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diff --git a/imageio.py b/imageio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd1ca6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/imageio.py
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+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""I/O functions for several image formats.
+The relevant formats are TIF, hdf5 and ascii. For ascii and binary numpy formats
+no separate functions are provided for saving an image. This is because saving
+in these formats requires just a single command:
+ascii: np.savetxt('filename', img)
+binary (.npy): np.save('filename', img)
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import scipy as sp
+# if available, use Zach Pincus' pil_lite which has correct 16-bit TIFF loading
+ import pil_lite.pil_core.Image as Image
+except ImportError:
+ import Image
+#import tables
+import tifffile
+def list_of_frames(img_name):
+ """Return the list of frames for an image file.
+ Details are as described in the imgimport_intelligent docstring.
+ """
+ img = tifffile.TiffFile(img_name)
+ #img = Image.open(img_name)
+ imglist = []
+ try:
+ for i in range(np.size(img)):
+ imdata = img[i].asarray()
+ imdata = imdata.astype(np.float32)
+ if np.rank(imdata)==3:
+ imdata = imdata[:,:,0] + 256*imdata[:,:,1] + 65536*imdata[:,:,2]
+ imglist.append(imdata)
+ except EOFError:
+ pass
+ if not imglist:
+ raise ImportError, 'No frames detected in file %s' %img_name
+ else:
+ return imglist
+def imgimport_intelligent(img_name, foo=3, bar=4, roi_baz=[12,24,56,78]):
+ """Opens an image file containing one or more frames
+ The number of frames in the image is automatically detected. If it is a
+ single frame, it is assumed to be a transmission image. If there are three
+ frames, the first one is assumed to be probe with atoms (pwa), the second
+ one probe without atoms (pwoa) and the third one a dark field (df).
+ For four frames, it is assumed to be (pwoa, pwa, df1, df2).
+ For six frames, the first two are discarded (they are for clearing the
+ CCD charge on the Coolsnap camera), three to six are (pwoa, pwa, df1, df2).
+ **Inputs**
+ * img_name: string containing the full path to an image
+ **Outputs**
+ * img_array: 3D array, containing the three or four frames of the image,
+ in the order (pwa, pwoa, df, df2).
+ **Notes**
+ The datatype has to be set to float in Winview, otherwise there is a
+ strange problem reading the frames; support for 16-bit tif files is
+ lacking a bit in PIL. Note: when pil_lite is available this does work.
+ The same support is lacking in MS .Net apparently, hence the weird check
+ for 3-channel TIFFs. What happens here is that XCamera can output multipage
+ 8-bit RGB TIFFs. Each page is of shape (M,N,3), where the 8-bit color
+ channels combine to output 24-bit B/W data.
+ """
+ imglist = list_of_frames(img_name)
+ if len(imglist)==1:
+ return imglist[0]
+ elif len(imglist) in [3, 4]:
+ # make an array from the list of frames, with shape (img[0], img[1], 3)
+ img_array = np.dstack(imglist)
+ elif len(imglist)==6:
+ # get rid of first two frames, they're junk. then swap pwoa, pwa.
+ img_array = np.dstack([imglist[3], imglist[2], imglist[5], imglist[4]])
+ elif len(imglist)==8:
+ # get rid of first two frames, then 2x PWA, 2x DF, 2x PWOA (swap DF, PWOA)
+ img_array = np.dstack([imglist[2], imglist[3], imglist[6], imglist[7],
+ imglist[4], imglist[5]])
+ else:
+ raise ImportError, 'Number of frames is %s' %(len(imglist))
+ #return img_array
+ pwa = img_array[:, :, 0]
+ pwoa = img_array[:, :, 1]
+ df = img_array[:, :, 2]
+ nom = pwa - df
+ den = pwoa - df
+ nom = np.where(nom<1, 1, nom)
+ den = np.where(den<1, 1, den)
+ transimg = nom.astype(float)/den
+ return img_array
+def import_rawframes(img_name):
+ """Opens an image file containing three frames
+ The datatype has to be set to float in Winview, otherwise there is a
+ strange problem reading the frames; support for 16-bit tif files is
+ lacking a bit in PIL.
