All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Storyblok-JS-client
- Custom cache provider
- Storyblok-JS-client
- Error handling is return the correct reject/resolve to the client
- Storyblok-JS-client
- Added content type header to fix a bug from the api calls.
- Storyblok-JS-client
- Added optional fetch function to constructor
- Update browsers compatibility
- Remove isomorphic fetch from dependencies
- Added a simple playground for manual testing
- Build setup improvements
- Added svelte + ts and Nuxt 3 playgrounds
- Ci: run prettier in CI
- Merge conflicting ESLint + Prettier configuration
- Remove & ignore stray .DS_Store file
- Added the correct function return to get, getAll, set and flush functions
- Added dimensions related features to ISbStoriesParams interface.
- Storyblok-JS-client
- Added Typescript to codebase
- Removed Axios as dependency
- All JS codebase was refactored to Typescript
- Fixing application to match unit tests