diff --git a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu.py b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1581e9260..000000000
--- a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
-import json
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-import webviz_core_components as wcc
-from dash import Dash, Input, Output, html
-from webviz_config import WebvizPluginABC, WebvizSettings
-from webviz_config.common_cache import CACHE
-from webviz_config.webviz_store import webvizstore
-from .._datainput.fmu_input import load_ensemble_set, load_parameters
-class RunningTimeAnalysisFMU(WebvizPluginABC):
- """Can e.g. be used to investigate which jobs that are important for the running
-time of realizations, and if specific parameter combinations increase running time or chance of
-realization failure. Systematic realization failure could introduce bias to assisted history
-* Running time matrix, a heatmap of job running times relative to:
- * Same job in ensemble
- * Slowest job in ensemble
- * Slowest job in realization
-* Parameter parallel coordinates plot:
- * Analyze running time and successful/failed run together with input parameters.
-* **`ensembles`:** Which ensembles in `shared_settings` to include in check. Only required input.
-* **`filter_shorter`:** Filters jobs with maximum run time in ensemble less than X seconds \
- (default: 10). Can be checked on/off interactively, this only sets the filtering value.
-* **`status_file`:** Name of json file local per realization with job status \
- (default: `status.json`).
-* **`visual_parameters`:** List of default visualized parameteres in parallel coordinates plot \
- (default: all parameters).
-Parameters are picked up automatically from `parameters.txt` in individual realizations in
-defined ensembles using `fmu-ensemble`.
-The `status.json` file is the standard status file when running
-[`ERT`](https://github.com/Equinor/ert) runs. If defining a different name, it still has to be
-on the same format [(example file)](https://github.com/equinor/webviz-subsurface-testdata/\
- "Same job in ensemble",
- "Slowest job in realization",
- "Slowest job in ensemble",
- ]
- "Successful/failed realization",
- "Running time of realization",
- ]
- def __init__(
- self,
- app: Dash,
- webviz_settings: WebvizSettings,
- ensembles: list,
- filter_shorter: Union[int, float] = 10,
- status_file: str = "status.json",
- visual_parameters: Optional[list] = None,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- self.filter_shorter = filter_shorter
- self.ens_paths = {
- ens: webviz_settings.shared_settings["scratch_ensembles"][ens]
- for ens in ensembles
- }
- self.plotly_theme = webviz_settings.theme.plotly_theme
- self.ensembles = ensembles
- self.status_file = status_file
- self.parameter_df = load_parameters(
- ensemble_paths=self.ens_paths,
- ensemble_set_name="EnsembleSet",
- filter_file=None,
- )
- all_data_df = make_status_df(
- self.ens_paths, self.status_file
- ) # Has to be stored in one df due to webvizstore, see issue #206 in webviz-config
- self.job_status_df = all_data_df.loc["job"]
- self.real_status_df = all_data_df.loc["real"]
- self.visual_parameters = (
- visual_parameters if visual_parameters else self.parameters
- )
- self.set_callbacks(app)
- @property
- def tour_steps(self) -> List[dict]:
- return [
- {
- "id": self.uuid("mode"),
- "content": (
- "Switch between job running time matrix and parameter parallel coordinates."
- ),
- },
- {
- "id": self.uuid("ensemble"),
- "content": ("Display the realizations from the selected ensemble. "),
- },
- {
- "id": self.uuid("relative_runtime"),
- "content": ("Make the colorscale relative to the selected option."),
- },
- ]
- @property
- def parameters(self) -> List[str]:
- """Returns numerical input parameters"""
- return list(
- self.parameter_df.drop(["ENSEMBLE", "REAL"], axis=1)
- .apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="coerce")
- .dropna(how="all", axis="columns")
- .columns
- )
- @property
- def plot_fig(self) -> html.Div:
- return html.Div(
- style={
- "overflowX": "hidden",
- "width": "100%",
- },
- children=[
- html.Div(
- id=self.uuid("plot_fig"),
- style={"overflowX": "auto", "width": "100%"},
- children=wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("fig")),
- ),
- # Blank div: Makes sure that horizontal scrollbar is moved straight under the
- # figure instead of the figure div getting padded by whitespace down to height of
- # outer div.
- html.Div(style={"width": "100%"}),
- ],
- )
- @property
- def control_div(self) -> html.Div:
- return html.Div(
- children=[
- wcc.Selectors(
- label="Mode",
- children=[
- wcc.RadioItems(
- id=self.uuid("mode"),
- options=[
- {
- "label": "Running time matrix",
- "value": "running_time_matrix",
- },
- {
- "label": "Parameter parallel coordinates",
- "value": "parallel_coordinates",
- },
- ],
- value="running_time_matrix",
- ),
- ],
- ),
- wcc.Selectors(
- label="Ensemble",
- children=[
- wcc.Dropdown(
- id=self.uuid("ensemble"),
- options=[
- {"label": ens, "value": ens} for ens in self.ensembles
- ],
- value=self.ensembles[0],
- clearable=False,
- ),
- ],
- ),
- wcc.Selectors(
