Summary: My Project Idea was to make a music social app. I want to make something akin to Letterboxd. I want the app to have a catalog of currently released music and the ability for users to rate said albums and review them. I want users to be able to interact with other users and their comments about albums/songs they may have made. I also want the app to integrate the APIs for the major streaming services and have users display them on their profiles. I also want to integrate Last.FM into the app as well to allow users to track their listens ('scrobbles') of music and display their current favorites from the past and present. In terms of the 'social' aspect, I want users to be able to post reviews directly to their profiles and have other users be able to follow them, and if they're mutuals, message each other. Lastly, users will be ablke to make collaborative playlsits and swap them around different streaming services and update them in-app which would them update them on the linked streaming service.
Problem Solved: As far as the need it's fulfillling, I wouldn't say there is a program being solved but more so a niche interest being filled. There are not currently (many) apps that do something like this, and most currently social media sites don't have any kind of music integration that allow you to connect with others and discuss music critically or for fun. My main goal is to fill the social aspect, but by adding the others to give it a variety of features, it'll promote use and ineraction and create a community of listeners.
Major Features:
- Music tracking: This can be done through the use of Last.FM or by individually integrating their APIs to the servuce
- Social Forum: Regularly display newly released and charting music to encourage users to listen and chime in with their opinions through the use of reviews and/or comments.
- User Profiles: Display music listening history. Be able to filter over certain time periods (Last Week, Month, 6 months, Year, All-time) Potentially play music for user who is displaying their profile. Allow users to follow each other and have a "tiumeline" of their recently posted reviews and comments
- Year-End Charts: Creatively display music users have listened to over the year. Similar to wrapped, but less grandiose. I was thinking something along the lines of Receiptify
- Messaging Feature
Tools Needed:
- Azure
- Python
- Swift or some form of android app builder
- TestFlight
User Commmunity: As this is satisfyign a niche interest, it will appeal to those who deeply care about music or love sharing it with eithers. I imagine the audience will be younger (Gen Z to millennials). I do not have any interests in making this service paid, but it could charge extra for displaying certain stats and more specific music statistics (graphs of their 'growth' with an artist etc).