A simple changelog generator for Git projects, implemented in Go.
is based on the Commit Convention.
In order to the generated changelog shows the commits properly classified, every commit has to be formatted as:
<type>: <subject>
Where the supported types are:
- feat
- refactor
- fix
- test
- docs
Example: feat: add new functionality
$ go get -u github.com/dragoneyelabs/changelog-generator
Clone the Github repository into your local machine and build the binary:
$ make build [linux=1] [darwin=1] [windows=1]
$ GOARCH=<386, amd64, arm, ...> GOOS=<linux, darwin, windows, ...> go build -o bin/changelog-generator github.com/dragoneyelabs/changelog-generator
In order to use the changelog-generator
, it is needed the path to a Git project.
Optionally, we can indicate the repository type as well. Only bitbucket
and github
types are currently supported.
$ go run *.go -path=<project path> -repo=<bitbucket,github>
$ changelog-generator -path=<project path> -repo=<bitbucket,github>
Alternatively, we can run the changelog generator from a Docker container:
$ docker run -v `pwd`:/changelog pruizpar/changelog-generator:master -path=/changelog -repo=github