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Ignoring alerts

ᴀɴᴛᴏɴ ɴᴏᴠᴏᴊɪʟᴏᴠ edited this page Sep 4, 2024 · 6 revisions

Using CLI options

You can provide one more ID's of checks to disable using option -I/--ignore:

perfecto -I PF2,PF12 myapp.spec

All rpmlint checks can be disabled using -nl/--no-lint option or by passing ID LNT0 to -I/--ignore option:

perfecto --no-lint myapp.spec
# or
perfecto -I PF2,PF12,LNT0 myapp.spec

Using ignore directive

Use directive ignore in your spec file to disable any alerts for the next line:

pushd libressl-%{libre_ver}
  mkdir build
  # perfecto:ignore
  ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/build --enable-shared=no
  %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
  %{__make} install

You can provide number of lines to ignore:

# perfecto:ignore 4
Source1:  %{name}-%{version}-1.tar.gz
Source2:  %{name}-%{version}-2.tar.gz
Source3:  %{name}-%{version}-3.tar.gz
Source4:  %{name}-%{version}-4.tar.gz


You can use perfecto:absolve or perfecto:disable as well as perfecto:ignore.

Using target directive

Use directive target in your spec file to disable check on some systems.

The target directive allows defining different types of targets:

  • ID of OS: ol, centos, almalinux, fedora
  • ID of OS with major version: ol7, centos7, almalinux8, fedora39
  • Platform ID: el8, el9
  • OS like ID using @ prefix: @rhel, @centos, @fedora



# perfecto:target el8 el9 @centos


%{!?_without_check: %define _with_check 1}


Summary:   Test spec for perfecto
Name:      perfecto
Version:   1.0.0
Release:   0%{?dist}
Group:     System Environment/Base
License:   MIT
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