Rust implementation of dtn Bundle Protocol Version 7 (RFC 9171)
This library only handles encoding and decoding of bundles, not transmission or other processing of the data. A full daemon using this library can be found here:
Through the provided FFI interface, this library can also be used from C/C++, nodejs or flutter.
A simple benchmark is shipped with the library. It (de)serializes Bundles with a primary block, bundle age block and a payload block with the contents (b"ABC"
). This benchmark can be used to compare the rust implementation to the golang, python or java implementations.
cargo run --release --example benchmark
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.29s
Running `target/release/examples/benchmark`
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 510059 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 293399 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 291399 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 1090996 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 436836 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 432774 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 564817 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 473768 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 462013 bundles/second
These numbers were generated on a MBP 13" 2018 with i5 CPU and 16GB of ram.
For debugging a small helper tool is shipped providing basic functionality such as:
- random bundle generation (as hex and raw bytes)
- encoding of standard bundles (as hex and raw bytes)
- decoding of bundles (from hex and raw bytes)
- exporting raw payload of decoded bundles
- time conversion helpers
Some examples are given in the following shell session:
$ cargo install bp7
$ bp7
usage "bp7" <cmd> [args]
encode <manifest> <payloadfile | - > [-x] - encode bundle and output raw bytes or hex string (-x)
decode <hexstring | - > [-p] - decode bundle or payload only (-p)
dtntime [dtntimestamp] - prints current time as dtntimestamp or prints dtntime human readable
d2u [dtntimestamp] - converts dtntime to unixstimestamp
rnd [-r] - return a random bundle either hexencoded or raw bytes (-r)
benchmark - run a simple benchmark encoding/decoding bundles
$ bp7 rnd
$ bp7 decode 9f88071a000200040082016e2f2f6e6f646531382f7e74656c6582016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c657382016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c6573821b0000009e8d0de538001a0036ee80850a020000448218200085010100004443414243ff
[src/] &bndl = Bundle {
primary: PrimaryBlock {
version: 7,
bundle_control_flags: 131076,
crc: CrcNo,
destination: Dtn(
source: Dtn(
report_to: Dtn(
creation_timestamp: CreationTimestamp(
lifetime: 3600s,
fragmentation_offset: 0,
total_data_length: 0,
canonicals: [
CanonicalBlock {
block_type: 10,
block_number: 2,
block_control_flags: 0,
crc: CrcNo,
data: HopCount(
CanonicalBlock {
block_type: 1,
block_number: 1,
block_control_flags: 0,
crc: CrcNo,
data: Data(
$ echo -e "source=dtn://node1/bla\ndestination=dtn://node2/incoming\nlifetime=1h" > /tmp/out.manifest
$ echo "hallo welt" | bp7 encode /tmp/out.manifest - -x
$ bp7 decode 9f880700008201702f2f6e6f6465322f696e636f6d696e6782016b2f2f6e6f6465312f626c61820100821b0000009e8d137d23001a0036ee8085010100004c4b68616c6c6f2077656c740aff -p
hallo welt
The generated hex string can also be directly discplayed as raw cbor on the awesome website, e.g.
This library only handles encoding and decoding of bundles, not transmission or other processing of the data.
The library can be used as a shared library or statically linked into other apps.
With the help of cbindgen
(cargo install cbindgen
) the header file for this crate can be generated:
$ cbindgen -c cbindgen.toml > target/bp7.h
Example usages for Linux with C calling bp7
as well as nodejs can be found in examples/ffi
The library should build for wasm even though only very few functions get exported. The example benchmark can also be used in the browser through the cargo-web
cargo web start --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --example benchmark --release
Results should be shown in the javascript console on
The performance is quite similar to the native performance:
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 441696 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 416484 bundles/second
Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 405022 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 1647039 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 908059 bundles/second
Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 867603 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 401727 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 388394 bundles/second
Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 384186 bundles/second
Some functions can easily be used from javascript (cargo web deploy --release
Rust.bp7.then(function(bp7) {
var b = bp7.rnd_bundle_now();
var enc = bp7.encode_to_cbor(b);
var payload = bp7.payload_from_bundle(b)
console.log(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, payload));
Note that at the moment all functions have a variant working on the binary bundle and one working on the decoded bundle struct.
If you use this software in a scientific publication, please cite the following paper:
author={L. {Baumgärtner} and J. {Höchst} and T. {Meuser}},
booktitle={2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM)},
title={B-DTN7: Browser-based Disruption-tolerant Networking via Bundle Protocol 7},
keywords={Protocols;Browsers;Software;Convergence;Servers;Synchronization;Wireless fidelity},
Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in bp7-rs by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.