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Manual Creation

Felix Rieseberg edited this page Apr 25, 2016 · 1 revision

Package your Electron Application

Package application using electron-packager (or something similar)

Create Archive

Zip the contents as (without using a subdirectory - ./yourapp.exe). (To be automated)

Copy together with ElectronInstaller.exe into a folder. (To be automated)

Execute the Desktop Converter

Execute the converter, passing in the "ElectronInstaller.exe" as your installer. ⚠️ Please ensure that your Publisher name matches the one in your certificate. If you do not yet have a certificate, you can create one.

    -ExpandedBaseImage C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Images\BaseImage-14316\
    -Installer C:\Users\feriese\Desktop\input\ElectronInstaller.exe
    -Destination C:\Users\feriese\Desktop\output\
    -PackageName "YOURAPP"
    -Publisher "CN=testca"
    -AppExecutable "C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Roaming\e\YOURAPP.EXE"

Add Tile Images, Logos, and Other Metadata

At this point, your app consists of three components that can be found in the output folder: The Virtualized Filesystem (found in the VFS folder), visual assets for your app (found in assets) and an application manifest (found in AppXManifesst.xml).

Before proceeding with the next step, add icons, logos, descriptions, and other meta data you'd like to be in the app. For tipps and documents around tiles and icons, please see the "Guidelines for tile and icon assets". For more information about the package manifest, please consult the docs.

Create AppX Package

App packager (MakeAppx.exe) creates an app package from files on disk. It is included with the Windows SDK. The MakeAppx.exe tool is typically found inside your Windows 10 SDK installation folder. To pack the created directory into an appx, run:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\"
.\makeappx.exe pack /d C:\Users\feriese\Desktop\output\ /p C:\Users\feriese\Desktop\Ghost.appx

Sign the Package

Once Windows Codename Redstone (also known as the "Windows Anniversary Update") is released, you will be able to submit packages to the Windows Store. When that happens, you will sign your apps with a Microsoft Certificate - but in the meantime, you will need to sign your brand new appx package with a certificate trusted by your computer.

If you have not already created one, use the tool MakeCert.exe.

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x64\"
MakeCert.exe -r -h 0 -n "CN=<publisher_name>" -eku -pe -sv <my.pvk> <my.cer>
pvk2pfx.exe -pvk <my.pvk> -spc <my.cer> -pfx <my.pfx>
signtool.exe sign -f <my.pfx> -fd SHA256 -v .\<outputAppX>.appx

Deploy the Package

Add-AppxPackage .\Ghost.appx
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