If you'd like to develop Hackpad on Docker, these instructions are for you.
This will let you edit this repository and see your changes reflected in the docker image.
Obviously, if you haven't already, you'll need to install Docker.
Build the image, pull in dependencies and run the container:
docker-compose run -p 9000:9000 -e TOP_DOMAINS="<my_domain>" hackpad
The available environment variables are:
ADMIN_EMAILS - comma-separated superuser emails (default: [email protected]) DB_HOST - mysql host (default: mysql) DB_REQUIRE_SSL - Defaults to false DB_PORT - mysql port (default: 3306) DB_NAME - mysql database name (default: hackpad) DB_USERNAME - mysql user (default: hackpad) DB_PASSWORD - mysql user password (default: password) TOP_DOMAINS - comma-separated top level domains (default: localhost,localbox.info) USE_HTTPS_URLS - should hackpad emit the absolute urls using https as opposed to http (default: false) DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Set the default encryption key (It needs to be a HEXadecimal value) ACCOUNT_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Set an encryption key for accounts (It needs to be a HEXadecimal value) COLLECTION_ENCRYPTION_KEY - Set an encryption key for collections (It needs to be a HEXadecimal value) ENABLE_GOOGLE_LOGIN - Enable Google OAuth2 login (true by default) GOOGLE_SECRET - Google OAuth secret key GOOGLE_ID - Google OAuth app id ENABLE_FB_LOGIN - Enable Facebook OAuth2 login (true by default) FB_ID - Facebook OAuth id FB_SECRET - Facebook OAuth secret key CUSTOM_EMAIL_ADDRESS - This needs to be a valid, resolvable, address, ex. [email protected] SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Support email, your team client support email address SMTP_SERVER - The smtp server host (needs the PORT as well), ex. smtp.my.host:587 SMTP_USER - SMTP username SMTP_PASS - SMTP password CUSTOM_CLIENT_LOGIN - Enable Custom client OAuth2 login (false is default) CUSTOM_OAUTH_BASE_URL - The Base API URL for the custom client OAuth service OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET - Custom client OAuth secret key OAUTH_CLIENT_ID - Custom client OAuth app id CUSTOM_OAUTH_CLIENT_NAME - The name of the service with which the user will authenticate CUSTOM_OAUTH_CLIENT_IMAGE - The image of the auth service to show in the login popup. This image can be a URL, you can also upload an image to the folder etherpad/src/static/img/ and use this path along with the uploaded image name (e.g. value "/static/img/company-logo.png") GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID - Add it to keep track of analytics data DROPBOX_KEY - Dropbox app key (to be used for user pad syncing) DROPBOX_SECRET - Dropbox app secret (to be used for user pad syncing) DISABLE_DROPBOX_SYNC - Weather to disable or not the dropbox sync task (defaults to false, i.e. keep the sync enabled) ENABLE_FORM_LOGIN - Enable or disable normal form login/registration AWS_KEY_ID - Your AWS Access Key ID AWS_SECRET - Your AWS Secret Access Key S3_BUCKET - The bucket in which files will be stored S3_REGION - Regional endpoint to make your requests DISABLE_WORKSPACE_CREATION - Weather or not to disable workspace creations (defaults to false) IS_PRODUCTION - Define if the environment you will be building the docker image is production or not (defaults to true) DEV_MODE - Enable/Disable devMode (defaults to false) MIXPANEL_TOKEN - Mixpanel token DB_PARAMETERS - Add extra parameters to the jdbc url PROCESS_INBOX - Set to true or false (defaults to false) SECURE_COOKIE_KEY - Secure cookie key REQUEST_SIGNIN_SECRET - Request signin secret key REDIRECT_HOME_TO - Change the home page by adding a valid absolute path in this variable S3_BUCKET_AVATARS_FOLDER - If you want to store avatars in a folder, add it here (with the / included) AWS_DOMAIN - The domain of your S3 bucket VERBOSE - Verbosity PRO_ONLY - Whether 'main'/primary domain Hackpad exists or only subdomains/workspaces. Note: For EACH environment variable you want to set, add "-e ENV_VAR=VALUE" at the 'docker-compose run hackpad' command, e.x. "docker-compose run -e DB_HOST=localhost -e DB_PORT=3306 hackpad" etc.
Create a password for the admin account.
As part of the Docker setup, Hackpad is configured with '[email protected]' as a admin account, but you'll need to create a password to log in.
To do that:
Open http://localhost:9000 and click Log In
Create an account with '[email protected]' and any password you like.
From the command line, run:
Find the name of your running container by running
docker ps
. Note the name. -
Run this query and find the token:
docker exec -it [container name] mysql -D hackpad -e 'select * from email_signup;'
Load this in a browser: http://localhost:9000/ep/account/validate-email?email=admin%40localhost.info&token=TOKEN
You're all set! You should be able to edit the Hackpad source code and the docker container will track those changes.
By default, the Docker Compose file will configure Caddy as an SSL-enabled front-end proxy, automatically generating an SSL certificate.
To make this work:
Make sure the requested (sub)domain is set up to refer to the public host.
Setup the certificates by interactively running Caddy explicitly, once:
docker-compose run -e TOP_DOMAINS="<my_domain>" caddy
This should start the whole shebang and Caddy will likely ask for your email address to setup ACME with Let's Encrypt. You will only have to do this once.
After, simply run:
docker-compose up