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File metadata and controls

582 lines (542 loc) · 16.9 KB

Hello There

Heyo this is my bash profile. I make a toooon of personal scripts for ease of use.

If you haven’t already noticed, this is an org file, not a bash file. I use a couple scripts to complie this to bash and then execute it.


External config checking

Env vars this depends on - need to be set in local bash profile. This is a poor man’s form of dependency injection enforcement in bash. Maybe there’s a better way to futz with env vars that should be defined elsewhere, but I don’t know it.

function checkEnvAndDefault() {
	if [ -z `printenv $1` ];
		echo "you should probably export $1 in the local bash profile"
		export `echo $1`="YOUFORGOTTOSETTHIS"

And these are the vars I want defined by the local system.

checkEnvAndDefault "PATH_TO_DOTFILES_REPO"

Terminal Prompt

Go powerline

export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export GOBIN="$HOME/go/bin"
function _update_ps1() {
    PS1="$($GOPATH/bin/powerline-go -error $? -jobs $(jobs -p | wc -l) -shell bash -cwd-max-dir-size 2 -colorize-hostname -hostname-only-if-ssh -truncate-segment-width 5 -path-aliases=$EXTRA_POWERLINE_DIR_ALIASES  $EXTRA_POWERLINE_OPTIONS)"
    # Uncomment the following line to automatically clear errors after showing
    # them once. This not only clears the error for powerline-go, but also for
    # everything else you run in that shell. Don't enable this if you're not
    # sure this is what you want.

    set "?"

if [ -f "$GOPATH/bin/powerline-go" ]; then
    echo "powerline-go not installed, go get it"


Utility function to spit out a thing to STDOUT and then evaluate it. Useful because I want to see what my aliases are doing in many cases.

function echoAndEval {
	echo $1
	eval $1

Aliases (aliaii?)

Here’s something that never panned out:

alias a='alias'

Quick clear

alias c='clear'

Local dotfiles

Shortcuts to open local dotfiles. Generally, these files source something in this repo for ease of bootstrapping config on new machines.

alias vlv='vim ~/.vimrc'
alias vle='vim ~/.emacs.d/init.el'
alias vlbp='vim ~/.bash_profile'
alias slbp='echo "sourcing LOCAL bash profile"; . ~/.bash_profile'

Dotfiles in this repo

These require the aliases used to be defined locally so this can figure out the path. Some of them are of the form “vx” which in my brain is “vim x”. I have cleverly redirected org files to emacs, even though I still type “ve” for “vim emacsconfig”.

alias ve='echoAndEval "emacs $PATH_TO_DOTFILES_REPO/"'

Quick sourcing and vimming of this bash profile

alias sbp='echo "sourcing bash profile"; . $PATH_TO_DOTFILES_REPO/bash_profile.bash'
alias vbp='emacs $PATH_TO_DOTFILES_REPO/'

Common org files

Dropbox paths are probably the same everywhere? Fingers crossed!

alias inbox='emacs ~/Dropbox/org/'
alias ptodos='emacs ~/Dropbox/org/projects/'
alias funthings='emacs ~/Dropbox/org/projects/'
alias homeprojects='emacs ~/Dropbox/org/projects/'
alias pproj='emacs ~/Dropbox/org/projects/'
alias workstuff='emacs ~/Dropbox/org/projects/'
alias winbox='workstuff'
alias recurring='emacs ~/Dropbox/org/projects/'

Quick navigation to my org directory.

alias cdo='cd ~/Dropbox/org/projects/'
alias cdoroot='cd ~/Dropbox/org/'
alias cdor='cdoroot; cd roam'
alias cdord='cdor; cd daily'

Quick backtracking

Completely stolen from Dustin Bennett

alias cd..='cd ..'
alias ..='cd ..'
alias ...='cd ../../'
alias ....='cd ../../../'
alias .....='cd ../../../../'
alias .4='cd ../../../../'
alias .5='cd ../../../../..'

This directory!

alias cddf='echoAndEval "cd $PATH_TO_DOTFILES_REPO"'

Bash debugging because why not.

function debug {
    echo $x

Greppy things

Grep recursive directory ignore crap

I always mess up “grep -r stuff .” and “grep -r . stuff” vendor is an exclusion of php libraries - I should probably add other libarary directories but I’m mostly writing php day to day

function grd() {
  grep -r -i --exclude-dir={node_modules,vendor,.git,.idea} $1 . | grep -v vendor

Quickly ls and pipe into grep

alias lsg='ls | grep'

Git stuff

Hook to add interesting things - at one point Ben Doherty wrapped git in timing to prove how awful our main repo was. I don’t have the timing anymore, but did get used to typing “g” instead of “git”

alias g='git'


This thing is super great. Give it a short string, and it greps your git branches for that string. If it finds exactly one match, it checks out that branch. Otherwise it tells you what it did find you can refine your query (or just copy the branch you want)

function gchlike {
    local MATCHES=`g branch | grep -i $1 | awk '{print $1;}'`
    local MATCHCOUNT=`echo "$MATCHES" | wc -l`
    if [ "$MATCHCOUNT" -gt 1 ]; then
        echo "Too many branches!"
        echo "$MATCHES"
    elif [ "$MATCHES" == "" ]; then
        echo "No branches!"
        echo "checking out $MATCHES"
        g checkout "$MATCHES"


