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158 lines (115 loc) · 3.62 KB

File metadata and controls

158 lines (115 loc) · 3.62 KB


yarn install
# install slither, mythril, solc, and other tools in the docker image
yarn run setup-analyzers

Don't forget to copy the .env.example file to .env, then edit it to provide the required details.


Before using the analyzers, make sure to complete the Prerequisites step.

yarn run slither path/to/contract
yarn run mythril path/to/contract

Lint & Format

yarn run lint
yarn run lint:fix


yarn hardhat test
# run tests and generate coverage report
yarn run coverage


# generate docs according to the contracts/ folder
yarn hardhat docgen

Local Network & Blockscout Explorer

# start a local network at http://localhost:8545
yarn hardhat node
# start the blockscout explorer at http://localhost:80 for the local network
yarn run blockscout:start
yarn run blockscout:stop
yarn run blockscout:reset
# use this after restarting your node
yarn run blockscout:refresh
# deploy the contract to the local network
yarn run node:run scripts/deploy.ts
# verify the contract on the local network
yarn run node:verify --constructor-args ignition/modules/FooTokenArgs.ts <FOO_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
# analyze the on-chain contract on the local network
yarn mythril --address <FOO_TOKEN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> --rpc host.docker.internal:8545

Deploy Contract & Verification

To verify a contract, you first need to deploy it to a network.

In this project, copy the .env.example file to .env, then edit it to provide the required details:

  • Enter the API key you obtained from an explorer (e.g., Etherscan) in the corresponding variable. (e.g., ETHERSCAN_API_KEY)
  • Provide the RPC URL of the network you want to deploy to. (e.g., MAINNET_RPC_URL)
  • Specify the private key of the account that will send the deployment transaction (DEPLOYER_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY).

With a properly configured .env file, deploy your contract by running:

yarn hardhat run --network <YOUR_NETWORK> scripts/deploy.ts

You can also manually add the contract(s) to your Tenderly project using the output URL:<NETWORK_NAME>/<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

Finally, verify the contract:



# find outputs of specific contract and write to file
yarn hardhat finder --contract-path contracts/FooToken.sol --contract-name FooToken --write-to-file abi bytecode metadata --colorify --compact --prettify
# create lock file of storage layout for your contracts
yarn hardhat storage-lock
# check by comparing with existing lock file of storage layout
yarn hardhat storage-check
# generate a flattened version of the contract
yarn run flatten path/to/contract
# share the project with remix-ide
yarn run share


Contributions to this project are welcome! You can help by adding new features or fixing bugs. Here are some suggestions:

  • Enhance diversity in the Workshop Contract
  • Add tests for the Workshop Contract
  • Include examples of Upgradeable Contracts
  • Integrate OpenZeppelin Defender
  • Integrate Tenderly
  • Add the "Plugins" section