Congestion is everywhere, especially in big cities and there is still a lot of idle time on traffic with a time algorithm.
By creating a traffic management system based on density, it will reduce congestion and idle time. So, it will have an impact on the smooth flow of traffic. How does it work? By utilizing object detection installed at red lights, it is hoped that it will have a positive impact on road users.
Traffic Light Monitor is an application that used to monitor traffic lights.
Traffic Light Monitor is a creation from Alien Squad (B21-CAP0442 Bangkit Team) released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3.
- Nearby traffic lights by radius (list mode).
- Nearby traffic lights by radius (maps mode).
- Traffic light details (name, address, vehicles per minutes, current traffic status, and waiting time of each intersections).
- Route to destination traffic light.
- Real-time navigation to destination traffic lights.
- Completely ad-free.
- Kotlin.
- Kotlin Coroutines.
- MVVM Architecture.
- Material Design.
- Jetpack Navigation Component.
- Retrofit (Networking).
- Koin (Dependency Injection).
- Full Network Access.
- View Network Connections.
- Location.
Traffic Light Monitor is a free and open source project developed by Alien Squad (B21-CAP0442 Bangkit Team). Any contributions are welcome. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Report bugs and make suggestions.
- Write some code. Please follow the code style used in the project to make a review process faster.
This application is released under GNU GPLv3 (see LICENSE). Some of the used libraries are released under different licenses.