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This guide covers installation on Windows.
Download MinGW for windows for linux command line utilities.
Run mingw-get-setup.exe
Install at default location: C:\MinGW
Select following packages under Basic Setup:
Select: Installation > Apply Changes > Apply
path to environment variable separated by a semi-colon(;).
Download nRF5 SDK12.2
Extract: nRF5_SDK_12.2.0_f012efa.zip.
Download nRFGo Studio.
Go to: Downloads and select nRFgo-Studio-Winxx as per your installed Windows OS.
Run: nrfgostudio_win-64-xxx_installer
Install the software with "typical" configurations.
Post installation, Install: nRF5x-Command-Line-Tools
Download GNU-ARM-GCC (version 6-2016-q4) compiler.
Run: gcc-arm-none-eabi.exe
Check "Add path to environment variable" and click on "Finish"
Download Eclipse Mars 2 for C/C++ (32-bit) package
Extract: eclipse-cpp-mars-2-win32.zip
Install GNU Arm Eclipse Plug-in
- Using Windows Explorer, open arm-gcc install directory. In my system, it is installed in
C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded
GNU Tools ARM Embedded includes installed ARM-GCC compilers. In this case, 6.2 2016q4
. This folder tells you the compiler version.
For exact version of currently installed ARM-GCC compiler, run:
arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
Go to:
Open Makefile.Windows in a text editor.
GNU_INSTALL_ROOT := C:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Tools ARM Embedded/6.2 2016q4
GNU_VERSION := 6.2.1
Go to:
command to compile the project.
- Add
in Makefile.Windows if following error occurs.
Linux and OS X already come with tooks luke make. You just need to install ARM GCC, Nordic nRF5 SDK, and some Nordic utilities like nrfutil. This is all covered in the Nordic tutorial - Development with GCC and Eclipse.