diff --git a/openedx_cmi5_xblock/__init__.py b/openedx_cmi5_xblock/__init__.py
index 3b89306..b8d33dc 100644
--- a/openedx_cmi5_xblock/__init__.py
+++ b/openedx_cmi5_xblock/__init__.py
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
Init for the CMI5XBlock package.
-# from .openedx_cmi5_xblock import CMI5XBlock
+from .openedx_cmi5_xblock import CMI5XBlock
-# __version__ = '0.1.0'
+__version__ = '0.1.0'
diff --git a/openedx_cmi5_xblock/openedx_cmi5_xblock.py b/openedx_cmi5_xblock/openedx_cmi5_xblock.py
index d923b3d..97a85a0 100644
--- a/openedx_cmi5_xblock/openedx_cmi5_xblock.py
+++ b/openedx_cmi5_xblock/openedx_cmi5_xblock.py
@@ -1,685 +1,682 @@
-# """Openedx CMI5 XBlock implementation """
-# import hashlib
-# import json
-# import logging
-# import os
-# import urllib
-# import uuid
-# import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-# import zipfile
-# import pkg_resources
-# import requests
-# from django.conf import settings
-# from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
-# from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
-# from django.core.validators import URLValidator
-# from django.template import Context, Template
-# from django.utils import timezone
-# from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
-# from six import string_types
-# from webob import Response
-# from xblock.completable import CompletableXBlockMixin
-# from xblock.core import XBlock
-# from xblock.fields import Boolean, DateTime, Dict, Float, Integer, Scope, String
-# from xblock.fragment import Fragment
-# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# CMI5XML_FILENAME = 'cmi5.xml'
-# def _(text): return text
-# @XBlock.wants('i18n')
-# @XBlock.wants('user')
-# @XBlock.wants('settings')
-# @XBlock.wants('enrollments')
-# class CMI5XBlock(XBlock, CompletableXBlockMixin):
-# """
-# This is the main xblock class with all the members defined
-# """
-# display_name = String(
-# display_name=_('Display Name'),
-# help=_('Display name'),
-# default='CMI5 module',
-# scope=Scope.settings,
-# )
-# index_page_path = String(
-# display_name=_('Path to the index page in CMI5 file'),
-# scope=Scope.settings
-# )
-# package_meta = Dict(scope=Scope.content)
-# course_data = Dict(
-# scope=Scope.content,
-# default={},
-# help=_('Save course id, title and description')
-# )
-# lesson_status = String(
-# scope=Scope.user_state,
-# default='unknown'
-# )
-# lesson_score = Float(
-# scope=Scope.user_state,
-# default=0,
-# help=_('Latest passed attempt Score')
-# )
-# state_data = Dict(
-# scope=Scope.user_state,
-# default={},
-# help=_('Save course state such as bookmark')
-# )
-# has_score = Boolean(
-# display_name=_('Scored'),
-# help=_('Select False if this component will not receive a numerical score from the CMI5'),
-# default=True,
-# scope=Scope.settings
-# )
-# weight = Float(
-# default=1,
-# display_name=_('Weight'),
-# help=_('Weight/Maximum grade'),
-# scope=Scope.settings,
-# )
-# width = Integer(
-# display_name=_('Display width (px)'),
-# help=_('Width of iframe (default: 100%)'),
-# scope=Scope.settings,
-# )
-# height = Integer(
-# display_name=_('Display height (px)'),
-# help=_('Height of iframe'),
-# default=450,
-# scope=Scope.settings,
-# )
-# has_author_view = True
-# def render_template(self, template_path, context):
-# template_str = self.resource_string(template_path)
-# template = Template(template_str)
-# return template.render(Context(context))
-# @staticmethod
-# def resource_string(path):
-# """Handy helper for getting resources from our kit."""
-# data = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, path)
-# return data.decode('utf8')
-# @staticmethod
-# def json_response(data):
-# return Response(json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json', charset='utf8')
-# def get_current_user_attr(self, attr: str):
-# return self.get_current_user().opt_attrs.get(attr)
-# def get_current_user(self):
-# return self.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user()
-# def author_view(self, context=None):
-# context = context or {}
-# if not self.index_page_path:
-# context['message'] = 'Click "Edit" to modify this module and upload a new CMI5 package.'
-# return self.student_view(context=context)
-# def studio_view(self, context=None):
-# """
-# This method generates the studio view, including the display of various fields
-# related to the CMI5 XBlock, and initializes the required CSS and JavaScript.
-# """
-# studio_context = {
-# 'field_display_name': self.fields['display_name'],
-# 'field_has_score': self.fields['has_score'],
-# 'field_weight': self.fields['weight'],
-# 'field_width': self.fields['width'],
-# 'field_height': self.fields['height'],
-# 'cmi5_xblock': self
-# }
-# studio_context.update(context or {})
-# template = self.render_template('static/html/studio.html', studio_context)
-# frag = Fragment(template)
-# frag.add_css(self.resource_string('static/css/openedx_cmi5_xblock.css'))
-# frag.add_javascript(self.resource_string('static/js/src/studio.js'))
-# frag.initialize_js('CMI5StudioXBlock')
-# return frag
-# def student_view(self, context=None):
-# """
-# The primary view of the CMI5XBlock, shown to students when viewing courses.