Sometimes, I fuck up with git, because it’s git and it’s kinda complicated sometimes. These help recover from said fuckups.

alias unstage="g reset HEAD"
alias gpush='echo "ted you typed too fast"; g push'
alias gpull='echo "ted you typed too fast"; g pull'

If you’re in the middle of a pull or rebase and hit a conflict, this can back you out of it. The gitlab ci think wasn’t checked out by checkout * for some reason.

function idontwannamerge {
    g reset HEAD;
    g clean -f -d;
    g checkout *
    gc .gitlab-ci.yml

More things along the line of “oh crap I shouldn’t have committed”. Ever commit to main, push, and get the “you can’t do that” message? These are your friend.

alias undocommitanddelete="g reset HEAD^; g checkout *; g clean -f -d"
alias undocommit="g reset HEAD^"

Core workflow

Git commit with message; gp

Git add and commit with message - gotta shortcut this. Didn’t end up using `gp` as much, but oh well!

function gca(){
  g add .; git commit -m "$*";
alias gp='g push'

Quick commit messages

alias gcf="gca 'fix'"
alias gcw="gca 'wip'"
alias gcs="gca 'squash'"
alias gcwp="gcw; gpush"
alias gcfp="gcf; gpush"
alias gcsp="gcs; gpush"

Main, but not always main

Ok so, to get a little political, sometimes there are movements to change the language we use. And sometimes, people don’t like it because changing language introduces cognitive tax, which is like, kinda understandable. And to get more political, I think it’s important to empathize with people that feel that way, even if you would prefer they change their language (which believe me, I frequently do, and in moments of impatience, wish people would just think a little harder). I do believe language shapes how we think, and changing it can change how we think, and that’s important.

This is a bit rambly, but tl;dr this all kinda manifests in this next function. I appreciate the move from master->main in git lexicon. But working in an environment that is inconsistent on which represents the “branch with the closest-to-production-code” is a frequent, albeit minor, inconvenience (i.e. a cognitive tax). So I made this function to figure it out for me.

function masterOrMain {
  RESULT=`git rev-parse --verify main`
  if [ -z $RESULT ];
          echo "master"
          echo "main"

Checkout the right one

function gcm {
  echoAndEval "g checkout `masterOrMain`"

Finish merge

Little shortcut to do all the git mechanics for finishing a merge.

function finishMerge {
  g add ./
  g commit --no-edit
alias fm='finishMerge'

Current branch

Function to parse the current git branch. I totally stole this from somewhere on the internet (like any usage of sed you find in here).

function parse_git_branch() {
    git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\1/'
alias cb='parse_git_branch'

Various shortcuts

List all git branches

alias brs='git branch --sort=-authordate --format="%(HEAD)%(authordate:relative)%09%(refname:lstrip=2)"'

Git status, git checkout, git log, git log files, current branch name

alias gs='g status'
alias gc='g checkout'
alias gl='g log'
alias glf='gl --name-only'
alias glogme='gl --author=esmongeski'
alias gcp='g cherry-pick'

Git diff, git diff staged files, git diff with remote branch, git merge squash, git fetch

alias gd='g diff'
alias gds='g diff --staged'
alias gdo='g diff origin/`cb`'
alias gms='g merge --squash'
alias gf='g fetch'

Branch swapping

This was a failed experiment to quickly switch between two git branches, typically master (nowadays main) and the current working branch. Ended up not super useful.

alias oswp="echo $OLDBRANCH; echo 'gswp to change, setswbranch to change oldbranch'"
alias swbr="echo $OLDBRANCH"
export OLDBRANCH=master

Removing the git index can be awful

I was bitten by this once and it was a bad time. I’m not sure why it was something that would happen in my workflow, but I put this alias in to prevent me from doing it again.

alias rgi='rm .git/index.lock'

function rm {
    if [ $1 == ".git/index" ]; then
      echo "NOOOOOO"
      command rm "$@"

Rebase continue

alias grbc='g add -uv; g rebase --continue'

New branch

alias newbr='g checkout -b'

Unpushed branches

alias unpushed='g log --branches --not --remotes'

Push and open PR

So I haven’t used this for a while - push and immediately open the MR (PR nowadays). I should try this again.

function pushAndOpenMR {
    MR_RESULT=`g push`
    echo "$MR_RESULT"
    findLinkAndOpen "$MR_RESULT"

Git grep

alias gg='git grep -in'

Upstream branch set

alias setUpstreamBranch='git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/`cb` `cb`'
alias gsub=setUpstreamBranch

Checkout file at main or that other branch

alias gcam='g checkout `masterOrMain` -- '

