diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2d967620..f3f43bb1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ help developers to participate with Hackathons. The project includes:
- `starkpiller` is a demo application that uses the `burner` to mint and burn
Stark pills.
+To use the burner wallet, check the
+[Getting Started](./docs/getting-started.md) guide.
## Special thanks to
- [Austin Griffith](https://twitter.com/austingriffith) for the original
@@ -46,4 +49,3 @@ help developers to participate with Hackathons. The project includes:
- [0xs34n](https://twitter.com/0xs34n) from
[aspect.co](https://twitter.com/aspectdotco) for building and maintaining
diff --git a/burner/src/lib/Burner.svelte b/burner/src/lib/Burner.svelte
index 2d5a46cf..269be50f 100644
--- a/burner/src/lib/Burner.svelte
+++ b/burner/src/lib/Burner.svelte
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
{#if !$wallet.isLoggedIn}
+ loading...
{:else if $burner.state == 'renewkey'}
{:else if $burner.state == 'keys' || !$wallet.token?.account}
diff --git a/burner/src/lib/ts/keys.ts b/burner/src/lib/ts/keys.ts
index 1c819097..702f2516 100644
--- a/burner/src/lib/ts/keys.ts
+++ b/burner/src/lib/ts/keys.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,19 @@ export const loadKeys = () => {
let sessPublicKey = ec.getStarkKey(keypair);
let bwtk = localStorage.getItem('bwtk');
if (!bwtk || bwtk === '') {
+ wallet.update((data) => {
+ let token = {
+ sessionkey: sessPublicKey as string,
+ expires: 0,
+ token: ['', ''],
+ account: ''
+ };
+ return {
+ ...data,
+ token,
+ isLoggedIn: true
+ };
+ });
let tokenData = JSON.parse(bwtk);
diff --git a/docs/getting-started.md b/docs/getting-started.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88ec4919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/getting-started.md
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+## Getting started
+The burner wallet is a Javascript Wallet that works on a browser, including on
+your mobile phone. It relies on an upgraded argent-x account that supports
+plugins. To use it, you should:
+1. make sure your account is changed with ETH and Starkpill tokens.
+2. upgrade the argent-x account to an argent-x account that supports plugins
+3. add the plugin that checks a specific signature to your account
+4. connect to the burner wallet and generate a session key
+5. send the session key to the drone application that will help you to sign
+ it and send a session token back to the application
+6. register the session token with the burner wallet
+7. play with the wallet
+> Before you start, the current plugin is not secure and granting access to
+> the burner wallet will enable the user to use your account for any purpose.
+> For now, it is only available on the testnet (goerli) and you should use it
+> on a separate account.
+### Make sure your account is charged
+Before you proceed further, make sure your account is charged with ETH and
+Stark Pills as it might be useful.
+### Upgrading your contract
+The upgraded contract is `contracts/ArgentAccount.cairo` available from the
+branch of a fork of the argent-x contract. A compiled version of it is
+available in the `plugin/contracts` folder as `argentaccount_plugin.json`. The
+class hash of the contract is `0x443e7c09ffda6b7cf5fe88fb18eb0a78d285db8ef8277c3918326d476c73efa`.
+To upgrade your account, copy the account address from the argent-x extension,
+navigate to [voyager](https://goerli.voyager.network) and check your contract.
+Go to the `Write Contract` method and run the `upgrade` function with new
+contract address like below:
+![Run Upgrade Account](./img/upgrade-account.png)
+To check the implementation has changed, you should wait for the contract to be upgraded
+and check the contract in voyager. You should see in the `Write Contract` methods, there
+is a `add_plugin` function. Another way is to open the Argent-x extension, you should
+now see that the extension detects it is not its original contract and requests you to
+upgrade it back (**do not** use the `Upgrade` function).
+![Run Upgrade Account](./img/upgrade-account.png)
+You might also use the `proxy_abi.json` file in `plugin/contracts` and check
+the implementation has changed from the starknet CLI.
+export MYACCOUNT=0x...
+starknet call \
+ --address $MYACCOUNT \
+ --function get_implementation \
+ --abi proxy_abi.json
+### Add the plugin that checks a specific signature
+Plugins are relying on a specific signature that depends from the website and
+uses a specific scheme inpired from EIP-712 that `starknet.js` and `argent-x`
+implement. As a result, the plugin embeds some properties that should help
+people to check the website it is supposed to use. We have developed a plugin
+that uses the `starknet.burner` domain. To check the code, see the
+[`SessionKey.cairo`](../plugin/src/SessionKey.cairo) file in `plugin/src`
+folder. We have deployed the plugin on the testnet (goerli) and the plugin
+class hash is
+To add the plugin to your account, copy the account address from the argent-x
+extension, navigate to [voyager](https://goerli.voyager.network) and check your
+contract. Go to the `Write Contract` method and run the `add_plugin` function
+with the plugin hash like below:
+![Add plugin](./img/add_plugin-account.png)
+To check the implementation has changed, you should wait for the plugin to be added
+and check the contract in voyager. You should see in the `Read Contract` methods, there
+is a `is_plugin` function. You can use it with the Plugin Hash.
+You might also use the `argentaccount_plugin_abi.json` file in `plugin/contracts` and
+check the implementation has changed from the starknet CLI.
+export MYACCOUNT=0x...
+starknet call \
+ --address $MYACCOUNT \
+ --function is_plugin \
+ --abi argentaccount_plugin_abi.json \
+ --inputs 0x377e145923e881f59d62269a46057d8dac67e27d68a12679b198d4224a0966b
+### First Burner Wallet connection
+To start the burner wallet, run:
+cd burner
+npm install
+npm run dev
+When you connect to the burner wallet, for the first time, you get a string
+asking for the account and session tokens like below:
+![firt burner connection](./img/burner-1stconnection.png)
+You can copy the session key; we will use it with the drone application to
+grant access to the burner wallet.
+### Connect to the drone application
+To start drone, run:
+cd drone
+npm install
+npm run dev
+When you connect to drone, it requests for a session key like below:
+![first drone connection](./img/drone-1stconnection.png)
+You can copy the session key and click on the sign button. It will connect to
+your argent-x extension and request to sign the session key. Once you have
+signed the session key, it will provide the session token to the burner wallet.
+![drone signature](./img/drone-signing.png)
+### Register the session token with the burner wallet
+You can copy the URL from drone, and use it from your browser and it should
+reload the burner wallet this time with the session token and the associated
+account. Check it is correctly loaded by clicking on the `Keys...` button, the
+keys screen should look like below:
+![second burner connection](./img/burner-2ndconnection.png)
+### You are ready to use the burner wallet
+You can click on the `Send...` button and send Starkpill tokens to whoever you
+want from the burner wallet...
+### To continue...
+If you like it, add a star to the project on
+[GitHub](https://github.com/dontpanicdao/starknet-burner). If you need more
+features or have questions, open an issue or contact us on the Starknet
diff --git a/docs/img/add_plugin-account.png b/docs/img/add_plugin-account.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4efd412f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/add_plugin-account.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7deeaf0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/burner-1stconnection.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img/drone-1stconnection.png b/docs/img/drone-1stconnection.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a6770fa
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/drone-1stconnection.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img/drone-signing.png b/docs/img/drone-signing.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..157e7738
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/drone-signing.png differ
diff --git a/docs/img/upgrade-account.png b/docs/img/upgrade-account.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94834122
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/img/upgrade-account.png differ