-# """
-# student_context = {
-# 'title': self.display_name,
-# 'index_page_url': self.index_page_url,
-# 'cmi5_xblock': self,
-# }
-# student_context.update(context or {})
-# template = self.render_template('static/html/openedx_cmi5_xblock.html', student_context)
-# frag = Fragment(template)
-# frag.add_css(self.resource_string('static/css/openedx_cmi5_xblock.css'))
-# frag.add_javascript(self.resource_string('static/js/src/openedx_cmi5_xblock.js'))
-# frag.initialize_js(
-# 'CMI5XBlock', json_args={
-# 'popup_width': self.width or 800,
-# 'popup_height': self.height or 800,
-# },
-# )
-# return frag
-# @property
-# def index_page_url(self):
-# """
-# Gets the URL of the CMI5 index page.
-# Returns an empty string if the package metadata or index page path is not available.
-# """
-# if not self.package_meta or not self.index_page_path:
-# return ''
-# folder = self.extract_folder_path
-# if self.storage.exists(os.path.join(self.extract_folder_base_path, self.index_page_path)):
-# # For backward-compatibility, we must handle the case when the xblock data
-# # is stored in the base folder.
-# folder = self.extract_folder_base_path
-# logger.warning('Serving CMI5 content from old-style path: %s', folder)
-# lms_cmi5_url = requests.utils.unquote(self.storage.url(os.path.join(folder, self.index_page_path)))
-# if self.is_url(self.index_page_path):
-# lms_cmi5_url = self.index_page_path
-# params_joining_symbol = '&' if self.is_params_exist(lms_cmi5_url) else '?'
-# lms_cmi5_url = lms_cmi5_url + params_joining_symbol
-# return lms_cmi5_url + self.get_launch_url_params()
-# @property
-# def extract_folder_path(self):
-# """
-# This path needs to depend on the content of the cmi5 package. Otherwise, served media files might become
-# stale when the package is update.
-# """
-# return os.path.join(self.extract_folder_base_path, self.package_meta['sha1'])
-# @property
-# def extract_folder_base_path(self):
-# """
-# Path to the folder where packages will be extracted.
-# """
-# return os.path.join(self.cmi5_location(), self.location.block_id)
-# def is_url(self, path):
-# """
-# Checks if the given path is a valid URL.
-# """
-# try:
-# validator = URLValidator(verify_exists=False)
-# validator(path)
-# except Exception as err:
-# return False
-# return True
-# def is_params_exist(self, url):
-# """
-# Checks if query parameters exist in the given URL.
-# """
-# return '?' in url
-# def get_launch_url_params(self):
-# """
-# Constructs and returns launch URL parameters for CMI5 integration
-# """
-# parameters = {
-# 'fetch': urllib.parse.quote_plus(self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'lrs_auth_endpoint', thirdparty=True)),
-# 'endpoint': urllib.parse.quote_plus(
-# self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'lrs_endpoint', thirdparty=True).replace('?', '')
-# ),
-# 'actor': json.dumps(
-# {
-# 'objectType': 'Agent',
-# 'name': self.get_current_user_attr('edx-platform.username'),
-# 'account': {'homePage': settings.LMS_ROOT_URL, 'name': self.get_enrollment_uuid()}
-# }
-# ),
-# 'activityId': self.course_data.get('course_id', 'http://lms.io'),
-# 'registration': self.get_enrollment_uuid(),
-# }
-# all_parameters = ''
-# for index, parameter in enumerate(parameters.items()):
-# all_parameters += parameter[0] + '=' + parameter[1]
-# if index != len(parameters) - 1:
-# all_parameters += '&'
-# return all_parameters
-# @XBlock.handler
-# def studio_submit(self, request, _suffix):
-# """
-# Handles the submission of the CMI5 XBlock studio form.
-# """
-# self.display_name = request.params['display_name']
-# self.width = parse_int(request.params['width'], None)
-# self.height = parse_int(request.params['height'], None)
-# self.has_score = request.params['has_score'] == '1'
-# self.weight = parse_float(request.params['weight'], 1)
-# self.icon_class = 'problem' if self.has_score else 'video'
-# response = {'result': 'success', 'errors': []}
-# if not hasattr(request.params['file'], 'file'):
-# # File not uploaded
-# return self.json_response(response)
-# package_file = request.params['file'].file
-# self.update_package_meta(package_file)
-# # Clean storage folder, if it already exists
-# self.clean_storage()
-# # Extract zip file
-# try:
-# self.extract_package(package_file)
-# self.update_package_fields()
-# except CMI5Error as e:
-# response['errors'].append(e.args[0])
-# return self.json_response(response)
-# def update_package_meta(self, package_file):
-# """
-# Updates the package metadata based on the provided package file.
-# """
-# self.package_meta['sha1'] = self.get_sha1(package_file)
-# self.package_meta['name'] = package_file.name
-# self.package_meta['last_updated'] = timezone.now().strftime(DateTime.DATETIME_FORMAT)
-# self.package_meta['size'] = package_file.seek(0, 2)
-# package_file.seek(0)
-# def clean_storage(self):
-# """
-# Cleans the storage by removing the previously unzipped content.
-# """
-# if self.storage.exists(self.extract_folder_base_path):
-# logger.info('Removing previously unzipped "%s"', self.extract_folder_base_path)
-# self.recursive_delete(self.extract_folder_base_path)
-# def recursive_delete(self, root):
-# """
-# Recursively delete the contents of a directory in the Django default storage.
-# Unfortunately, this will not delete empty folders, as the default FileSystemStorage
-# implementation does not allow it.
