diff --git a/api/DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.html b/api/DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.html
index 77792d273..9951cbae6 100644
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- GetStatus(short)
- Gets the status of the current operation.
- Declaration
public ValueTaskSourceStatus GetStatus(short token)
- Parameters
- Type |
- Name |
- Description |
- short |
- token |
- Opaque value that was provided to the ValueTask's constructor.
- |
- Returns
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- OnCompleted(Action<object?>, object?, short, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags)
- Declaration
public void OnCompleted(Action<object?> continuation, object? state, short token, ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags flags)
- Parameters
- Type |
- Name |
- Description |
- Action<object> |
- continuation |
- The continuation to invoke when the operation has completed.
- |
- object |
- state |
- The state object to pass to continuation when it's invoked.
- |
- short |
- token |
- An opaque value that was provided to the ValueTask's constructor.
- |
- ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags |
- flags |
- The flags describing the behavior of the continuation.
- |
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diff --git a/xrefmap.yml b/xrefmap.yml
index cee1757ec..90171ac76 100644
--- a/xrefmap.yml
+++ b/xrefmap.yml
@@ -16464,38 +16464,6 @@ references:
isSpec: "True"
fullName: DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.Dispose
nameWithType: RandomAccessStream.Dispose
-- uid: DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.GetStatus(System.Int16)
- name: GetStatus(short)
- href: api/DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.html#DotNext_IO_RandomAccessStream_GetStatus_System_Int16_
- commentId: M:DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.GetStatus(System.Int16)
- name.vb: GetStatus(Short)
- fullName: DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.GetStatus(short)
- fullName.vb: DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.GetStatus(Short)
- nameWithType: RandomAccessStream.GetStatus(short)
- nameWithType.vb: RandomAccessStream.GetStatus(Short)
-- uid: DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.GetStatus*
- name: GetStatus
- href: api/DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.html#DotNext_IO_RandomAccessStream_GetStatus_
- commentId: Overload:DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.GetStatus
- isSpec: "True"
- fullName: DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.GetStatus
- nameWithType: RandomAccessStream.GetStatus
-- uid: DotNext.IO.RandomAccessStream.OnCompleted(System.Action{System.Object},System.Object,System.Int16,System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.ValueTaskSourceOnCompletedFlags)
- name: OnCompleted(Action