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init and revert: support syncing migrations down. (#32)
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thruflo authored Feb 2, 2023
1 parent feaf709 commit d038c95
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Showing 11 changed files with 338 additions and 51 deletions.
26 changes: 24 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,12 @@ Creates a new folder for migrations in your current directory called 'migrations

The `APP` and optinally `ENV` you give should be copied from the sync service connection details provided by the ElectricSQL console. You specify here once, and the CLI stores in an `electric.json` file so you don't have to keep re-typing it.

Note that you can also sync down migrations from an existing app using:

electric init APP --sync-down

### Update

You can update your config using `electric config update`. See the options with:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,15 +186,31 @@ electric migrations revert NAME [--env ENV]

This will copy the named migration from the ElectricSQL server to replace the local one. By default this will use the `default` environment, if you want to use a different one you can specify it with `--env ENV`.

If you're having problems with your local migrations, you can force revert:

electric migrations revert NAME --force

And you can revert all of the local migrations to match the migrations that have been applied on the server. This is like a force reset of the local migrations folder:

electric migrations revert --all

Remeber to `electric build` after resetting before importing into your local app.

### reset

If you get stuck in local development and need to reset your backend, you can wipe and re-provision your environment using:
> WARNING: Use `reset` with extreme care (and usually only in development) as it explicitly causes data loss.
If you get stuck and need to reset the migrations that have been applied on the server, you can wipe and re-provision your environment using:

electric reset [--env ENV]

WARNING: Use this with care (and usually only in development) as it explicitly causes data loss.
This is like a force reset of the server migrations. Remember to `electric sync` to upload your local migrations to the new server environment before restarting replication.

## Contributing

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36 changes: 32 additions & 4 deletions apps/electric_cli/lib/electric_cli/commands/init.ex
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Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,20 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Init do
alias ElectricCli.Migrations
alias ElectricCli.Config.Environment

@flags [
sync_down: [
long: "--sync-down",
help: "Sync down the current migrations from the server.",
required: false

@options [
env: [
short: "-e",
long: "--env",
value_name: "ENV",
help: "Name of the app environment.",
help: "Name of the target environment.",
parser: :string,
default: Application.compile_env!(:electric_cli, :default_env)
Expand All @@ -27,9 +35,18 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Init do
You can update your config and add environments using the `electric config`
command. See `electric config --help` for details.
Standard usage:
electric init APP
Specify a target environment:
electric init APP --env ENV
Sync down and bootstrap the local folder with the existing migrations
from the server:
electric init APP --sync-down

Expand All @@ -39,7 +56,8 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Init do
about: about(),
config_flags() ++
@flags ++
config_flags() ++
console_flags() ++
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +89,7 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Init do
env = options.env

debug = flags.debug
should_sync_down = flags.sync_down
should_verify_app = not flags.no_verify

migrations_dir = Path.relative_to(options.migrations_dir, root)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +131,8 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Init do

with :ok <-,
:ok <- Migrations.init_migrations(config) do
{:ok, %Config{} = config} <- Config.load(root),
:ok <- init_migrations(config, environment, should_sync_down, should_verify_app) do
{:success, ["ElectricCli configuration written to `#{relative_root}/`\n"]}
_err ->
Expand All @@ -133,4 +153,12 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Init do

defp init_migrations(%Config{} = config, %Environment{}, false, should_verify_app) do
Migrations.init_migrations(config, should_verify_app)

defp init_migrations(%Config{} = config, %Environment{} = environment, true, _should_verify) do
Migrations.sync_down_migrations(config, environment)
89 changes: 71 additions & 18 deletions apps/electric_cli/lib/electric_cli/commands/migrations.ex
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Expand Up @@ -55,10 +55,40 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Migrations do
Copies the named migration from the server to replace the local one.
Uses your `defaultEnv` unless you specify `--env ENV`.
## Examples
To revert a migration by name:
electric migrations revert NAME
Or revert all of your local migrations to match the migrations on
the server:
electric migrations revert --all
args: @migration_arg,
args: [
migration_name: [
value_name: "NAME",
help: "Name of the migration",
required: false,
parser: :string
options: merge_options(env_options()),
flags: default_flags()
all: [
long: "--all",
help: "Revert all local migrations and replace with migrations from the server.",
required: false
force: [
long: "--force",
help: "Force revert the named migration.",
required: false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,25 +126,48 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Migrations do

def revert(%{args: %{migration_name: migration_name}, options: %{env: env, root: root}}) do
def revert(%{args: args, flags: flags, options: %{env: env, root: root}}) do
with :ok <- Session.require_auth(),
{:ok, %Config{} = config} <- Config.load(root),
{:ok, %Environment{} = environment} <- Config.target_environment(config, env) do"Reverting migration", fn ->
case Migrations.revert_migration(config, environment, migration_name) do
:ok ->
{:success, "Migration reverted successfully"}

{:ok, warnings} ->
{:success, Util.format_messages("warnings", warnings)}

{:error, errors} when is_list(errors) or is_binary(errors) ->
{:error, Util.format_messages("errors", errors)}

alt ->
case {args, flags} do
{%{migration_name: name}, %{all: false}} when is_binary(name) and name != "" ->"Reverting migration", fn ->
case Migrations.revert_migration(config, environment, name, flags.force) do
:ok ->
{:success, "Migration reverted successfully"}

{:ok, warnings} ->
{:success, Util.format_messages("warnings", warnings)}

{:error, errors} when is_list(errors) or is_binary(errors) ->
{:error, Util.format_messages("errors", errors)}

alt ->

{%{migration_name: nil}, %{all: true}} ->"Reverting all migrations", fn ->
case Migrations.sync_down_migrations(config, environment) do
:ok ->
{:success, "Migrations reverted successfully"}

{:ok, warnings} ->
{:success, Util.format_messages("warnings", warnings)}

{:error, errors} when is_list(errors) or is_binary(errors) ->
{:error, Util.format_messages("errors", errors)}

alt ->

_ ->
{:error, "You must specify a migration NAME or use the --all flag."}
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion apps/electric_cli/lib/electric_cli/commands/sync.ex
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Sync do

def about() do
Sync migrations upto the backend.
Sync migrations up-to the backend.
This synchronises your local changes up to your ElectricSQL sync service
and builds a new javascript file at `:output_dir/:app/:env/index.js` that
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Commands.Sync do
The sync will also fail if the migration has a name that is lower in sort order
than one already applied on the server.
If you want to sync migrations down from the backend without uploading
and matching your local migrations, use `electric revert [NAME] [--all]`.

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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions apps/electric_cli/lib/electric_cli/config.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,9 +126,7 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Config do
|> Map.update!(:directories, &contract_directories(&1, root))
|> Map.update!(:environments, &contract_environments/1)

config_filepath =
|> filepath()
config_filepath = filepath(root)

with {:ok, json} <- Jason.encode(config, pretty: true),
:ok <- File.write(config_filepath, json <> "\n"),
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/electric_cli/lib/electric_cli/core.ex
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Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ defmodule ElectricCli.Core do
{:ok, %Manifest{} = manifest, []} <-
Migrations.hydrate_manifest(manifest, migrations_dir),
{:ok, dynamic_success_message} <- Sync.sync_migrations(manifest, environment),
{:ok, %Manifest{} = server_manifest} <- Api.get_server_migrations(app, env, true),
{:ok, %Manifest{} = server_manifest} <- Api.get_server_migrations(app, env, :satellite),
:ok <- Bundle.write(server_manifest, environment, :server, debug, output_dir) do
{:ok, dynamic_success_message}
Expand Down

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