-# """
-# directories, files = self.storage.listdir(root)
-# for directory in directories:
-# self.recursive_delete(os.path.join(root, directory))
-# for f in files:
-# self.storage.delete(os.path.join(root, f))
-# def extract_package(self, package_file):
-# """
-# Extracts content from the provided CMI5 package file.
-# """
-# ext = package_file.name.split('.')[-1].lower()
-# if ext == 'zip':
-# self.extract_zip_file(package_file)
-# elif ext == 'xml':
-# self.save_xml_file(package_file)
-# else:
-# raise CMI5Error(f'Could not support {ext} file')
-# def extract_zip_file(self, package_file):
-# """
-# Extracts content from a zip file within the CMI5 package.
-# """
-# with zipfile.ZipFile(package_file, 'r') as cmi5_zipfile:
-# zipinfos = cmi5_zipfile.infolist()
-# root_path = None
-# root_depth = -1
-# # Find root folder which contains cmi5.xml
-# for zipinfo in zipinfos:
-# if os.path.basename(zipinfo.filename) == CMI5XML_FILENAME:
-# depth = len(os.path.split(zipinfo.filename))
-# if depth < root_depth or root_depth < 0:
-# root_path = os.path.dirname(zipinfo.filename)
-# root_depth = depth
-# if root_path is None:
-# raise CMI5Error('Could not find "cmi5.xml" file in the cmi5 package')
-# for zipinfo in zipinfos:
-# if zipinfo.filename.startswith(root_path):
-# if not zipinfo.filename.endswith('/'):
- # dest_path = os.path.join(
- # self.extract_folder_path,
- # os.path.relpath(zipinfo.filename, root_path)
- # )
-# self.storage.save(dest_path, ContentFile(cmi5_zipfile.read(zipinfo.filename)))
-# def save_xml_file(self, package_file):
-# """
-# Saves an XML file from the CMI5 package.
-# """
-# dest_path = os.path.join(self.extract_folder_path, package_file.filename)
-# self.storage.save(dest_path, ContentFile(package_file.filename))
-# def update_package_fields(self):
-# """
-# Update version and index page path fields.
-# """
-# cmi5_path = self.find_file_path(CMI5XML_FILENAME)
-# cmi5_file = self.storage.open(cmi5_path)
-# tree = ET.parse(cmi5_file)
-# cmi5_file.seek(0)
-# namespace = ''
-# for _, node in ET.iterparse(cmi5_file, events=['start-ns']):
-# if node[0] == '':
-# namespace = node[1]
-# break
-# root = tree.getroot()
-# prefix = '{' + namespace + '}' if namespace else ''
-# self.set_course_detail(prefix, root)
-# au_url = root.find('.//{prefix}au/{prefix}url'.format(prefix=prefix))
-# if au_url is not None:
-# self.index_page_path = au_url.text
-# else:
-# self.index_page_path = self.find_relative_file_path('index.html')
-# def set_course_detail(self, prefix, root):
-# """
-# Extracts course details from the provided XML root.
-# """
-# course_data = {}
-# try:
-# course_structure = root.find('{prefix}course'.format(prefix=prefix))
-# course_data['course_id'] = course_structure.attrib['id']
-# course_title = course_structure.find('{prefix}title/{prefix}langstring'.format(prefix=prefix))
-# course_data['title'] = course_title.text if course_title is not None else None
-# course_description = course_structure.find('{prefix}description/{prefix}langstring'.format(prefix=prefix))
-# course_data['description'] = course_description.text if course_description is not None else None
-# except Exception as err:
-# logger.error('Error occurred while parsing course xml: %s', err)
-# self.course_data = course_data
-# @XBlock.handler
-# def lrs_endpoint(self, request, _suffix):
-# """
-# Handles requests related to the Learning Record Store (LRS) endpoint.
-# """
-# if request.params.get('statementId') and request.method == 'PUT':
-# statement_data = self.get_request_body(request)
-# lesson_status = statement_data.get('verb').get('display').get('en')
-# object_categories = statement_data.get('context', {}).get('contextActivities', {}).get('category')
-# if lesson_status == 'failed' and self.lesson_status in ['passed', 'completed']:
-# return Response(status=204)
-# elif lesson_status in ['passed', 'failed']:
-# self.lesson_status = lesson_status
-# self.lesson_score = statement_data.get('result').get('score', {}).get('scaled', self.weight)
-# self.publish_grade()
-# elif lesson_status == 'completed' and self.is_cmi5_object(object_categories):
-# self.lesson_status = lesson_status
-# self.emit_completion(1.0)
-# return Response(status=204)
-# elif request.params.get('stateId'):
-# state_id = request.params.get('stateId')
-# if state_id == 'LMS.LaunchData':
-# return Response(json.dumps(self.get_launch_state_data()), status=200)
-# elif state_id == 'suspendData' and request.method == 'GET':
-# return self.json_response(self.state_data)
-# elif state_id == 'suspendData' and request.method == 'PUT':
-# self.state_data = self.get_request_body(request)
-# return Response(status=204)
-# return self.json_response({'success': True})
-# def get_request_body(self, request):
-# """
-# Gets the JSON body from an HTTP request.
-# """
-# return json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
-# def publish_grade(self):
-# """
-# Publishes the grade to the XBlock runtime.
-# """
-# self.runtime.publish(self, 'grade', {'value': self.get_grade(), 'max_value': self.weight})
-# def get_grade(self):
-# """
-# Calculates and returns the normalized grade.
