This charm demonstrates how to work with juju storage filesystem type disk as defined in metadata.yaml.
type: filesystem
description: Storage device for logs.
minimum-size: 100M
location: /logs
range: 0-1
The charm installs a systemd mount unit file when juju has made the filesystem available.
charmcraft build
juju add-model examples
juju model-config default-series=focal
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=WARNING;unit=DEBUG"
juju deploy ./<built_charm>
juju debug-log
# This example adds a storage and then we move it between units.
# add storage to the first unit
juju add-storage storage-filesystem/0 logdata=ebs,1,200M
# list storage
juju storage
# remove the disk from the unit
juju detach-storage logdata/0
# add a second unit
juju add-unit storage-filesystem
# re-attach the old disk (logdata/0) to
juju attach-storage storage-filesystem/1 logdata/0
Erik Lönroth, support me by attributing my work