Build a Delete query using the following methods. They do not need to be called in any particular order, and may be called multiple times.
$delete = $queryFactory->newDelete();
->from('foo') // FROM this table
->where('zim = :zim') // AND WHERE these conditions
->orWhere('gir = :gir') // OR WHERE these conditions
->bindValue('bar', 'bar_val') // bind one value to a placeholder
->bindValues([ // bind these values to the query
'baz' => 99,
'zim' => 'dib',
'gir' => 'doom',
Once you have built the query, pass it to the database connection of your choice as a string, and send the bound values along with it.
// the PDO connection
$pdo = new PDO(...);
// prepare the statement
$sth = $pdo->prepare($delete->getStatement())
// execute with bound values