This is an Aether CKAN Kafka Consumer, which consumes datа from Kafka and feeds CKAN portals with data in the Datastore.
A CKAN portal has to be available fro the consumer to connect to. You can fine how to setup a CKAN portal here, or check our example of a docker-compose CKAN container ./consumer/tests/ckan
After setting up CKAN and a CKAN user, get your api-key for later use.
To start the consumer run
docker-compose up
The consumer api should now be accessible on http://localhost:9009
To setup the main consumer, the kafka.json file should match your preferred Kafka settings. This is not user facing. The consumer running assumes that you have employed topic level access control.
You can also set the default masking and message filtering settings here, but if specified, the user's rules will take precedence.
"auto_offset_reset" : "earliest",
"aether_emit_flag_required" : false,
"aether_masking_schema_levels" : ["false", "true"],
"aether_masking_schema_emit_level": "false",
"heartbeat_interval_ms": 2500,
"session_timeout_ms": 18000,
"request_timeout_ms": 20000,
"consumer_timeout_ms": 17000
The consumer takes data from kafka and groups them into datasets
on CKAN. This file defines the defaults for datasets if none is provided by the user during subscription.
"name": "CKAN_CONSUMER",
"metadata": {
"author": "eHealth Africa",
"author_email": "[email protected]",
"maintainer": "eHealth Africa",
"maintainer_email": "[email protected]",
"license_id": "cc-by",
"url": "",
"version": "1.0",
"owner_org": "eHA",
"name": "demo-dataset-1",
"title": "Demo Dataset"
As with all consumers built on the SDK, tasks are driven by a Job which has a set of Resources. In this case, a Job has a subscription
to a topic (or wildcard) on Kafka, and sends data to a ckan
instance. All resource examples and schemas can be found in /consumer/app/fixtures
Using the consumer API usually on http://localhost:9009
, register the following artefacts.
(post to /ckan/add
as json
"id": "ckan-id",
"name": "CKAN Instance",
"url": "http://ckan:5000",
"key": `[your-ckan-api-key]`
(post to /subscription/add
as json
"id": "sub-id",
"name": "Demo Subscription",
"topic_pattern": "*",
"topic_options": {
"masking_annotation": "@aether_masking",
"masking_levels": ["public", "private"],
"masking_emit_level": "public",
"filter_required": false
"target_options": {
"dataset_metadata": {
"title": "Pollution in Nigeria",
"name": "pollution-in-nigeria111",
"owner_org": "eHA",
"notes": "Some description",
"author": "eHealth Africa",
"private": false
Finally we, tie it together with a Job that references the above artifacts by ID. (post to /job/add
as json
"id": "job-id",
"name": "CKAN Consumer Job",
"ckan": "ckan-id",
"subscription": ["sub-id"]
The following settings can be changed in docker-compose.yml > services > ckan-consumer > environment
: The name of the consumer -
: Port to access consumer API -
: Username for API authentication -
: Password for API authentication -
: Redis database name -
: Host to redis instance -
: Redis port -
: Redis password
The Aether Consumer SDK allows exposure of functionality on a per Job or per Resource basis. You can query for a list of available functions on any of the artifacts by hitting its describe endpoint. For example; /job/describe yields:
"doc": "Described the available methods exposed by this resource type",
"method": "describe",
"signature": "(*args, **kwargs)"
"doc": "Returns the schema for instances of this resource",
"method": "get_schema",
"signature": "(*args, **kwargs)"
"doc": "Return a lengthy validations.\n{'valid': True} on success\n{'valid': False, 'validation_errors': [errors...]} on failure",
"method": "validate_pretty",
"signature": "(definition, *args, **kwargs)"
"doc": "Temporarily Pause a job execution.\nWill restart if the system resets. For a longer pause, remove the job via DELETE",
"method": "pause",
"signature": "(self, *args, **kwargs)"
"doc": "Resume the job after pausing it.",
"method": "resume",
"signature": "(self, *args, **kwargs)"
"doc": null,
"method": "get_status",
"signature": "(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], str]"
"doc": "A list of the last 100 log entries from this job in format\n[\n (timestamp, log_level, message),\n (timestamp, log_level, message),\n ...\n]",
"method": "get_logs",
"signature": "(self, *arg, **kwargs)"
"doc": "Get a list of topics to which the job can subscribe.\nYou can also use a wildcard at the end of names like:\nName* which would capture both Name1 && Name2, etc",
"method": "list_topics",
"signature": "(self, *args, **kwargs)"
"doc": "A List of topics currently subscribed to by this job",
"method": "list_subscribed_topics",
"signature": "(self, *arg, **kwargs)"
To run the tests type the following command which also checks for PEP8 errors: