Tl;dr - we need more Hubris⁰ - specifically intermediate Hubris
There’s plenty of good, basic documentation and there is sufficient high-level documentation to make things work, but it’s all over the place. I'd like to help people take that next step towards building more advanced applications and improve their (and my) understanding of how Mojolicious and MVC work. There is a gap in the mid-level documentation of tutorials that do something more complicated.
This tutorial was born out of me having to add authentication to an app. It is the rubber duck to whom I explained what I was doing as a check of what I actually understood. Hopefully, the next person starting out adding sessions to their App can now finish quicker and tell me how to do it better.
I told $work that I was staying on Saturday to hack, so if this talk interests you, perhaps we can make it better.
⁰ Hubris Excessive pride - makes you write and maintain programs that other people won't want to say bad things about. Hence, the third great virtue of a programmer. Wall, Christiansen & Schwartz, Programming Perl, 2nd ed, O'Reilly 1996, p607. or do I really mean Laziness?
- Login page - in templates
- Route to Login
- Controller
- Checks credentials
- If authenticated
- set session cookie
- Go to Home page or re-direct to calling page
- If failed
- Sleep 3 seconds
- Count number of failures
- Block access if too many failures
- Return to Login page with message
- If authenticated
- Checks credentials
- How to protect a set of pages
- Every time a protected page is requested
- Check for the session cookie
- Update the expiry date on the cookie to 10 minutes from now
- Every time a protected page is requested
- Write the login success/failure to a logfile
- Create a logout link on your layout
- Route to Logout
- Controller removes session cookie and redirects to leaving page
- Write tests to check authentication, access control
- Having issues with using a test account in the code
- Use a config file instead of $HARNESS_ACTIVE
Also consider:
- changing the authentication from LDAP to OAuth2
- using a config file to store authentication server credentials
- Use https
- How to write tests better - don’t have test-specific code in the app
I use this code to:
- understand the concepts in the documentation - nothing finds gaps like having to explain to an audience
- help others answer my questions - usually Why doesn't this part here work the way I think it should?
- as a test bed to try out new features (such as OAuth2)
But what if you want to do something else? Here's a few ideas of where you could take the code and make it your own.
- Grab the end product and re-write the tutorial like a code review
or forget the tutorial and just write code
- Provide a template lib/App/Controller/ and tell people how to use it
- Re-write MojoX::Auth::Simple to handle LDAP
- Abstract out an base class to handle common methods for Simple, LDAP, OAuth2, etc
- Auto-generate templates with
mojo generate session_app
(yours to write)
Don't forget to document.
These modules implement authorization with Mojolicious. I haven't had the time to evaluate them, but some of them could serve as a better starting point for accomplishing more generalized authentication or as inspiration for how re-invent a better wheel.
- MojoX::Auth::Simple - stores passwords in a database
- MojoX::Session - stores sessions in a database
- Yancy::Plugin::Auth::Basic - new CMS for Mojolicious
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 - haven’t had time to look at it
- OAuth::Cmdline::Mojo - not much documentation
- WWW::OAuth::Request::Mojo
- Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI::Security