+ **Inputs**
+ * img_name: string containing the full path to an image
+ **Outputs**
+ * img_array: 3D array, containing the three frames of the image
+ """
+ img = Image.open(img_name)
+ # note the reversed order because Image and asarray have reversed order
+ img_array = np.zeros((img.size[1], img.size[0], 3), dtype=np.float32)
+ img_array[:, :, 0] = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float32)
+ try:
+ img.seek(1) # next frame
+ img_array[:, :, 1] = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float32)
+ img.seek(2) # next frame
+ img_array[:, :, 2] = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float32)
+ except EOFError:
+ print 'This image contains less than 3 frames'
+ return None
+ return img_array
+def import_rawimage(img_name):
+ """Opens an image file and returns it as an array."""
+ im = Image.open(img_name)
+ return np.asarray(im)
+def import_xcamera(img_name, ext='xraw'):
+ """Load the three .xraw files from XCamera
+ It is assumed that the file with extension .xraw0 contains the probe
+ with atoms (pwa), the one with extension .xraw1 the probe without atoms
+ (pwoa), and the one with extension .xraw2 the dark field (df).
+ **Inputs**
+ * img_name: str, name of the image with or without extension
+ (the extension is stripped and replaced by `ext`.
+ * ext: str, the extension of the XCamera file. Normally xraw or xroi.
+ **Outputs**
+ * raw_array: 3D array, containing the three raw frames (pwa, pwoa, df)
+ """
+ if ext=='xraw':
+ rawext = ['.xraw0', '.xraw1', '.xraw2']
+ elif ext=='xroi':
+ rawext = ['.xroi0', '.xroi1', '.xroi2']
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, 'Unknown extension for XCamera file'
+ basename = os.path.splitext(img_name)[0]
+ try:
+ pwa = np.loadtxt(''.join([basename, rawext[0]]), dtype=np.int16)
+ pwoa = np.loadtxt(''.join([basename, rawext[1]]), dtype=np.int16)
+ df = np.loadtxt(''.join([basename, rawext[2]]), dtype=np.int16)
+ except IOError, e:
+ print e
+ return None
+ raw_array = np.dstack([pwa, pwoa, df])
+ return raw_array
+def save_tifimage(imgarray, fname, dirname=None):
+ """Save a single image in TIF format
+ **Inputs**
+ * imgarray: 2D array, containing a single frame image
+ * fname: str, filename of the file to save, optionally including
+ the full path to the directory
+ * dirname: str, if not None, fname will be appended to dirname to
+ obtain the full path of the file to save.
+ **Notes**
+ Multiple frame tif images are not supported. For such data hdf5 is the
+ recommended format.
+ """
+ if dirname:
+ fname = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
+ fname = ''.join([os.path.splitext(fname)[0], '.tif'])
+ im = sp.misc.toimage(imgarray, mode='F')
+ im.save(fname, mode='F')
+def save_hdfimage(imgarray, fname, dirname=None):
+ """Save an image to an hdf5 file
+ **Inputs**
+ * imgarray: ndarray, containing the image data. If the array is 2D,
+ it is assumed that this is a single frame image. If it is
+ 3D, the frames will be saved as separate arrays:
+ ('pwa', 'pwoa', 'df'), and if there is a fourth frame this
+ is df2.
+ * fname: str, filename of the file to save, optionally including
+ the full path to the directory
+ * dirname: str, if not None, fname will be appended to dirname to
+ obtain the full path of the file to save.