-# """
-# lesson_score = 0 if self.is_failed else self.lesson_score
-# return lesson_score * self.weight
-# @property
-# def is_failed(self):
-# """
-# Checks if the lesson is in a failed status.
-# """
-# return self.lesson_status == 'failed'
-# def is_cmi5_object(self, categories):
-# """
-# Checks if the given categories include the cmi5 category.
-# """
-# if categories is None:
-# return False
-# cmi5_category = 'https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/cmi5'
-# return any([category['id'] == cmi5_category for category in categories])
-# def get_launch_state_data(self):
-# """
-# Generates and returns launch state data for the XBlock.
-# """
-# return {
-# 'contextTemplate': {
-# 'registration': self.get_enrollment_uuid(),
-# 'contextActivities': {
-# 'parent': [
-# {
-# 'id': self.course_data['course_id'],
-# 'definition': {
-# 'name': {
-# 'en-US': self.course_data['title']
-# },
-# 'description': {
-# 'en-US': self.course_data['description']
-# },
-# }
-# }
-# ]
-# }
-# },
-# 'launchMode': 'Normal',
-# 'launchParameters': ''
-# }
-# @XBlock.handler
-# def lrs_auth_endpoint(self, request, _suffix):
-# """
-# Handles requests to the LRS authentication endpoint.
-# """
-# user_id = self.get_current_user_attr('edx-platform.user_id')
-# session_id = request.cookies.get('sessionid', 'auth-session-id')
-# authtoken = 'user-id:{0}_session-id:{1}'.format(user_id, session_id)
-# authtoken = hashlib.sha256(authtoken.encode()).hexdigest()
-# return self.json_response({'auth-token': authtoken})
-# def get_erollment_id(self):
-# """
-# Retrieves the enrollment ID of the current user for the XBlock's course.
-# """
-# user_id = self.get_current_user_attr('edx-platform.user_id')
-# course_id = self.runtime.course_id
-# try:
-# enrollment = self.runtime.service(self, 'enrollments').get_active_enrollment_of_user_by_course(
-# user_id, course_id
-# )
-# return enrollment.id
-# except Exception as err:
-# return 'anonymous'
-# def get_enrollment_uuid(self):
-# """
-# Generates and returns the enrollment UUID based on the enrollment ID.
-# """
-# base_id = uuid.UUID('2af01743-8d97-423e-988a-25c69fa4ea66')
-# enrollment_uuid = uuid.uuid5(base_id, 'openedx-enrollment-id:{0}'.format(self.get_erollment_id()))
-# return str(enrollment_uuid)
-# def find_relative_file_path(self, filename):
-# """
-# Finds the relative file path within the XBlock's extract folder.
-# """
-# return os.path.relpath(self.find_file_path(filename), self.extract_folder_path)
-# def find_file_path(self, filename):
-# """
-# Search recursively in the extracted folder for a given file. Path of the first
-# found file will be returned. Raise a CMI5Error if file cannot be found.
-# """
-# path = self.get_file_path(filename, self.extract_folder_path)
-# if path is None:
-# raise CMI5Error('Invalid package: could not find "{}" file'.format(filename))
-# return path
-# def get_file_path(self, filename, root):
-# """
-# Same as `find_file_path`, but don't raise error on file not found.
-# """
-# subfolders, files = self.storage.listdir(root)
-# for f in files:
-# if f == filename:
-# return os.path.join(root, filename)
-# for subfolder in subfolders:
-# path = self.get_file_path(filename, os.path.join(root, subfolder))
-# if path is not None:
-# return path
-# return None
-# def cmi5_location(self):
-# """
-# Unzipped files will be stored in a media folder with this name, and thus
-# accessible at a url with that also includes this name.
-# """
-# default_cmi5_location = 'cmi5'
-# return self.xblock_settings.get('LOCATION', default_cmi5_location)
-# @staticmethod
-# def get_sha1(file_descriptor):
-# """
-# Get file hex digest (fingerprint).
-# """
-# block_size = 8 * 1024
-# sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
-# while True:
-# block = file_descriptor.read(block_size)
-# if not block:
-# break
-# sha1.update(block)
-# file_descriptor.seek(0)
-# return sha1.hexdigest()
-# @property
-# def storage(self):
-# """
-# Return the storage backend used to store the assets of this xblock. This is a cached property.
-# """
-# if not getattr(self, '_storage', None):
-# def get_default_storage(_xblock):
-# return default_storage
-# storage_func = self.xblock_settings.get('STORAGE_FUNC', get_default_storage)
-# if isinstance(storage_func, string_types):
-# storage_func = import_string(storage_func)
-# self._storage = storage_func(self)
-# return self._storage
-# @property
-# def xblock_settings(self):
-# """
-# Return a dict of settings associated to this XBlock.
-# """
-# settings_service = self.runtime.service(self, 'settings') or {}
-# if not settings_service:
-# return {}
-# return settings_service.get_settings_bucket(self)
-# @staticmethod
-# def workbench_scenarios():
-# """A canned scenario for display in the workbench."""
-# return [
-# ('CMI5XBlock',
-# '''
-# '''),
-# ('Multiple CMI5XBlock',
-# '''
-# '''),
-# ]
-# def parse_int(value, default):
-# """
-# Parses an integer, returning the parsed value or a default if unsuccessful.
