This repo contains bash script shortcuts for common Docker commands.
To use...
$ git clone
For example: Assumes that the repo was cloned to $HOME/bin
Edit $HOME/.bash_profile
# add docker shortcut scripts
export PATH="$HOME/bin/docker_shortcuts/scripts:${PATH}"
This adds the docker_shortcuts to the front of the PATH env var. You can add it to the end if you prefer.
Execute the following to activate the change to PATH. Need to execute in each terminal window or restart terminal.
$ source ~/.bash_profile
$ dhelp
In a project where you have a docker-compose.yml, use the following to start all containers as described in the docker-compose.yml file. This will build the images if needed.
$ dcpup
Check to see which images, containers, and services are loaded and running...
$ dls
Expect images to include all the images listed in the docker-compose.yml file Expect running containers to include all containers described in the docker-compose.yml file Expect all containers to include all loaded containers whether or not they are running. Expect services to include all services described in the docker-compose.yml file
Starting/stopping containers and building images can create a messy environment. If you want to start fresh, do the following to completely remove all containers and images.
WARNING: This process gets rid of everything including running containers and images with containers. I use it to clean up my dev machine when I want to start with a completely clean docker environment.
Check which images, container, and serices are loaded and running.
$ dls
Start the cleanup by using docker-compose to clean up its images and containers.
$ dcpdown
Check which images, container, and serices are still loaded and running.
$ dls
Stop all containers including running containers.
$ dcpruneall
Check all containers are stopped
$ dls
Expect the running containers and all containers lists to be empty.
Remove all images without container (which should be all images at this point).
$ diprune
Check all images were removed
$ dls
Expect all lists to be empty.
Dockerizing a Rails Development Environment - Demo - Best I've found step by step intro to help you understand how Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml interrelate
Understanding Docker Build Args, Environment Variables and Docker Compose Variables