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Cycle 1 User Stories

ewernli edited this page Oct 1, 2012 · 6 revisions

The Product Backlog is the master list of all functionality desired in the product. The customer owns the product backlog: he can add/remove/edit/prioritize requirements as he wishes.

During each iteration, the customer and the team agree on a set of requirements that will be delivered. The team organizes the work into work items. The team members can add/remove/edit/prioritize work items as they wish.

  • Requirements here are vague on purpose.
  • Not all requirements will be implemented.
  • The number of points per requirement is discussed with the customer as well as the exact requirement.
  • The team must estimate the effort required to implement requirements and commit to work that can be delivered next week. 

Requirements are expressed as short user stories, usually of the form “As a [role] I can [function] so that [rationale].” They are associated with acceptance criteria.

User Management

  • As a visitor, I can register in the system with username/password.
    • Acceptance criteria: password validatation must ensure password is strong
  • As a non-authenticated user, I can authenticate to access restricted pages.
  • As a non-authenticated user, I can reset my password in case I forgot it.
  • As an authenticated user, I can change my password
    • Acceptance criteria: password validatation must ensure password is strong
  • As a user, I can create an organization so that multiple users can work on behalf of each other.
    • Acceptance criteria: the user is the admin of the newly created organization
  • As an admin of an organization, I can add and remove users to/from the organization.
  • As an admin of the an organization, I can promote or revoke admin right to members
    • Acceptance criteria: I can revoke my own admin right only if there's a second admin
  • As a user, I can delete my account
    • Acceptance criteria: I can delete my account only if there's a second admin
  • As a user, I can suspend my account so that it is as-if it had been deleted but I can register later again and obtain my previous information
    • Acceptance criteria: I can delete my account only if there's a second admin

Buy and Sell

  • Describe an item (text, photo, etc.)
  • Fixed price transaction
  • Batch items
  • Auctions
  • Set expiration offer
  • View past transactions


  • Watch user, organization, or item
  • Wish list
  • Recommend to friend
  • Ask question to user, organization, item


  • Review user, organization, item

Browser and Search

  • Search free-text
  • Quick view
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