Author: Diego Lopes da Cruz - [email protected]
Donations: XMR: 42k1VqGLnaBQ7QtphE9HJDeGiYbJ6bWJ5N4By7HV1mMBERHxAVdJoYtPYdoiDDL9yNCoN5iwUnXx7TQk7vJiB38C4ukiJL4
Web based isc-dhcp-server administration.
Add, alter and remove many "pools" in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf with PHP.
GNU/Linux (tested on Debian Strecth 9.4)
Apache 2.4
PHP 7.0
PHP7.0-mysql module
Mysql server 5.5
Expect 5.45
Copy all files .php, css and javascript directories to your server web directory. Create a database such as dump file "db.sql" structure on mysql-server.
The deafult user is "admin" and password "admin" To change the password, edit the "settings.php" file and alter the line 29 with new password in md5 format.