- label="Coloring",
- children=[
- html.Div(
- id=self.uuid("matrix_color"),
- children=[
- wcc.Dropdown(
- label="Color jobs relative to running time of:",
- id=self.uuid("relative_runtime"),
- options=[
- {"label": rel, "value": rel}
- for rel in RunningTimeAnalysisFMU.COLOR_MATRIX_BY_LABELS
- ],
- value=RunningTimeAnalysisFMU.COLOR_MATRIX_BY_LABELS[
- 0
- ],
- clearable=False,
- ),
- ],
- ),
- html.Div(
- id=self.uuid("parcoords_color"),
- style={"display": "none"},
- children=[
- wcc.Dropdown(
- label="Color realizations relative to:",
- id=self.uuid("relative_real"),
- options=[
- {"label": rel, "value": rel}
- for rel in RunningTimeAnalysisFMU.COLOR_PARCOORD_BY_LABELS
- ],
- value=RunningTimeAnalysisFMU.COLOR_PARCOORD_BY_LABELS[
- 0
- ],
- clearable=False,
- ),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- ),
- wcc.Selectors(
- label="Filtering",
- children=[
- html.Div(
- id=self.uuid("parameter_dropdown"),
- style={"display": "none"},
- children=[
- wcc.SelectWithLabel(
- id=self.uuid("parameters"),
- style={"overflowX": "auto", "fontSize": "0.97rem"},
- options=[
- {"label": param, "value": param}
- for param in self.parameters
- ],
- multi=True,
- value=self.visual_parameters,
- size=min(50, len(self.visual_parameters)),
- ),
- ],
- ),
- html.Div(
- id=self.uuid("filter_short_checkbox"),
- children=[
- wcc.Checklist(
- label="Filter jobs",
- id=self.uuid("filter_short"),
- options=[
- {
- "label": "Slowest in ensemble less than "
- f"{self.filter_shorter}s",
- "value": "filter_short",
- },
- ],
- value=["filter_short"],
- ),
- ],
- ),
- ],
- ),
- ]
- )
- @property
- def layout(self) -> wcc.FlexBox:
- return wcc.FlexBox(
- children=[
- wcc.Frame(
- style={"flex": "1", "height": "90vh"}, children=self.control_div
- ),
- wcc.Frame(
- color="white",
- highlight=False,
- style={"flex": "6", "height": "90vh"},
- children=self.plot_fig,
- ),
- ],
- )
- def set_callbacks(self, app: Dash) -> None:
- @app.callback(
- Output(self.uuid("fig"), "figure"),
- [
- Input(self.uuid("ensemble"), "value"),
- Input(self.uuid("mode"), "value"),
- Input(self.uuid("relative_runtime"), "value"),
- Input(self.uuid("relative_real"), "value"),
- Input(self.uuid("parameters"), "value"),
- Input(self.uuid("filter_short"), "value"),
- ],
- )
- def _update_fig(
- ens: str,
- mode: str,
- rel_runtime: str,
- rel_real: str,
- params: Union[str, List[str]],
- filter_short: List[str],
- ) -> dict:
- """Update main figure
- Dependent on `mode` it will call rendering of the chosen form of visualization
- """
- if mode == "running_time_matrix" and "filter_short" in filter_short:
- return render_matrix(
- self.job_status_df[
- (self.job_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens)
- & (self.job_status_df["JOB_MAX_RUNTIME"] >= self.filter_shorter)
- ],
- rel_runtime,
- self.plotly_theme,
- )
- if mode == "running_time_matrix":
- return render_matrix(
- self.job_status_df[(self.job_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens)],
- rel_runtime,
- self.plotly_theme,
- )
- # Otherwise: parallel coordinates
- # Ensure selected parameters is a list
- params = params if isinstance(params, list) else [params]
- # Color by success or runtime, for runtime drop unsuccesful
- colormap_labels: Union[List[str], None]
- if rel_real == "Successful/failed realization":
- plot_df = self.real_status_df[self.real_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens]
- colormap = make_colormap(
- self.plotly_theme["layout"]["colorway"], discrete=2
- )
- color_by_col = "STATUS_BOOL"
- colormap_labels = ["Failed", "Success"]
- else:
- plot_df = self.real_status_df[
- (self.real_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens)
- & (self.real_status_df["STATUS_BOOL"] == 1)
- ]
- colormap = self.plotly_theme["layout"]["colorscale"]["sequential"]
- color_by_col = "RUNTIME"
- colormap_labels = None
- # Call rendering of parallel coordinate plot
- return render_parcoord(
- plot_df,
- params,
- self.plotly_theme,
- colormap,
- color_by_col,
- colormap_labels,
- )
- @app.callback(
- [
- Output(self.uuid("matrix_color"), "style"),
- Output(self.uuid("parcoords_color"), "style"),
- Output(self.uuid("parameter_dropdown"), "style"),
- Output(self.uuid("filter_short_checkbox"), "style"),
- ],
- [Input(self.uuid("mode"), "value")],
- )
- def _update_mode(mode: str) -> Tuple[dict, dict, dict, dict]:
- """Switch displayed mode between running time matrix and parallel coordinates"""
- if mode == "running_time_matrix":
- style = (
- {"display": "block"},
- {"display": "none"},
- {"display": "none"},
- {"display": "block"},
- )
- else:
- style = (
- {"display": "none"},
- {"display": "block"},
- {"display": "block"},
- {"display": "none"},
- )
- return style
- def add_webvizstore(self) -> List[Tuple[Callable, list]]:
- return [
- (
- make_status_df,
- [
- {
- "ens_paths": self.ens_paths,
- "status_file": self.status_file,
- }
- ],
- ),
- (
- load_parameters,
- [
- {
- "ensemble_paths": self.ens_paths,
- "filter_file": None,
- },
- ],
- ),
- ]
-def render_matrix(status_df: pd.DataFrame, rel: str, theme: dict) -> dict:
- """Render matrix
- Returns figure object as heatmap for the chosen ensemble and scaling method.
