Releases: drevops/behat-steps
Releases · drevops/behat-steps
Fixed regression in JS trait.
What's new since 1.5.1
- Fixed regression with JS driver autostart. @AlexSkrypnyk (#126)
Full Changelog: 1.5.1...1.5.2
What's new since 1.5.0
- #123: Use checks for support rather than for implementation @xurizaemon (#122)
- Fix
@Given no managed files
step @RoSk0 (#120) - Updated Docker images, pinned Rector and added Search API tests. @AlexSkrypnyk (#125)
Full Changelog: 1.5.0...1.5.1
@AlexSkrypnyk, @RoSk0, @xurizaemon and Alex Skrypnyk
Drupal 10 compatibility
Drupal 10 compatibility!
- Added Drupal check and Rector to lint code
- Added D10 CI job and test fixture
- Fixed deprecated code
Please note that this release is using forked versions of DrupalDriver and Behat Drupal Extension with required Drupal 10 related updates:
These will be removed in a new Behat Steps release as soon as the upstream projects support the required changes
- Added asserting for link that does not exist
@Then I should not see the link :text with :href
and@Then I should not see the link :text with :href in :locator
@richardgaunt - Added media removal step
Given no :type media:
@AlexSkrypnyk - Added a more verbose message for Watchdog trait to reference the scenario and line. @AlexSkrypnyk
- Fixed Watchdog trait not scanning for messages of type other than 'php'. @AlexSkrypnyk
DateTrait and more steps.
- Added
When I delete :type :title
step. - Added step to assert if the link is absolute or not.
- Added value transform for relative date processing in scalar and tabular values.
- Added a step to edit specified user profile page.
Fixed media trait.
Fixed media trait not processing non-images correctly.
New assertions
Added assertions for unmanaged files.
Added email assertion to check that no emails were sent to a specific user.
Added email header assertions.
Added link by title assertions.
Added step to set user password.
Fixed D7 variables trait not preserving declared values.
1.3.4 Fixed variables trait not preserving declared valriables.
Fixed user trait
1.3.3 Fixed userDelete() and add tests for removal by email.
Added email debug
1.3.2 Added an ability to debug email tests.