-# """
-# try:
-# return int(value)
-# except (TypeError, ValueError):
-# return default
-# def parse_float(value, default):
-# """
-# Parses a float, returning the parsed value or a default if unsuccessful.
-# """
-# try:
-# return float(value)
-# except (TypeError, ValueError):
-# return default
-# def parse_validate_positive_float(value, name):
-# """
-# Parse and validate a given value as a positive float.
-# """
-# try:
-# parsed = float(value)
-# except (TypeError, ValueError):
-# raise ValueError('Could not parse value of "{}" (must be float): {}'.format(name, value))
-# if parsed < 0:
-# raise ValueError('Value of "{}" must not be negative: {}'.format(name, value))
-# return parsed
-# class CMI5Error(Exception):
-# """
-# Base exception class for CMI5-related errors.
-# """
-# pass
+"""Openedx CMI5 XBlock implementation """
+import hashlib
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import urllib
+import uuid
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import zipfile
+import pkg_resources
+import requests
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
+from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
+from django.core.validators import URLValidator
+from django.template import Context, Template
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
+from six import string_types
+from webob import Response
+from xblock.completable import CompletableXBlockMixin
+from xblock.core import XBlock
+from xblock.fields import Boolean, DateTime, Dict, Float, Integer, Scope, String
+from xblock.fragment import Fragment
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CMI5XML_FILENAME = 'cmi5.xml'
+def _(text): return text
+class CMI5XBlock(XBlock, CompletableXBlockMixin):
+ """
+ This is the main xblock class with all the members defined
+ """
+ display_name = String(
+ display_name=_('Display Name'),
+ help=_('Display name'),
+ default='CMI5 module',
+ scope=Scope.settings,
+ )
+ index_page_path = String(
+ display_name=_('Path to the index page in CMI5 file'),
+ scope=Scope.settings
+ )
+ package_meta = Dict(scope=Scope.content)
+ course_data = Dict(
+ scope=Scope.content,
+ default={},
+ help=_('Save course id, title and description')
+ )
+ lesson_status = String(
+ scope=Scope.user_state,
+ default='unknown'
+ )
+ lesson_score = Float(
+ scope=Scope.user_state,
+ default=0,
+ help=_('Latest passed attempt Score')
+ )
+ state_data = Dict(
+ scope=Scope.user_state,
+ default={},
+ help=_('Save course state such as bookmark')
+ )
+ has_score = Boolean(
+ display_name=_('Scored'),
+ help=_('Select False if this component will not receive a numerical score from the CMI5'),
+ default=True,
+ scope=Scope.settings
+ )
+ weight = Float(
+ default=1,
+ display_name=_('Weight'),
+ help=_('Weight/Maximum grade'),
+ scope=Scope.settings,
+ )
+ width = Integer(
+ display_name=_('Display width (px)'),
+ help=_('Width of iframe (default: 100%)'),
+ scope=Scope.settings,
+ )
+ height = Integer(
+ display_name=_('Display height (px)'),
+ help=_('Height of iframe'),
+ default=450,
+ scope=Scope.settings,
+ )
+ has_author_view = True
+ def render_template(self, template_path, context):
+ template_str = self.resource_string(template_path)
+ template = Template(template_str)
+ return template.render(Context(context))
+ @staticmethod
+ def resource_string(path):
+ """Handy helper for getting resources from our kit."""
+ data = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__, path)
+ return data.decode('utf8')
+ @staticmethod
+ def json_response(data):
+ return Response(json.dumps(data), content_type='application/json', charset='utf8')
+ def get_current_user_attr(self, attr: str):
+ return self.get_current_user().opt_attrs.get(attr)
+ def get_current_user(self):
+ return self.runtime.service(self, 'user').get_current_user()
+ def author_view(self, context=None):
+ context = context or {}
+ if not self.index_page_path:
+ context['message'] = 'Click "Edit" to modify this module and upload a new CMI5 package.'
+ return self.student_view(context=context)
+ def studio_view(self, context=None):
+ """
+ This method generates the studio view, including the display of various fields
+ related to the CMI5 XBlock, and initializes the required CSS and JavaScript.
+ """
+ studio_context = {
+ 'field_display_name': self.fields['display_name'],
+ 'field_has_score': self.fields['has_score'],
+ 'field_weight': self.fields['weight'],
+ 'field_width': self.fields['width'],
+ 'field_height': self.fields['height'],
+ 'cmi5_xblock': self
+ }
+ studio_context.update(context or {})
+ template = self.render_template('static/html/studio.html', studio_context)
+ frag = Fragment(template)
+ frag.add_css(self.resource_string('static/css/openedx_cmi5_xblock.css'))
+ frag.add_javascript(self.resource_string('static/js/src/studio.js'))
+ frag.initialize_js('CMI5StudioXBlock')
+ return frag
+ def student_view(self, context=None):
+ """
+ The primary view of the CMI5XBlock, shown to students when viewing courses.
+ """
+ student_context = {
+ 'title': self.display_name,
+ 'index_page_url': self.index_page_url,
+ 'cmi5_xblock': self,
+ }
+ student_context.update(context or {})
+ template = self.render_template('static/html/openedx_cmi5_xblock.html', student_context)
+ frag = Fragment(template)
+ frag.add_css(self.resource_string('static/css/openedx_cmi5_xblock.css'))
+ frag.add_javascript(self.resource_string('static/js/src/openedx_cmi5_xblock.js'))
+ frag.initialize_js(
+ 'CMI5XBlock', json_args={
+ 'popup_width': self.width or 800,
+ 'popup_height': self.height or 800,
+ },
+ )
+ return frag
+ @property
+ def index_page_url(self):
+ """
+ Gets the URL of the CMI5 index page.