+ """
+ if dirname:
+ fname = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
+ fname = ''.join([os.path.splitext(fname)[0], '.h5'])
+ # Open a new empty HDF5 file
+ h5file = tables.openFile(fname, mode='w')
+ if len(imgarray.shape)==2:
+ # Get the root group
+ root = h5file.root
+ # Save image in the HDF5 file
+ h5file.createArray(root, 'img', imgarray, title='Transmission image')
+ elif len(imgarray.shape)==3:
+ # image frames to be saved
+ pwa = imgarray[:, :, 0]
+ pwoa = imgarray[:, :, 1]
+ df = imgarray[:, :, 2]
+ # Get the root group
+ root = h5file.createGroup("/", 'rawframes', 'The raw image frames')
+ # Save image in the HDF5 file
+ h5file.createArray(root, 'pwa', pwa, title='Probe with atoms')
+ h5file.createArray(root, 'pwoa', pwoa, title='Probe without atoms')
+ h5file.createArray(root, 'df', df, title='Dark field')
+ if imgarray.shape[2] > 3:
+ df2 = imgarray[:, :, 3]
+ h5file.createArray(root, 'df2', df2, title='Dark field 2')
+ else:
+ print 'imgarray does not have the right dimensions, shape is: ', \
+ imgarray.shape
+ h5file.close()
+def load_hdfimage(fname, dirname=None, ext_replace=True):
+ """Load an image from an hdf5 file
+ **Inputs**
+ * fname: str, filename of the file to save, optionally including
+ the full path to the directory
+ * dirname: str, if not None, fname will be appended to dirname to
+ obtain the full path of the file to save.
+ * ext_replace: bool, if True replaces the extension of fname with `.h5`
+ **Outputs**
+ * transimg: ndarray, the image data
+ """
+ if dirname:
+ fname = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
+ if ext_replace:
+ fname = ''.join([os.path.splitext(fname)[0], '.h5'])
+ h5file = tables.openFile(fname, mode='r')
+ try:
+ transimg = np.asarray(h5file.root.img)
+ return transimg
+ except tables.NoSuchNodeError:
+ pwa = np.asarray(h5file.root.rawframes.pwa)
+ pwoa = np.asarray(h5file.root.rawframes.pwoa)
+ df = np.asarray(h5file.root.rawframes.df)
+ imgarray = np.dstack([pwa, pwoa, df])
+ return imgarray
+ finally:
+ h5file.close()
+def trans_nonorm(img_name):
+ raw_frames=imgimport_intelligent(img_name)
+ pwa = raw_frames[:, :, 0]
+ pwoa = raw_frames[:, :, 1]
+ df = raw_frames[:, :, 2]
+ nom = pwa - df
+ den = pwoa - df
+ nom = np.where(nom<1, 1, nom)
+ den = np.where(den<1, 1, den)
+ transimg = nom.astype(float)/den
+ return transimg/1.35
+def convert_xcamera_to_hdf5(imglist, ext='xraw'):
+ """Convert every file in imglist to an hdf5 file.
+ The raw files are saved in the hdf5 file as
+ `root.rawframes.pwa`, `root.rawframes.pwoa`, `root.rawframes.df`.
+ Their dtype is uint16, which results in files of a third smaller than
+ the xcamera text files.
+ **Inputs**
+ * imglist: list of str, paths to .xraw0 files
+ * ext: str, the extension of the XCamera file. Normally xraw or xroi.
+ """
+ for img in imglist:
+ imgarray = import_xcamera(img, ext=ext)
+ save_hdfimage(imgarray, img)
diff --git a/manage.py b/manage.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e78ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from django.core.management import execute_manager
+ import settings # Assumed to be in the same directory.
+except ImportError:
+ import sys
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file 'settings.py' in the directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll have to run django-admin.py, passing it your settings module.\n(If the file settings.py does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__)
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ execute_manager(settings)
diff --git a/templates/dayseq.html b/templates/dayseq.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bff6665
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+++ b/templates/dayseq.html
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+{% load pagination_tags %}
+{% autopaginate runlog_list 500 %}
+{% paginate %}