This step validates the directory and file structure of the supplied source directory. This includes validating that filenaming conventions meet expectations, that the expected number of various file types (e.g., .wav, .mp3, .xml) exist, and that the items found in the source directory match the items supplied in the metadata export.
Module used:
BAroQUe performs the following checks:
- Shipment folder must have one or more Collection folders.
- Collection folder must have one or more Item folders.
- Item folder must follow the Collection Number-(SR-)Three Digit Item Number convention.
- Item folders must have one and only one XML file.
- Item folders must have at least one JPG file.
- Item folders must have one and only one TXT file.
- Each file must have size.
- For each audio intellectual unit, there must be one archival master (-am) and it must be a WAV file.
- For each audio intellectual unit, there must be one production master (-pm) and it must be a WAV file.
- For each audio intellectual unit, there must be one access derivative and it must be a MP3 file.
- Each WAV and MP3 file must follow the Collection Number-(SR-)Item Number(-am|-pm)-One Digit Sequential Number convention.
- The XML file must follow the Collection Number-(SR-)Item Number convention.
- The JPG files must follow the Collection Number-(SR-)Item Number-Three Digit Sequential Number convention.
- The TXT file must follow the Collection Number-(SR-)Item Number convention. Ensures that there are no superfluous files