+ Returns an empty string if the package metadata or index page path is not available.
+ """
+ if not self.package_meta or not self.index_page_path:
+ return ''
+ folder = self.extract_folder_path
+ if self.storage.exists(os.path.join(self.extract_folder_base_path, self.index_page_path)):
+ # For backward-compatibility, we must handle the case when the xblock data
+ # is stored in the base folder.
+ folder = self.extract_folder_base_path
+ logger.warning('Serving CMI5 content from old-style path: %s', folder)
+ lms_cmi5_url = requests.utils.unquote(self.storage.url(os.path.join(folder, self.index_page_path)))
+ if self.is_url(self.index_page_path):
+ lms_cmi5_url = self.index_page_path
+ params_joining_symbol = '&' if self.is_params_exist(lms_cmi5_url) else '?'
+ lms_cmi5_url = lms_cmi5_url + params_joining_symbol
+ return lms_cmi5_url + self.get_launch_url_params()
+ @property
+ def extract_folder_path(self):
+ """
+ This path needs to depend on the content of the cmi5 package. Otherwise, served media files might become
+ stale when the package is update.
+ """
+ return os.path.join(self.extract_folder_base_path, self.package_meta['sha1'])
+ @property
+ def extract_folder_base_path(self):
+ """
+ Path to the folder where packages will be extracted.
+ """
+ return os.path.join(self.cmi5_location(), self.location.block_id)
+ def is_url(self, path):
+ """
+ Checks if the given path is a valid URL.
+ """
+ try:
+ validator = URLValidator(verify_exists=False)
+ validator(path)
+ except Exception as err:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def is_params_exist(self, url):
+ """
+ Checks if query parameters exist in the given URL.
+ """
+ return '?' in url
+ def get_launch_url_params(self):
+ """
+ Constructs and returns launch URL parameters for CMI5 integration
+ """
+ parameters = {
+ 'fetch': urllib.parse.quote_plus(self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'lrs_auth_endpoint', thirdparty=True)),
+ 'endpoint': urllib.parse.quote_plus(
+ self.runtime.handler_url(self, 'lrs_endpoint', thirdparty=True).replace('?', '')
+ ),
+ 'actor': json.dumps(
+ {
+ 'objectType': 'Agent',
+ 'name': self.get_current_user_attr('edx-platform.username'),
+ 'account': {'homePage': settings.LMS_ROOT_URL, 'name': self.get_enrollment_uuid()}
+ }
+ ),
+ 'activityId': self.course_data.get('course_id', 'http://lms.io'),
+ 'registration': self.get_enrollment_uuid(),
+ }
+ all_parameters = ''
+ for index, parameter in enumerate(parameters.items()):
+ all_parameters += parameter[0] + '=' + parameter[1]
+ if index != len(parameters) - 1:
+ all_parameters += '&'
+ return all_parameters
+ @XBlock.handler
+ def studio_submit(self, request, _suffix):
+ """
+ Handles the submission of the CMI5 XBlock studio form.
+ """
+ self.display_name = request.params['display_name']
+ self.width = parse_int(request.params['width'], None)
+ self.height = parse_int(request.params['height'], None)
+ self.has_score = request.params['has_score'] == '1'
+ self.weight = parse_float(request.params['weight'], 1)
+ self.icon_class = 'problem' if self.has_score else 'video'
+ response = {'result': 'success', 'errors': []}
+ if not hasattr(request.params['file'], 'file'):
+ # File not uploaded
+ return self.json_response(response)
+ package_file = request.params['file'].file
+ self.update_package_meta(package_file)
+ # Clean storage folder, if it already exists
+ self.clean_storage()
+ # Extract zip file
+ try:
+ self.extract_package(package_file)
+ self.update_package_fields()
+ except CMI5Error as e:
+ response['errors'].append(e.args[0])
+ return self.json_response(response)
+ def update_package_meta(self, package_file):
+ """
+ Updates the package metadata based on the provided package file.
+ """
+ self.package_meta['sha1'] = self.get_sha1(package_file)
+ self.package_meta['name'] = package_file.name
+ self.package_meta['last_updated'] = timezone.now().strftime(DateTime.DATETIME_FORMAT)
+ self.package_meta['size'] = package_file.seek(0, 2)
+ package_file.seek(0)
+ def clean_storage(self):
+ """
+ Cleans the storage by removing the previously unzipped content.
+ """
+ if self.storage.exists(self.extract_folder_base_path):
+ logger.info('Removing previously unzipped "%s"', self.extract_folder_base_path)
+ self.recursive_delete(self.extract_folder_base_path)
+ def recursive_delete(self, root):
+ """
+ Recursively delete the contents of a directory in the Django default storage.
+ Unfortunately, this will not delete empty folders, as the default FileSystemStorage
+ implementation does not allow it.
+ """
+ directories, files = self.storage.listdir(root)
+ for directory in directories:
+ self.recursive_delete(os.path.join(root, directory))
+ for f in files:
+ self.storage.delete(os.path.join(root, f))
+ def extract_package(self, package_file):
+ """
+ Extracts content from the provided CMI5 package file.
