WIP developer only iOS 15 jailbreak for checkm8 devices (Apple A8-A11)
full rootfs r/w (fakefs), tweak injection etc...
It's very likely that there are mistakes in the code, so it's recommended to debug in serial (because the device-side verbose boot is not able to follow SpringBoard's startup).
- iPhone 6s (iPhone8,1/N71AP) 15.7.1
It is necessary that your device's storage is 32 GB or more. When duplicating rootfs, 5GB of storage will be used up.
iPhone8,1 ipsw of iOS 15.7.1
- macos side
cd SSHRD_Script/
./sshrd.sh 15.7.1
./sshrd.sh boot
./sshrd.sh ssh
- ios side
newfs_apfs -A -D -o role=r -v System /dev/disk0s1
mount_apfs /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1
mount_apfs /dev/disk0s1s8 /mnt2
mount_apfs /dev/disk0s1s6 /mnt6
cp -a /mnt1/. /mnt2/
umount /mnt1
mkdir /mnt6/{UUID}/binpack
mkdir /mnt2/jbin
- macos side
cd ayakurume/
scp -P 2222 ios/lightstrap.tar root@localhost:/mnt6/
scp -P 2222 ios/jb.dylib ios/jbloader ios/launchd root@localhost:/mnt2/jbin/
- ios side
tar -xvf /mnt6/lightstrap.tar -C /mnt6/{UUID}/binpack/
rm /mnt6/lightstrap.tar
Copy apticket.der to the mac side.
- macos side
scp -P 2222 root@localhost:/mnt6/{UUID}/System/Library/Caches/apticket.der ./
- ios side
- macos side
./gaster pwn
./gaster decrypt iBSS.n71.RELEASE.im4p iBSS.n71.RELEASE.dec
bspatch iBSS.n71.RELEASE.dec pwniBSS.dec n71_19H117/jboot/iBSS.patch
./img4 -i pwniBSS.dec -o iBSS.img4 -M apticket.der -A -T ibss
- macos side
./gaster pwn
irecovery -f iBSS.img4
After confirming the startup of dropbear
- macos side
iproxy {port} 44
ssh root@localhost -p {port}
scp -P {port} bootstrap-ssh.tar root@localhost:/var/root
scp -P {port} org.swift.libswift_5.0-electra2_iphoneos-arm.deb root@localhost:/var/root
scp -P {port} com.ex.substitute_2.3.1_iphoneos-arm.deb root@localhost:/var/root
scp -P {port} com.saurik.substrate.safemode_0.9.6005_iphoneos-arm.deb root@localhost:/var/root
- ios side
mount -uw /
cd /var/root
tar --preserve-permissions --no-overwrite-dir -xvf bootstrap-ssh.tar -C /
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install org.coolstar.sileo
dpkg -i *.deb
rm *.deb
rm bootstrap-ssh.tar
touch /.installed_ayakurume
- macos side
./gaster pwn
irecovery -f iBSS.img4
- launchd hook: LinusHenze's fugu
- jbinit: tihmstar
- img4lib: xerub
- bootstrap: ProcursusTeam
- bootstrap: checkra1n
- translation: lisianthus