- """
- if rel == "Same job in ensemble":
- z = list(status_df["JOB_SCALED_RUNTIME"])
- elif rel == "Slowest job in realization":
- z = list(status_df["REAL_SCALED_RUNTIME"])
- else:
- z = list(status_df["ENS_SCALED_RUNTIME"])
- data = {
- "type": "heatmap",
- "x": list(status_df["REAL"]),
- "y": list(status_df["JOB_ID"]),
- "z": z,
- "zmin": 0,
- "zmax": 1,
- "text": list(status_df["HOVERINFO"]),
- "hoverinfo": "text",
- "colorscale": theme["layout"]["colorscale"]["sequential"],
- "colorbar": {
- "tickvals": [
- 0,
- 0.5,
- 1,
- ],
- "ticktext": [
- "0 %",
- "50 %",
- "100 %",
- ],
- "xanchor": "left",
- },
- }
- layout = {}
- layout.update(theme["layout"])
- layout.update(
- {
- "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
- "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
- "margin": {
- "t": 50,
- "b": 50,
- "l": 50,
- },
- "xaxis": {
- "ticks": "",
- "title": "Realizations",
- "showgrid": False,
- "side": "top",
- },
- "yaxis": {
- "ticks": "",
- "showticklabels": True,
- "tickmode": "array",
- "tickvals": list(status_df["JOB_ID"]),
- "ticktext": list(status_df["JOB"]),
- "showgrid": False,
- "automargin": True,
- "autorange": "reversed",
- "type": "category",
- },
- "height": max(350, len(status_df["JOB_ID"].unique()) * 15),
- "width": max(400, len(status_df["REAL"].unique()) * 12 + 250),
- }
- )
- return {"data": [data], "layout": layout}
-def render_parcoord(
- plot_df: pd.DataFrame,
- params: List[str],
- theme: dict,
- colormap: Union[List[str], List[list]],
- color_col: str,
- colormap_labels: Union[List[str], None] = None,
-) -> dict:
- """Renders parallel coordinates plot"""
- # Create parcoords dimensions (one per parameter)
- dimensions = [
- {"label": param, "values": plot_df[param].values.tolist()} for param in params
- ]
- # Parcoords data dict
- data: dict = {
- "line": {
- "color": plot_df[color_col].values.tolist(),
- "colorscale": colormap,
- "showscale": True,
- },
- "dimensions": dimensions,
- "labelangle": -90,
- "labelside": "bottom",
- "type": "parcoords",
- }
- if color_col == "STATUS_BOOL":
- data["line"].update(
- {
- "cmin": -0.5,
- "cmax": 1.5,
- "colorbar": {
- "tickvals": [0, 1],
- "ticktext": colormap_labels,
- "title": "Status",
- "xanchor": "right",
- "x": -0.02,
- "len": 0.3,
- },
- },
- )
- else:
- data["line"].update(
- {
- "colorbar": {
- "title": "Running time",
- "xanchor": "right",
- "x": -0.02,
- },
- },
- )
- layout = {}
- layout.update(theme["layout"])
- # Ensure sufficient spacing between each dimension and margin for labels
- width = len(dimensions) * 100 + 250
- margin_b = max([len(param) for param in params]) * 8
- layout.update({"width": width, "height": 800, "margin": {"b": margin_b, "t": 30}})
- return {"data": [data], "layout": layout}
-# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
-# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
-def make_status_df(
- ens_paths: dict,
- status_file: str,
-) -> pd.DataFrame:
- """Return DataFrame of information from status.json files.
- *Finds status.json filepaths.
- For jobs:
- *Loads data into pandas DataFrames.
- *Calculates runtimes and normalized runtimes.
- *Creates hoverinfo column to be used in visualization.
- For realizations:
- *Creates DataFrame of success/failure and total running time.
- """
- parameter_df = load_parameters(
- ensemble_paths=ens_paths,
- ensemble_set_name="EnsembleSet",
- filter_file=None,
- )
- # sub-method to process ensemble data when all realizations in ensemble have been processed
- def ensemble_post_processing() -> list:
- # add missing realizations to get whitespace in heatmap matrix
- if len(set(range(min(reals), max(reals) + 1))) > len(set(reals)):
- missing_df = ens_dfs[0].copy()
- missing_df["STATUS"] = "Realization not started"
- missing_df["RUNTIME"] = np.NaN
- missing_df["JOB_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = np.NaN
- missing_df["ENS_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = np.NaN
- for missing_real in set(range(min(reals), max(reals) + 1)).difference(
- set(reals)
- ):
- ens_dfs.append(missing_df.copy())
- ens_dfs[-1]["REAL"] = missing_real
- ens_dfs[-1]["ENSEMBLE"] = ens
- # Concatenate realization DataFrames to an Ensemble DataFrame and store in list
- job_status_dfs.append(pd.concat(ens_dfs))
- # Find max running time of job in ensemble and create scaled columns
- job_status_dfs[-1]["JOB_MAX_RUNTIME"] = pd.concat(
- [ens_max_job_runtime] * (len(ens_dfs))
- )
- job_status_dfs[-1]["JOB_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = (
- job_status_dfs[-1]["RUNTIME"] / job_status_dfs[-1]["JOB_MAX_RUNTIME"]
- )
- job_status_dfs[-1]["ENS_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = job_status_dfs[-1][
- ] / np.amax(ens_max_job_runtime)
- # Return ensemble DataFrame list updated with the latest ensemble
- return job_status_dfs
- # find status filepaths
- ens_set = load_ensemble_set(ens_paths, filter_file=None)
- df = pd.concat(
- [
- ens_set[ens].find_files(status_file).assign(ENSEMBLE=ens)
- for ens in ens_set.ensemblenames
- ]
- )
- # Initial values for local variables
- job_status_dfs: list = []
- ens_dfs: list = []
- real_status: list = []
- ens_max_job_runtime = 1
- ens = ""
- reals: list = []
- # Loop through identified filepaths and get realization data
- for row in df.itertuples(index=False):
- # Load each json-file to a DataFrame for the realization
- with open(row.FULLPATH) as fjson:
- status_dict = json.load(fjson)
- real_df = pd.DataFrame(status_dict["jobs"])
- # If new ensemble, calculate ensemble scaled runtimes
- # for previous ensemble and reset temporary ensemble data
- if ens != row.ENSEMBLE:
- if ens == "": # First ensemble
- ens = row.ENSEMBLE
- else: # Store last ensemble and reset temporary ensemble data
- job_status_dfs = ensemble_post_processing()
- ens_max_job_runtime = 1
- ens_dfs = []
- ens = row.ENSEMBLE
- reals = []
- # Additional realization data into realization DataFrame
- real_df["RUNTIME"] = real_df["end_time"] - real_df["start_time"]
- real_df["REAL"] = row.REAL
- real_df["ENSEMBLE"] = row.ENSEMBLE
- real_df["REAL_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = real_df["RUNTIME"] / max(
- real_df["RUNTIME"].dropna()
- )
- real_df = real_df[
- ["ENSEMBLE", "REAL", "RUNTIME", "REAL_SCALED_RUNTIME", "name", "status"]
- ].rename(columns={"name": "JOB", "status": "STATUS"})
