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JSR-305 custom nullability qualifiers

  • Type: Design proposal
  • Author: Denis Zharkov
  • Contributors: Andrey Breslav, Leonid Stashevsky
  • Status: Submitted
  • Prototype: Implemented in 1.2
  • Discussion: KEEP-79


  • Support loading more precise type information for Java declarations marked with custom nullability annotations based on JSR-305
    • Both @TypeQualifierNickname and @TypeQualifierDefault should be supported
  • Introduce @UnderMigration annotation and additional compiler flags to allow a library maintainer and its users to control the way how these new annotations affect the compiler's behavior. Namely, they may lead to errors, warnings on usages from Kotlin or just be ignored


  • It might be too verbose to annotate each signature part in a library API, so TypeQualifierDefault is the solution. One can simply declare that all types in a package are not nullable by default, and additionally annotate nullable parts where it's necessary (or vice versa)
  • The naming of default JSR-305 annotation may be rather confusing: javax.annotation.Nullable does not actually have the same meaning as nullable types in Kotlin, it only means that nullability is unknown unlike the javax.annotation.CheckForNull. So a library maintainer may want to introduce its own Nullable annotation as a type qualifier nickname to CheckForNull with a more precise/clear meaning.
  • Annotating already existing parts of a library API is a source incompatible change in Kotlin, thus in some cases, it's worth migrating users smoothly:
    • Release a version of the library where there will be warnings on incorrect usages of the newly annotated parts
    • Turn these warnings into errors for the next release


By default all reference types from Java are perceived by the Kotlin compiler as flexible, it means that they can be used both as nullable and not-nullable.

In addition, Java types declarations may be annotated with some of the known annotations to make them have more precise types when used from Kotlin. Let's call this kind of annotating as types enhancement.

Current proposal is supposed to introduce additional ways of types enhancement and instruments to control their migration status.

Type qualifier nicknames

@TypeQualifierNickname annotation from the JSR-305 allows to define nicknames to a type qualifier that may be considered as a kind of extensions for type system of Java programming language.

Among others, JSR-305 defines nullability type qualifier Nonnull that allows to specify nullability of Java types. And while Nonnull itself is already supported by Kotlin compiler, this proposal suggests to interpret qualifier nicknames to it in Kotlin in the same way as other (built-in) nullability annotations.

The rules are following: an annotation class must be annotated both with @javax.annotation.meta.TypeQualifierNickname and @javax.annotation.NonNull annotation with an optional argument. The latter annotation may be replaced with another type qualifier nickname to NonNull, including for example @CheckForNull.

This new annotation class when being applied to a type container declaration (a value parameter, field or method) must enhance related type in the same way it would be done if it was annotated as @NonNull with corresponding when argument. Namely:

  • When.ALWAYS makes the type not-nullable
  • When.MAYBE/When.NEVER, make the type nullable
  • When.UNKNOWN forces the type to remain flexible
@Nonnull(when = When.ALWAYS)
public @interface MyNonnull {

@CheckForNull // a nickname to another type qualifier nickname
public @interface MyNullable {

interface A {
    String foo(@MyNonnull String x);

A::foo in the example above should be available in Kotlin as fun foo(x: String): String?

Type qualifier default

@TypeQualifierDefault allows introducing annotations that when being applied define the default nullability within the scope of the annotated element.

To make it work new annotation class must be annotated with @TypeQualifierDefault and @NonNull or any type qualifier nickname to the latter. The single argument for the @TypeQualifierDefault defines a set of element types for which the annotation may enhance a type.

When determining immediate nullability of a type the Kotlin compiler should look for nullability annotation on the type itself at first.

  • If there is one, then it should use it
  • Otherwise, nullability is determined by the innermost enclosing element annotated with TypeQualifierDefault and having appropriate applicability in the argument:
    • ElementType.METHOD for return type of methods
    • ElementType.PARAMETER for value parameters
    • ElementType.FIELD for fields
    • ElementType.TYPE_USE for any type including type arguments, upper bounds of type parameters and wildcard types

Note, that javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault annotation should work automatically by applying the rules above:

public @interface ParametersAreNonnullByDefault {}

Also, it's important to support reading Java package annotations because it's supposed to be the most common way to declare a default nullability.

