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File metadata and controls

135 lines (97 loc) · 9.21 KB

Instance Validator

The Instance Validator allows validation of concrete DBO instances (i.e., building configuration files) to ensure they conform to the given ontology model, are formatted correctly, and contain all required components. There is also optional functionality to validate telemetry messages for all reporting entities in the building configuration using temeletry validation (requires a valid Pub/Sub subscription and OAuth credential). The recommended workflow is to first use the Instance Validator without telemetry validation. Once your building configuration file produces a clean Instance Validation report, then use Instance Validator with telemetry validation enabled.

Table of Contents


Installing and using the Instance Validator requires Python 3.9, and the specific Python command to run may vary depending on your operating system and the presence of Python 2. Use the appropriate command listed below when the instructions call for python3:

  • MacOS & Linux: python3
  • Windows (with only Python 3 installed): python or py -3
  • Windows (with Python 3 installed): py -3

You can run the command with just the version flag (e.g. python --version) to verify that the result is Python 3.*.

Create a Virtual Environment

First, create a virtual environment with venv followed by the environment name (in this example: tooling) in the digitalbuildings repository.

python -m venv tooling

Activate the Virtual Environment

Mac OS / Linux:

source tooling/bin/activate



Install Packages

Next, you can either use pip or setuptools (to be deprecated) to install the necessary packages and dependencies.

Install Pip

  1. Run the following command to ensure that your Python package management tools are up-to-date.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
  1. Run bash (MacOS / Linux) or pip_install.bat (Windows) from the following directory: digitalbuildings/tools.

Setuptools (to be deprecated)

  1. Run python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools to ensure that your Python package management tools are up-to-date.
  2. Run python3 install from the following directory: digitalbuildings/tools/validators/ontology_validator.
  3. Run python3 install from the following directory: digitalbuildings/tools/validators/instance_validator.

Instance Validator Workflow

Navigate to digitalbuildings/tools/validators/instance_validator and run python with the following parameters:

  1. --input or -i: The absolute filepath of a building configuration file(.yaml). To validate multiple input files at the same time, you can provide the -input parameter multiple times.

  2. --modified-types-filepath or -m [Optional]: Validate entity types in the building configuration file against a modified ontology that is not in the main repository. Default is the Digital Buildings Ontology.

    • When using a modified ontology, ensure you follow the folder-naming convention: digitalbuildings/ontology/yaml. This will allow the instance validator to rely on the new types in the ontology.
    • Note: as of the current development stage, you must clone the entire repository and run this instance validator script from this directory.
  3. --report-filename or -r [Optional]: Writes instance validation results to the specified report file. Otherwise, the results will be written to stdout.

  4. --report-directory or -d [Optional]: Writes instance validation (instance_validation_report.txt) and telemetry validation (telemetry_validation_report.json) reports to the specified report-directory. By default, writes instance validation output to the console and telemetry validation output to the current working directory.

  5. --udmi [Optional]: Validates entity metadata as UDMI. Flag is set to True by default; change this parameter to --udmi=False when not validating against UDMI.

Telemetry Validation

The validator supports a telemetry validation mode. When this mode is enabled, the validator will listen on a provided pubsub subscription for telemetry messages, and validate the message contents against the instance configuration. It is recommended that you first use the instance validator with telemetry validation mode disabled, and then enable it after that passes.

If you would like to use the telemetry validation mode, you must provide the --subscription parameter and the --credential parameter. NOTE: The OAuth credential and subscription are provided by the Google team. Please reach out to your IoT TPM for guidance. If a GCP Oauth client credential is not provided, then application default credentials will be used to authenticate against Google APIs. Running telemetry validation will also output a machine-readable log of the validation performed on a set of devices. This log will be output as telemetry_validation_log.json in the current working directory, unless otherwise specefied using the --report_directory parameter.

  1. --credential or -c: An absolute or relative path to an OAuth client credential JSON file.

  2. --subscription or -s: The fully-qualified path to a Google Cloud Pubsub subscription (e.g., projects/

  3. --timeout or -t [Optional]: The timeout duration in seconds for the telemetry validation test. The default value is 600 seconds, or 10 minutes. If this time limit is exceeded before the validator receives a test pubsub message for each of the entities configured in the given instance config file, the test will fail with an error and report the entities that were not heard from.

For example, the following input

python -i //path/to/file -s subscription-name -c //path/to/client/cred.json -d //path/to/report-directory

results in these actions:

  1. Ingests a building configuration file.
  2. Validates the building configuration file with the instance validator (using the default ontology master brach).
  3. Validates the telemetry payloads for each reporting entity in the building configuration file.
  4. Writes instance and telemetry validation results to the report directory as //path/to/report-directory/instance_validation_report.txt and //path/to/report-directory/telemetry_validation_report.json.

NOTE: The new building configuration format requires that entities are keyed by Version 4 UUIDs (referred to as guids) instead of the code. To convert from old format to the new format, run your building configuration file(.yaml) through the guid generator.

Warnings and Errors

The Instance Validator has two types of outputs: Warnings and Errors. In short, errors are exposed when a Building Config is not readable by the instance validator while warnings are exposed when a Building Config is readable but its contents may not be valid.


Errors cause the validator to exit prematurely with some kind of exception. For example, An error could be caused by an entity block not containing a GUID. This would raise an exception in the validation logic and cause the validator to exit prematurely because the instance validator expects every entity block in a Building Config to have an associated GUID. The GUID generator must be used to generate GUIDs for a Building Configuration file. Other entity block elements are type and code.

The following entity block would throw an error because it does not contain a type or a code.

       present_value: "temp_1"
         key: "units"
           degrees_celsius: "degC"
           degrees_fahrenheit: "degF"


Warnings, on the other hand, expose inconsistencies in the content of an entity block but do not cause the validator to fail since the core elements of what make an entity block readable are still present. For example, if the fields defined in translation or links do not align with the fields for the entity's type as defined in Digital Buildings Ontology, then the validator will warn the user it is not a valid entity.

The following entity block would only expose a warning because these are not the correct fields for VAV_SD_DSP as defined in DBO.

   code: VAV-2
     - FEEDS
       supply_air_flowrate_sensor: supply_air_flowrate_sensor_2
       zone_air_temperature_sensor: zone_air_temperature_sensor
       zone_air_temperature_setpoint: zone_air_temperature_setpoint
   type: HVAC/VAV_SD_CSP