
started to work o jupyter notebook cell on Windows. Another side effect it's running much faster and allows now a very small window of data. -
need to calculate number of possible scenarios based on data window.
Random Search of params What best gives precision on class 1
are crossing signals ajdusted for correct class (hold or buy or sell)bbwindow
size of second bb window. Others are multiples e. g. [ 21, 21x0.5=10, 21x1.5=31, 21x2=42 etc ]batchn
number of previous samples of a signal that are used to assembly the feature X vector for training.precision
is the multiclass precision of class 1
need to update this table here precision is not right due low number of samples
batchn | nbands | bbwindow | tsignals | precision | clip-pb. |
21 | 6 | 21 | 90 | 29% | |
21 | 6 | 21 | 80 | 41% | |
21 | 6 | 21 | 84 | 45% | |
21 | 3 | 21 | 36 | 48% | |
32 | 6 | 16 | 84 | 42% | 50% |
Unfortunantly nothing above 50% has more than 1 entry per day.
used a threadshould of 0.56 otherwise there would not be predictions. -
Made a little effort for cross-validate the model before predicting. Not very encouraging.
Implement bollinger bands class with only 2 classes
Things to do
- create a adequate metric to evaluate predictions quality specially focusing on class 1. Maybe use precision of class 1 is easier.
- classify somehow with cross-validation the quality of the model
- make a adequate grid-search of params using a suitable metric
- verify if that metric for model-quality can be used to classify good from bad predictions.
- certify the implementation of close by time in metatrader 5. Its not a big problem due stop-loss based on stdev working.
- fix mql5 code not executing predictions. Be carefull in what symbol you use for testing, that was the problem.
- make metatrader backtest on data from real daemon jupyter notebook predictions.
- Set stop and gain in WIN points. Using Standard Deviation (sigma) of last 60 minutes to set stop as 3sigma (percentil 89%) and stop gain as 3sigma*1.25.
- Implemented trailing stop based on EMA variation on last 5 minutes. If ema5 now is bigger than in the last minute. Use that difference to increment the stop-loss and stop-profit.
Learning to remember: Lost 20k due no stop loss and not sure that prediction was good.
Milestone : try Simple or Naive Strategies since many people with non-mathematical background reported (on-media) profit with robots
- Implemented
based onprototypes\Numpy Naive Buy - WIN
using pattern of 5 minutes up trend before to buy and surf on the uptrend. Made backtest on metatrader 5 and it's clear that you cannot garantee that will buy on theOpen
and sell on theOpen
using the close by time is clearly otherwise. The metatrader 5 backtesting engine is really robust using 1 minute data OHLC to create aproximated Tick's using bar patterns. The accuracy went from 90% to 45% on real backtesting on metatrader 5. So better really use worst case buy scenario on a 1 minute backtesting enginebuy on high and sell on low
. Another conclusion a new backtest engine based on ticks would help not waste time tasting naive strategies.
-[ ] Implement NaiveSupports
based on volume at price using Gaussian Mixture Models. Use maximum data of 21-days for support and resistences calculation. Calculate supports and resistences at every 5 minutes? and place stop or limit orders accordingly. Should use Additionally maybe should consider using bigger positions where the trajectory is clear and small positions were there are many support and resistences close-by.
One pillar of algorithm trading is the Trading strategy and without a realiable backtest engine nothing can be done about that. Many results above point to the need of a more realistic backtest engine supported by Python. The reason is because writting code im mql5 every-time I think in a new strategy is just impossible.
- New engine works in Hedge Mode and supports
Buy Stop
andSell Stop
orders - Implement
Buy Limit
andSell Limit
and fixed wrong entries ofBuy Stop
andSell Stop
orders - Restric wrong params for pending orders
Buy Stop
,Sell Stop
,Buy Limit
andSell Limit
? - code in C library
compiled as shared library imported
code supporting build on Windows (*.dll
) or Linux (*.so
) -
access directly the global variables (in memory) exported by the shared library C code. That is done usingctypes
- old back-test engine were renamed as
since their reliability was questionable - refactor strategyTester old
- console program to make some unit tests
July 2019
- Implement
based on analysis that ~93% of gaps smaller than 230 points close forWIN@
mini-bovespa (prototypeGaps Closing Patterns - WIN
) Used 4 pivot points (R1, R2, S1 and S2) formula on each of the last 5 days and placed limit orders on support and resistances closer to the open-price. Limit orders where limited to 2 per gap. Metatrader 5 backtest gave first EA profitable with 8 expected pay-off and sharp of 0.08. Back-tested also withWIN@D
with similar results.- Gaps closing are based on daily emotion. Only instruments with high volume and/or number of players will have meaningfull gaps. Doesnt make much sense to play with stocks or instruments of low volume. The 11 more negotiated stocks (2018) are PETR4, VALE3, ITUB4, BBDC4, BBAS3, ABEV3, PETR3, B3SA3, SUZB3, GGBR4, MGLU3 (removing stocks of same company) those are Interesting for testing.