@TypeQualifierDefault({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface NonNullApi {

@Nonnull(when = When.MAYBE)
@TypeQualifierDefault({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface NullableApi {
// FILE: test/
@NonNullApi // declaring all types in package 'test' as non-nullable by default
package test;
// FILE: test/
package test;

@NullableApi // overriding default nullability from the package
interface A {
    String foo(String x); // fun foo(x: String?): String?
    @NotNullApi // overriding default from the class
    String bar(String x, @Nullable String y); // fun bar(x: String, y: String?): String 
    // The type of `x` parameter remains flexible because there's explicit UNKNOWN-marked
    // nullability annotation
    String baz(@Nonnull(when = When.UNKNOWN) String x); // fun baz(x: String!): String?

@UnderMigration annotation

Current proposal suggests to add the following meta-annotation in the kotlin.annotations.jvm package in a separate library named kotlin-annotations-jvm:

package kotlin.annotations.jvm

enum class MigrationStatus {

annotation class UnderMigration(val status: MigrationStatus)

Its aim is to define a migration status of an annotation it's been applied to. @UnderMigration can be used both for nicknames and default qualifiers

When it is applied to a nullability annotation its argument specifies how the compiler handles the annotation:

  • MigrationStatus.STRICT makes annotation work just the same way as any plain nullability annotation, i.e. reporting errors for inappropriate usages of an annotated type. In other words, it's almost equivalent to the absence of the @UnderMigration annotation. The only difference is how the annotation is handled by the compiler when migration status flag is set.

  • MigrationStatus.WARN should work just the same as MigrationStatus.STRICT, but compilation warnings must be reported instead of errors for inappropriate usages of an annotated type

  • MigrationStatus.IGNORE makes compiler to ignore the nullability annotation completely

Inappropriate usages in Kotlin that are subjects to report errors/warnings include:

  • Passing nullable arguments for parameters those types are enhanced from annotations to not null
  • Using enhanced nullable values as an argument for kotlin not-nullable parameter or as a receiver for a method call
  • Overriding enhanced Java methods with incorrect signature in Kotlin
@Nonnull(when = When.ALWAYS)
@UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.WARN)
public @interface MyNonnull {

@Nonnull(when = When.ALWAYS)
@UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.IGNORE)
public @interface IgnoredNonnull {

interface A {
    void foo(@MyNonnull String x);
    void bar(@IgnoredNonnull String x);
fun bar(a: A) {
    // a warning will be reported on 'null' argument 
    // no warning or error will be reported because `IgnoredNonnull` has IGNORE migration status 

In the example the warning will be reported until status argument is changed to STRICT, then it should become an error.

It's important that migration annotation works only for its immediate usages on types or through TypeQualifierDefault annotation. It means that another nickname annotation aliased to the one under migration doesn't inherit its migration status, thus by default, it would be a MigrationStatus.STRICT


@Nonnull(when = When.ALWAYS)
@UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.WARN)
public @interface MyNonnull {

@TypeQualifierDefault({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
public @interface NonNullApi {

// Everything in the class is non-null, but only warnings would be reported
// because `MyNonnull` annotation is annotated as @UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.WARN)
public class Test {} 
@Nonnull(when = When.ALWAYS)
@UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.WARN)
public @interface MyNonnull {

public @interface MyNonnullNickname {

public class A {
    public void foo(@MyNonnullNickname String x) {}
fun bar(a: A) {
    // an error must be reported, because `MyNonnullNickname` is not annotated as `@UnderMigration` even though
    // the nicknamed `MyNonnull` is `@UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.WARN)` 

If both nickname and default qualifier have non-trivial migration status the one from default qualifier must be chosen:

@Nonnull(when = When.ALWAYS)
@UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.STRICT)
public @interface MyNonnull {

@TypeQualifierDefault({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
@UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.WARN)
public @interface NonNullApi {

// Everything in the class is non-null, but only warnings would be reported
// because `NonNullApi` annotation is annotated as @UnderMigration(status = MigrationStatus.WARN),
// even though `MyNonnull` has STRICT migration status
public class Test {} 

Compiler configuration for JSR-305 support

Custom compiler configuration for JSR-305 support might be useful mostly for library users who for some reasons need a migration state different from the one offered by a library maintainer.