- # Status DataFrame to be used with parallel coordinates
- if all(real_df["STATUS"] == "Success"):
- real_status.append(
- {
- "REAL": row.REAL,
- "STATUS": "Success",
- "RUNTIME": status_dict["end_time"] - status_dict["start_time"],
- }
- )
- else:
- real_status.append(
- {
- "REAL": row.REAL,
- "STATUS": "Failure",
- "RUNTIME": None,
- }
- )
- # Need unique job ids names to separate jobs in same realization with same name in json file
- real_df["JOB_ID"] = range(0, len(real_df["JOB"]))
- # Update max runtime for jobs in ensemble
- ens_max_job_runtime = np.fmax(real_df["RUNTIME"], ens_max_job_runtime)
- # Append realization to ensemble data
- reals.append(row.REAL)
- ens_dfs.append(real_df)
- # Add last ensemble
- job_status_dfs = ensemble_post_processing()
- job_status_df = pd.concat(job_status_dfs, sort=False)
- # Create hoverinfo
- job_status_df["HOVERINFO"] = (
- "Real: "
- + job_status_df["REAL"].astype(str)
- + "
- + "Job: #"
- + job_status_df["JOB_ID"].astype(str)
- + "
- + job_status_df["JOB"].astype(str)
- + "
- + "Running time: "
- + job_status_df["RUNTIME"].astype(str)
- + " s"
- + "
- + "Status: "
- + job_status_df["STATUS"]
- )
- # Create dataframe of realization status and merge with realization parameters for parameter
- # parallel coordinates
- real_status_df = pd.DataFrame(real_status).merge(
- parameter_df, on=["ENSEMBLE", "REAL"]
- )
- # Has to be stored in one df due to webvizstore, see issue #206 in webviz-config
- return pd.concat([job_status_df, real_status_df], keys=["job", "real"], sort=False)
-def make_colormap(color_array: list, discrete: int = None) -> list:
- """
- Returns a colormap:
- * If the `discrete` variable is set to an integer x, the colormap will be a discrete map of
- size x evenly sampled from the given color_array.
- * If discrete not defined or `None`: assumes continuous colormap and returns the given
- color_array.
- """
- if discrete is None:
- colormap = color_array
- else:
- colormap = []
- for i in range(0, discrete):
- colormap.append([i / discrete, color_array[i]])
- colormap.append([(i + 1) / discrete, color_array[i]])
- return colormap
diff --git a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/__init__.py b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..467f67a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from ._plugin import RunningTimeAnalysisFMU
diff --git a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_plugin.py b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..176f0fadc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+import json
+from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from dash import html
+from dash.development.base_component import Component
+from webviz_config import WebvizPluginABC, WebvizSettings
+from webviz_config.common_cache import CACHE
+from webviz_config.webviz_store import webvizstore
+from ..._datainput.fmu_input import load_ensemble_set, load_parameters
+from ._plugin_ids import PluginIds
+from ._shared_settings import RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings
+from ._view import RunTimeAnalysisGraph
+class RunningTimeAnalysisFMU(WebvizPluginABC):
+ """Can e.g. be used to investigate which jobs that are important for the running
+ time of realizations, and if specific parameter combinations increase running time or chance of
+ realization failure. Systematic realization failure could introduce bias to assisted history
+ matching.
+ Visualizations:
+ * Running time matrix, a heatmap of job running times relative to:
+ * Same job in ensemble
+ * Slowest job in ensemble
+ * Slowest job in realization
+ * Parameter parallel coordinates plot:
+ * Analyze running time and successful/failed run together with input parameters.
+ ---
+ * **`ensembles`:** Which ensembles in `shared_settings` to include in check.
+ Only required input.
+ * **`filter_shorter`:** Filters jobs with maximum run time in ensemble less than X seconds \
+ (default: 10). Can be checked on/off interactively, this only sets the filtering value.
+ * **`status_file`:** Name of json file local per realization with job status \
+ (default: `status.json`).
+ * **`visual_parameters`:** List of default visualized parameteres in parallel coordinates plot \
+ (default: all parameters).
+ ---
+ Parameters are picked up automatically from `parameters.txt` in individual realizations in
+ defined ensembles using `fmu-ensemble`.
+ The `status.json` file is the standard status file when running
+ [`ERT`](https://github.com/Equinor/ert) runs. If defining a different name, it still has to be
+ on the same format [(example file)](https://github.com/equinor/webviz-subsurface-testdata/\
+ blob/master/reek_history_match/realization-0/iter-0/status.json).
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ webviz_settings: WebvizSettings,
+ ensembles: list,
+ filter_shorter: Union[int, float] = 10,
+ status_file: str = "status.json",
+ visual_parameters: Optional[list] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(stretch=True)
+ self.filter_shorter = filter_shorter
+ self.ens_paths = {
+ ens: webviz_settings.shared_settings["scratch_ensembles"][ens]
+ for ens in ensembles
+ }
+ self.plotly_theme = webviz_settings.theme.plotly_theme
+ self.ensembles = ensembles
+ self.status_file = status_file
+ self.parameter_df = load_parameters(
+ ensemble_paths=self.ens_paths,
+ ensemble_set_name="EnsembleSet",
+ filter_file=None,
+ )
+ all_data_df = make_status_df(
+ self.ens_paths, self.status_file
+ ) # Has to be stored in one df due to webvizstore, see issue #206 in webviz-config
+ self.job_status_df = all_data_df.loc["job"]
+ self.real_status_df = all_data_df.loc["real"]
+ self.visual_parameters = (
+ visual_parameters if visual_parameters else self.parameters
+ )
+ self.plugin_parameters = self.parameters
+ self.add_store(
+ PluginIds.Stores.VIEW_ELEMENT_HEIGHT, WebvizPluginABC.StorageType.SESSION
+ )
+ self.add_view(
+ RunTimeAnalysisGraph(
+ self.plotly_theme,
+ self.job_status_df,
+ self.real_status_df,
+ self.ensembles,
+ self.visual_parameters,
+ self.plugin_parameters,
+ self.filter_shorter,
+ ),
+ PluginIds.RunTimeAnalysisView.RUN_TIME_FMU,
+ PluginIds.RunTimeAnalysisView.GROUP_NAME,
+ )
+ @property
+ def layout(self) -> Type[Component]:
+ return html.Div("No view is loaded.")
