This folder contains all files related to automated generation of the assertions manual.csv
manual-generation-inputs: This folder contains all the inputs needed for both and generate-manual-csv.js
- MinimalThing.json: a sample TD
- MinimalThingModel.json: a sample TM
- pre-implemented.csv: The csv generated from running the assertion tester on both MinimalThing.json and MinimalThingModel.json. May contain older assertions that are not in the spec currently and as such is filtered in during the generation process.
assertions.csv: A csv that is generated at the wot-thing-description repository. This file is fetched daily from the wot-thing-description repository.
implemented.csv: A csv that contains all the assertions that can be automatically verified by the assertion tester and does not contain any assertions not found in assertions.csv. One of the outputs of the generate-manual-csv.js script.
manual.csv: A csv that contains all the assertions that cannot be automatically verified by the assertion tester and any new assertions that were found assertions.csv but not in the implemented.csv. One of the outputs of the generate-manual-csv.js script.
old.csv: A csv that contains all the assertions that were found in the pre-implemented.csv but were not found assertions.csv. These are therefore considered old assertions and need to be handled. Ideally this file should not contain anything. One of the outputs of the generate-manual-csv.js script.
needsReview.csv: A csv that contains all assertions found in assertions.csv but not found in implemented.csv. These are, therefore, all new assertions that were added. This folder needs to be manually reviewed to determine if an assertion can be implemented in the assertions tester or if it has to be verified manually. Assertions that need to be verified manually must be copied to the TD manual.csv and the TM manual.csv respectively.
report.json: A JSON document that contains metrics about the latest run including the last time it was run and the number of assertions in each of the aforementioned files.
Run bash script (for Windows you can use git bash).
This will first generate a temporary folder that will contain the output for running the assertion tester on MinimalThing.json and MinimalThingModel.json. The output csv of the TM is appended to the output csv of the TD and is renamed to pre-implemented.csv. Then calls generate-manual-csv.js which takes both pre-implemented.csv and assertions.csv and generates implemented.csv, manual.csv, old.csv, needsReview.csv and report.json.
Review old.csv and make sure to fix the names of these assertions or remove them if applicable.
Review needsReview.csv and decide which assertions can be implemented and which will be verified manually. Make sure that all assertions that need to be verified manually are copied to the TD manual.csv and the TM manual.csv respectively.