The state of JSR-305 is defined by the single compiler flag called -Xjsr305. It may be set in a build systems configuration files or in the IDE.

Basically, it has three kinds of arguments that allow to control the behavior for different sets of annotations.

Global state of JSR-305 support

To define the state for all annotations that haven't been annotated with kotlin.annotations.jvm.UnderMigration the flag must be used in format: -Xjsr305={ignore|warn|strict}

Each of the options has the same meaning as the fields of MigrationStatus:

  • ignore effectively disables UnderMigration-unaware annotations
  • warn leads to warnings being reported on the nullability-unsafe usages in Kotlin
  • strict makes nullability-unsafe usages in Kotlin to be errors

Changing the global state of JSR-305 might be needed since custom nullability qualifiers, and especially TypeQualifierDefault is already spread among many well-known libraries and users may need to migrate smoothly when updating to the Kotlin compiler version containing JSR-305 support.


  • For kotlin compiler versions 1.1.50+/1.2 the default behavior is the same as the flag is set to -Xjsr305=warn.
  • The strict option must be considered as experimental in a sense that there are no guarantees that code compiled with this option enabled in 1.2 will still be correct in the next Kotlin version. It's very likely that there will be more strict checks in 1.3
  • There are plans to turn the default behavior into strict in 1.3

Global migration status

The flag when used with argument in the format -Xjsr305=under-migration:{ignore|warn|strict} overrides the behavior defined by the status argument for all of the @UnderMigration annotated qualifiers.

It might be needed in case when library users have different view on a migration status for the library: both they may want to have errors while the official migration status is WARN, and vice versa, they may wish to postpone errors reporting for some time because they're not completed their migration yet.

This kind of argument can be used together to the one described in the previous section. For example, to ignore all JSR-305 annotations (both UnderMigration aware and ones that aren't) the compiler configuration should contain among other flags -Xjsr305=ignore -Xjsr305=under-migration:ignore

Overriding migration status for specific annotation

Sometimes it might be necessary to manage a migration phase for a particular library. That could be done with the flag argument in the format -Xjsr305=@<>:{ignore|warn|strict}. <> here is a fully-qualified name of a JSR-305 annotation

For example, if a library defines its own MyNullable annotation in a package org.library to disable it one can add [email protected]:ignore to the set of compiler flags.

Again, this kind of argument can be repeated several times in a configuration to set up a different behavior for different annotations and can be used together with the previous ones.


  • -Xjsr305=ignore -Xjsr305=under-migration:ignore [email protected]:warn makes compiler ignore all the annotations but the org.library.MyNullable and report warnings on unsafe usages related to the latter

Note, that this flag overrides behavior for both Global migration status and for the status argument of @UnderMigration annotation.

Dependency on JSR-305 annotations in the classpath

Because annotation classes from the JSR-305 are not actually needed at runtime and because of its unknown release state, many library maintainers may not want to ship jsr305.jar as a dependency to their artifacts.

But once a library was successfully compiled with annotations in the classpath, there's no need for the dependency as all necessary information (annotation fully-qualified names, arguments, etc.) is already contained in the resulting classfiles.

Thus, it's worth explicitly declaring that the Kotlin compiler should be able to load information from nullability annotations (the built-in ones and custom nullability qualifiers) without jsr305.jar as a dependency.

Open questions/issues

  • Should module-level default nullability qualifiers (in be supported in the same way as package-level?

Conflicts between default qualifiers and overridden

// FILE: test/

@NonNullApi // declaring all types in package 'test' as non-nullable by default
package test;

// FILE: test/
package test;

interface A<T> {
    T foo(); // fun foo(): T?

interface B extends A<String> {
    String foo(); // fun foo(): String

The problem here is that the return type of B::foo is enhanced to not-nullable because of package-level NonNullApi annotation, although its overridden member in A has Nullable annotation.

Probably it's worth reconsidering the rule of applying default nullability qualifiers and use them only in the case of absence of both explicit annotations and nullability info from the overridden descriptors.