+ @property
+ def tour_steps(self) -> List[dict]:
+ return [
+ {
+ "id": self.view(PluginIds.RunTimeAnalysisView.RUN_TIME_FMU)
+ .settings_group(RunTimeAnalysisGraph.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.MODE),
+ "content": (
+ "Switch between job running time matrix and parameter parallel coordinates."
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ "id": self.view(PluginIds.RunTimeAnalysisView.RUN_TIME_FMU)
+ .settings_group(RunTimeAnalysisGraph.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.ENSEMBLE),
+ "content": ("Display the realizations from the selected ensemble. "),
+ },
+ {
+ "id": self.view(PluginIds.RunTimeAnalysisView.RUN_TIME_FMU)
+ .settings_group(RunTimeAnalysisGraph.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.COLORING),
+ "content": ("Make the colorscale relative to the selected option."),
+ },
+ ]
+ @property
+ def parameters(self) -> List[str]:
+ """Returns numerical input parameters"""
+ return list(
+ self.parameter_df.drop(["ENSEMBLE", "REAL"], axis=1)
+ .apply(pd.to_numeric, errors="coerce")
+ .dropna(how="all", axis="columns")
+ .columns
+ )
+ def add_webvizstore(self) -> List[Tuple[Callable, list]]:
+ return [
+ (
+ make_status_df,
+ [
+ {
+ "ens_paths": self.ens_paths,
+ "status_file": self.status_file,
+ }
+ ],
+ ),
+ (
+ load_parameters,
+ [
+ {
+ "ensemble_paths": self.ens_paths,
+ "filter_file": None,
+ },
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
+# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+# pylint: disable=too-many-statements
+def make_status_df(
+ ens_paths: dict,
+ status_file: str,
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Return DataFrame of information from status.json files.
+ *Finds status.json filepaths.
+ For jobs:
+ *Loads data into pandas DataFrames.
+ *Calculates runtimes and normalized runtimes.
+ *Creates hoverinfo column to be used in visualization.
+ For realizations:
+ *Creates DataFrame of success/failure and total running time.
+ """
+ parameter_df = load_parameters(
+ ensemble_paths=ens_paths,
+ ensemble_set_name="EnsembleSet",
+ filter_file=None,
+ )
+ # sub-method to process ensemble data when all realizations in ensemble have been processed
+ def ensemble_post_processing() -> list:
+ # add missing realizations to get whitespace in heatmap matrix
+ if len(set(range(min(reals), max(reals) + 1))) > len(set(reals)):
+ missing_df = ens_dfs[0].copy()
+ missing_df["STATUS"] = "Realization not started"
+ missing_df["RUNTIME"] = np.NaN
+ missing_df["JOB_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = np.NaN
+ missing_df["ENS_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = np.NaN
+ for missing_real in set(range(min(reals), max(reals) + 1)).difference(
+ set(reals)
+ ):
+ ens_dfs.append(missing_df.copy())
+ ens_dfs[-1]["REAL"] = missing_real
+ ens_dfs[-1]["ENSEMBLE"] = ens
+ # Concatenate realization DataFrames to an Ensemble DataFrame and store in list
+ job_status_dfs.append(pd.concat(ens_dfs))
+ # Find max running time of job in ensemble and create scaled columns
+ job_status_dfs[-1]["JOB_MAX_RUNTIME"] = pd.concat(
+ [ens_max_job_runtime] * (len(ens_dfs))
+ )
+ job_status_dfs[-1]["JOB_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = (
+ job_status_dfs[-1]["RUNTIME"] / job_status_dfs[-1]["JOB_MAX_RUNTIME"]
+ )
+ job_status_dfs[-1]["ENS_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = job_status_dfs[-1][
+ ] / np.amax(ens_max_job_runtime)
+ # Return ensemble DataFrame list updated with the latest ensemble
+ return job_status_dfs
+ # find status filepaths
+ ens_set = load_ensemble_set(ens_paths, filter_file=None)
+ df = pd.concat(
+ [
+ ens_set[ens].find_files(status_file).assign(ENSEMBLE=ens)
+ for ens in ens_set.ensemblenames
+ ]
+ )
+ # Initial values for local variables
+ job_status_dfs: list = []
+ ens_dfs: list = []
+ real_status: list = []
+ ens_max_job_runtime = 1
+ ens = ""
+ reals: list = []
+ # Loop through identified filepaths and get realization data
+ for row in df.itertuples(index=False):
+ # Load each json-file to a DataFrame for the realization
+ with open(row.FULLPATH) as fjson:
+ status_dict = json.load(fjson)
+ real_df = pd.DataFrame(status_dict["jobs"])
+ # If new ensemble, calculate ensemble scaled runtimes
+ # for previous ensemble and reset temporary ensemble data
+ if ens != row.ENSEMBLE:
+ if ens == "": # First ensemble
+ ens = row.ENSEMBLE
+ else: # Store last ensemble and reset temporary ensemble data
+ job_status_dfs = ensemble_post_processing()
+ ens_max_job_runtime = 1
+ ens_dfs = []
+ ens = row.ENSEMBLE
+ reals = []
+ # Additional realization data into realization DataFrame
+ real_df["RUNTIME"] = real_df["end_time"] - real_df["start_time"]
+ real_df["REAL"] = row.REAL
+ real_df["ENSEMBLE"] = row.ENSEMBLE
+ real_df["REAL_SCALED_RUNTIME"] = real_df["RUNTIME"] / max(
+ real_df["RUNTIME"].dropna()
+ )
+ real_df = real_df[
+ ["ENSEMBLE", "REAL", "RUNTIME", "REAL_SCALED_RUNTIME", "name", "status"]
+ ].rename(columns={"name": "JOB", "status": "STATUS"})
+ # Status DataFrame to be used with parallel coordinates
+ if all(real_df["STATUS"] == "Success"):
+ real_status.append(
+ {
+ "REAL": row.REAL,
+ "STATUS": "Success",
+ "RUNTIME": status_dict["end_time"] - status_dict["start_time"],
+ }
+ )
+ else:
+ real_status.append(
+ {
+ "REAL": row.REAL,
+ "STATUS": "Failure",
+ "RUNTIME": None,
+ }
+ )
+ # Need unique job ids names to separate jobs in same realization with same name in json file
+ real_df["JOB_ID"] = range(0, len(real_df["JOB"]))
+ # Update max runtime for jobs in ensemble
+ ens_max_job_runtime = np.fmax(real_df["RUNTIME"], ens_max_job_runtime)
+ # Append realization to ensemble data
+ reals.append(row.REAL)
+ ens_dfs.append(real_df)
+ # Add last ensemble
+ job_status_dfs = ensemble_post_processing()
+ job_status_df = pd.concat(job_status_dfs, sort=False)
+ # Create hoverinfo
+ job_status_df["HOVERINFO"] = (
+ "Real: "
+ + job_status_df["REAL"].astype(str)
+ + "
+ + "Job: #"
+ + job_status_df["JOB_ID"].astype(str)
+ + "
+ + job_status_df["JOB"].astype(str)
+ + "
+ + "Running time: "
+ + job_status_df["RUNTIME"].astype(str)
+ + " s"
+ + "
+ + "Status: "
+ + job_status_df["STATUS"]
+ )
+ # Create dataframe of realization status and merge with realization parameters for parameter
+ # parallel coordinates
+ real_status_df = pd.DataFrame(real_status).merge(
+ parameter_df, on=["ENSEMBLE", "REAL"]
+ )
+ # Has to be stored in one df due to webvizstore, see issue #206 in webviz-config
