All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.5.1 (2024-03-04)
- body of questions to be created. (eccb8bb)
- correction of indentation problems. (00e5e4e)
- disable block format. (006260e)
- disable the function to control indentation. (8898bf7)
- html formatting problems. (49c15b4)
- master file format. (792b937)
- add master files. (cd1e2f3)
- add new format for questions, functions and table of contents. (a49e05c)
- add new id field and correct prettier errors (9d54d91)
- add npm and 'standard-version' dependency. (9a20c5c)
- change format of images and questions (d026f6a)
- change format of question submission and correct minor errors (e2cdf46)
- improve questioning scheme and console output. (50a75f9)