Releases: domhnallmorr/Tk-Path-Finder
Added a clipboard label to show how many items have been copied
Fixed bug in search window where selecting "Name Only" did not work when searching for folders (full path was being returned)
Raw python string option now works when searching for folders
Update to pady for the treeview and scrollbar in the branch tab
Update to about window text layout
When a new folder is created, it is now selected by default when the view refreshes. If multiple folders are created, the first is selected.
When the user clicks on a blank row in the to do list, the treeview selection is now cleared.
Bug fix for search for text with a given file extension.
Diary window can no longer be opened multiple times
Added an additional tab to the search window "Search for Text". This uses the findstr method in cmd to look for specific text in any files with the given file extension.
Functionality is pretty basic at the moment. Will likely expand this feature later.
Added feature where a default folder can be selected in the branch tab treeview. This is used if the user clicks up one level. the previous folder the user was in is selected by default when the view updates to the new data.
PDF tools have been updated to support pypdf2 V3
Fixed Bug where address bar was empty on a newly created branch tab.
Improved method of truncating buttons in the address bar.
Added mathcad worksheet icon.
Increased branch tab treeview row height by 1.
Added a first attempt to truncate the buttons in the address bar if the current path is long and some buttons end up off screen. This will likely need further refinement.