Python and PHP code for Raspberri PI based web-enabled thermostat.
- Can run in standalone mode using bottle python web framework.
- Standalone server-only mode to provide API for third-party clients (web, app, IoTs, etc)
- Can be deployed on more robust web server such as Apache, Lighttpd or other web servers which supports WSGI. Can be deployed with UI or in sevrer-only mode.
- Raspberri PI 3B with power adapter
- DHT22 Themperature sensor -
- DC 5V Relay Module -
- Breadboard jumper wires (Female-Female) -
- Raspbian OS
- Apache2
- Python 2.7 (tested on 2.7.16, but should work with Python3)
- RPi.GPIO Python module (
- Adafruit_DHT Python module (
- (optional) WiringPi ( - comes PRE-INSTALLED with standard Raspbian desktop system. For "Raspbery OS Lite" install using "sudo apt install wiringpi"
python genhash "pin code"
python genhash 1111
sudo crontab -e
add following command. Replace "app directory" with your working directory
* * * * * python "app directory"/ >> "app directory"/proc.log 2>&1
This installation allows you to run thermostat using included "bottle" web server and doesn't require Apache, Lighttpd or other web servers installed. It is single-threaded and slow, but a good choice for a simple and quick setup if light use is excpected.
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
add following command before exit(0)
python "app directroy"/ >> <app directory>/web.log 2>&1
python "app directroy"/ >> <app directory>/web.log 2>&1
restart RPI
sudo reboot
This installation allows you to run thermostat with Apache, Lighttpd or other web servers which supports WSGI.
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
add following command before exit(0)
python <APP DIRECTORY>/ init >> <APP DIRECTORY>/thermostat.log 2>&1
Also, make sure user that user account Apache server is running as (usualy www-data) is added to gpio group
sudo usermod -aG gpio www-data
Install WSGI module for Apcahe2
sudo apt install libapache2-mod-wsgi
Make sure WSGI mode is enabled
sudo a2enmod wsgi
Create thermostat.conf file at /etc/apache2/sites-available and add following configuration (repalce application path and port to the one you use)
<VirtualHost *:81>
ServerName pi.thermostat.rpi3b.local
ServerAdmin admin@localhost
DocumentRoot /home/pi/apps/pi.thermostat
ErrorLog /home/pi/apps/apache_error_81.log
CustomLog /home/pi/apps/apache_access_81.log combined
WSGIDaemonProcess pi.thermostat user=www-data group=www-data processes=1 threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/pi/apps/pi.thermostat/app.wsgi
<Directory /home/pi/apps/pi.thermostat>
WSGIProcessGroup pi.thermostat
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
Enable thermostat web site
sudo a2ensite thermostat