There are 2 rake tasks that are designed to help with running BATs. They require minumum number of environment variables which are being used to construct deployment manifest. See Envrionment variables
section below for the full list of environment variables.
The following command should be used to run BATs against running director.
$ cd bosh
$ bundle exec rake spec:system:existing_micro[<infrastructure>,<hypervisor>,<os_name>,<os_version>,<network_type>,<agent_type>,<light_stemcell_flag>,<disk_format>]
- - the type of infrastructure director is running on. (e.g.
) - - the stemcell hypervisor (
) - <os_name> - the name of OS used in stemcell (
) - <os_version> - the version of OS (e.g.
) - <network_type> - the type of network being tested (
). - <agent_type> - the agent type that is running on stemcell (e.g.
). There used to beruby
agent, which is no longer supported by BOSH, so this argument probably will go away soon from rake task. - <light_stemcell_flag> - the boolean flag that indicates if stemcell type is light (for
stemcells). - <disk_format> - the disk format that stemcell is using (e.g. raw, qcow2, ovf, files)
There are some infrastructure specific BATs and BATs that depend on network type.
The following command will deploy the micro BOSH using tested stemcell first and then run BATs against it.
$ cd bosh
$ bundle exec rake spec:system:micro[<infrastructure>,<hypervisor>,<os_name>,<os_version>,<network_type>,<agent_type>,<light_stemcell_flag>,<disk_format>]
See previos section for arguments meaning.
environment variable determines which stemcell is being tested in rake tasks.
If it is set then rake tasks will download the public stemcell of the given number of type based on arguments specified in rake tasks (e.g. light aws ubuntu trusty stemcell).
If it is not set the stemcell of version 0000
will be used that is located in bosh/tmp
Export these environment variable before running your BATs task:
export BAT_DIRECTOR=<Director IP>
export BAT_DNS_HOST=<Director IP>
export BAT_VCAP_PRIVATE_KEY=<private key file for vcap user $PWD/bats.pem>
export BAT_DEPLOYMENT_SPEC=<deployment spec template $PWD/ubuntu-dynamic-bats-config.yml>
export BAT_INFRASTRUCTURE=<infrastructure type, aws/openstack/vcloud/vsphere/etc>
export BAT_NETWORKING=<networking type, manual/dynamic>
export BAT_VCAP_PASSWORD=<password for vcap user>
export BAT_STEMCELL=<Path to stemcell ex: $PWD/stemcell/stemcell.tgz>