+ """
+ ext = package_file.name.split('.')[-1].lower()
+ if ext == 'zip':
+ self.extract_zip_file(package_file)
+ elif ext == 'xml':
+ self.save_xml_file(package_file)
+ else:
+ raise CMI5Error(f'Could not support {ext} file')
+ def extract_zip_file(self, package_file):
+ """
+ Extracts content from a zip file within the CMI5 package.
+ """
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(package_file, 'r') as cmi5_zipfile:
+ zipinfos = cmi5_zipfile.infolist()
+ root_path = None
+ root_depth = -1
+ # Find root folder which contains cmi5.xml
+ for zipinfo in zipinfos:
+ if os.path.basename(zipinfo.filename) == CMI5XML_FILENAME:
+ depth = len(os.path.split(zipinfo.filename))
+ if depth < root_depth or root_depth < 0:
+ root_path = os.path.dirname(zipinfo.filename)
+ root_depth = depth
+ if root_path is None:
+ raise CMI5Error('Could not find "cmi5.xml" file in the cmi5 package')
+ for zipinfo in zipinfos:
+ if zipinfo.filename.startswith(root_path):
+ if not zipinfo.filename.endswith('/'):
+ dest_path = os.path.join(self.extract_folder_path, os.path.relpath(zipinfo.filename, root_path))
+ self.storage.save(dest_path, ContentFile(cmi5_zipfile.read(zipinfo.filename)))
+ def save_xml_file(self, package_file):
+ """
+ Saves an XML file from the CMI5 package.
+ """
+ dest_path = os.path.join(self.extract_folder_path, package_file.filename)
+ self.storage.save(dest_path, ContentFile(package_file.filename))
+ def update_package_fields(self):
+ """
+ Update version and index page path fields.
+ """
+ cmi5_path = self.find_file_path(CMI5XML_FILENAME)
+ cmi5_file = self.storage.open(cmi5_path)
+ tree = ET.parse(cmi5_file)
+ cmi5_file.seek(0)
+ namespace = ''
+ for _, node in ET.iterparse(cmi5_file, events=['start-ns']):
+ if node[0] == '':
+ namespace = node[1]
+ break
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ prefix = '{' + namespace + '}' if namespace else ''
+ self.set_course_detail(prefix, root)
+ au_url = root.find('.//{prefix}au/{prefix}url'.format(prefix=prefix))
+ if au_url is not None:
+ self.index_page_path = au_url.text
+ else:
+ self.index_page_path = self.find_relative_file_path('index.html')
+ def set_course_detail(self, prefix, root):
+ """
+ Extracts course details from the provided XML root.
+ """
+ course_data = {}
+ try:
+ course_structure = root.find('{prefix}course'.format(prefix=prefix))
+ course_data['course_id'] = course_structure.attrib['id']
+ course_title = course_structure.find('{prefix}title/{prefix}langstring'.format(prefix=prefix))
+ course_data['title'] = course_title.text if course_title is not None else None
+ course_description = course_structure.find('{prefix}description/{prefix}langstring'.format(prefix=prefix))
+ course_data['description'] = course_description.text if course_description is not None else None
+ except Exception as err:
+ logger.error('Error occurred while parsing course xml: %s', err)
+ self.course_data = course_data
+ @XBlock.handler
+ def lrs_endpoint(self, request, _suffix):
+ """
+ Handles requests related to the Learning Record Store (LRS) endpoint.
+ """
+ if request.params.get('statementId') and request.method == 'PUT':
+ statement_data = self.get_request_body(request)
+ lesson_status = statement_data.get('verb').get('display').get('en')
+ object_categories = statement_data.get('context', {}).get('contextActivities', {}).get('category')
+ if lesson_status == 'failed' and self.lesson_status in ['passed', 'completed']:
+ return Response(status=204)
+ elif lesson_status in ['passed', 'failed']:
+ self.lesson_status = lesson_status
+ self.lesson_score = statement_data.get('result').get('score', {}).get('scaled', self.weight)
+ self.publish_grade()
+ elif lesson_status == 'completed' and self.is_cmi5_object(object_categories):
+ self.lesson_status = lesson_status
+ self.emit_completion(1.0)
+ return Response(status=204)
+ elif request.params.get('stateId'):
+ state_id = request.params.get('stateId')
+ if state_id == 'LMS.LaunchData':
+ return Response(json.dumps(self.get_launch_state_data()), status=200)
+ elif state_id == 'suspendData' and request.method == 'GET':
+ return self.json_response(self.state_data)
+ elif state_id == 'suspendData' and request.method == 'PUT':
+ self.state_data = self.get_request_body(request)
+ return Response(status=204)
+ return self.json_response({'success': True})
+ def get_request_body(self, request):
+ """
+ Gets the JSON body from an HTTP request.
+ """
+ return json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
+ def publish_grade(self):
+ """
+ Publishes the grade to the XBlock runtime.
+ """
+ self.runtime.publish(self, 'grade', {'value': self.get_grade(), 'max_value': self.weight})
+ def get_grade(self):
+ """
+ Calculates and returns the normalized grade.
+ """
+ lesson_score = 0 if self.is_failed else self.lesson_score
+ return lesson_score * self.weight
+ @property
+ def is_failed(self):
+ """
+ Checks if the lesson is in a failed status.
+ """
+ return self.lesson_status == 'failed'
+ def is_cmi5_object(self, categories):
+ """
+ Checks if the given categories include the cmi5 category.