+ return pd.concat([job_status_df, real_status_df], keys=["job", "real"], sort=False)
diff --git a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_plugin_ids.py b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_plugin_ids.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..786b53f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_plugin_ids.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class PluginIds:
+ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ class Stores:
+ VIEW_ELEMENT_HEIGHT = "view-element-height"
+ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ class SharedSettings:
+ SHARED_SETTINGS_GROUP = "shared-settings-group"
+ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ class RunTimeAnalysisView:
+ GROUP_NAME = "run-time-analysis-fmu"
+ RUN_TIME_FMU = "run-time-fmu"
diff --git a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_shared_settings.py b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_shared_settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5d9272e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_shared_settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+from typing import List, Tuple, Union
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import webviz_core_components as wcc
+from dash import Input, Output, State, callback
+from dash.development.base_component import Component
+from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
+from webviz_config.webviz_plugin_subclasses import SettingsGroupABC
+class RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings(SettingsGroupABC):
+ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ class Ids:
+ MODE = "mode-1"
+ ENSEMBLE = "ensemble"
+ COLORING = "coloring"
+ COLOR_LABEL = "color-label"
+ FILTERING = "filtering"
+ FILTER_SHORT = "filter-short"
+ REMOVE_CONSTANT = "remove-constant"
+ FILTER_PARAMS = "filter-params"
+ "Same job in ensemble",
+ "Slowest job in realization",
+ "Slowest job in ensemble",
+ ]
+ "Successful/failed realization",
+ "Running time of realization",
+ ]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ real_status_df: pd.DataFrame,
+ ensembles: list,
+ visual_parameters: list,
+ plugin_paratamters: List[str],
+ filter_shorter: Union[int, float] = 10,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__("Data filter")
+ self.real_status_df = real_status_df
+ self.ensembles = ensembles
+ self.filter_shorter = filter_shorter
+ self.parameters = plugin_paratamters
+ self.visual_parameters = visual_parameters
+ def layout(self) -> List[Component]:
+ return [
+ wcc.RadioItems(
+ label="Mode",
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.MODE),
+ options=[
+ {
+ "label": "Running time matrix",
+ "value": "running_time_matrix",
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Parameter parallel coordinates",
+ "value": "parallel_coordinates",
+ },
+ ],
+ value="running_time_matrix",
+ ),
+ wcc.Dropdown(
+ label="Ensemble",
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.ENSEMBLE),
+ options=[{"label": ens, "value": ens} for ens in self.ensembles],
+ value=self.ensembles[0],
+ clearable=False,
+ ),
+ wcc.Label(
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.COLOR_LABEL),
+ ),
+ wcc.Dropdown(
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.COLORING),
+ options=[
+ {"label": rel, "value": rel} for rel in self.COLOR_MATRIX_BY_LABELS
+ ],
+ value=self.COLOR_MATRIX_BY_LABELS[0],
+ clearable=False,
+ ),
+ wcc.Selectors(
+ label="Filtering jobs",
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.FILTERING),
+ children=[
+ wcc.Checklist(
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.FILTER_SHORT),
+ labelStyle={"display": "block"},
+ options=[
+ {
+ "label": "Slowest in ensemble less than "
+ f"{self.filter_shorter}s",
+ "value": "filter_short",
+ },
+ ],
+ value=["filter_short"],
+ ),
+ wcc.Checklist(
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.REMOVE_CONSTANT),
+ labelStyle={"display": "none"},
+ options=[
+ {
+ "label": " Remove constant ",
+ "value": "remove_constant",
+ },
+ ],
+ value=[],
+ ),
+ wcc.SelectWithLabel(
+ id=self.register_component_unique_id(self.Ids.FILTER_PARAMS),
+ style={"display": "none"},
+ options=[
+ {"label": param, "value": param}
+ for param in self.parameters
+ ],
+ multi=True,
+ value=self.visual_parameters,
+ size=min(50, len(self.visual_parameters)),
+ ),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
+ def set_callbacks(self) -> None:
+ @callback(
+ Output(
+ self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.FILTER_PARAMS).to_string(), "options"
+ ),
+ Output(
+ self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.FILTER_PARAMS).to_string(), "value"
+ ),
+ Input(
+ self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.REMOVE_CONSTANT).to_string(), "value"
+ ),
+ State(self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.ENSEMBLE).to_string(), "value"),
+ Input(self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.COLORING).to_string(), "value"),
+ )
+ def _update_filter_parameters(
+ remove_constant: str, ens: str, coloring: str
+ ) -> Tuple:
+ if remove_constant is None:
+ raise PreventUpdate
+ dimentions_params = []
+ if coloring == "Successful/failed realization":
+ plot_df = self.real_status_df[self.real_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens]
+ else:
+ plot_df = self.real_status_df[
+ (self.real_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens)
+ & (self.real_status_df["STATUS_BOOL"] == 1)
+ ]
+ if remove_constant == ["remove_constant"]:
+ for param in self.parameters:
+ if len(np.unique(plot_df[param].values)) > 1:
+ dimentions_params.append(param)
+ else:
+ dimentions_params = self.parameters
+ filter_parame_options = [
+ {"label": param, "value": param} for param in dimentions_params
+ ]
+ filter_parame_value = dimentions_params
+ return (filter_parame_options, filter_parame_value)
+ @callback(
+ Output(
+ self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.FILTER_SHORT).to_string(),
+ "labelStyle",
+ ),
+ Output(
+ self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.REMOVE_CONSTANT).to_string(),
+ "labelStyle",
+ ),
+ Output(
+ self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.FILTER_PARAMS).to_string(),
+ "style",
+ ),
+ Output(
+ self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.COLOR_LABEL).to_string(), "children"
+ ),
