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David R. Winer edited this page Aug 4, 2017 · 21 revisions

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Screenplay genre: number of films, avg number of master headings (\textit{msegs}), avg number of segments (\textit{segs}), avg subset of segments which have shot heading (\textit{headings}), avg subset of segments which are speaker (\textit{speakers}), avg number of headings which have a shot type (\textit{has shot}), avg number of headings which have subject (\textit{has subj}), and avg number of headings which have a time of day (\textit{has tod}).

GENRE FILMS msegs segs headings speakers has shot has subj has tod
Action 272 145.32 1240.44 621.07 538.46 26.28 207.86 89.86
Adventure 143 135.96 1201.85 574.01 546.62 19.32 181.02 80.64
Animation 24 83.42 1190.79 466.08 674.71 18.96 116.88 47.92
Biography 3 144.33 1352.67 543.00 756.00 8.33 57.67 123.00
Comedy 310 114.37 1370.38 581.92 720.32 20.25 174.33 78.83
Crime 193 135.07 1352.31 656.12 620.73 18.33 185.67 93.49
Drama 541 123.10 1328.10 591.28 666.60 20.36 161.21 85.77
Family 22 110.45 1385.86 740.59 561.36 36.95 208.23 59.64
Fantasy 90 120.06 1213.94 627.40 526.83 29.60 227.74 73.33
Film-Noir 4 49.50 1535.00 721.75 786.50 139.25 201.50 13.00
History 3 107.33 1302.00 594.00 600.67 1.67 175.33 95.00
Horror 134 124.38 1149.94 631.57 450.96 32.89 238.72 79.32
Music 5 110.40 1179.20 503.40 660.80 7.00 53.60 96.40
Musical 14 96.21 1388.93 712.64 606.29 27.00 208.43 71.57
Mystery 97 137.91 1294.98 608.71 621.03 14.27 168.92 90.93
Romance 177 116.37 1367.10 596.67 710.13 25.08 176.86 84.27
Sci-Fi 140 142.34 1161.19 606.56 471.83 23.66 202.91 79.14
Short 3 39.00 269.33 138.33 118.00 8.33 32.67 25.67
Sport 2 229.00 1380.00 881.00 499.00 3.00 647.00 71.00
Thriller 352 135.31 1265.74 626.78 574.90 25.98 216.25 86.01
War 25 105.76 1272.40 616.08 577.88 26.36 263.68 85.88
Western 10 145.70 1367.10 706.00 602.10 76.10 223.50 103.30
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
sum 2564 2651.29 27569.26 13344.96 12891.72 608.97 4329.98 1713.95
avg 116.55 120.51 1253.15 606.59 585.99 27.68 196.82 77.91

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