CAS (compare-and-swap) is a mechanism that allows you to update a key-value pair only if the current value matches the expected value.
The basic CAS (Compare And Swap) API is
CasResponse cas(CasRequest request) throws GoblinException;
Field | Type | Remark |
key | KeyType | The key to be put into Goblin |
value | ValueType | The value to be put into Goblin with respect to key |
enableTTL | Boolean | true: TTL (time to live) will be enabled for the key false: no TTL will be enabled for the key |
ttl | Integer | The TTL for the key (in seconds, should be larger than zero), if enableTTL is true. This value could be null to reset the start time of the last TTL. |
comparedVersion | Long | Only update the value for the key if the latest version in Goblin equals to comparedVersion. Otherwise, throw a GoblinConditionNotMetException. |
Field | Type | Remark |
version | Long | The version of the key that was put into Goblin |
CAS without TTL
CasResponse cas(KeyType key, ValueType value, long comparedVersion) throws GoblinException;
CAS with a defined TTL
CasResponse casWithTTL(KeyType key, ValueType value, long comparedVersion, Integer ttl) throws GoblinException;
CAS with the last TTL, reset the start time of the TTL
CasResponse casWithTTL(KeyType key, ValueType value, long comparedVersion) throws GoblinException;
- When client updates a key-value pair, it sets an expected version of the target key as a condition in the request.
- Server checks if the current version of the key matches the expected version. If yes, server updates the key-value pair and returns true to the client. Otherwise, server returns false to the client.