- Removed limit orders if gap is reached before they are triggered
- Built C++ dll from Armadillo library compiling with mingw targeting x86-64
- Wrote simple mql5 unit test script for Armadillo C++ library
wrapping - Remove support-resistances equal. Used unique function from Armadillo library "cpparm.dll"
- Wrote
trailing stop class based on the originalTrailingMA
. - Using Expertx class derived from Expert class. Much cleaner and reusable code.
- Use support and resistances based histograms of price. Did not improve results? Sharp, pay-off all went worse. It seams that you get too dependent on the previous days. Levels never reached will not be taking in to account. Might be good when market is trending up and down but not for all history?
- Included camarilla, fibonnacci support and resistances
- Code is eneric for any stock based on money amount for each entry
- Simple tested on PETR4 to WEGE3 (has very low beta with Bovespa) results very.
- Test include positions on gaps that are too bigger and will not close?
- NaiveGapExpert with reward-risk-ratio Reward-risk-ratio decimal input can be go from 0 or to inf. like 3/1 etc.
- Size of order are based on strength of resistance-support. Based on naive histogram of counts of pivots.
- Splitted histogram part in another expert.
. Operating only when swinging. Controlling now support or resistances too far. - Does 100s things. Including copying to correct metatrader expert agents paths all dll's, including blas and lapack armadillo libbrary dependencies and pythondll. Makes strategy tester automation of metatrader. Saves optimization parameters as
file. Implemented -optim
. - Use different stop-loss for each limit orders smaller?
- Just found trading today that resistances older than 5 days was reached. Maybe test using last 1 year of support and resistances and clip histogram by last 5 day min-max? Select wether use pivots or histogram of price based on market trending (swinging around previous prices) or not.
- Re-thinking ideas since the beginning I lost huge amount of time writting a back-test engine. That ended-up not being reliable and because it was in Python the backtest was very complicated to be reproduced on MQL5 - MT5. Many failures were due to wrong code porting. Although difficult writing everything on MQL5 the advantage that it can be readily deployed and all testes are in real operation environment. If anything is wrong it will be thousand times easier to figure out earlier. Due that I am not thinking on using those back-test engines anymore. Moving everything to mql5 that's the way. Finding the optimizer of parameter was the last drop for that decision. A big downside is the machine learning libraries but was solved bellow and even Sklearn and my all python codes can be used.
- On my deception tried to find other brokers and trader software with a Python API. The problem is that they don't cover Brazil and the usable ones (that also include futures) require USA citizenship.
- Now being able to build on Windows with vsbuildtools. Ready to use pybind11 seams much better than Roffild library.
- Wrote PythonDll (pythondlib.dll) can load and use python code on any expert (single thread limitation)
- Optimization can be done thorugh script for multiple symbols and it stores optimizer results as xml on 'mt5\optimization'
- Testes with entire history from 2014 results are in general good to impressive. The earlier the history data worse the performance, I bet is due AI being more and more incorporated.
- Backtesting is extremally sensible to the period used for testing. By using the optimizer it seams wise to use the latests years. Data from 4 years ago show results normally much better than recent years. The reasons seams be many but that force us to use more recent data. Since the recent data for some strategies is few (like gap strategies) it's better try backtesting on multiple symbols and analise the grouped the results? Use stocks is imperative since `ticksize` and `tickvalue` are equal. Some type of correction to use same ammount of money everytime will be needed, due the fact that each share have a different price. Let's use last one and half year as a standard. Also use foward option help not overfitting the parameter optimization. Let's use 1/3 as a default value.
- [x] Try use Sklearn for mean regression algo based on Gustavo's robot.
- [x] Working on simplified version using bollinger bands.
- Thinking about came to the conclusion that: The simplified version where one reversion is explored per band is a sub-set of the increasing orders version. To avoid re-work and to explore a larger and more robust algorithm let's change for 2 or 3 increase orders for starters.
- [ ] Create band-signals considering increasing orders at every other band break-out.
- [ ] Re-organize Progress file as back-log lasts first
- [x] Implement money based input for expert when buying stocks. `OrderSize` changed to money value in R$ in `NaiveGapExpert`
- [ ] Unload position in parts in case the gap gets closed deeper. Everybody does that on S&P500 futures, Dow etc.
- [ ] Use ARIMA `statsmodel` package to predict price every two hours per day.
Best thing ever since the beginning. Discuss everything I want to do. Because of it changed from minute bar.
- Money Bar based on ticks
- Everything implemented to work in seconds time-frame
- Implement buffer of ticks
- Implement talib C indicators
- Implement fractional differences indicator
- Everything implemented to work in seconds time-frame
- Verified that mt5 has problems with optimization when using
.- Every tick is useless
- volumes negotiated have nothing to-do with reality
- Every tick
- Creates non-sense volume ticks (do no respect the minvolume for the symbol)
- ask-bid flutuates crazily
- Every tick based on real ticks
- Volumes are correct but interpolates when there is any discrepancy
- Verified that I am using wrongly
checking last tick minus 1 ms isnt enough to get all ticks without repeating some. Fixed by comparing equality between samples in server and locally. - Sucess - First solution found create a custom SYMBOL (unless change do MT4 that's x86 only)
- Import bar data M1, import tick data
- Use every tick based on real ticks
- Ideally minute bars should be created from the ticks because mt5 trust them more. If ticks and bars are available and differ bars are used and fake ticks are created.
- created
able to process and create optimal ticks and bars for backtesting based only on exported ticks. - the first fail probably was due
not working properly. Now even using minute bars with skipped minutes doesnt create unreal ticks.
- Sucess - Second Solution use only the times created by
and copy ticks from file created by python from original cleanned ticks. Doing sobid
will have nothing to do with reality but only for the execution of orders. Everything else can be used.- Another alternative is to give up metatrader backtesting because x86 version of MT4 according to Hindenburgo lack and fails in optimization. And use C code backtest engine created + python packages for genetic (minimization/optimization). Since my algos are not complicated for execution that would not be very throublesome.
- Every tick is useless
- Just need to write a metatrader tests. Everything ready in C++ for that.
- Money Bar based on ticks
Using one thread for the back-testing is enough since sklearn get all other threads once
is called. So cpu is allways in 100%. -
Max number of open positions
- ArrayCopy of
is way too slow, even without any Python call, because of ArrayCopy. Unfortunately circular buffer is needed now.- Created
using circular buffer fixed size. - Solved new version
using circular buffer change place from 98% time used to 0.25% on profiling
- Created
- To speed-up code better replace all buffers for the circular version (note: with fixed size defined different from mql5 array size).
is taking 95.24% on profiling.- Circular Buffers everywhere. As much fast as possible. Using C code for timestamp to week day. Better than this only a C++ dll with parallel call. Also MoneyBar or any struct/class that needs the timestamp week day should store a pointer to it. Doing so, the calculation could be left for after or being assync in parallel. The timestamp week day would be added inside class as a pointer.
- ArrayCopy of
Changed almost all code to C++ - MoneyBar Expert
Only data capture and order execution will still be needed to be done on mql5/mql4.
To proper test the expert I made C++ wrappers for Python/Mql
Since I very much want to avoid re-writting code/copying code since it is the source/prone to more error/bugs.
Advantages of C++ are greater including code and tests much easier.
All buffers changed to boost::circular_buffer
Work with ticks and MoneyBars now almost everything in C++. Only what MUST be in Mql5 will be. C++14/17 is thousands times better for dev. and faster.
- Labeling samples
- Tripple barrier method. Implement missing expire time for positions.
- Correct for delay on execution with random integer max bars allowed on execution.
- Start simple first
- Will not double or tripple orders when reaching new bands too risk. Orders will be almost equal size.
- Labeling samples
Cross-validation to check if model is ready. In fact better to use
to check if model is good at first fit call. Then is better to useaccuracy_score
to check if a new model is needed. -
Change number of estimatiors to 1k
to make a partial fit on new data also adding on n_estimators (e.g clf.n_estimators += 100) Is not the same thing as training the model with all data but might be useful. - [x] Use adasyn or smote for correcting for class inbalance seem too much for now (overkill). Lets use Lopez suggestion and useclass_weight='balanced_subsample'
. The 'subsample' is due the bootstrap process to created each random tree. - [x] Also usemax_features
smaller than thexdim
to fight overfitting.
09/07/2019 - All above is in here as a memorial. Trying to make use of finance_advances_in_financial_machine_learning_wiley(2018) book.