Build an app where the user can access data from the Star Wars API at
The API allows several categories of search such as people, planets, species or starships (or continue with users API from before)
Pass in the category and an IDs e.g. (use back tick syntax)
Show results nicely - React, web page or a Node terminal output.
- can we use an enum for the category field (or retreive from API)
- handle out-of-bounds parameters (e.g. no such category)
- aim for modular composition
- handle server problems (SWAPI vehicles fail for some IDs)
- You could write a generator to yield the next (sequential) item from the server
- Your types/interfaces could be in separate modules
- Each category item returns a list of film URLs - fetch those too
npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript
npm create vite@latest