+ Output(self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.COLORING).to_string(), "options"),
+ Output(self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.COLORING).to_string(), "value"),
+ Input(self.component_unique_id(self.Ids.MODE).to_string(), "value"),
+ )
+ def _update_color(selected_mode: str) -> Tuple:
+ # label = None
+ # value = None
+ if selected_mode == "running_time_matrix":
+ label = "Color jobs relative to running time of:"
+ options = [
+ {"label": rel, "value": rel} for rel in self.COLOR_MATRIX_BY_LABELS
+ ]
+ value = self.COLOR_MATRIX_BY_LABELS[0]
+ return (
+ {"display": "block"},
+ {"display": "none"},
+ {"display": "none"},
+ label,
+ options,
+ value,
+ )
+ options = [
+ {"label": rel, "value": rel} for rel in self.COLOR_PARCOORD_BY_LABELS
+ ]
+ value = self.COLOR_PARCOORD_BY_LABELS[0]
+ return (
+ {"display": "none"},
+ {"display": "block"},
+ {"display": "block"},
+ "Color realizations relative to:",
+ options,
+ value,
+ )
diff --git a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_view.py b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_view.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20741ef2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_view.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+from typing import List, Union
+import pandas as pd
+import webviz_core_components as wcc
+from dash import Input, Output, callback
+from dash.development.base_component import Component
+from webviz_config.webviz_plugin_subclasses import ViewABC
+from ._shared_settings import RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings
+from ._view_elements import make_colormap, render_matrix, render_parcoord
+class RunTimeAnalysisGraph(ViewABC):
+ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+ class Ids:
+ RUN_TIME_SETTINGS = "run-time-settings"
+ RUNTIME_ANALYSIS = "run-time-analysis"
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ plotly_theme: dict,
+ job_status_df: pd.DataFrame,
+ real_status_df: pd.DataFrame,
+ ensembles: list,
+ visual_parameters: list,
+ plugin_paratamters: List[str],
+ filter_shorter: Union[int, float] = 10,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__("Settings")
+ self.plotly_theme = plotly_theme
+ self.job_status_df = job_status_df
+ self.real_status_df = real_status_df
+ self.filter_shorter = filter_shorter
+ self.cooridinates_params = None
+ self.ensembles = ensembles
+ self.visual_parameters = visual_parameters
+ self.plugin_parameters = plugin_paratamters
+ column = self.add_column()
+ column.make_row(self.Ids.RUNTIME_ANALYSIS, flex_grow=4)
+ self.add_settings_group(
+ RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings(
+ self.real_status_df,
+ self.ensembles,
+ self.visual_parameters,
+ self.plugin_parameters,
+ self.filter_shorter,
+ ),
+ )
+ def set_callbacks(self) -> None:
+ @callback(
+ Output(
+ self.layout_element(RunTimeAnalysisGraph.Ids.RUNTIME_ANALYSIS)
+ .get_unique_id()
+ .to_string(),
+ "children",
+ ),
+ Input(
+ self.settings_group(self.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.MODE)
+ .to_string(),
+ "value",
+ ),
+ Input(
+ self.settings_group(self.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.ENSEMBLE)
+ .to_string(),
+ "value",
+ ),
+ Input(
+ self.settings_group(self.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.COLORING)
+ .to_string(),
+ "value",
+ ),
+ Input(
+ self.settings_group(self.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.FILTER_SHORT)
+ .to_string(),
+ "value",
+ ),
+ Input(
+ self.settings_group(self.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.FILTER_PARAMS)
+ .to_string(),
+ "value",
+ ),
+ Input(
+ self.settings_group(self.Ids.RUN_TIME_SETTINGS)
+ .component_unique_id(RunningTimeAnalysisFmuSettings.Ids.REMOVE_CONSTANT)
+ .to_string(),
+ "value",
+ ),
+ )
+ def _update_fig(
+ mode: str,
+ ens: str,
+ coloring: str,
+ filter_short: List[str],
+ params: Union[str, List[str]],
+ remove_constant: str,
+ ) -> Component:
+ """Update main figure
+ Dependent on `mode` it will call rendering of the chosen form of visualization
+ """
+ if mode == "running_time_matrix" and "filter_short" in filter_short:
+ return wcc.Graph(
+ figure=render_matrix(
+ self.job_status_df[
+ (self.job_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens)
+ & (
+ self.job_status_df["JOB_MAX_RUNTIME"]
+ >= self.filter_shorter
+ )
+ ],
+ coloring,
+ self.plotly_theme,
+ )
+ )
+ if mode == "running_time_matrix":
+ return wcc.Graph(
+ figure=render_matrix(
+ self.job_status_df[(self.job_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens)],
+ coloring,
+ self.plotly_theme,
+ )
+ )
+ # Otherwise: parallel coordinates
+ # Ensure selected parameters is a list
+ params = params if isinstance(params, list) else [params]
+ # Color by success or runtime, for runtime drop unsuccesful
+ colormap_labels: Union[List[str], None]
+ if coloring == "Successful/failed realization":
+ plot_df = self.real_status_df[self.real_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens]
+ colormap = make_colormap(
+ self.plotly_theme["layout"]["colorway"], discrete=2
+ )
+ color_by_col = "STATUS_BOOL"
+ colormap_labels = ["Failed", "Success"]
+ else:
+ plot_df = self.real_status_df[
+ (self.real_status_df["ENSEMBLE"] == ens)
+ & (self.real_status_df["STATUS_BOOL"] == 1)
+ ]
+ colormap = self.plotly_theme["layout"]["colorscale"]["sequential"]
+ color_by_col = "RUNTIME"
+ colormap_labels = None
+ # Call rendering of parallel coordinate plot
+ plot_info = render_parcoord(
+ plot_df,
+ params,
+ self.plotly_theme,
+ colormap,
+ color_by_col,
+ remove_constant,
+ colormap_labels,
+ )
+ return wcc.Graph(
+ figure=plot_info,
+ style={
+ "display": "block",
+ "transform": "rotate(90deg)",
+ "width": 900,
+ "margin": {
+ "b": 0,
+ "r": 30,
+ },
+ },
+ )
diff --git a/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_view_elements.py b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_view_elements.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06972db2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webviz_subsurface/plugins/_running_time_analysis_fmu/_view_elements.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+from typing import List, Union
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from webviz_config.common_cache import CACHE
+def render_matrix(status_df: pd.DataFrame, rel: str, theme: dict) -> dict:
+ """Render matrix
+ Returns figure object as heatmap for the chosen ensemble and scaling method.