+ """
+ if categories is None:
+ return False
+ cmi5_category = 'https://w3id.org/xapi/cmi5/context/categories/cmi5'
+ return any([category['id'] == cmi5_category for category in categories])
+ def get_launch_state_data(self):
+ """
+ Generates and returns launch state data for the XBlock.
+ """
+ return {
+ 'contextTemplate': {
+ 'registration': self.get_enrollment_uuid(),
+ 'contextActivities': {
+ 'parent': [
+ {
+ 'id': self.course_data['course_id'],
+ 'definition': {
+ 'name': {
+ 'en-US': self.course_data['title']
+ },
+ 'description': {
+ 'en-US': self.course_data['description']
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ 'launchMode': 'Normal',
+ 'launchParameters': ''
+ }
+ @XBlock.handler
+ def lrs_auth_endpoint(self, request, _suffix):
+ """
+ Handles requests to the LRS authentication endpoint.
+ """
+ user_id = self.get_current_user_attr('edx-platform.user_id')
+ session_id = request.cookies.get('sessionid', 'auth-session-id')
+ authtoken = 'user-id:{0}_session-id:{1}'.format(user_id, session_id)
+ authtoken = hashlib.sha256(authtoken.encode()).hexdigest()
+ return self.json_response({'auth-token': authtoken})
+ def get_erollment_id(self):
+ """
+ Retrieves the enrollment ID of the current user for the XBlock's course.
+ """
+ user_id = self.get_current_user_attr('edx-platform.user_id')
+ course_id = self.runtime.course_id
+ try:
+ enrollment = self.runtime.service(self, 'enrollments').get_active_enrollment_of_user_by_course(
+ user_id, course_id
+ )
+ return enrollment.id
+ except Exception as err:
+ return 'anonymous'
+ def get_enrollment_uuid(self):
+ """
+ Generates and returns the enrollment UUID based on the enrollment ID.
+ """
+ base_id = uuid.UUID('2af01743-8d97-423e-988a-25c69fa4ea66')
+ enrollment_uuid = uuid.uuid5(base_id, 'openedx-enrollment-id:{0}'.format(self.get_erollment_id()))
+ return str(enrollment_uuid)
+ def find_relative_file_path(self, filename):
+ """
+ Finds the relative file path within the XBlock's extract folder.
+ """
+ return os.path.relpath(self.find_file_path(filename), self.extract_folder_path)
+ def find_file_path(self, filename):
+ """
+ Search recursively in the extracted folder for a given file. Path of the first
+ found file will be returned. Raise a CMI5Error if file cannot be found.
+ """
+ path = self.get_file_path(filename, self.extract_folder_path)
+ if path is None:
+ raise CMI5Error('Invalid package: could not find "{}" file'.format(filename))
+ return path
+ def get_file_path(self, filename, root):
+ """
+ Same as `find_file_path`, but don't raise error on file not found.
+ """
+ subfolders, files = self.storage.listdir(root)
+ for f in files:
+ if f == filename:
+ return os.path.join(root, filename)
+ for subfolder in subfolders:
+ path = self.get_file_path(filename, os.path.join(root, subfolder))
+ if path is not None:
+ return path
+ return None
+ def cmi5_location(self):
+ """
+ Unzipped files will be stored in a media folder with this name, and thus
+ accessible at a url with that also includes this name.
+ """
+ default_cmi5_location = 'cmi5'
+ return self.xblock_settings.get('LOCATION', default_cmi5_location)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_sha1(file_descriptor):
+ """
+ Get file hex digest (fingerprint).
+ """
+ block_size = 8 * 1024
+ sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ while True:
+ block = file_descriptor.read(block_size)
+ if not block:
+ break
+ sha1.update(block)
+ file_descriptor.seek(0)
+ return sha1.hexdigest()
+ @property
+ def storage(self):
+ """
+ Return the storage backend used to store the assets of this xblock. This is a cached property.
+ """
+ if not getattr(self, '_storage', None):
+ def get_default_storage(_xblock):
+ return default_storage
+ storage_func = self.xblock_settings.get('STORAGE_FUNC', get_default_storage)
+ if isinstance(storage_func, string_types):
+ storage_func = import_string(storage_func)
+ self._storage = storage_func(self)
+ return self._storage
+ @property
+ def xblock_settings(self):
+ """
+ Return a dict of settings associated to this XBlock.
+ """
+ settings_service = self.runtime.service(self, 'settings') or {}
+ if not settings_service:
+ return {}
+ return settings_service.get_settings_bucket(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def workbench_scenarios():
+ """A canned scenario for display in the workbench."""
+ return [
+ ('CMI5XBlock',
+ '''
+ '''),
+ ('Multiple CMI5XBlock',
+ '''
+ '''),
+ ]
+def parse_int(value, default):
+ """
+ Parses an integer, returning the parsed value or a default if unsuccessful.
+ """
+ try:
+ return int(value)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ return default
+def parse_float(value, default):
+ """
+ Parses a float, returning the parsed value or a default if unsuccessful.
+ """
+ try:
+ return float(value)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ return default
+def parse_validate_positive_float(value, name):
+ """
+ Parse and validate a given value as a positive float.
+ """
+ try:
+ parsed = float(value)
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ raise ValueError('Could not parse value of "{}" (must be float): {}'.format(name, value))
+ if parsed < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Value of "{}" must not be negative: {}'.format(name, value))
+ return parsed
+class CMI5Error(Exception):
+ """
+ Base exception class for CMI5-related errors.
+ """
+ pass