Pull and merge master/main into the current branch

Merge master/main

function gmm {
  RESULT=`git rev-parse --verify main`
  if [ -z $RESULT ];
          echo "main is not a branch, merging master"
          echoAndEval "g merge master --no-edit"
          echo "main is a branch, merging it"
          echoAndEval "g merge main --no-edit"

Do the pull

function pullAndMergeMaster {
  g pull;
alias gpmm='pullAndMergeMaster'

Delete old branches

alias delbrs='git branch | grep -v "master" | grep -v "main"" | xargs git branch -D'

local ignore

alias vgi='vim .git/info/exclude'


Run emacs with a background daemon

Start an emacs daemon if one isn’t there

function ensureEmacsDaemon {
    DAEMON=`ps aux | grep "emacs --daemon" | grep -v "grep"`
    if [ -z "$DAEMON" ]; then
        echo "no emacs daemon found - starting one"
        emacs --daemon
        echo "emacs daemon is already running"

Start emacs as a client

alias emacs="ensureEmacsDaemon; emacsclient -t -nw"
alias killEmacs="emacsclient -e -t '(save-buffers-kill-emacs)'"
alias ke=killEmacs

port the fish version of gui emacs invocation over here

Misc helper functions

Spit out the current date

alias shortdate='date +%Y-%m-%d' # get date in format YYYY-MM-DD
alias sd='shortdate'

Count the files in a given directory

function countfiles {
    ls -1 $1 | wc -l | tr -d '[:space:]'

Echo out each line of an input

function splitOutput {
    for token in $1
      echo $token

Given a bunch of output, find anything prefixed with https and open it. This was for something specific but I don’t remember what

function findLinkAndOpen {
    splitOutput "$1" | grep https | xargs open

Background SSH agent

Start a background ssh agent

function start_agent {
  echo "Initialising new SSH agent..."
  eval /usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > ${SSH_ENV}
  echo succeeded
  chmod 600 ${SSH_ENV}
  . ${SSH_ENV} > /dev/null

alias sag="start_agent"

# Source SSH settings, if applicable
# if [ -f "${SSH_ENV}" ]; then
#     . ${SSH_ENV} > /dev/null
#     ps -ef | grep ${SSH_AGENT_PID} | grep ssh-agent$ > /dev/null || {
#         start_agent;
#     }
#     else
#         start_agent;
# fi


Aliases around cleaning up old containers

alias d='docker'
alias killcontainers='docker container stop $(docker ps -a -q)'
alias rmcontainer='d container rm -f'
alias dls='docker container ls'
alias dps='d container ls'
alias dlsa='d container ls -a'
alias rmc='rmcontainer'
alias drm='rmc'

Shortcut to bash into a container

function dbashin {
    d exec -it $1 bash

function dshin {
    d exec -it $1 sh

Docker rm grep - remove containers that look like a certiain thing

function drmg {
        drm `dlsa | grep $1 | awk '{print $1;}'`


Shortcuts for interacting with pods

checkEnvAndDefault "KUBE_NAMESPACE"

function kods {
	echoAndEval "kubectl get pods -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE"

function findpods {
	echoAndEval "kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep $1"

Set and change namespace

alias skn='setkubenamespace'

function setkubenamespace {

Logs and events

function klogs {
	klogswithnamespace $1 $KUBE_NAMESPACE

function klogswithnamespace {
	echoAndEval "kubectl logs $1 --namespace $2"

function kevs {
	echoAndEval "kubectl get events -n $KUBE_NAMESPACE"

See k8s contexts

function kc {
      echoAndEval "kubectl config get-contexts"
function kcsc {
	echo "kubectl config use-context $1";
	kubectl config use-context $1;

Because who can remember awk syntax

Get the first column of output

function firstColumn {
        awk '{print $1;}' $1;

Bash autocomplete

If it’s there, source bash autocomplete

[ -f /usr/local/etc/bash_completion ] && . /usr/local/etc/bash_completion


I decided to move to fish as my main shell - these are some aliases to quickly edit my fish config

alias vfp='emacs $PATH_TO_DOTFILES_REPO/fish/'


All credit to Sean Ezrol for this. Script that takes an image/gif and makes it have the party colors.

function partyify {
    while [[ $# -gt 1 ]]
      case $key in
        # unknown arg

    echo Input - "${INPUTFILE}"
    party_colors=("#93FE90" "#8FB3FC" "#CF7CFA" "#EF4CEF" "#F1586A" "#F9D48D")
    for i in "${!party_colors[@]}"
      echo   magick convert "${INPUTFILE}" -fill "${party_colors[i]}" -fuzz "${FUZZ}"% -opaque "${COLOR}" party_temp-"$((i+1))".png
      magick convert "${INPUTFILE}" -fill "${party_colors[i]}" -fuzz "${FUZZ}"% -opaque "${COLOR}" party_temp-"$((i+1))".png
      echo Making party_temp-"$((i+1))".png, replacing "${COLOR}" with "${party_colors[i]}"
    magick convert party_temp-%d.png[1-"${#party_colors[@]}"] -set delay 10 -loop 0 "${OUTPUTFILE}"
    echo "${OUTPUTFILE} has been created."