+ """
+ if rel == "Same job in ensemble":
+ z = list(status_df["JOB_SCALED_RUNTIME"])
+ elif rel == "Slowest job in realization":
+ z = list(status_df["REAL_SCALED_RUNTIME"])
+ else:
+ z = list(status_df["ENS_SCALED_RUNTIME"])
+ data = {
+ "type": "heatmap",
+ "x": list(status_df["REAL"]),
+ "y": list(status_df["JOB_ID"]),
+ "z": z,
+ "zmin": 0,
+ "zmax": 1,
+ "text": list(status_df["HOVERINFO"]),
+ "hoverinfo": "text",
+ "colorscale": theme["layout"]["colorscale"]["sequential"],
+ "colorbar": {
+ "tickvals": [
+ 0,
+ 0.5,
+ 1,
+ ],
+ "ticktext": [
+ "0 %",
+ "50 %",
+ "100%",
+ ],
+ "xanchor": "left",
+ },
+ }
+ layout = {}
+ layout.update(theme["layout"])
+ layout.update(
+ {
+ "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
+ "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
+ "margin": {
+ "t": 50,
+ "b": 50,
+ "l": 50,
+ },
+ "xaxis": {
+ "ticks": "",
+ "title": "Realizations",
+ "showgrid": False,
+ "side": "top",
+ },
+ "yaxis": {
+ "ticks": "",
+ "showticklabels": True,
+ "tickmode": "array",
+ "tickvals": list(status_df["JOB_ID"]),
+ "ticktext": list(status_df["JOB"]),
+ "showgrid": False,
+ "automargin": True,
+ "autorange": "reversed",
+ "type": "category",
+ },
+ "height": max(350, len(status_df["JOB_ID"].unique()) * 15),
+ "width": max(400, len(status_df["REAL"].unique()) * 12 + 250),
+ }
+ )
+ return {"data": [data], "layout": layout}
+def render_parcoord(
+ plot_df: pd.DataFrame,
+ params: List[str],
+ theme: dict,
+ colormap: Union[List[str], List[list]],
+ color_col: str,
+ remove_constant: str,
+ colormap_labels: Union[List[str], None] = None,
+) -> dict:
+ """Renders parallel coordinates plot"""
+ # Create parcoords dimensions (one per parameter)
+ dimentions_params = []
+ if remove_constant == ["remove_constant"]:
+ for param in params:
+ if len(np.unique(plot_df[param].values)) > 1:
+ dimentions_params.append(param)
+ else:
+ dimentions_params = params
+ dimensions = [
+ {"label": param, "values": plot_df[param].values.tolist()}
+ for param in dimentions_params
+ ]
+ # Parcoords data dict
+ data: dict = {
+ "line": {
+ "color": plot_df[color_col].values.tolist(),
+ "colorscale": colormap,
+ "showscale": True,
+ },
+ "dimensions": dimensions,
+ "labelangle": -90,
+ "labelside": "bottom",
+ "type": "parcoords",
+ }
+ if color_col == "STATUS_BOOL":
+ data["line"].update(
+ {
+ "cmin": -0.5,
+ "cmax": 1.5,
+ "colorbar": {
+ "tickvals": [0, 1],
+ "ticktext": colormap_labels,
+ "tickangle": -90,
+ "title": {"text": "Status", "side": "right"},
+ "xanchor": "right",
+ "x": -0.005,
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ else:
+ data["line"].update(
+ {
+ "colorbar": {
+ "title": {"text": "Running time", "side": "right"},
+ "tickangle": -90,
+ "xanchor": "right",
+ "x": -0.005,
+ },
+ },
+ )
+ layout = {}
+ layout.update(theme["layout"])
+ # Ensure sufficient spacing between each dimension and margin for labels
+ width = len(dimensions) * 100 + 250
+ margin_b = max([len(param) for param in params]) * 8
+ layout.update(
+ {
+ "width": width,
+ "height": 800,
+ "margin": {"b": margin_b, "t": 30},
+ }
+ )
+ return {"data": [data], "layout": layout}
+def make_colormap(color_array: list, discrete: int = None) -> list:
+ """
+ Returns a colormap:
+ * If the `discrete` variable is set to an integer x, the colormap will be a discrete map of
+ size x evenly sampled from the given color_array.
+ * If discrete not defined or `None`: assumes continuous colormap and returns the given
+ color_array.
+ """
+ if discrete is None:
+ colormap = color_array
+ else:
+ colormap = []
+ for i in range(0, discrete):
+ colormap.append([i / discrete, color_array[i]])
+ colormap.append([(i + 1) / discrete, color_array[i]])
+ return colormap