The few example cards and issues are supposed to show how this project layout can be useful. Generally, a common workflow could look like this:
Sprint / sub-project setup
- create (copy) a new project board for a clearly defined experimental challenge
- optionally, define one or more Milestones in the issue tracker (e.g. "DNA synthesis xx/2018", "protein production")
- the first card on the board "ToDo" should probably be "Construct planning"
Construct planning
- create "DNA request" issues for each required construct in the issue tracker
- use the "DNA request" template and then apply the "DNA" label
- assign them to the project board (right column in issue tracker)
- move DNA cards to "In Progress" and update the issues with benchling and rotmic links as you progress with sequence design
- create "DNA request" issues for each required construct in the issue tracker
Order fragments, primers, synthetic genes
- register final construct list in Rotmic (in issue, tick off "rotmic registration" checkbox and update links)
- place the order (tick of "gene synthesis order" checkbox)
DNA assembly
- when done, register final and verified samples in Rotmic
- close the DNA request
- create "Problem" issues for tracking failed assemblies without getting stuck
- close the synthesis Milestone when all DNA requests are fulfilled
Protein production
- create "Protein request" issues, assign them to project board
- prioritize proteins for production by moving them from "Backlog" to "To Do next"
- move cards to "In progress" and update issue cards as you go along
- close Protein requests when proteins samples are ready and registered
- close any "protein Milestone" when all needed samples are ready
Plan Measurements
- create "Experiment request" for each planned experiment, assign issue to board
- create "Material request" for each still missing material / reagent, assign to board
- add other activities directly to board (without creating issues)
- create new Milestone(s)
- create new "standard protocol" pages for often repeated methods
Perform Measurements
- move "Experiment Request" card into "In Progress" column
- update "Experiment Request" issues as you go along, create "Problem" issues if needed
- close Experiment Request when done, work towards closing the Milestone
Finalize project
- optionally collect core data in repository sub-directories
- review all open issues and cards
- close last Milestones
- close Project board
- create new Project board for publication or next sprint, assign left-over issues to new Milestones and board