-Supported regression model |
-**Model-based**: Cook (or Pareto for Bayesian models) |
-_qf(0.5, ncol(x), nrow(x) - ncol(x))_ (or 0.7 for Pareto) |
-_check_outliers(model, method = "cook")_ |
+Supported regression model |
+**Model-based**: Cook (or Pareto for Bayesian models) |
+_qf(0.5, ncol(x), nrow(x) - ncol(x))_ (or 0.7 for Pareto) |
+_check_outliers(model, method = "cook")_ |
-Structural Equation Modeling (or other unsupported model) |
-**Multivariate**: Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) |
-_qchisq(p = 1 - 0.001, df = ncol(x))_ |
-_check_outliers(data, method = "mcd")_ |
+Structural Equation Modeling (or other unsupported model) |
+**Multivariate**: Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) |
+_qchisq(p = 1 - 0.001, df = ncol(x))_ |
+_check_outliers(data, method = "mcd")_ |
-Simple test with few variables (*t* test, correlation, etc.) |
-**Univariate**: robust *z* scores (MAD) |
-_qnorm(p = 1 - 0.001 / 2)_, ~ 3.29 |
-_check_outliers(data, method = "zscore_robust")_ |
+Simple test with few variables (*t* test, correlation, etc.) |
+**Univariate**: robust *z* scores (MAD) |
+_qnorm(p = 1 - 0.001 / 2)_, ~ 3.29 |
+_check_outliers(data, method = "zscore_robust")_ |