Eli Carter 2/8/21 CS340
Us programmers want a chance to apply what we've learn to real world projects. We want to work with other like minded individuals. We want to have personal projects to add to our resumes... Often times it's hard to know where to start though.
There's two main approaches. One is to have an idea and work on it. The other is to find an idea and contribute to it. This descirbes the dichotomy between existing open source projects and open source contributers.
The existing projects have many tasks to do, bugs to fix, and merges to merge. They'd love new help, especially if the person has a passion for the subject and would fit in the community. The new contributers want to learn how to do all of these things while working in a team and they basically have the same requirments.
This project will focus on creating a bridge between the two groups. After having both projects and contributers fill out profiles, it will help create matches between the two. Besides direct matches, it will also recommend projects that might be adjecent to the matches.
- Website / User interface
- Personalizable profiles and preferences
- Matchmaker
- Project Explorer
- Web development (JS, CSS, HTML)
- Python (web requests, sci-kit-learn, keras)
- Existing open-source projects that need more contributers
- Programmers looking to contribute to new open-source projects