This shows how to run a full instance of the FIWARE Marketplace including the Keyrock IDM
on a FIWARE Lab Ubuntu VM. In the following, it is assumed that the VM has the
public IP
. Change this to your IP or domain, when available.
Docker and Docker compose need to be set up on the machine.
Create Docker network web
docker network create -d bridge web
docker network ls
All containers will only run within this network and are not reacheable from other networks.
First start the Keyrock IDM including its own MySQL DB instance:
cd idm
docker-compose up -d
Check with docker logs fiware-keyrock
that the IDM has started.
Login to the IDM on with the admin credentials specified in the
idm idm/docker-compose.yml
file (Mail: [email protected], PW: see docker-compose.yml file).
Create an Organization, e.g. "FIWARE-Test".
For this organization, create an Application, e.g. "FIWARE Marketplace". Set the following parameters:
Callback URL =
and grant at least the types "Authorization Code", "Client Credentials" and "Refresh Token". Also set the organization as provider. In the roles section, create the following roles: "seller", "customer", "admin" and "orgAdmin".
Open the created application properties and check the OAuth2 Credentials section. Copy the Client ID
and Client Secret and paste into the Proxy OAuth2 section of the marketplace/docker-compose.yml
# ------ OAUTH2 Config ------
- BAE_LP_OAUTH2_SERVER= # URL of the FIWARE IDM used for user authentication
- BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=<PUT CLIENT ID HERE> # OAuth2 Client ID of the BAE applicaiton
- BAE_LP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=<PUT CLIENT SECRET HERE> # OAuth Client Secret of the BAE application
In the IDM, create a user for each role and set mail, user name and password of each user. On the application properties page, users can then be authorized for the application given a specific role.
Now the marketplace components can be started. As the deployment of the Java based components (APIs and RSS) can take some time but other components depend on that those are fully running, the Docker Compose configuration has been split and should be started one after each other.
First start the databases:
cd db
docker-compose up -d
Before proceeding, both databases (MongoDB and MySQL) should be up and accepting connections. Check with:
docker logs mp-mongo
# Should show:
# 2020-10-13T12:56:48.009+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017
docker logs mp-mysql
# Should show:
# 2020-10-13T12:58:13.282228Z 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
# Version: '5.7.31' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Next start the APIs container:
cd apis
docker-compose up -d
Before procedding, the deployment should be finished. Check with:
docker logs mp-apis
# Should show:
# biz_apis finished successfully.
Next the start the RSS container:
cd rss
docker-compose up -d
Before procedding, the deployment should be finished. Check with:
docker logs mp-rss
# Should show:
# Application deployed with name DSRevenueSharing.
# Command deploy executed successfully.
# RSS deployed
Finally one can start the remaining marketplace components, the charging backend and the proxy component:
cd marketplace
docker-compose up -d
Both components should be immediately up and running. The proxy log should state:
docker logs mp-proxy
# Should show
# 2020-10-13 13:13:44.301 - INFO: Server - Business Ecosystem Logic Proxy starting on port 8004
Now open the marketplace frontend provided by the proxy component on via the browser.
You can sign in as one of the created users. Remember to log out of the IDM first. During the log in process, you should be forwarded to the IDM where you log in e.g. as a user with a seller role. There you grant access to the application and then get redirected to the marketplace frontend. An access token should has been exchanged in that moment and you should be able to use the markeplace functionalities allowed for that role.
Per default, the IDM component is configured for data persistance. This means, that created user, applications, etc.
will remain when restarting the IDM and IDM DB containers. If data persistance for the IDM should be disabled,
comment out the mounting of the DB volume in the idm/docker-compose.yml
MySQL section.
For the marketplace itself, data persistance is disabled by default. Any changes made within the marketplace, e.g. creating products,
will be lost after restarting the marketplace components. If data persistance should be enabled, uncomment the DB volume
sections in the db/docker-compose.yml